Bullet journal: The perfect way to keep a diary. Why do you really need a diary and how to keep it right


Almost all business people striving for self-organization keep their diary (organizer). But not everyone knows how to do it conveniently, understandably and constructively. There are many ways, I want to offer you mine. I have been using it for about 10 years now. I periodically corrected the maintenance, and I will tell you about the method that I came to over time.

Earlier, I introduced you to the Eisenhower matrix. I also use her techniques to fill out my to-do diary, but I also use some tricks that make my life easier. In this article I want to tell you how to fill out a diary (organizer).

To keep a diary, get 4 markers with a wide stroke. They don't have to be very dark. With them, you will shade cases in categories of importance A-B-C-D, filling the case with color.

1. First, I enter those cases that have already been assigned a specific execution time (meetings, calls, etc.), placing them at a specific time.

2. Then I enter the rest of my tasks, without time instructions.

3. I also separate personal matters and those related to work. At the top, I enter personal, cross out the content, then all the working moments.

5. In the margins on the left, before each case I have entered from any category, I put an em dash. From them, then I form the symbols for the diary - the stages of my tasks.

6. Mark cases.

At the end of each task, I turn the dash in the margin into a plus sign, and circle it, this means for me that the task is done.

If it was not physically possible to complete some task that day (did not have time, or the task was postponed due to other circumstances), I turn the dash in the margins opposite into an arrow pointing to the right. After that, I transfer this outstanding task to another date.

If the matter simply ceased to be necessary, or did not happen and it will not be carried out in the future (for example, you made an appointment, and having called at the right time to confirm it, you were told that they no longer need your services), you need to circle the dash in the margins in a circle, which will mean that the case is closed, although it was not done. Also, if you set some daily task for yourself, for example, jogging in the morning, and you didn’t do it for some day, such tasks are not summed up. Put a minus for this day.

How to fill out a diary. Click on the image to enlarge the image.

Try to make keeping a diary (organizer) your permanent daily habit. This will give you many benefits:

  • You can always know when you have free time and when you have something planned
  • everyone loves organized people, they are more trusted and respected
  • you will not forget about a single meeting or call, and you will be valued as a person-word.
  • in addition, our mind has such a property - you will strain your thoughts knowing about the important things that you just have to do, and not giving you the opportunity to do other, maybe less important, but things. When we write things down, we know that now they will not be forgotten, and we can relax and continue doing other things.
  • you can always find and track what happened to you and on what day, because memory is not eternal, everything is erased from your head
  • Your diary is your personal and, moreover, free secretary. So take him to your service!

Which diary to choose


It must fit in the bag that you always carry with you. If it is too small, it will be inconvenient to place information in it, and if it is too bulky, it will not only be difficult to transport it, but also to use it, taking it out at the right time.


In addition, the binding should be soft, but should hold its shape and not fold into a tube. If the binding is rigid, you will not be able to permanently attach a pen inside, and a pen as part of a diary. Or when choosing a diary, make sure that it has a pen holder.


Do not take a diary with a bright line, it will only further distract your gaze from finding the information you need.

Useful extras

It will also be useful if there is a bookmark ribbon or an elastic band on top that girds your diary and prevents the pages in the bag from fraying. After taking it out on the fly and making a record, then there is not always time to pack it back just as carefully.

And more about the benefits of keeping a diary -

If you don't know what to do now, others will always find something for you.

And instead of your plans and tasks, you will deal with strangers.

Thus, you can live half your life not for your own life, but for someone else.

I really hope. that my article was useful for you, and most of all I would be glad if it serves as a guide for someone to action.

If the article was helpful, I ask you to rate it at the top or bottom of the article.

Read another article about the benefits of keeping a diary.

Many people have "notebook mania". For example, mine :)
A blank notebook is full of perspective. You can think, create, express yourself. When looking at a blank notepad, it's impossible not to be tempted to grab a pen and start filling out its pages.
Despite the fact that there are a lot of notebooks, a large number of people literally pray for the Moleskin notebooks of the Milanese company Modo & Modo. Moleskine notebooks are of high quality, they are portable, you can take them with you everywhere, they have a pocket for storing notes. In addition, the pages have a great texture: they are pleasant to touch, and the pen does not leave an imprint on the back.

1. Journal of nutrition and sports. Many people dream of having a great figure and excellent health. To achieve this, you must, first of all, monitor what you eat and what exercises you perform. Use a notepad to keep a food and workout journal.

Create a template to keep track of what you eat. You can, for example, keep records according to the following principle: Date - Time - Item - Portion size - Nutrients - Calories.

In addition, create another template to track how much you exercise and how many calories you burn. To do this, you can keep records in the following sequence: Date - Time - Action - Duration - Calories burned.

2. Tracker of your time. A blank notepad can be used to write down what you spend your time on. Determine once and for all where your time is going. Also, keep track of the following:

How much time do you spend procrastinating (putting things off until later)?
How often do you take breaks?
Are you working on a single project or do you like to multitask?
How long does it take you to work on your major life goals?

How much time do you spend on unnecessary work and unimportant things?

3. Expense tracker. A good use for a blank notepad is to use it to track expenses. Define the following:

Do you spend money on unnecessary things?
What expenses can be cut?

Are you investing money in your education, income-generating assets, creating memories for a lifetime, or are you wasting it?

4. Start a One Sentence Journal. If you're short on time or writing isn't your thing, try keeping a one-sentence journal. Every evening write one sentence about your day. It could be the following:

"Today was a good day".
"The man who was driving on the phone almost hit me with his car. My whole life flashed before my eyes."
"Today I finally finished my story."

If you do this for 5 years, you will have a five-year summary of your life.

5. Start a Gratitude Journal. Surely you have heard this many times: the key to happiness is to focus on the positive aspects of your life. And one way to make sure you're doing this is to keep a Gratitude Journal.

Research scientists have confirmed the enormous benefits of regularly writing down what you are grateful for in life. The easiest way to keep such a journal is to take a few minutes each night before bed to write down 5 things you are grateful for.

6. Write "morning pages"."Morning Pages" is a kind of "test of the pen." They became famous thanks to the book "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron. The point is to take time every morning to write three pages of your thoughts. Write whatever comes to mind. Describe the things that bother you, make a plan for the day, get in touch with your true desires (what you really want, not what society imposes on you).

7. Create Your Life Story. Make a list of prompt questions that will inspire you and start writing down your memories in a blank notebook.

Prompt questions might be: What is the meaning of your last name? What stories did your grandfather tell you as a child? What are your favorite summer memories?

8. Review various areas of your life. It is very important to periodically evaluate different areas of your life in order to improve them and move forward. Such notes can be kept in your notebook.

For example, if you track your energy levels, you can record your activity levels throughout the day in a notebook. Do you feel exhausted after hanging out with certain people? Do you experience a burst of energy if you eat an apple during the day? How will you feel if you take a nap?

9. Embrace the habit of Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci had a habit of always taking a notebook with him wherever he went. He used a notebook to draw people, birds, objects that he could observe during his walks, write down thoughts and observations. The simple habit of writing down ideas allowed Leonardo to take a closer look at them and improve them over time.

You can use a notepad to, say, write down the names of the characters in your upcoming novel, the name of a color you just discovered, an interesting dialogue you heard, ideas for new blogs, poems you come up with, recipes you want to try, and any other thoughts.

10. Write down quotes that you like. It's so great to just sit down with a notebook of smart thoughts and immerse yourself completely in their wisdom. Start jotting down the quotes you like, and soon you'll have a whole notebook full of motivational quotes that can boost your morale at any moment.

11. Start journaling. A diary is a description of your day. It also contains your feelings and thoughts about the events that happened to you during the day. Many people use special templates to help them keep their diary. You can make these templates yourself. Here is a template that can be used as an example:

  • It made me smile today;
  • This got me thinking;
  • It should have been done differently today;
  • This is what I learned today;
  • This is something good that I did today;

12. Keep an art magazine. An art journal is similar to the diary mentioned above, but can include drawings, sketches, and decorations. In addition, you can cut pictures from magazines and paste them into your art magazine, add photos and other visual elements.

13. Write down ideas from the books you read. When you're reading a book to learn something new, it's great if you write a summary of that book. writing down the main ideas that you find interesting. You can do this in the form of ordinary notes or in the form of brain maps. In fact, you turn your notebook into a repository of knowledge.

14. Keep a goal journal. A goal journal is a powerful tool for achieving these very goals. The benefit of writing goals is that

  • This forces you to write down your aspirations, that is, to take the first step towards their accomplishment;
  • Writing down your goals is a great way to create a plan to achieve them. This will help you overcome the circumstances and difficulties that may come your way;
  • You will be able to track your progress;
  • This will make you become more responsible.

15. Analyze your life. Socrates once said that life without analysis is incomplete. We cannot achieve personal and spiritual growth if we do not take time to reflect on our lives.

One of the best ways to analyze your life is to ask yourself the right questions that will lead you to the right thoughts.

16. Make your Wish List. Take a blank notepad and make a list of the things you would like to do in your life. Write things down like this:

  • Visit Paris in spring;
  • Go to the carnival in Rio de Janeiro;
  • Go to the Super Cup;
  • Take the family to Disneyland;
  • To write a novel.

You can also use Moleskine or any other notepad to write your Book of Possibilities - your "Guide to Dreams" of sorts.

17. Use it for writing exercises. If you want to become a writer or improve your writing skills, you must write as often as you can. To keep your writing muscles toned, find a compendium of interesting essay topics and use it for your writing exercises.

18. Start keeping a Language Journal. When you're learning a new language, it's incredibly important to write down everything you learn. For this, you can use the log. Here are some things you can include in it:

  • Write down every new word for yourself;
  • Write grammar rules;
  • Write down the study methodology that you follow, note how effective it is;
  • Write down the common mistakes you make so you can work on them later.

A regular notepad can help you improve your life. What will you do with your notebook?
And here is my video for those who like to listen more

Translation of the article http://daringtolivefully.com/things-to-do-with-a-notebook

Many people have "notebook mania". For example, mine :)
A blank notebook is full of perspective. You can think, create, express yourself. When looking at a blank notepad, it's impossible not to be tempted to grab a pen and start filling out its pages.
Despite the fact that there are a lot of notebooks, a large number of people literally pray for the Moleskin notebooks of the Milanese company Modo & Modo. Moleskine notebooks are of high quality, they are portable, you can take them with you everywhere, they have a pocket for storing notes. In addition, the pages have a great texture: they are pleasant to touch, and the pen does not leave an imprint on the back.

1. Journal of nutrition and sports. Many people dream of having a great figure and excellent health. To achieve this, you must, first of all, monitor what you eat and what exercises you perform. Use a notepad to keep a food and workout journal.

Create a template to keep track of what you eat. You can, for example, keep records according to the following principle: Date - Time - Item - Portion size - Nutrients - Calories.

In addition, create another template to track how much you exercise and how many calories you burn. To do this, you can keep records in the following sequence: Date - Time - Action - Duration - Calories burned.

2. Tracker of your time. A blank notepad can be used to write down what you spend your time on. Determine once and for all where your time is going. Also, keep track of the following:

How much time do you spend procrastinating (putting things off until later)?
How often do you take breaks?
Are you working on a single project or do you like to multitask?
How long does it take you to work on your major life goals?

How much time do you spend on unnecessary work and unimportant things?

3. Expense tracker. A good use for a blank notepad is to use it to track expenses. Define the following:

Do you spend money on unnecessary things?
What expenses can be cut?

Are you investing money in your education, income-generating assets, creating memories for a lifetime, or are you wasting it?

4. Start a One Sentence Journal. If you're short on time or writing isn't your thing, try keeping a one-sentence journal. Every evening write one sentence about your day. It could be the following:

"Today was a good day".
"The man who was driving on the phone almost hit me with his car. My whole life flashed before my eyes."
"Today I finally finished my story."

If you do this for 5 years, you will have a five-year summary of your life.

5. Start a Gratitude Journal. Surely you have heard this many times: the key to happiness is to focus on the positive aspects of your life. And one way to make sure you're doing this is to keep a Gratitude Journal.

Research scientists have confirmed the enormous benefits of regularly writing down what you are grateful for in life. The easiest way to keep such a journal is to take a few minutes each night before bed to write down 5 things you are grateful for.

6. Write "morning pages"."Morning Pages" is a kind of "test of the pen." They became famous thanks to the book "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron. The point is to take time every morning to write three pages of your thoughts. Write whatever comes to mind. Describe the things that bother you, make a plan for the day, get in touch with your true desires (what you really want, not what society imposes on you).

7. Create Your Life Story. Make a list of prompt questions that will inspire you and start writing down your memories in a blank notebook.

Prompt questions might be: What is the meaning of your last name? What stories did your grandfather tell you as a child? What are your favorite summer memories?

8. Review various areas of your life. It is very important to periodically evaluate different areas of your life in order to improve them and move forward. Such notes can be kept in your notebook.

For example, if you track your energy levels, you can record your activity levels throughout the day in a notebook. Do you feel exhausted after hanging out with certain people? Do you experience a burst of energy if you eat an apple during the day? How will you feel if you take a nap?

9. Embrace the habit of Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci had a habit of always taking a notebook with him wherever he went. He used a notebook to draw people, birds, objects that he could observe during his walks, write down thoughts and observations. The simple habit of writing down ideas allowed Leonardo to take a closer look at them and improve them over time.

You can use a notepad to, say, write down the names of the characters in your upcoming novel, the name of a color you just discovered, an interesting dialogue you heard, ideas for new blogs, poems you come up with, recipes you want to try, and any other thoughts.

10. Write down quotes that you like. It's so great to just sit down with a notebook of smart thoughts and immerse yourself completely in their wisdom. Start jotting down the quotes you like, and soon you'll have a whole notebook full of motivational quotes that can boost your morale at any moment.

11. Start journaling. A diary is a description of your day. It also contains your feelings and thoughts about the events that happened to you during the day. Many people use special templates to help them keep their diary. You can make these templates yourself. Here is a template that can be used as an example:

  • It made me smile today;
  • This got me thinking;
  • It should have been done differently today;
  • This is what I learned today;
  • This is something good that I did today;

12. Keep an art magazine. An art journal is similar to the diary mentioned above, but can include drawings, sketches, and decorations. In addition, you can cut pictures from magazines and paste them into your art magazine, add photos and other visual elements.

13. Write down ideas from the books you read. When you're reading a book to learn something new, it's great if you write a summary of that book. writing down the main ideas that you find interesting. You can do this in the form of ordinary notes or in the form of brain maps. In fact, you turn your notebook into a repository of knowledge.

14. Keep a goal journal. A goal journal is a powerful tool for achieving these very goals. The benefit of writing goals is that

  • This forces you to write down your aspirations, that is, to take the first step towards their accomplishment;
  • Writing down your goals is a great way to create a plan to achieve them. This will help you overcome the circumstances and difficulties that may come your way;
  • You will be able to track your progress;
  • This will make you become more responsible.

15. Analyze your life. Socrates once said that life without analysis is incomplete. We cannot achieve personal and spiritual growth if we do not take time to reflect on our lives.

One of the best ways to analyze your life is to ask yourself the right questions that will lead you to the right thoughts.

16. Make your Wish List. Take a blank notepad and make a list of the things you would like to do in your life. Write things down like this:

  • Visit Paris in spring;
  • Go to the carnival in Rio de Janeiro;
  • Go to the Super Cup;
  • Take the family to Disneyland;
  • To write a novel.

You can also use Moleskine or any other notepad to write your Book of Possibilities - your "Guide to Dreams" of sorts.

17. Use it for writing exercises. If you want to become a writer or improve your writing skills, you must write as often as you can. To keep your writing muscles toned, find a compendium of interesting essay topics and use it for your writing exercises.

18. Start keeping a Language Journal. When you're learning a new language, it's incredibly important to write down everything you learn. For this, you can use the log. Here are some things you can include in it:

  • Write down every new word for yourself;
  • Write grammar rules;
  • Write down the study methodology that you follow, note how effective it is;
  • Write down the common mistakes you make so you can work on them later.

A regular notepad can help you improve your life. What will you do with your notebook?
And here is my video for those who like to listen more

Translation of the article http://daringtolivefully.com/things-to-do-with-a-notebook

Many people wonder how to keep a diary correctly. And this is not surprising, because if you constantly keep in your head a lot of various information and various tasks, then you can often simply forget about everything in the world and get confused in your own aspirations. Many citizens have a very superficial idea of ​​plans for the next day, week, month, and as a result, the effectiveness of their actions leaves much to be desired. Time passes, and no significant progress in various areas of life is observed. It also happens that a newly arisen idea confuses old plans, and does not allow to complete the work begun.

It is worth recognizing that most modern people often face similar problems. And to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to systematize the knowledge gained and begin to constantly plan your life. And just in this you will be helped by such a practical tool of highly effective people as a personal diary for planning, and read on about what it is and how to keep a diary correctly.

What is a diary?

In fact, this is a small compact notebook or notebook in which you constantly keep notes. There are many different kinds of diaries. But you will learn more about this later. It is worth noting here that the effectiveness of planning your time is achieved not due to some special notebook, but due to the correct and regular maintenance of your records.

Why is it necessary to keep a diary?

By recording various incoming information, it is better stored and remembered longer in your head.

Looking through the to-do list for the day makes it possible not to be distracted by unnecessary things and not to waste energy, which saves a lot of energy and your personal time.

The diary helps you plan your time for days, weeks, months and even years ahead and keep your priorities in mind.

Thanks to the regular recording of small and seemingly insignificant tasks, you allow your brain to be cleared of unnecessary information, not to keep it in your head all day, for fear of forgetting something, and, accordingly, to work more efficiently.

Thanks to the convenience and compactness, you can always carry your diary with you. If necessary, at any time you can immediately write into it various information about people close to you and business partners (addresses, phone numbers, e-mail, important dates), as well as various ideas, thoughts or lines of a poem.

Also, the diary is a great helper in keeping track of your income and expenses, and you can use it to make a shopping list, record expenses, the amount of income received, etc.

If you are studying foreign languages, then by writing various terms, words and expressions in your diary, you can quickly remember the data you need.

Do not think that the diary is necessary only for advanced businessmen and extremely busy people. Even if you are a simple housewife or an ordinary worker, then keeping a diary will bring you a lot of benefits. But before you start keeping a diary, you should understand the choice of its varieties.

Types of diaries - which one to choose?

Your personal diary can take a completely different form. So, it can be a notebook, notepad, notebook, or their electronic counterpart for a tablet or smartphone. As for the latest options, on the Internet you will find a lot of suitable programs for your mobile device. Among them it is worth noting LeaderTask, Diary, PIMOne, Power Notes and EverNote.

If you prefer the usual paper notebooks and notebooks, then when choosing, pay attention to the presence of dates or special fields for putting them down. In the latter option, you will have to enter all the days and months yourself (it is better to do this immediately after purchase). It is important to pay your attention to the material of the cover. It can be plastic, paper, leatherette or leather.

Naturally, the latter option is the most preferable, and since the diary should be kept every day, the notebook must also be of high quality. Also, a fabric bookmark, small pockets on the surface and fasteners for sheets of paper inside will be a very successful addition to the cover. It is also highly desirable that a calendar and various supporting information be present in the diary.

As you understand, the diary then implies that it must be kept every day. Try to make yourself a good habit of taking notes at exactly 8 or 9 pm, or rather, drawing up and writing down a plan of affairs for the next day. The main thing is to do it regularly, without missing a single day. And even if this happens, then you can clearly see that the corresponding page in the diary was left empty, and you missed the opportunity to make the most of the day.

Always take your notepad with you wherever you are. For such a case, you can also find a corresponding compact handle that will not interfere with your movements while in your pocket. Agree that thoughts and various successful ideas often come spontaneously and at different times of the day. And it will be very convenient if at such moments of insight you always have paper and a pen with you.

If you doubt the need to make any notes, then first make a preliminary plan for the next day on a draft - at the end of the diary or on a separate piece of paper. And when you already accurately determine the tasks, then clearly and specifically write them down for the next day.

Also, when talking about how to keep a diary, it should be noted the need to set clear time limits for each individual case. For example, if you decide to study English tonight, then write down that you start classes at 7 o'clock and end at 8 o'clock. It is very important to set specific time frames for yourself and always stick to them. This will allow you not to be distracted by unnecessary things and save a lot of time.

Do not rush immediately after buying a diary to write 10-20 assignments the next day. If you have never done this before, then out of habit you most likely will not complete even half of them. Make it a rule that if you have already made an entry or described a task in your diary, then you must definitely complete it. Start with at least 2-3 small tasks per day and gradually increase their number in the future.

It is also important to mention about unplanned blocks. It is worth recognizing that often many people fail to adhere to the plan, as various unexpected circumstances interfere in life - someone close to them fell ill, the boss urgently called for, etc. Just for such cases, allocate 1-2 hours of time from your schedule, in which you will deal with unforeseen issues.

Speaking about how to keep a diary, it is worth noting that such a notebook is used not only for various business notes, but also for recording time for rest and entertainment. So, you can mark in advance the dates and weeks when you plan to have a good rest. Also in the diary it is worth recording time for breaks in work, for communication with friends, colleagues and relatives.

To make it easier for you to prioritize different tasks, mark them with different symbols to prioritize them. So, the most important points of your plan can be circled or marked according to their importance with the letters A, B, and C. Naturally, your main task for the day will be the implementation of the most important things, and after them, the rest of the questions from the list.

Every day, before making a new to-do list for tomorrow, review the work done today. If you were able to complete all the planned tasks and not too tired, then you can create even more things for yourself. If you failed to complete part of what was planned, then answer yourself honestly why this happened. In the latter case, it makes sense to make a simpler to-do list for yourself and try to complete it completely.

It would be a good idea to introduce a reward system for yourself for completing tasks. So, when you complete one of the most difficult tasks of the day, you can treat yourself to a small gift. For example, it can be a small amount of money that you can immediately spend on some joy for yourself. But if you have not done even half of what was planned, then, of course, you should not do any reward. This recommendation alone will make planning much easier and more fun.

Now you know exactly how to keep a diary and that such a diary is an indispensable tool for highly effective people who want to achieve their goals in the shortest possible time and not waste time. This assistant helps to unload your head from obsessive ideas, thoughts, clearly systematize all incoming information and learn how to properly manage the most valuable and non-renewable resource in our life - time. Good luck!

You have probably noticed that people who lead an active lifestyle always have a diary at hand. This is not surprising, because they live in a truly frantic rhythm and it is very important for them not to lose sight of a single detail. The diary in this case is a wonderful help, and a paper diary. Why paper? But because while writing (by hand), a person involuntarily structures his thoughts, organizes them. Those who regularly take notes, subsequently begin to remember much more. Electronic devices, unfortunately, do not have a similar effect.

In addition to the above, another advantage of the diary is that it helps its owner to be more consistent, that is, to move from words to deeds. How does this happen? Let's take an example. You made a note that on such and such a day you need to start working on something especially important. Every time you open the diary, you will see a kind of reminder of the upcoming business before your eyes. Along with this, your subconscious will begin to stimulate you to complete the task. Many people noted that after they began to regularly make and view entries in the diary, the number of useful things they completed increased significantly.

Some people use the diary not only to plan their day, but also as a means of dealing with self-doubt. It looks like this: opposite each completed item, they write small comments about how they achieved this or that goal. You can also try this method: if you are satisfied with how you coped with the task, you can write something pleasant in your diary, like “I did great!”.

Sometimes psychologists recommend using the diary in the following, rather unusual way. Its essence lies in the comments, but in more complete and detailed than those given above. Comments should be written next to those items that you were dissatisfied with. You should make a record of why you did not cope with a particular task, what prevented you, what are the reasons for the failure. By painting everything in detail, you will put things in order in your thoughts, get rid of nervous tension. Then, rereading your notes, you will remember your wrong steps and try not to repeat them. Just do not take this way of keeping a diary too seriously, engage in self-flagellation and throw out all the accumulated negativity - it is still better to share emotions with real people, friends and relatives.

Today, many parents buy diaries for their schoolchildren, trying to make them more organized and disciplined. Having their own diary, the child feels like an adult, responsible. He understands that even now, at his age, it is important to learn to take studies and extracurricular activities seriously, since in the future the number of tasks facing him will increase.
As for business people, entrepreneurs, managers, and so on, they often do not even think of a workflow without a diary, because there are many different tasks and plans that need to be implemented. It happens that a business person, for some reason, left without a diary, feels "as if without hands."

By the way, there are different types of diaries. A diary is especially important for those who travel often, for example, go on business trips. Sometimes you just need to make notes about what time the train leaves, what time you need to arrive at the airport so as not to miss the plane, and so on. In addition to these notes, it is convenient to make a list of things that you definitely need to take with you on the road.

We should not forget about important dates, for example, the birthdays of relatives with friends. It is no secret that many older people are familiar with the feeling of loneliness, and they need communication. Thanks to the entry made in the diary, you will congratulate your grandmother in time, who will be very happy about this.

Start a diary, and you will soon notice that you have become more collected and less forgetful, and the number of goals you have successfully achieved will increase significantly!

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