Child 5 years old shows.


Raising a child at 5 years of age is specific. First of all, it consists in consolidating and developing a certain direction of behavior. At this age, the child already knows and knows a lot. But at the same time, his memory is of a scattered type. Therefore, the baby constantly needs to be reminded of the simplest things. For example, you need to brush your teeth in the morning, make your bed after sleep, wash your hands before eating, and so on. The development of specific specific actions at this stage of education should be the main goal of parents.

But very often all reminders cause bickering and arguments on the part of the child. This behavior does not occur because the baby grows stubborn. And due to the fact that this age is characterized by wrangling and unnecessary reasoning. The fact is that adults and children aged 5 years show differences and differences of opinion. It is because of misunderstanding that disagreements arise.

Features of raising children 4-5 years old

The upbringing of children 4-5 years old should always take into account the characteristic behavior of the baby among other children in the group. Because it is at this age that the basic features of his behavior in society are laid. At this stage of life, the main society of the child is his family, a group in kindergarten, as well as peer friends from the yard. In other words, the baby should not be afraid to make contact with people, ask for help correctly, thank, share his toys. Because it is precisely such communication that is the sociability of your age.

Many children at this age express some aggression towards all the people around him. Therefore, special attention should be paid to such behavior. You need to find out why the baby shows such feelings. And try to convince him of the opposite, that is, to do only good deeds.

There are situations when bad behavior is caused by the baby's fatigue or distracted attention. In this case, parents just need to reconsider his daily routine and allocate more time for rest. And if the punishment is inadequate or wrong, then the very process of education will be meaningless and will not give positive results. It should also be taken into account that the process of punishment cannot be postponed. The kid quickly begins to forget his actions and in the future he may simply not understand why he is being punished. Empty threats should not be said, because in the future the child will simply cease to perceive them.


Raising a 5-year-old child often forces parents to resort to punishment. But it is strictly forbidden to influence the baby in society physically and psychologically. It is better to find an alternative and properly punish the child. It should be explained that many actions can hurt people or have bad consequences. Only after a few subsequent explanations will it be possible to punish the child.

Allocate physical and psychological punishment. Psychological punishment is the refusal to communicate with the baby when he turns to his parents. Very often this affects the child's behavior for the better, and at the same time he himself seeks to make contact.

The second psychological punishment when raising a child of 5 years is the restriction in watching TV or playing games at the computer. Physical punishment is the restriction of the freedom of the baby (that is, when the child is put in a corner) or corporal punishment (use of a belt). But the last measure of punishment should be used extremely rarely. It's better not to use it at all.

In most cases, when raising a child of 5 years, punishment occurs as a result of a lie. This is because at this age the baby's fantasy is very rapidly developed and sometimes he can pass off such thoughts as reality. Parents in such situations should not tell the child that he is lying. It is better to convince him that his thoughts are fantasy or fiction. And when a baby tries to really deceive his parents, then he should give understandable examples and tell what consequences can arise.


Raising a child at this age should also be encouraged. You can say simple words of praise or give different gifts for correct and good behavior. It is not recommended to buy too expensive gifts. At the age of 5, a simple album for drawing or other useful items (for example, clay for modeling, a designer or a simple board game) will be enough for a child.

Using the encouragement method when raising a child of 5 years old, you can also give ordinary puzzles. They help not only to interest and captivate the baby, but also to unite the whole family in one activity. Such situations inspire confidence in the child and form the right attitude towards the family.

A family dinner or during the arrival of guests has a similar effect. In such situations, the child will constantly interfere in the conversation. But this only comes from the fact that he needs to express his opinion and participate in the conversation on equal terms.

How to bring up a sense of hard work in a child of 5 years

trust deeds

Each parent asks this question more than once. At the age of five, the baby continues to experience all the norms of behavior and further responsibility. Therefore, at this age, new responsibilities may appear in him. For example, a child might put away their toys before bed or make their bed.

In addition, such children can already be entrusted with the simplest actions for caring for pets. This can be, for example, actions such as pouring water into a bowl or feeding him. You can also ask your child to help set the table before a family dinner or lunch. It is believed that at this age part of the care should go to the child.

One can also say the following about how to instill a sense of industriousness in children of 4-5 years old: the baby is already old enough, and he can be trusted to close or open the tap for washing his hands on his own. He is also old enough to be responsible for his favorite toys or things.


Kindergartens are of great help in developing a sense of industriousness. It is there that every child is assigned the daily duties that he must perform. And it is the educators who monitor their unquestioning implementation. It often happens that children in the kindergarten obey their teachers much better than their parents. And this is due to the fact that parents do not feel too confident. Therefore, each child needs to highlight and correctly explain their daily duties.


A sense of hard work begins to be instilled from an early age. Therefore, when raising a child of 1-5 years old, only his duties will change. So, for example, at two years old, a baby can already be taught to fold their things after a walk. Thus, the obligation to clean clothes, toys and other items will be formed.

At 3.5 years old, the child will be interested in all household chores. He will seek to wash floors or dishes, participate in cooking and even minor repairs. Of course, the baby will need the help of parents. And you should not refuse him to perform any action. Because the child will be able to feel their strength. And at the end of the performance, be sure to praise him.

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Preschoolers develop especially quickly, which allows specialists to judge their level of development based on knowledge, skills and abilities. This, in turn, helps to build a correction program for a particular baby, if necessary. Perhaps it would be useful for parents to know the criteria that doctors rely on when assessing the physical, mental and mental development of a child.

Five years is a rather difficult age, because it is with him that the preparation of an older preschooler for adult life at school begins. A child of this age is still mobile and loves to communicate with peers, but he can already be seen more and more often drawing or crafting, he often reaches for books and other sources of knowledge, absorbing everything new like a sponge.

Children really like role-playing story games, and they are already able to agree on the distribution of roles themselves.

Your baby is no longer as small as before, he already has his own opinion on any issue. At the age of five, he is already an independent person with his own needs and desires, independent of his parents.

The task of parents is to prepare their child for school, to provide him with the missing knowledge and skills, to instill the necessary skills.

Physical development of five-year plans

Chest circumference 52 - 57 cm, height 100 - 120 cm, weight 17 - 25 kg.

The baby begins to grow actively, so his nutrition is very important. The task of parents is to exclude fast food, soda from his diet and try to make the baby forget about snacks. Almost all the calories he consumes are now spent on growth and development, which means that if the baby has begun to recover, look for a problem. The development of a five-year-old man allows him to quickly master sports skills, so this age is considered the best in order to send the baby to the sports section.

The main physical skills that you should pay attention to the development of are coordination, balance and speed.

What should a five year old be able to do?

  • Run up to 200 m without stopping (of which at a speed of about 60 m).
  • Run non-stop for 90 seconds.
  • Jump from a height of 40 cm.
  • Jump on one leg.
  • Walk on the gymnastic bench.
  • Throw the ball at a target 2 meters away.
  • Climbing the gymnastic wall.

His movements are well coordinated, he becomes stronger and more resilient. Favorite games are those in which you have to run and climb somewhere.

fine motor skills

It is already quite well developed in children, they hold a pen or pencil almost correctly, draw lines of various pressure and inclination, make applications using scissors, put puzzles and figures from designer parts according to a model or diagram. But it is still worth paying special attention to its further development, teach it to carefully color without going beyond the boundaries of the drawing and draw simple drawings, placing them correctly on paper, draw "graphic dictations".

Neuropsychic development of a five-year-old man


This is a fertile age for parents who want to teach their baby something, because right now the development of the baby makes it easier for him to absorb new knowledge. And here the main thing is not to overdo it and rely on the desire and interest of a small person.

By this age, he should be able to determine the sequence of events and guess riddles, understand the meaning of proverbs. Toddlers are already able to find similarities and differences between objects, to exclude unnecessary things.

At this age, logical thinking begins to develop, however, the logic of a baby is still very different from the logic of an adult, you should not prove your case, just find out his entire logical chain.

What does a 5 year old know?:

  • Numbers 1 - 10 and their images.
  • Geometric shapes, can draw and divide them into equal parts.
  • Almost all the letters, he names words with these letters, he knows how to write at least some of the familiar letters on his own, there are children who can read in syllables, but there are few of them.
  • Knows and can show colors and their shades.
  • Days of the week, months, knows how to name fingers (not necessarily in order).
  • Your last name and address, it would be nice also to have a phone number of one of the parents.

What he child should be able to at 5 years old:

  • Solve the simplest subtraction and addition problems within two units.
  • Some people can read in syllables, but this is by no means the norm.
  • Able to solve logic puzzles.
  • Independently collects puzzles from 10-15 pieces.
  • Able to organize objects according to a common feature.
  • Finds 6 differences.
  • Retells the plot of the paintings.
  • Remembers foreign words, does not confuse them with the words of his native language.
  • Able to distinguish between vegetables, fruits and berries.

memory and attention

It is at the age of five that it is best to start preparing a child for school, the main thing is to rely on his interests, otherwise you will forever discourage him from learning. At this time, his memorization becomes conscious, which means that he himself chooses what knowledge he needs and what is not interesting. Child memorizes 8 items at the same time(names what has disappeared or appeared), easily remembers short poems, counting rhymes, can retell a fairy tale, remembers the order of events, can find up to 10 differences.

Concentration of attention on one lesson for 10-15 minutes.

Speech development

The vocabulary of a child at the age of 5 is already large enough so that he can, without getting confused in words, explain himself on almost any topic of interest to him. He builds large phrases of 6-8 words belonging to different parts of speech. Baby already pronounces all sounds clearly(except "r"). reads poetry with expression, rarely confuses words denoting time (yesterday, today, etc.).

Speech becomes visual-figurative - he no longer easily repeats after someone, but reproduces his own thoughts in words.

Perception of the surrounding world

Vision sharpens I, which means the child can see small details and objects. The ability to plan appears.

The child, due to age to actively explore the world, knows the names of some plants, and many animals and birds, as well as natural phenomena.

Read more, and better educational literature.

What useful life skills should be taught to a five-year-old child? In our time of high technology, children of five years old can quite cope with a computer, but they cannot do it themselves. make the bed and sometimes even get dressed. And all because we, parents, often forget that such simple, at first glance, things need to be taught.

The sooner you start involve the child in housework, the more independent he will grow, and here it is important to catch his mood, his interest in this kind of activity. Be sure to teach your child to clean the apartment. Let everything you need for cleaning be at his complete disposal. “If you spill something on the floor, wipe it up after yourself” - make such a rule. And it doesn’t matter that after such a “cleaning” you will have to redo everything, and “Moscow was not built right away”, your baby will gradually learn everything, most importantly, to help. Do not start correcting everything after him, tell me what and where is wrong, but while he is playing - fix it, next time it will be better. The child is already quite capable of putting away toys, dusting, vacuuming and clearing the table.

What should a 5 year old be able to do? He must wash, dress and eat on his own. And children of this age can help their mother in everything, the main thing is never refuse help, otherwise the child will get used to the fact that mom can handle everything herself.

Let baby will help you with laundry. The simplest thing is to let him take out the laundry from the machine, more difficult - explain the washing modes, how to sort the laundry by color, how to turn on the machine, even if it is under your supervision for now.

Is your child growing a plant? No. But in vain. Buy him a set of young gardener, it does not have to be flowers, it can be something edible. Let him plant, water, and see HIS own plant sprout.

By the holidays, let him he will make gifts and help you pack them. Teach him how to cook simple meals, and don't be afraid of anything. It would be better if he dirty everything in the world, but he would do something himself. It's better than waiting forever for someone else to do it for him. And then, joint cooking will unite you with the baby like nothing else.

take baby to go to the store, explain to him where the money comes from, and how purchases are made, so that he does not consider change as a salary. Teach him to save, let him help you make a shopping list. At this age, the child already remembers what products you buy in which store, can navigate in those places where you are together.

Psychologists believe that it is at the age of five that the character of a small person is formed and he learns the rules of behavior in society. Your duty is to teach him everything. And it's better to do it now, no matter how difficult it may be. Praise him if he does something with desire. And try to scold less, he's just learning.

Emotional development of a child of 5 years

It is at this age that a child can empathize, sympathize and love, for him it is already not easy words.

The child becomes more restrained, he already able to take care of himself and here it is important for parents to know that if you promise him something if he fulfills your request (for example, to play on your own while you are busy), keep your promise. It is very easy to offend a five-year-old child, you should not teach him bad things by setting a similar example.

The character of the baby is formed precisely at this age, and here the main thing that parents can harm is to try to realize their own ambitions through him. In this case, the child will grow up dependent on the parents in everything.

Differences between girls and boys

At the age of 5, children are fully aware and accept their gender. Psychologists believe that from this age up to adolescence boys lag behind girls in their development.

Boys normally weigh from 16 to 20 kg, and girls 15 - 19 kg. Their height is 106 - 116 cm and 102 - 111 cm, respectively.

Boys pay less attention to toys and more role-playing games.

5 years is the most productive time in a child's life try not to miss it.

Correct posture is formed, holds the head correctly when walking and running, well coordinates the movements of the arms and legs when walking. He can not only walk, but also confidently run on tiptoe (on his toes).

All children at this age can stand on one leg for 5-6 seconds, most - from 8-10 seconds or more. On the leading leg, he can stand with his arms folded on his chest.

Gently walks along the line: a narrow plank, a border.

Able to bend over and touch his feet (socks) with his fingers without bending his knees. Able to jump on one leg 2-3 meters. Able to learn to ride a two-wheeled bicycle. Hits the ball on the ground and catches it. Strongly shake hands with an adult. Able to move rhythmically to music - to dance.

Household skills of a child at 5 years old

He dresses and shoes himself, undresses, fastens buttons, ties shoelaces. Independently washes with soap not only hands, but also the face. Wipes them off with a towel. Cleans teeth independently, including gently managing the application of toothpaste to the toothbrush. He knows how to keep his room clean and tidy.

Eats completely on its own.

5 year old child play

Independently assembles a nesting doll from five inserts (5 nesting dolls of different sizes) into one, focusing on the size. Must do without help to correctly align the pattern in the two halves of each matryoshka.

In a role-playing game, he understands well the need to follow the rules. He chooses his friends for the game. Takes care of smaller children and pets. Soothes friends who are upset in the game. The duration of the game can reach 40-50 minutes.

Playing alone, he puts together complex structures. In the figure, according to the model, he builds four steps from 10 cubes. At the age of five, he must build at least three steps from six blocks. Must be able to arrange objects in ascending and descending order.

Good copies of the cross. By the age of five, a child should be able to copy a square (draw according to the model presented), and at five and a half years, a triangle. If the child still does not succeed in copying, then several times before completing the copying task, show the child how to do this (draw yourself a square under the presented sample with a verbal explanation). Copies some letters of the alphabet from the presented sample. A few letters can write on their own.

Draws a little man from four to six or more parts: torso, head, legs, arms, sometimes with fingers. Draws a house with a door, windows, a roof and a chimney. At his own request, he draws stories with several objects and elements of their background. Describes the content of the drawing. Colors pictures neatly, staying within the contour lines. Clearly distinguishes between truth and falsehood. The sense of humor continues to develop. Understands and loves jokes and riddles. Looks after his own property, respects other people's property, can make real purchases for money. The rudiments of responsibility for the assigned work appear, strives to be useful to others.

You can teach your child to count to ten using his fingers. Oriented in the sides of his own body (where on the right, where on the left). Can show where to the right, where to the left of the other person. Correctly answers the questions “What time of day is it now?”, “What time of year is it now?”. Understands time planning for the coming day. Distinguish between yesterday and tomorrow.

Speech of a 5 year old

Speech is fluent and grammatically correct.


If after five years, in the sixth year of life, the child admits persistent agrammatism: “I play batik” - I play with my brother; "Mom was in the store" - with my mother were in the store; “The ball fell and toya” - the ball fell off the table, etc. - reductions and rearrangements of syllables and sounds, their replacements and omissions, these are signs of underdevelopment of the speech function. Such children need timely systematic speech therapy classes.

Gives his age, first name, last name and address. Some children also name their birthday, phone number. Begins to say "you" to adults. He constantly asks about the meaning of the abstract words he heard and then uses them appropriately and out of place.

How much does a child sleep

From 3 to 7 years old, the child sleeps 1 time during the day for about 2 hours, the night sleep lasts 10 hours

How much does the child urinate

Children from 5 to 7 years old urinate 7-9 times a day. The volume of daily urine is 1070–1300 ml. The volume of one serving is 100–150 ml.

5 years is the age when yesterday's silly child literally turns into a reasonable and independent preschool child, demonstrating to his parents many new skills and abilities. In some Western countries, at the age of 5, children already go to school, as foreign psychologists believe that it is from this age that the child's psyche is ready for constant studies. In our country, at the age of 5, most children continue to attend kindergarten, but this is not always enough to effectively prepare children for entering school and successfully study in it. Therefore, every parent of a five-year-old kid needs to know what a child should be able to do at 5 years old and what you need to pay attention to when preparing for school.

Physical development of children at 5 years old

At the age of 5, another growth spurt of the child occurs - children grow rapidly and can “stretch” up a few centimeters in a year. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to the nutrition of a 5-year-old child - it should not only be age-appropriate, but also contain an increased amount of proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins, especially calcium and iron - substances necessary for the growth of bones and muscles. It is very important during this period to reduce the amount of "harmful" carbohydrates in the diet - flour, especially sweet pastries and cookies, sweets and other sweets, as well as to exclude fast food, carbonated drinks and canned foods. All of the above heavily burdens the digestive system and contributes to rapid satiety and weight gain, but, on the other hand, it contains practically no nutrients and vitamins, which is why a growing body may begin to experience an acute shortage of nutrients.

At the age of 5, the height of girls is approximately 100-116 cm, and their weight is 17-21 kg, boys at this age are already noticeably larger and heavier- 105-120 cm and 19-25 kg, respectively. A healthy five-year-old child spends most of the day in motion - he runs a lot and willingly, runs 100-200 m without stopping, easily jumps from a height of 30-40 cm, knows how to jump over a rope or jump on one leg, and also easily maintains balance on a gymnastic wall, uneven bars or on one leg. Parents of 5-year-olds are noticing how much their toddler's movements and skills have changed compared to last year. At the age of 5, children control their body well and feel it in space, their movements become more accurate and coordinated, the strength and endurance of all muscle groups of the child grows.

So, a 5-year-old child, while running or walking, should not stumble or fall without external causes - unnoticed obstacles, uneven ground, and so on.

Favorite games at this age are all kinds of catch-up, hide-and-seek, hide and seek, ball games, jump rope and wall bars. If earlier the child did not have enough strength to climb the rope or climb to the very top of the stairs, now he easily does all this or sits on the crossbar, steadily maintaining his balance.

neuropsychic development

According to psychologists, it is from 5 to 7 years that a person’s character is completely formed, his main life positions, attitude to the world and others, habits and personality traits, so parents of 5-year-old children need not only to carefully monitor their behavior and actions, but also carefully monitor everything they say.

Festive video recipe:

At the age of 5, teaching a child various skills and abilities reaches a new qualitative level - the baby easily remembers letters, numbers and already knows how to draw the simplest logical conclusions and conclusions. Parents who started teaching their children to read and write at the age of 3-4 years old note how difficult it was to learn before the age of 5 and how quickly children perceive information after the age of five.

At this age, children should be well oriented in the surrounding space, know their passport details, birthday, address, easily answer questions from others and tell who he is, who his parents are, what they do, what the baby himself does, how his day went and so on. One of the main indicators of the normal development of a child at this age is his ability to independently find activities for himself, the presence of basic household skills and good orientation in the world around him - he must know where he lives, where the products are, what a store is, how to cross the road, and so Further.

At 5 years old, the baby should know what time of day it is, the seasons- briefly describe each, give explanations for your actions and the actions of those around you, and know what and why he is doing: “I dress so as not to freeze; I sleep to rest and brush my teeth to keep them healthy.”

If a kid at the age of 5 is already preparing for school, it is important that he knows:

  • all letters - distinguished their sound and spelling, it is very good if he knows where the vowels and consonants are;
  • numbers, and also owned the basics of counting - he could count objects, at least within 5;
  • colors - he knew not only primary colors, but also shades and could give an example of objects of different colors - “apple - red, chicken - yellow”;
  • geometric figures and could draw the main ones - a line, a point, a circle, a square, a triangle;

At the age of 5, it is important that the child has a connected speech, he can compose a short story of 5-6 sentences, repeat a short fairy tale and learn a poem of 2-3 quatrains.

In addition, a five-year-old child should be able to logically determine the connection of events - show from the pictures what happened at the beginning, what then and how it all ended, put together a picture from 5-10 cut parts, find unnecessary objects, absurdities and combine pictures into groups according to the main feature .

At this age, children should already be able to model the simplest figures from plasticine, draw simple plot pictures, cut with scissors not only in a straight line, but also in a circle and broken lines, and make applications from paper.

Household skills of a child at 5 years old

At the age of 5, a child is already almost able to take care of his own appearance and not require help from adults in ordinary daily activities - dressing, washing or eating. All that is required of the parents of a five-year-old is to provide the baby with everything necessary to perform his usual actions and control the result. At the age of 5, children should not only dress and eat on their own, but also help their parents; at this age, both boys and girls can take part in almost all household chores - from cooking to general cleaning. Do not neglect the help of the child, even if his work is far from perfect and it is imperative to require the baby to fulfill his duties daily - this will help to avoid quarrels and misunderstandings between parents and children in the future. After all, teenagers who have not been taught to do housework since childhood, sincerely do not understand what has changed and why they should spend their precious time on such boring and nasty things as cleaning, if earlier mom did a great job with everything on her own.

Social development of the baby at 5 years old

Most children at this age do not experience any special problems in communication, they easily find a common language with everyone and, if necessary, can turn to unfamiliar children or adults, willingly talk and play with those who have shown interest in them. If the baby is embarrassed to approach and get to know other children or cannot speak in the presence of strangers, parents should pay attention to this - such shyness can cause serious problems in the future. The most important thing is in no case to make fun of the baby and not try to shame him, demonstrating “how it should be” or citing other children as an example, this can only achieve the opposite result. It is better to gently create situations in which the baby will be forced to communicate with adults - for example, buying something in a store, talking with trainers, acquaintances, and so on. And also to help the child find a common language with children in the yard or on the playground, for example, by starting to fly a kite together with him, playing an interesting game or coming up with some kind of joint activity - to cost a snowy city, a sand fortress, and so on. It is important not to leave the child alone with the children, hoping that he himself will be able to communicate with them, but to play and talk with him, helping him overcome his shyness.

You can cope with communication problems with the help of puppet theater or story games, where the child can “lose” different situations and understand how to turn to strangers, what to talk about with peers, or how to simply approach and offer to play.

Girls and boys aged 5

It is at the age of 5 that girls and boys finally understand and accept their social roles related to gender. Before that, children perceived the difference between the sexes as something temporary and not very important, but after 5 years everything changes. At this age, children are clearly aware of their gender and react aggressively to attempts to "change" it. According to the observation of psychologists and teachers, parents of 5-year-old boys and girls behave differently towards their children, girls are more often praised, more attention is paid to their needs and appearance, while boys are required to achieve certain achievements, they are treated more strictly. and do not allow them to openly show their emotions. This behavior is largely intuitive - parents understand that a girl needs more care and support, but boys will appreciate the trust of their parents and the ability to independently explore new horizons and perform their little feats.

In raising children, the personal example of parents is still the most important - girls learn to be feminine and affectionate, like a mother, and boys try to imitate their fathers in taciturnity and calmness.

In this article:

The first test that young parents endure is the birth of a baby. The development and gradual maturation of the child took place before their eyes and with their direct participation. And now it's not a year, but 5 years behind.

Now this is not a fragile baby and not a boy babbling meaningless words, but a completely full-fledged little person who can help with the housework, asks many vital questions, the answers to which sometimes have to be looked for even in encyclopedias.

This is a whole world full of secrets and mysteries, full of huge potential that must be properly directed so that it will please loved ones and others with its character and talents. Most parents are aware of this, but do not know in which direction to move and what steps to take.

What you need to know about a 5 year old

5 years is the age of a preschooler. In this age period, the child's self-image changes. Of great importance are beginning to acquire friends, to the choice of which the baby now approaches selectively. The most important selection criterion is the positive qualities of a person or his ability to do something well. Children perceive the events that happen to them as a chain of successively interconnected stories, and gladly tell their details. They also love to listen to their peers' stories, empathizing with them and encouraging them.

At the age of 5-6 years, a system of primary gender identity is formed in children. Boys and girls begin to show their emotions in different ways, the manifestation of male and female personal qualities becomes more vivid. Boys are more fond of playing male professions and are interested in everything that is interesting to dad. And the girls, in turn, tend to imitate their mother and show more interest in purely female professions. Also, children of different sexes at the age of 5-6 years differ in the specifics of their behavior. In a child of the opposite sex, they are looking for qualities that, in their opinion, should characterize him. So, boys believe that the main qualities of girls are affection, beauty and tenderness. And girls are sure that boys must be strong, courageous, able to protect and help.

Features of the consciousness of five-year-old children

The egocentric position of a small child is already behind us. Children of five years, on the contrary, like to be aware of their responsibility. Therefore, in this important period of life, it is necessary to have time to form child positive habits that will become a good foundation for organization for a younger student.

Also at this age, children acutely feel injustice and can take the place of another person. They express their opinion regarding the behavior of other children in terms of their understanding of "good" and "bad".

From now on, joint games with peers begin with the distribution of roles. If misunderstandings arise during the game, then a five-year-old child can already explain the reason for his actions or criticize the actions of a player who is wrong or violates the established rules.

Development of attention in children 5 years old

The attention of a five-year-old child becomes more stable and arbitrary. He can already explain the primacy of the concept of "should" over "I want." He will accept the explanations of adults and can even do an uninteresting, at first glance, business, if it is necessary and important for others, and mom or dad will explain what exactly is important. Children can focus their attention on the execution of the assignment for twenty - twenty five minutes. Most of all, they like to perform simple tasks, combining them with a game or homework.

At this age, parents need to be especially careful and monitor their children, as they have an increased interest in experimentation. The development of children is active, they learn about the world around them and sometimes show interest in its facets not entirely safely.

A child at 5 years old already knows colors well and can distinguish their shades. He distinguishes the sizes of objects and can arrange them in ascending or descending order. Familiar with most object shapes and can show similar ones in various pictures.

Development of the memory of children of five to six years

The volume of memorized objects and phenomena at this age does not increase significantly, but such a property of memory as stability improves. This is especially noticeable if parents use all kinds of methods to develop memorization.
didactic materials, which are now a lot on the shelves of children's stores.

These can be various subject cards, lotos, diagrams, drawings in books, etc. The most active at this age is visual-figurative thinking. The use of didactic material allows the child to solve simple logical and mathematical problems in his mind.

In turn, the strengthening and development of visual-figurative memory contributes to the formation of predictive thinking. This is when a child manages to see the future and understand the future result of events, actions, actions.

Features of the development of the psychology of a five-year-old child

The main feature of children at 5 years old is their curiosity. Do not forget that if parents did not have time to raise their child before the age of five, then it will be much more difficult to lay the right foundations later. Mom and dad need to know and use the main feature of children of this age in order to later become their true friend and companion for life.

The fact is that children at this age are very fond of asking questions. It is important not to dismiss their childish importunity. Parents! Remember that the age of the "why" will pass, but how
it was you who reacted to its course, the result that you get in your child later will depend.
If you were attentive and patient in answering the baby's questions, then, having left the “why-why” period, he will still strive to go to you with all his problems. And if you brushed off his curiosity, and even sent someone else for an answer to your questions, then do not be offended if he later seeks help in solving problems not from you, but from friends or completely strangers.

What you sow is what you reap - these words are the best suited for parents raising or missing the education of their children.

Features of raising a boy 5 years old

It is best at this age to exercise control over children, watching them from the side. This is especially true for boys, who already at the age of 5 begin to form into independent people, able to make decisions and be responsible for others. It is better not to save your son from dangers, but to go through difficulties with him. It is optimal not to show him the way out immediately when he first encounters difficulties, but to push him in the right direction so that he finds it himself. This type of behavior parents will gradually form in the boy the personality of a protector of the family, a breadwinner, a leader capable of taking on the most difficult issues.

Respect for the personality of the child is the main criterion for the proper upbringing of the baby at this age. If a child is still not very good at something, it is necessary not to shame him, but to cheer him up, help him to do only what he is simply not yet able to do. Praise the child for success at this age is necessary! But scolding should be done carefully, because the humiliation of children at this age, and especially boys, leads to the formation of an insecure, infantile personality who will not be able to take responsibility and make decisions.

In a boy, it is worth encouraging the development and manifestation of masculine qualities of character, such as masculinity, patience, endurance, strength, courage ... Toys that resemble professions that are mainly done by men should also correspond to these goals.

Under the supervision of adults, it is possible and even necessary to give the child locksmith tools so that he tries to hammer nails, saw, use a penknife. Helping dad in men's housework elevates the child in one's own eyes. The baby feels more significant, even if he is asked to perform the simplest tasks, such as fetching a hammer or handing out nails. If the boy grows up in an incomplete family, then the mother should find among her friends or acquaintances a person who could sometimes involve her son in men's work.

Psychologists recommend
parents should not forget that screaming is unacceptable in communication with children. So you can discourage the child from helping, which means that in return for this, he will find himself some other, maybe completely unnecessary occupation.

At this age, the child needs to be oriented towards a chivalrous attitude, first of all towards his mother, sister, and indeed towards girls. Boys are very malleable and receptive to the image of a strong man, a noble knight, a protector. It is necessary to allow these qualities to form, encouraging the baby when he helps carry bags, lift weights, gives way, opens doors or offers a hand to help get out of the transport, etc.

As for mobile games

Our small-sized apartments do not allow a 5-year-old child to fully realize physical development, his physical activity. Therefore, if the parents have such an opportunity, you can turn the nursery into a gym for the child. It can be equipped by making simple sports equipment with your own hands. There is scope for the imagination of parents. If there is no such possibility, then there is no need to forbid the baby to arrange a fight with dad or some other outdoor games.

If you do not let the child splash out his energy within the walls of the house (of course, not at bedtime), then he may have a nervous breakdown.

The development of boys is characterized by more noisy games than girls. This should be attributed to the characteristics of the floor. And it will be better for everyone if mom can not only understand this, but also “ennoble” these games, give them meaning. You can fill the war games with an interesting strategic task like freeing the princess or searching for treasure, and always with your participation. And if before that the mother reads or tells the baby some interesting stories, then the child's fantasy will awaken itself.

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