To run as fast as possible is the meaning of a phraseological unit. From all legs


run; rush, rush, etc. Very quickly. As a rule, fear, fear are implied; curiosity or interest in smth.; the desire to help, to tell about something l., prompting a person to action. It means that a person or a group of persons (X) ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

from all legs- Cm … Synonym dictionary

from all legs- run as fast as you can, rush as fast as you can ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

From all legs- Razg. Express. Rapidly, very quickly (to rush to run). Vanya Pochitalin, seeing his father among the approaching riders, rushed ... to him with all his might (Shishkov. Emelyan Pugachev) ...

From all legs- Razg. Very quickly, swiftly (to run, rush). FSRYA, 281; BMS 1998, 405; 3S 1996, 496; Glukhov 1988, 152 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

from all legs- see leg; in sign adv. Very quickly, swiftly (run, rush, rush somewhere) ... Dictionary of many expressions

Throw from all legs Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

Throw from all legs- THROW FROM ALL LEGS. RUN FROM ALL LEGS. Prost. Express. Very quickly, quickly run away, resort, catch up ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

take off running, with all legs- Cm … Synonym dictionary

start off with all legs (rush)- Wed. With all her feet, she caught a cold and a trace. Krylov. Lion and Mouse. Wed And I rushed here with all my legs. Griboyedov. Woe from the mind. Wed The horse set off on all four legs. Krylov. Convoy … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary


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THROW FROM ALL LEGS. RUN FROM ALL LEGS. Prost. Express. Very quickly, quickly run away, resort, catch up.

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  • - Cm....
  • - kida / yu, - yes / eat, ...

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  • - Cm....

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  • - I ask not all by name, but all without exception ...

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  • - Book. Shuttle. About an unfriendly team, a society torn apart by squabbles and strife. ShZF 2001, 41. /i> Tracing paper from lat. bellum omnium contra omnes. BMS 1998, 93...

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  • - ...

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  • - Cm....

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19. Also bring into the ark (of every livestock, and of all creeping things, and) of all animals, and of all flesh, in pairs, so that they remain alive with you; male and female let them be. 20. From (all) birds according to their kind, and from (all) cattle according to their kind, and from all creeping things on the ground according to

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1. And God remembered Noah, and all the beasts, and all the cattle, (and all the birds, and all the creeping things that creep) that were with him in the ark; and God sent a wind upon the earth, and the waters stopped "And God remembered Noah..."

12. he will be among people like a wild ass; his hands on all, and the hands of all on him; he will live in the presence of all his brothers

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Alexander

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From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Alexander

35. And he separated on that day the spotted and spotted goats, and all the spotted and spotted goats, all that had a few white ones on them, and all the black sheep, and gave them into the hands of his sons; 36. And he set a distance between himself and between Jacob for three days' journey. Jacob shepherded the rest of the little ones

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Phraseologism here is only "from all legs", it is combined with all verbs of fast movement: run, rush, rush, rush, rush, stretch, etc.

Many linguists believe that it is borrowed from the French. tongue in the form of tracing paper: a toutes jambes. Originally about horses, the turnover appeared as a result of observations of the gait of horses.

Others argue that this is an East Slavic phraseological unit, because. the expression exists in Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian languages ​​and their dialects.

Phraseologism "from all legs" (to run) is widely represented in fairy tales: the fool ran there with all his might; the bear rushed at full speed; the imp ... waved out from behind the stove as fast as he could; (wolves) with all legs allowed to run without looking back; the bear started to run as fast as he could; fool ... runs with all his might; the girl rushed with all her legs; the hare started running at full speed. There are two examples showing the ways of further development of PU and, thus, indicating a sufficient period of its existence: He ate one berry - he suddenly hit him with all his feet on the damp earth, and he became a stallion; she (the cat) rushed there with all four legs.

We find similar examples in fiction, but here they are probably dialectal in nature: ... Sasha caught up with him, pushed him in the back, and the boy fell as fast as he could (A. Pushkin. Dubrovsky); If I accelerated after that hare, the horse slipped, hit with all its legs and did not raise its head (M. Sholokhov. Quiet Don).

In the 18th century, this phraseological unit is noted with the meaning "very hard (to hit, fall)" M.F. Palevskaya points out that "the development of the meaning was strongly outlined in the phraseological unit, but it was not fixed for this phraseological unit"].

V. I. Dal interprets the lexeme "stretch out" as "fall as fast as you can", i.e., the turnover we are interested in. N.P. Makarov in his well-known dictionary translates the turnover to fall with all his might into French as tomberdesonhaut, i.e. "stretch to your full height." The phraseological unit under consideration confirms the general trend of movement of such phrases from the concrete to the abstract, from the figurative to the non-figurative.

Phraseological Dictionary Zakharenko gives a culturological commentary: "Phraseol. Goes back to the most ancient forms of understanding the world and correlates with the somatic (bodily) code of culture. This metaphor displays a stereotypical idea (created due to the component of all) about the maximum degree of manifestation of the attribute inherent in the described action, - in in this case, about the speed and swiftness of movement (cf. also look with all eyes, master of all trades, etc.) In general, phraseology plays the role of a standard, i.e., a measure of the speed of a person’s action when moving in space. In other European languages ​​have similar figurative expressions; for example, in English - as smb. "s legs will carry him, in French. - a toutes jambes.

Thus, the structure of the union "from all legs" does sometimes look strange (fell from all legs), but if you keep in mind that this is a tracing paper and originally referred to horses, then everything is fine.


Very quickly, swiftly (rush, throw, run, etc.).

Synonyms: with all your might, with all your shoulder blades, with all your might, with all your might, with all your heart, with all your urine, sticking out your tongue, breaking your head.

Yuri had already managed to grab Olga, put her in a cart, turn the horse around and hit her with all his might; she rushed with all her might. M. Yu. Lermontov. Vanya Pochitalin, seeing his father among the approaching riders, rushed ... to him with all his might. V. Ya. Shishkov. Natalya, seeing smoke and fire, ran as fast as she could from the bathhouse, where she spent days and nights in tears.. I. A. Bunin. Through the blizzard, Zhulka saw a flying bird and, with all her legs, in all seriousness, rushed after her along the crust.. M. M. Prishvin. I ran as fast as I could to where the crying girl stood.? The cook told us a funny incident, how he got scared ... and rushed to run as fast as he could.?

Phraseologism borrowed from French. tongue in the form of tracing paper: a toutes jambes. Originally about horses, the turnover appeared as a result of observations of the gait of horses.

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