Without his sexual problems, Hitler would not have become the Fuhrer. Death of Hitler


Faces of history

The formation of the Nazi dictatorship was preceded by a short century of the Weimar Republic. It was the first German democratic republic established after Germany's defeat in the First World War. It would seem that the rise and flourishing of the democratic idea, democratic institutions and the spirit of democracy has come.

“Nothing seemed so indisputable after the end of the First World War as the victory of the democratic idea. Above the peoples towered indisputably and irrefutably, as a unifying principle of the era, the idea of ​​democracy,” wrote J. Fest, Hitler’s biographer.

However, not everything was as rosy as one might think. The fact is that the transition to democratic rule was not an independent decision of German society, but a necessity imposed on it after the defeat in the First World War. One of the conditions set by the Entente for the conclusion of peace treaties was the demand for the introduction of democracy not only in Germany, but also in the countries that took part in the war.

The result of the forced introduction of democratic ideas was not long in coming. The short period of flowering of democracy in many European countries was replaced by the establishment of fascist, military-monarchical, bureaucratic and authoritarian regimes. By the end of the 1930s. civil society survived only in 13 European countries, while in the rest of Europe, in 16 countries, autocratic regimes began to flourish.

Not only in Germany, but also in Austria, Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria, the state reorganization was carried out under the pressure of the Entente. As a result, the initial triumph of liberal politics was soon replaced by its opposite, degenerated into authoritarian-nationalist and totalitarian regimes. The crisis of democracy that occurred after 1917 was widespread. And already in the 20s. T. Mann believed that fascism is the true trend in the development of modern society. He spoke of fascism as a disease of the time, "which is at home everywhere and from which no country is free." Even in the USA and England in those years it became good form to strive for anti-parliamentaryism. Sympathies for fascism were experienced by W. Churchill, D. B. Shaw, I. Stravinsky, D. Lloyd George, M. Gandhi.

So, the Weimar Republic already initially, at the stage of its formation, was based on unstable, unsteady ground. The inhabitants of this republic themselves called the existing system a "system", since its political rules and customs were absolutely alien to the needs and interests of the German people. They talked about a "republic without republicans", "improvised democracy", "system". All this led to the great economic crisis of 1929, the resolution of which was simply necessary. Someone had to appear on the political arena who could neutralize the accumulated contradictions of the young democratic society. And that man was the Austrian Adolf Hitler.

The future fascist Fuhrer in childhood had to learn firsthand about the difficulties of a beggarly existence. When Adolf was 14 years old, his father passed away. A sister and two brothers died early, and of the five children of Alois and Clara Hitler, only Adolf and his sister Paula remained. For some time they lived on a small pension received for the deceased breadwinner. Five years later, her mother also died of cancer. This event greatly influenced the young man, who saw in his mother the closest and dearest person.

Hitler's mother prophesied spiritual education for her son, seeing him in her dreams as a priest. Adolf himself really wanted to become a famous artist. After the death of his mother, he decided to study painting. Several times Adolf Hitler tried to enter the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, but failed each time. This seriously undermined his already meager financial resources. As a result, he sank to the very bottom of life, hitting a men's shelter for the homeless.

At that time, the ideas of the Viennese anti-Semitic agitators G. Schönerer and K. Luger were fashionable. The first advocated such social transformations as universal suffrage, wage increases, the right to strike, an 8-hour working day. The second advocated an organic social structure, for the elimination of percentage slavery and capitalism. There was one big “but” in their ideas. They both considered the Jews to be the culprits of all the ills of German society. The inquisitive young man could not ignore two popular agitators of contemporary Vienna, having learned a lot from their speeches.

As soon as the First World War began, Hitler did not hesitate to join the German army as a volunteer. He served on the front line and managed to sip all the "charms" of trench life. He was a brave soldier, he earned the Order of the Iron Cross, 1st class, which was practically not issued to the privates. Among fellow soldiers he was in good standing for courage and composure, which manifested itself even in the most hopeless situations. True, Hitler only managed to rise to the rank of corporal, but only because his immediate superior believed that Hitler would never be able to create an atmosphere of respect and subordination around him - in which, as it turned out later, he was deeply mistaken. Adolf was in twelve battles of the First World War, was wounded three times. Of the 250 people of the initial composition of the company in which Hitler served, only he survived until the end of the war, which gave the already mature man a sense of being chosen.

It was then, on the battlefields, that Hitler swore to himself never to return to the slums. And he kept his promise. Subsequently, I. Fest wrote: “The history of Hitler's career is a projection of the failure of the individual on the whole people. For his misfortunes, deprivations, disappointments that accompanied the life of Hitler, he found a way to overcome them before the German people, and he imposed this formula, this way of overcoming all misfortunes and humiliations on the whole people. Hitler really wanted a great future for Germany, his cherished dream was to see Germany again as a free, independent, nationally oriented country. He wanted her to get up from her knees, as he wanted the same for himself. He found ways of his own imaginary rehabilitation and made every effort for a similar rehabilitation of his country. Hitler was so carried away by this idea that Lloyd George in 1936 in the Daily Telegraph called him the German George Washington, the greatest German of the 20th century, the most significant person in Europe since the time of Napoleon and the greatest ascetic since the time of Attila and the Huns.

Almost every mental disorder known to science was attributed to Hitler. Conclusions about his mental health were made even by those people who had never met Hitler. There is nothing to say about the dubiousness of such diagnoses, but, of course, they were based on certain facts of the Fuhrer's biography, which it would be wrong to omit.

There is some evidence that during the First World War, while at the front, Hitler suddenly became blind. True, the blindness was temporary, and vision was quickly restored. Some researchers suggest that temporary blindness arose on a nervous basis. This led some psychiatrists in later years to view Hitler as a hysterical psychopath. Although few people took into account that the psyche of any person who got to the front line is subjected to a severe test.

Soviet researchers, as a rule, referred to the opinion of a well-known doctor who lived in Germany, psychiatrist Arthur Kronfeld. Back in the days of "friendly" relations between the USSR and Germany, Kronfeld emigrated to our country. In the Soviet Union, he immediately announced his diagnosis to Hitler: an anti-social hysterical psychopath. At first, the sharp statements of the German psychiatrist were not taken into account by the Soviet press and were not published in Soviet Russia. But as soon as the war began, the German emigrant was immediately remembered and the pamphlet Bloody Gang of Degenerates (Hitler and Company) was published. For many years, Kronfeld's opinion became fundamental for Soviet researchers.

Twice in his life, Adolf Hitler underwent a serious medical examination. The first time in 1914, when he decided to volunteer to go to the front as part of the Bavarian regiment. At that time, the commission could not detect any serious illnesses in young Hitler. A few years later, in 1923, already after the war and the wounds received at the front, after the "beer putsch" arranged by him, Adolf Hitler again came under close attention of doctors. Now the examination was carried out more carefully. After the suppression of the coup by a court decision, doctors repeatedly carefully examined Hitler and a number of his closest associates. And this time, the future leader of Germany was recognized as fully sane and able to answer for his actions. No mental illness was found.

Forensic doctors only noted that the defiant behavior of the defendants in the courtroom and in other crowded places may be due to their low level of culture and the ideology that was developed by the National Socialist Party. Of the abnormal behavior, violations that were almost imperceptible to a non-specialist were noted, being on the border of the norm and pathology, not at all related to schizophrenia or other pronounced deviations. This was expressed in the way of thinking, defiant behavior, the system of values, the views put forward by them and the ways of conveying these views to the masses.

In 1933, after the National Socialists came to power, Hitler, who had already become Chancellor of Germany, was examined by the prominent German psychiatrist Karl Wilmans. The new Chancellor again suffered a short-term, but rather severe blindness, which became the result of emotional and physical overstrain. What once happened at the front was repeated during the First World War. As soon as Adolf Hitler's nerves calmed down a bit, the blindness disappeared completely without a trace. Only later it became clear that the Fuhrer began to see worse, but this could well be attributed to the usual age-related changes. He never wore glasses, believing that wearing glasses he would look like an extremely undignified leader of the chosen people. Therefore, all documentation intended for Hitler to read was typed on a special typewriter, the font of which was larger than usual. Hitler made speeches without a piece of paper.

An attack of temporary blindness led to the Fuhrer being examined by another prominent German psychiatrist, Oswald Bumke. The Nazis completely trusted him, he fully shared the views of the National Socialists, although at that time he was not a member of this party. Only after many years had passed did Bumke make a statement: during that examination, he could not decide what was more prevalent in the personality of the new chancellor - hysteria or paranoia? But both of these mental qualities are not a serious deviation from the norm and can be quite common among ordinary citizens.

Specialists in the field of mental and psychological pathologies are inclined to believe that there is not much difference between pathological power-hungry people who came to unlimited power with the help of force and those who could not do this and began an active struggle to overthrow the existing order. You can put on the same bar such famous revolutionaries as Robespierre, Marat, Lenin, and others, who, out of more or less noble motives, fought the authorities for a long time and stubbornly, and outright tyrants: Caligula, Mussolini, Hitler. Only socio-historical processes and individual characteristics separated them, putting them on different sides of the same phenomenon.

The Dutch psychiatrist R. Stolk found among the causes of the psychopathy of the leader of the German people a huge number of harmful influences that Hitler had to endure throughout his life. This led to serious changes in the emotional-volitional sphere and the emergence of painful features of intellectual activity, became the cause of increased self-suggestion and attraction to various manifestations of mysticism.

There is another opinion that reveals the reasons for Hitler's abnormal behavior. In 1918, after the defeat of Germany in the First World War, the future leader of the people fell ill with a severe form of epidemic encephalitis, characterized by inflammation of the brain. During Hitler's rule, this case was carefully hidden from the public and became known only in recent years. In the middle of the XX century. in medicine, the opinion prevailed that the disease suffered by Hitler leads to organic brain damage and sharply increases the antisocial complexes of the individual. Modern science is inclined to a different opinion: inflammation of the brain in infectious encephalitis leads to autonomic disorders, but not to brain damage.

Hitler was not an accident for Germany (and even for Europe). His worldview absorbed all the nightmares of the bourgeois age, on the cruel examples of personal tragedies he brought up the future tyrant of the century. Hitler felt the great fear of his people before the revolution, the “racial psychosis” of the Austrians before foreign dominance, the fears of compatriots that they would be defeated in the competition of peoples, and the fear of the bourgeoisie that it was receding into the background.

E. Fromm in his book “Escape from Freedom” wrote: “Nazism is a psychological problem, but the psychological factors themselves can only be understood when taking into account their formation under the influence of socio-political factors. Nazism is an economic and political problem, but without taking into account psychological factors it is impossible to understand how he gained power over an entire people. And the main of these psychological factors is the phenomenon of Adolf Hitler. Langer noted that for many years, Hitler, offended by fate, and the people of Germany, who were defeated in the First World War, were to some extent similar. After the end of the war and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, the Germans began to perceive their state as a failed country. And the masses blamed the artificially planted and useless republic for all their troubles. That is why millions of Germans dreamed of finding their deliverance in the charismatic personality of the leader of the Social Democrats. He, too, was a loser for a long time, struggling to break out of a series of failures himself and his long-suffering country.

Perhaps, he was able to most accurately feel the appearance on the arena of history of such a person as Hitler, Nietzsche, when he wrote: “One phenomenon can be noticed in all great deceivers, to which they owe their power. During the very act of deceit, under the impression of all kinds of preparations, the mystery of the voice, facial expressions, gestures, the environment of the most spectacular scenery, they are seized by faith in themselves, and it is this faith that acts so miraculously and convincingly on those around them. In the past century, Hitler was undoubtedly the greatest deceiver, first of all of himself, and only then of all his listeners.

How did Adolf Hitler die - shot himself or poisoned himself?

HITLER Adolf (pseudonym, real name Schilkgruber) (1889-1945) - leader of the German National Socialist Party, head of the German state in 1933-1945. In April 1945, the Allied forces were completing the defeat of Germany. The idea of ​​Hitler's life collapsed - the idea of ​​the world domination of the Aryan nation.

Albert Speer, head of war production in Nazi Germany, relates that a few days before his death, Hitler shouted: “If the war is lost, the German people must not exist. There is no need to care that this people survive their defeat. Destroy all factories, bridges, food. This people turned out to be weak, and therefore the future belongs to the people of the East, who showed themselves to be stronger.”

Here is a brief chronicle of the last days of the Fuhrer.

26 April. Soviet troops have occupied three-quarters of Berlin, but Hitler still hopes for something ... He is in a two-story bunker at a depth of 8 meters under the courtyard of the imperial office, anxiously awaiting news. By evening, however, it becomes clear that the 9th and 12th armies are not able to liberate the capital. Together with Hitler in the bunker are his mistress Eva Braun, Goebbels with his family, chief of the general staff Krebs, secretaries, adjutants, guards ... According to the testimony of the general staff officer, at that time "physically Hitler was a terrible picture: he moved with difficulty and clumsily, throwing his upper body forward, dragging his legs... With difficulty he could maintain balance. His left hand did not obey him, and his right hand was constantly trembling... Hitler's eyes were filled with blood... ".

In the evening, one of the best female pilots in Germany, Hanna Reitsch, fanatically devoted to Hitler, arrived in the bunker. According to the story of the pilot, the Fuhrer invited her to his place and said quietly:

“Hannah, you are one of those who will die with me. Each of us has a vial of poison. He handed the ampoule to Hannah. “I don't want any of us to fall into Russian hands, and I don't want Russians to get our bodies. Eve's bodies and mine will be burned.

Hanna Reitsch testifies that during the conversation, Hitler presented a tragicomic picture: almost blindly rushing from wall to wall with paper in trembling hands; then he suddenly stopped, sat down at the table, moved flags around the map, denoting non-existent armies. "Completely disintegrated man," Reitsch stated.

April 27th. Personal disintegration and insanity did not prevent Hitler from ordering the opening of the floodgates on the Spree River and flooding the metro station when he learned that Soviet troops had infiltrated the Berlin underground. The execution of the order led to the death of thousands of people who were in the subway: wounded German soldiers, women and children.

29 April. Goebbels and Bormann attend the wedding of Hitler and Eva Braun as witnesses. The process takes place in accordance with the law: a marriage contract is drawn up and a wedding ceremony is performed. Witnesses, as well as Krebs, Goebbels' wife, Hitler's adjutants General Burgdorf and Colonel Belov, secretaries and a cook are invited to the wedding celebration. After a small feast, Hitler retires to make a will.

April 30. The last day of the Fuhrer is coming. After lunch, on Hitler's orders, his personal chauffeur, SS Standartenführer Kempka, delivers canisters with 200 liters of gasoline to the garden of the Imperial Chancellery. In the conference room, Hitler and Eva Braun say goodbye to Bormann, Goebbels, Burgdorf, Krebs, Axman, who came here, to the Fuhrer's secretaries Junge and Weichelt. Then everyone, except for Hitler and his wife, goes out into the corridor.

Further events are presented in two main versions.

According to the first version, based on the testimony of Hitler's personal valet Linge, the Fuhrer and Eva Braun shot themselves at 15.30 minutes. When Linge and Bormann entered the room, Hitler was allegedly sitting on a sofa in the corner, a revolver lying on the table in front of him, blood flowing from his right temple. The dead Eva Braun, who was in the other corner, dropped her revolver on the floor.

Another version (accepted by almost all historians) says: Hitler and Eva Braun were poisoned by potassium cyanide. Before his death, Hitler also poisoned two beloved sheep dogs.

By order of Bormann, the bodies of the dead were wrapped in blankets, taken out into the yard, doused with gasoline and burned in a shell crater. True, they burned badly, and, in the end, the half-burnt corpses were buried by the SS men in the ground.

The bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun were discovered by the Red Army soldier I. D. Churakov on May 4, but for some reason they lay for 4 whole days without examination. They were delivered for examination and identification to one of the Berlin morgues on May 8, 1945. External examination suggested that the charred corpses of a man and a woman were the remains of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. But, as you know, the Fuhrer and his mistress had several doubles, and therefore the Soviet military authorities wanted to conduct a thorough investigation.

The question of whether the person delivered to the morgue was really Hitler still worries researchers. Here is what one of them says about the circumstances of the case:

The body of the man was in a wooden box 163 cm long, 55 cm wide and 53 cm high, respectively.

A piece of yellowish knitted fabric, similar to a shirt, was found on the corpse, burnt along the edges.

Due to the fact that the corpse was charred to a large extent, it was possible to judge the age and height only presumably: about 50-60 years. Height - 165 cm.

During his lifetime, Hitler repeatedly turned to his dentist, as evidenced by the large number of fillings and gold crowns on the preserved parts of the jaws.

They were confiscated and transferred to the SMERSH-Z department of the Shock Army. From the protocol of the interrogation of the dentist K. Gaiserman, it was seen that the jaws belonged to the Fuhrer. On May 11, 1945, Gaiserman described in detail the anatomical data of Hitler's oral cavity, which coincided with the results of a study conducted on May 8. But still, in our opinion, it is impossible to completely exclude the notorious game on the part of those who could stand behind it.

There were no visible signs of severe fatal injuries or diseases on the body significantly altered by fire.

But a crushed glass ampoule was found in the oral cavity. The smell of bitter almonds emanated from the corpse. The same ampoules were found during the autopsy of another 10 corpses close to Hitler.

It was found that death was the result of cyanide poisoning.

On the same day, an autopsy was performed on the corpse of a woman, "presumably", as stated in the acts, which belonged to Hitler's wife, Eva Braun.

It was also difficult to determine the age: between 30 and 40 years. Height is about 150 cm.

The corpse could also be identified only by the golden bridge of the lower jaw.

But, apparently, the causes of death were different: despite the fact that there was a broken glass ampoule in the mouth and the smell of bitter almonds also emanated from the corpse, traces of a shrapnel wound and 6 small metal fragments were found in the chest.

The study of the remains of Hitler and Braun was carried out by Soviet military forensic experts and pathologists; to date, they have all died, and therefore it is difficult (almost impossible) to know the fate of Hitler's remains. The writer Elena Rzhevskaya, who during the war was a translator of the 1st Belorussian Front, writes in her book "There was a war ..." that these remains were sent to Moscow. However, no one has managed to find their traces in the USSR so far.

People do not want to believe in the death of outstanding peacekeepers because part of their hopes for a better future are dying with them. The death of prominent criminals is also called into question, but for completely different reasons: she acts as a lawyer who saved the killer from retribution. Therefore, the news that Adolf Gitler committed suicide is still in doubt.

The proximity of the defeat of Nazi Germany created an atmosphere of panic in the Reich Chancellery, combined with hysterical fun. Under the roar of the bombing, they drank and danced tango. Eva Braun insisted on holding a wedding ceremony, and her marriage to Hitler took place in compliance with all the details of the ceremony (except for one thing: the bride and groom could not provide certificates of the purity of their origin - there was nowhere to take them).

The chronicle of the last days of Adolf Hitler suggests the agony that began during his lifetime. All those in the bunker were given ampoules of potassium cyanide. It was assumed that none of Hitler's close associates would refuse to follow him.

On April 26, 1945, Soviet troops occupied a third of Berlin. Hitler took refuge in a bunker located at a depth of eight meters under the palace of the imperial office. He has not yet lost hope for a favorable outcome.

Together with him in the bunker were his mistress Eva Braun, Goebbels and his family, chief of the general staff Krebs, secretaries, adjutants, and guards. Those close to him barely recognized their Fuhrer: he had changed so dramatically these days.

According to the officers, “Physically, Hitler presented a terrible picture: he moved with difficulty and clumsily, throwing his upper body forward, dragging his legs ... He could hardly maintain balance. The left hand did not obey him, and the right one constantly trembled ... Hitler's eyes were bloodshot ... "

This spectacle was so different from the usual image that many suspected the replacement of Hitler with a double. But another explanation is also possible: at the time of the events described, Hitler was 56 years old. A strong shock can turn even a young man into an old man in a few hours, and the description of how the Fuhrer moved suggests a stroke.

According to the testimony of the pilot Hana Reitsch, who saw the Fuhrer these days, he constantly rushed around the room, suddenly stopped, sat down at the table and moved flags around the map, marking the deployment of already non-existent armies. It was a completely "decayed" person. On April 27, having learned that Soviet troops had infiltrated the Berlin subway, he gave the order to flood the subway station.

This measure did not bring any positive result, but became another crime of Hitler against his own people: thousands of wounded German soldiers, women and children choked in the water gushing from the locks.

On April 29, the marriage of Hitler and Eva Braun took place. After the ceremony and a festive feast (however, quite a modest one), Hitler retires to his office and draws up a political testament. And the next day, in the meeting room, Hitler and Eva Braun say goodbye to Bormann, Goebbels, Burgdorf, Krebs, Axman, who came here, to the Fuhrer's secretaries Junge and Weichelt. After that, all the invitees go out into the corridor.

Historians differ on what happened next. From the testimony of Hitler's personal valet Linge, the following picture emerges: at 15.30, the Fuhrer and Eva Braun committed suicide with a shot from a revolver.

Linge and Bormann, who entered the room, saw them dead. Opponents of this version (and most of them) object: why did the Fuhrer and Eve use weapons when they had potassium cyanide at their disposal?

Moreover, Eva Braun, according to eyewitnesses, did not want to look disfigured after death and chose a “suitable” poison for a long time. It is possible that Hitler did not find the strength to die and someone from his inner circle forced him to take poison. After that, the bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun were, by order of Bormann, wrapped in blankets, taken out into the yard and burned in a funnel formed by a shell explosion. There they were discovered by Soviet troops.

On May 5, 1945, a group led by the head of the SMERSH counterintelligence department of the 79th rifle corps, Major I. Klimenko, found two half-burnt corpses, male and female, in one of the funnels. They are mentioned by all historians involved in the mystery of Hitler's death. But for some reason, they cite so different protocols describing the state of the bodies that it is hard to believe that we are talking about the same corpses.

The famous British physician-historian Hugh Thomas, who wrote the book "The Doubles", cites extremely strange facts. According to him, the man’s tibia and left foot were missing from the corpse, and the prostheses were put in at all after death ... There is nothing of the kind in the protocols of Soviet intelligence (namely, Soviet intelligence conducted an investigation).

Both bodies were badly damaged, so direct identification was ruled out. It remained only to hope for the testimonies and the help of doctors (after all, one of the most reliable ways of identification is considered to be identification by a dental card). The captured SS man Harry Mengerhausen, who was involved in the cremation of Hitler and Eva Braun, accurately indicated the funnel where the Fuhrer and his wife were buried.

In order to rule out a mistake, the intelligence officers conducted a survey of witnesses, found in Berlin the assistants of Professor Blaschke, a dentist who treated the entire "top" of the German government. On May 10, the professor's assistant, Kette Goizerman, was presented with the preserved prostheses and teeth. She not only confirmed their belonging to the Hitler couple, but also argued her point of view.

The dental technicians who assisted the professor also did not doubt the affiliation of the presented prostheses. On June 16, L.P. Beria reported to I.V. Stalin and V.M. Molotov about the acts of identification of the remains of the Fuhrer and the results of the examinations, as well as about the testimony of witnesses from among the detained Germans.

It would seem that the issue is settled. But the general confusion in the testimony of witnesses regarding the method of suicide and the course of events in the last hours of Hitler's life made skeptics doubt even the results of the examination. The consequence of this was the assumption that both corpses were twins of Hitler and Eva Braun, and the real Fuhrer and his wife managed to escape from Berlin.

It must be said that not only the remnants of the Nazi army adhered to this version, but also ... Stalin! On May 2, 1945, the Pravda newspaper cited the following text: “Last night, the German command circulated a message from the so-called Fuhrer’s Main Headquarters, which states that Hitler died on May 1 in the afternoon ...

These German radio reports appear to be a new fascist trick: by spreading the claim about Hitler's death, the German fascists apparently hope to give Hitler the opportunity to leave the stage and go underground.

Later, Stalin repeatedly expressed the idea that Hitler was alive and hiding somewhere with his allies.

If we assume that instead of Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler, the bodies of twins were found in the funnel (in which even the structure of the teeth was the same as that of the “originals”), then the question arises: how and where did Hitler escape in the last days of the war? And did he have such an opportunity in principle?

There was an opportunity. The Fuhrer and his entourage prudently even prepared several evacuation options. The first, and most obvious, is by air. Perhaps it was for this purpose that the pilot Hana Reich arrived in the bunker. However, by April 30, the airfields (including the one closest to the bunker, built in case of a sudden evacuation) were bombed by Soviet aircraft.

Takeoff was impossible. There was a second way - to the sea. To do this, Hitler needed to get to the coast of the Spree and go downstream to the coast of the Baltic Sea, where submarines stood ready. On them, the Fuhrer could leave the waters of Europe.

This option looked more convincing. There was even a discussion in the press about where the former dictator could go: to Argentina, Paraguay, Spain, Ireland? Perhaps to Antarctica? There was also such a version. Its author, a career American intelligence officer who wished to remain incognito, reported that at the end of the war, fascists in submarines (at least 100 in number) began to hastily transfer people and material resources to a secretly created citadel, allegedly located in the area of ​​Queen Maud Land ( opposite the southern tip of Africa).

According to some reports, it was on this base, called New Schwabenland, that Hitler and Eva Braun lived the rest of their days. But this hypothesis can only be attributed to the realm of science fiction: even if the movement of an entire submarine fleet went unnoticed in wartime, then modern satellites would have detected any activity in the waters of Antarctica long ago. Or found the remains of structures. Hitler could have tried to escape in a submarine, but it is unlikely that he headed for the South Pole - this is contrary to common sense.

Many hoaxes are connected with the "marine" trail of the main Nazi of Germany. So, for example, on the coast of the North Sea in Denmark, they found a bottle with a letter from a German sailor from a sunken submarine. The note said that Hitler was on board the boat, who could not escape. The boat stumbled upon a sunken ship, received a hole. Part of the crew escaped, but Hitler was in the stern in a tightly closed cabin and could not get out.

Journalists and publishers constantly threw new facts to readers, often contradictory, sometimes absurd. First in one country, then in another, people appeared who saw Adolf Hitler after 1945. Perhaps these were the surviving twins of the Fuhrer. And perhaps the brisk feathers of journalists who want to become famous are to blame.

The bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun were reburied several times. Initially (after the examination) they were buried in the area of ​​the city of Bukh. Then, in connection with the relocation of SMERSH, the corpses were seized and transported first to the area of ​​​​the city of Finov, and on June 3, 1945 - to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city of Rathenov.

After that, the remains of the Hitler couple for a long time were located on the territory of one of the military camps. In 1970, the head of the KGB, Yuri Andropov, put an end to their journey. He ordered not to transfer the remains again, but simply to burn them and scatter the ashes. This operation was codenamed "Archive".

The remains were burned at the stake in a wasteland near the town of Schensbek, eleven kilometers from Magdeburg. What was left was crushed to ashes, collected and thrown into the Bidevitz River.

And although historians have lost the main object of research, the biochemical analysis of tissues of which, perhaps, would shed light on the mystery of Hitler's death, posthumous burning has its own special meaning. Hitler's grave will never become a place of worship and gatherings for neo-fascists. Because she doesn't exist.

Historian and TV presenter Leonid Mlechin undertook to unravel the biggest mysteries of Adolf Hitler

On the shelves of even a small bookstore, there are probably several books at once that tell about Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler. One more was added to them - "The Fuhrer's Biggest Secret", written by the famous historian, writer and TV presenter Leonid MLECHIN. Why is interest in this historical figure (by the way, tomorrow is the birthday of the Nazi boss number one) so persistent? “Is not everything known about Hitler yet?” we asked the author.

There are individuals in world history whose scale of crimes is so incredible that they will always attract attention. I tried to give answers to many questions, but there are things that you still cannot fully understand. To some extent, this fascinates the researcher, however, it often leads to a false perception of the scale of the individual.

Actually, as a person, Adolf Hitler was a complete nonentity, but the scope of his atrocities is such that they, like a powerful lens, turned his figure into a gigantic one. Under this optical effect, Hitler was often credited with qualities that in fact he did not have.

- So, the final understanding of Hitler has not yet taken place?

All German archives relating to the 13-year period of Hitlerism were immediately opened after 1945. A huge number of books have been written, but imagine, and to this day in the same Germany more and more new works are published. So I just read a thick scientific work on the German economy during the Nazi era. For the first time in 60 years, it provides detailed explanations of how the Third Reich, with rather scarce resources, managed to create a powerful military machine and threaten almost the entire world. This is an inexhaustible topic.

- And what is "Hitler's biggest secret"? Did you open it?

The Fuhrer has a lot of secrets. Starting with the mystery of his origin: after all, who his grandfather was, is still completely incomprehensible. Most likely, incest took place in his family: his father married his own niece. He hid it all his life and was terribly afraid that the truth would come out. Another secret is Hitler's relationship with men and women, his crushed homosexuality, fear of intimacy with the opposite sex. As a result, there was a complete discord with oneself and resentment for the whole world around. It seems that the only person for whom Hitler had feelings, including sexual ones, was his own niece Geli Raubal, who committed suicide in the 31st year.

All these particulars would not have been of particular importance if they had not developed into the character, into the fate of himself and his country. But the biggest mystery is how this man was able to completely subjugate the whole state to himself, to master the mass consciousness of the people so much that these people themselves threw themselves into the furnace.

- Until recently, we were taught history in a different way: historical materialism, class struggle, movement from rank to rank. And now, it turns out, individuals and their intimate lives can dramatically affect world history?

Yes, I think the role of the individual in history has turned out to be much more significant than we once thought. She is just awesome! I dare say that if, for example, Adolf Hitler died at the front in the 17th or 18th year, there would be no National Socialism. There would be ultra-right parties, something else, but 50 million people would still be alive! If he had been born a dozen years earlier or later, everything would have turned out differently. Hitler coincided at that very historical point with the mood of the people, he caught the wave.

- You portrayed the young Hitler as an ordinary person, weak and notorious. At what point did the metamorphosis happen and the Fuhrer appear?

A whole chain of accidents leads him to this. There is a version that the turning point was an episode on the front of the First World War, when, after a gas attack, Hitler ended up in the hospital. The doctor who treated him for his blindness discovered that the damage to his eyes was not organic, but rather neurotic. And then, not without the help of hypnosis, the front-line doctor inspired Hitler with a special belief in himself.

The second moment occurred when Hitler, finding himself at a meeting of a small Bavarian party - and such meetings took place in pubs - began to speak. Surrounded by completely insignificant outcasts, he suddenly felt the gift of a demagogue in himself. They began to applaud him, and he was filled with self-confidence.

In a word, a mass of random circumstances formed a fatal sequence. He shouldn't have come to power. If the Weimar Republic had held out for at least an extra couple of months, the Nazi wave would have come to naught. And it so happened that a number of politicians who played their own games, trying to drown each other, opened the way to the top for Hitler.

- Was it all so accidental? After all, fascism was already in Italy by that time, similar regimes took over in other European countries.

But in Germany there was a special situation. After the First World War, the Germans held a huge grudge against the whole world. And false grievances and the search for external enemies are extremely dangerous things for any country.

- By the way, in Russia, which suffered the most in the war against fascism, skinheads are walking around today, beating up people of a different nationality. Where do we get this infection from?

There is no paradox in this. It took Germany two decades to heal and a huge strain on society, especially on the West German intelligentsia. She wrote new textbooks, created a new spiritual climate. The country has learned its lessons. Even the current German Chancellor Merkel, who was born after the war and seemingly free from responsibility for the crimes of Hitlerism, speaks of the historical guilt of the German people. It costs a lot.

For Russia, however strange it may sound, the Great Patriotic War was not anti-fascist, it was a war for the Motherland against the invaders. There was no exposure of fascism, its ideological roots: after all, Stalin's regime was in many ways similar to it. This is clearly seen in the example of the GDR, where, as in the USSR, these "vaccinations" were not done. It is no coincidence that the far right in today's Germany is almost all from its eastern lands. I hope that unraveling Hitler's biggest mysteries will bring us all one step closer to learning the lessons of history.

HITLER Adolf (pseudonym, real name Schilkgruber) (1889-1945) - leader of the German National Socialist Party, head of the German state in 1933-1945. In April 1945, the Allied forces were completing the defeat of Germany. The idea of ​​Hitler's life collapsed - the idea of ​​the world domination of the Aryan nation.

Albert Speer, head of war production in Nazi Germany, relates that a few days before his death, Hitler shouted: “If the war is lost, the German people must not exist. There is no need to care that this people survive their defeat. Destroy all factories, bridges, food. This people turned out to be weak, and therefore the future belongs to the people of the East, who showed themselves to be stronger.”

Here is a brief chronicle of the last days of the Fuhrer.

26 April. Soviet troops have occupied three-quarters of Berlin, but Hitler still hopes for something ... He is in a two-story bunker at a depth of 8 meters under the courtyard of the imperial office, anxiously awaiting news. By evening, however, it becomes clear that the 9th and 12th armies are not able to liberate the capital. Together with Hitler in the bunker are his mistress Eva Braun, Goebbels with his family, chief of the general staff Krebs, secretaries, adjutants, guards ... According to the testimony of the general staff officer, at that time "physically Hitler was a terrible picture: he moved with difficulty and clumsily, throwing his upper body forward, dragging his legs... With difficulty he could keep his balance. His left hand did not obey him, and his right hand was constantly trembling... Hitler's eyes were filled with blood...”

In the evening, one of the best female pilots in Germany, Hanna Reitsch, fanatically devoted to Hitler, arrived in the bunker. According to the story of the pilot, the Fuhrer invited her to his place and said quietly:

“Hannah, you are one of those who will die with me. Each of us has a vial of poison. He handed the ampoule to Hannah. “I don't want any of us to fall into Russian hands, and I don't want Russians to get our bodies. Eve's bodies and mine will be burned.

Hanna Reitsch testifies that during the conversation, Hitler presented a tragicomic picture: almost blindly rushing from wall to wall with paper in trembling hands; then he suddenly stopped, sat down at the table, moved flags around the map, denoting non-existent armies. "Completely disintegrated man," Reitsch stated.

April 27th. Personal disintegration and insanity did not prevent Hitler from ordering the opening of the floodgates on the Spree River and flooding the metro station when he learned that Soviet troops had infiltrated the Berlin underground. The execution of the order led to the death of thousands of people who were in the subway: wounded German soldiers, women and children.

29 April. Goebbels and Bormann attend the wedding of Hitler and Eva Braun as witnesses. The process takes place in accordance with the law: a marriage contract is drawn up and a wedding ceremony is performed. Witnesses, as well as Krebs, wife of Goebbels. Hitler's adjutants General Burgdorf and Colonel Belov, secretaries and a cook are invited to the wedding celebration. After a small feast, Hitler retires to make a will.

April 30. The last day of the Fuhrer is coming. After lunch, on Hitler's orders, his personal chauffeur, SS Standartenführer Kempka, delivers canisters with 200 liters of gasoline to the garden of the Imperial Chancellery. In the conference room, Hitler and Eva Braun say goodbye to Bormann, Goebbels, Burgdorf, Krebs, Axman, who came here, to the Fuhrer's secretaries Junge and Weichelt. Then everyone, except for Hitler and his wife, goes out into the corridor.

Further events are presented in two main versions.

According to the first version, based on the testimony of Hitler's personal valet Linge, the Fuhrer and Eva Braun shot themselves at 15.30 minutes. When Linge and Bormann entered the room, Hitler was allegedly sitting on a sofa in the corner, a revolver lying on the table in front of him, blood flowing from his right temple. The dead Eva Braun, who was in the other corner, dropped her revolver on the floor.

Another version (accepted by almost all historians) says: Hitler and Eva Braun were poisoned by potassium cyanide. Before his death, Hitler also poisoned two beloved sheep dogs.

By order of Bormann, the bodies of the dead were wrapped in blankets, taken out into the yard, doused with gasoline and burned in a shell crater. True, they burned badly, and, in the end, the half-burnt corpses were buried by the SS men in the ground.

The bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun were discovered by the Red Army soldier I.D. Churakov on May 4, but for some reason they lay for 4 whole days without examination. They were delivered for examination and identification to one of the Berlin morgues on May 8, 1945. External examination suggested that the charred corpses of a man and a woman were the remains of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. But, as you know, the Fuhrer and his mistress had several doubles, and therefore the Soviet military authorities wanted to conduct a thorough investigation.

The question of whether the person delivered to the morgue was really Hitler still worries researchers. Here is what one of them says about the circumstances of the case:

The body of the man was in a wooden box 163 cm long, 55 cm wide and 53 cm high, respectively.

A piece of yellowish knitted fabric, similar to a shirt, was found on the corpse, burnt along the edges.

Due to the fact that the corpse was charred to a large extent, it was possible to judge the age and height only presumably: about 50-60 years. Height - 165 cm.

During his lifetime, Hitler repeatedly turned to his dentist, as evidenced by the large number of fillings and gold crowns on the preserved parts of the jaws.

They were confiscated and transferred to the SMERSH-Z department of the Shock Army. From the protocol of the interrogation of the dentist K. Gaiserman, it was seen that the jaws belonged to the Fuhrer. On May 11, 1945, Gaiserman described in detail the anatomical data of Hitler's oral cavity, which coincided with the results of a study conducted on May 8. But still, in our opinion, it is impossible to completely exclude the notorious game on the part of those who could stand behind it.

There were no visible signs of severe fatal injuries or diseases on the body significantly altered by fire.

But a crushed glass ampoule was found in the oral cavity. The smell of bitter almonds emanated from the corpse. The same ampoules were found during the autopsy of another 10 corpses close to Hitler.

It was found that death was the result of cyanide poisoning.

On the same day, an autopsy was performed on the corpse of a woman, "presumably", as stated in the acts, which belonged to Hitler's wife, Eva Braun.

It was also difficult to establish the age: between 30 and 40 years old. Height is about 150 cm.

The corpse could also be identified only by the golden bridge of the lower jaw.

But, apparently, the causes of death were different: despite the fact that there was a broken glass ampoule in the mouth and the smell of bitter almonds also emanated from the corpse, traces of a shrapnel wound and 6 small metal fragments were found in the chest.

The study of the remains of Hitler and Braun was carried out by Soviet military forensic experts and pathologists; to date, they have all died, and therefore it is difficult (almost impossible) to know the fate of Hitler's remains. The writer Elena Rzhevskaya, who during the war was a translator of the 1st Belorussian Front, writes in her book "There was a war ..." that these remains were sent to Moscow. However, no one has managed to find their traces in the USSR so far.

The great leader, the so-called Fuhrer, the founder of National Socialism in Germany. And this is not all the titles of Hitler. German propaganda, led by Joseph Goebbels, did a good job of instilling in people the divine principle of Hitler. But was the leader really the way the propaganda machine painted him? Where is Hitler buried and is there his grave? This is what we will discuss in our article.

The birth of a 20th-century propagandist

Before finding out where Hitler was buried, it is worth talking about how he managed to attract such close attention to his person. It is a mistake to assume that Hitler was born in Germany. In fact, his homeland is Hungary. The baby was born in Braunau an der Inn near the border with Germany. Adolf Hitler took facial features from his mother, in the future it greatly interfered with him. Some fellow party members and ordinary citizens considered him effeminate. He did not despair, grew a mustache and began to wear a military uniform to give himself masculinity.

Previously, he spent his childhood at the Pomeranian Hotel. After his father corrected his financial situation and became an official. Because of this, their family moved frequently. The attention of the young leader was not deprived, his mother gave all her free time to Adolf.

School years

At the age of six, his parents sent him to study at a one-year school of national character. Having accumulated money, in July 1895 the family moved to Gafeld. Here, Hitler's father bought a house with an adjacent plot of 38 thousand m 2.

Studied Adolf Hitler diligently, enjoyed prestige among teachers. True, with the transition from a rural school to a real one, his successes declined. He began to study only subjects that were interesting to him. As a result of this, he stayed for two years in the same class. At the same time, he became interested in politics. The little Fuhrer did not like the church, although he sang in the church choir for some time. An interesting fact: for the first time, Hitler saw a four-pointed swastika in a church.

His attitude to the church was strongly influenced by his father. He did not want worthlessness to grow out of his son, advised him to follow in his own footsteps.

Father's death

Hitler's father died in 1903 from old age and disease. Despite the openly hostile relationship between father and son, Hitler came to his father's funeral and did not hold back his tears.

Mother's death

In 1907, his mother underwent a complex operation to remove breast cancer. In November 1907, the great leader returned to Linz to look after his sick mother. Already on December 21 of this year, Klara Hitler died and was buried next to her husband. After her death, Hitler left for Vienna, having previously issued a survivor's pension for himself and his sister.

The Poor Artist and the Vienna Academy

In September 1907, Hitler arrived in Vienna and decided to enter an art school. However, he was not accepted for training. The rector advised me to take up architecture because of the predominance of paintings of this direction in his portfolio.

In September 1908, he made another attempt to enter the Vienna Art Academy, but failed at the first stage. He made no further such attempts.

Hitler's first big money

Where is Hitler buried? You will learn about this briefly below. First, let's discuss his life path. In Vienna, Hitler did not have money, in 1909 he got a job as an artist and writer. Already in 1910, he sold his paintings to hated Jews through an intermediary. For the most part, he painted postcards, advertising signs and buildings of the city.

Adolf Hitler decided to set up his intermediary and take all the proceeds from the paintings for himself. To do this, he reported to the police commissariat about the theft of one of the paintings and part of the proceeds. A case was filed against the mediator, and he was put in jail for seven days.

Thanks to his cunning, Hitler had a steady income and soon allowed himself to live in grand style. He even gave up his pension in favor of his sister. With his characteristic zeal, he took up self-improvement. He learned two languages, French and English, and began to watch films without translation. It was during this period of his life that he became interested in politics.

Hitler's involvement in World War I

He did not succeed in hiding from military service for a long time; in 1913, the Munich police detained Hitler and handed him over to his colleagues in the Austrian police. But at a medical examination in Salzburg, he was declared unfit for service.

With the outbreak of the First World War, the situation changed. Hitler submitted a petition to the King of Bavaria, in which he asked to enroll him as a volunteer in the army. The next day, the petition was approved, he appeared in the lists of the 16th reserve regiment of List.

In military service, Hitler was not respected among the soldiers. They considered him too weak and feminine, besides, he flattered in front of the higher authorities. Remembering his service, he often lied, talking about his unprecedented courage of spirit and luck.

In 1915 he received his final rank of corporal. He took an active part in the battles with the French troops. For all the time of service he received one shrapnel wound in the thigh. Was hospitalized. In 1918, he was poisoned by gas and was sent to the hospital, where he learned about the defeat of the tripartite alliance.

Received several awards, including the Iron Cross and Service Commendation III Class. He was proud of his regalia and often put them on the militarized uniform of the party.

Hitler blamed the Jews for losing the First World War. In his subjective opinion, they led the Triple Alliance to collapse and the loss of most of the territories of the German Reich.

Campaign courses

In 1919, Hitler was sent to campaign courses, where he stayed for seven days. In the courses he was taught to conduct explanatory conversations with former front-line soldiers. He had to convince them not to join the growing strength of the Communist Party.

On instructions from the military, in 1919 he was sent to a pub where meetings of the German Workers' Party were held. Hitler did not even think of sitting around doing nothing; he began to speak with pan-German agitation. Thanks to his outstanding oratorical talent, he managed to capture the attention of the entire public. After a fiery speech, the founder of the party, Anton Drexler, made an offer to Hitler to join the party.

Party career of a former agitator

Hitler accepted the offer and retired from the army. He set to work zealously, taking on the duties of a propagandist. Skillful propaganda brought the party from forty people to several thousand.

During his trip to Berlin, party leaders negotiated with other factions. This angered Hitler. And in protest on July 11, 1920, he left the party. Hitler's departure from the party is nothing more than a fiction for him and a big problem for the party. At that time he was the most temperamental orator and a prominent politician. The party leadership was forced to ask him to return. And on July 29, 1920, he was elected the main party.

My path is thorny

As a result of the failed overthrow of power in Bavaria, which is called the "Beer Putsch", Hitler was imprisoned. True, instead of five years, he served 9 months in complete comfort and a separate cell. In prison, he wrote his famous work "My Struggle".

After leaving prison, the party was on the verge of disintegration. Hitler had to restore the integrity of the association, in which Ernest Röhm helped him. Since the party was based in Bavaria, it needed access to the rest of Germany. What Gregos Strasser helped with, and Josef Goebbels won the audience of communist Berlin through intrigues and scandals.

On June 7, 1932, Hitler's NSDAP party received 37.8% of the vote. However, on November 6 this year, the party lost about two million votes. Popularity was falling, people wanted to see results, not Fuhrer's populism.

However, on January 30, 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor of the Reich. What did not give him the necessary power, he longed for absolute dictatorship. Therefore, he set fire to the Reichstag by the communists and accused them of trying to seize power.

As a result, the Communist Party was banned and its prominent figures were arrested. Internal opposition to the NSAPD was decimated on the night of the Long Knives. The party received the majority of votes and sat in parliament with a majority. However, it was fiction. Hitler received unlimited power.

Military campaigns of the German legions

With the coming to power of Hitler, the army structure was reorganized, new weapons were purchased and produced, and the population was militarized.

In 1939, Poland and Czechoslovakia, France, Bulgaria, and the Benelux countries were captured. In 1941, Germany attacked the USSR. Already in 1943, Soviet soldiers stood on the German border, and in 1944 they completely captured the Third Reich.

When and where is Hitler buried?

More than his own death, he was afraid of losing. When the Allied armies captured Berlin, the brave corporal hid in a bunker with key figures of the Third Reich, from where he managed to command non-existent armies and marry Eva Braun.

Where is Hitler buried? History knows several versions of his death and burial place. The main ones are listed below:

  1. He shot himself in his own bunker with a firearm, his wife Eva Braun was poisoned by a capsule of potassium cyanide. According to the preliminary instructions drawn up by the leader, their bodies were to be doused with a combustible mixture and burned. Hitler's assistant dentist helped in identification. The leader's teeth were not healthy, so he had dentures inserted. According to their structure, the doctor identified the body of the former patient. There is even a photograph where a bullet hole is visible in Hitler's forehead. However, its authenticity is in question. This version is supported by the fact that after his death, the German command of the Wehrmacht capitulated. Famous Nazis Joseph Goebbels and Martin Bormann committed suicide within hours of Hitler's death. Goebbels took his wife and his model children with him. That is, it is not known where Hitler is buried. His grave has not been found.
  2. There is an opinion that Hitler had several doubles. And they burned another of them, they made a similar relief of his teeth and plastic surgery of his face. To give veracity poisoned Eva Braun.
  3. Some historians claim that Hitler took poison. Others that he took poison (potassium cyanide) and shot him in the head at the same time. But where Adolf Hitler is buried remains a mystery.
  4. He could have escaped through neutral Switzerland. This is what high-ranking Nazis did, preparing documents and escape routes for themselves in advance. Where further their choice fell on Falangist Spain.
  5. Fled to Latin America. The legend says that Hitler was not in the bunker at all, and he sailed on a submarine to the countries of Latin America. There is allegedly true evidence, such as his military uniform, which was found in Peru or Paraguay. In the future, he radically changed his appearance. May have used the service of a plastic surgeon in Germany before the trip. After all, it was difficult to secretly hold it in another country for a simple reason: the whole world was looking for him. No country believed in his death, thinking that he had escaped from a sinking ship. In Venezuela, Chile and Peru, right-wing sentiment was maintained, and they could provide assistance to Nazi refugees. There were photos that allegedly depict the German leader. You should not blame him for escaping, Adolf Hitler was a courageous brave man. Therefore, such a version is unlikely, and it is difficult to say exactly where Hitler is buried and whether there is a grave.
  6. Died in 1964. Beginning in 1943, the victory of the Allied forces became obvious, and it was time to take care of the escape routes. The Berlin-Spain-Argentina flight was worked out by Nazi intelligence for a whole year, they bought real estate, kept places in hotels and hotels, and large sums of money were transferred to fake accounts. In April 1945, the secret operation "Seraglio" was carried out. Nazi leaders were airlifted to friendly Spain. Then by submarine to Argentina. Where is Hitler buried? Hardly anyone can answer.
  7. Where is Hitler buried, whose photo you have the opportunity to see in the article? There is an opinion that he is alive to this day. After 72 years of silence, Adolf Hitler, in the person of an old man from Argentina, got in touch. He went into public relations because of false accusations against Hitler. In his book, he promises to debunk the myths about him and write his own biography. His wife talked about her husband's development of Alzheimer's disease. Perhaps that is why this man imagined himself a Nazi leader.

For science fiction writers, other versions were also invented, more similar to the headlines of the yellow newspapers: “Hitler is hiding on a moon base”, “Adolf Hitler is hiding in Antarctica” or “Hitler is captured by aliens”. Although it may be true.

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