Interesting and useful. The most useful foods TOP10


Today, the topic of healthy eating is more relevant than ever, because in modern world there are a lot of negative factors: bad ecology, GMOs, synthetics used everywhere - all this affects human health not the most in the best way. To stay healthy, you need to try to lead healthy lifestyle lifestyle, exercise and diet. But not everyone knows what proper nutrition and what is the most useful product for a person. Therefore, today we will tell you what foods should be in the diet of every person.

Top useful products

Our favorite products are not always useful. For example, sweets, smoked foods, alcoholic beverages, ice cream cannot be attributed to healthy food. According to scientists, the most useful foods are fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, as well as honey and dairy products.

This is far from full list what is most beneficial to the body. We can mention such products: honey, cottage cheese, olive oil, buckwheat, egg, leaf lettuce, banana, radish, greens, etc.

More information about benefits various products and about healthy eating you will find in the section.

The most-most useful foods TOP10

Would you like to participate in a little experiment? To do this, you do not need to do something special or make incredible efforts, just go to your refrigerator, open the door and, looking around the contents of the shelves with an inquisitive eye, answer how many of the most useful products you found there. Take your time, take it seriously and do not confuse delicious, favorite and not very healthy foods for the body with sometimes not loved, but very useful. This means that the smoked sausage and a piece of yesterday's leftover chicken after dinner should be pushed aside. They are not useful products. Canned food, mayonnaise and ketchup will also go there. What is the result? Not many useful products have been found, right? Or not found at all?

Maybe, thoughtfully frozen in front of the refrigerator, you simply cannot be sure which of the products is healthy and which is not. Do not worry, there are probably more than half of such doubters, because in order to name useful products, you need to know their properties. To help you solve this problem, we have prepared for you a list of the top 10 healthiest foods. According to scientists, these foods are the most useful for this moment. In fact, there are many more of them, but we want to talk about the very best, the useful properties of which are well studied and tested, so to speak, by time. These very, very healthy foods are quite affordable for everyone, they can be bought at any supermarket and at any time of the year. But this does not mean at all that only these ten products will now “settle” in your refrigerator. Just do not forget about them, let them be present in your diet and benefit your body.


By the amount of vitamin C, it overtakes oranges, and there is more calcium in it than in milk. Cabbage stimulates the production of red blood cells, promotes tissue rejuvenation, activates metabolism, regulates fat metabolism, lowers blood cholesterol, improves immunity and strengthens the heart muscle. Cabbage retains its useful vitamins that our body needs even when pickled. The nutritional value and benefit sauerkraut due to the high content of lactic acid, mineral salts and vitamins. And in this wonderful vegetable there is a lot of nicotinic acid, which gives a beautiful, healthy shine to the hair and strength to the nails. So do not deny yourself the pleasure of being beautiful and healthy, eat cabbage!

By the number of useful substances contained in it, it does not lag behind cabbage. Therefore, they often act as an excellent duet in most cooked dishes. Carrots can be used in different types- raw, boiled and stewed, fried, pickled ... To better digest carrots, eat them with sour cream or sunflower oil. But most often, chew it raw - this will strengthen the gums and significantly reduce the number of germs in the mouth. Carrots are famous not only for the content of the well-known vitamin A (carotene), which is also called the vitamin of beauty, but there are plenty of other vitamins in it, as well as minerals. I just can’t believe that an ordinary small carrot also contains fructose, glucose, lecithin, amino acids, proteins and starch. Carrots strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the intestines, have a beneficial effect on vision and, according to many scientists, can even prevent the development of oncological diseases. And this is only a small fraction of what this miracle vegetable is capable of, deserving not only respect, but also indispensable inclusion in the daily diet.

Onion or garlic
Just allies in the fight against various diseases. In fact, they are similar to each other in the presence of the same useful substances and the invaluable benefits that they bring to the body when we, without even thinking about it, add them to many dishes. It is about them that one can say with full confidence: "The spool is small, but expensive." Onions and garlic strengthen the immune system, lower blood cholesterol levels, come to the rescue in case of liver diseases and are simply indispensable for colds. Of course, eating onions and garlic is much healthier when raw, but not everyone dares to eat them raw every day - the smell is painfully stunning. From time to time, when important meetings and close communication with people are not expected, you can afford a few cloves of fresh garlic or slices of onion, this will only have a beneficial effect on your body.


There are an incredible amount of healthy fruits, and therefore, to say that we need only one of them is not only wrong, but even somehow impolite towards others. Another thing is what kind of fruits we can afford depending on the price or season. Therefore, we consider two options that are quite accessible to us.

Apples - such relatives, in all respects useful and wonderful fruits. Remember the proverb: "One apple a day - doctors out of work?" As they say, you plucked a vitamin from a branch, washed it - and enjoy the taste and aroma, and at the same time saturate your body with all sorts of useful things. And, by the way, there are a lot of them. Eating apples slows down the growth of cancer cells, relieves inflammation, and normalizes the functioning of the stomach. And besides, apples are a real pantry of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the immune system and the human circulatory system.

Bananas , which are sold in our supermarkets all year round, have long been perceived by Russians not as overseas guests, but as relatives, and the price of this amazingly unique fruit is quite acceptable. Bananas will benefit both a healthy person and those who are prone to diseases of the digestive tract. They are quickly absorbed by the body, thanks to which they satisfy hunger. Bananas contain three natural sugars, namely fructose, glucose and sucrose, as well as the vitamins and chemical elements we need. But most importantly, bananas are champions in the content of potassium, which we need for the cardiovascular system, liver, brain, muscles and strength. bone tissue. If you, for example, tend to seize stress with sweets, give preference to bananas, which will relieve nervous excitement, bring sugar back to normal and help metabolism.


Beans - one of the brightest and most useful representatives of the legume family, the constant use of which has a rejuvenating effect and helps prolong life. In addition, beans are very unpretentious, and it will not be difficult to grow them on your site. This inconspicuous "prude" contains a high amount of vegetable protein and potassium, which is necessary for the good functioning of the heart and other vital organs, fiber - for better work the entire gastrointestinal tract. It is also extremely low in calories and high in antioxidants. The amount of bean proteins is superior to lamb, chicken and cottage cheese, it is on equal terms in protein with granular caviar and cheese products. Good news for vegetarians and fasting people!


Cottage cheese is calcium and phosphorus, necessary for the formation of bone tissue, healthy teeth, nails, heart, brain and blood vessels, as well as an easily digestible protein that can replace meat and fish proteins. The best cottage cheese is, of course, home-made or bought on the market from a seller you trust. But if this is not possible, choose a product with the name “Cottage cheese” in the store, and not the “Curd product” that appeared on the shelves in abundance, you are unlikely to get the benefits that we are telling you about from it.

Vegetable oils

Olive oil perhaps the most popular among vegetable oils, as it contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which are very good for the heart and fight cholesterol plaques. It can be added to salads, soups, cereals, many main dishes and even taken on an empty stomach. It protects the heart and normalizes blood pressure, helps strengthen bones, thanks to the vitamins A, D, E and K it contains, which reduces the risk of joint diseases. Olive oil is especially useful for children, as it stimulates the growth of bone tissue. Olive oil is indicated for people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract, liver diseases and diseases of the gallbladder. Oleic acids, which are part of olive oil, help strengthen memory and have a beneficial effect on thought processes.

Just imagine - 30 grams of fish products per day or three "fish" meals during the week reduce the likelihood of developing a heart attack by 50%! In terms of its nutritional and culinary qualities, fish is in no way inferior to meat, as it contains proteins, fats, extractive and mineral substances, and even surpasses the latter in terms of the ease of digestion of proteins. Among all types of fish, it is considered especially useful sea ​​fish from cold seas, for example, salmon , which holds the record for the content of omega-3 fats that lower cholesterol, prevent certain types oncological diseases and vascular thrombosis, as well as Omega-6 and iron. In addition, it can reduce the risk of various heart diseases, overcome depression, prevent memory loss and improve hair condition. Make it a rule to replace meat with fish more often, and soon you will see for yourself how much the condition of the whole organism will improve.

If you have honey, you can simply forget about sugar. This extremely useful and necessary natural product in the diet, which increases the body's resistance to many infections, strengthens the immune system and is the best source of energy. Honey contains many vitamins, enzymes, microelements, organic acids and proteins. It is recommended to take it in the treatment of diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, and simply for general strengthening of the body. Add honey to tea, cereals, drink boiled water with the addition of honey before going to bed, this will help you fall asleep faster and rejuvenate.


The common people of Ancient Babylon were strictly forbidden to eat nuts, it was believed that these fruits strengthen the mind, and mob is useless. Today, fortunately, everyone can afford a handful of any nuts of their choice. Among all the diversity, preference is still given walnut , because it is a real storehouse of vitamin C. It is enough for an adult to eat only five walnut kernels to get the daily intake of vitamin C. However, they must be eaten slowly, chewing thoroughly, otherwise they will not be absorbed by the body. Walnut normalizes the level of acidity of gastric juice, normalizes bowel function. For people suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, joint diseases, mastopathy and fibroids, walnuts are simply vital. To all his others positive qualities you can add one more important thing - it has a beneficial effect on nervous system, eliminating a lot of nervous tension, due to which walnuts are advised to be used to stimulate brain activity, with headaches, impaired memory and attention, with sleep disorders and stress.

Green tea

Admirers of green tea every day becomes more and more. And no wonder, because this drink is very useful. Try to buy green tea in bulk, without additives, and not in bags, so that you can drink a really valuable and healthy drink. Only real green tea contains antioxidants and is especially rich in vitamin C (2 cups of green tea equals 7 oranges). This amazing drink dulls the feeling of hunger and improves bowel function, reduces the risk of strokes, strengthens blood vessels, improves the immune system, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar, and has a detrimental effect on various viruses and microbes. And, finally, it increases the overall tone of the body and slows down the aging process. Adding apple juice to green tea will give it an interesting taste. Pay attention to the fact that green tea is recommended for those who work a lot at the computer, as it is believed that it protects our body from harmful radiation.

There are actually a lot of healthy products, because everything that nature gives us is beneficial and creative: some help us maintain our sanity, others help us keep our bodies young. If you correctly combine all of the listed components in your daily diet, you will get the maximum benefit from them. Eat the healthiest foods ever!

Health to you and longevity!


Honey is simply necessary to raise immunity. Photo:

Honey is a real storehouse of nutrients. It is stored for a long time without losing useful qualities.

Interesting Facts:

  • Honey is able to remove alcohol from the human body
  • High temperatures (more than 50ºС) are detrimental to honey, so the healing properties of tea with honey are greatly exaggerated.
  • The most "honey" country in the world is China

Recipes for healing combinations:

  • honey + freshly squeezed aloe juice, mixed in equal proportions, improve well-being and have immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties
  • honey + grated fresh ginger - this mixture helps improve blood circulation and lower blood cholesterol levels
  • 100 ml of honey + 1 lemon + 3 cloves of garlic: these products need to be ground in a meat grinder and used to boost immunity


Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties. Photo:

This root gained popularity in Russia relatively recently. However, in Indian, Japanese and Chinese cuisines, the tonic effect of ginger has been known since ancient times. The secret code of the product lies in essential oils, which have a bactericidal and immunostimulating effect. Ginger is rich in amino acids and vitamins A, C, B1, B2, as well as a high content of magnesium, phosphorus, iron and calcium.

Interesting Facts:
  • Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties
  • The root is the strongest aphrodisiac. As such, he was mentioned in Arabian tales about Scheherazade
  • Ginger tea is recommended for pregnant women during toxicosis, as well as seasickness, because it quickly eliminates nausea, dizziness and weakness.

Recipes for ginger drinks:

  • Ginger + Rose Hips + Linden Blossoms: Makes the perfect hot drink for colds and fevers
  • ginger + lemon zest + apples: this combination not only has an immunostimulating effect, but also has a fat burning effect
  • black tea + 2 ginger root petals + 2 mint leaves + half a cinnamon stick: this recipe will help you cheer up on a cold autumn morning, and also normalizes blood sugar

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of zinc. Photo:

Pumpkin seeds have a positive effect on immunity even in the elderly. They contain a lot of zinc - the most important element in the body's defense system. In addition, the seeds contain selenium, calcium, potassium, fluorine, as well as vitamins A, B, C, E, K. Vitamins E and C increase the positive effect of zinc on immunity. The miraculous magnesium in pumpkin seeds is good for the nervous system and heart.


  • cauliflower - 1 head
  • blue onion - 2 heads
  • butter - 5 tbsp. l.
  • pumpkin seeds - 5 tbsp. l.
  • pine nuts - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

Separate the cauliflower into florets and boil in salted water until tender. Throw it in a colander. Cut the onion into strips and fry in oil for 5 minutes. Add pumpkin seeds and nuts, fry for 3 more minutes. Put the cabbage, salt, mix and warm. Garnish with basil leaves when serving. It will turn out a warm and very healthy salad that is suitable for people on a diet.


The most useful algae are fucus and kelp. Photo:

Seaweeds are useful for both internal and external use. Many cosmetic products for hair, skin and nails are based on algae. To stimulate the immune system, it is useful to eat fucus and kelp. First of all, they are valuable for their high iodine content. Unlike fish, algae are eaten raw and are better absorbed by the body. The iodine contained in them is necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland and hormonal balance in general. A complex of polysaccharides has a stimulating effect on the immune system.

Interesting Facts:

  • Fucus is almost identical in composition to human plasma
  • The largest seaweed is kelp. Its length can reach 60 meters
  • In some highlands, a phenomenon called "watermelon snow" is known. Algae give the snow a pink tint, smell and taste of watermelon
Japanese Kaiso salad


  • seaweed - 500 g
  • soy sauce - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • starch - 2 tsp,
  • sesame oil - 2 tsp,
  • lemon juice - 2 tsp,
  • sesame - 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

Pour the soy sauce and water (1/4 cup) into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Dissolve starch in 1/4 cup water and pour into hot but not boiling sauce. Whisking constantly, wait for the sauce to thicken. Remove from fire. Add sesame oil, lemon juice and sesame seeds, mix thoroughly. Marinate the seaweed in the prepared sauce for 2 hours. A healthy and tasty salad should be served with fish dishes and soups.


Cranberry is a tasty and healthy berry. Photo:

Cranberries are one of the most useful and rare berries. It is rich in vitamins C, K, PP and group B, amino acids, antioxidants. Northern berry has bactericidal and antiviral properties. Due to the content of a natural preservative, cranberries can be stored for a long time without heat treatment. Berries can be consumed both raw and in the form of juice, jam, jam.

Interesting Facts:

  • Cranberries are harvested after the onset of frost
  • Cranberry juice helps with urinary tract infections by preventing E. coli from settling in the body.
  • A good ripe cranberry bounces if it falls on a hard surface
Cranberry juice with honey


  • Cranberries (fresh or frozen) - 0.5 l
  • Honey - 4 tablespoons
  • Cool drinking water - 2 l

Cooking method:

Sort and wash the cranberries, then pour boiling water over them. Grind the berries in a blender. Put the berry puree in a saucepan and add water. After that, strain the liquid through a colander with a mesh structure. Then add warm honey to the pan and mix thoroughly. The drink is ready! It is recommended to store juice in the refrigerator.

Our menu should be varied so that we can be healthy and lead active image life. But, as you know, not all products are equally useful. It is better to exclude all fast food from the diet and pay attention to the most useful products. Of course, it is impossible to mark everything. But at least some of them.

A very healthy vegetable is broccoli, as well as cauliflower, and indeed, all types of cabbage. Especially with liver problems and arthritis. Cabbage also has antitumor, antioxidant, antiviral and antimicrobial effects, cleanses the intestines, and is an excellent source of fiber. Broccoli contains B vitamins, a lot of vitamin C and folic acid, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, beta-carotene. Even cabbage (and cucumbers, by the way, too) contributes to the rapid use of fats and is therefore recommended for those who want to lose weight. But eating cabbage raw in large quantities can harm people who have problems with the pancreas and stomach.

Everyone knows about the huge benefits of onions and garlic. Thanks to flavonoids, which have antiviral and antimicrobial effects, they are successfully used for colds. In addition, onions and garlic are a good remedy for the prevention of oncology, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, and also help with low blood pressure. Moreover, during heat treatment, they almost do not lose their useful properties.

Spinach is rich in beta-carotene, folic acid, potassium, iron, vitamins B6 and C, calcium, and magnesium. Due to this, it plays the role of an antitumor agent. Good for bone tissue. Regulates pressure. Stimulates the immune system.

Avocado contains vitamins such as E, B3, B5, K, and macro-micro-elements: iron, phosphorus, copper, beta-carotene, potassium, folic acid. This fruit regulates the acid-base balance, is easy to digest, good for vision, lowers blood cholesterol levels, and prevents anemia.

Ginger contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. It is a natural anti-spasmodic, improves blood circulation. Relieves menstrual cramps, helps with nausea, promotes recovery from diseases.

Soybeans also contain calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins B3 and C, beta-carotene, amino acids, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and protein. A powerful natural phytoestrogen that helps prevent breast and ovarian cancer. Reduces cholesterol levels.

Rich in Nutrients spirulina seaweed sold in powder form. It contains potassium, sodium, phosphorus, beta-carotene, vitamin B3, gamma-linoleic acid. It is an easily digestible protein. It has a positive effect on cell regeneration, has a rejuvenating effect, protects the kidneys from the damaging effects of drugs. It has antitumor, antibacterial and antifungal effects. The powder is added to food.

The healthiest foods.

Sunflower seeds are very useful, as they contain vitamins A, B, D, E, K, as well as potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, magnesium, omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. In terms of the content of useful nutrients, seeds are superior to meat, eggs and cheese, they contribute to the removal of toxins, and have a positive effect on vision.

Carrots (as well as pumpkin and zucchini) are an excellent source of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body, and is very good for vision, and also reduces the risk of cancer. Carrots are also useful for gastritis, and for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Fiber will improve bowel function. Carrots should be consumed raw.

A lot of good words you can talk about tomatoes. They contain B vitamins, ascorbic acid, potassium, phosphorus and iron. And also, useful for vision, lutein, and a strong natural antioxidant - lycopene, which has anti-cancer activity. Add a few tomatoes a day to your diet (this can be both tomato and tomato juice) and you will get great support for your immunity.

Cucumbers contain small amounts of vitamins C, B1, B2, potassium and fiber. Useful for the normal functioning of the intestines, liver, kidneys, obesity and constipation.

Apples are a source of vitamin C, iron; beneficial to the immune system. And the flavonoids contained in them help with violations of capillary permeability, with violations of cardiovascular activity.

Plums (prunes can be used) are useful for anemia. They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, manganese, copper, zinc, iodine, chromium, fluorine, B vitamins, provitamin A, vitamins PP, C, E, R. Plums have a mild laxative action, remove cholesterol, lower blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels, improve the functioning of the liver, kidneys and heart. Most of the useful properties of plums are preserved during processing.

Kiwi is one of the healthiest fruits. Contains potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin C. Able to burn fats that block arteries. Useful for people with an increased risk of thrombosis. Removes excess sodium. It is a source of digestive enzymes.

Persimmon contains a lot of vitamin C and iron. Has a diuretic effect. Useful for cardiac problems.

Pineapple also contains a lot of vitamin C, promotes the breakdown of protein, the removal of toxins, and improves digestion.

Pomegranate (pomegranate juice) normalizes blood pressure, helps fight cancer, increases potency, helps with anemia.

Flax seeds are very useful, especially for women, as they reduce the risk of breast cancer, help with hormonal disorders, and also strengthen bones. It is recommended to consume 2 tablespoons per day, chewing them thoroughly for better absorption.

Cranberries contain antioxidants, beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium. Increases mental and physical activity, heals the genitourinary system. Juice cleanses purulent wounds, ulcers, promotes the healing of burn wounds, but it is contraindicated in gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Strawberries (preferably strawberries) contain vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, beta-carotene, folic acid, and potassium. It is an antitumor, antiviral and antibacterial agent.

Raspberries contain calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B3, iron. The seeds have an anti-sclerotic effect. Leaves and fruits help with atherosclerosis, hypertension, gastritis, colitis, anemia, scurvy, skin rash. Facilitates the elimination of toxins, mucus, sputum. Raspberries are useful for the female genitourinary system. Relieves menstrual cramps. Raspberry leaf also relieves nausea during pregnancy.

Barley contains many useful substances: potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, B vitamins, folic acid. It has a beneficial effect on the liver and digestive tract, lowers cholesterol, promotes healing of stomach ulcers.

Salmon is rich in elements such as calcium, vitamin D, vitamin E, selenium, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Useful for maintaining hormonal status, skin, immune system, bones and teeth.

Chicken eggs, containing B vitamins, calcium, manganese, iron, zinc and excellent protein, stimulate the immune system, and are also good for bones and joints.

Many useful substances are found in rice (brown): these are calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, vitamins B3, B5 and B6, as well as folic acid. Rice calms the nerves, gives a lot of energy, and rice water helps with diarrhea.

A lot of good words can be said about beets, which contain vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron, folic acid. Beetroot cleanses the intestines well, removes stones from the kidneys, cleanses the liver and gallbladder, and improves blood.

Buckwheat contains vitamin C, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, beta-carotene, zinc, folic acid, essential amino acids, protein. Removes sludge. Strengthens the walls of capillaries, improves bowel function.

Pumpkin seeds(only not fried) contain calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, magnesium, B vitamins, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Support the function of the prostate gland. Used to remove worms.

Eggplant, containing phosphorus, calcium, beta-carotene and folic acid, helps prevent strokes and bleeding, protects the walls of arteries from the effects of cholesterol, cleanses the blood.

Sesame, containing calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin E, folic acid, copper, omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, is an antioxidant and strengthens the cardiovascular system, has a positive effect on the nervous system, suppresses absorption of cholesterol from food.

Vegetables such as green onion, asparagus, spinach, dill, parsley are excellent sources of folic acid, provitamin A and magnesium. In addition, they are low in calories and have a good effect on bowel function.

Most Healthy Products- these are nuts (pine nuts, for example, can replace meat for vegetarians; do not forget that all nuts are very high in calories), and bananas, and cheese, and live yogurt, and all seafood, and citrus fruits, and chicken meat ...

List "Most Healthy Foods" is of course not limited to the above. It can be continued...

It is important to try to include as many healthy foods as possible in your menu and exclude those that can be harmful.

Bon appetit and good health!

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