A hopeless, difficult life situation - how to find a way out of an impasse. A stalemate A hopeless situation is a dead end in life


What is a stalemate?

    Term A stalemate arose in the game of chess. This means that the king cannot make a move, and other pieces are either blocked or killed. This situation is not so rare in life when we are unable to do anything, and immediately remember this statement.

    This is the terminology of chess games, although such a situation happens quite rarely, as they say, when the king is not in check, but nevertheless there is no possibility of a move, and the only way out of this situation is to surrender to the opponent.

    This is a chess concept. A stalemate is when circumstances are such that there is no way out. In chess, a stalemate means that the king is blocked, he does not have a single move, the only way out is to surrender.

    A hopeless situation, when all the actions taken are completely ineffective and useless, is often called a stalemate. This definition comes from the chess term stalemate, which means the end of the game in a draw - a couple of steps back and forth can be taken endlessly, but there will be no winner.

    The concept of a stalemate came to us from the game of chess. In chess, a draw situation is called a stalemate, when the losing side needs to make the same move to keep the draw, or rather alternate a couple of moves back and forth.

    In life, a stalemate can be, for example, mutual blackmail. When both of them know a lot about each other, and one of them starts blackmailing the other, the other one says that if the other one tells something about him, then he will also tell everything about the other.

    This is in chess - a situation in which the game can continue indefinitely! A stalemate is a generally hopeless situation, in chess it means a draw. A chess player cannot move a single piece and the main piece, the king, is not in check.

    This term came into everyday use from the game of chess. In chess it's not that bad, it's a draw. But in life situations, a stalemate is a dead end, and from which there is no turning back. Of the well-known stories, the hero of the Snow Queen fairy tale, Kai, turned out to be in a stalemate. He collected the word Eternity from the ice, and if not for Gerda, it would never have ended. Stirlitz often found himself in stalemate situations, but the screenwriter's happy pen threw him a salutary change in the plot. There are many other examples as well. What unites them is that in these conditions, this person can no longer do anything. We need a third force.

    A stalemate is a situation in chess in which a player cannot make a single move with either pawns or other pieces and the king is not in check. In a stalemate, the game comes to a standstill and can mean a draw.

    The expression is taken from a chess game. A very interesting situation arises when, with the advantage of one of the parties, a draw is obtained, due to the fact that the king, who has lost his entire retinue, stands on a safe cell and his move, but he cannot leave the shelter: there is a threat to life everywhere. A stalemate is created on the board by the inability to foresee it.

    The opponent has taken refuge in safety and does not climb out, because he will immediately receive what he deserves. Very common in real life.

Good day to you, dear friend!

Novice chess players often have questions about the stalemate. What does pat mean? Is it a loss or a draw? Is it necessary to strive for a stalemate? And so on. In this article, you will learn what a stalemate is in chess and get answers to all your questions.

But first, a small digression. Since you have landed on this page, it means you are a beginner, so we bring to your attention a cool training video course "How to teach a child to play chess". Thanks to him, you yourself will study and learn all the rules, and also teach a child from 4 years old to play. You will not regret...

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What is a pat?

Definition: Pat is a position on the board in which the player who has the right to move cannot make a move without violating the rules of chess.

In other words, he has nowhere to go.

At the same time, what is important - the king is not attacked, i.e. not in check .

Example :

All the squares where the black king can go are fought with white pieces. And according to the rules, the king cannot be under attack. Black's pawns also cannot move. In this case, the black king is not attacked. On the board pat.

What doesstalemate in the party?

A stalemate position on the board means that the game ended in a draw. Usually in such a situation, disputes do not arise among the players.

However, there are also outbursts of emotion. The peculiarity of the stalemate is that one of the parties at the time of the stalemate usually has a large advantage and is already looking forward to victory. A stalemate for such a player is a surprise, which sometimes leads to emotional reactions.

Typical Positions

The most typical case is a stalemate due to inattention. For example:

White gave check with the queen on c7, the black king went into the corner.

White played Kc5-v6 ??, rubbing his hands and intending to checkmate with his queen next move. However… the black king has no moves! What this means, you already know. How unfortunate for White, there is a draw on the board.

"Forced" stalemate

A very common ending is king and pawn against king. Final position:

White has little choice - to retreat, losing a pawn, or to play Ke6-d6 with a stalemate.

Crazy Boat Reception

What does such a threatening characteristic, it is easier to show with an example:

White has a whole rook more. Black's move. What to do? Check on h4 and win the h5-pawn? It won't save the party. With an extra rook, White will easily win.

Fortunately, the situation is such that Black, apart from the rook, has nothing to move with.

We turn on the logic and .... Right! Rook must be sacrificed!

1… Rg4-g2+!!

Now if 2.Kh2:g2 - on the board stalemate.

So what to do? If 2.Kh2-h1, then 2…Rg2-g1+!. Or 2.Kh2-h3 Rg2-g3+!

And the rook can't be beaten - a stalemate, and the white king can't break out to the center of the board. Draw.

The “mad boat” technique is typical, although it is not so common in practice.

However, it must be known and remembered. In order to prevent the rook from turning into a "mad" one, having an advantage, or to take advantage of this opportunity in a worse position, like Black in our example.

Study Patas

Occasionally in chess there are stalemates that can be reached by etude. Etudes are a separate topic and we will discuss them in other articles. The solution of etudes is quite useful, including for children.

By the way, the example with the mad rook also contains combinational etude motifs.

How to get into the stalemate?

I wouldn't recommend specifically playing for a stalemate in a worse position. The possibility of a stalemate does not occur very often in chess. In my experience, it can turn out like this: you deliberately worsen your position in the hope of a stalemate, but you can not achieve a stalemate. This happens most often.

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I have a close family. My friend, her daughter, my goddaughter, and her common-law husband, as they say now.
My business lady friend. She has always been like that, from the 1st grade of the school - an excellent student, smart girl, rules and order in everything. A school with a gold medal, a university with a red diploma, the head of the production of the largest Moscow restaurant, then a co-owner, now the hostess.
Daughter in her)) Katyusha was an example for all our children - from the 1st grade she is independent, neat, an excellent student, a smart girl. A school with a gold medal, a top university, now the last year. Mom has never been to school or university, she has never seen a single problem from her daughter.
The girl is really very good and morally, kind, sweet, polite, but so ..... gentle. Mother always worked, always emphasized that she does everything for her daughter, but. But. The daughter loves the mother, is proud and equals, as a leader, a person, but there is no warm relationship. Too my girlfriend too..... very much too. Ideal.
This is all I mean, that this topic should be hidden from the mother. And it's hard to hide.
Now history. A year ago, Katyusha, getting off the subway train, stumbled, slipped, twisted her leg, the heel broke ..... and then HE is the subway driver))))) grabbed his arm, took him to the first-aid post, nailed his heel, helped him up the street, caught a taxi) ))))))))
They began to meet))) a boy from the periphery, neither a stake nor a yard, from a very large family, fulfilled his childhood dream - to be a machinist in the Moscow metro.
It is very clear that Katyusha loves. The truth is, she loves her very much, you can see it. In every word about her, in general in everything.
He turned to me as a doctor. I asked a colleague to examine him as a first approximation, BUT but.
He knew that he had suffered a disease in childhood, a cat. significant impact on the ability to have children. Found out that it is here, by the way, nothing to do with it.
BUT the boy is completely sterile. We will finish the protocol, of course. It is already clear that all 3 samples are completely empty. If there would be at least one suffocation .... but it is not.
His disease has nothing to do with it, it is an intrauterine disorder. Sexual function is completely preserved.
Now actually what to do?
I found out it was illegal. The lead doctor does not have the right to disclose information. I got into someone else's computer. This information is not publicly available to the clinic.
What should I do with this knowledge?
Talk to a colleague? She will report the results of the pretreatment to the patient, conduct a complete protocol, cat. there will be 100% infertility, male factor. She has no right to inform even her wife (and the girl is not a wife).
Click on the boy to tell Katyusha himself? She’s just a child, she won’t believe it ..... Or is she not a child? It's still 23...
Tell the girl to me? I have no right.
Tell a friend? There will be Armageddon ....... The boy will be sent to Siberia ...... Katyusha will push through that finally there is an excellent reason to get rid of the "filthy limits".
Me as in ancient Greece) for the bad news ...... I'm joking of course, to myself then ....

But he won’t leave it like that, it’s a tank then.
Yes, I don’t like this “union” either, the boy will obviously live on the money of his wife and mother-in-law, as much as they are used to spending, he will never earn. Both the apartment and the country house and cars are mother-in-law.
It will never work for its own level.
I need advice, tomorrow I have the same shift with the leading doctor.

In a person's life there are many complex and sometimes hopeless, impasse situations. And often people do not know what to do and how to get out of the impasse.

Today, on the site of psychological assistance in difficult life situations website, you will read the recommendations of a psychologist and learn how to find a way out of critical, seemingly hopeless situations in life.

Desperate situation - life's impasse

In most dead ends in life, people wind themselves up. And most often, any hopeless situation is only regarded as such by the person himself, because. at this critical, stressful moment, he cannot fully, to the fullest extent, use his intellect, knowledge and skills.

When a person is under stress, he thinks stereotypically, and on emotions - he is annoyed or depressed.

What is a stalemate, a hopeless situation in a person's life?
A psychological impasse, or a hopeless situation in life - it is also called a stalemate - is when a person cannot make the right life choice, is unable to find a solution to a problem, or does not know what to do under any difficult or critical circumstances.

He is under stress, depression or neurosis at this moment, therefore he cannot think and act adequately to the situation “here and now”.

What to do if you find yourself in a critical, difficult life situation?
The first thing to do in a crisis, deadlock situation is to understand in advance for yourself that there are no hopeless situations.

You can always find a way out of the circumstances and make your choice.

Prevention of crisis and hopeless situations in life
In order to prevent crises - to have as few of them as possible in life - you need to constantly expand your worldview - to make a wider model of the world, a map of reality.
And not to live constantly in stagnation, in your "comfort zone".

In other words, in order for you not to have serious impasses in life, you need to constantly engage in personal growth and self-development.

"Constantly" is a lifetime. Then you do not have to look for a way out of the impasse - you simply will not get into it.

How to find a way out of a hopeless situation

If you have ALREADY found yourself in a dead-end, crisis situation, then you need to immediately get out of it. First of all, by relieving stress and changing the attitude towards the problem itself.

How to find a way out of a dead-end, hopeless situation?

  1. You can relieve stress almost instantly, for example, by relaxing with the help of psycho-training, deep breathing, or by changing your negative thoughts about the problem to more positive or neutral ones;
  2. After you normalize thinking and emotions, you will be able to assess and adequately characterize the problem (often, only by changing your attitude, the problem disappears on its own);
  3. If you have few obvious choices, for example only two, you will be able to rationally and adequately (without nerves) expand your worldview and see other possibilities for solving the problem;
  4. If all choices are evil, then the lesser of several evils is chosen;
  5. If you can’t get out of a hopeless situation on your own, resort to help ...

Help in a difficult life situation

When people cannot get out of life's impasse on their own - they are stressed, depressed, "nervous" - then professional, psychological help is needed in crisis situations.

After the removal of neurotic symptoms, it will be possible to find a way out of almost any hopeless situation.

The Batetsky district in its northwestern part got the most unique landscape, which is not found anywhere else in the territory of the Novgorod region. Only the closest neighbors - the Leningrad region and Estonia can boast of such a gift of nature. In ancient times, at the dawn of mankind, when man himself was far from feeling himself the master of nature, the glacier, moving from the north, rolling and crushing rocks, exhaling, left huge boulders and gravel and pebble carpets here. The main unique feature of the area is alvar meadows, juniper heaths with moraine hills, and pine woodlands on limestones.

This is a relatively small area, where natural conditions, a thin layer of carbonate soil have led to the existence of a biotope atypical for the Novgorod region, inhabited by representatives of flora and fauna that are not typical for the region - flowers, plants, insects, animals. The landscape near the village of Ivnya in the Batetsky district is not only a beautiful place - hills, a pond, streams, groves where you can relax, communicating with nature and marveling at it, but also a whole laboratory for exploring the natural world.

The importance of this territory cannot be overestimated. Here are the habitats of rare and endangered plants, animals and fungi - 36 species are listed in the Red Book of the Novgorod Region and the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

The value of this zone is emphasized by the scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who have conducted and continue to conduct their research here, calling the area near Ivni a reserve of unique biological diversity.

The Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the organizations, the successor of which it is, have been studying wild plants here for more than 100 years. Since 2001, a number of plant species have been found that are not found anywhere else in the Novgorod region and are included in the register of the Red Book of the Russian Federation - venus slipper, helmet-bearing orchis (individual flowers of which in the inflorescence resemble tiny men in helmets), Baltic palmate.

In 2012, specialists from the St. Petersburg Mycological Society found thirty species of fungi found here for the first time in our region, and four of them were new to Russia. Some are included and recommended for inclusion in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, a number of the discovered species of mushrooms are subject to protection in many countries, are listed in similar European Red Books and in the Appendix to the Bern Convention on the Conservation of Natural Habitats in Europe.

What is the conclusion from all that has been said? The wealth inherited as a gift from nature must be protected and preserved.

Alas, a person, satisfying his needs, does not care too much about preserving the environment.

The main part of the large hill near the village of Ivnya no longer exists. In the Soviet period, sand was taken here for the needs of construction. Nature itself healed the quarry remaining after the development as best it could. A pond formed here, the banks were overgrown with shrubs and trees. And here, as if remembering their former habitats, orchids and lonely bushes of evergreen juniper returned - these representatives of the cypress family love warm spaces, and in the local territory of the Batetsky district, an outpost of the carbonate meadows of the Baltic states, the climate is just warm, the average annual temperature is +4 degrees, and spring begins earlier than in other parts of the region.

"Men in Helmets"

Leaving the car at the beginning of the Sands, as this hill is called by the locals, we head towards Malaya Borovina and the Ridge (also local names), which will lead to another quarry, and after it - to the former oak grove, from which the only perennial oak remained.

Sofya Vadimovna Nikitina from the village of Ivnya became our guide. She, a resident of St. Petersburg, looking with her family for a place in the Novgorod region where you can buy a house for a summer residence, saw the local nature - and no longer considered other options. And for eight years he has been living in Ivne almost constantly. She is a glass artist by profession, she organized a small workshop for work in her house in the village. But her friends call her none other than "a generalist in Ivna." Because she became, as she herself says, "due to circumstances and interest in nature", and a botanist, an ecologist, and an entomologist (she compiled a collection of Ivna butterflies for the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

Here, they say, there was a big, big hill, and very beautiful, - says Sofya Vadimovna, when we walk along the edge of an old former quarry, the bottom of which has turned into a pond. The croaking of frogs can be heard from the grassy thickets.

I was once presented with a green lake frog, and I also released it here, - our guide recalls. – The Red Book ranatras from the family of water scorpions and the swimming beetle are found here.

In general, we get a field lesson in botany and zoology right away.

Here, on the high bank of the pond, on dry slopes, there are white and red flowers of tar, which is also called Velcro, lilac bluebells, white mountain clover, yellow caps of sedum, blue flowers of cruciform gentian. And also an oregano. There is not much of it here, says Sofya, and on Borovino, when the oregano blossoms, the whole field is covered with a purple haze. Common, widespread plant species and rare ones listed in the Red Book peacefully coexist here.

In the lowland near the pond is the realm of orchids, including the helmet-bearing orchis mentioned in the Red Book, orchis militaris, an orchid that you will not find anywhere else in the Novgorod region.

Later, having gone to the other side of the pond, having fallen into a large lowland left from the hill that disappeared as a result of sand mining, we will photograph lilac candles (and they also come in white, pink, red shades) of orchis militaris - not at all warlike, gathered in a clearing "troops" of tiny men in helmets.

Above them and the stalks of the brook - tiny green orchids with small flowers (because of their unsightliness, they don’t even try to collect them in bouquets), and juniper bushes, and bunches of variegated horsetail, above all this Red Book brotherhood, dragonflies will circle and water lovers flutter in flocks - dove butterflies. Here they are apparently invisible, but the rarest butterfly, the black bear, which was also recently discovered near Ivni, does not fly here, into the lowland, its habitat is dry rocky slopes.

There is a special zone in Ivne - rare butterflies are found here, because rare plants grow here: everything is interconnected.

Is barbarism indestructible?

But we go further. This is Malaya Borovina. Pine forest, not very big. Among the pines there are small, only a couple of tens of centimeters tall trees - young oak trees just starting their life. There are quite a lot of them: jays, apparently, carry acorns.

The old pines adjacent to the path have trunks blackened at the bottom, black cones lie around. And some of the young pines on the other side turned completely yellow. They are no longer viable. What happened?

The trouble at Borovino happened this spring. Some of the visiting vacationers, apparently, did not put out the fire or threw a burning cigarette butt. The fire spread from below.

Sofya, who was away, drove here on a bicycle. Residents of the village of Ivnya have already managed to call firefighters. The fire was stopped. But if the old pines, in general, are not damaged, then young trees will not recover.

Therefore, we want to have a specially protected natural area here. To put up information boards and warn: you can’t make a fire here, you can’t pick rare flowers for bouquets, you can’t dig up plants for your gardens and orchards. You can't keep digging. So that people feel responsible for the harm caused to nature, so that there is no barbaric attitude towards nature, - says Sofya Nikitina.

We are convinced that poaching continues by going out here on the cliff of the former quarry. Freshly dug depressions are evidence that sand was removed from here quite recently.

The most amazing thing is that people come here for sand and throw garbage here. If I see someone, I ask you to leave, I drive from time to time. Not so long ago, they came from Batetsky on a tractor, with a bucket and a trailer, they took sand, apparently for sale. There were conflicts - they swung at me with a shovel. Some people are not up to beauty, they don’t give a damn about beautiful flowers, they need sand - they will take it if they can come and dig it out for free, - our guide is upset.

"Always Alive" is not protected

The pine forest of Malaya Borovina with picturesque boulders is left behind, and we follow the path along the narrow top of the Ridge. It is relatively small, up to a kilometer long, about ten meters high. The moraine ridge was created by a glacier, squeezing it out of the bottom of the ancient sea. There are several more such ridges in the vicinity of Ivny. On the slopes there are maple, linden, alder, elm, birch, hazel - nature takes its toll, broad-leaved trees advance.

And we try not to step on the placers of the Red Book youth. Thick spreading dense and opened buds of "roses" young, whose name is translated from Latin as "always alive", are represented here by a whole garden.

Sofya is surprised at the habit of people - to dig up these plants in order to take them away and plant them in cemetery burials.

Six plants from the Red Book can be seen at once on the Ridge. In addition to juveniles, these are joster bushes, flowers of gentian cruciform, skerda obtuse-rooted, bird-legged sedge. And in order to consider an amazing, rare plant - a lady's slipper, you have to balance, risking falling off a steep slope that breaks into another, long-standing quarry.

Below, under the wind, white islands of umbrella buten sway, thickets of ferns have formed into a strict geometric pattern. When willow-leaved elecampane blooms, the entire slope will turn into a solid yellow haze.

And we are already walking along the bottom of the old quarry, on the edge of the slope of which rare preserved pines cling, they are held by strong, partially exposed roots.

Here and there young oak trees peep out from the grass in the meadow. If the land is not left for plowing, Sofya believes, in twenty years an oak grove will revive here. Only one representative remained from her in the clearing. The old oak seems to guard the young shoots.

Coming back along the Gryada, we hear croaking from the woods on the opposite edge of the former quarry.

- It's black in O rones, birds of the wild, and simple thief O we don’t live here, there are no household yards, food dumps, an unattractive territory for them in general, - our guide explains and continues to review the animal world of Ivni: - There are spindles here - legless lizards, nimble lizards, vipers. Roe deer are found here from the Red Book. In summer, they hide in the depths of the forest with their cubs, and in winter they come very close to the village. And also a mink - my dog ​​drove one into a tree, but I didn’t manage to take a picture. There are also bears and moose. I saw a weasel, this is a small animal from the weasel breed. Foxes, raccoon dogs. They say they saw a wolverine here, but I can’t confirm this. And with the bear I had a story. I went to the alvars about two weeks ago, to photograph the primrose there, and to see what is growing, in what condition. She approached the copse, and suddenly there was a roar in the bushes, something brown flashed from the spot. At first I thought it was moose. I shout to him: "Hey, moose!". And suddenly such a formidable “rrrr” from the bushes, and again. And I slowly began to leave. Then I saw footprints - a bear and two cubs.

Peas with juniper

Dry rocky hills made of limestone fragments are covered with special meadows - alvars. Some hills are wooded with pine trees. Here is the same interesting, non-traditional vegetation for the Novgorod region. Junipers, and at the foot of the representatives of the Red Book - helmet-shaped orchis, tall primrose and elongated pyramids of pink Baltic digitorum, it is so called because its roots look like a splayed five.

We are advancing to the Alvars with the joined group of Novgorodians. Representatives of the Novgorod Society of Antiquities Lovers came by bus for an excursion to these places, which can become protected areas. The group is accompanied by Elena Mikhailovna Litvinova, secretary of the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society, candidate of biological sciences, who has taught at Novgorod State University for more than a quarter of a century, worked in the Valdai National Park and in the regional institution "Directorate for the management of protected areas."

Together with Sofia Vadimovna Nikitina, she shows lovers of antiquity a unique landscape.

These places near the village of Ivnya are of particular interest to researchers. Here, side by side, there is an overgrown quarry, where a new biological community is being formed, and Borovina, which back in the 70s, local residents proposed to make a local natural monument.

With the help of a government grant, within the framework of cooperation between academic institutions and universities, expeditions were again organized here in the 2000s under the program of exploring unique territories to develop proposals for nature protection.

The will of the majority is not the law

Everyone - both local residents, researchers, and the regional Ministry of Natural Resources, Forestry and Ecology - are in favor of preserving this piece of nature, unusual for our region, a historical landscape, where rare species of plants, insects, and animals are concentrated. Is there anything that can prevent the realization of this universal desire? It turns out that such an obstacle exists, and, as the events of recent days demonstrate, an obstacle of force majeure so far.

An independent state ecological expertise of the project of the specially protected natural area “Landscape in the vicinity of the village of Ivnya”, prepared by the State Public Institution “Regional Center for Natural Resources and Ecology of the Novgorod Region”, has been completed. The conclusion of experts on the project of creating a natural monument is negative. The stumbling block, in general, is only one. On the territory of the planned protected area, the area of ​​which is about 280 hectares, there is a subsoil plot of local importance "Ivnya", the license for the right to use which was registered in August 2011 by Rosnedra - the Department for Subsoil Use in the North-Western Federal District. Designated purpose and types of work: geological study, exploration and production of sand. The licensee is Ivnya M Quarry LLC.

It should be noted that this is the second unsuccessful attempt for the regional officials to pass the state ecological expertise of the Ivnya landscape protected area project. In general, the conflict has been dragging on for all the years since the inhabitants of the village of Ivnya, having learned about the possible development of a sand pit, sounded the alarm intensely, taking measures to protect the unique territory from economic interference. .

If we turn to the chronology of events, we should start from 2008. Then the Regional Committee for the Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources notified the Department of Geology and Licensing for the Novgorod Region that rare species of vegetation were noted in the area near the village of Ivnya as a result of research conducted by Novgorod State University and the Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Their status and level of protection dictate that the territories in which they are located “should be reserved in order to create specially protected natural areas of a botanical profile and establish a regime for prohibiting activities that lead to a decrease in the number of these plants and worsen their habitat.”

At the same time, however, the letter indicated that there were no specially protected natural territories of regional significance in the proposed for use subsoil plot "Ivnya" of the Batetsky district. However, that's how it was.

In May 2011, the Committee for the Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources notified the economic committee of the region in a letter about the boundaries of the planned PA "Landscape in the vicinity of the village of Ivnya".

But on August 2, 2011, Rosnedra nevertheless registered a license for the use of subsoil at the Ivnya site.

And turning the situation back, as it turns out, became impossible, despite requests and recommendations, including from the NTS section for the Novgorod region Sevzapnedra in February 2012, to exclude from the geological allotment area of ​​the Ivnya subsoil plot the area of ​​the project SPNT "Landscape in the vicinity village of Ivnya”, as well as the inclusion of this very landscape in the list of territories promising for the creation of natural monuments by the Decree of the Administration of the Novgorod Region “On Approval of the Territorial Planning Scheme of the Novgorod Region” in June 2012.

The official letters of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences with calls to prevent the creation of quarries on the territory of the organized protected area and plowing of land did not help to resolve the situation. (which is observed even now, and the administration of the Batetsky district takes a strange position, which, knowing the value of the territory, recently announced an auction for the sale of land plots located on the site of a future natural monument - N.M.) .

And the local residents, standing up for their territory with a mountain, at public hearings in the Batetsk region could not convince the license holder to refuse it and thereby eliminate the threat of losing the unique landscape. Serious passions were in full swing there, the villagers still indignantly quote the head of Ivnya M Quarry LLC, who suggested that they dig up all the Red Book plants located on his site, plant them in one place, “and let your botanists deal with them there.”

Experts are for but against

Of course, together with the residents of the village of Ivnya and representatives of the interested Novgorod community, including the Novgorod club "Ecology", I wanted to share the disappointment about the negative conclusion of the examination on the project to create a protected area "Landscape in the vicinity of the village of Ivnya".

But to suspect the experts of biased opinion still does not work.

I myself, frankly, am very worried about this situation. And I wanted to write a positive conclusion. This is indeed a valuable territory, the researchers are right in defending its safety, - says state expert Irina Anatolyevna Elistratova, associate professor of the Department of Ecology and Nature Management at Novgorod State University. - Studying the materials, I requested all possible documents, the correspondence of regional authorities and institutions with the entrepreneur, the reporting of the licensee. I checked the coordinates for the presence of rare species listed in the Red Book in the subsoil area.

According to Irina Elistratova, from the point of view of the norms of the law, no violations were committed when issuing a license by the federal body. The licensee complies with all prescribed conditions regarding the waiting period, the development of a deposit development project, and the provision of reports. The experts had to analyze whether there would be restrictions on the economic activity of the intended purpose when organizing protected areas. Yes, they will, and this alone, in accordance with the regulations for the examination, does not allow us to give a positive conclusion, even if we do not pay attention to the fact that, for example, not only official agreements with other owners and tenants of land plots were not submitted ( and these are lands for agricultural purposes, industry, energy, transport, forest and water funds) on the territory of the planned protected area, but at least preliminary confirmation of such intentions by them.

The Minister of Natural Resources, Forestry and Ecology of the Novgorod Region Vladimir Korolev, commenting on the current situation, expressed the position of the regional ministry clearly and concisely:

The territory certainly has value. It must be preserved, and we will insist on it to the last. Part of the territory has been allocated by Rosnedra under a license for the development of minerals. But initially, the license indicated encumbrances for the entrepreneur regarding the conservation of rare species of flora and fauna listed in the Red Book. In addition, part of the allotted land plot is agricultural land, and until the district transfers it to industrial land, and the regional commission will not allow this in the current situation, industrial economic activity will be impossible. Recently, the head of the subsoil use department of our ministry met with the license holder and once again warned of all possible violations of the law. So, nothing threatens the landscape near the village of Ivnya from the point of view of developing a sand quarry. Yes, the opinions of our PA specialists and independent experts do not coincide. Independent experts have an opinion about the inexpediency of creating protected areas there. We will return to this situation again. Personally, I cannot unequivocally resolve the issue, although both as a person and as the head of the ministry I understand that this territory must be preserved. But all opinions must be taken into account. My position is that it is necessary to act taking into account the opinion of the public, in the interests of the territory and business. Make the right decision within the framework of the legislation and the interests of the territory. Today, there should be mutual control, including by the public, until all permits are put in order.

Vladimir Korolev also commented on the actions of the authorities of the Batetsk region, who put up for sale agricultural land that falls into the zone of the planned protected area. The regional ministry recommended that the district authorities cancel the auctions.

Who will find a way out of the impasse?

Despite the clear position taken by officials of the regional environmental ministry and its subordinate institution, the situation with the creation of the specially protected natural area "Landscape in the vicinity of the village of Ivnya", without exaggeration, has reached a dead end. Why? Independent experts confirm that another attempt by the developers to get a positive opinion on the project, in its current execution, is categorically doomed to failure. As long as the zone of the planned protected area will include a site for which a license for the right to use subsoil has been issued, not a single expert, foreseeing litigation, the result of which will be the indispensable cancellation of the conclusion, will not ignore the norms of the law.

There is an option - not to include the Ivnya subsoil plot in the boundaries of the created protected area. But it is precisely in its coordinates that Sands, Malaya Borovina, Gryada are located - the most interesting places in the landscape through which we traveled. And the authors of the project of protected areas do not agree with such a proposal, which was expressed by both experts and the license holder.

As in a chess game, both sides of the conflict are in a stalemate. Moreover, it arose a long time ago - and it can drag on for a very long time.

Within the projected boundaries of the mining allotment of the Ivnya sand deposit with an area of ​​45.7 hectares, habitats of 19 objects of flora and fauna listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the Red Book of the Novgorod Region are registered, and in the zone of possible impact of work at a distance of less than one kilometer from the boundaries of the allotment – 17 protected objects of nature. To enhance the effect of the significance of the place, it can be noted that 20 species of plants, fungi and animals have chosen the “licensed” land for their habitat, having a single location here, 2 of them are unique for Russia, 4 for the North-West and 14 for the Novgorod region. Information about the habitats of protected objects of flora and fauna was provided to the department of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Nature Management in the Novgorod Region.

Given such a “burden”, the license holder has no opportunity to start developing a sand pit, as he risks getting far from small sanctions and fines provided for by federal administrative and criminal legislation. For example, the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations provides for a fine on legal entities from 500,000 to 1,000,000 rubles for the destruction of rare and endangered plants and animals or violation of their habitat.

Nevertheless, its owner himself does not intend to refuse the license. In one of the letters addressed to the State Budgetary Institution "Directorate for the Management of Protected Areas", he asked to exclude the site of the Ivnya subsoil from the project for the creation of a natural monument of regional significance, otherwise the company is ready to defend its interests - the cost of obtaining a license, the work carried out on the geological study in the courts. Expenses General Director of LLC “Karier Ivnya M” A.I. Mikhovich estimated it at 8.5 million rubles. However, he will still have to substantiate this amount in court ...

The situation that has arisen is hardly beneficial to anyone. Including business. Although, it seems, there can be no "business interests" separate from the interests of the population and the state. Moreover, after the extraction of sand and ASG, it loses strategic importance for the regional budget, and high-ranking officials even promised on the territory of the province.

That is why the editorial offices of Novaya Novgorodskaya Gazeta and the online magazine Portal 53 are forced to turn to Governor Andrei Nikitin. The regional authorities, in our opinion, should be especially interested in the fact that the intention expressed by them (and supported by the people) to create a specially protected natural area in Ivna is realized. After all, no one has canceled the Development Strategy of the Novgorod Region and the development of the “green frame” of the province envisaged by it for ecological balance in the territory, but this frame is formed primarily from protected, protected areas. We believe that political will is needed, that same “proletarian determination” to cut the Gordian knot named “Ivnya”. The most correct thing is to sit down at the negotiating table with the licensee and the imprudent licensor, to stipulate the procedure for revoking the license, the mechanism for compensating the initial costs, the costs incurred.

The emergence of seemingly insurmountable obstacles to the implementation of the plans of power causes citizens to feel its power, powerlessness. It is unlikely that you want this, Andrey Sergeevich.

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