Pain points of a person. Power methods of self-defense during an attack on the street, pain points on the human body


Pain points of a person were often mentioned in the media. For example, in Star Trek, Spock uses a pressure technique on the base of an opponent's neck to eliminate them. The authors and fans explain that such a technique should block the flow of blood through the vessels, the blood should not enter the brain. This should be the reason for the loss of consciousness. From a scientific point of view, this is, of course, impossible. However, it becomes unpleasant and painful for a person when someone rubs his temples too intensively or presses hard on the neck muscles located next to the jaw.

What are pain points?

These are certain places on the human body, the impact on which causes pain and discomfort. Moreover, they are called points only because of the nature of the impact on them. Their origin and structure is not known for certain. One of the versions is that in this place the nerve endings are closer to the skin than usual, but the hypothesis has not been proven. Complicating research in this area is the subjectivity of the sensations of each person, the differences in the location of such points on the bodies of different people.

Where are they located?

All pain points on the human body can be divided into three main groups. Heads:

  • eyes;
  • whiskey;
  • lips;
  • chin.

  • solar plexus;
  • armpits
  • kidneys;
  • false edge.
  • knees;
  • ankles
  • shin;
  • foot.

Also, pain points differ in their soreness. The modern method of influencing them distinguishes 5 groups:

  1. The first level is the weakest. A blow to such a point does not harm the opponent and can only serve as a distraction.
  2. The second level - has a stronger effect than the first, but also does not cause significant harm to the attacker.
  3. The third level can already harm the opponent. When hitting the points of this level, you can stun the enemy or achieve numbness of his limbs.
  4. The fourth level - impact on the points of this level can lead to serious consequences: injuries, loss of consciousness and even paralysis.
  5. The fifth level - the impact on such points can be fatal.

It is important that the impact on the points of the fourth and fifth level is recommended only in extreme cases that threaten your life.


In the movies, we see how pressing certain parts of the body can incapacitate a person or even kill him, but is this scientifically true? There are many misconceptions around pain points. What is it really? Is it good to put pressure on them? In fact, pain points on the body can both hurt if you beat them, and help, there is massage them. Can a hit on a painful point lead to death? The answer to this question is not known.

History and application in martial arts

Despite the fact that science has not proven the existence of pain points, people have long used them in hand-to-hand combat. The first mention of the use of such a technique is rooted in the martial arts of Japan. It is associated with the name of Minamoto Yoshimitsu, a Japanese samurai who lived from 1045-1127. It is believed that he was the first to use pressure points in combat. Minamoto examined the bodies of dead rivals. He sought to understand the structure and location of pain points and how to act on them correctly in order to cause pain or even death. Of course, mastering this technique took many years, because not everyone knows where and at what angle to hit, when and how to hit the nerve.

However, pain points were used not only as a way to harm a person. They are actively used in Chinese medicine. The Chinese believed that "meridional points" are the place through which life energy passes. Acupuncture is a technique of influencing such points to achieve balance with your body, improve blood and lymph circulation, and increase the metabolic rate.

Although critics consider acupuncture to be an unscientific practice, 2006 studies showed that it helps reduce low back pain. Also, massage of specific points of the body can help with headaches caused by stress, clamping of the jaws and nervous tension in the body. For example, by rubbing your temples, the bottom of your neck, or even the area between your index finger and thumb, you can relieve a headache.

"Death Strike"

The most mysterious and mind-boggling application of pressure points is the death blow technique or dim mak.

It is known by various names in Japan and is considered the "evil twin" of acupuncture. The idea of ​​this technique is that the energy passes through special lines (meridians) in the human body, so pressure on certain points on such lines can lead to paralysis or death.

Some martial arts experts claim that if used correctly, this technique can lead to "delayed" death. That is, pressure on an artery or meridian can lead to damage to internal organs and death in 1-2 days. Others claim that dim mak results in instant death if the right pressure is applied to the carotid artery or other important areas of the body. For example, it is believed that a blow to the solar plexus can disrupt the carotid artery and, as a result, disrupt blood circulation in the brain.

There is no scientific evidence that dim mak works, let alone causes death. However, it is fair to say that some fighting techniques (a strong blow to the temple, blocking the respiratory passages, and others) can lead to malaise, lack of oxygen, loss of consciousness and (in severe cases) death.

This is usually due to loss of oxygen or severe brain damage rather than pressure on pain points on the body. All this calls into question whether the samurai even had such a technique. More research is needed to understand the true function of these points and learn how to use them in combat as well as in medicine.

Pain points: where to beat in self-defense

Now let's look at some of these points in more detail. Despite the fact that the existence of pain points on the body has not been proven, the impact on the sensitive areas of the human body can be very helpful in a street fight, an attack by hooligans, and the like. Where to hit?

  1. The pharynx is a depression in the anterior lower part of the neck. On impact, it can cause suffocation and lung spasm. You can also use the finger poke method.
  2. Solar plexus - punching causes burning pain and causes the person to double over.
  3. Belly, groin and kidneys - when struck with the edge of the palm or fist, it causes burning pain, and sometimes nervous shock.
  4. Knees - a kick with a boot under the kneecap will immobilize the enemy.

Techniques should only be used in self-defense.

Pain points are usually called those areas on the human body that are most sensitive to damage. Even a slight impact on them causes very noticeable pain. It is useful to know pain points on the human body for self-defense purposes, since such information gives a serious advantage over the enemy.

To incapacitate or kill a person, a very slight pressure or blow is required on a vulnerable place, which includes: ears, temple, eyes, nose, upper lip, chin, Adam's apple, base of the throat, back of the head

We are talking about those places on the human body that respond to physical impact with the greatest discomfort. Therefore, they should be acted upon only in extreme cases, for example, for the purpose of self-defense.

Important! Self-defense does not justify grievous bodily harm. According to article 108 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a murder committed while exceeding the limits of self-defense can be punished by a term of imprisonment of two years. Therefore, it should be understood that any fact of harming a person can lead to an appropriate punishment, regardless of the motives.

Some of these areas are well known (eg, groin, eyeballs). Other pain points are known only to those who are directly related to martial arts.

Where are the pain points?

Experts distinguish three main groups of pain points located on the human body:

  1. Head. Here, the most sensitive to physical impact are the following areas: eyes, temples, nose, ears, chin, lips.
  2. Legs. Pain points are located on the ankles, knees, feet, legs.
  3. Torso. In this zone, the most vulnerable points are: groin, armpits, kidneys, solar plexus, false rib.

Each of the above groups should be considered in more detail.

Head pain points

Not even a strong blow to the temple can inflict a very serious injury to the enemy.

Since the brain is located in the head, an excessively strong impact on this area can be fatal. Despite the fact that the human skull is highly durable, it is not as difficult to damage it as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, when exposed to the head area, care should be taken.

The most sensitive pain points of the head:

  • Eyes. Eyeballs are considered one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body. Exposure to them with a special pepper spray allows you to almost completely disable the enemy. If there is no such means of self-defense at hand, then you can limit yourself to pressing on these pain points. Most often, the index and middle fingers are used for this.
  • Nose. Even with a weak blow to the nose, the enemy will be guaranteed strong discomfort. The most effective is the so-called "catchy" blow to the nose. To do this, you need to hit the convex part of the nose with your knuckles, which will provide your opponent with pain shock and bleeding. An excessively strong blow can break the opponent's nose, so it is desirable to control your actions.
  • Whiskey. This is one of the most dangerous areas. The human skull is most vulnerable in this area. It is here that traumatic nerves are located, as well as arteries that can cause severe hemorrhages.

Important! It is highly undesirable to hit the opponent in the temple, since even a weak blow can cause severe head injury. With a strong impact, a lethal outcome is possible.

  • Upper lip. By delivering a strong enough blow at an angle of 30 degrees, it is possible to inflict burning pain on the opponent with bleeding.
  • Chin. This area should be affected with the back of the hand, since when hitting with a fist, the risk of damage to the hand increases. A sliding blow from below and to the side is preferred, which will provide bruising or dislocation of the jaw.
  • Pharynx. The most vulnerable point is the depression located at the bottom point. It is best to act on it with your fingers. Such an attack can provoke breathing difficulties. A more severe consequence is pulmonary spasm.
  • Adam's apple. Experts recommend using Ripping Grips, however any attack to this location is 100% effective.

Important! A strong blow to the Adam's apple can be fatal. Therefore, an average impact on this area will be sufficient.

  • Neck. A blow with the back side to the hands in the area under the back of the head is capable of knocking out the opponent.

Pain points of the legs

Before kicking the knee, turn slightly and bend the leg, the kick is applied with the edge of the sole

The most vulnerable places on the legs are:

  • Knees. Very painful are both blows directly to the patella, and to the side of the knee. They are applied with the edge of the boot. This technique has a disarming effect, contributing to damage to the knee joint and ligaments.
  • Ankles. The blow is applied through the outer rib of the boot, which is held perpendicular to the ankle. Experts do not recommend using a toe kick in this case due to its low efficiency.
  • Shin. In this area, the bone is the least protected. High efficiency has a blow at the level of 1/3 of the height of the lower leg. It should be applied with the outer edge of the foot.
  • Foot. Here are the most fragile and most vulnerable bones. Blows to the foot with the heel can cause a fracture if the opponent is behind the back.

Torso pain points

Here the most vulnerable points are:

  • Solar plexus. It is best to strike in this area with a fist. With a strong enough blow, the opponent has a burning pain, forcing him to kneel.

Important! With excessive exposure to the solar plexus area, a lethal outcome is possible.

  • Armpits. Since the nerves are located here close to the skin, an accurate blow can cause severe pain, temporarily incapacitating the enemy.
  • Kidneys. Blows to the kidneys cause the development of a nervous shock. It is best to strike with the knee or the edge of the palm, but it should be remembered that without proper medical care a person may die.
  • Groin. One of the most famous pain points on the human body. A strong enough blow to this area is able to immobilize the enemy.
  • Stomach. A strong blow to this area forces the opponent to bend, after which blows to the back of the head and back can be used.
  • False rib. Strikes are applied from both sides by means of the knee, elbow or edge of the palm.

How to determine the strength of the impact

How strong and accurate your punch will be depends on your individual skills.

The level of possible damage is largely determined by the strength of strikes against the enemy's pain points. It should be remembered that these zones are not only very sensitive to pain, but also located in important vital centers, and therefore an excessively strong impact on them can be fatal.

To correctly determine the force of impact on a painful point, an algorithm of five levels should be used:

  1. A weak blow, the purpose of which is not to inflict damage on the opponent, but to distract or intimidate him.
  2. The second level involves applying force to the punch to unbalance it and buy time.
  3. The third is the most common level, which is able to stun the enemy, cause severe pain or numbness in the area that was affected. As a rule, in this way it is possible to neutralize the opponent for a long time.
  4. The fourth level involves serious consequences in the form of loss of consciousness and injuries. Sometimes such an impact on pain points provokes the development of paralysis.
  5. A level five strike poses a significant threat to the enemy's health and can be fatal.

It is very important to correctly assess the level of danger and use the above knowledge solely in the framework of self-defense. It should be remembered that not a single combat technique welcomes the deliberate killing of an enemy, therefore a moderate impact on pain points is recommended.

Pain points are areas on the human body that are most sensitive to damage. Painful - because hitting them causes pain (and a variety of dangerous injuries). Points - because the plots have a small area.
Why are pain points needed? For victory.

In the process of forming the intention to win, a person necessarily faces the question “Where to hit in order to win?” Since the intention is to win, not to fight or get hit on the head, the most effective pain points are needed.
Usually vital points are used to force the enemy to stop any action.
Those who decide to study and (most importantly!) use pain points do not need to study meridians and acupuncture; most points are at least 10 mm in diameter; with a certain skill (achieved as a result of appropriate exercises), one can learn to hit the right points automatically, without looking and without thinking about each movement.

1. The crown is the most unprotected area in the upper part of the head. A strong and sharp blow can cause death.

2. Optic nerve - located in the upper part of the nose between the eyes. A blow with a finger or a pinch of fingers to this point can be fatal.

3. Eyes - with a biting blow to the eyes, the enemy permanently or temporarily loses his sight. Strong pain sensation. The thumb is fully depressed and can reach the brain.

4. Point behind the ear below - with a sharp pressure or blow, death can occur.

5. Cerebellum - a blow to this point threatens death or loss of consciousness.

6. 7. Points above the upper and under the lower lip - blows here cause a state of shock. A blow with the fingertips or the second joint of the middle finger to the soft part of the chin from the bottom up is also very sensitive.

8. Adam's apple (windpipe) - even a light blow causes suffering, interrupts breathing (suffocation), causes vomiting. From strong blows, you can lose consciousness or die.

9. Neck - a blow to the muscles on both sides of the cervical spine is painful and dangerous. A heavy blow to the seventh (protruding) vertebra depresses it and causes damage to the windpipe. The area of ​​the neck above the collarbone is where the nerves and blood vessels pass. Hits here take you out of combat for a short time, but do not inflict damage.

10. Collarbones - A blow delivered to the narrow hollow approach to the throat above the collarbones with the tips of the fingers is dangerous and even fatal.

11. The point between the shoulder blades - a blow from the bottom up causes a state of shock, a blow from the top down - a rapid heartbeat, damage to internal organs and death. A blow under the shoulder blades upward causes severe pain.

12. Armpits - a kick causes severe pain, a blow with a finger paralyzes the arm.

13. The middle of the biceps is the nerve center of the shoulder. A blow to this point causes paralysis of the arm. The point above the biceps is deadly.

14. Solar plexus - the blow is very painful, especially when directed upwards. In this case, the blow is transmitted to the internal organs - the heart, liver, lungs. May have serious consequences.

15. Elbow joints - a slight blow leads to loss of sensitivity, severe dislocation. Even a light blow to the nerve center of the forearm (5 cm below the elbow) causes severe pain, and a strong blow leads to numbness of the arm. A blow to the elbow is very painful. It's better to strike back here.

16. Heart area - a strong blow is life-threatening, as it is transmitted to the heart. An effective kick is the second joint of the middle finger. Very painful poking between the ribs.

17. Kidneys - a directed blow is very dangerous.

18. Upper abdomen - a deep penetrating blow “niki-te” is dangerous. A blow to the lower abdomen is staggering, a strong blow causes serious damage.

19. Lumbar - Injuries to the spine cause loss of motor function.

20. Wrist - the articular tendons pass here, a very sensitive place. A light blow on the upper side is painful, a strong one is an injury. The point above the inner side of the wrist between the tendons of the radial flexor of the hand and the long abductor muscle of the first finger is fatal.

21. Coccyx - a violation of the motor function of the legs.

22. Groin - a strong blow is fatal.

23. The inner thighs are a very sensitive area of ​​the leg. A light blow is painful, a strong blow paralyzes the leg for a while.

24. Knee - effective kick at an angle of 45 °. A blow causes pain, impaired mobility of the knee joint, and if the leg is motionless, then it is easy to dislocate it.

25. Hamstring - A kick causes the opponent to sit down, causing pain and cramps. A blow to the base of the tibia also causes acute pain and cramps.

26. Calf muscles - the consequences of a strong blow are the same. Even a light blow to the front, unprotected part
shins very painful, strong - paralyzes the leg on

27. Achilles tendon - kicking causes pain and
paralyzes the leg.

28. Lifting the leg - the push causes acute pain, this is a very weak spot. A strong blow disables the leg.

Knowing the pain points on the human body helps to effectively counter the enemy in self-defense. Vulnerable are those parts of the body that most painfully react to blows, hard pressure or twisting and are guaranteed to cause acute pain and even long-term disruption of a person's vital functions. First of all, these are places on the human body in which the main nerves and ganglions and blood vessels, joints, internal organs are concentrated; places where the bones are least covered with muscle tissue.

* Between the eyebrows, at the junction of the nasal cartilage and the skull, are the nasal bones. A blow to them will cause profuse bleeding, making it difficult to breathe, impair vision and lead to pain shock. A blow to the nose from the bottom up with the base of the palm is considered the most dangerous. It is convenient to use in close combat. If the hit in this area is accurate, then with even a slight blow, the enemy can be killed.

* Accumulations of nerve endings and fragile blood vessels are located on the superciliary arch. From a blow to the superciliary region, the vessels burst, hemorrhage begins in the eyes, vision deteriorates sharply, and the nerve endings, which are shocked, lead to a strong pain effect.

* The zygomatic arch, which is located under the eye, is easily injured from a punch, as it is quite fragile. Pain shock and temporary loss of vision are guaranteed.

* The most vulnerable area of ​​the head is, of course, the eyes themselves. They are vulnerable to trauma. A light blow to them leads to permanent loss of vision. Blows to the eyes, pressure on them with the fingers are extremely effective.

* The lower jaw is considered to be a mobile bone formation. The main problem lies in its mobility: a blow to this place can cause a displacement with a rupture of the muscles fastened to the fixed part of the skull. Or maybe crush a bone. Result: pain shock and loss of consciousness in the opponent. In boxing, this point is known as the knockout area.

* Opponent may lose consciousness from the resulting concussion and knocked out lower jaw as a result of a blow to the chin. In this case, the tongue is severely injured.

* A strong blow to the ears with the palms of the hands will damage the outer ear, leading to hearing loss. A blow to this area causes bleeding and even loss of consciousness from pain shock, since many blood vessels and nerves are located here.

* The bones of the skull at the temples are the thinnest, they break through even with a weak blow. The consequences of fractures at these points can be fatal.

* As well as blows to the kidneys, blows to the back of the head are dangerous. Here the base of the skull is affected, and with a strong blow, the consequences can be the most severe. Here, even with not the most effective attack, the enemy will lose the ability to navigate.

*The neck contains vital blood vessels on the sides, back cervical vertebrae, and a vulnerable "Adam's apple" in the throat. Strong blows with damage to the vertebrae can cause paralysis. If you use the edge of the palm to perform lateral blows to the neck, this will sharply disrupt the blood circulation of the brain and lead to loss of consciousness.

* Knee caps, elbow joint, outer and inner parts of the knee, foot, shin, thigh muscles on the legs, hands and fingers are the most vulnerable points of the lower and upper extremities of a person.

* Extremely effective blows to both the elbow joint and the patella of the supporting leg. Attacks in these areas cause not only pain, but also immobility of the joints.

* A direct sharp blow to the outer part of the knee can lead to the destruction of the joint due to an unnatural deflection to the other side, causing severe pain and temporary immobility of the knee. When hitting the inside of the knee, the ligaments and tendons at the patella are damaged, which also leads to immobility of the knee joint. An exact gift to the patella will lead to its displacement, make the lower limb immobile.

* Attacking with the outer edge of the foot at the level of one third of the lower leg from below into the opponent's lower leg can be one of the most effective techniques. Here the bone, as in the case of the temporal part, is the least thin. A strong blow is more likely to cause a fracture, and not too hard will help the opponent feel pain.

* Perineum, heart, spleen, liver, kidneys, solar plexus, ribs, armpits, coccyx are among the most vulnerable points of the body.

* There are many nerves and large vessels in the perineum, and very sensitive genital organs are located a little higher. A blow to this area can lead to rupture of the bladder. A kick to the testicles will take the opponent out of the fight for a long time.

* The solar plexus point is located in the center of the chest. Near the solar plexus are the vital organs (heart, liver, stomach). Here is the largest accumulation of nerves. Since there are no ribs, this area is extremely exposed, physical impact on it will lead to a noticeable pain effect. Shock, shortness of breath, stomach bleeding, heart failure and loss of consciousness - and these are not all the consequences of an attack in this area.

* By their structure, the ribs are the most fragile bones in humans. Fractures of the ribs from the fifth to the eighth also occur with blows of medium strength. But the point is not only in the pain shock from broken ribs, it must be borne in mind that fragments from them can damage vital organs.

* In the region of the lower ribs are the liver and spleen. Not the strongest blow to the liver leads to its defeat.

It is located under the lower ribs on the right side, you need to hit with your left hand or knee, if the fight is close, or strike with your left foot at an average distance and the outer edge of the foot with your right foot from the side. We should not forget about the area of ​​the spleen.

* Large blood vessels and nerves are located in the armpits. Feelings of the enemy from a blow to his armpits will introduce you to a strong electric shock. Result: pain shock and loss of hand function.

* The kidneys are located near the back wall of the abdominal cavity. They do not have bone protection, therefore they are very vulnerable. A blow to them will give strong pain, their rupture with internal hemorrhage is likely. Do not forget that the kidneys are located somewhere on the same level with the elbow joint.

*Attack on the coccyx can damage the central nervous system, and even cause paralysis, not to mention severe pain

Vasilenko Valery

On the human body, it can be useful not only for guys who are engaged in some kind of wrestling. At certain points in life, it can help women protect themselves.

About places

On the body of each person there are certain places, upon impact, in which he will experience the most severe pain. This knowledge is definitely taught to everyone who attends self-defense courses or masters some kind of wrestling. But it is worth noting that many wrestlers are forbidden to use painful holds, because then it is simply not interesting to continue the fight, because. the enemy is very quickly out of order. But before mastering the art of attack, you need to learn how to protect your pain points.


You can study pain points on the human body from top to bottom down the body. So where are they located on the face? First of all, it's the eyes. Even the slightest blow or a simple poking of a finger into a given part of the body can take a person out of an active state for a certain period. And at this time, you can either run away from the attacker, or hit him. It is worth noting that a blow to the eyes will cause a person to instinctively lean away, and this will open up most of his body. There it is already possible to deliver the next, stronger blows to disarm the enemy. In addition to the eyes, the nose is a rather vulnerable spot. A blow to this part of the body can also take the enemy out of the active state for a long time, causing him considerable harm.


When studying pain points on the human body, one should not miss such a place as the throat. In this part of the body there are many nerve cells, the respiratory tract passes. A blow to the throat will cause great pain to a person. And if you apply a lot of force to the blow, you can even kill the enemy. There are also a couple of points behind the ears, by clicking on which, you can make it very painful.

Solar plexus

If you look at the pain points on the human body (diagram on the right), you can see the familiar solar plexus, which is a very vulnerable place. It is located a little below the chest in a small depression that can be felt. However, pumped up abdominal muscles can perfectly protect it, so you should not rely too much on this pain point.


There are also pain points on the arm, namely on the wrist. This part of the body consists of eight small bones and is called the sliding joint. And such a technique as striking at the joints is taught in almost all martial arts. Properly twisting the wrist of the enemy, you can deprive him of his weapon or make him feel pain.

One of the most painful pain points is in the groin. And do not think that only for men, for women, a blow to the groin will bring about the same pain as for the stronger sex. A strong blow to the groin can even kill the attacker.


There is also a special pain point on the leg - the patella. Due to its fragility, it breaks very easily and incapacitates the enemy. But it is worth remembering that the desired result will bring only a blow from top to bottom.


There are other pain points on the human body. Their scheme is quite large and has a huge number of places to defeat. However, the article lists exactly those that even an inexperienced fighter can get into.

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