How to choose a healthy guinea pig. Guinea pig is the best choice of pet for family and child. What is the best age to buy a guinea pig


We know very little about the time when the first domestic animals appeared, there is practically no confirmed information about them. There are no legends or chronicles about that period in the life of mankind when we were able to tame wild animals. It is believed that already in the Stone Age, ancient people had domesticated living creatures, the ancestors of today's domestic animals. The time when a person received modern domestic animals remains unknown to science, and the formation of today's domestic animals as a species is also unknown.

Scientists suggest that every domestic animal has its own wild progenitor. Proof of this are archaeological excavations carried out on the ruins of ancient human settlements. During the excavations, bones belonging to the domestic animals of the ancient world were found. So it can be argued that even in such a distant era of human life, we were accompanied by domesticated animals. Today there are species of domestic animals that are no longer found in the wild.

Many of today's wild animals are feral animals due to the fault of man. For example, let's take America or Australia as a clear proof of this theory. Almost all domestic animals in these continents were brought from Europe. These animals have found fertile ground for life and development. An example of this is hares or a rabbit in Australia. Due to the fact that there are no natural predators dangerous for this species on this continent, they multiplied in huge numbers and became wild. Since all rabbits were domesticated and brought by Europeans for their needs. Therefore, we can say with confidence that more than half of wild domesticated animals are former domestic animals. For example, wild city cats and dogs.

Be that as it may, the question of the origin of domestic animals should be considered open. As for our pets. Then the first confirmations in the annals and legends we meet a dog and a cat. In Egypt, the cat was a sacred animal, and dogs were actively used in the ancient era by mankind. There is plenty of evidence for this. In Europe, the cat appeared in its mass after the crusade, but firmly and quickly occupied the niche of a pet and mouse hunter. Before them, Europeans used different animals to catch mice, such as the weasel or the genet.

Domestic animals are divided into two unequal species.

The first type of domestic animals are farm animals that bring direct benefit to humans. Meat, wool, fur and many other useful things, goods, and are also used by us for food. But they do not live with a person directly in the same room.

The second type is animal pets (companions), which we see every day in our homes or apartments. They brighten up our leisure, entertain us and give us pleasure. And most of them, for practical purposes, are almost useless in the modern world, such as hamsters, guinea pigs, parrots and many others.

Animals of the same species may not infrequently belong to both species, both farm animals and pets. A striking example of this, rabbits and ferrets are kept as pets but also bred for their meat and fur. Also, some pet waste can be used, for example, cat and dog hair for knitting various items or as a heater. For example, dog hair belts.

Many doctors note the positive impact of pets on human health and well-being. We can see that many families who keep some animals at home note that these animals create comfort, calm, and relieve stress.

This encyclopedia was created by us to help pet lovers. We hope that our encyclopedia will help you in choosing and caring for your pet.

If you have an interesting observation of the behavior of your pet and have a desire, share information about some kind of pet or edit an article on our website. And if you have a nursery, a veterinary clinic or a hotel for animals near your home, be sure to write to us about them at the address so that we add this information to the database on our website.

The appearance of a cute animal in the house always gives great pleasure to the owner. If you have looked after a guinea pig as a pet, then first of all you need to decide which rodent you like best. The next question that the breeder should decide is to choose a guinea pig so that she does not suddenly appear weak and painfully lethargic immediately after the housewarming. This is what we will talk about today in our article.

A careful study of appearance and habits will help determine the overall health of the guinea pig. It is imperative to assess the condition of the skin, the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes, the anus and muscle mass. Listen to how the guinea pig breathes. A thorough examination carried out in this way will make it possible to establish at least the approximate age of the animal. It is better to purchase an animal at 4 or 5 weeks of age. By observing the behavior of a guinea pig, one can have an idea of ​​how to choose the right healthy young pig.

Appearance of a guinea pig

A gilt in good health has a thick coat without any matted clumps. It should not shed when held by hand. Bald patches on the coat are typical for older individuals. Only the ears and behind the ear areas, feet and palms of the animal do not have hair. The skin should not have any defects in the form of ulcers or scabies.

The nostrils should also be dry. The current discharge from the nose speaks of an animal that has a cold, which adversely affects its health. Around the anus, the coat should be clean. The appearance of soiled, sticky wool is a sign of an infectious disease accompanied by diarrhea. The mouth should close tightly, there should be no protruding teeth.

How strong the body of an animal can be understood by direct palpation of the muscles of the body. Individuals of a well-fed physique are worthy of choice, and an animal with a thin or, conversely, lush body is best left unattended. Pigs have four toes on their front paws and three on their hind paws. Both sexes, both male and female, have two nipples on the chest. Animals with good health breathe easily, evenly and calmly. They are not characterized by intermittent and frequent breathing. Healthy guinea pigs weigh up to 1 kg, and males weigh more than females, body length up to 30 cm. Body temperature ranges from 39 to 39.5C.

Guinea pig and its behavior

Before you make a final decision and choose a guinea pig, you need to carefully look at how the animal behaves while in a cage and how it feels in your arms. It is desirable to evaluate behavior at various periods of activity during the day, because during the day the guinea pig is half asleep several times.

A healthy pig is in constant motion, chewing on the bars of the cage, scurrying from one corner to another. If you leave her unattended, she won't stay in one place for long. It is worth taking a closer look at the mumps, if it is pinched and trembling, it is most likely stressed or unwell. A healthy pig will not break out of the hands of a person, it will sit quietly and calmly, at the same time having a high degree of reaction to human movements. So that the change of residence does not negatively affect the pet, it is recommended to create similar conditions in the house as it was before, for example, to give similar food.

Purchasing a pet

It is safer to buy a pet from breeders who treat the animal with great care, and not just as a commodity. The appearance of a new family member should be pleasant in all respects, so it is important not to make a mistake when choosing. By following the tips above on what to consider when buying, choosing a guinea pig that will delight you for many years with its playful behavior will not be more difficult.

Cavia or guinea pig at home is not only the pleasure and joy of communicating with a furry pet, but also the responsibility for the life and health of the animal. The choice of an animal should also be taken very seriously - it is important to take into account many nuances, choose a cage and feed. Before deciding to buy, you should think carefully about the pros and cons of owning a guinea pig.

Whether it is worth getting a guinea pig is an individual question. Many do not think about the fact that the animal requires time and money, and as a result, they face difficulties. The animal begins to get bored, acquires bad habits, becomes aggressive or constantly sick. Another problem is that not all novice breeders understand that vegetable feed should prevail in the diet of cavia, and this is another expense item. Saving on food leads not only to illness, but also to the death of the animal.

Therefore, if a person is not ready to devote part of his daily time and a certain part of his salary to keeping a pet, then it is better not to start a guinea pig.

If, nevertheless, it was decided to purchase an animal, then it is worth remembering some very important points.

Cavia is not aggressive, however, an animal that has fallen into a new home needs peace and time to get used to and become aware of the new environment. It is not recommended to immediately embrace the animal and impose your communication on it. You should not expect from a guinea pig the manifestation of the intellectual abilities of a dog or cat. They are smart, get used to the owner, respond to their name, but they will not be able to follow commands or actively play with children. All guinea pigs are very active creatures. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that pieces of food, sawdust, hay and wool will be scattered around the cage. Some animals are also active at night - they can start games, fights, gnaw on food or equip the cage at their discretion.

The behavior of guinea pigs during the day can also be very noisy, which means it is better not to install a cage with a pet in the bedroom or children's room.

Buying a guinea pig

Before you get a guinea pig, you should familiarize yourself with the breeds of animals, their description, characteristics, requirements and features of the content. You can buy an animal at a pet store or nursery. Buying an animal in a pet store has a number of disadvantages:

  • The inability to purchase a guaranteed thoroughbred pig,
  • Inability to choose the desired color,
  • The inability to trace the pedigree of the animal and observe its character,
  • The inability to buy a guaranteed healthy individual.

Most people prefer to go to guinea pig kennels.

Breeders not only willingly share tips on care and maintenance, but also provide all the information about the pedigree of the animal, help with the desired color and age of the animal.

Male or female

The nature of guinea pigs is almost independent of gender. Boy or girl - the choice is purely individual. Both females and males are friendly and sociable, do not show aggression and become good friends for all family members. The main thing to remember is that guinea pigs are very social and sociable animals and get bored alone. Loneliness often causes stress and various diseases, so it is recommended to buy a pair. If you do not plan to breed animals, it is not necessary to take a heterosexual couple. Two males or two females get along well with each other.

Animal age

If you plan to buy an animal in a pet store, you need to know how to determine the age of a guinea pig. Some try to determine the age of an animal by size. This method does not always work, because the animal may suffer from malnutrition, have poor heredity, various diseases in childhood, or simply be a small breed. The surest way is to look at the teeth. In young animals, they are less worn off, white, even and should have a correct bite. But it is better to try to find out the exact date of birth from the seller. In nurseries there is no problem of age determination. All breeders keep records of piglet births.

It is better to choose a young guinea pig for purchase at the age of four to five weeks.

At this age, they quickly and easily adapt to new conditions. Buying an older animal is advisable when it comes to a rare breed or color. A younger individual is best left to grow with a breeder - she still needs mother's milk and moving can be too stressful.

What breed to choose

All modern breeds of animals are divided into long-haired and short-haired. And if there was no experience in keeping pigs, then it is better to give preference to short-haired animals that do not need complex daily hair care.

What are the shorthair breeds?

  • selfie,
  • satin,
  • bicolor,
  • tricolor,
  • dalmatian,
  • Himalayan,
  • Agouti,
  • American and English Crested,
  • rex,
  • ridgeback,
  • Dutch,
  • Argentinian
  • Teddy,
  • Abyssinian.

Longhair breeds:

  • peruvian,
  • Sheltie,
  • Coronet,
  • Alpaca,
  • merino,
  • Texel.

There are also rare breeds of guinea pigs:

  • Rainbow,
  • blue himalayan,
  • Galaway,
  • Havana,
  • Bonnett,
  • Panda,
  • Curly,
  • Lunkaria,
  • mini yak,
  • skinny,
  • Baldwin,
  • Somalia.

Each breed has its own characteristics and before making a purchase, it is better to get detailed advice from the breeder.

Buying a show guinea pig

The guinea pig show is an interesting event and most people get to know new breeds there. However, to participate in the exhibition, you must have a thoroughbred animal that meets all standards. Such a pig will cost an order of magnitude more expensive than an ordinary animal.

Before you choose a guinea pig for the show, you should get acquainted with the concept of "breeding quality". There are pigs of show class, pet class and breed class.

Show class animals have the correct structure, exterior, coat quality and bright breed characteristics. Most often they take part in exhibitions. You can buy a show-class pig only in a nursery. Breed-class animals are also allowed to participate in exhibitions, although they may have minor flaws in the exterior. They do not become champions, but they are used for breeding and often give good offspring. Pigs of a pet class - may have pedigree characteristics, but have large inconsistencies with the breed standard. Therefore, the entrance to the exhibition is closed to them. For exhibitions, not only the exterior is important, but also the pedigree of the animal, its appearance, character.

Participation in the exhibition is not allowed if the owner is not a member of one of the guinea pig breeding clubs. And preparation for participation takes a lot of time and effort. Exhibitions are held at the club, regional, regional and international levels, there are monobreed, specialized and general for all rodents. Most often, admission to exhibitions of a regional and higher level is based on the results of local events.

The cost of guinea pigs

The cost of a guinea pig is made up of many factors. This is the breed, and breed, and color, and age, and breeding purpose, and character, and region, and origin. An ordinary outbred animal in a pet store can cost from 500 rubles. If we are talking about a thoroughbred animal, then you should be ready to pay about 1500 - 2000 rubles or more if the color is rare. Imported animals are always much more expensive. For the possession of an animal of a rare breed, you will have to pay from 5,000 rubles. The price of an animal of not only a rare breed, but also a rare color can reach tens of thousands of rubles.

Guinea pigs and other animals

Cavia get along well with all pets. A guinea pig and a cat or dog, rabbit or chinchilla can become good friends over time. Those who already have a pet can limit themselves to purchasing one guinea pig instead of a pair. However, you should not introduce animals on the first day and expect friendliness from them. Animals need time to get used to each other. This is especially true for seals, which often begin to hunt for pigs, like mice.

Another important point is that a guinea pig and a rabbit or any other rodent cannot be kept in the same cage. This is a common mistake of beginner breeders, which often leads to the death of the mumps. The main reason is the difference in diets and the possibility of infectious diseases. Often, before buying, people begin to think about who is better, a guinea pig or a rabbit. Animals have a certain similarity, some breeds of rabbits are not larger than guinea pigs. Even decorative rabbits are less adapted to housing conditions. They are less clean, males tend to mark their territory with a very odorous liquid and often have a bad temper.

If the goal is to acquire a pet for a child, then it is better to get a guinea pig. Also, when choosing a rabbit or guinea pig, it is worth remembering that pigs are carriers of fewer diseases and take up less space.

Reading time: 5 min

Before buying a pet, you need to think through and take into account many small, but extremely important points. Features of the breed, age, gender, health status of the animal - all this should be thought out in advance so that its content in the future brings only joy and pleasure.

Pigs need to be cared for daily.

Where is the best place to buy

No matter how cute a fluffy fluffy accidentally seen in a store may seem, no matter how a child begs you - try to avoid a spontaneous purchase by all means. The main conditions for adopting a new pet:

  • consent of all family members;
  • you are ready for the daily care of the pig, cleaning the cage;
  • you have funds for the necessary food, care items, veterinary services;
  • you have someone to leave the animal with in case of departure or vacation.

IMPORTANT: before buying an animal on the market, you need to collect as much information about the seller as possible, find reviews and recommendations about him.

Buying a guinea pig on an ad on the Internet is the preferred option. As a rule, such sellers are the owners of a heterosexual pair of pigs, who sell their numerous offspring. When buying an animal from them, you immediately see the conditions of keeping animals and you can be almost sure that the pigs were kept in comfort. Ask the owners in more detail about the parents of the future pet. It is better not to buy a baby born from inbreeding, since the risk of genetic abnormalities in this case greatly increases.

At the pet store

When buying a guinea pig in a pet store, you need to pay attention to the assortment of the establishment and the conditions in which the animals are kept. It is very good if the store specializes in the sale of animals - this is evidenced by a wide selection of animals, a variety of breeds and competent sellers. In such a store, you can safely buy a pet. But there are few stores like this.

In the nursery

In addition, only in the nursery can you get a thoroughbred animal if you plan to participate in exhibitions.

Signs of a reliable breeder:

  • Regular participation in exhibitions.
  • Numerous good reviews online.
  • Animals have a good pedigree and documents confirming it.
  • The animals are kept in good conditions: the cages are spacious, males and females are kept separately, keeping parents and grown children in one cage is excluded.
  • The breeder is ready to provide you with all the recommendations on nutrition, veterinary care, and animal care.
  • The high price of animals, compared with the market and the pet store.

Ideal purchase age is 4-5 weeks

What to look for when buying

When choosing a pet, it is important to resist the temptation to immediately grab the cutest and sweetest animal. It's not easy, but by being sensible, you can get the most suitable long-lived animal for you.

Girl or boy

Piggy girls are more affectionate and calm, and boys are usually much more active, but sometimes cocky. Otherwise, the choice of the sex of the pet is not too important and you can rely on your personal preferences.

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Ideal age is 4-5 weeks. Babies under three weeks old are not yet ready for independent living, and adults are more difficult to get used to new housing.


It’s good if you have enough time before buying to chat with your future pet and play with it. Then you can better appreciate her character.

IMPORTANT: during the daytime, the pig may be a little sleepy, this is normal. Try to visit her again in the late afternoon, when the animal is resting.

Health status

When buying from a trusted breeder, you will receive all the necessary information about the health of the pet, however, in this case, inspect the animal carefully. If the animal is purchased at a pet store or in the market, almost everything depends on your attentiveness. Signs of possible health problems:

  • excessive salivation;
  • the breathing of the animal is uneven, hoarse;
  • the animal is overexcited or, on the contrary, lies with a cloth;
  • signs of diarrhea;
  • the animal drinks non-stop;
  • wool looks tangled, dirty, there are bald spots;
  • dirty ears;
  • watery eyes;
  • shiver.

Everything necessary for the maintenance of a guinea pig must be purchased before its purchase. Consider the future size and number of pets when choosing a cage.

IMPORTANT: Guinea pigs are sociable animals, so it is preferable to keep them in pairs. If you do not plan to get offspring, it is best to have two girls or a castrated male with a female. The joint keeping of several uncastrated males with one female should be avoided - competition for her favor will provoke fights.

What will be required:

  • Cell. Give preference to a high-quality, easy-to-clean, spacious cage at least 60 cm in length.
  • The carrier, preferably plastic, is small and light. It will be required to transport the animal to exhibitions or to the veterinarian.
  • The drinker has an ideal volume of 250 ml.
  • Absorbent bedding material suitable for rodents.
  • Medium-sized or large sawdust, they are placed on the filler.
  • Hay to be used as both feed and bedding.
  • Food recommended by the breeder.
  • Food bowl, ceramic is best.

There are several breeds to choose from

What breed of guinea pig to choose

As a first pet, it is best to choose a smooth-haired animal of a common breed. Long-haired animals are very beautiful, but require more thorough and daily care.

American guinea pig

Very easy to use, you can buy almost anywhere. Smooth-haired, unpretentious, has many different colors.

american teddy

Pigs of this breed look like cute teddy bears because of the thick short hair. They are light brown to dark brown in color. They need daily cleaning of wool from debris.


They look like American ones, but they have a kind of crest on their heads, resembling a crown. A popular variety that does not require special care.

Peruvian guinea pig

Very long-haired animals that require careful care for a luxurious, straight coat. Some owners even prefer to trim their pets' coats.


They have a long, smooth, as if combed back coat. They need daily brushing.


These animals have an exotic appearance and are popular at exhibitions. The reason for this is curly, thick hair on the entire surface of the body. The coat is easily tangled, so the animals need daily, thorough combing.

At what age should a child start guinea pigs?

A responsible child will be able to take good care of a short-haired guinea pig from the age of seven, but the help of parents at first should be present daily. After ten years, the child will be able to take full responsibility for the pet and parents will only have to exercise general control and take over visits to the veterinarian and visits to exhibitions.

Where to buy a guinea pig - video


A well-chosen guinea pig can become a family pet for many years to come. It will only take simple care and attention to the pet, which in return will delight you with affection and fun games.

You can buy a pig from the age of 4-6 weeks. At this time, the cubs completely switch to independent nutrition and no longer need mother's milk. When choosing a pet, first look at its behavior. Young healthy guinea pigs are mobile and cheerful. If the animal sits in a corner, fluffed up, and does not react to others, this is a bad sign. Having outlined the future pet, carefully examine it. A healthy guinea pig has clear, unclouded eyes, a shiny coat, clean ears free of discharge or crusts, and no mucous or purulent discharge near the nose. Wool should be without bald spots. Guinea pigs are characterized by hairless areas of skin behind the ears in the form of elongated triangles. There may be small areas without hair in the armpit, this should not confuse you. When examining the animal, be sure to pay attention to the bare skin behind the ears.

  • Healthy guinea pigs have clear eyes and a shiny coat without bald spots, they are well fed.

Then they look to see if there are feces in the cage and if there are any signs of diarrhea. Guinea pigs are characterized by somewhat elongated "peas". Even if the selected animal does not have any sticky villi or dirt around the anus, in case of suspected diarrhea, you should refuse to buy or at least linger with it for a few days.

Here are some important and fundamental provisions that you should pay attention to when buying an animal.

If the fur coat of the animal is disheveled and has lost its shine or under the coat, which still retains a healthy appearance, there is dandruff or places with scabs, then you should refuse to buy such an individual, just the same if there are places on the body with shreds of fallen hair. More or less oval-shaped areas with loose hair indicate a fungal infection. In the area behind the ears, as well as on the inside of the front and hind legs, guinea pigs have bald patches.

  • It is necessary to check the animal for the presence of lice. Despite the fact that in small quantities they are not dangerous, when buying, an infected animal should be discarded.

There is no doubt that a guinea pig should be picked up. The fact that she shows signs of timidity at the same time should not stop, since traders or breeders for the most part do not deal with animals individually. Only by taking the animal in your arms, you can determine how fat the animal is. If he is thin, that is, he can feel individual ribs and spine, then the purchase should be abandoned.

Poor body condition is in any case a concern and is likely related to the disease.

It is also often difficult for a specialist to determine whether the malnourished state is due to a lack of wholesome food or whether the cause is a severe infection-induced illness.

  • Although obese guinea pigs are quite rare among newborns, young animals and adults, they should still not be bought. In this case, heart or liver disease should be expected in the future.

The animal must be well fed. Breathing is even, without wheezing, sniffing or whistling. To check this, put the animal to your ear and listen carefully to how it breathes. Be sure to check if the animal suffers from an upset stomach. It is not difficult to determine this, it is enough to examine the hair on the underside of the body in the anus, it should be dry and clean. Be sure to ask what the animal was fed and what kind of food it was used to. When you bring your pet home, in the early days, give him the usual food and only gradually accustom him to the new one.

If you do not plan to breed guinea pigs, then it is better to purchase one animal. In pigs, both males and females are equally well tamed. As we noted above, the closest relatives of guinea pigs in nature live in families, so a single animal will be bored. To prevent this from happening, you will have to pay enough attention to him: pick him up, communicate with him, let him go for walks.

How to determine the sex of a guinea pig

To determine the sex, the animal must be turned on its back. Near the anus there is another small hole. If you press it very carefully, then the coccyx of the penis will stick out of the male. It is much easier to determine the sex of an adult animal, since the male's penis is already well developed. In pigs, it is impossible to determine the sex by the presence or absence of nipples, since both females and males have them.

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