When pregnant, what kind of discharge are there. What discharges are and should be normal during pregnancy, what does abundant, transparent or red mean? Discharge during pregnancy


To understand what the discharge during pregnancy is, you need to figure out what this phenomenon is. So, normally, their composition is as follows:

- a small number of epithelial cells

- mucus that forms in the cervical canal

- 5-12 complex microorganisms that form a healthy vaginal microflora that has an acidic environment

It is worth talking about the menstrual cycle, as it is characterized by constant changes in the nature of the discharge. In the first half of the cycle, a woman has a barely noticeable scanty mucus, which, however, becomes more abundant with the onset of ovulation. The moment of ovulation is often marked by a small amount of smearing discharge, which indicates that the follicle has done its job and ruptured. They last for about 2 days. And this time is ideal for conceiving a baby.

As for the second period of the menstrual cycle, if pregnancy has not occurred, the amount of secretion secreted will decrease until menstruation comes to replace them. If the spermatozoon managed to fertilize the ovary, then on the 20-21st day you may notice spotting that lasts from an hour to several days. This is how the process of implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus manifests itself.

Discharge during pregnancy: what can be called the norm

Pregnancy is a unique time, both for a woman and for her body. One of the very first symptoms indicating an interesting situation is an increase in secretion from the genital organs and a change in their character due to a hormonal “storm”. Accordingly, you need to figure out what exactly can be attributed to the norm. So, during pregnancy, a girl can observe a significant increase in secretions, which become somewhat thicker than mucus during ovulation, and have either a transparent or light milky hue. There should be no discomfort or itching. You should not worry if this increase in discharge is not accompanied by itching and discomfort.

Toward the end of pregnancy, mucus begins to drain from the cervical canal, which increases the amount of discharge.

After childbirth, lochia is a normal phenomenon - a mixture of blood, non-viable tissues and mucus from the uterus. Lochia can stand out for about 6 weeks, after which they brighten every day, acquiring first brown, and then yellowish.

Discharge of pregnant women as a sign of pathology

The nature of a woman's discharge during pregnancy can only give grounds for a presumptive diagnosis. The doctor can make the final verdict only after conducting an examination and analyzing the results of the tests. And since pregnant women need to avoid all sorts of stresses, that is why when discharges that are unusual in nature and color appear, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, and not wind yourself up with terrible assumptions. ­

First, make sure you don't have copious white, yellowish, cheesy, or green discharge accompanied by intense itching and a foul odor. If such a phenomenon is still observed, it should be analyzed as soon as possible for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the organs of the reproductive system in order to make a correct diagnosis in a timely manner and begin treatment.

The first call for concern during pregnancy should be a scarlet, brown or bloody discharge, regardless of their amount and duration. This may be a symptom of rupture of the vessels of the uterus as a result of cervical erosion. But also such discharge can report a threat of abortion. Therefore, the best response to such a picture should be an early trip to a medical facility to find out the reasons and take prompt measures to eliminate the danger to the mother and fetus.

Dark red, bloody discharge that appears when menstruation is delayed by 1-2 weeks and is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. Remember that in such a situation, the fetus has no chance of survival. Also, untimely seeking help can threaten a woman's life and significantly reduce her chances of future conception.

In the second and third trimesters, the girl's body begins to actively prepare for the birth of a new life, and therefore the nature of the discharge also changes. A threat to mother and child is bright red, brown or greenish foamy discharge, as all this indicates the development of serious pathologies that are primarily dangerous for the fetus. The reason for this reaction of the body to the development of pregnancy should be established as soon as possible by the doctor.

White highlights

Every girl in position meets with white discharge (leucorrhoea). It is encouraging that this phenomenon does not always indicate a serious pathology, and you should not worry too much when such secretions appear.

By the way, it is whites that often become the very first sign of a happy situation, since they are the result of an increase in the pregnancy hormone - progesterone.

Of course, leucorrhoea can be called the norm only if they do not have a pronounced smell, and are also not accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and itching. Remember that if you find at least one of the above symptoms in yourself, get tested, as you may have thrush or infections and diseases of the genital organs.

Yellow discharge during an interesting position

Yellow vaginal discharge definitely cannot be called normal for the female body, but it may well happen that they are your feature.

The first reason why a girl in an interesting position may notice yellow discharge is inflammatory processes. Surprisingly, pregnancy is often a kind of “stimulant” to the appearance of inflammation in the female body, since the development of a new life is necessarily accompanied by a rapid change in the hormonal background of a woman.

A dark yellow color can signal a miscarriage that has begun, and therefore a girl should contact a medical institution as soon as possible. However, you should not panic, because sometimes discharge of this color is an allergic reaction of your body to certain intimate hygiene products or uncomfortable underwear.

If you notice that the yellow color is turning green, it makes sense to consider the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, especially if there is a burning sensation, itching and pain when urinating.

If you notice bright yellow spots on your daily clothes or underwear, you most likely develop inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes.

All diseases that are accompanied by yellow discharge are usually acquired before pregnancy, and during it they only worsen against the background of a weakened immune system. For this reason, doctors unanimously agree that the expectant mother must undergo a complete examination and pass all the necessary tests even before the conception of the baby.


During pregnancy, brown discharge can very often appear. Of course, there are reasons for this state of the body.

The first reason is extremely dangerous for a woman, and she simply does not leave a chance for the fetus to survive - an ectopic pregnancy.

In the vast majority of cases, the appearance of brown discharge of any intensity indicates a threat of termination of pregnancy, and it does not matter how long this phenomenon occurs.

At a later date, brown discharge is the result of serious disturbances in the work of the placenta. Also, brown discharge is a harbinger of childbirth, and sometimes the cause of such symptoms can be ruptures in the integrity of the uterus, especially if the girl had abortions or other injuries leading to scarring before pregnancy.


Blood discharge is a very common occurrence, which in most cases occurs in pregnant women in the first trimester. Of course, such appearances of blood are an extremely significant cause for concern, but in order to calm down, one should turn to statistics: more than eighty percent of girls, after the appearance of spotting and surgical intervention by a doctor, carry the fetus.

The first reason for the appearance of blood, but only in a small amount, is the excessive sensitivity of the internal genital organs. Accordingly, a few drops of blood may appear after sexual intercourse, examination by a gynecologist, or after an ultrasound performed using a vaginal probe.

The appearance of blood in a small amount is also quite possible in the first trimester of pregnancy on the days when the girls had menstruation. This phenomenon is caused by a hormonal failure in the body, which will very soon “get used” to pregnancy and adapt to this condition.

Blood clots are a signal of really dangerous, and sometimes irreversible complications, because clots are often an indicator of a miscarriage that has begun.

Another reason for the appearance of blood clots is a “frozen” pregnancy. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to save the child in this case, but the woman definitely needs hospitalization and specialist help.

In very rare cases, the appearance of blood - symptoms indicating a pathology such as hydatidiform mole. This disease is characterized by excessive growth of placental tissue, which interferes with the development of the fetus and in most cases leads to its death.

Nonspecific inflammation of the genital organs and discharge

These processes are called nonspecific because they are very characteristic of a huge number of infections and are most often exacerbated during pregnancy. In most cases, nonspecific inflammations can be called STIs. However, doctors usually take care of the timely detection of such health problems, and therefore give directions for tests before registration for pregnancy. Modern reagents and qualified laboratory personnel will be able to accurately detect sexually transmitted infections.

Even if you are one hundred percent sure that you didn’t have and can’t have any symptoms, let alone the prerequisites for the occurrence of STIs, you should remember that many infections are in the female body for a long time, however, due to changes during pregnancy hormonal background can “activate”.

Often girls are very concerned about the question of whether it is possible to treat STIs during pregnancy? The answer is simple: yes, it is possible, and even necessary, since there is a high risk that you will pass on your disease to your child.

There are antibiotics that are completely safe for pregnant women and can cure syphilis, chlamydia, or gonorrhea. The most important rule is that only a specialist can prescribe drugs, and it is he who controls the dosage of drugs. To self-medicate a pregnant girl is simply unacceptable!

As for diseases such as HIV or herpes, the doctor will prescribe special antiretroviral or antiviral (in the second case) drugs, which will significantly reduce the risk of infection of the child during childbirth.

If you notice discharges that are unusual for your body, do not hesitate to consult a doctor, because during pregnancy it is better to be safe once again than to miss the development of complex pathologies and diseases that will threaten your health or the health of the unborn child.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Many expectant mothers pay attention to changes in the quality and quantity of vaginal discharge. Therefore, let's look at what can be considered the norm, and what requires immediate contact with a specialist.

Discharge during pregnancy that is not dangerous

It must be understood that a small amount clear, odorless discharge , are the result of the work of the glands located in the vagina, on the cervix and in the cervical canal. Natural secretions are present in every woman (whether she is pregnant or not). Surely you paid attention to the fact that depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, the quality and quantity of discharge changes.

Immediately after menstruation, there is little discharge, they are almost invisible. By the middle of the cycle, the amount of natural vaginal discharge increases significantly, they become viscous, "viscous" and, as a rule, leave marks on the underwear. Usually ovulatory discharge is clear or whitish. Such secretions are necessary to “group” sperm and make pregnancy more likely.

After ovulation (in the second phase of the menstrual cycle), vaginal discharge becomes opaque whitish, loses its viscosity and resembles a kind of "gluten". At the same time, natural discharge should not cause any discomfort (i.e. you should not have itching, skin irritation, redness, smell, etc.)

With the onset of pregnancy, natural secretions become, as a rule, a little more than usual. This is facilitated by the release of progesterone - the main hormone that supports the normal development of pregnancy. As the gestational age increases, the amount of natural secretions increases and reaches a maximum by the time of delivery. A large amount of lubrication on the eve of childbirth is necessary for the child to "slide" through the mother's birth canal. Usually such discharge is whitish or transparent.

Natural vaginal discharge should not interfere with a woman's normal life in any way. You should seek help from your doctor if you notice:

  • the appearance of a specific smell,
  • change in the color of the discharge (yellowness, greenish or gray shades),
  • change in the nature of the secretions: foamy, too liquid (watery), or vice versa - too thick (flaky, sometimes creamy);
  • swelling of the genital organs, itching, discomfort, redness of the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

Discharge during pregnancy, which require a mandatory consultation with a doctor

You will pay attention to them, because you will immediately feel discomfort.

The discharge has a curdled consistency and/or a sour smell. Leave a kind of whitish "plaque" on the labia. The labia swell, increase in size, there are unpleasant sensations after bathing, sexual intercourse, during a night's sleep. There may be burning and itching in the genital area, which intensifies over time and is most pronounced in the evening hours.

Most often, these are symptoms of candidiasis, or, in simple terms, “thrush”. Expectant mothers often face this ailment, since hormonal changes and suppression of the immune system in pregnant women contribute to the occurrence of this condition. Fungi of the genus Candida are permanent and absolutely natural inhabitants on the mucous membranes of the female genital organs, but their number should normally be very small. In this case, the woman does not experience any discomfort.

If the fungi begin to actively grow and multiply, their total number increases sharply - a disease occurs. accompanied by pronounced symptoms and the expectant mother, of course, wants to quickly eliminate discomfort. Before going to the pharmacy for "magic" candles, report the problem to your doctor.

Sometimes a more serious infection is hiding under the mask of "thrush". On the other hand, do not forget - not all treatments for candidiasis during pregnancy are equally safe. And don't forget to test your partner. The problem can be double-edged!

In men, thrush appears as a whitish coating on the head of the penis, which causes severe itching, but sometimes this ailment is asymptomatic. In some cases, thrush should be treated simultaneously in both partners. During this period, sexual abstinence is necessary.

Why does thrush need to be treated before childbirth?

The disease causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, they become more sensitive and easily vulnerable. The likelihood of injury to the mucous membranes of the genital organs during childbirth increases in the presence of an inflammatory process. Microtraumas and cracks in inflamed tissues heal slowly and cause severe discomfort to the woman. In addition, there is a risk of infection of the mucous membranes of the baby, which of course is undesirable.

Yellow or greenish discharge with an unpleasant odorcharacteristic of many infections. A change in color and the appearance of a specific smell indicate that pathogenic microflora is developing in the vagina. Such manifestations may indicate the likelihood of infection with sexually transmitted infections. We are talking about mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc.

In this situation, you need to identify the pathogen. Knowing the pathogen is necessary in order to select the most effective drugs for treatment.

Note! Infection rarely occurs directly during pregnancy. Most likely, the disease existed earlier, before conception, and with the onset of pregnancy, the hormonal background changed, there was a natural weakening of the immune system and, as a result, an exacerbation of the infectious process. That is why it is important to prepare for pregnancy, and pass.

Especially dangerous are inflammatory processes that occur or worsen in the early stages. If the infection has penetrated the uterine mucosa - it is difficult for a fertilized egg to securely attach to inflamed tissues, the risk of spontaneous abortion increases significantly. In addition, intrauterine infection of the fetal egg may occur, which also does not contribute to the health of the unborn baby.

If an inflammatory process is suspected, treatment should be started immediately, even if the gestational age is very short. To date, there are drugs that can be used in early pregnancy, but it is still better to prepare for pregnancy in advance.

The discharge is profuse, clear, mucous liquid or watery, accompanied by severe discomfort in the genital area - may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction of the body to hygiene products, synthetic underwear fabric or new body care products. Such secretions usually occur or increase after the use of new hygiene products, such as panty liners, shower or intimate hygiene gel, bath foam, etc.

The body of the expectant mother becomes more sensitive to external influences and more vulnerable to allergic reactions. Even the means familiar before pregnancy sometimes act as allergens during the period of expectation of the baby. Perhaps the body's perception of certain chemicals is changing, so even the usual aromatic additives or dyes present in the vast majority of hygiene products can irritate the mucous membranes of the future mother.

Accept pregnancy as a time of special love for yourself and special care for yourself. Use, if possible, only, wear and mostly from natural fabrics, assign homework with use to your loved ones, refuse most cosmetic products, use only the essentials and (without fragrances, dyes, with a neutral PH level, etc.) .

If you do experience an allergic reaction, tell your doctor and never reuse the product that is believed to have caused the allergic reaction. Repeated contact with the allergen, as a rule, gives more vivid clinical manifestations, which are much more difficult to eliminate than the first time.

Discharges during pregnancy that require urgent medical attention

Bloody (or sanious) discharge from the genital tract at any stage of pregnancy require urgent medical advice. The appearance of such secretions is one of the most dangerous complications of pregnancy. First of all, bloody discharge from the genital tract speaks of a pronounced detachment of the fetal egg or placenta from the walls of the uterus. However, pain is not always present.

In the event of the appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract, we are talking about the need to urgently seek medical help - at any time of the day and on any day of the week. It is clear that antenatal clinics and family medicine outpatient clinics operate during the daytime (usually from 8.00 to 20.00 on weekdays).

If you have the opportunity to contact the doctor observing your pregnancy at any time of the day or night, that's great, but not all women have such an opportunity. Unlike the outpatient service, obstetric and gynecological hospitals are always open - on Saturdays, and on Sundays, and on holidays, and at night - always! Take your documents (passport and exchange card) with you and immediately come to the emergency room of the obstetric and gynecological hospital closest to you.

Of course, there are situations when the appearance of spotting in a future mother is provoked by some external factor (most often - intense sexual contact, microtrauma of the vaginal mucosa, for example, as a result of the introduction of a mirror during examination on a chair or when taking material for analysis, when the presence of a cervical polyp, etc.).

If there is little discharge, they quickly ended and the doctor confirmed that the situation is not critical - you can go home, but in any case, in the coming days, you need to be especially attentive to yourself. Avoid physical and emotional stress, semi-bed rest, control the absence of spotting on the pad.

As a “lining” in such situations, it is advisable to use a white ironed cotton soft fabric - it is easier to notice even pale spotting on it and it is easier to estimate their amount. Modern "absorbent" pads are good for protection on "critical" days, but do not allow the doctor to objectively assess the nature and amount of bloody discharge in a situation that is critical for the expectant mother.

Unfortunately, statistics show that from 5 to 15% of pregnancies end unsuccessfully (spontaneously terminated), and there can be a lot of reasons for this (hormonal imbalance, intrauterine infection, genetic abnormalities, psychological problems, etc.).

In order to avoid a sad outcome, it is necessary to remain calm in any situation, strictly follow the recommendations of doctors and remember that modern medicine has many opportunities to help you, but first of all, you must be attentive to yourself and seek help in a timely manner if necessary.

brown discharge during pregnancy

Some pregnant women experience episodes of “spotting” (the appearance of smearing dark brownish discharge from the genital tract ) on the days of the expected menstruation. This sometimes happens, but it is impossible to call this process natural and safe. The best way out in such a situation is to stay under medical supervision in a hospital for several days.

If the situation worsens, specialists will be able to quickly and effectively help you. When the "daub" stops, go home with a clear conscience. This is a situation where it is better to play it safe and spend a couple of days at rest and under the supervision of a doctor than to punish yourself for inaction in the event of an unsuccessful pregnancy.

Discharge in late pregnancy that indicates the imminent onset of labor

They may appear a few days before labor begins, usually between 37 and 40 weeks of gestation. Most often, these discharges resemble a lump.transparent or white-pink mucus, possibly with streaks of blood or sanious inclusions.The volume of the so-called "mucus plug" can be very different, but most often its size is comparable to the size of a medium-sized tangerine (approximately 20 ml).

Sometimes the mucous plug comes out in portions - in this case, the woman notices the appearance of small mucous clots several times.Removal of the mucous plugis one of the harbingers of childbirth. There is no reason to worry, since this can happen both a few hours and a couple of weeks before the onset of labor. But there are many women in whom the mucous plug leaves already directly in the process of childbirth.

During this period, it is necessary to observe especially carefully, be sure to change daily and not without a condom, even if the partner is absolutely healthy. The accumulation of mucus in the cervical canal was a kind of protection of the fetal membranes from microorganisms naturally living in the vagina and on the surface of the skin of the genital organs.

Now this natural protective factor has self-destructed, so it is advisable to strengthen hygiene control before the baby is born. At this stage, doctors recommend that some expectant mothers undergo prenatal sanitation of the vagina. As a rule, anti-inflammatory suppositories are prescribed for women who have been repeatedly treated for inflammatory processes in the vagina during pregnancy.

Discharge during pregnancy. We need to go to the hospital ASAP!

1. Bloody discharge from the genital tract. We discussed them in detail above.

2. Watery discharge from the genital tract.

If you notice that you are “losing” a colorless, transparent liquid (water), sometimes slightly yellowish, sometimes with a slightly noticeable ammonia smell, urgently get ready for the maternity hospital. Amniotic fluid can leave both more or less significant and noticeable portions, and gradually drop by drop. Leakage or outpouring of amniotic fluid indicates a violation of integrity.

Usually, the waters depart during the unfolding labor activity (at the height of contractions), but it happens differently. In the case of amniotic fluid discharge, doctors need to quickly determine:

  • Is the child suffering?
  • Is it possible to prolong (save) the pregnancy (if the woman is not yet in term and the baby is still premature)?
  • Is the birth canal of a woman ready for the imminent birth of a baby?
  • Is it necessary to take preventive measures to prevent infection from getting to the baby?

It is rather difficult to confuse the discharge of water with the usual abundant secretions, but if in doubt, you can put a white napkin on it and observe the increase in the “wet spot” for several minutes. When water leaks, the stain grows. If you have any doubts, it is better to come to - doctors have the opportunity to accurately determine the nature of the discharge (tests to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid, smears for amniotic fluid, etc.).

Depending on the duration of pregnancy, doctors will decide whether it is possible and necessary to maintain the pregnancy, how to help the child. And in the future - to observe the development of labor activity or stimulate it.

It is advisable for the expectant mother, after the discharge of amniotic fluid, to close the entrance to the vagina with a gasket - ironed cotton fabric, and lie down. In some cases, prolapse of the umbilical cord loops can be avoided in this way. It is better to call an ambulance - on the road, doctors will be able to monitor the condition of the mother and child and provide them with the necessary assistance.

In any case, keep calm - you cannot change this situation, which means you need to rely on the professionalism of specialists.

Discharge from the chest during pregnancy

Almost all expectant mothers sooner or later notice secretion of translucent fluid from the nipples . Do not worry - these yellowish or whitish translucent secretions are the prototype of future milk - colostrum. The hormone prolactin is responsible for its appearance. With increasing gestational age, the amount of prolactin increases, which leads to the appearance of discharge from the nipples.

Different women experience breast discharge at different stages of pregnancy. For some, this happens already in the first trimester, while for others it happens closer to childbirth. Some expectant mothers do not have these secretions at all, but this does not indicate the possibility or impossibility in the future. Even if there is no colostrum, you will definitely be able to breastfeed successfully.

Quite often, colostrum appears only after the birth of the baby. This process is unpredictable and does not require any action on the part of the doctor or the expectant mother. We just quietly wait. When discharge from the nipples appears, in no case should you try to squeeze out or express the liquid that has appeared. It is enough to buy in the store special in the bra.

In some cases, there is quite a lot of discharge from the chest - in this case it is advisable to have a very comfortable one. Use it not only during the day, but also during the night sleep.

Note. Return of food and cosmetics is possible only if the packaging is intact.

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Discharge from the genital tract is a natural process inherent in women and girls of childbearing age. However, under the influence of certain factors, leucorrhoea can become a symptom of very unpleasant conditions. They are able to change their volume, color and consistency, which for gynecologists often becomes a kind of compass, allowing one to assume the presence of a particular disease. Women who are carrying a child are no exception, they also have a secret that needs to be given increased attention. Even if there was no white discharge before successful conception, hormonal changes can cause multiple changes affecting systems and organs. Consider when white discharge during pregnancy should not be a cause for concern and why it is necessary to see a doctor in certain situations.

When is the allocated secret correct?

One of the first changes during the conception of a child is the formation of a mucous plug on the cervix. In a similar way, the body protects the embryo from the penetration of external infections. The result of care may be a significant whitish discharge, which is not pathological and does not lead to complications. Natural whites in pregnant women include a mucous transparent secret without an unpleasant odor, sometimes with a milky tint. The secret includes:

  • Mucus produced by the glands of the genital organs.
  • Various bacteria that constantly live in the genitals. Most often, these are lactobacilli, although other microbes in small quantities do not indicate infection.
  • Dead epithelial cells.

Progesterone is responsible for white discharge during pregnancy. This hormone begins to be produced after fertilization and the introduction of the egg into the wall of the uterus, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the fetus. Under its influence, the body begins to actively produce whitish whites at the initial stage of bearing a child. At the same time, the consistency of the mucus also changes, which can be quite dense during the first few months of gestation.

The increased production of progesterone lasts for about twelve weeks, after which the production of estrogen begins. Such jumps can again increase the volume of secretory mucus, which is normal. As the concentration of estrogen increases, the leucorrhoea becomes watery, sometimes causing a not-so-pleasant sensation of wetness in the perineum.

Despite such dramatic changes and not always pleasant sensations, there is no reason to worry if the mucus from the penis becomes thinner or thicker, without being accompanied by itching or burning, swelling of the genital organs, and unpleasant odors. Normal discharge during pregnancy in terms of color, consistency and volume may look like this:

  • The amount of mucus produced over a 24-hour period varies from one to about five milliliters, while a larger volume is not always a pathology, although in this case it does not hurt to consult a specialist.
  • Mucous discharge during pregnancy can be completely transparent or stained in milky shades.
  • The consistency is usually homogeneous, similar to mucus and resembles the white of a raw egg, differing in density.

Quite often, during the introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterine wall, white discharge in an increased volume is observed before menstruation and at that moment becomes the only sign of a completed conception.

Odorless discharge during pregnancy is often associated with allergic reactions or irritation due to intimate hygiene products, underwear, panty liners. Even if the secreted mucus meets the signs of the norm, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of the formation of a urogenital infection. To this end, it will be necessary to increase control over personal hygiene:

  • it is necessary to wash in the morning and evening hours, while it is advisable for women who are carrying a child to refrain from using soap (an exception may be cleaning the anus);
  • abandon synthetic underwear in favor of natural breathable materials;
  • use fragrance-free panty liners, remembering to replace them when moisturizing.

Pregnancy in the last weeks may be accompanied by a noticeable outflow of a milky mucus fluid, which leaves quite noticeable traces. It is possible that the flowing anatomical fluid is mixed with the natural secret. In this case, it does not hurt to be ready to go to the clinic, since such discharge often indicates the onset of labor.

Why is secretion observed during pregnancy

In addition to the natural formation of mucus when carrying a child, there are a considerable number of other factors that can cause this phenomenon:

If we are talking about the usual secret that is produced to form a mucous plug, do not be surprised at its increased profusion. It is important to pay attention to the properties of mucus - it should have a white tint, resemble the slimy protein of a raw egg, and not be accompanied by an unpleasant odor, although a sour shade is acceptable. However, even if the discharge does not differ too much from the norm in appearance, but is accompanied by itching, swelling, irritation of the organs, soreness and other unpleasant manifestations, a reasonable woman goes to a specialist for an appointment. With increased attention, it is necessary to treat the abundant discharge in the last stages of gestation - if the volume gradually increases over several hours, the onset of labor can be assumed.

  • White discharge during pregnancy can be caused by infectious diseases. The development of pathology will be accompanied by a number of other signs. Often there is a general weakness of the body, malaise, insufficient resistance to various inflammatory processes. It is necessary to be alert when the mucus changes its shade, acquires a sharp unpleasant odor.
  • Candidiasis - aka thrush - is one of the most common factors that provoke white discharge in women, which are characterized by abundance, the smell of brewer's yeast and a curdled consistency.
  • In some cases, white discharge during pregnancy appears during the period when the woman began menstruating before conception. Usually in this case, the formation of mucus does not cause discomfort, however, if pain occurs in the lower abdomen, an urgent examination by a gynecologist is necessary.
  • Abundantly secreted mucus of white shades may precede a spontaneous abortion or indicate a stopped development of the embryo.
  • In some cases, mucous whites go under the influence of not internal, but external factors, in particular, daily pads become the culprits of the problem. Many manufacturers in the manufacture of products use a variety of additives and synthesized extracts that provoke negative reactions of the body. It is desirable for women in position to give preference to simple products without impregnations and fragrances.

The unexpected appearance of a mucous secretion of various shades is a good reason to contact a specialist without waiting for the development of complications.

When does a secret signal danger?

Having accepted the fact of the possibility of abundant secretions during the period of bearing a child, a woman needs to pay increased attention to their properties - any change in color, smell or consistency may indicate the development of pathological processes. For example, liquid mucus with a specific smell of rotten fish may indicate the presence of bacterial vaginosis or dysbiosis. Painful conditions can be formed due to impaired functionality of the immune system or a malfunction in the hormonal balance, which contributes to the multiplication of opportunistic microbes in the mucous layer.

It should be remembered that it is quite difficult to determine the culprit of mucus secretion by its appearance; a number of studies and analyzes prescribed by a qualified specialist will be required for the diagnosis.

Experienced gynecologists, however, quite often, when establishing a primary diagnosis, rely on the presence of infectious changes affecting the secret - its wateriness, lumpiness, shade, a sharp increase in volume, consistency. The frequency of occurrence of pathologies is also taken into account:

  • Candida fungus, which causes thrush and damage to the walls of the penis, is observed in pregnant women in 30% of cases.
  • Chlamydia is detected in 10% of cases; when carrying a child, it manifests itself during the first three weeks with yellow-white liquid mucus in combination with burning and itching.
  • With bacterial vaginosis, which is diagnosed in 10 to 25% of women bearing a child, symptoms may be completely absent with a strong imbalance of microflora.
  • According to statistics, trichomonas vaginitis is observed in 32% of pregnant women, its development may be accompanied by a yellow-white or yellow secret, pain during urination, itching.

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The woman herself first of all pays attention to the color of the discharge, since this is the most obvious property of the secret. Consider the pathological shades of whiter, which can be observed most often during pregnancy.

The appearance of a yellow-white secret

White thick discharge with a clear yellow tint almost always indicates the presence of pathological processes occurring in the body, while a woman can feel completely normal even with fairly abundant mucus. However, when the secret becomes dark yellow, there is an unpleasant odor and soreness, the external genitalia itch, an urgent consultation with a specialist and a thorough examination are necessary. There are a number of reasons under the influence of which such discharge is observed in pregnant women:

  • The inflammatory process, aggravated due to pregnancy - bearing a child weakens the immune system, which contributes to the penetration of pathological microorganisms into the genital organ and their active reproduction. The next stage is the defeat of the genital organs and the increase in the risk of spontaneous abortion.
  • When a dark yellow secret appears, an allergic reaction provoked by underwear or personal hygiene products can be suspected. Certain microorganisms can also manifest themselves in a similar way.
  • In cases where white-yellow discharge begins to acquire a green tint, there is a high risk of developing more serious diseases - for example, venereal pathologies can be suspected if, in addition to discoloration, there is pain during urination, burning and itching.
  • Inflammatory processes in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, the development of a bacterial infection are indicated by a piercing yellow hue of the secret.
  • If yellowish mucus is accompanied by an unpleasant pungent odor during pregnancy, inflammation of the appendages and uterus is not excluded. This condition is very dangerous because it can lead to spontaneous abortion.

Curdled discharge of various shades

Most often, thick discharge during pregnancy of a milky hue and a curdled appearance with a sour smell indicates the development of candidiasis. An accompanying symptom in this case is unbearable itching, severe burning, swelling occurs in the genital area. It is very significant that these manifestations can intensify closer to the night, after sexual intercourse or hygiene procedures. When carrying a child, the disease most often worsens and is difficult to treat.

If curdled discharge with an unpleasant odor becomes green, accompanied by itching, burning, such symptoms may indicate infectious pathologies or inflammatory processes in the genitals. The main danger in this case is a high risk of miscarriage. The green secret of a curdled consistency can be caused by a pathological process in the ovaries and fallopian tubes. With an acute vaginal infection, a cheesy greenish secret is observed, and with a small volume, the formation of a bacterial pathology in the genital tract is not excluded. Sexually transmitted diseases manifest themselves as a curdled secret of a yellowish tint. Quite often, a curdled substance with a greenish tint appears as a result of taking antimicrobial drugs and disturbed microflora in the genital organ.

White mucus with impurities

White liquid discharge during pregnancy and bloody impurities in them may indicate erosion of the uterine cervix, cervicitis. In a similar way, inflammatory processes occurring in the cervical canal can manifest themselves. These pathologies lead to a complicated course of pregnancy and subsequent labor activity.

Brown secret when carrying a child

When carrying a child, a brown secret is observed in almost every future mother. There are several reasons that contribute to the development of this condition:

  • With an ectopic pregnancy, the egg is rejected, accompanied by the outflow of brown mucus and the onset of bleeding.
  • Creamy brown discharge indicates a threatened miscarriage. The mucus may turn into minor bleeding, which gradually increases without stopping.
  • In the presence of an incomplete miscarriage, heavy bleeding of reddish-brown hues, often containing clots, is observed. There is also severe pain in the lower abdomen. Curettage of the uterine cavity may be required to remove the remnants of the deceased fetus.
  • If a brown spot is observed in the last stages of bearing a child, one can suspect a violation of the functionality of the placenta and its separation. Such a pathology can become a source of minor bleeding.
  • Brown liquid may indicate the onset of labor in the last stages of pregnancy.
  • Uterine rupture can also be accompanied by the leakage of a brown secret, most often a similar phenomenon is observed in women with a history of abortion. Similarly, scars formed on the uterus can also manifest themselves.

Vaginal discharge has always been and remains a diagnostic criterion for the health of the genital area of ​​any woman. Normally, they are transparent, liquid or mucous, odorless. During gestation, the fetus changes depending on the period. Changes occur during the normal course of pregnancy. But the discharge can become pathological depending on the condition of the woman or the fetus.

The normal composition of secretions and their functions

The vaginal secret has a complex composition. Its components:

  • mucus produced by the glands of the cervical canal;
  • dying epithelial cells of the vaginal walls;
  • microorganisms (mainly lactic acid bacteria).

It differs in color, texture, smell. Normally, there is no smell. Color and viscosity depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle (from the secreted sex hormones) and the gestational age of the pregnant woman.

Vaginal secretions perform important functions:

  • protect against pathogenic microbes;
  • moisturize during intercourse;
  • cleanse the vagina.

In the middle of the menstrual cycle, the secretion of leucorrhoea increases due to hormonal changes that occur during the period of ovulation. The discharge resembles liquid protein. This is a favorable time for conception: the most comfortable conditions for spermatozoa are created. Thanks to such mucus, they easily reach the egg. At this time, with an increase in the amount of secretions, the laundry gets more dirty.

There is a sharp increase in secretions during unprotected intercourse. Their secretion increases in the first days - after conception, and in the last days - on the eve of childbirth.

Normal discharge during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the microflora of the vagina changes, and the amount of antibacterial substances in the lubricant increases. The body is preparing for a long process of fetal development.

In pregnant women, significant changes in the hormonal background occur in the body: if before pregnancy, the hormone estrogen was responsible for the condition of the woman, then after its onset, progesterone. In pregnant women, this hormone helps keep the embryo in the uterus by preventing uterine contractions. Progesterone forms pregnancy during the first 12 weeks -. Under its influence, thick opaque secretions appear in a small amount. They form about two weeks after conception.

A few words about what discharge during pregnancy is considered normal. Physiological discharges are those that do not have a pungent odor, do not create discomfort or irritation. Their consistency is important, which should be paid attention to. From the thick vaginal secretion, a plug forms in the cervical canal. It becomes a protective barrier for the embryo (fetus) from pathogenic microorganisms until the 40th week of pregnancy.

After the first trimester, when the fetus is firmly established in the uterus, and the placenta is almost ripe, estrogen is released again in large quantities. Clear, abundant discharge appears, odorless and colorless. They should not cause concern, as they are a variant of the norm. The body prepares for childbirth and lactation.

Curdled discharge - urogenital candidiasis

If the consistency and density have changed, the discharge has become white and looks like cottage cheese with a sour smell, this indicates urogenital candidiasis (thrush). The disease develops at any time, can often recur. But most often this happens in the early stages, shortly after conception. The incidence of candidiasis in pregnant women is high. This is explained as follows:

  • Under the influence of hormones, which begin to be released in large quantities, the secretion of secretions increases. They, as indicated, perform a protective function, washing out pathogens from the vagina, including beneficial lactic acid bacteria. This leads to the growth of pathogenic fungi - thrush appears.
  • After strengthening the egg in the wall of the uterus, immunity sharply decreases - a state of immunosuppression sets in: the body tries to reject the foreign body in the form of a fetus. Against the background of suppressed immunity, yeast-like fungi multiply, which leads to candidiasis.

The resulting thrush must be treated in a timely manner. Therapy is given to both partners. It is especially dangerous for the unborn child in the last weeks of pregnancy: it can lead to infection of the child when he passes through the birth canal during the birth process. The disease leads to serious damage to the organs of the child.

Bloody issues

Traces of blood in the secretions of pregnant women often appear from the first weeks after conception. This is due to several reasons:

  • threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • pseudo-erosion of the uterus;
  • bubble drift.

Threat of abortion

The threat of termination of pregnancy develops when a miscarriage begins. Bright red blood appears in the discharge. This occurs as a result of detachment of the implanted egg. In this case, there is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen or in the lumbosacral region. If emergency care is not provided at this stage, spontaneous abortion turns into abortion in progress.

The process becomes irreversible, it cannot be stopped in this phase. The nature of the pain changes: they become intense paroxysmal due to sharp contractions of the uterus. The discharge increases sharply: they can turn into profuse bleeding, which is sometimes difficult to stop. Due to massive blood loss, a fatal outcome is possible.

The threat of interruption does not always lead to interruption. When spotting occurs during pregnancy, a woman usually sees a doctor. He may prescribe maintenance therapy. The following drugs are used:

  • Hormones - drugs containing progesterone or its synthetic analogues are prescribed (they are used orally or intravaginally). If a woman is already receiving gestagens, their dosage is increased.
  • Anticoagulants. They are used to prevent large blood loss, reduce the size of the hematoma that can occur during detachment. Abundant bleeding is a risk factor for infection and death of the fetus or embryo.
  • Antispasmodics - usually use drotaverine. It reduces the tone of the uterus and relieves abdominal pain.

The use of conservation therapy often avoids spontaneous abortion. But it is prescribed only if the embryo contained in the uterus is viable. This is checked using ultrasound and a blood test for hCG in dynamics (it should increase, and when the ovum dies, the hCG level rises or decreases very slowly).

Pseudo-erosion of the cervix

If pseudo-erosion of the cervix is ​​detected, they are accompanied by spotting. Such whites are contact: they appear after douching (this is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy), after coitus or gynecological examination.

Pseudo-erosion, although it sometimes causes discharge during pregnancy, in most cases is not at all dangerous. This is a normal condition that is found in 30-40% of all women. According to the modern nomenclature adopted at the seventh International Congress in Rome, ectopia is classified as a normal colposcopic examination.

Pseudo-erosion is not a mucosal defect, like true erosion, but just a patch of altered epithelium. Its appearance may be associated with hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman. No treatment is required. Therapy is necessary only for complicated cervical ectopia (ectropion, cervical dysplasia). But it is carried out after childbirth.

bubble skid

The appearance of blood in the secretions occurs with cystic skidding. This is a rather rare disease in which the placenta grows strongly, and the embryo develops with abnormalities. Chorionic villi degenerate into cysts, and the death of the fetal egg occurs. The danger of the condition is in the development of a malignant tumor. Surgical treatment - remove the cystic skid. For this purpose, the uterus is scraped.

Other reasons

There are some other causes of bleeding. These include the following:

  • polyp of the cervical canal of the uterus;
  • myoma nodes;
  • pathology of the blood coagulation system;
  • various injuries.

Yellow highlights

Pathological discharges are yellow. If at the same time mucus and a specific smell appear, it is urgent to come for an examination to a gynecologist to find out the causes and treatment.


The main reason for such discharge is the existing sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If earlier they had a latent or sluggish character, then when carrying a child, the inflammation worsens. Urogenital diseases are caused by chlamydia, ureaplasma, gonococcus, cytomegalovirus and others. Such diseases are dangerous for spontaneous abortion.

Many sexually transmitted infections are asymptomatic. They make themselves felt only after the conception of a child. This is due to physiological immunosuppression, which inevitably occurs after fertilization of the egg and attachment of the embryo in the uterus. The fetus is a genetically foreign organism for maternal immunity. From the point of view of the immune system, it should be rejected. But hormones solve the problem: a large amount of progesterone is released, the formation of glucocorticoids increases. As a result, the severity of immune responses decreases.

It is for this reason that pregnant women often decrease the severity of autoimmune diseases during this period, but the risk of infections increases. The body may contain chlamydia, trichomonas, gonococci and other pathogens that a woman does not know about. Now they are getting opportunities for enhanced growth. As the population increases, symptoms also appear:

  • discharge during pregnancy from the urethra and vagina;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • painful urination.

By the nature of the discharge during pregnancy, one can assume the causative agent of the infection. If they are abundant, purulent, observed mainly from the urethra (urethra), with a high probability we are talking about gonorrhea. With trichomoniasis, discharge during pregnancy is liquid, frothy, unpleasantly smelling. The vagina is predominantly affected. Against the background of chlamydia, the discharge is usually transparent and not abundant, less often it acquires a purulent character.

But by the nature of the discharge during pregnancy, a specific diagnosis, of course, is not made. The causative agent must be detected by laboratory methods, and only after that treatment is prescribed. Bacterioscopy can be used to detect gonococci and Trichomonas. Swabs are taken from the vagina and urethra and examined under a microscope. A more accurate study remains PCR. This highly sensitive test helps to detect even asymptomatic forms of sexually transmitted diseases.


Yellow leucorrhoea also appears when the mucous membrane of the genital organs is irritated in the form of allergic reactions to:

  • gaskets;
  • synthetic underwear;
  • the use of soap for intimate hygiene instead of special gels.

Allergic inflammation can be exactly the same as any other, for example, infectious. Sometimes it is combined with contact dermatitis.

Allergies can be recognized by the following signs:

  • inflammation usually begins only in the place that has been in contact with the allergen, spreading somewhat beyond its borders (when inhaling or eating the allergen, the reaction would be systemic, not local);
  • there is a connection with the use of a certain substance.

If the cause of allergies is pads, underwear or other items (preparations, hygiene products), then they come into contact not only with the vaginal mucosa, but also with the skin of the anogenital zone. Accordingly, the pregnant woman will show signs of dermatitis. Red spots, papules, vesicles appear on the skin. Sometimes crusts and scratches are found on it.

There are situations when the discharge during pregnancy caused by allergies does not cause damage to the adjacent skin. With a high probability, this means that the pregnant woman used a certain remedy only intravaginally. There are many options for what it could be:

  • lubricants - lubricants used during sex;
  • spermicides - contraceptives that can be used during pregnancy to reduce the risk of infection with sexually transmitted infections;
  • antiseptics - used after unprotected intercourse for emergency prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • condom - some women are allergic to latex (obviously, a pregnant woman cannot get pregnant again, but condoms are not only contraceptives, they also protect against infectious pathologies);
  • intravaginal preparations - are introduced into the vagina in the form of suppositories or tablets;
  • douching - often carried out using medicinal plants, which may be allergic.

Sometimes a pregnant woman develops a reaction to a drug her partner used. It may have been applied to the penis shortly before intercourse.

There are times when women doubt the allergic origin of inflammation. They find a connection with a certain substance (for example, discharge in a pregnant woman appeared after using a certain intravaginal drug), but claim that there were no reactions before, but now they suddenly appeared. In fact, this is a normal situation. Initially, there is no allergy to any substance, because a period must pass during which the immune system “gets acquainted” with the substance. Gradually, antibodies are produced. Reactions begin only a few weeks or even months after the first contact with the substance. The process of formation of the body's hypersensitivity to an allergen is called sensitization. How long the “acquaintance” will take depends on the strength of the allergen. Strong ones cause sensitization after a few days, weak ones after a few weeks or even years. But in the future, each use of the substance causes clinical manifestations of a hypersensitivity reaction.

implantation bleeding

Scanty light brown discharge is a variant of implantation bleeding. Appears approximately on the 10th day after fertilization. It indicates that the fertilized egg has strengthened in the wall of the uterus. When this occurs, damage to the uterine vessels and the release of a small amount of blood. The duration of such bleeding is no more than 2 days. If the discharge with blood continues - this is a reason for an urgent visit to the gynecologist. In the last weeks of pregnancy, small yellow discharge may be the result of minor urinary incontinence.

Brown highlights

The causes of dark brown discharge are:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • dissection of the placenta (in the later stages);
  • inflammatory pathology;
  • beginning childbirth.

Ectopic pregnancy

Dark brown discharge may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. Normally, a fertilized egg develops in the uterus. In 2% of cases, it is attached outside the uterus. Most often this occurs in the fallopian tube - a tubal pregnancy develops. But in some cases, the development of the egg can occur in the cervix, in the ovary, in the abdominal cavity. It is difficult to determine a pathological ectopic pregnancy in the early stages - its signs are no different from normal:

  • menstruation stops;
  • toxicosis occurs;
  • there is swelling and enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • pregnancy test becomes positive.

It is possible to suspect an ectopic pregnancy only on ultrasound, starting from 4 weeks. At this time, the small size of the uterus, thickened tubes may alert. From the 6th week, you can already see the embryo located in an atypical place.

If there are all the listed signs of pregnancy, but at the same time brown discharge appears, accompanied by increasing intense pain, this indicates a high probability of an ectopic pregnancy. With ultrasound, not only the uterine cavity, but also the zones of the alleged location of the fetus will be carefully examined. If the pregnancy is tubal, then the earlier it is detected, the more likely it is to save the fallopian tube. If the embryo is large, the tube is removed. Sometimes, with untimely diagnosis, a rupture may occur.

yellow-green discharge

Yellow-green discharge appears with trichomoniasis (usually in the first weeks of pregnancy). They stand out in large quantities, foam, have an unpleasant specific odor. Accompanied by itching, burning, sometimes pain in the vagina.

In the early stages, this pathology is especially dangerous: a miscarriage or a failed abortion may occur. The disease requires therapy, but self-medication is dangerous: drugs used for this purpose have a toxic effect on the embryo. Therefore, the selection of medicines can only be done by a narrow specialist.

Beige discharge is not pathological, but rather physiological. They may indicate a lack of progesterone in the body. If the diagnosis is confirmed during the examination, the condition is regulated by taking special drugs.

Self-medication is unacceptable at any stage of pregnancy. This is dangerous for both the unborn child and the mother. In addition, it may be ineffective, since pathological discharge can be confused with normal. Timely registration with a gynecologist and visiting him at the appointed time will help to identify the onset of any pathology and save the pregnancy.

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