Central Television of the USSR. Tragedies of famous Soviet female announcers left behind the scenes The first TV presenters of the central television of the USSR


September 14 to the famous TV presenter, television announcer, People's Artist of the USSR Igor Kirillov turns 85 years old. Many people associate his name primarily with the Vremya program, which he hosted for 30 years. Despite the strict rules that existed in Soviet television, Kirillov found elegant ways to evade these rules.

Igor Kirillov began his career on television in 1957, after he graduated from the acting department of the Higher Theater School. Shchepkina and worked for 2 years at the Taganka Drama and Comedy Theater. In the Shabolov television center, he started small - at first he worked as an assistant director of the music editorial office, then he became a production director, and after winning the announcers' competition, he appeared on television.

The profession of an announcer was not his dream - in fact, he was going to become a director, but over time, his work fascinated him so much that he no longer imagined his existence without it. " From the first days of my work, television has been, remains and will be for me not just a mass medium, a technical means for transmitting works of art, but a real art that helped me get rid of many shortcomings", - the legendary announcer and TV presenter admits.

In addition to the program "Time", the announcer of which he was until 1989, Igor Kirillov led "Blue Lights", "Song of the Year" and "Kinopanorama". From 1969 to 1989 he headed the announcer department of Central Television, but even after the collapse of the Union, he found a place on the new television: for some time Igor Kirillov was the host of the popular Vzglyad program. Until now, he remains in demand on television - the announcer met his last 84th birthday in the studio of the Tonight program with Andrei Malakhov.

Despite the strict rules that existed on Soviet television, Igor Kirillov calls stories about strict censorship and the dismissal of announcers due to reservations a fiction. TV presenters themselves understood what responsibility was entrusted to them and took their profession more than seriously: “ I never felt this censorship. Yes, there were censors, they looked at the folder with the news before going on the air - they checked if there were state or military secrets. And as for political censorship, it sat in my head, because we were all brought up in that society, when before saying anything, you had to think a little. Some official texts from Pravda had to be reworked a little, but no one really wanted to improvise».

Igor Kirillov was often called the "Kremlin announcer", which weighed heavily on him. Once he even asked the head of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company S. Lapin to release him from this post, to which he replied: “ Re-read Saltykov-Shchedrin - and you will understand that since ancient times in Russian communication it is important not what you say, but what is behind it". Since then, the announcer began to master non-verbal means of expressing his own attitude to the sounding text. He later confessed: " I carefully re-read Saltykov-Shchedrin and tried to transfer the interlinear irony of the great writer to my work on the Vremya program. But, obviously, a few "went over." For soon I received a couple of letters from especially attentive spectators-artists who wrote: “Comrade Kirillov, on such and such a date you read the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU, but in your eyes there was something different».

Of course, in those days there could be no talk of jokes or any other manifestations of the frivolous behavior of announcers on the air. Equally serious was the attitude to the correctness of speech, and to its articulateness: it was necessary to pronounce no more than 12-14 lines per minute. The reverent attitude to the language has been preserved by the legendary announcer to this day: his hearing is cut not only by obscene language from TV screens, but also by careless handling of speech - in his opinion, many modern presenters chatter, make a large number of mistakes, swallow words and behave cheeky. Nevertheless, some presenters arouse sympathy for him - Kirillov speaks with approval about Ivan Urgant and the ProjectorParisHilton program, although he believes that there are too many of this presenter on the screens.

Igor Kirillov was the face of the Vremya program and one of the most popular TV presenters. Nevertheless, star disease bypassed him. This was facilitated by a high level of culture, professionalism and responsibility. " You just need to remember that you are only the last link in the chain of a large number of people on whom the success of the program depends. The basis is those who remain behind the scenes: editor, directors, cameramen, lighting, sound engineers, technicians, engineers, editors... How many professions are behind your back! And your task is not to spoil the work of this huge number of people", - he thinks. press:

On Monday, November 21, TV Day is celebrated all over the world. The first stars of the Soviet Union had no idea what a voiceover was, and the whole country recognized their velvet voices. StarHit congratulated TV legends on their professional holiday.

Igor Kirillov

Central television announcer from 1958 to 2004

Four years ago, when StarHit congratulated Igor Leonidovich on his 80th birthday, he was cheerful and cheerful. He talked about his young wife Tatyana from Moldova. But recently, acquaintances of the host of the Vremya program noticed that he somehow passed ... “Everything is fine,” Igor Kirillov says to StarHit. - Sometimes I work. Yesterday, Anna Shatilova and I hosted an event at the Central House of Writers. In bad weather, I don’t leave the house, at my age it’s dangerous. No mood. There is nothing to watch on TV. Only the wife entertains.

The announcer met Tatyana in 2007 in a store where she worked as a salesperson. Once a woman offered Kirillov help with the housework. And then she herself got into trouble - she lost her job, and with it her housing. Igor Leonidovich sheltered Tatyana. A romance began between them. It so happened that the children of Kirillov are not next to him. Daughter Anna lives in Germany. Son Vsevolod, co-owner of a hunting company in Africa, died of pancreatitis in Cameroon. He left four children. Only after the death of Vsevolod Kirillov was able to meet his grandchildren, but friendship did not work out.


Central television announcer from 1962 to 1995

// Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov / PhotoXPress.ru

Despite her considerable age - and this Saturday, November 26, Anna Nikolaevna turns 78 - she is still in demand in the profession. Shatilova still leads parades on Red Square dedicated to Victory Day, as well as other holidays.

“Demand has become even greater than before,” the presenter shared with StarHit. - Several times a week I have events. So I will work on my birthday. Evgeny Kochergin and I are holding a concert at the Ice Palace in Podolsk. Things are going well. I am doing what I love. We are friends with our son Kirill, his wife Alina and children. We are one family - and financially too. I spend all the fees on my grandchildren, 12-year-old Svetoslav and 14-year-old Vsevolod. With the elder Seva, we travel a lot together. Were in Veliky Ustyug, Germany, France. And I myself flew around the world even under the Soviet Union. Trips are predicted to me by a horoscope: I am a Sagittarius, I do not like to sit still. My son Cyril is talented. He is a translator and writer. Recently translated Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet into Russian. Kirill and his family often visit my two-story country house, where there are all amenities. I built it to spend time with my family there.”


Central television announcer from 1968 to 1993

// Photo: ITAR-TASS / Evgeny Stukalin

One of the hosts of the Vremya program, Azalia Likhitchenko, is often invited to television talk shows, but she refuses: “Basta. You have to know when to leave." “I don’t miss,” Aza Vladimirovna shared with StarHit. - Visitors all year round. Friends are coming. Daughter Ekaterina lives on the next street, often looks at me. Dima's grandson calls every day. Igor Kirillov is always in touch by phone. I spend the winter in a Moscow apartment. For warmth, I move to a dacha in the Ruza district - I have a plot of six acres and a wooden house on a mountain. It's slick, but cozy. And there are no mosquitoes in summer. Feeling normal. I start every morning with a cup of coffee. My daughter always offers to hire an au pair. But I refuse! This is my movement. So I clean myself. Of the sores, only asthma. In the cold, I can’t walk normally in the fresh air - I start to suffocate. I take medication. While I'm sitting at home, I listen to the radio and watch TV, Andryusha Malakhov's programs too.

Viktor Balashov

Central television announcer from 1947 to 1996

// Photo: Dmitry Azarov / Kommersant

91-year-old Viktor Ivanovich went through the war, received a shrapnel wound in his legs, which began to remind of himself in recent years. Balashov recently underwent surgery. Now he walks with a cane.

“I am recovering in the country,” the announcer shared with StarHit. - I do gymnastics, I stick to a diet. According to doctors' forecasts, more than one operation is to be done. My daughter, Margarita Viktorovna, is already retired and often visits me. But the other day I flew to France. My granddaughter and her husband work and live there. My wonderful great-grandchildren are growing up: Shurik is already eight years old, he, like me in his youth, is engaged in sambo, and the beauty Irishka is four years old. I live little by little, good friends and faith help me. I often go to church, go to confession and take communion.”

All the best for children

Tatyana Kirillovna Chernyaeva, a teacher from the entertainment and educational children's television program "ABVGDeyka", has always worked under this motto. Personal charm brought her the love of Soviet schoolchildren and preschool children, but behind the scenes Chernyaeva worked even more: she led the editorial board of children's programs, did a lot of journalism, and Tatyana Kirillovna's merits were marked by such awards and titles as a member of the Academy of Russian Television and a laureate of the "Best Pens of Russia" award ".

Around the world

Yuri Alexandrovich Senkevich hosted his own program "Travelers' Club" for 43 years. During this time, the audience managed to discover with him even the most remote corners of our planet. However, this program should not be considered purely entertaining, because Yuri Alexandrovich put all the facets of his talent into it: a military doctor by training, a colonel in the medical service and a candidate of medical sciences, he approached travel with the same professionalism. Among other things, he took part in several expeditions, for example to Antarctica and Everest. The brainchild could not outlive its father, and after Yuri Senkevich passed away, the Travelers Club closed.

Music has tied us

The permanent co-host of the music festival "Song of the Year" for 18 years (from 1988 to 2006) was Angelina Mikhailovna Vovk. But there are much more programs in which she managed to work as a presenter in her track record: among the musical ones - "Morning Mail", "Music Kiosk", "Blue Light", various concerts, classical music evenings, festivals and competitions, children's - "Alarm Clock ”, “Good night, kids”, “Visiting a fairy tale”, and many others.

Angelina Mikhailovna is “in the cage” to this day as an announcer on radio and TV presenter, and her professional activities are marked by the titles of “Honored Artist of the RSFSR”, “People's Artist of the Russian Federation” and many public awards.

Energetic Angelina Vovk continues to be thanks to a healthy lifestyle and numerous hobbies, including winter swimming, skiing, growing crops and many others.

Of course, today we have not talked about all the outstanding announcers and TV presenters of the times of the USSR, but we will definitely dedicate our publications to them in the future. Stay tuned, as they say, it will be interesting!

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Valentina Mikhailovna came to work on television in 1954 as an assistant director, she became an announcer later. And by the end of the 60s, not a single issue of the festive Ogonyok could do without it, and not only children, but also adults watched Good Night, Kids and Alarm Clock with pleasure. The most important and most personal program in her life was the program "With all my heart", which is called the prototype of modern talk shows. On this program, old friends, relatives separated by the war, met, the whole country cried with the heroes of the program. Aunt Valya never married, although Bulat Okudzhava himself asked for her hand. Her only love is television.

Today we decided to recall what other Soviet TV presenters gathered the whole family at the screens.

Yuri Nikolaev began his career as an artist in Moscow as an actor at the Pushkin Theatre. But acting did not bring him much fame and popularity. They began to recognize Yuri Alexandrovich in person only when he became the host of one of the most popular programs on Soviet television - "Morning Mail". And then it went and went: they began to invite him to lead the “Blue Light”, “Song of the Year”. And later, during perestroika, Yuri Nikolaev created his own production company UNIX, which produced the weekly program Morning Star. Many well-known artists today began with this television competition: Yulia Nachalova, Alexei Chumakov, Valeria and many others.

Yulia Vasilievna hosted one of the first programs on medical topics on domestic TV - the popular science program "Health". Moreover, by profession she is not an artist or a TV presenter at all, but a doctor. That is why her program was still scientific, and the program gained popularity thanks to the personal charm of Yulia Belyanchikova. She remained the permanent host of the program for over twenty years. During this time, the flow of letters for transmission has grown from 60,000 a year to 160,000. Moreover, the questions of the audience were answered not only on the air, but also by correspondence. For this purpose, four qualified doctors worked in the staff of the program.

Alexander Vasilyevich is the founder of humor on domestic television. We say "Maslyakov", we mean "Club of cheerful and resourceful" and vice versa. Alexander Maslyakov has been working on television since 1964 and even now, despite his considerable age - he is 71 years old - he remains the permanent host, leader and director of KVN. And the "Club" itself, in turn, remains one of the most popular programs on TV. In addition, Alexander Vasilyevich hosted “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Merry Fellows”, “12th Floor”, reports from the World Festivals of Youth and Students, for several years he was the host of international song festivals in Sochi. And now Alexander Vasilyevich also chairs the jury at the Minute of Glory.

On television, Alexander Evgenievich, in general, did not aspire. He studied at the Faculty of Law of the Russian State University, completed postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, and became a candidate of philosophical sciences. After graduating from graduate school, he got into big politics and was even a speechwriter for Secretary General Leonid Brezhnev. On TV, Alexander Bovin was also far from entertainment programs - he was a serious publicist. Bovin gained national fame when he was the host of the TV magazine "International Panorama", which had very high ratings among viewers. The program, which gathered an audience of millions, was even called a "window to the world" - it included reports on Western culture and art, here you could see frames with luxury cars, unprecedented architecture and interiors. And Alexander Bovin himself looked unusual - shaggy, mustachioed, without a tie, and he broadcast as if he was talking to the audience like a neighbor, sitting in the kitchen.

Igor Leonidovich Kirillov is rightfully considered a legend of Russian television. You can call him a real news star. In 2001, he even received the honorary title of "Man of the Age". In addition, there are three orders in his award list: the Red Banner of Labor, "For Merit to the Fatherland" 3rd and 4th degree. Igor Kirillov has a theatrical education, before coming to television, he played at the Taganka Theater. In July 1957, he began working at the Shabolovsky television center as an assistant director of the musical editorial office of the Central Television. And two and a half months later he won the competition of announcers and went on the air for the first time. Igor Kirillov was the announcer of the Vremya program for more than 30 years, becoming the face of a news program, and his signature timbre was recognized from the first words and is still recognized today. He was even trusted to make New Year's addresses to the inhabitants of the country instead of the leadership of the USSR. By the way, Igor Kirillov still broadcasts the annual parades in honor of Victory Day on Red Square.

In fact, Alexander Ivanov is not a professional TV presenter at all. He is a teacher, graduated from the Faculty of Drawing and Drawing at the Moscow Correspondence Institute and worked as a teacher of drawing and descriptive geometry. He gained fame, of course, not as a teacher, but not as a TV presenter either. Popularity came to him even before TV, when he became interested in writing poetic parodies. His first book, Love and Mustard, was published in 1968. He was admitted to the Writers' Union, performed a lot on the stage and even played a couple of small roles in the cinema. He came to television in 1978 and for 12 years hosted the humorous program Around Laughter, although at first it was planned that he would be a guest of one of the first issues. San Sanych, as he was affectionately called, turned out to be so organic in the role of the host that they decided to leave him. And not in vain - he made millions of viewers laugh.

The son of Nobel laureate Pyotr Kapitsa was born in Cambridge. It was destined for him to engage in science and, indeed, he became an outstanding physicist, was vice-president of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. But his merit is not only in research work, but also in the fact that he brought science to people. Moreover, he did it in such an accessible form that the magazine "In the World of Science", where he was the chief editor, became one of the most popular periodicals in the country, and episodes of the TV show "Obvious - Incredible" are still shown on the Retro channel. For his achievements in the popularization and promotion of scientific knowledge, he was awarded the Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the gold medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Remember the children's TV show "ABVGDeika"? You probably remember. And her leading Tatyana Kirillovna, a teacher, remember too. She said that ABVGDeika was the only non-politicized program on Soviet television. And she spoke with skill, because she managed not only to conduct a fun educational program for children, but also to manage the editorial office of children's programs. Tatyana Chernyaeva is a certified journalist, graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University and has achieved considerable success in the journalistic field. In particular, she is a laureate of the Best Pens of Russia journalism award and a member of the Academy of Russian Television. Tatyana Kirillovna has always advocated and still advocates an increase in the share of children's programs on Russian television. All the best for the kids.

The first association with the name of this TV presenter is the Song of the Year festival, the broadcast of which was not missed in any family. After all, "Song" was the main event in the world of domestic pop, and later pop music. We can say that this is the oldest show on our TV, because "Song" is still on, since 1971. Paired with Evgeny Menshov, Angelina Vovk led the festival 18 times, until 2006. In 2007, a scandal erupted: Alla Pugacheva ousted the presenters from the program, turning "Song" into her benefit performance. Now Angelina Mikhailovna is leading the Good Health program on the First together with Gennady Malakhov.

The TV program “Club of Travelers”, which Yuri Alexandrovich hosted for 30 years, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest program on Russian television. It aired weekly for 43 years and closed only after the death of Yuri Senkevich in 2003. Yuri Alexandrovich - military doctor, candidate of medical sciences and colonel of the medical service. And also - a famous traveler, president of the Association of Travelers of Russia. He took part in the Soviet Antarctic expedition "Vostok", together with the famous Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl

January 1, 1968 on the first channel of the then Central Television of the USSR there was a pilot release of the information program "Vremya". Even in the last century, people learned about the main thing from it, they synchronized watches by it. Today, the Vremya program is a modern on-air complex that meets the latest trends in television fashion, technologies that allow you to quickly respond to events anywhere in the world, and, of course, people.

Clown Oleg Popov and TV announcer Olga Zyuzina during the filming of the TV show Blue Light. April 12, 1978. Photo by I. Stepanychev /TASS Newsreel/

Eldar Ryazanov and Zinovy ​​Gerdt during the recording of the Kinopanorama program. December 19, 1982. Photo by Anatoly Morkovkin /TASS Newsreel/

Recording of the TV show “Cinema Travel Club” at the Ostankino TV Center: broadcast by Yu. Senkevich, Moscow. (RGAKFD)

Artists Y. Nikulin, V, Lanovoy, L. Khityaeva and others at the Blue Light, Moscow. (RGAKFD)

Director and host of the entertainment TV program "Musical Ring" Vladimir and Tamara Maksimov. January 20, 1987. Photo by Ivan Kurtov / TASS newsreel

Boris Yegorov, Nikolai Kamanin, Pavel Popovich, German Titov, Yuri Gagarin and Alexei Leonov in the studio during the Star Relay broadcast. March 27, 1965 Photo by Valentin Cheredintsev /TASS Newsreel/

Popular game TV program-competition "Come on, girls!". Presenter Kira Proshutinskaya during the filming of the program. February 18, 1973 Photo by Viktor Velikzhanin /TASS Newsreel/

Announcer of Central Television and host of the children's TV program "Alarm clock" Angelina Vovk. May 17, 1969 Photo by Viktor Velikzhanin /TASS Newsreel/

Recording of a television program about chess. Commenting on the next chess game at the ongoing tournament. February 1, 1964 Newsreel TASS

The first game transmission of the Central Television live "Auction". In the photo: Vladimir Voroshilov, author of the project and host of the TV show. April 6, 1969 Photo by V. Richter / TASS Newsreel /

Concert program "Moskvich". Singing Yevgeny Martynov. October 20, 1978 Photo by I. Stepanychev /TASS newsreel/

Announcers Svetlana Zhiltsova, Igor Kirillov and Aza Likhitchenko, February 15, 1970. Photo by Vasily Egorov and Alexei Stuzhin /TASS Newsreel/

The musical editorial staff of the Central Television is filming the popular New Year's Eve program for the New Year holiday. TV show participants Vladimir Spivakov and Sati Spivakova. December 19, 1986. Photo by Vitaly Sozinov /TASS Newsreel/

Gennady Khazanov with his daughter Alice during the recording of the children's TV show "Alarm Clock". 1979 Photo by I. Stepanychev /TASS Newsreel/

In one of the control rooms of the Olympic Television and Radio Center. July 26, 1980 Photo by Viktor Velikzhanin and Alexander Chumichev /TASS Newsreel/

The broadcast of the program “What? Where? When?". 1986 Photo by Igor Zotin / ITAR-TASS

The creative team of the creators of the program "Before and after midnight". On the left is Olvar Kakuchaya, editor-in-chief of the Central Information Department of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Center, on the right is Vladimir Molchanov, author and host of the TV show. March 17, 1989. Photo by Vladimir Musaelyan /TASS Newsreel/


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