Drawing on the theme of patterns on glass. Project "Snow Patterns Predict the Weather"


Nature - inexhaustible source spiritual enrichment of children. Children are constantly in one form or another in contact with nature. The endless diverse world of nature awakens a keen interest and curiosity in children. What amazing things does nature bring us? She is like us humans. She has different moods. funny - when the sun sad- when it rains, it happens - she angry, then winds blow, blizzards howl, thunder rumbles. Nature, like us, wears different clothes: summer - in bright floral prints, and in winter - in a white fluffy coat.



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winter patterns on the window.

Frost is the best artist, He walks around the city. Then he will blush his cheeks, He will pinch everyone by the nose And at night, while I was sleeping, He came with a magic brush, And on the window he painted Sparkling leaves

In winter they fall from the sky And circle over the earth Light fluffs, white Snowflakes

It turned white overnight everywhere And in our apartment a miracle The house disappeared outside the window There a magical forest grew ...

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Abstract of a lesson in decorative drawing in the senior group "Winter patterns on the window"

The lesson helps children to show creativity and imagination in drawing up a pattern from plant elements using cold-colored paint....

"Winter patterns on the windows"

"Winter patterns on the windows" (compendium of direct educational activities children in preparatory group)...

Summary of the integrated lesson in the preparatory group "Winter patterns on the windows"

The lesson involves continuing to acquaint children with seasonal changes in nature, with characteristic features winter season and correlate with this period the features of the life of animals, plants and phenomena ...

Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson in the preparatory speech therapy group Developed by the teacher of the speech therapy group - Shalamygina I.M. Topic: “Zimushka - Winter, the winter was snowy. Winter patterns on the windows.

Abstract complex lesson in the preparatory speech therapy group Developed by the teacher of the speech therapy group - Shalamygina I.M. Theme: “Winter - Winter, it was snowy. Winter patterns on the windows.

Every winter, you can see magnificent patterns on the windows that the frost has painted. They are very diverse and intricate, mysterious and simply gorgeous.

How are ice patterns formed on glass?

The air in the room is much warmer than outside, and the humidity is lower. But near glass, sometimes the temperature can be below the dew point, that is, the value when the steam begins to condense into dew. Small ice crystals form and ice drawings appear on the window.

Why are ice patterns always different?

Because the conditions inside the room and outside are changeable: temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed. Even the thickness of the glass and its purity play a role.

First Frost patterns are formed on the surface of the glass, and when their thickness becomes so large that the removal of heat to the outside slows down, then ice patterns begin to grow in thickness.

"Plant" patterns appear at high humidity and a gradual decrease in temperature. First, the glass becomes wet, and then the moisture freezes, forming bizarre "thickets". The process starts from the bottom of the glass, as it collects more water. Yes, and the picture there is larger, and towards the top it becomes smaller.

If the cooling process was fast, and the moisture did not have time to drain down the glass, then the “woody” pattern throughout the window will be the same size.

Window panes cannot be perfectly even and smooth; they almost always have minor defects and scratches. They also contribute to the formation of another frosty pattern. First, ice crystals appear along the scratch, forming a strip, and then curved stems begin to branch off from it.

Since the frosty patterns on the window appear under certain conditions, it means that if you change them, the glass will remain clean. Lower the air humidity or prevent the glass from cooling too much (make a good thermal insulation of the window) and Frost will not draw anything on your window.

general educational secondary school№10 Balkhash

Section: Natural science (inanimate nature)




student 4 "B" class

Secondary School No. 10 of the city of Balkhash

Supervisor: Matsevka Mahfirat Nasrullahovna - teacher primary school

Balkhash, 2014

    Introduction …………………………………………………………..

    Main part.

2.1 Theoretical study ………………………………….

2.2 Practical research …………………………………..

III. Conclusion …………………………………………………………….

List of used literature ……………………………………..


Dendrites - tree structures.

Trichity - fibrous forms.


Purpose of the study:

Find out why bizarre windows often appear on windows in winter snow patterns.

Explore what snow is.

Expand knowledge about water.

Research objectives:

Explore additional literature and select interesting information, about how snow patterns appear on the windows;

Find out why snow patterns are different in shape;

Watch the appearance and disappearance of snow patterns on the windows;

Provide convincing evidence that snow patterns on windows do not appear by chance;

Learn what snow is and how it is formed;

Water - like a drop, an icicle, a cloud, a snowflake;

Draw conclusions and summarize the results of observations.

Object of study: snow patterns on glass

Subject: snow pattern

Hypothesis: suppose that the shape of the snow patterns can be used to predict the weather.


    Analysis of scientific literature.

    Conducting experiments.


    Main part

2. Theoretical study

It got cold during the night. It's a frosty morning. When I woke up, I looked out the window: “Is the sun shining?” And the window was so smart and shiny, like Christmas tree. On the glass, I saw an amazing drawing. Sparkled long fluffy spruce branch covered with shiny snowflakes. I asked my mother: “How did the snow pattern appear on the window?”. She replied that Santa Claus had drawn it.

How did you draw? What did you draw? Grandfather Frost is outside the window, and the pattern appeared in the apartment. Why? I wanted to know about this. This served as my choice for research.

Why do drawings appear on frost window glass? On the one hand, the crystals have their own structure, which determines the pattern. In addition, scratches on the glass surface, dust particles, air currents help Santa Claus create beautiful patterns on the windows.

Snow- this is a type of precipitation that falls on the earth's surface, consisting of small ice crystals. At low temperatures, water turns into ice. Ice, like water, also evaporates.

Snow white color, opaque, loose and cold, in warm weather it is well molded, and quickly melts in heat.

Frost- this is steam that has frozen on glass, iron, tree branches and other objects. But frost never forms on thin branched objects, this is − frost.

Snowflakes are combined into ten classes: these are stars, plates, columns, needles, hail and others. Snowflake sizes can range from a small dot to 7 millimeters.

When squeezed, the snow makes a sound resembling a creak (crunch). This sound occurs when walking on snow, pressing on fresh snow with sledge runners, skis, when making snowballs, etc. Snow creaking is heard at temperatures below -2 ° (according to other sources, below -5 °). Above this temperature, no creaking is heard. The main reason for the crunch of snow is the breaking of crystals.

In winter, the air near the window panes is very cool and part of the water vapor from it settles on the cold panes in the form of ice crystals. Then these crystals begin to branch and grow, “drawing” snow (frosty) patterns on the glass.

In order for crystallization to begin, the first ice crystals need to settle on something. Let it be dust. Or a trace of a rag with which they wiped the windows. Ice floes are grouped on irregularities, on barely noticeable scratches on the glass, and an icy garden gradually grows on the window with extraordinary flowers sparkling in the rays of the winter sun. It turns out such beauty that neither in a fairy tale can be said, nor described with a pen. Real flowers! By the way, in Germany, frosty patterns on glass are called “ice flowers”.

1. Dendrites. If the cooling of the glass begins at a positive temperature and high humidity, then the film of water formed on it with a decrease in temperature environment starts to crystallize.

The pattern first appears at the bottom of the window, where more water accumulates due to gravity. Here, due to the greater amount of moisture, the dendrites are more pronounced than in the upper part of the glass. With further cooling, the dendrites are overgrown with smaller processes and notches of ice. Such patterns are often formed in the winter on the windows of buses and even in our school office.

2.Trichity. Trichites form at the sharp edges of scratches on the surface of a cooling solid body. At the same time, at first, the crystals form narrow parallel strips of hoarfrost, which, upon further cooling, degenerate into fairly dense ice fibers emanating from the main stem. In most cases, both the main fiber and the thin strips of frost adjacent to it are slightly curved. . Such patterns are found in my room on the window and on the window in the school office.

When are marvelous pictures of ice crystals formed?

In winter, when frost intensifies on the street, snow patterns often form on window panes. This is Santa Claus secretly at night, using a transparent pen, paints windows for us. In fact, with a sharp cold snap, the temperature of the windows becomes lower than the air temperature in the room. Warm water vapor, which is in the humid air in the room, settles on them. A thin, almost invisible layer of water appears on the glass. Frost is enough to draw his own wonderful drawings. At night it sends cold, the water freezes. If there was a lot of water, ice would turn out, like on a river. And since there is very little water, it turns into ice crystals. They form a pattern on the glass.

The motive and composition of intricate pictures, in addition to humidity and temperature, is determined by the glass itself, its structure, thermal conductivity, heat capacity, surface cleanliness. In the ice patterns, you can see most of the shapes that snow crystals can take.

Folk omens

A long time ago, people determined the weather by frosty patterns:

    if the branches of the patterns were directed downwards - the weather will be snowy and cloudy;

    if up - clear and sunny.

Also according to folk omens, direct drawings portend even greater cold, oblique - thaws, and more intricate patterns - to snowfall.

It's hard to believe that all this is drawn without help. human hands. These patterns intrigued me. Can't take my eyes off these intricate art consummate master. The further you look at the drawings, the more you are surprised by the skill unknown artist whose name is Frost. These amazing pictures can be looked at and looked at, and every time you see something new. Here is a magic tree, there is a peacock's tail, a long branch of a palm tree, a fluffy spruce. Here is a wonderful flower. And on the other window fairy beasts.

It is especially beautiful when a sunbeam falls on the window, then the whole picture sparkles. Watching the snow patterns, I noticed that they are colored: sometimes blue in cloudy weather, then yellow in the sun, then pink and purple at sunset. AT evening time when it gets completely dark outside and the glass looks black, frosty patterns sparkle like stars.

Water conditions:


Water, water, wash my face.

To make cheeks blush

To make your eyes sparkle

So that the mouth laughs and bites the tooth.


Julia has a very bad habit -

Likes to suck on ice icicles.

Silly Julia swallows and is glad

As if I ate 100 grams of chocolate.

Once she got a sore throat

And never ate icicles again.


Oh, what a cloud, a high cloud,

The cloud is far away, out of reach.

It will swim and hide in the field behind the outskirts,

Will wash in the lake clean water.


Snowflakes fell from the sky onto frozen fields:

Spruce was tangled with a scarf, a white poplar fur coat.

And they covered the yard and the garden, every snow is very glad.

Drop a snowflake on my palm

You've been spinning for a long time, rest a little.

Look how cunning, you think I don't know?

On a warm palm, I immediately melt.

Perhaps you will not meet a person who has never had to admire the finest ice patterns on window panes in winter. Therefore, I tried to imitate Frost, depicted the patterns myself.

    Practical research

Do all windows show frosty patterns?

It turns out not. Watching the patterns, I found out that the patterns do not appear on the window if the window is open. In this case, the temperature of the air in the room near the glass decreases, becoming the same as the temperature of the glass itself. With high-quality sealing of glasses, patterns on the glass also do not appear, because. no temperature difference.

artificial patterns

Everyone knows that the patterns on the glass are short-lived - the sun begins to warm up and the frosty patterns become less clear, blur and flow down the glass in streams of water. They disappear forever.

Is it possible to make such patterns yourself?

To begin with, my mother and I prepared a colloidal solution: in a quarter cup cold water 5 g of dry gelatin was added and allowed to swell well. We heated the water to 50 degrees in a water bath and made sure that the gelatin was completely dissolved. (Ice patterns can be preserved on such a jelly.) A still warm solution was poured onto a piece of glass and immediately put in the freezer. (Water will crystallize, as on windows in winter.) After three days, the gelatin was taken out and allowed to thaw.

There was a clear pattern of ice crystals on it.

"Ice Flowers" by J. Marcinkevičius.

Waiting for the warmth
In the middle of a winter day
flowers bloomed,
On my window.

I went to the flowers
My cheek got wet
Because windows
I touched lightly.

I went to the flowers
But they didn't smell...
Why did they grow up?
On winter days?


The goal I set for myself has been achieved. I found out why bizarre snow patterns often appear on the windows in winter.

Made the following conclusions:

    Frost drawings on glass are large ice crystals growing from water vapor at the border of heat and cold;

    The type of pattern on the glass surface depends on the temperature inside and outside the room, the humidity of the air in the room, the thickness of the glass and the contamination of its surface.

My observations support the hypothesis that the shape of snow patterns can predict the weather.

List of used literature

D. Tikhomirov. "Snow patterns on the windows."

Internet resources

http:// HYPERLINK "http://bibliofond.ru/view.aspx"bibliofondHYPERLINK "http://bibliofond.ru/view.aspx". HYPERLINK "http://bibliofond.ru/view.aspx"enHYPERLINK "http://bibliofond.ru/view.aspx"/ HYPERLINK "http://bibliofond.ru/view.aspx"viewHYPERLINK "http://bibliofond.ru/view.aspx". HYPERLINK "http://bibliofond.ru/view.aspx"aspx..

Internet resources

http:// HYPERLINK "http://nsportal.ru/shkola/obshchepedagogic"nsportalHYPERLINK "http://nsportal.ru/shkola/obshchepedagogic". HYPERLINK "http://nsportal.ru/shkola/obshchepedagogic"enHYPERLINK "http://nsportal.ru/shkola/obshchepedagogic"/ HYPERLINK "http://nsportal.ru/shkola/obshchepedagogic"shkolaHYPERLINK "http://nsportal.ru/shkola/obshchepedagogic"/ HYPERLINK "http://nsportal.ru/shkola/obshchepedagogic"obshchepedagogic...

It is difficult to find a person who would not admire at least once in winter time view of frozen moisture on the glass. Amazingly beautiful frosty pattern on the window, it turns out, you can create with your own hands. And it's not that hard.

Anyone can try to make a simple or more intricate winter composition even inside the home: on a glass interior door, cabinet door or mirror. And for this, frost and moisture are not needed at all.

There are several ways to create at home. Let's try to figure out what is needed for this and what skills will be required from the performer.

Natural frosty pattern on the window

Winter stains on glass are, in fact, frost that forms under certain conditions on tree branches, wires and any other surface. This happens when the temperature drops below zero degrees. The moisture in the surrounding air freezes, turns into a solid state and settles in the form of ice crystals on the surfaces that have turned up.

The same thing happens with windows. The seemingly smooth glass actually has minor scratches and cracks. They contain particles of dust. Ice crystals that fall on this heterogeneous and uneven surface, especially when exposed to gusts of wind, form a unique frosty pattern.

Unfortunately, with the advent of the sun or heat, this beauty disappears. Modern plastic windows exclude the possibility of frost stains. Their double-glazed windows are reliably insulated, they mist up a little from the inside and do not allow freezing of the internal space.

But how can you stop an artistic person who wants to create a frosty pattern on his window pane in the summer? Of course not!

frost pattern: imitation

If there are no two main factors - moisture and glass cooled to a negative temperature - the occurrence of natural frost on the window is impossible. Having learned the reasons for the formation of frost patterns, you can try to create them in the summer.

They come to help chemical reactions crystallization of certain solutions. Known methods for the formation of imitation of frosty patterns using magnesium sulfate (other names: magnesia, bitter or can be used for these purposes (also known as antichlorine, hyposulfite, photographic fixer).

These chemical compounds are not hazardous substances, they can be purchased at a pharmacy or in stores chemical reagents, and subject to minimum safety requirements, use for decorative purposes to imitate a frosty pattern.

You will also need brushes for drawing a picture, you can use cotton pads, a sponge or other items suitable for this. To speed up the evaporation of moisture, it is convenient to use a hair dryer.

chemical frost

To create a frosty pattern using magnesium sulfate, you need to dilute 50 mg of this substance in 100 g of beer and draw stains with a brush on a cleanly washed and dried window with this solution. After drying (you can speed up the process with a hairdryer), magnesia crystals will appear on the surface.

Another version of the working solution: the same magnesium sulfate, but boiled water is used instead of beer and a tablespoon of diluted gelatin is added. A brush, sponge or rag swab is used. The solution is applied with chaotic and chaotic movements on degreased glass.

Frosty patterns on glass using sodium thiosulfate are formed after the evaporation of moisture from a working solution prepared from 40 g of this substance dissolved in a glass of water. The chemical pattern in this case will be white, denser, opaque, reminiscent of snow.

The technique of creating a drawing is selected individually. After several trials, certain skills can be developed. You need to try to depict frosty stains, "feathers", curls, impromptu snowflakes. Solution after failed attempt can be easily removed with a damp cloth and repeat the creative process again.

Wood glue

Earlier in Soviet times frosty patterns on glass were obtained with the help of the surface, it was necessary to remove the gloss, process it to a light dullness with sandpaper or sand with an abrasive. The bottom line is that soaked in water and swollen tile or granular wood glue dries out, wrinkles and shrinks in an unpredictable way during hardening.

If such a composition, heated to a fluid state in a water bath, is applied with a layer of up to 3 mm to glass treated to a haze, then in a day it will begin to dry out. The composition stuck to the surface, shrinking during the hardening process, will form a network of unique patterns. After completion, the crumbled particles are carefully swept away with a brush.

Glass for such frost should not be chosen thin, otherwise it will simply be bent and deformed by the tension force of the drying wood glue. The working composition is applied to a flat horizontal surface and left for a day.

Such a frosty pattern remains forever. Wipe from dust and wash the glass after exposure to wood glue should be careful - the sharp edges of the pattern can injure the skin.

painting with toothpaste

Not everyone decides to paint window panes, arguing this by the lack of artistic ability or unwillingness to wash windows from paint. But with the help of such material, easily washable drawings can be obtained. Frosty patterns with toothpaste are safe, this technology is available even to children.

Glass after unsuccessful creative processes easy to clean and even better shine after that. BUT Creative skills can be limited to just a simple spray of dissolved toothpaste from a spray bottle.

The main thing is to make up your mind, and having understood the simplicity of the idea, you can try to paint the glass with a brush (preferably with stiff bristles) in the style of frosty frost. Smears are applied, starting from the corner and moving towards the center. To simplify, you can keep at hand suitable image natural frosty pattern or any abstract picture.

by template

For people who don't want to paint but want to decorate their windows with fake frost, there's an easy way to create DIY frost patterns. A stencil with a ready-made composition will be the best solution for those who have never taken a brush and paint in their hands.

You can buy a template with a picture in a store or make it yourself. This will not be difficult if you do not immediately set yourself the goal of simulating realistic winter divorces. You can download the composition you like from the Internet, but it is better to draw it yourself, especially together with your child.

You can start with simple snowman, a simple image of a Christmas tree, various animals, ornate stars. After transferring the pattern to thick paper, the contours are carefully cut out. The template is applied to the glass or glued with adhesive tape and a solution of toothpaste diluted to a creamy state is applied.

If you add a little watercolor or gouache paint to it, you can get more opportunities for implementing ideas. For application, use a kitchen foam sponge or brush. You can use as a background as a stencil not only a sheet with a cutout, but also the image itself, applying a coloring composition around it.

With a small child who is used to tasting everything, you can arrange funny drawing. Frosty patterns can be made completely safe if you use powdered sugar to create them.

It can be attached to sterile glass on an adhesive base of honey diluted with water, sucrose, fructose or any tasty syrup. If the baby really likes the result, he can even eat home-made frost patterns.

The stencil is applied to the washed glass, an edible adhesive is smeared, then ground granulated sugar is applied with a powder puff or a soft powder brush. Even a child can do this. Safety exciting process observed, the kids will be delighted. And they can safely taste the drawing after removing the stencil.

artificial snow

There is another easy way to create frost on any surface. A frosty window pattern using a stencil can be applied quickly and easily with artificial snow. It is better to choose a can with this composition from the category of non-melting flakes.

For a better choice of winter composition associated with new year holidays. Snowflakes and all sorts will do fairy tale characters operating in winter.

Glasses are washed and wiped dry so that no condensation or wet stains remain. Shake the can of snow thoroughly before use. The sides of the template should fit snugly against the glass so that clear frost patterns can be obtained. It is better to attach the stencil with tape.

Spray the composition from a distance of 15 to 40 cm, depending on desired effect frost density. After applying the snow, its excess is removed with a dry cloth, the stencil is carefully removed.

Snowflakes for windows

A frosty pattern on glass is not necessarily an ornate unique pattern. For many people, a simple snowflake on the window is a symbol of winter and the New Year holidays.

You can start creating frosty patterns for children by making homemade paper masterpieces. Any paper can serve as a material, but napkins have traditionally been used for this purpose. They are already folded into four layers. It remains to make one more diagonal fold so that it is middle part snowflakes, take scissors and start creating.

You can cut out the pattern according to the templates or come up with your own pattern. Knowing in advance what will turn out for a snowflake is quite difficult. Only after removing unnecessary details and unfolding the paper sheet, you can imagine and understand how this or that intricate pattern turned out. Snowflakes can be decorated with glitter, or you can cut them out of foil.

Everyone can make frosty patterns with their own hands, the main thing is to want it, highlight and spend a little time and effort. Mood, impressions and positive emotions are guaranteed.

Every winter, you can see magnificent patterns on the windows that the frost has painted. They are very diverse and intricate, mysterious and simply gorgeous.

How are ice patterns formed on glass?

The air in the room is much warmer than outside, and the humidity is lower. But near glass, sometimes the temperature can be below the dew point, that is, the value when the steam begins to condense into dew. Small ice crystals form and ice drawings appear on the window.

Why are ice patterns always different?

Because the conditions inside the room and outside are changeable: temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed. Even the thickness of the glass and its purity play a role.

First, frost patterns form on the surface of the glass, and when their thickness becomes so large that the removal of heat to the outside slows down, then ice patterns begin to grow in thickness.

"Plant" patterns appear at high humidity and a gradual decrease in temperature. First, the glass becomes wet, and then the moisture freezes, forming bizarre "thickets". The process starts at the bottom of the glass as more water collects there. Yes, and the picture there is larger, and towards the top it becomes smaller.

If the cooling process was fast, and the moisture did not have time to drain down the glass, then the “woody” pattern throughout the window will be the same size.

Window panes cannot be perfectly even and smooth; they almost always have minor defects and scratches. They also contribute to the formation of another frosty pattern. First, ice crystals appear along the scratch, forming a strip, and then curved stems begin to branch off from it.

Since the frosty patterns on the window appear under certain conditions, it means that if you change them, the glass will remain clean. Lower the air humidity or prevent the glass from cooling too much (make a good thermal insulation of the window) and Frost will not draw anything on your window.

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