The pregnancy of Galina Rzhaksenskaya was a joyful event in the family of the star. Rzhaksenskaya told how she would lose weight after giving birth Galina Rzhaksenskaya will soon become a mother


Galina Rzhaksenskaya became popular after she took part in the third season of the Bachelor project. The girl was distinguished not only by her bright, memorable appearance, but also by her wit. Galya in a verbal fight could defeat any competitor. Fans were sure that Timur would choose her in the final of the show. But, alas, their predictions did not come true. About how the girl lives now, we will tell in the article.

Biography of Galina

Galya was born in Moscow on December 14, 1986. We can say that the girl is very lucky. She grew up in a wealthy family, did not know anything about refusal.

Galina Rzhaksenskaya's parents were entrepreneurs, they had their own family business. When the time came to decide on the choice of a future profession, the girl did not hesitate for a long time and followed in the footsteps of her parents.

Galya entered the Financial Academy under the Russian government. Her specialty was economics. The girl graduated with brilliance and decided to improve her knowledge in the USA.

It was there that she realized what she wanted from life. Galina never hid that she was used to luxury. She likes boutiques, the opportunity to travel to different countries, to choose things from famous designers.

One day, Tatler magazine interviewed Rzhaksenskaya and talked about her usual vacation in Miami. Galya not only spent time on the beach, with a cocktail in her hands, but also saw famous pop and movie stars, visited pretentious places, parties and discos. After that, the publication nicknamed the girl "million dollar baby."

Despite the fact that Rzhaksenskaya had no shortage of money, she did not want to live at the expense of her parents and opened several of her own beauty salons in Moscow.

It is worth noting that this business is successful and brings considerable dividends.

First relationship

Galina Rzhaksenskaya always watched her appearance. The girl has a perfect figure. She, not being lazy, visits the gym every day.

The blue-eyed brunette has always had more than enough fans. Many considered the girl an enviable bride who knows her own worth.

The first applicant for the hand and heart of Galina was a young businessman named Ignat. Their relationship was not public, so no one knows the details of the love story.

It is known that the guy gave Rzhaksenskaya expensive gifts, they flew to rest together, loved to go in for extreme sports. In addition, Ignat was a real romantic, wrote songs and dedicated them to his beloved.

It seemed that things were going to the wedding, but the young people unexpectedly broke up for everyone.

Participation in the project "Bachelor"

Disappointed in love, the girl decided to go to the popular project "The Bachelor". Galina Rzhaksenskaya repeatedly admitted that she went to the show, not hoping to experience real feelings, but she was very mistaken.

The main bachelor of the third season was Timur Batrutdinov. Famous humorist, sportsman, showman. I really wanted to fight for this hero.

At the very first dating party, Timur singled out Galya and presented her with a rose of the first impression. Perhaps the appearance of a girl in a bright red dress was enchanting and most memorable. The audience understood that this was the first contender for victory. That's how it all happened.

Their relationship developed beautifully and rapidly, it was interesting to watch the couple's dates. The audience liked the fact that Galya was not only beautiful externally, but also internally. Timur also liked her erudition, prudence, tact.

Unexpected ending

With each release, there were fewer contenders for victory, but Galina Rzhaksenskaya confidently walked to the final. Ahead was the last, most important meeting with Timur.

The girl gave all her strength to make it perfect. At first, she invited Batrutdinov to take a steam bath, flashing her ideal figure in front of the bachelor, and then, dressed in a beautiful dress, gave him an unforgettable candlelit dinner.

It seemed that the winner of the show had already been chosen. But Timur unexpectedly gave the ring to the second finalist -

A wave of spectator indignation swept social networks. It seemed to the fans that Batrutdinov was mistaken, but nothing could be corrected.

long-awaited happiness

After the end of the show, Galya did not communicate with men for a long time. It seemed to her that they were all traitors and not worthy of her attention.

But everything changed after Evgeny's phone call. The young man found Rzhaksenskaya on social networks, but did not dare to write to her. Then, through friends, he found out her phone number and called.

The conversation captivated and interested Galya so much that the girl decided to meet strangers. After that, the young people no longer parted.

In November 2016, Galina Rzhaksenskaya married It is known that a man has his own business, and he stands firmly on his feet. The celebration was splendid. The bride appeared in a delicate dress with a deep neckline. Her hair was adorned with pearls and rhinestones. Eugene chose to wear a strict black suit. According to him, the classics are always in fashion.

Replenishment in the family

The age of Galina Rzhaksenskaya allowed her not to think about having children. But the couple did not wait. In September 2017, news appeared that the family was expected to replenish.

Galya herself says that she presented the news to her husband about her pregnancy in a rather original way. It happened at her mother's birthday party. As a gift, she invited an ensemble of gypsies who entertained the guests with songs and dances.

At the end of the evening, the oldest representative of the camp approached Yevgeny and asked him to tell fortunes by his hand. Unexpectedly, he said that in the near future he sees a wonderful toddler next to him. Gromov was extremely happy.

Galina Rzhaksenskaya gave birth to a girl on October 15, 2017. The parents decided to name the baby Elizabeth.

We wish this family prosperity and happiness. We hope that the lovers will not stop there, and Lisa will soon have a lovely little brother.

Photo of the pregnant finalist of season 3 Galina Rzhaksenskaya

The ex-participant of "The Bachelor" got married in early November 2016, but the wedding was quite modest. The plans of Galya and her husband Zhenya were to throw a chic celebration in 2017. But their dreams were slightly disturbed by another joyful event - Galina Rzhaksenskaya is pregnant and now the young family is expecting replenishment. That is why the lovers decided to postpone the grand celebration in honor of the creation of their family.

The finalist of the third season of the show "The Bachelor" told reporters about her pregnancy, about her relationship with her beloved husband, about her work and new projects, and also told in what relationship she remained with her former sympathy - Timur Batrutdinov.

About pregnancy

Galya is now in her fifth month of pregnancy and she and her husband already know the gender of the child who will be born at the end of autumn, but who exactly Rzhaksenskaya and her husband are waiting for remains a secret to others.

Galina said that they did not expect at all that they would become parents so quickly. Their plans included a big chic wedding, and after it, the heirs. The couple decided that they would postpone the celebration to next year, since Galya does not want to arrange it at all, being pregnant.

Future parents are incredibly happy with the imminent replenishment in the family. According to Rzhaksenskaya, many couples have been trying to have a baby for years, and she is glad that everything worked out so quickly with her husband, even if it was not planned a little.

The ex-participant of "The Bachelor" said that her pregnancy is going great. The expectant mother leads an active lifestyle, goes in for swimming and attends a variety of fitness classes that are allowed for pregnant women, and Galya also tries not to overeat and not lean on sweets and starchy foods.

Galina recalls how she told her husband and family that she was expecting a child, according to Rzhaksenskaya, it was at her mother's birthday party. Yevgeny Gromov literally carried his pregnant wife in his arms. All relatives were delighted with such news. Rzhaksenskaya's parents will become grandparents for the first time, and such news brought them to tears.

Galya says that pregnancy does not prevent her from traveling at all. Recently, according to the young woman, she was in China, then in Greece, and now Galina and Evgeny went to Italy. The lovers are very fond of traveling, enjoying the sea and the sun, and therefore they try to use every opportunity to be together far from Moscow.

The finalist of the third season of the Bachelor program thinks that she will not be on maternity leave for a long time and sit at home. Galya declares that she will be able to entrust her baby only to her parents, but she will be scared to leave her child with a nanny. Moreover, her mom and dad really want to babysit their first grandson or granddaughter.

Zhenya and Galya are looking for new housing outside the city, they believe that it will be more useful for the little one to live where there is fresh air.

The future parents decided that the birth would take place in Moscow, but whether Eugene would be present at them, the couple is still pondering this issue. Rzhaksenskaya really wants to give birth herself, in no case resorting to a caesarean section.

Galya and Zhenya dream of three children, but they never guessed the gender of future heirs, the main thing for them is the health and happiness of their children.

About relationship with husband

According to Galia Rzhaksenskaya, she sometimes gets the feeling that it is not she who is carrying the child, but her husband Evgeny, because Gromov cares a lot about his wife and even forbids her some things. For example, recently, as Galina recalls, she wanted to ride an ATV, but Zhenya did not allow her, because he was worried that the girl would suddenly fall, and this is quite dangerous in her position.

Rzhaksenskaya said that before Yevgeny proposed to marry him, they met for six months, but Galina is sure that the period of the relationship before the wedding does not affect how long the lovers will live in marriage. According to the ex-participant of "The Bachelor", he and Gromov were often told that they simply did not have time to get bored with each other in such a short time and therefore everything is perfect in their relationship so far. But Rzhaksenskaya admits that she and her beloved have both disputes and disagreements, they just learned to quickly resolve them and continue to enjoy each other's company.

This is Evgeny's second marriage and Galina is sure that he is already quite experienced and knows what he wants from a relationship. And the girl herself believes that she is already an adult in order to know and understand what she wants from a man and what qualities are important to her.

Rzhaksenskaya admitted that a legally registered marriage is important to her, and she spoke to Gromov about this. Galya believes that children must be born in a family, according to the girl, she would be very upset by a pregnancy out of wedlock. According to a young woman, if a guy truly loves his chosen one, he will propose to her. And those who believe that a stamp can kill love simply never really loved and only want to blame someone for their own mistakes and failures. For Galina, nothing has changed after the marriage, only more responsibility has appeared.

Photo of Galina Rzhaksenskaya with her husband Evgeny Gromov

The finalist of "The Bachelor" says that her husband did not watch the project and her participation in it. But Galina does not believe that this is possible, in her opinion, it cannot be that the husband is not interested in where his wife participated and why she became popular. But Zhenya's mother and sister followed the project and saw Galina in it. By the way, according to Rzhaksenskaya, Evgeny introduced Galya to his relatives just over a month after they started dating. The girl admits that she was extremely pleased to meet the close people of her chosen one so quickly. With the help of her family, she was able to get to know her future husband even better. The young woman claims that she was brought up in such a way that the parents and relatives of her husband are her family too. Fortunately for Galina, this is exactly what happened - she has excellent relations with all Gromov's relatives, they often communicate and periodically visit each other.

About the work and new projects of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

A former participant in the third season of "The Bachelor" said that she had sold her business to a school friend. Now the expectant mother works in the Patriots of Russia organization. At the end of summer, Galya will travel with Miss Russia to the cities of the country. True, Rzhaksenskaya admits that she is not yet sure whether her husband will let her go on such a trip at such a late stage of pregnancy.

And Galina has a new project, on which she has already begun to work. It is dedicated to a topic that is relevant for a girl - motherhood. It will be a blog, called #jamma, for women who want children who already have them or for pregnant women.

About the bachelor of the third season

Photo of Galina Rzhaksenskaya and Timur Batrutdinov after the show

Rzhaksenskaya Galya said that she and Timur Batrutdinov still occasionally communicate, although a lot of time has passed since the show. In winter, he even invited the girl and her lover to his birthday. Galina was very surprised that there were not many people at the celebration, and mostly they were the closest people to Batrutdinov. Rzhaksenskaya was pleased that she and her husband were among those invited. Especially the girl noted the fact that she was called with her soulmate, and not one. The finalist of "The Bachelor" is glad that she managed to maintain a good relationship with the star of the Comedy Club, unlike, for example, Daria Kananukha.

About the project "The Bachelor" season 5

Galya said that she had anticipated the outcome of the fifth season of the program in advance. The girl sincerely hopes that there really are real feelings between Katya and Ilya and this will be the first wedding among Russian bachelors who took part in the TV show.

Rzhaksenskaya wishes all the bachelors of the next seasons that only sincere girls who want to find their love on the project, and not PR, go to them.

The finalist of the third season of the show "The Bachelor" for the first time became a mother recently. She frankly told Woman's Day how her first week went in a new status.

- Galya, how do you feel in the status of a mother?

My life has completely turned upside down. It happens from the very first moment when you see this little man and you understand that it is yours. These are some inexplicable emotions. Sometimes, looking at her, I sob with emotion, and this is unusual for me, because in life I am a non-crying person. For the first time, I felt that my life had changed forever, not immediately after the birth and not during discharge, but in the car, when my husband and I were driving and I thought if I was holding the child correctly. And when we arrived, it turned out that I needed to change the diaper, and my hands were shaking. I have a very cool husband in this regard. He took everything himself, washed it, and I exhaled. Then I did it myself. At the same time, I prepared a lot, went to many seminars, learned a lot. But theory and practice are two different things. I have a very good, calm girl. She hardly cries. Smiling, lips like Angelina Jolie.

Photo: Ivan Lyashchenko / Specially for Woman's Day

Why did you name your daughter Lisa?

We thought a lot about this name. The husband's grandmother's name was Elizabeth. She died a long time ago, I did not find her. I read about the power of this name, and I really liked it - mine, ideal. I liked the meaning of the name (translated from Hebrew - “God is my oath”, “I swear by God.” - Approx. Woman’s Day), and the character traits of the girls Lizavet. When they congratulated me, they said that we had a royal name - Elizabeth. We hope that she is our princess. And with the surname Gromova (the girl bears the surname of her father. - Approx. Woman's Day) sounds very royal. And her initials are E.E. (Elizaveta Evgenievna. - Approx. Woman's Day). In the husband's family, everyone has the initials E.E., so it turned out that they also observed the tradition.

How was the first week after giving birth?

We went to my parents out of town so that I wouldn't be scared. It was just the necessary help, because after the birth I was recovering very hard and still recovering. I walked very badly, there were terrible pains, which have now only subsided a little. It is quite difficult to take care of a child and at the same time cook something yourself and eat so that there is milk. For the first four days we lived with my parents, who helped me a lot. During this time, I came to my senses, got ready, and then we moved back to our home. The first week, you still don't understand much. state of euphoria. There are no special experiences yet, only problems with milk. We are breastfeeding.

- What problems?

The milk didn't come.

Photo: Personal archive of Galina Rzhaksenskaya / Especially for Woman's Day

- Why?

No one knows. You can have a fifth breast size and not have milk, or maybe the first - and have milk. My mother was very milky. And my breasts grew during pregnancy. Thought there would be a lot, but no. But I always put the baby on, I try to drink everything I need. A woman comes to me who helps with breastfeeding, shows poses that improve lactation, tells me what to do with the child so that he does not wean from the breast.

- What other difficulties were there in the first week?

There were enough difficulties. I couldn’t go to the toilet normally, everything hurts, and on the way back you lose consciousness, and they catch you - this is a terrible stress. You can't sit, you just lie down. You put on a baby, you worry whether he eats or not, and at the same time, the uterus contracts, everything hurts like hell, and you are just in shock.

- What do they write to you now in Instagram?

You know, I myself subscribed to Sasha Zvereva - this is a singer who starred on Domashny in the TV series Pregnant with Tutta Larsen. She has three children and is very popular on Instagram. I'm interested in reading it. Sasha gave me a lot of good advice: in particular, she advised a woman on breastfeeding. Now many do not trust doctors, but trust familiar mothers who have experienced everything on themselves. I believe that Sasha can be trusted. Although I am not ready to give birth in the bathroom, as she takes birth in many.

Many mothers write to me the same way. I have an open Instagram, they trust me, and I try to help people. People often ask what is the most important thing in childbirth. I answer that the most important thing is to listen to the doctor, trust him, especially in breathing. Says "do not push," so do not push, so as not to harm the child. If you can’t push, tell the doctor about it, don’t be silent - he can offer another scheme. There are people who are afraid to conceive or have just conceived and ask if they should take certain pills. I explain to them that it is not necessary to listen only to me, everything is individual for everyone.

Many people need support. And I advise them to listen to the doctor. If you do not trust him, then change the specialist. After all, you can choose any maternity hospital, any doctor. Many people like my lifestyle. Ask how not to get fat during pregnancy. I advise you not to eat sweets at night and not to eat, for example, after eight. I am pleased that my help is needed, and I will develop this topic. Perhaps I will create a separate blog. According to my statistics, every day 300 - 400 moms are added to my subscribers. I don't know where they come from, but they have a lot of questions.

Photo: Ivan Lyashchenko / especially for Woman's Day

What is your daily routine now?

I adapt to the child, I devote myself completely to my daughter. But it will be so until I recover, I do not understand that it has grown stronger. Then I will have a certain mode. I feed on demand, and not according to the schedule - I think that the child does not cry just like that, and I do not want her psyche to be loaded. It is most important. With the schedule, everything will change a little. But even if you are breastfeeding, this does not mean that you cannot go about your business. Now I adapt to the child, but in the future my child will adapt to me.

Is there time to do something purely for yourself?

Yes, this week I already had my first outing - with my husband in the yard. At that time I could not walk by myself, we walked around the lake. In the second week I hope to get stronger and go to Zhenya Malakhova's birthday party, I will dance. Before that, it was just painful for me to walk.

The star of the third season of the show "The Bachelor" Galina Rzhaksenskaya married Evgeny Gromov.

Galina Rzhaksenskaya, a participant in the show "The Bachelor of the Third Season", who finally got married back in May.

Recall that Galina was the finalist of the show, but lost to Daria Kananukha, who, however, in the end, did not marry her chosen one.

But Rzhaksenskaya's fiancé did not deceive her: the couple officially married and immediately flew away on their honeymoon.

"We flew to the most romantic city," Galina said, without specifying which one - Paris, Venice or somewhere else. Actually, romance depends on lovers, not on the city.

Galina also showed her bridal dress.

Galina Rzhaksenskaya and Evgeny Gromov got married

At the same time, Rzhaksenskaya is concerned about a serious question: should she change her last name or not? The opinions of the fans in the comments were divided: someone thinks that the combination “Galina Gromova” sounds very nice, while others, on the contrary, advise leaving their own. What decision Galya will make will probably become known in the very near future, because she does not make a special secret from her personal life.

The finalist of the show "The Bachelor" began to lift the veil of secrecy a few days ago. First, the bride pleased the subscribers with a picture from a pajama party, which, by the way, was also attended by Natalya Gorozhanova, a good friend of the bride, familiar to the audience from the fourth season of the Bachelor show. And just the day before, Galina published a photo in a wedding dress and told fans that today she had her last the opportunity to be a bride, thus revealing all the cards.

Recall. The fact that Galina has a boyfriend became known in December 2015, when she showed her lover at her birthday party. The chosen one of the star of "The Bachelor" made her a marriage proposal right in the sky, while on board the plane. The girl immediately agreed to become his wife and announced her intention to begin preparations for the wedding.

At the same time, Galina made it clear more than once that the groom was harassing her with jealousy. Eugene requires his beloved to always be available and make sure that the phone is charged. From time to time, Rzhaksenskaya spends time with her friends in clubs or restaurants, and Evgeny has to worry.

Season 3, Entrepreneur.

Galina Rzhaksenskaya, Instagram

Galina Rzhaksenskaya, Dom-2

Various rumors appeared on the Internet about Galina's participation in the television project "", although she never participated in it.

Judging by the way Galina Rzhaksenskaya behaved on the Bachelor project, one can understand that the cameras strained her a little, relationships for her are a very serious thing, so she would not play with her feelings for the public. In addition, the girl admitted in a conversation with Timur's sister that she did not welcome civil marriage, that is, the cohabitation of a guy and a girl without formalizing the relationship, so the Dom-2 show would hardly have attracted her.

Galina Rzhaksenskaya and Timur Badrutdinov

In the first episode of the show "The Bachelor", season 3, Galina received a rose of the first impression from, thus gaining immunity.

June 30, 2015 Galina and reached the final, where Timur Badrutdinov eventually made a choice in favor of the latter.

Galina Rzhaksenskaya, biography

Galina Rzhaksenskaya owns three elite beauty studios in Moscow and loves to travel. Rzhaksenskaya's parents are businessmen, they have been together for 34 years. Galina graduated from the Financial Academy, after which she immediately flew off to rest in Miami. This was told by the girl in an interview with Tatler, in which she became the "October Million Baby".

Galina Rzhaksenskaya had a relationship with a businessman named Ignat, with whom she was even going down the aisle. The socialite prepared delicious dishes for Ignat, and he sang “I love you to tears” for her in karaoke. But the relationship fell apart. And now Galina Rzhaksenskaya appreciates simple pleasures and snowboarding.

Galina Rzhaksenskaya, VKontakte

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