Questioning as a method of socio-psychological research is. Questioning as a method of examination in pedagogy


An oral survey (conversation, interview) is used when a small circle of people is covered, but if it is necessary to interview several tens, hundreds or thousands of people in a short period of time, a written survey is used - a questionnaire. Questionnaire [< фр. enquete – список вопросов] – методическое средство для получения первичной социологической и социально-педагогической информации на основе вербальной коммуникации. Анкета представляет собой набор вопросов, каждый из которых логически связан с центральной задачей исследования. Анкетер – лицо, проводящее сбор материала анкетированием.

Questioning is a method of collecting primary material in the form of a written survey of a large number of respondents in order to collect information using a questionnaire about the state of certain aspects of the educational process, attitudes towards certain phenomena. The questionnaire can cover a large circle of people, which makes it possible to minimize atypical manifestations, while personal contact with the respondent is not necessary. Plus, it is convenient to subject the questionnaires to mathematical processing.

The first step in developing a questionnaire is to determine its content. The compilation of the questionnaire consists in translating the main hypotheses of the study into the language of questions. If, in addition to the opinion itself, it is necessary to know its intensity, then the appropriate rating scale is included in the wording of the question.

The second stage is to choose the right type of questions (open-closed, basic-functional).

The third stage in the preparation of the questionnaire is associated with determining the number and order of questions to be asked.

The questionnaire is used in clarifying opinions, evaluating events, identifying relationships, students' attitudes to activities and various assignments. The questionnaire asks a series of questions (in grades 3-4, no more than 4, in grades 6-8 up to 7-8, in grades 9-10, questionnaires are allowed that require reflection and a written answer within 15 minutes). The questionnaire has a rigid logical structure. The questions are specially selected, carefully thought out in advance, and previously tested on a small group of subjects (5-6 people).


The survey is the most common method of collecting primary information. Almost 90% of all sociological data are obtained with its help. In each case, the survey involves an appeal to a direct participant and is aimed at those aspects of the process that are little or not amenable to direct observation at all. That is why the survey is indispensable when it comes to the study of those meaningful characteristics of social, group and interpersonal relations that are hidden from the outside eye and make themselves felt only in certain conditions and situations. There are two main types of sociological survey: questionnaires and interviews.

Questioning is one of the main types of survey carried out through indirect communication between the sociologist and the respondent. There are the following types of surveys:

a) according to the method of communication between the researcher and the respondent --- press (the questionnaire is printed in a newspaper, magazine); postal (questionnaires are sent by mail) and distribution (questionnaire distributes them to a group of respondents). In the first two cases (distance survey) there is no direct contact with the respondent. In the third case (face-to-face questioning), the questionnaire acts as an instructor in filling out questionnaires, a distributor of questionnaires, however, the questionnaire is filled in by the respondent independently;

b) at the venue --- questioning at the place of residence and at the place of work or study. In the latter case, it can be group (or classroom);

c) by the level of standardization --- fully or partially standardized. This type of survey is determined by the nature of the questions (closed or semi-closed).

Questioning has both advantages (efficiency, saving money and time, etc.) and disadvantages associated with the subjectivity of the information received, its reliability, etc. Therefore, questioning must be combined with other methods of collecting primary information.

The research that the sociologist is striving for involves a survey of certain individuals, and it is necessary that these individuals, if possible, firstly, participate in the survey, and secondly, answer sincerely, carefully, independently, in detail. In this regard, the West German researcher N. Noel speaks of a special "drama of the survey", including, in particular, the disclosure of the sociologist's ability to produce on

respondents a good impression, arouse their interest, gain confidence, confirm their self-confidence, keep them from getting bored and thus make them answer sincerely and with pleasure. This problem is not only purely methodological, but also ethical. The sociologist has to think both about his own research program and about what topics respondents will be more willing to discuss, what might interest them more. Therefore, the questionnaire, according to N. Noel, should be polite, not selfish. And this means that the questionnaire should carry out not only scientific and educational, but also communicative functions.

Thus, not only a list of questions arranged in a logical sequence, united by a single topic, but a list that will be provided with a preamble, instruction, and appeal should be ordered. In addition, it will include not only questions directly aimed at obtaining the desired answers or controlling them, but also questions that allow you to establish contact with the respondents, create a cooperative attitude among them, help relieve tension, boredom and fatigue, uncertainty, etc. In other words, a questionnaire is a list of questions offered to all respondents in an identical form and adapted to the conditions of mass asymmetric purposeful mediated communication.

The process of adapting the questions addressed to the respondents to the necessary communication will be called the design of the questionnaire. The design tasks include: creating and maintaining a cooperative attitude among the respondents; instill confidence in respondents in their ability to answer all the questions; establish trusting relationships, create the impression of the possibility of giving any, the most unexpected and frank answers; release respondents' answers from the impact of previous questions and answers to them; maintain a constant interest in working with the questionnaire.

It is easy to see that the solution of many problems is also achieved through special work

§1. Questionnaire method

Questionnaire method - study of individual psychological characteristics of the personality of a subordinate based on content analysis their written responses to a pre-prepared list of questions ;

Questionnaire , like observation, is one of the most common research methods in psychology. Questionnaires are usually conducted using observational data, which (along with data from other research methods) are used in the design of questionnaires.

There are three main types of questionnaires used in psychology:

These are questionnaires made up of direct questions and aimed at identifying

perceived qualities of the subjects. For example, in a questionnaire aimed at

revealing the emotional attitude of schoolchildren to their age, used

such a question: "Do you prefer to become an adult now, right away, or do you want

remain a child and why?";

these are questionnaires of a selective type, where the subjects for each question of the questionnaire

several ready-made answers are offered; The subject's task is to choose

the most appropriate answer. For example, to determine a student's attitude towards

different academic subjects, you can use the following question: "Which of

subjects - the most interesting?". And as possible answers, you can

propose a list of subjects: "algebra", "chemistry", "geography",

"physics", etc.;

these are scale questionnaires; when answering the questions of questionnaires-scales, the subject should not

just choose the most correct of the ready-made answers, and scale

(evaluate in points) the correctness of the proposed answers. For example,

instead of answering "yes" or "no", subjects can be offered a five-point scale

5 - sure yes;

4 - more yes than no;

3 - not sure, don't know;

2 - no more than yes;

1 - definitely not.

There are no fundamental differences between these three types of questionnaires, they are all

are just different modifications of the survey method. However, if

the use of questionnaires containing direct (and even more so indirect) questions,

requires a preliminary qualitative analysis of the responses, which significantly

makes it difficult to use quantitative methods of processing and analysis

received data, the scale questionnaires are the most formalized type

questionnaires, as they allow more accurate quantitative analysis

survey data.

The indisputable advantage of the questionnaire method is the quick receipt

mass material, which allows us to trace a number of general changes in

depending on the nature of the educational process, etc. disadvantage

method of questioning is that it allows you to open, as a rule,

only the topmost layer of factors: materials, with the help of questionnaires and questionnaires

(composed of direct questions to the subjects), cannot give the researcher

ideas about many regularities and causal dependencies related to

to psychology. Questioning is a means of first orientation, a means

preliminary reconnaissance. To compensate for the shortcomings noted

questionnaires, the use of this method should be combined with the use of

questionnaires, masking the true objectives of the surveys from the subjects, etc.

His written responses to a pre-prepared list of questions;

The method of questioning has long been successfully used in various areas of zoological research. This method is of particular value when collecting information on rare species. It can be used along with standard survey and accounting methods, without requiring large material and time costs. The result of the survey may be additional, often unique,

information about the places of finds of rare species, their way of life, the state of the food supply, the attitude of the local population, existing limiting factors, etc., has not been recorded anywhere before. On the other side

data from preliminary surveys can be used for further planning of measures to survey one or another part of the range of a species of interest, to search for an answer to one or another question posed.

The practice of using the questionnaire method in the study of hunting and commercial species of mammals and birds is well known (Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, 1963; Isakov, 1963; Yurgenson, 1963, etc.), as well as rare species, for example, the snow leopard.

The form of the questionnaire, with external conciseness, has a large information capacity. The simplicity and clarity of the questions posed makes it possible to use it among the general population with different educational levels. The questionnaire is easily translated into various languages. The respondents themselves choose the language of presentation. In some cases, depending on the desire of the respondents, the survey may be anonymous.

Our own experience of questioning, carried out within the framework of projects in 2001 and 2003, made it possible to identify both the undeniable advantages of this method and its shortcomings. The advantages include:

Obtaining unique information from the population and employees of protected areas.

Standardization that allows correct generalization of information.

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By discipline: General psychological workshop

On the topic: Questioning as a method of psychological research

Students of Dmitrikova Maria Alexandrovna

Questioning as a method of psychological research

Today, questioning is one of the most popular methods of psychological research. This method is used not only in psychology, but also in sociology and in many social and human sciences. The problem of studying the features of the survey is timely and most relevant for those who are mastering the profession of a psychologist.

The questionnaire method is a form of survey, which, as a rule, is carried out in absentia. That is, without direct contact between the interviewer and the respondent. It is rational in two cases. The first case is when it is necessary to interview a large number of respondents in a short time. The second case is appropriate if the respondents are given time to think carefully about their answers, while having a printed questionnaire in front of them.

During the survey, you can get the necessary information, for this it is necessary that the questionnaire be carefully prepared. First of all, when preparing the questionnaire, it is necessary to draw up a questionnaire in which the questions will be precisely formulated. It is also necessary to take into account the educational and cultural level of the respondent. When preparing the questionnaire, it is necessary to take into account the wording of questions, the order in which words are used, since this also affects the answer. Do not neglect the rule of arranging questions, they should be placed not in a logical, but in a psychological sequence. Thus, the questions will capture more of the respondent's attention, and will encourage him to a more accurate answer.

Psychology today has a wide range of effective methods for conducting psychological research.

The questionnaire method is a psychological communicative-verbal method in which a list of questions is used as a means to collect information from the respondent - a questionnaire specially designed for this study.

Questioning in psychology is used to obtain psychological data, sociological and demographic play only some supporting role. Communication psychologist with the defendant transferred to a minimum. Questioning allows the most strict adherence to the procedures of planned studies - "question - answer" is strictly checked.

With this method, it is possible to achieve a high rate of mass research at the lowest cost. A feature of this method can be called its anonymity (the identity of the respondent is not indicated, only answers are indicated). It is carried out mainly when it is necessary to find out the opinions of people on some issues and cover a large number of people in a short time.

You can also get a huge amount of information about a product in a short time, find out people's opinions on certain issues, tasks for the goals set. As the name implies: "Questioning", it is based on the main means of recording all the results of the study - questionnaires. According to the explanatory dictionary, a questionnaire is a set of questions (necessarily interconnected), for each of which the respondent (respondent) must give an accurate answer. Questions in the questionnaires may require answers that are precise (mathematical) or expressing a specific opinion (sociological and psychological). Based on these answers, the interviewers draw certain conclusions on the problem of interest to them. questionnaire

In the modern world, to analyze the opinions of different groups of people, questionnaires are most often used as a method of sociological research, therefore, professionals in this field, as well as experienced psychologists, whose task is to competently compose questions for the respondent, are working on the creation of appropriate questionnaires. There are several rules that the so-called "checklist" must comply with.

1. The purpose and content of the total number of questions in the questionnaire should be taken into account.

2. in order to be able to analyze the results of various surveys, at the beginning of the questionnaire there should always be questions from the interlocutor to clarify personal data - surname, name, patronymic (not in all cases), gender and status.

3. Questioning as a research method should not be overloaded with vague or insignificant questions, the charter of which the respondent will not be able to fully answer the very important ones. methodologies

Among other things, the questions in the questionnaire should be clear and logical, follow a logical sequence, and gradually increase the interest of the respondent (in the case of a marketing survey). At the end of the survey, you should ask the most difficult questions, the answers to which you will have to think about. An important condition for the quality of the survey is the accuracy of the wording of the questions, which does not allow double interpretation or ambiguity. When creating a questionnaire, it is impossible to allow questions from several verbose sentences, using professional terms. In addition, if the survey as a method of research is not sociological, it should not address questions about memories, personal preferences, or the social environment in which the respondent lives. questionnaire

Finally, it should be noted: if the questionnaire was created for any type of surveys on your own, do not forget to check before the survey. You can ask questions to people who are not interested in order to assess how well the wording sounds and whether it is easy to give an answer. questionnaire

If the "pilot" test is successful - you can start the study.

Let's analyze the main types of questions in the questionnaire.

According to the content (or orientation) of questions, there are three types:

I) about the identity of the respondent, regarding his gender, age, education, profession, marital status, etc. Their presence allows further processing of the survey material within a particular subgroup of people, if necessary, comparing similar information from different subgroups;

II) about the facts of consciousness, intended to reveal the opinions, motives, expectations, plans, value judgments of the respondents;

III) about the facts of behavior that reveal the real actions, actions and results of people's activities.

Depending on the form of the answer, the questions are divided into closed, semi-closed and open.

A closed question contains a deep set of possible answers. At the same time, the respondent only graphically marks his choice from the options provided to him. The number of choices to be made (one or more) is usually specified in the instructions.

When processing data from large contingents of respondents, deciphering the answers to closed questions is used.

The use of closed questions in the questionnaire makes it possible to effectively compare the results of the respondents. However, they lack the completeness of the expression of individual opinions or assessments, which sometimes causes dissatisfaction of the subjects, and it is also known that such questions can provoke a series of incorrect, automatic answers.

A semi-closed question is used if the compiler is not aware of all possible answers, or if he intends to more accurately and fully find out the individual points of view of the persons being examined. In addition to the list of ready-made answers, such a question contains the column "other answers" and several empty lines (usually seven or eight);

questioning psychological method verbal

An open-ended question assumes that the answer to it will be completely and completely formulated by the respondent himself,

Of course, this will greatly hinder the comparability of responses. Therefore, such questions are used either at the early stages of compiling the questionnaire, or when there is a need for the most complete expression of all individual answers available in the group. Such questions are also inappropriate in cases where the anonymity of respondents is of particular importance.

Consider the classification of questions in the method of questioning.

Questions can be direct or indirect, depending on how they are formulated.

By function, the questions of the questionnaire are divided into information (basic), filters and control (clarifying).

At the same time, most of the questions are aimed at obtaining information from each of the respondents. These are the so-called basic questions.

Filter questions are used when information is needed not from the entire population of respondents, but only from a part of them. This is a kind of "questionnaire in the questionnaire." The beginning and end of the filter is usually clearly marked on the graph.

Control questions make it possible to clarify the correctness of the information declared by the respondents, as well as to skip unreliable answers or even questionnaires from further consideration.

These usually include questions of two types.

1) The first ones are repetitions of informational questions formulated in other words. If the answers of the main and control question are diametrically opposed, they are excluded from the subsequent analysis.

2) Other control questions serve to identify individuals who have an increased propensity to choose socially approved answers. They offer some set of answers where in practice there can be only a single answer.

As can be seen from the nature of these questions, the reliability of getting an honest, but actually unpopular answer to them is very small.

So, let's clarify the advantages and disadvantages of the survey method. methodologies

Pros: Acquisitions

high speed of information acquisition;

the possibility of organizing mass research;

a relatively small volume of labor-intensive procedures for training and research, processing their results;

the lack of influence of the personality and behavior of the interviewer on the work of the respondents;

the lack of expression in the researcher of the relationship of subjective commitment to any of the respondents. interviewers

However, surveys also have significant disadvantages:

the lack of personal contact does not allow, as, say, in a free interview, to change the order and wording of questions depending on the questions or the behavior of the respondents;

not always complete reliability of such "self-reports", the results of which are influenced by the unconscious attitudes and motives of the respondents or their desire to look in a more favorable light, deliberately embellishing the true state of affairs.

In modern psychology, interview questions as an auxiliary method of scientific research, such as sociology and demography, are one of the largest providers, by some estimates, 90% of the collected information.

Conclusion of the interviewers:

Thus, in our work, we examined the method of questioning in psychology. Let's make a corresponding conclusion on our creative work.

Questioning (translated from French enquete, literally - investigation), one of the main technical means of a specific public research; used in psychological, sociological, socio-psychological, economic, demographic and other studies. The questionnaire does not require any indication of the identity of the respondent. The information collected will be used solely for research purposes. Questioning is one of the most common research methods in psychology.

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General information

Questioning in psychology is used to obtain psychological information, and sociological and demographic data play only a supporting role. The contact of the psychologist with the respondent during the survey, in contrast to the interview, is minimized. Questioning allows you to most strictly follow the planned research plan, since the “question-answer” procedure is strictly regulated.

With the help of the questionnaire method, it is possible to obtain a high level of mass research at the lowest cost. A feature of this method can be called its anonymity (the identity of the respondent is not recorded, only his answers are recorded). Questioning is carried out mainly in cases where it is necessary to find out the opinions of people on some issues and cover a large number of people in a short time.

F. Galton is considered the pioneer of using the questionnaire in psychological research, who, in his study of the influence of heredity and environment on the level of intellectual achievements, interviewed a hundred of the largest British scientists using a questionnaire.

Types of survey

By number of respondents

  • Individual survey - one respondent is interviewed;
  • Group survey - several respondents are interviewed;
  • Classroom questioning - a methodical and organizational type of questioning, consisting in the simultaneous filling out of questionnaires by a group of people gathered in one room in accordance with the rules of the selective procedure;
  • Mass survey - from a hundred to several thousand respondents participate (in practice, the work is time-consuming, and the results are less correct).

By coverage

  • Solid - survey of all representatives of the sample;
  • Selective - a survey of a part of the sample.

By type of contact with the respondent

  • Full-time - conducted in the presence of the researcher-questionnaire;
  • Correspondence - the questionnaire is absent:
    • Distribution of questionnaires by mail;
    • Publication of questionnaires in the press;
    • Publication of questionnaires on the Internet;
    • Delivery and collection of questionnaires at the place of residence, work, etc.

Online survey

With the rise of the Internet, an increasingly popular way to collect data is online survey. The design of online questionnaires often influences the outcome of a survey. These design factors include the quality of the questionnaire administration, available formats for presenting data (questions), management methods, sophistication and ethical components of the questionnaire. A number of sites provide a free opportunity to create an online questionnaire and collect data.



  • Yadov V. A. Sociological research - methodology, program, methods. - M .: Samara University Publishing House, 1995. - ISBN 5-230-06020-4
  • Nikandrov VV Verbal-communicative methods in psychology. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2002. - ISBN 5-9268-0140-0

see also

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