White-black vest. What do the stripes on the vest and jacket mean? infographics


Few people know that a women's vest as an independent element of the fleet's employees appeared several centuries ago. At that time, it was impossible to buy a fleece vest, so the sailors knitted such clothes on their own, while making it from threads of various colors. In such clothes it was comfortable in any weather, because she was not afraid of moisture and reliably protected a person from the vicissitudes of nature.
However, then a ban was introduced on wearing this kind of clothing, and for more than several decades the uniform of sailors did not contain this important attribute. However, already in the middle of the nineteenth century, this ban was lifted, and the maroon vest became an official part of the sailors' uniform. On a par with this, the employees of the fleet wore flared trousers and a trowel.
In modern society, the interlock vest is worn not only by the military, but also by civilians. This is the favorite clothing of many men and women, because the vest is warm and comfortable, it is pleasant to the body and does not cause discomfort. Being made from a combination of synthetic and natural fibers, the VDV insulated vest has the following properties:
wear resistance;
Among all the clothing worn by various departments, the most noticeable and distinctive is the Marine Corps vest, which has a number of characteristics. That is why it is not enough for employees of certain organizations to simply buy a long-sleeve vest, but it is necessary that it comply with the charter of their particular unit. The Airborne Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other government departments have their own uniform, so you cannot, for example, buy an Airborne vest while in the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs yourself.
Buy a vest (GOST)? Easily!
On the site of our store you can find a wide range of different products. Moreover, each of the presented models is available in many sizes, so it will not be difficult to buy a Navy vest that is right for you. We offer each of our clients:
a wide range of goods;
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We understand that you need to buy a winter vest from your own funds, so we do our best to make the cost of this uniform element affordable for all consumers. You will definitely be able to choose from a huge range of goods, so if you need a vest of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (long sleeve) or knitted elements of a summer uniform, then you can buy from us exactly the product that is right for you.
Depending on the season for which the clothes are intended, the type of fabric may also differ. For example, a fleece vest (double thread) is suitable for the autumn-winter season, while a green vest made in one thread is more suitable for summer.
The vest-shirt of the Airborne Forces, made in blue and white colors and having a small cutout in the neck area, has similar qualities. At the same time, along with blue and green products, in our catalog there is a red vest, this is not a statutory, but very comfortable thing worn by civilians. The greatest demand in our store is the PS vest, as well as models that comply with the charter of government departments, namely:
Navy vest (blue, GOST), which can have both short and long sleeves;
FSB vest, which is part of the uniform of employees of the department of the same name;
clothing for patrol, police and other structures.
Buying a vest that will meet all the requirements of your charter is easier than ever, because we managed to collect in our catalog a lot of goods for the military, working for various departments of our country. Choose which marine bouffant vest you like the most and place an order. We, in turn, will make sure that the camouflage vest is of excellent quality and complies with all the regulations of your organization.
Our store has both a standard black vest, which can be supplemented with emblems of departments, and other products that have nothing to do with military service, for example, a children's vest. We'll take care of shipping, so all you have to do is select the product and checkout. Complete your wardrobe with really necessary and high-quality things.

On August 19, Russia celebrates the birthday of the Russian vest. It was on this day in 1874, at the initiative of Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich Romanov Emperor Alexander II signed a decree on the introduction of a new uniform, with which a vest (a special "underwear" shirt) was introduced as part of the mandatory uniform of a Russian sailor.

Employees of the sea and river fleet have their professional holiday every year on the first Sunday of July.

How the vest looked before, what the stripes are and what their color means, see the AiF.ru infographic.

The history of the vest

The vest appeared during the heyday of the sailing fleet in Brittany (France), presumably in the 17th century.

The vests had a boat neckline and three-quarter sleeves and were white with dark blue stripes. In Europe in those days, striped clothes were worn by social outcasts and professional executioners. But for the Breton sailors, according to one version, the vest was considered lucky clothing for the duration of sea voyages.

In Russia, the tradition of wearing vests began to take shape, according to some sources, from 1862, according to others - from 1866. Instead of narrow tunics with uncomfortable stand-up collars, Russian sailors began to wear comfortable flannel Dutch shirts with a cutout on the chest. A vest was worn under the shirt - a vest.

At first, vests were issued only to participants in long-distance campaigns and were a matter of special pride. As one of the reports of that time says: “the lower ranks ... mainly put them on on Sundays and holidays when they were discharged ashore ... and in all cases when it was required to be smartly dressed ...”. He finally fixed the vest as part of the uniform by an order signed on August 19, 1874 Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich. This day can be considered the birthday of the Russian vest.

The vest has a great advantage over other underwear shirts. Tightly fitting the body, it does not interfere with free movement during work, retains heat well, is comfortable when washing, and dries quickly in the wind.

This type of light marine clothing has not lost its significance today, although sailors now rarely have to climb the shrouds. Over time, the vest came into use in other branches of the military, although in few places it is an official part of the uniform. Nevertheless, this wardrobe item is used in the ground forces, and even in the police.

Why is the vest striped and what does the color of the stripes mean?

The blue and white transverse stripes of the vests corresponded to the colors of the Russian naval St. Andrew's flag. In addition, sailors dressed in such shirts were clearly visible from the deck against the background of the sky, sea and sails.

The tradition of making the stripes multi-colored was strengthened in the 19th century - the sailor's belonging to one or another flotilla was determined by color. After the collapse of the USSR, the colors of the stripes of the vests were "distributed" among the various branches of the military.

What does the color of the stripes on the vest mean:

  • black: submarine forces and marines;
  • cornflower blue: presidential regiment and special forces of the FSB;
  • light green: border troops;
  • light blue: Airborne Forces;
  • maroon: Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • orange: Ministry of Emergency Situations.

What is guis?

Guys in the Navy is called a collar that is tied over a uniform. The real meaning of the word "guis" (from the Dutch geus - "flag") is a naval ensign. The flag is hoisted daily on the prow of ships of the 1st and 2nd ranks during anchorage from 8 am to sunset.

The history of the appearance of the guis is rather prosaic. In the Middle Ages in Europe, men wore long hair or wigs, sailors braided their hair into ponytails and pigtails. To protect against lice, the hair was smeared with tar. To prevent the tar from staining their clothes, the sailors covered their shoulders and back with a protective leather collar, which could be easily wiped from dirt.

Over time, the leather collar was replaced with a cloth one. Long hairstyles are a thing of the past, but the tradition of wearing a collar remains. In addition, after the abolition of wigs, a square fabric collar was used for insulation - in cold windy weather, it was tucked under clothing.

Why are there three stripes on the jacket?

There are several versions of the origin of the three stripes on the gyuse. According to one of them, three stripes symbolize three major victories of the Russian fleet:

  • at Gangut in 1714;
  • near Chesma in 1770;
  • at Sinop in 1853.

It should be noted that sailors from other countries also have stripes on the guis, the origin of which is explained in a similar way. Most likely, this repetition occurred as a result of borrowing form and legend. Who first invented the stripes is not known for certain.

According to another legend, the founder of the Russian fleet Peter I there were three squadrons. The first squadron had one white stripe on the collars. The second has two, and the third, especially close to Peter, has three strips. Thus, the three stripes began to mean a special proximity to Peter of the fleet guards.

Underbody naval shirt - this is it marine vest, which should be made of knitted knitted fabric with a peculiar alternation of white and blue stripes.

The first mention of the appearance of the vest refers to the time of the appearance of the sailing fleet. Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich Romanov is the founder of the introduction of this element of clothing into the outfit of sailors.

Features of vests

Like any other thing sea ​​vest also has its own distinctive features. First of all, horizontally alternating blue-white stripes should be attributed to them. Such an unusual color design initially made it possible to observe the work and actions of the sailors, both on deck and with sails on the yards. Subsequently, the presence of stripes on the vest became a kind of tradition.

From the very beginning of its appearance in the supply of the personnel of the USSR and the Russian Navy, vests were received exclusively with dark blue stripes. After some time, as an addition to the uniform, a black and blue vest appeared. The soldiers of the marines of the Great Patriotic War, like the revolutionary sailors of the Civil War, made the vest a real romantic symbol of sea prowess and courage with their exploits.

The vest eventually became very popular among the common people. Its other name, which sounds like “sea soul”, speaks perfectly about the fame and demand for this clothing brand.

Appointment of vests

During the creation of the uniform of the airborne troops of the USSR, the marine uniform of the infantrymen was taken as a model. For military personnel for the summer, a vest or, in other words, a sleeveless vest is intended. Also, the uniform of sailors includes insulated winter vests made of thick cotton jersey, with and without fleece.

In the early nineties of the last century, manufacturers developed a vest with stripes of various colors, which later became indispensable for various troops of the RF Armed Forces:

  • black vest found application in the Submarine Forces and the Marine Corps;
  • cornflower blue vests entered the uniform of the Presidential Regiment and the FSB special forces;
  • light green vest used in the Border Troops;
  • the airborne vest has light blue stripes;
  • maroon vests intended for the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Shop "Botsman" carries out sale of vests wholesale and retail. In addition, the store sells various overalls, marine uniforms, marine souvenirs and personal protective equipment.

The legendary marine jersey - how much meaning is invested in these words! This is the story of more than one generation. The vest is valued on a par with the shrine. In Russia, it has become not only part of the infantry and the submarine Navy, but also the airborne armed forces, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, special forces and the internal army of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Each Russian army has its own vest with a unique color of stripes, the selection criteria of which, one might assume, characterize the field of activity of each ...


German opponents spoke of the sailors and marines of the times of the Great Patriotic War as "striped devils". This one wears black striped shirts. It was not about the color, not about how many stripes on the vest, and not even about the extremely strong-willed qualities of the Russian sailors. The roots of such a nickname go back to the history of Europe, where in the past for a very long time striped clothes were worn by heretics rejected by society, lepers, executioners who did not own any rights. When the Germans saw marines on land, they were overwhelmed with fear at the genetic level. Sailors, even in battles on land, refused to change their main parts of the uniform: a peakless cap and a vest with a pea coat. This is what distinguished them from the infantry soldiers.

For camouflage, the Marines dressed in the uniform of the ground forces. But even in it, the vest remained an undershirt. If someone wore it in a duffel bag, because they wanted to keep it longer, then before the fight it was always put on. Indeed, since ancient times there has been a Russian tradition: to put on a clean undershirt before the start of the battle. Someone thinks that the power of Russian sailors is hidden in a special jersey - its colors and how many stripes are on the soldier's vest.

After all, at one time the French Navy adopted a standard in 1852, according to which there should be 21 stripes on a vest. This is the number of victories of the great Napoleon.


Sailors have always been distinguished by a special bold spirit. Throwing an overcoat and a pea jacket on the ground, dressed in a vest, they walked towards the enemy with a bayonet in their hands. The first battle on land among the sailors took place in June 1941, on the 25th.

Foreman Prostorov, at the head of the Baltic corsairs, to the cry of "Polundra", drove the Germans in disgrace, who were reputed to be winners in Europe. The strike force of the Russian army was formed from fighters in vests. The whole point is not how many stripes are on the vest, but in the inner strength of the Russian spirit. The command knew: these warriors would not retreat! They were where it was most dangerous to fight. The Marine Corps of the Soviet Union plunged into panic and instilled fear in the enemy ...


The history of the vest itself dates back to the time of the conquest of the geographic space of the Earth - in the seventeenth century. Then the maritime professions were just developing. Accordingly, there was a lack of staff. Most of the European fleet was made up of sailors from Brittany. Most likely, the Bretons did not care how many stripes on the vest - they put on black and white work shirts, which played the role of a talisman against the sea evil spirits.

In addition, in such a sailor's shirt, you can see better against the background of the surrounding landscapes. In addition, dirt is not so conspicuous. Most of the Breton nautical personnel ended up on Dutch ships. Here they paid well and did not forbid the Bretons to wear striped overalls. By the end of the 17th century, it would become the underwear of sailors throughout Europe.


The Russians were no exception. It is not known for certain how many stripes are on the sailor's vest and when exactly it entered the life of the Russian fleet. But, most likely, the Dutch brought the vest to Russia in the middle of the seventeenth century. Their merchant ships began to go to Arkhangelsk and Kholmogory. The Dutch and the British were reputed to be trendsetters in fashionable marine ammunition. Therefore, Peter I adopted the form of the Dutch for the Russian flotilla, which was in its infancy.

But she was still without the Breton striped shirts. They spread more widely among Russian sailors of the second middle of the 19th century. There is a legend that in 1868, Prince Konstantin Romanov, being also an admiral, received the crew of the frigate. All sailors came to the meeting in European striped jerseys.

They praised their virtues so much that after a while the prince signed a decree with the emperor on the official inclusion of a vest in the ammunition of Russian sailors (1874).

It became cult clothing later - after the Russo-Japanese War. When there was demobilization, sailors filled the cities. All around you could hear the rhythms of sea dances and stories of the brave battles for Port Arthur.

They were looking for adventure. This is the time when the culture of the flotilla was widely included in the masses, the concept of “sea soul” appeared, the symbol of which was a vest.

Airborne and striped sweatshirt

When and how did the cult clothing of the fleet become the paraphernalia of blue berets and how many stripes are on the vest of a Russian paratrooper? History says that back in 1959 they were awarded to a skydiver for a jump into the water, which is considered one of the most dangerous.

Then the vests appeared in the uniforms of the paratroopers (unofficially). But the legendary commander became the key person who made the naval sweatshirt. It didn’t matter at all how many stripes were on the Navy vest - it didn’t matter to the paratroopers. The introduction of the “sea soul” into blue berets was opposed by Sergei Gorshkov, the commander-in-chief of the USSR Navy. He said that these were anarchic manifestations in the troops of paratroopers.

But Margelov said harshly that he fought in the Marine Corps. And therefore he knows what paratroopers deserve and do not deserve!

Officially, the blue striped vest made its debut at the Prague events in August 1968: Soviet paratroopers, dressed in a striped sweatshirt, turned out to be a decisive force in stopping the Prague Spring. Blue berets received a baptism of fire, bypassing all the bureaucratic moments - with the blessing of Margelov.

The new form was not spelled out by any official document. And it doesn’t matter how many stripes are on the Airborne Forces vest (the number simply depends on the size of the sweatshirt) - it has become a symbol of masculinity and a special spirit of fearlessness. Even future fighters have the honor of walking in a striped jersey.


Today, Russian troops of various kinds wear a vest. The set of cadets of naval, civil river and sea educational institutions includes a marine vest as an obligatory element of the uniform. Although the border guards, thanks to the creation of the border flotilla of the White, Baltic and Caspian Seas, put it on back in 1893, and in 1898 it became with green stripes. In the 90s of the XX century, vests were officially developed for border guards - green, special forces of the BB - maroon, special forces of the FSB and the presidential regiment - cornflower blue, Ministry of Emergency Situations - orange.

Of course, you can simply count how many stripes are on a marine vest, but this will not work. Ever since the USSR period, the number of stripes depends on the size of each military man, whether it be an infantryman or a border guard. Conditionally: the forty-sixth size contains 33 strips, the fifty-sixth - 52.

The issue of the number of stripes is rooted in symbolic numerology in French vests. The same symbolism was used by the Dutch and the British. They preferred shirts with 12 stripes, like the number of human ribs, thus wanting to deceive fate: as if it were not a person, but a ghost-skeleton of the deceased ...

Early 18th century, sailing era. After the clothing inconsistency in the European fleets, a single uniform was introduced according to the Dutch model: tight short trousers with stockings, a fitted jacket made of durable teak with a stand-up collar, two side pockets, six buttons and a high hat. True, in such clothes you don’t particularly run along the shrouds (rigging of a sailboat). And without clothes, too, you can not - it's cold. The northern seas are harsh, and the requirements for working clothes for sailors are tougher here than in the southern latitudes, where you can work with a naked torso.

So the appearance of the vest is not accidental, it is born by life itself. Compared to any other clothing, it is very practical: it retains heat well, fits the body tightly, does not restrict movement during any work, is convenient when washing, and practically does not wrinkle. A single-color undershirt was before her. But after all, “striping” is functionally necessary: ​​against the background of light sails, the sky, land, and also in dark water, a man in a vest is visible from afar and clearly (which is why the prison uniform used to be also striped, only the stripes there are longitudinal).

The sailors made this shirt from a harsh linen, sewing stripes on it, or knitted it from woolen yarn in two colors at once. At the same time, such a disparity in cuts, colors and stripes was obtained that the vest was considered a non-statutory form of clothing and was punished for wearing it. Attitude towards her changed in the middle of the 19th century, when the Dutch marine uniform came into fashion from a short pea coat, flared trousers and a jacket with a deep cut on the chest, into which the vest fit perfectly. It was included in the form. So, the English sailor was obliged to have in addition to wearing two more spare striped shirts. But if the vest did not get into Russia, it would have remained just a statutory garment for sailors.

"Striped shirt weighing 80 spools"

The uncomfortable Dutch sailor shirt-bostrog came to the Russian navy with foreigners hired by Peter I and remained in service for a relatively long time. The military reforms of 1865–1874 greatly changed the face of the armed forces. kosovorotki. And on August 19, 1874, Emperor Alexander II approved the "Regulations on the satisfaction of the teams of the Maritime Department in terms of ammunition and uniforms."

Instead of a bostrog, the sailors received a white linen (for summer) and a blue flannel shirt (for winter). They had a deep neckline on their chest, and therefore under them they put on an undershirt with blue and white transverse stripes - the first Russian vest. Here is its standard, given in the appendix to this document: A shirt knitted from wool in half with paper (meaning cotton). The color of the shirt is white with blue transverse stripes spaced from one another by one inch (44.45 mm). The width of the blue stripes is a quarter of an inch. The weight of the shirt is supposed to be at least 80 spools (344 grams)».

So, the first Russian vest was made of mixed fabric, wool and cotton in a ratio of 50:50. Its blue and white stripes matched the colors of the St. Andrew's flag, the official flag of the Russian Navy. The white stripes were much (4 times) wider than the blue stripes. Only in 1912 did they become the same in width (a quarter of an inch, or 11.1 mm). At the same time, the material also changed - the vest was made entirely of cotton. They say that at first it was given out only to participants in long-distance hikes.

The vest immediately fell to the court in the Russian fleet, became a source of pride: "The lower ranks put it on on Sundays, on holidays, when leaving the shore and in all cases when it is required to be smartly dressed." Initially, vests were made abroad, but then they began to be made from Uzbek cotton at the Kersten knitting factory in St. Petersburg (after the revolution, the Red Banner factory). Comfortable, warm, socially significant - the vest was in great demand.

“We are few, but we are in vests!”

In 1917, people in vests became the guards of the revolution. The Baltics Dybenko, Raskolnikov, Zheleznyakov fought so fiercely with their detachments that the image of a “sailor in a vest” became a symbol of the revolution. The behavior of the vest wearers in this hard times clearly reflected the extreme features of the Russian character: contempt for death, desperate courage, unwillingness to obey anyone, turning into anarchy, loyalty only to their own kind (“brothers”).

"Matros Zheleznyak" became the hero of a famous song: "Kherson is in front of us, we will break through with bayonets, and ten grenades are not a trifle." After the Civil War, many sailors began to serve in the Cheka and the Marine Border Guard. Wearing a vest was still prestigious, it meant belonging to the elite of the armed forces. Then only a vest with stripes of dark blue was available. True, in 1922, due to a shortage of dyes, it was produced in a monophonic, pure white color without stripes.

During the Great Patriotic War, many Red Navy sailors fought on land. How they fought, everyone knows. This is another inexplicable phenomenon of the Russian character. Sailors who knew how to serve only collective weapons (complex naval equipment) did not need to be able to fight on land as a simple “horseless” infantryman. But it was precisely this “brothers” who knew how even better than many soldiers of the ground forces. For reasons of disguise, they were dressed in an army uniform, under which they continued to wear a vest. And someone wore it in a duffel bag to save it longer, but they certainly put it on before the fight. This is also a tribute to the ancient Russian military tradition - to put on a clean shirt before the battle.

In fact, the vest is conceived striped to catch the eye, and in an open field it is like a thorn in the eye. So after all, the sailors did not try to disguise themselves. Throwing off a pea jacket or overcoat, they, in only vests, went into furious bayonet attacks, sweeping away everything in their path. No wonder the Nazis, having experienced the blows of the marines, called it "black death" and "striped devils." Proverb " We are few, but we are in vests!" known, no doubt, to everyone who speaks Russian. " One sailor is a sailor, two sailors are a platoon, three sailors are a company. How many of us? Four? Battalion, listen to my command!" (L. Sobolev. "Battalion of Four").

The first battle between sailors and the enemy on land took place near Liepaja on June 25, 1941. The Baltics, under the command of foreman Prostorov, shouting "Polundra", put the Germans who had conquered half of Europe to flight. Knowing that the fighters in vests would not retreat, the command formed shock units from them and threw them into the most dangerous sectors of the front. Pressure and fury in attack, resilience and rigidity in defense - this is the Soviet marines of the Great Patriotic War. Her glory was embodied in a vest, the mere sight of which plunged the enemy into awe.

Special forces are always in vests

« If enemies came to our doorstep, if we paid our debts with our blood, then sailors and special forces, airborne troops and marines - guys in vests - brought success in any attack!" Well, if the sailors always called the vest "sea soul", then why do military personnel who are not related to the sea wear it? L. Sobolev wrote about the marines:

“The sea soul is determination, resourcefulness, courage and unshakable stamina. This is cheerful prowess, contempt for death, sailor's rage, fierce hatred for the enemy, readiness to support a comrade in battle, save the wounded, close the commander with his chest. The strength of a sailor is unstoppable, persistent, purposeful. In a brave, courageous and proud marine soul - one of the sources of victory.

See how accurately all the above-mentioned qualities of the marines of the Second World War are transferred to the current "brothers" - paratroopers, special forces of the GRU, FSB and VV!

So it is no coincidence that, by analogy with the uniform of the Marine Corps, the vest was introduced into the equipment of the airborne troops of the Soviet Army (Order of the Minister of Defense No. 191 of 07/06/1969). True, this vest of the heavenly guard also became "heavenly", light blue. The GRU special forces received the same when a special forces department was created at the Ryazan Airborne School. Marine units of the GRU special forces wear a naval uniform and, accordingly, a black and white naval vest.

Russian border guards put on a vest back in 1893, when a flotilla of the Separate Border Guard Corps was created on the White, Baltic, Black and Caspian Seas. At first it was a naval vest with blue stripes, since 1898 - with green stripes. In 1911, he was replaced by a naval vest with blue stripes. After the revolution, the sea border guards wore the same vests as the sailors of the Navy.

In the 90s of the last century, vests were developed for other military branches:
- green (border troops),
- maroon (special forces explosives),
- cornflower blue (special forces of the FSB, Presidential Regiment),
- orange (Ministry of Emergency Situations).

The marine vest is included in the uniform kit of cadets of naval and civil maritime and river educational institutions.

So today in Russia you will not surprise anyone with a vest. It would seem, well, what is there to talk about, because it's just statutory underwear? However, this “underwear” in a very special way unites real men into a military brotherhood, makes them “brothers”. Striped undershirts of various types are worn by military and civilian sailors from different countries. But only in Russia did the vest become a symbol of a valiant fighter who wins in any conditions.

Afghanistan, the hot spots of the last twenty years - "brothers" in vests of the most different colors everywhere proved to be WARRIORS! Law of the Marine Corps "We are few, but we are in vests!" continues to operate. " Behind Afghan, behind Chechnya, instead of an armored vest on strong shoulders, Komsomolets and Kursk went to the bottom, but go on a hike and lie down on a course - guys in vests

Vest Day

Before the revolution, midshipmen of the St. Petersburg Naval Corps on the day of their graduation put on a vest on the figure of a bronze monument to Admiral Kruzenshtern. Today, Vest Day is not yet an official holiday, although it is very popular in the northern capital, where enthusiasts celebrate it as their own tradition.

So, there is an idea: in addition to the Day of the Navy, the Day of the Airborne Forces, the Day of the Border Guard, etc., celebrate the Day of the Vest every year. This holiday could unite sailors, paratroopers, and border guards - that is, all the “brothers” who proudly wear a striped vest: “ And the call will sound, and the demobilization will leave, and the stern of the ship will melt in the fog - only if trouble blazes over the country, then the guys in vests again stand as an indestructible wall».

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