Harp pencil drawing. Harp: history, video, interesting facts, listen

Look at the harp from the side where the musician usually sits. You will see that it most closely resembles a triangle. It is with him that you need to start drawing. The harp is a rather tall musical instrument, so it is better to put the sheet vertically.

It is more convenient to draw musical instruments with a simple pencil. More precisely, several pencils - very hard and medium soft. The first is needed for constructions, which in this case are not much different from drawings, the second is for tracing contours and drawing details.

At some distance from the bottom edge of the sheet, draw a short, straight horizontal line. This is necessary to determine the location of the central column. It is better to place the strip closer to the left vertical edge of the sheet. Draw a long vertical line.

When drawing, a ruler is usually not used, but an exception can be made for the image of musical instruments, especially if you need a sketch for an appliqué.

Draw a right angle

Mark the height of the harp on the vertical line. Draw a horizontal line from this point. The length of this new segment is about a third of the height of the musical instrument. Make a mark and draw another vertical line from this point with a thin pencil. On it, set aside a distance approximately equal to half the upper horizontal. Connect this point with straight lines to the ends of the original vertical line. You've got the base for the harp.
Preliminary constructions are best done with a very hard pencil, barely visible lines.

Sketch ready

Draw the top slanted line. It most of all resembles the upper part of the sleeve pattern and consists of two arcs. The convex part of the upper arc is directed upwards, the lower - downwards. There may be other design options, so you have to choose the best one. For example, this line might look like the top of a heart.

Draw the inner frame of the harp. Its contour exactly repeats the external one. If you want to add volume to the harp, draw another contour line - between the existing ones. Draw a few strings parallel to the column. Decorate your harp with an ornament.

Volume can be given to it with the help of hatching. There are several stroke options. For example, you can apply horizontal arcuate strokes close to the vertical lines of a column. If the hatching is vertical, it will be thicker at the contour lines and less often in the center.

A separate topic is a sketch for an application. In this case, you do not need to hatch anything. You don't even need strings. Draw an outline, cut it out of cardboard and cover with foil. Strings can be made from lurex - you will get a great gift for the New Year.

Stringed musical instrument. It is believed that the beauty of her appearance surpasses all her neighbors in the orchestra. Its graceful outlines hide the shape of a triangle, the metal frame is decorated with carvings. Strings (47-48) of different lengths and thicknesses are pulled onto the frame, which form a transparent mesh. At the beginning of the 19th century, the famous piano master Erar improved the ancient harp. He found a way to quickly change the length of the strings and thus the pitch of the harp.

The virtuoso possibilities of the harp are rather peculiar: wide chords, passages from arpeggios, glissando - sliding the hand along all the strings tuned to some chord, harmonics are excellent on it.


One of the oldest musical instruments of mankind. It originated from a bow with a stretched string, which sounded melodious when fired. Later, the sound of the bowstring was used as a signal. The man who first pulled three or four bowstrings on a bow, which, due to their unequal length, made sounds of different heights, became the creator of the first harp. Even in the Egyptian frescoes of the 15th century BC, harps still resemble a bow. And these harps are not the most ancient: the oldest archaeologists found during excavations of the Sumerian city of Ur in Mesopotamia - it was made four and a half thousand years ago, in the 26th century BC.

In ancient times, in the East, in Greece and Rome, the harp remained one of the most common and beloved instruments. It was often used to accompany singing or playing other instruments. The harp also appeared early in medieval Europe: here Ireland was famous for its special art of playing it, where folk singers - bards - sang their sagas to its accompaniment.


It has the shape of a triangle, which consists: firstly, of a resonant box-box approximately 1 meter long, expanding downwards; its former shape was quadrangular, while the present one is rounded on one side; it is equipped with a flat deck, usually made of maple wood, in the middle of which a narrow and thin rail of hard wood is attached along the length of the body, in which holes are punched for threading the gut strings; secondly, from the upper part (in the form of a large neck), snake-like curved, attached to the top of the body, forming an acute angle with it; pegs are attached to this part to strengthen the strings and tune them; thirdly, from the front beam, which is in the form of a column, the purpose of which is to resist the force produced by the strings stretched between the fingerboard and the resonant body.

Since the harp already in the past had a significant sound volume (five octaves), and the room for the strings of the full chromatic scale is not enough, the strings in the harp are stretched only to produce the sounds of the diatonic scale. A harp without a pedal can only play one scale. For chromatic rises in the old days, the strings had to be shortened by pressing the fingers against the fingerboard; later, this pressing began to be done with the help of hooks set in motion by hand. Such harps turned out to be extremely inconvenient for performers; these shortcomings were largely eliminated by the mechanism in the pedals, invented by Jacob Hochbrucker in 1720. This master attached seven pedals to the harp, acting on the conductors, which passed through the empty space of the beam to the fingerboard and there brought the hooks into such a position that they, firmly adjoining the strings, they produced chromatic enhancements throughout the entire volume of the instrument.

The role of the harp in the orchestra

The role of the harp in the orchestra not so much emotional as colorful. The harp often accompanies various instruments in the orchestra; at other times, she is tasked with spectacular solos. There are many of them in the ballets of Tchaikovsky, Glazunov, in the works of Rimsky-Korsakov. Of the Western European composers of the 19th century, the harp was most widely used by Berlioz, Meyerbeer, Wagner and Liszt. The well-known part of two harps in the "Waltz" from the "Fantastic Symphony" by Berlioz marked the beginning of that virtuoso style that has become the leading one in the last three centuries. Previously, from its appearance in the symphony orchestra of the 18th century until Berlioz, the harp imitated the sound, (as in Glinka's "The Aragonese Hunt") or harpsichord. The harp was also used in cases where it was necessary to evoke an association with antiquity. Gluck's Orpheus or Beethoven's Prometheus are examples.

The orchestra usually uses one or two harps, but in some cases their number is increased. So, in Rimsky-Korsakov's "Mlada" there are three harps, and in Wagner's "Golden Rhine" - six.

Famous harpists

Nicola Boxa
Marcel Granjany
Vera Dulova
Marcel Tournier
Tatyana Tower
Nadezhda Tolstaya
Alphonse Hasselmans
Ksenia Erdeli
Olga Erdeli
Papisova Anastasia
Natalia O'Shea

Video: Harp on video + sound

Thanks to these videos, you can get acquainted with the instrument, watch the real game on it, listen to its sound, feel the specifics of the technique:

Sale: where to buy/order?

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Musical Instrument: Harp

Golden strings, reminiscent of the rays of the sun ... An elegant frame, decorated with carvings and ornaments - like the wing of a huge butterfly. Noble sound and soft silvery timbre... It is not surprising that the harp is considered the most beautiful and poetic musical instrument. And also mysterious.

In ancient times, the harp was considered an instrument of the gods, in the Middle Ages - monks and theologians, at the end of the last millennium it was considered an aristocratic passion, today it is a magnificent instrument played mainly by women, but everyone listens without exception. Almost everything can be played on the harp - from church music to rock.

The harp inspired poets and musicians, gave rise to creative messages in the souls, filled romantic hearts with love ardor. Even in form, this instrument resembles the wing of a fairy-tale butterfly.

history harps and many interesting facts about this musical instrument, read on our page.

The sound of a harp

The bewitching sounds of the harp cannot leave anyone indifferent. The deep, as if unearthly sound of this plucked instrument excites the imagination and makes one agree with the incredible legends of its divine origin. When playing the harp, glissando is often used - a quick finger picking of the strings. At the same time, a whole cascade of sounds appears, reminiscent of a sparkling waterfall.

For several hundred years, this stringed plucked musical instrument has been very popular with composers. W. Mozart , C. Debussy, G. Handel , S. Vasilenko, R. Glier and others wrote concertos for harp and orchestra. And all because the instrument has amazing timbre and color capabilities. The harp can imitate the playing of various musical instruments - the lute, harpsichord or guitar , as, for example, by M. Glinka in “ Aragonese jota ".. The usual number of octaves is 5. Using the pedals, you can extract sounds from the "re" contra-octave to the "fa" of the fourth octave.

The harp is an obligatory member of any symphony orchestra. As a rule, it has 1 or 2 such instruments, but there were exceptions. For example, in the opera-ballet "Mlada" Rimsky-Korsakov 3 harps participate, in the opera "Gold of the Rhine" Wagner there are six of them. Other instruments are accompanied on it, but solo parts are often given (Tchaikovsky's ballets “ Nutcracker ", "Swan Lake", " sleeping Beauty ”, “Raymonda” Glazunov ).


Interesting Facts

  • There is a harp for playing in 4 hands, 2 performers can play it at once.
  • The longest harp performance lasted 25 hours and 34 minutes. Young American harpist Carla Sita was only 17 years old when she completed such a long marathon in 2010, performing music of different genres.
  • In Russia, the industrial production of harps began in Leningrad, 3 years after the end of World War II.
  • The image of a harp was present on the banners of Britain. It was first applied to the flag by King James of Scotland and England.

  • According to legend, the Celtic god of abundance, playing the harp, changed the seasons.
  • The priests of ancient Egypt performed rituals involving the harp.
  • Until the 19th century, the harp was considered a purely male instrument. However, in 1929, during the excavations of the royal tomb in Ur, they found about 70 skeletons of women with gold and silver harps in their hands.
  • Scientists believe that thanks to the energy flows generated by playing the harp, the human body heals. Even Pythagoras used the sounds of this instrument for healing diseases. Today there is a whole area of ​​alternative medicine - harp therapy, as one of the areas of vibroacoustic therapy.
  • There are a lot of long-livers among harpers. For example, the soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, the famous harpist V.G. Dulova lived for 90 years, and her colleague, harpist K.K. Saradzhev is almost 100 years old.
  • For many hundreds of years (since the 13th century) this instrument has been a symbol of Ireland. Having become a Free State, Ireland has not lost its reverence for the harp. It is on the coat of arms, presidential and state seals, flag, coins, etc.

  • The largest ensemble of harps was gathered in Asuncion, Paraguay, on October 26, 2013 to perform at the festival of 2 pieces of music. 420 harpists from different countries and all ages participated, the youngest was 8 years old and the oldest 70. All participants were auditioned before performing by professional harpists and teachers.
  • In Greece, it was believed that the sounds of the harp create a staircase connecting heaven and earth, gods and mortals, in Egypt and Syria they attributed magical properties and believed that the harp opens the doors to paradise, and therefore they decorated them very expensively: they covered them with gold or silver, inlaid with ivory bone and precious stones. All nationalities endow this instrument with unusual, magical properties. Judging by how these velvety sounds have a beneficial effect on people, these versions become plausible.


R. Gliere - Concerto for harp and orchestra in E-flat major (listen)

W. A. ​​Mozart - Concerto for flute, harp and orchestra in C major (listen)

C. Debussy - Concerto for harp and orchestra (listen)


The structure of the instrument is quite simple: a triangular frame with an elegant curve and a series of strings stretched over it. The number of strings on modern harps varies from 40 to 47. The musical instrument weighs about 30 kg, but this does not prevent him from remaining refined and sophisticated.

The frame consists of several parts:

  • Resonant case with rounding down.
  • Deca with a solid rail.
  • Frame with pegs for fixing the strings.
  • The front bar is in the form of a straight column.
  • Base (in some models, legs or stands).

The pedal harp has a mechanism for changing the pitch of 46 strings. The body is made of wood or metal. At the same time, it is decorated with carvings, gilding, and decorative elements. For ease of reference, the notes “do” at the beginning of each octave are colored red, the notes “fa” are black or blue.

Manufacturers: Aoyama (Japan), Camac (France), Horngacher (Germany), Lyon & Healy (USA), Salvi (Italy), Thurau-Harfenmanufaktur (Germany).


The classification of this instrument is extremely simple, the division exists by the presence or absence of pedals, as well as by size. There are main types and their categories:

  • Pedal harp. Professional instrument, which can also be electric, equipped with pickups. Features a 7-pedal pedal mechanism. Weight 30-50 kg. Height up to 2 meters.
  • Levers harp. This variety can be of different sizes. The number of strings varies from 22 to 44. The weight varies from 5 to 15 kg. The pedal mechanism is replaced by the upper levers-levers.
  • Knee harp, Irish or Celtic. It is deprived of the opportunity to take basses, it has from 12 to 22 strings. Weighs no more than 5 kg.


There are legends and parables about the origin of the harp. It is generally accepted that the progenitor of this instrument is a wooden bow, the stretched bowstring of which makes a sound, and the ornate contour resembles the bends of a harp. It is found at the excavations of ancient Sumerian settlements, which suggests that the harp appeared at the dawn of the evolution of the human race.

Similar instruments pop up in African tribes, ancient Egypt, Greece, the Roman Empire. They were decorated with jewels, elements of ivory, gold, and silver were added. In the Golden Age, this instrument was used mainly for church works. The monks composed the music for them.

In European countries, wandering artists have played harps since the 8th century, they used small instruments. Large-sized varieties spread in the 16th-17th centuries. People tried to expand the range of the instrument and applied various transformations and additions. The harp began to be included in choral and orchestral performances. J. Hochbrucker invented the pedals, which made it possible to endow it with a large range, in 1720, continuing the idea of ​​using regulating keys that arose in 1660. The prototype of the modern harp was created by Sebastian Erard. The widespread use of this magical instrument by Russian music lovers began in the 18th century.

    To draw a harp with a pencil, you need of course pencils. At first, you will not succeed very well, so to speak, sketches, but then when you have already practiced drawing a harp several times, the result will be immediately visible. In order to draw a harp, you need to draw flexible lines in the form of the instrument itself.

    There is also a video that can help you draw a harp:

    How to draw a harp

    Harp- a beautiful and elegant instrument, it is sure to show in the drawing, especially since it is not difficult to draw this musical instrument. Using the detailed drawing steps, even a beginner will be able to accurately portray her.

    And here is our final drawing, after coloring:

    We will draw a harp with a pencil.

    The whole process will take only three steps.

    • First draw the base of the harp, draw the curves of the tree,
    • Then draw the little things, draw the strings with a ruler,
    • The third stage is the final one. A couple more strings and the harp drawing is ready.

    Step by step photo instruction:

    First of all, we begin to draw an arc - the basis of the harp.

    Now it remains to add a handle, and after it draw the strings. Our drawing is ready - you can decorate it if you wish.

    You can draw a harp like this: first a sketch, then the details of the harp drawing (base, gracefully curved arc, strings).

    Also, step-by-step video instructions for drawing a harp will help you get the image right.

    I offer the following options for drawing a harp with a pencil in stages:

In the last lesson we talked about . At the request of our reader Katerina Mikhailovna, today I will tell you about. Google found a lot of pictures, the choice fell on this one. Attracts with simplicity and elegance:

Let's start by drawing two oval shapes. The first one is a little smaller. We connect them with lines. Look at the picture:
Next, we move on to drawing the details of the violin. Add the tailpiece, bridge and neck. I marked the necessary elements with arrows in the picture:
Having outlined the main lines, we outline the contours:
Let's move on to the strings. Please note that they are not straight and should not be drawn under the ruler. The fracture occurs at the level of the stand. And let's add pegs.
It remains to add some realistic details:
Finishing the work, I circled the outlines of the drawing, after removing the extra lines with an eraser. The result is this picture:
He told everything he could. Sorry, but I am completely unfamiliar with musical instruments, despite my great love for music. She inspires me to new creations, inspires thoughts, gives new ideas. See next.

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