Honor and dishonor are the arguments of the fate of man. Composition "The theme of honor and human dignity in one of the works of Russian literature (Based on the story "The Fate of a Man")


Anton Pavlovich Chekhov argued that honor cannot be taken away, it can only be lost. What is honor? Honor is a social and moral dignity, something that evokes and maintains general respect, a sense of pride. The complete lack of honor is called dishonor. These are two cornerstone concepts that define the life values ​​and principles of a person. It is impossible not to agree with the author that a person decides for himself whether to live according to the laws of honor or follow the path of dishonor. The concept of honor includes justice, nobility, devotion, truthfulness. I am sure that the presence of honor is a guarantee of high morality and integrity of the individual!

The attitude to the concepts of "honor" and "disgrace" is most clearly manifested in wartime. War always puts a person in a difficult situation of choosing the right path: simple - to step over morality, his principles, and difficult - to remain true to his ideals, the honor of a soldier.

In such a situation, the protagonist of the story "The Fate of a Man" by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov, Andrei Sokolov, finds himself in such a situation. Wounded, he was taken prisoner. On the first night of captivity, Sokolov saved from death a political instructor, whom, as a communist, another captured soldier wanted to betray to the Nazis, ready to lose his honor. For a Soviet soldier during the Great Patriotic War, being captured was like a betrayal, because in his homeland he automatically became an enemy of the people. But, despite such consequences, Andrei firmly decided for himself that he would escape from German captivity, no matter what it cost him. The first escape was unsuccessful: but he, torn to pieces by dogs, beaten, did not break, but only strengthened his faith in the strength of the honor of the Soviet soldier. And at a personal meeting with the commandant of the concentration camp Muller, Andrei refused to drink for the victory of the Germans, because this was contrary to the principles of military honor. He was even ready to go to the execution! Müller (commandant of the camp), impressed by the fortitude of a captured Soviet soldier who refused to drink for the victory of German weapons, canceled the execution, gave him a loaf of bread and a piece of bacon and let him go, saying that Andrei was a worthy opponent. Sokolov remembered that next to him there were other captured soldiers, with whom he shared the received bread and lard equally.

War puts a person in a rigid framework, but only the person himself decides whether to defend military honor to the last and, most likely, die or try to save his life and become a traitor.

But sometimes people become traitors, step by step violating the principles of honor and dignity. Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin - the hero of the novel by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" - is an immoral, dishonorable person, ready to go to meanness in order to achieve his goals. He spoke badly about Masha, slandering her in the eyes of Grinev. In a duel with Grinev, he wounded the enemy from the back when he was distracted by the call of Savelich. During the capture of the fortress by Pugachev, the young officer took the side of the rebels, renounced his officer rank, swore an oath to the impostor. Shvabrin held Masha captive, starving her and forcing her to agree to marry him against her will, denounced Grinev that he was a traitor and spy for Pugachev. Voluntarily and consciously, committing vile deeds, at the decisive moment, a person refuses honor, becomes like an animal.

Your honor encourages you to take care of someone else's honor. This gives strength and the right to defend not only one's own dignity, the honor of one's uniform, family, but also the good name of other people. Nobody and nothing can force a person to give up his honor. Only he himself is able to make a difficult decision: to keep his honor and fight or become dishonorable.

The question of honor and dishonor cannot leave anyone indifferent. It affects all of us to a greater or lesser extent. We understand what is good and what is bad, but how to become better is a topic of paramount importance. What qualities should a man of honor have? What should I do to become like this? Today these questions are most relevant for my generation, but the answers were given to us long ago by great writers and thinkers. Let's consider some of them.

Unfortunately, we often have to deal with human lies, that is, with people who are able to mislead others. I believe that liars lose their honor when they "say what is not," as writer Jonathan Swift evasively put it about deceit. From my reading experience, I can give several examples that clearly show what honest qualities and dishonest ones are. Mikhail Sholokhov touched upon, one of which is the issue of honor. The main character Andrei Sokolov was an ordinary citizen. He had a family, children and a good job, but Andrei loses all this in an instant during the war. It would seem that in such a situation there is no time for moral scrupulousness, but he went through all the difficulties of the war with his head held high, but without a false word. One of the main episodes that reveals his inner strength is the scene of Andrei's interrogation by commandant Muller. The weak, powerless soldier surpassed the German in fortitude. The refusal of the offer to drink to the victory of Germany was unexpected for Müller. Such audacity was fraught with disastrous consequences, but the hero did not stoop to a lie. The enemies unexpectedly appreciated the courage of the Russian soldier. Muller said: “That's what Sokolov is. You are a real Russian soldier. You are very brave. I, too, am a soldier and respect worthy opponents.” The firmness of the character of the hero aroused the respect of those who were in the office of the commandant. They decided that Andrei deserved to live, gave him a loaf of bread and a piece of bacon, which he divided among his starving cellmates. Andrei Sokolov is a true patriot of his country, who personifies honor, dignity and courage.

Other examples are the antipode heroes Pyotr Grinev and Aleksey Shvabrin from the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". Take care of honor from a young age - this is the main instruction of the father to Peter Grinev, who is sent to the service. Peter worthily fulfills the will of the parent. He refuses to swear allegiance to Pugachev, while another hero Alexei Shvabrin does so without much hesitation. He lies to save himself from reprisal, but his oath is worthless. Shvabrin is a traitor, although if his act could only be explained by the fear of death, then he could somehow be justified, because not everyone can be heroes, like Sokolov, for example. But Shvabrin is a vile and low person. He lies in order to get Masha as his wife and eventually get the coveted position of the commandant of the fortress. The liar tried to deprive the girl of honor in the eyes of Grinev, and later meanly wounded Peter during a duel. Therefore, his betrayal is not justified. Alexey is not afraid of shame, he does not understand the meaning of the word "honor", and therefore lying for him is a common thing. Pushkin described the consequences of such behavior very realistically: everyone turns away from a person without honor. But Grinev appears before society as a courageous, courageous and valiant young man.

Thus, examples from the literature suggest that honor implies bravery, valor, courage, and integrity. Pyotr Grinev and Andrei Sokolov endured many hardships and hardships in order to preserve their dignity, their moral guidelines and values. However, Alexei Shvabrin doesn’t even need a reason, he will betray and lie without any threats, just to get what he wants. Therefore, a person, first of all, needs to defeat a coward in himself in order to defend his honor in any circumstances.

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Honor and dishonor in the story "The Fate of a Man", how to write an essay?

    In the work The Fate of Man, you can find many topics for discussion, and one of them can be called the theme of honor and dishonor.

    An ordinary person, who lived a life familiar to everyone, had a house, a family, and in an instant everything collapsed: the war. Millions of citizens of the country found themselves in this situation.

    How each person went through the tests is everyone's business, but our hero Andrey Sokolov managed to pass the tests with honor.

    The central episode of the work can be called the interrogation of Andrei Muller. The firmness of spirit and stamina of the weak, emaciated Andrey aroused worthy respect from the enemy. The greatness of Andrei's spirit is also manifested in the way he disposes of the ration given to him: he shares it with everyone who is with him in the cell. This is possible only if a person has a strong spirit.

    In an essay on the topic of honor and dishonor in the work The Fate of a Man, one can write that the main character Andrei Sokolov is an excellent example of an honest person, that despite the conditions a person is in, he can still act honestly, not betray his comrades to the enemy.

    Honor is the only thing that remains in captivity for a person, and this is what makes him move on, despite what he has experienced.

    In the work The Fate of Man, the author conveys to the reader that the Russian man, using the example of his hero Sokolov, did not turn into a beast, did not become a traitor and did not cave in under the enemy. Having been captured, his behavior earned him respect even from the enemy.

    Struggling with severe hunger, he refused food, thereby making it clear that he had his own Russian dignity.

    Honor and dishonor can be shown in several episodes:

    in the church when the hero kills the traitor;

    in a concentration camp, with an episode with three glasses of vodka;

    All these episodes need to be connected by logical links to the topic. This composition of reasoning begins with the thesis of what honor is and why it must be observed, and most importantly, how dishonor harms a person. After writing two paragraphs on this topic, proceed to the evidence. Analyze the actions of the main character from the point of view of honor, then explain why he did it, fearing dishonor.

    In the conclusion, write that the main character managed to keep his character, having withstood all the trials of fate. The answer should be inclined to the fact that he did not break down, retained his human qualities and managed to find the strength in himself to give love to a homeless boy. This is important for understanding the meaning of the story: if they don’t protect their honor, then they don’t love themselves, and then they can’t love others either.

    Each person should have such qualities as honor and dignity - this is an indicator of a highly moral personality. Finding themselves in an extreme situation, not everyone can maintain these qualities. in the story The fate of man M. Sholokhov shows how even being face to face with the enemy, you can not sink and remain human.

    Andrei Sokolov, the hero of this story, was captured by the Nazis. The first escape was unsuccessful, ahead of him was hard work in a stone quarry, humiliation and bullying. Once a prisoner recklessly spoke about overwork, and the next day he was summoned to the camp authorities.

    One of the officers decided to mock the Russian soldier and offered him a drink to the victory of German weapons. Sokolov refused with dignity. Then Muller offered him a drink to his own death. Facing death, Sokolov decided that even getting drunk before being shot would not be so scary. What was the surprise of all those present that, exhausted by hard work and hunger, he refused a plentiful snack. I drank the second and the third glass - and only then broke off a tiny piece of bread. And he took the loaf of bread and a piece of lard given to him to the camp barracks, where it was divided into even pieces for all the inhabitants.

    By his act, he showed that even in inhuman conditions, one can remain human. As a sign of respect for a real soldier, the enemies left his life, and at the first opportunity, Sokolov escaped, capturing an important officer.

    It is no coincidence that the story is called The Fate of a Man, and not the Fate of Andrei Sokolov - by this the author wanted to say that such an act is typical for a Russian soldier.

    The Russian people are distinguished by their determination, steadfastness, and courage. Of course, not all of its representatives have these qualities, but in most cases this fact is the place to be.

    Andrey Sokolov is not just a hero of the story, he, although a very real person, is the face of the Russian nation, who knows firsthand such a thing as honor.

    But there are dishonorable people too. In the story, Sholokhov tells us about a certain traitor who, being a prisoner of the Germans, decided to betray his platoon leader. This man was driven by only one desire - to curry favor with the enemy and thus get a chance to survive.

    Our hero is a true patriot of his Motherland, a loving family man, and even in the face of death he does not betray his principles. They tried to break Sokolov, but seeing with what determination he defends his honor, even the Germans were amazed.

    In war, people are more than ever deprived of their masks, which they usually used to put on themselves. They are what they really are. And if the Victory has chosen us, then believe me, it means a lot.

    Theme Honor and dishonor in M.A. Sholokhov, is shown against the backdrop of the bloodiest time in the entire history of mankind, which officially, and therefore certainly, was the Second World War.

    During this hellish period in history, the main character, Andrei Sokolov, has experienced almost all the hardships that can only fall to the lot of a person. He was captured by the Nazis with a wound, where most people break down and die unable to stand the test. However, here fate itself shows that a person in whom, by the power and will of fate, such a colossal unbending core is laid, must undoubtedly live. Moreover, these are not simple words, since the story was written based on real events, which Sholokhov only broadcast in his narrative, thanks to his excellent literary talent.

    It would seem that after he endured all these troubles and gathered his will into a fist, he fled, just as, not without the help of Lady Fortune, this very fate should have already rewarded a person, and the black stripe should change, relative to white, so as in the hellish time of the war, in the course of its course, there can be no absolute clearance, of course.

    However, having saved a person from death, which in subsequent events, for many, in general, could seem like a gift, the main character learns that he lost both his wife and two daughters. Here the whole hell is from the loss and, as can be seen from the storyline of total adversity, with renewed vigor, envelops the main character. However, he still has the last native person for him, his son. The fate of his son is in many ways similar to the fate of Andrei Sokolov himself, since he also opposes the force of the aggressor, who seeks to seize his homeland.

    As a result, as it seemed at this turning point, which in its tragedy reached its climax and having survived which, a person is simply obliged to acquire at least some piece of happiness, the author again shows that there really are people who can survive this. The main character Andrei Sokolov mobilizes his will into a fist and goes to fight at the front, suppressing the force that gave rise to all this dishonor. At the same time, in this novel, as in no other, it is a direct confrontation of these two diametrically opposed phenomena. This is because in the course of his story, the exemplary person who personifies this very honor is opposed by Nazism, fascism and imperialism. This set of concepts that gave rise to both the horrors of the Second World War and the concentration camps and bombings, which took away the main character’s health, peace of mind, and most importantly, the whole family, since later his last son dies at the front.

    The moment of the death of his last son, and on the last day of the war, becomes both the quintessence of the novel, and as it seems to be its dead end, since it becomes incomprehensible what life itself leads to such a person, since it was displayed through the real foundations of being, and the plot of the work, which from this really comes to a standstill. All this is demonstrated in the fact that the main character, who has already really lost everything and gained nothing, has saved only his life, which, as it may seem to him, is no longer very necessary. This is because people are so arranged that they must have an incentive and motivation, or, in other words, something for which one can and should live.

    As a result, at the end of the story, when everything already seems deplorable in terms of its hopelessness, and from that in a moral and psychological impasse, it is fate that gives meaning to life, which, as it seemed in the course of telling this real story, she purposefully took away. She gives this ray of light, in the face of a little boy Vanya, who, like the main character Andrei Sokolov, has lost everything. However, here, by the will of fate, two people met who can really help each other, belittling their grief, through creating family ties and caring for each other.

    In order for all this to pass relatively painlessly and to inspire the boy even more that he is not alone, Andrei Sokolov appears to him as his own father, which ultimately unites them even more rapidly and makes the picture of the story, in its finale, rosy and prosperous. At the same time, it is also interconnected with those sorrows that occurred in a direct plot connection with it, but given that it is based on authenticity and a true story, any person who is close to despair and touches this novel with his eyes will be able to understand that always, there is something to live for.

    The Russian writer Sholokhov, in his work The Fate of a Man, shows the character traits of the protagonist. Between life with a trait of dishonor and death, but with honor, he chooses the second option.

    In the distant past, during the war, people had a hard time, many were captured. And here a person had to make a choice to sell his country or choose death. Honor and dignity helped Sokolov stand up to the Nazis, they were even surprised at his restraint. And the will and fortitude did not break the hero, but helped to escape from captivity and escape.

    The story of M. A. Sholokhov The fate of a man, based on which a magnificent feature film was shot with Sergei Bondarchuk in the title role, is an example of the manifestation of courage, honor and dignity by a Russian person who finds himself in extreme conditions and is in the face of probable and imminent death. Before the main character - Andrei Sokolov - the question of choosing between life and death does not even arise - when it comes to the possibility of salvation at the cost of humiliation and betrayal of his own ideas, he unambiguously chooses death. The unbending will, courage and fortitude of this man impressed the Nazis so much that they left him alive. People, for whom there was practically nothing sacred, began to respect the exhausted Russian peasant, for whom honor and dignity turned out to be the highest, indisputable and absolutely unconditional values.

    True honor shows by the example of the main character, Andrey Sokolov who went through a lot, from German captivity to the loss of all relatives, but managed to remain a man, not everyone could cope with such trials. Sokolov's losses almost broke, but he pulled himself together and won, and the ending shows us that Andrei can still be fine, he tells the orphan boy that he is his father, is this not real honor and human courage?

    You can start with, what is honor, for you, for all people and in a large-scale sense, plus touching on the story of the fate of a person in the context of honor. Further take a closer look at the main character, a simple Russian peasant who went to fight and ended up in German captivity. It was hard for him, but it was honor that helped him to survive, as a result, Sokolov fled. Then there was a new blow, his wife and two daughters died, Andrei returned to the front. In part, he broke down, but continued to fight and fight. Toward the end, another blow - the death of his son, the man alone remained. The question is, why live? Sokolov told the orphan boy that he was his father, for both of them it was the hope for a normal life. It was noted that this is a worthy deed. At the end do conclusion according to the character Sokolov, the conclusion is only positive. If you look at it this way, he did not do incredibly heroic deeds, but he was a real hero, honest and correct.

Andriy, the youngest son of Taras Bulba, committed a dishonorable act. Having fallen in love with a Polish woman, he betrayed his homeland and went over to the side of the enemy. Andriy was ready to fight on the side of those whom he himself had recently wanted to kill. Taras Bulba did not forgive his son for this act: the old Cossack killed Andriy. For Taras Bulba, honor is higher than family ties, he does not intend to forgive.

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

During the capture of the Belogorsk fortress, Pyotr Grinev was ready to accept death, but not to lose his honor, having sworn allegiance to the impostor. He was guided by his high moral principles and remembered his father's words: "Take care of your shirt again, and honor from a young age." The hero chose execution because he could save his life by betraying his homeland. For Pyotr Grinev, a man of honor, this was unacceptable.

We can call Aleksey Ivanovich Shvabrin a traitor and a dishonorable person. Saving his life, he went over to the side of Pugachev. For this hero there is no concept of honor. He is ready for the meanest deeds to save his life.

M. Sholokhov "The fate of man"

Captured by the Germans, Andrey Sokolov was summoned to Muller for his words about overwork. The German wanted to shoot him, but before his death he offered to drink "for the victory of German weapons." Andrei Sokolov refused this offer, showing that he is a man of honor. The hero, even in the face of death, could not drink for the victory of the enemy. He agreed to drink "for his death", while not eating, to show the fortitude of a real Russian soldier. Andrey Sokolov ate a little bit only after the third pile. Muller treated the hero with respect, seeing in him a worthy person: Andrei Sokolov was released. In moments that could have been the last in his life, he retained his honor, showing the character of a Russian soldier.

V. Rasputin "French Lessons"

Lidia Mikhailovna played with her student for money. The director, having learned about this, considered this act dishonorable. But if you know why the teacher did this, you can say that her actions are worthy of respect. Lidia Mikhailovna gambled to help the boy "earn" his food. She acted in a seemingly dishonorable way, with a good purpose in mind.

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