Andrey Malakhov leaves Channel One: reason for leaving, candidates for the role of presenter and new job. Andrey Malakhov: what is the latest news about him known Where Malakhov will work

0 August 3, 2017, 14:05

On July 30, Russian media reported that Andrey Malakhov was leaving Channel One and would no longer host one of the most popular talk shows, Let Them Talk. Many Internet users who found out about this at first could not even believe that it was true. Whether this information is true and how far it has not yet been possible to find out: every day a variety of assumptions appear on the network about the reasons for the quarrel between the showman and the channel's producers, as well as the names of possible candidates for Malakhov's place and even versions that the scandal is all just PR. We understand.

Blame it on a new producer and political themes

According to the BBC, Andrey Malakhov decided to leave after returning to "Let them talk" producer Natalia Nikonova. She has extensive experience in television, collaborated with many major television companies, including Channel One. Twice became the owner of TEFI.

Nikonova directed the special projects of Channel One, was the producer of "Let them talk", "Malakhov +", "Lolita. Without complexes" and "Judge for yourself."

We once had a crazy live broadcast on which I was sitting at the director's console. At some point, Andrei and I reached such agitation that he could not stand my screams in the "ear" and yelled directly at the camera: "Stop it, Natasha!" - and put his hand forward, as if pushing me away with my instructions. It's good that there was a scream in the studio and no one noticed our squabble. In general, I admire Andrey's professionalism. Even without a director, he feels with the back of his head who to turn to,

- this is how Natalya spoke about Malakhov in one of her interviews 10 years ago.

Now that Nikonova has returned, she is allegedly going to change the vector of the program and focus on socio-political issues. It is believed that this categorically did not suit Malakhov and he decided to voluntarily leave the channel, where he worked for more than 15 years.

The insider assures that Nikonova is going to work precisely in the political direction, since very soon, in 2018, presidential elections will be held. "Let them talk" is one of the most rated programs, it has a large audience coverage, and this guarantees greater involvement of viewers in topics of this kind.

Who will get the role of the host "Let them talk"?

With the departure of Andrei Malakhov, a completely reasonable question arose: "Who will replace the TV presenter?" There are several candidates for the position. The first on the list of applicants was Dmitry Borisov, the host of Evening News on Channel One, where he has been working for a little over 10 years. Dmitry is a multiple winner of major awards.

The network is also discussing information that Malakhov will be replaced by Boris Korchevnikov, who collaborated with NTV for a long time, then switched to Rossiya, where he began to host a similar Live broadcast program. It is believed that he will do an excellent job with his duties, because he understands the specifics of working on a talk show.

Among the applicants was Dmitry Shepelev, who came to Channel One in 2008. Then he was the host of the program "Can you? Sing." After that, he became the host of several more programs - "Minute of Glory", "Catch up before midnight", "Two Voices" and "Property of the Republic".

Rumor has it that Krasnoyarsk TV presenter Alexander Smol is aiming to replace Malakhov. He is working on the New Morning program on TVK. The broadcast brought popularity to the journalist, during which he congratulated the officials on the fact that they themselves raised their salaries. The host's irony was appreciated by YouTube users.


There is nothing surprising in the fact that a version that is quite predictable for television about Malakhov's departure is being put forward. Netizens believe that Channel One wants to increase its own ratings in an already "dead" season, when there are no major events as such, and interest in the program and specifically in Andrey must be permanently maintained.

There is an opinion that the creators of the program are not going to let Malakhov go, but as soon as the passions around this story subside, they will hush everything up under the guise of the usual misunderstanding and misinformation. Although many experts agree that Channel One would not have taken such a step, because nothing like this has ever been observed behind it.

Malakhov's new place of work

While some are arguing about the reasons for Malakhov's departure and discussing almost conspiracy theories, others are worried about where the most rated TV presenter of Russian television will go now? According to one version, Andrey is going to go to the competitor of the First - VGTRK. He will broadcast "Live", hosted by Boris Korchevnikov.

Moreover, together with Malakhov, a whole group of specialists plans to quit with Let They Talk. But the insider assures that no statements of resignation have been received from anyone. And while Malakhov is on vacation, it’s quite difficult to understand how things really are.

But Andrew receives a lot of offers. So, for example, the Spartak hockey club invited the TV presenter to host home matches by issuing an official letter.

Spartak is seriously concerned about incoming information about the possible departure from Channel One of the popular TV presenter Andrei Malakhov,

the club wrote on its official Twitter account.

Photo Press service archives

The famous showman Andrey Malakhov for many years was the permanent host of the program “Let them talk”, which is so loved by the audience of Channel One. The news that he is leaving not only the show, but also the channel shocked his fans. However, this information has not yet received official confirmation.

About why Malakhov plans to leave Channel One, they are now talking a lot. There are many different assumptions on this topic, but these are just rumors. So, they say that Andrei and his program were replaced by a new even more scandalous project called “Let them talk”. It is led by Dmitry Shepelev, who, together with experts, checks the characters for sincerity using a polygraph.

However, if you believe the words of an anonymous source, Shepelev has nothing to do with it. Employees of the popular channel hinted that Malakhov's departure was provoked by an internal conflict over a new producer. So, producer Natalya Nikonova returned to Let They Talk, who decided to add many political topics to the program. We are talking about episodes dedicated to the head of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and the deceased ex-deputy of the State Duma Denis Voronenkov.

Nikonova intends to shake up the socio-political bloc on the eve of the presidential elections. Rumor has it that the showman was against the politicization of the show, but still filmed several such releases. Apparently, it was the disagreements within the Channel One team that caused Andrei to leave.

Where will Malakhov work now?

If you believe the information from the same sources, then the presenter will now work on the Russia 1 TV channel. There was also gossip on the network that Malakhov was offered to become the host of the scandalous reality show Dom-2 on the TNT channel. Even if this is true, few people believe that a man will agree to such a job.

The famous showman Andrey Malakhov, the former host of the program “Let them talk”, signed a new contract. He goes to one of the most famous football clubs of the Russian Federation "Zenith". Malakhov said that he was made such an offer that he simply could not lose.

Andrey Malakhov's departure from Let Them Talk has been discussed in the media and social networks for a couple of weeks now. At first, the showman's fans did not believe this news, but it soon became known that these were not just rumors, but Dmitry Borisov would take the place of the new presenter.

Millions of fans of Andrei Malakhov were waiting for an answer to the question of where he would work now. Yesterday, the TV presenter revealed the intrigue and said that he had joined the Zenit football club in the city of St. Petersburg. In the personal profile of the social network "Instagram", he expressed his gratitude to the team and Tina Kandelaki, who acted as his agent. The information was positively received by the fans of the showman.

At the moment, it became known that he would be interviewing Zenit football players for the channel. Earlier, the showman announced his transition to work in one of the most famous Russian football clubs. On his page on the social network Instagram, Malakhov posted a picture where he is depicted in a sports uniform that has blue, white and blue colors.

According to the media, a few hours after the publication of the photo, more than 30 thousand people managed to evaluate it. Fans express their hopes that Malakhov will join Zenit. Confirmed the "transfer" of the famous TV presenter in the "Zenith". This was done with the help of an entry on the team's official microblog on Twitter.

- Transfer of the year! Thanks to Zenit for the trust, to my agent Tina Kandelaki for the offer, I won't let you down! Smolnikov, Anyukov, Lodygin - victory is ours! Malakhov wrote.

In the photo, Malakhov is standing with a wide smile. He probably liked the T-shirt with the number 1 on the back. “Zenith” did not stand aside and supported the joke. On the official microblog on Twitter, the team posted the same photo with the caption:

"Andrey Malakhov - at Zenit! # Transfer Number 1 # Transfer of the Year."

Recall that earlier information appeared in the media that Malakhov wrote a letter of resignation from Channel One. Before that, it was reported that the TV presenter would leave Channel One and switch to VGTRK.

Also, information appeared in the media that Channel One had decided on a new host of the talk show “Let them talk”. Later, a new episode of the program with Dmitry Borisov was aired.

On the eve of 2017, Malakhov, summing up the results of the past year, voiced his main desire:

“I hope in the new year I will finally become a father!”

As if prophesied. Andrey and his chosen one Natalya Shkuleva (business woman, daughter of millionaire publisher Viktor Shkulev) got married in 2011

(45) is inevitably associated throughout the country with the scandalous program “Let them talk” - together with the studio, he finds out where the Rusfond money went, who is to blame for the rape (18) and (34) on a lie detector. But the other day it became known that “Let them talk” may be left without a star presenter. According to rumors, after 25 years of work (of which 12 years on “Let them talk”), Andrei decided to leave Channel One. Let's figure out what happened!

It all started with a post on Twitter by the correspondent of Current Time Egor Maksimov. “Wow, they say VGTRK outbid Malakhov. in any case, Shepelev took over his studio in Ostankino with a new program (this is a fact), ”the journalist wrote. And a little later, the editor-in-chief of the R-Sport agency, Vasily Konov, joined him: “This is a fact and the main transfer sensation of the television off-season. In TV circles they are talking about it with might and main. ”

And now, the news was picked up by leading news agencies. So, for example, RBC reported that the TV presenter did not work well with the new producer "Let them talk", who was appointed by the general director of the First Konstantin Ernst (56), in order to raise the ratings of the show. Andrei demanded the return of the previous producer, he was refused, and he decided to switch to another channel. According to RBC, from autumn Andrei Malakhov will work on the Rossiya 1 channel (VGTRK holding) in the Live program (now hosted by Boris Korchevnikov (35), but he plans to focus on the position of General Director of the Spas channel) . Part of the team will also follow Andrei, so Channel One, if the information is confirmed, will have to conduct a rather big casting.

In any case, neither the leadership of the First nor Andrei Malakhov has commented on the rumors in any way, and the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company refers to the vacation of the entire management team (we don’t know anything - we haven’t heard anything). Andrey himself, by the way, shared in 2014 that he had no idea what would make him leave Channel One. He frankly: “Sometimes during the recording of the next program, where the father raped his daughter or where ungrateful children, a week after the death of their mother, furiously divide the inheritance, I want to get up and leave. But the thought always stops me - we still help. The DNA tests that are carried out for the broadcast are real. After many broadcasts, criminal cases were opened or re-opened and the perpetrators went to jail. We are doing a good deed."

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