Beetroot is a starchy vegetable or not. Non-starchy vegetables for proper nutrition


Non-starchy vegetables (products) according to Shelton. Starch disadvantages. Dish recipes.

Herbert Shelton, in his theory of separate nutrition, divided vegetables into two groups, non-starchy and starchy. This separation principle is the basis for selecting products for compatibility.

Non-starchy vegetables
All crunchy, juicy and green leafy vegetables are non-starchy. These are cucumbers, turnips, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and white cabbage, kohlrabi, rhubarb, radishes, Bell pepper. Leafy green vegetables (spinach, green beet leaves, lettuce, bamboo shoots, onion, chicory, celery, parsley, sour sorrel, garlic, leek, dandelion, turnip green leaves. These vegetables are recommended to be combined with a protein food (fish or meat) Especially for meat, prepare salads with celery and other herbs.

Starchy vegetables are vegetables that are high in starch. This list of vegetables includes: pumpkin, cauliflower, zucchini, beets, green pea, carrots, eggplants. These vegetables should not be combined with proteins. According to the theory of separate nutrition, they are combined with greens, fruits and fats. I recommend pairing them with foods such as: ripe peas, cereals, potatoes, chestnuts, mature beans, peanuts and all starchy vegetables. You can’t call starchy vegetables unhealthy, they are good for muscles and the brain

Shelton G. classifies sauerkraut and tomatoes as sour fruits and proposes to combine them with fish and meat.
According to the theory of separate nutrition of harmful or useful products No, but there is the ability to properly combine products.

Advantages and disadvantages of starch
Starch is a complex carbohydrate found in fruits, vegetables, stems, leaves and roots of plants. And also in rye, wheat, various cereals, potatoes, legumes. It promotes the absorption of such products.

Shelton G. believes that starchy foods do not combine with foods that contain protein. Since proteins require an acidic environment for digestion, and an alkaline environment for starch. When such products are digested by the stomach, the processes of putrefaction and fermentation are activated, which leads to a violation of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, bloating, etc.).

Excessive consumption of starchy foods leads to the formation of fatty deposits.
However, nutritionists believe that a variety of foods promotes training and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. being, long time on a separate diet, a mixed one can harm the gastrointestinal tract, as it is not able to adapt to loads of different severity.

The basis of separate nutrition is non-starchy vegetables

Unlike starchy foods, which go with a limited list of foods, non-starchy foods go with almost all foods. Nutritionists recommend that all people consume these products in combination with any other, with the exception of milk and dairy products.
Shelton G. highlight intermediate products. These products he calls legumes (legumes): lentils, peas, beans, soybeans. They contain a lot of vegetable protein and starch. Legumes are heavy food for the stomach. However, soy contains the least amount of starch.
Starch-free vegetables also include green leafy vegetables. The group of these vegetables is very large, from which you can choose the ones that suit you, your taste and combine with other products.
World Health Organization recommendations:

  • eat a large amount of starchy and non-starchy vegetables and fruits;
  • consume at least 4 types of fruits and vegetables per day;
  • the main part of raw carbohydrates is consumed, the daily norm is 400 g;

But eating a lot of raw vegetables can lead to stomach and intestinal problems, which are accompanied by bloating and pain in the abdomen. In this case, vegetables should be eaten stewed, boiled or steamed. Prepare salads for weight loss according to the recipes below.

Remember, everyone chooses for himself which principles of nutrition are closer to him, but do not forget that, first of all, it is necessary not to harm the body. Therefore, nutritionists advise including non-starchy and starchy vegetables in your diet, which will help balance nutrition and not cause harm to health.

Sample recipes with non-starchy vegetables

Appetizer of garlic

  • 2 heads of garlic
  • 30 g walnuts
  • 300 gleba (rye)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil, sunflower oil can be substituted
  • parsley.

Grind the peeled garlic. Squeeze soaked rye bread in water and add garlic and chopped nuts. Season with vegetable oil and parsley.

White cabbage in Korean

one medium head of cabbage, one head of onion, three to four cloves of garlic, ground red pepper to taste.

Cooking method:
Shredded cabbage, grind on a dish to keep the juice. Finely chop the garlic and onion, add red pepper to taste. Mix everything and lay out, put under oppression for two to three days.

If you add three to four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, then the salad can be eaten on the same day.

Tomatoes with cheese

  • tomatoes -700 g
  • 300 g - suluguni cheese
  • onion, pepper, garlic to taste

Cooking method:
Cut the tomatoes into rings, grate the cheese. Grind onion, garlic, pepper. Mix all ingredients.

So that the onion is not spicy, dip it in boiling water for a few minutes.

  • one zucchini
  • one apple
  • one cucumber (lightly salted)
  • onion, lemon peel, herbs
  • swept away ( vegetable oil).

Cooking method:
Grate the apple and zucchini, finely chop the cucumber, onion and lemon zest. Mix the ingredients, season with vegetable oil (sour cream), sprinkle with herbs.

Spring herb sauce

  • one bunch of parsnips
  • two - three young leaves of lemongrass, currant, gooseberry.
  • lemon juice.

Cooking method:
Finely chop the greens and mix with lemon juice (apple or orange).

  • 300 g kohlrabi
  • one bunch of green onions
  • three to four tablespoons of bechamel sauce
  • one head of onion.

Cooking method:
Grate the cabbage, finely chop the onion, add the sauce, mix everything.

red cabbage salad

  • red cabbage -500 g
  • lemon juice - one tablespoon
  • honey - one teaspoon
  • cinnamon and cloves.

Cooking method:
Shred the cabbage. Prepare the sauce by mixing honey with lemon juice. Mix thoroughly

Salad with cauliflower, lemon and honey

  • 0.5 kg cauliflower
  • one lemon
  • cilantro, dill, parsley
  • one teaspoon of honey
  • three bay leaves
  • three pieces of allspice.

Cooking method:
Boil water with bay leaf and allspice. Divide the cabbage into inflorescences for a couple of minutes, dip in boiling water, mix with lemon, honey and sprinkle with herbs.

White cabbage salad

  • 0.5 kg white cabbage
  • five tomatoes
  • one carrot
  • one parsley root
  • one bell pepper
  • one head of onion
  • cranberries for decoration.

Cooking method:
Grate or finely chop the parsley, carrots, peppers, onions, stew the tomatoes. Mix finely chopped cabbage with stewed vegetables, add cranberries.

Salad with radish and cucumber

  • fresh cucumbers -400 g
  • radish -300 g
  • lemon juice -200 g
  • vegetable oil - one spoon

Cooking method:
Chop the radish, mix with a sauce of lemon juice and vegetable oil, leave for 20 minutes. put the radish in a salad bowl and garnish with cucumber. Include this salad in your cucumber diet.

Salad with tomatoes, nuts and garlic

  • tomatoes -0.5 kg
  • walnuts -200 g
  • onion -130 g
  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • vegetable oil -20 g
  • cilantro and parsley
  • black pepper (ground)

Cooking method:
Warm the nuts in a frying pan and crush them with garlic. Cut the tomatoes into circles and shift with a sauce of nuts and garlic, pour over with oil. Sprinkle with parsley and cilantro.

nettle salad

  • 300 young nettle worms (without petioles)
  • one bunch of garden greens
  • ten dandelion leaves
  • one fresh (salted) cucumber
  • green onion.

Cooking method:
Soak nettle leaves in salt water for 15-20 minutes. Chop all greens and cucumber, season with any sauce.

More information

In accordance with the theory of separate nutrition by Herbert Shelton, all vegetables can be conditionally divided into two groups: starchy and non-starchy. This separation is the main principle of Shelton's theory and plays big role when choosing compatible products.

What are non-starchy vegetables

Non-starchy vegetables are all juicy crunchy vegetables. Often green leafy vegetables are also included in this group. The group of non-starchy vegetables includes turnips, broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, kohlrabi, asparagus, sweet peppers, rhubarb, pumpkin, and radishes. Green leafy vegetables are lettuce, chicory, spinach, green beet leaves, celery, dandelion, green turnip leaves, sour sorrel, parsley, garlic, bamboo shoots, onion, leek.

Non-starchy vegetables, in accordance with the principles of separate nutrition, are recommended to be combined with proteins (fish and meat), starchy vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower, beets, carrots, eggplants, green peas), fruits, herbs and fats. They cannot be combined only with milk and dairy products. .

Starchy vegetables are also very healthy, they are recommended to be combined with other starchy foods (except starchy vegetables, this includes all cereals, mature beans, mature peas, potatoes, chestnuts, peanuts), non-starchy vegetables, fats, seeds, nuts and fermented milk products. But they cannot be combined with proteins (meat and fish), fruits and sweets.

Tomatoes and sauerkraut according to G. Shelton, they are sour fruits, they are well combined with meat and fish.

In accordance with the concept of separate nutrition, there are no absolutely harmful or healthy products, you just need to be able to combine them correctly.

Advantages and disadvantages of starch

Starch is a complex carbohydrate found in many vegetables, fruits, roots, stems and leaves of plants. A lot of starch in potatoes, wheat, rye, various cereals, legumes. It is starch that contributes to the good absorption of these products.

But G. Shelton believes that foods containing a large amount of starch cannot be combined with proteins (meat and fish), since the digestion of the latter requires an acidic environment, and the digestion of starch requires an alkaline one. As a result of this combination, the gastrointestinal tract works with a high degree stress and still cannot prevent the processes of fermentation and putrefaction from the digestion of incompatible products. Over time, the combination of starch with carbohydrates leads to the formation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Too many starchy foods in the diet is not very healthy, as it contributes to the formation of body fat.

Modern nutritionists do not entirely agree with these provisions, they believe that a varied diet contributes to the training of the gastrointestinal tract. If a person is on a separate diet for a long time , then a mixed diet can really harm him, as the gastrointestinal tract loses its ability to adapt to various loads.

Non-starchy vegetables - the basis of separate nutrition

If starchy vegetables are far from being combined with all products, then non-starchy ones can be consumed with all other products, except for milk and dairy products. They are recommended to be included in the diet of all people and combined with any products with the exception of dairy products.

According to G. Shelton, intermediate products are legumes (they are also called legumes - peas, beans, lentils), which contain a large amount of starch and at the same time vegetable protein. Pulses are considered to be hard to digest food. Of all the products in this group, soy contains the least amount of starch.

Herbert Shelton developed the theory of separate nutrition, he also divided vegetables into two main groups - non-starchy and starchy. This principle of separation is the basis for the selection of different products for compatibility with each other.

Green non-starchy vegetables

The non-starchy group includes all juicy, crunchy, green leafy vegetables. These are turnips, asparagus, cucumbers, white cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi, sweet peppers, rhubarb and radishes. Non-starchy include large group leafy green vegetables, consisting of spinach, green leaves, beets, lettuce, bamboo shoots, onions, chicory, celery, parsley, sour sorrel, garlic, leeks, dandelion, green turnip leaves. Nutritionists advise combining these vegetables with protein foods (fish, eggs and meat). Especially meat goes well with salads of celery and other greens.

Starchy vegetables for a healthy diet

Sauerkraut and Shelton tomatoes are sour fruits. He suggests eating them with meat and fish.

Starch - advantages and disadvantages

Starch is one of complex carbohydrates. It contains fruits, vegetables, stems, leaves and roots of plants. As well as rye, wheat, various cereals, legumes and potatoes. Starch promotes the absorption of these products.

Shelton G. argues that starchy foods are not compatible with those foods that contain Because protein digestion requires an acidic environment, while starch digestion requires an alkaline environment. With the simultaneous digestion of these products by the stomach, the processes of fermentation and putrefaction begin, leading to disruption of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract (bloating, constipation, etc.).

People who consume starchy foods excessively provoke the formation of body fat.

Green and non-starchy vegetables are the basis of a separate diet

Unlike starchy foods that go with a limited list, non-starchy foods can go with almost all foods. Experts recommend that everyone eat these foods along with any other, except for dairy products and milk.

Shelton identifies intermediate products. He gave this name to legumes (in other words, legumes): lentils, peas, beans, soybeans. They contain a lot of vegetable proteins and starch. It must be admitted that legumes are heavy food for the stomach. Soy contains the least amount of starch.

Green leafy vegetables are also classified as starch-free vegetables. The group of such vegetables is very large, you can choose from it the ones that suit you, to your own taste, and eat them with other products.

  • Eating a large number of vegetables and fruits - starchy and non-starchy.
  • Eating at least 4 types of vegetables and fruits per day.
  • The use of the main part of carbohydrates only in raw form (the norm per day is 400 g).

However, use in in large numbers raw vegetables sometimes leads to problems related to the intestines and stomach. They can be accompanied by bloating and even pain in the abdomen. In such cases, vegetables should be eaten stewed, boiled, or steamed. It is good to prepare salads for weight loss from non-starchy vegetables.

It must be remembered that everyone chooses for himself what principles of nutrition are closer to him, but do not forget that, first of all, the main thing is not to harm your body. Therefore, nutritionists recommend having non-starchy and starchy vegetables in your diet. So you can balance your diet and do not harm your health.

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