How to draw stencils on windows. How to draw snowflakes on the window with toothpaste


Christmas decoration made of carved snowflakes has become a tradition for a long time. Often this paper lace is strung on threads and hung on the ceiling, as well as window and door openings. However, they look most beautiful on the transparent surface of glass and mirrors.

How to make paper cut snowflake decorations

Beautiful paper cutouts can do everything, there would be a desire. How to fold a sheet of paper for cutting is known to everyone from early childhood, but we offer you to cut an intricate snowflake according to the diagrams below.

The sizes of snowflakes can be made different and fill the outline drawn on the glass with snowflakes, as shown in the photo. New Year this is the time of fantasy and your imagination may suggest another interesting outline or image.

Cut out Christmas garlands

With your own hands, you can cut out an interesting garland, which consists of threads and cardboard figures. Large cutouts will perfectly decorate the window panes in the rooms kindergarten if these are animal figurines.

The photo shows that these are just folded napkins.

Garlands on the window made of textile wonderful original decoration, which will perfectly show the taste and talent of the children and the hostess who created this beauty for the New Year.

Landscape decorations on the windowsill

In addition to carving snowflakes, people with a rich artistic imagination cut landscape contours from trees, animals, huts, churches, city houses, familiar outlines and place them on the bottom of the window, and stars, a moon and snowflakes are placed at the top. On the windowsills for the New Year, compositions of two or three cutouts are sometimes placed. The strips of contours are placed one after the other and the composition turns out to be voluminous, especially if you place a backlight between the individual strips of contours on the windowsill, everything looks especially beautiful if the backlight is flashing and colored. The composition can perfectly decorate your window sill, and the backlight will allow you to see the beauty you created from the street.

New Year's painting with toothpaste

For many years, window glass has been painted with tooth powder diluted with water. With a brush, they draw a Christmas tree, a snowflake, Santa Claus, a Snow Maiden or some kind of winter motif on the glass; it looks pretty and elegant.

In this picture, the snowflakes are cut out and glued with pieces of tape.

Decorations created using stencils and templates

For those who find it difficult to draw, there are stencils and templates for sale. New Year's drawings made on window panes, with the help of templates often possess some plot. You can choose your own templates and create your own picture on the glass.

wonderful new year drawings Using templates, even children can create on windows, while experiencing great pleasure and pride.

Poke way to create drawings

For the poke method of creating a window decoration for the New Year, a piece of foam rubber is required, which is folded into a tube and rigidly fastened. This can be done with tape or duct tape, and get a “poke”, a handy little thing for applying paint. Nowadays, tooth powder is very rarely found on sale, so now they use it to decorate window panes. toothpaste.

It is squeezed out onto a saucer and dipped into the poking paste, then the paint is applied to the stencil on the glass or mirror with a poking motion. Stencils will serve you well when decorating large windows in offices and small mirrors.

Poke can be depicted fir branches. With a poke, wide lines of future branches are applied, and then remove the paint wooden stick making strokes depicting needles in the drawing or the required contours and outlines of the figures.

Drawing details is done after the paste dries a little. With the same stick, white strings are painted on, on which the painted toys are suspended.

Making snowflake negatives on glass

You can create snowflake negatives with toothpaste. large size the cut snowflake is applied to the glass, it can be glued with adhesive tape or water, but so that the snowflake fits snugly against the surface. After that, a toothbrush is dipped into the paste diluted with water and a finger is drawn along the bristles to get a spray. This method of applying paint is called the “spray technique”.

After spraying, wait until the paste dries and carefully remove the snowflake. A snowflake should be chosen with a large pattern, since a small pattern due to splashes will not work with clear outlines.

Snowflake obtained by “spraying technique”

At a time when many things in our lives were not yet commonplace, people with artistic abilities to decorate windows took a flat bar of soap similar to tailor's chalk and simply drew their patterns on glass for the New Year.

The craftsmanship of this woman is admirable. Such drawings require the confident hand of the master.

Decorations made from Christmas toys

Those who are unsure of their artistic ability have the opportunity to decorate window openings by hanging New Year's Eve on colored ribbons for the New Year Christmas decorations, colored balloons or stitched with my own hands hearts. The decoration will turn out bright, cheerful and joyful.

The main thing when decorating windows for the New Year is the desire to create for everyone festive mood, it should appear not only among relatives and friends, but also among those who are outside the windows.

We recommend reading:

    The easiest option is to dilute with water, then apply to the stencil, and make an imprint on the glass. There is not a large layer left, which you can easily wash off, and then wipe the window dry! They draw whatever they want, nowadays you can find and print various stencils!

    Happy New Year!

    You can use watercolors and toothpaste to make color paintings on the windows. You can apply the drawing with a thin brush. Or you can apply toothpaste on a stencil to get a clear pattern. You can, for example, use white or blue-tinted toothpaste to draw winter forest, usually draw Christmas trees, snowflakes. Can you draw beautiful snow maiden or Santa Claus.

    Drawing on the window with toothpaste will not be difficult, but it will be especially interesting for children - be sure to dilute a little paste in water to make the paste a little thinner, then with a toothbrush you can apply patterns around paper snowflakes, as if frost had painted windows.

    You can draw with toothpaste a symbol of the New Year - a Sheep or a Monkey, a Tiger and a Boar, a Rooster and a Dog. You can draw a snowflake and a fairy-tale castle on the window with toothpaste, you can draw winter and a winter landscape on the window, find patterns with a monkey or Santa Claus and you will get a wonderful pattern on the window for the New Year.

    In addition to the above method with a sponge, you can make the background with a toothbrush. Dip the brush in the solution, hold the edge and spray as shown in the photo.

    And also watch the video how to draw with toothpaste on the window. and you can experiment with multi-colored pastes, a pink or blue solution, and it will be complete beauty, and draw a Christmas tree with green coniferous paste.

    Draw anything! Where will fantasy take you? And snowmen and animals, and they write their names)))

    And let's, with you, turn an ordinary window, and if you want a mirror, into a winter one! And it will blow from him with a blizzard, cold and, of course, the New Year! Shall we start?

    From the most ordinary paper we cut out snowflakes of different sizes and patterns.

    We dilute white toothpaste (in our case, pearls); with water. To the state of a paste.

    Dip snowflakes in water (the most common)

    Glue wet snowflakes to glass. Very neat, the work can be said to be jewelry.

    Soak up the water that will drain with a napkin.

    Sprinkle the part of the glass or mirror that should remain transparent with water.

    Now we make frost. We take our diluted toothpaste and use a sponge to apply it to the glass, using a stencil method. The places where we splashed water will be more transparent. You can try to apply the paste with a wet and dry sponge, the effect will be different.

First of all, I would like to say that not every material is suitable for painting windows. If you do not know this, you can decorate the windows in such a way that you will then have to make a lot of effort in order to remove them from them.

Do not try to paint on the windows with watercolors. It is much more difficult to remove it from the glass surface than, for example, gouache. Also, you can not use professional stained glass paints. Having decorated the windows with this paint, you will no longer wash them. Carefully choose the material for painting in specialized stores.

How can you draw on windows?

A simple toothpaste is great for painting windows. You can also use gouache, artificial snow and finger paints. To decorate windows, some use children's stained glass paints. However, if you chose this particular material for painting, you should know that such drawings are not applied to the glass surface of windows.

How can I put a picture on the windows?

With the question of what you can draw on the windows, we figured it out. Now a new one has arisen: how can you put a picture on windows? If, of course, you have a talent for drawing, then you will not ask this question. This applies to those who have the desire and inspiration to decorate windows for the New Year, but do not have any skills. In such a case, you can do the following:

  • Print any template you like using a printer, cut it out, and then redraw it on the window.

  • After printing the template, redraw it on whatman paper. Then attach the paper from the side of the street with adhesive tape. According to the finished contour, it will be very easy for you to draw with the selected material.

  • Use a stencil. It can be both bought and. Fill the gaps of the stencil with paint or any other selected material. By the way, if you use paint, then for convenience, apply it with a small piece of sponge.

Recently real snow patterns on the windows have become a curiosity. Plastic windows made our houses lighter and quieter, but now you can look at the whimsical frosty curls only if you painted them yourself. H drawing snowflakes on the window is easiest with the help of toothpaste: it is always at hand, and it is much easier to wash it than paint. Even toddlers can handle this task.

In addition to toothpaste, you will need a cup, some water, and a toothbrush.

How to draw snowflakes on glass using toothpaste

1. First things first, cut the snowflakes - it is possible according to the schemes, but it is more interesting at the behest of fantasy.

2. Moisten the snowflakes and stick them on a window pane or mirror.

3. Squeeze toothpaste into a cup, dilute it with a little water.

4. Dip a toothbrush into the solution and shake it gently (this is done so that the spray is more even, without large drops).

6. When the splashes of paste lie well along the contour of the snowflakes, remove the templates.

You can experiment with snowflakes. For example, if you attach them to glass and spray them in two or three steps, you will get patterns that overlap each other.

To make snowflakes drawn with toothpaste look beautiful and not give you trouble, try to follow the following guidelines:

  • cut out airy, openwork snowflakes - a “negative” will remain on the glass, which always looks more bulky than the template;
  • do not fill the entire window with snowflakes, a border or corner will look much more spectacular;
  • in order not to splatter other surfaces with paste, cover them with newspaper using masking tape;
  • when the holidays are over, remove the snowflakes with warm soapy water using a sponge.

Painting snowflakes with toothpaste isn't the only way to decorate your home. portray

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