Read the novel of Oblomov in abbreviated chapter by chapter. Online reading of the book Oblomov I


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Part I

Chapter I

On Gorokhovaya Street, in one of the apartments, a man of 30-35 years old, of pleasant appearance with dark gray eyes, lay in bed - this is a nobleman, landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He is wearing his favorite oriental robe, which is “soft, flexible; the body does not feel it on itself; he, like an obedient slave, submits to the slightest movement of the body. For the past hour, Ilya Ilyich cannot get out of bed - laziness. From time to time he calls Zakhar (servant) and gives him some orders (to find a letter, a handkerchief, asks if the water is ready to wash).

Oblomov at first does not seem to notice the mess in the apartment, but then he begins to find fault with the servant for the garbage. But, his remarks do not achieve the desired result - Zakhar confidently defends the idea that, no matter how much you sweep, garbage will still appear, so you don’t have to carefully clean it up. He reminds the nobleman about the unpaid bills of the butcher, the laundress, the baker and that they need to move out of the apartment - the owner is marrying his son and wants to combine two apartments for the wedding.

Chapter II

After 11 visitors come to Oblomov. Volkov came first. He looked around the room for a long time, hoping to find at least one clean corner to sit down, but as a result, he remained standing. He invites Ilya Ilyich for a walk, but he is too lazy.

After the departure of a friend, he sighs sympathetically - Volkov needs to do a lot of things - such a hectic life upsets Oblomov. Then comes Sudbinsky. “To work from eight o'clock to twelve, from twelve to five, and at home also - oh, oh!” - Oblomov analyzes his life. It was not possible to stir up the main character, he steadfastly does not agree to any activities other than lying on the bed. The next visitor was Penkin. From the threshold, Ilya shouts to him: “Do not come, do not come: you are from the cold!”. He wonders if Oblomov has read his article and, having received a negative answer, promises to send the magazine. “Writing at night,” thought Oblomov, “when to sleep, then? And come on, five thousand a year will earn! It's bread!" Ilya Ilyich sighs. Alekseev arrived after him. Oblomov shares bad news with him: Oblomov's estate is unprofitable (2,000 losses).

Chapter III

Again a noise was heard - it was the countryman Mikhey Andreevich Tarantiev. He was "a man of smart and cunning mind." Worked in the office. Communication with him, in fact, as with Alekseev, has a calming effect on Oblomov. Tarantiev knows how to entertain Ilya Ilyich and bring him out of his state of boredom. Alekseev is an excellent listener. He does not bother Oblomov with unnecessary remarks and suggestions, and can spend hours in his office unnoticed.

Chapter IV

Tarantiev joins the conversation with Alekseev about Oblomov's problems and advises him to move out to his godfather. She is a widow, she has three children, but the most important thing is that she has the opportunity to stir up Oblomov and put things in order "because now it's bad to sit at your table." “The headman is your swindler” - Tarantiev delivers a verdict and advises him to change. Oblomov cannot decide - he does not want to change anything.

Chapter V

During the life of his parents, Oblomov lived well, despite the fact that his income was less, and he had to be content with less. He was full of aspirations, which often remained dreams, but still he looked more alive than now.

We bring to your attention a summary of the novel by Ivan Goncharov, the main essence of which is the struggle with life crises.

After the death of his parents, his income increased dramatically, he rented a larger apartment, and hired a cook.
Any kind of activity in Oblomov is disgusting. "And when will you live?" he asks. In society, at first he enjoyed great success with women, but he himself was never captivated by any.

Chapter VI

Ilya Ilyich never has the willpower to do something or finish what he started.

Training disgusted him, he considered it a punishment "sent down by heaven for our sins." Only Stoltz could stir him up, but not for long.

The state of the family estate from year to year became worse. Oblomov should have gone himself and set things right, but long trips and moving were unacceptable for him, so he did not do this.

Chapter VII

Servant Zakhar was about 50 years old. He didn't look like a common servant. He "was both fearful and reproachful." Zakhar liked to drink, and often took advantage of the host's apathy and gullibility to pocket some money for himself. Sometimes he invented gossip about the master, but he did it not from evil.

Chapter VIII

After Tarantiev left, Zakhar found that Oblomov was again lying on the couch. He tries to get him to get up, wash his face and start working, but to no avail.

Oblomov indulged in dreams of his family estate and life in it. Afterwards, with difficulty, he nevertheless forced himself to get up and have breakfast.

Another visitor came to him - a neighbor doctor. Oblomov complains about his health. A neighbor recommends that he go abroad, otherwise, his lifestyle will lead to a blow in a couple of years.

Oblomov tries to write a letter to the governor, but he fails - he tears the letter. Zakhar reminds him about the bills and the move, but does not achieve sensible actions. Oblomov demands that the servant agree to stay here, stubbornly unaware that the move is inevitable.

Chapter IX

Oblomov has a dream. He finds himself in a wonderful world where he is still a child and lives in Oblomovka. He remembers his mother, nanny, relatives and important events in their lives - weddings, births, deaths. Also, in a dream, he is transferred to the time of his adolescence. Here we learn that the parents wanted to give Ilya a good education, but their love for their son did not allow this - pitying him, they often left Ilya at home on school days, so their son really did not learn anything. Parents did not like unnecessary waste - a sofa with stains, leaky clothes - these things were commonplace in everyday life. This happened not because of a lack of money, but because the parents were too lazy to make purchases.

Chapter X

While Oblomov was fast asleep, Zakhar went out into the yard to the servants. In a conversation with them, he speaks extremely disapprovingly of his master, but, meanwhile, when the servants begin to support his opinion, Zakhar is offended by this and he begins to praise Oblomov with might and main "in a dream not to see such a gentleman: kind, clever, handsome."

Chapter XI

At the beginning of the fifth, Zakhar looked into the office and saw that Oblomov was still sleeping. The servant makes a lot of efforts to wake up the master.

After several unsuccessful attempts, Zakhar sighs sadly: “He is sleeping like an aspen block! Why were you born into the light of God? Further actions brought more effective results: “Oblomov suddenly, unexpectedly jumped to his feet and rushed to Zakhar. Zakhar rushed from him with all his might, but at the third step Oblomov sobered up completely from sleep and began to stretch, yawning. “Give ... kvass ... ". This scene greatly amused Stolz who arrived.

Part two

Chapter I

Stolz was not a purebred German. His mother was Russian. Andrei spent his childhood in his parents' house. His father always encouraged curiosity in him, never scolded him for the fact that the boy disappeared for half a day, and then came back dirty or tattered. The mother, on the contrary, was very upset by this appearance of her son. Andrei grew up quick-witted and capable of science. From a very young age, his father drove him through the fields and factories, even gave him special work clothes.

Mother, despite the fact that she considered him an ideal gentleman, disliked the addiction to such work and tried to instill in her son a love for poetry and collars.

When Andrei grew up, he was sent abroad for 6 years. After returning, the father, according to the German tradition, sent his son to an independent life - at that time the mother was no longer alive, so there was no one to argue with such actions either.

Chapter II

Stoltz was a pedant, which made life much easier and allowed him to stay afloat. "And he controlled sorrows and joys, like the movement of his hands, like the steps of his feet." I was afraid to indulge in dreams and tried never to do so.

We offer you to get acquainted with one of the leading prose writers of the nineteenth century.

He had no ideals (he did not allow their appearance), he was “chastely proud”, something unusual emanated from him, forcing even intimidating women to be embarrassed.
With Oblomov, he was associated with childhood memories and school years.

Chapter III

Oblomov's stories about diseases amuse Stolz, he says that Ilya attacked them. Andrei Ivanovich is struck by the laziness of a school friend and indifference to the arrangement of his personal life. He is trying to convey to Ilya Ilyich that a trip abroad and leaving the apartment are not such terrible things, but Oblomov stands his ground. Stolz decides to take on Oblomov, arguing that in a week he will not recognize himself. He orders Zakhar to bring clothes and pulls Oblomov into the light.

Chapter IV

Oblomov is horrified by the week of life according to Stolz's plan. He is constantly somewhere, meets with different people. In the evening, Oblomov complains that from such a long wearing of boots, his legs itch and hurt. Stolz reproaches his friend for laziness: “Everyone is busy, but you don’t need anything!”.

Ilya tells Andrei about his dreams of living in the village, but Stolz calls it some kind of "Oblomovism" and claims that these are unrealizable desires. Andrei Ivanovich is surprised that Oblomov, despite such attachment to the village, does not go there, Ilya Ilyich gives him many reasons why this did not happen, but not a single really weighty one.

After the scene where Stolz asks Zakhar to tell who Ilya Ilyich is. Andrei explains to Ilya the difference between a gentleman and a gentleman (“A gentleman is such a gentleman, (...) who puts on stockings and takes off his boots himself”) and indicates why Zakhar called him a gentleman. Friends come to the conclusion that it is necessary to make a trip first abroad, and then to the village.

Chapter V

Taking the words of Stolz “Now or never” as his motivation, Oblomov did the incredible: he made himself a passport for a trip to France, bought everything you need for the trip, and even rarely indulged in his favorite thing - lying on the bed. The latter especially surprised Zakhar. Unfortunately, the trip was not destined to come true - Andrei Ivanovich introduced him to Ilinskaya Olga Sergeevna - Oblomov fell in love. At first, in the company of her, he behaves ignorantly. The situation is saved by Stolz, explaining this behavior by the fact that his friend "was lying on the couch." Over time, Oblomov, in communication, becomes more gallant, but he is unable to overcome the timidity that arises with the appearance of a girl. During Olga's performance of a musical composition, Oblomov says: "I feel ... not music ... but ... love."

Chapter VI

All the dreams and dreams of Oblomov are occupied by Olga. Meanwhile, he feels awkward after his accidentally escaped confession. Olga herself is bored - Stolz has left, and her piano is closed - there is no one to play.

Despite the fact that Andrei Ivanovich can always make her laugh, Olga prefers communication with Oblomov - he is easier. The meeting on the street of Olga and Ilya simplifies a little, but at the same time complicates the relationship between them. Ilya Ilyich claims that the escaped phrase is an accident and Olga needs to forget it. The girl is well aware that Oblomov succumbed to passion and is not angry with him. An unexpected kiss on the palm makes her run away from Oblomov.

Chapter VII

The marriage of Zakhar and Anisya benefited not only lovers. Now the girl had access to the master's rooms and helped with might and main with cleaning - the house became neater and cleaner. Oblomov scolds himself for the kiss, thinks that he could ruin his relationship with Olga. Ilya Ilyich receives an invitation from Marya Mikhailovna, Olga's aunt.

Chapter VIII

Oblomov spent the whole day with Marya Mikhailovna. He languished in the company of his aunt and Baron Langvagen, hoping to see Olga. When this happened, he noted that strange changes had taken place in the girl: she looked at him "without the former curiosity, without affection, but like others."
A walk in the park, appointed by Olga, changed everything. Oblomov learns that his feelings are mutual. "This all is mine!" he insists.

Chapter IX

Love transformed both Olga and Ilya. The girl began to be intensely interested in books, development. “You got prettier at the dacha, Olga,” my aunt told her. Oblomov finally got rid of his apathy: he willingly reads books (because Olga loves to listen to their retellings), changed the headman and even wrote several letters to the village. He was even ready to go there, if for this it was not necessary to part with his beloved. “I'm bored without you; parting with you for a short time - it's a pity, for a long time - it hurts, ”Olga explains her love to Ilya’s reproaches for the lack of tenderness.

Chapter X

Oblomov is attacked by a spleen - he reflects that Olga does not love him, that she would not have paid attention to him if it were not for Stolz. The realization of these, according to Oblomov, truths confuses the lover - he decides to break up with Olga before everything goes too far. To do this, he writes a letter to the girl. “Your present love is not real love, but future; it is only an unconscious need to love,” he writes to her. Oblomov witnesses the reading of this letter. Olga's tears make him doubt the correctness of his decision. The lovers manage to reconcile.

Chapter XI

Oblomov spends a lot of time with Olga. Once they were walking in the evening, and something strange happened to her: it looked like some kind of sleepwalking - something tightened in her chest, then silhouettes began to appear. Olga is getting better, but Ilya Ilyich got scared and convinced her to return home. The next day he found her in perfect health. Olga said that she needed more rest. Oblomov decides that it is necessary to officially announce his feelings.

Chapter XII

Olga tells Oblomov about yesterday's divination. The cards said that the king of diamonds was thinking about her. The girl asks if this is King Ilya and if the young man is thinking about her. Olga kisses Ilya, he falls for joy at her feet.

Part III

Chapter I

Inspired Oblomov returns home. An unpleasant surprise awaits him there - Tarantiev arrived. He begs him for money and reminds him of the rental contract. Ilya Ilyich decides to meet with the brother of Tarantiev's godfather in order to resolve the issue of payment. During the conversation, it turns out that Mikhey Andreevich owes a vest and a shirt. Tarantiev claims that he gave everything away, and Zakhar apparently drank it away. Oblomov has changed a lot and now does not allow begging for money and things. Tarantiev leaves with nothing.

Chapter II

Putting aside all the cases, Ilya Ilyich goes to Olga. The girl convinces him to set things right in Oblomovka and rebuild the house, and then start the wedding. Oblomov is a little depressed. From goes to the city to talk about paying for an apartment and find another. The conversation with his brother did not take place, and this time he was too lazy to look for another apartment.

Chapter III

Relations with Olga do not bring Oblomov more such strong impressions. The girl often embroiders, counting the cells of the pattern to herself. Oblomov is bored. Olga forces Ilya Ilyich to talk about the apartment. Oblomov goes to Agafya Matveevna. Dine there and look around the house. When he returns, he discovers that he spent a lot of money over the summer, but he doesn’t remember where.

Chapter IV

Oblomov receives an invitation from Olga to go to the theater. He is not enthusiastic about such an idea, but he cannot refuse. Ilya Ilyich nevertheless moved to a rented apartment with Agafya Matveevna and was very pleased. Zakhar asks him about the wedding date. Ilya Ilyich is surprised how the servants know about the relationship, but he answers Zakhar that no wedding is planned. Oblomov himself notes that his feelings for Olga have cooled.

Chapter V

Ilya receives a letter from Olga with a request to meet. Despite the fact that meeting a girl has become burdensome, he heads to the park. It turns out that Olga is dating him secretly. Oblomov is very unhappy with this deception. They agree to meet tomorrow.

Chapter VI

Oblomov is afraid to go to the Ilyins - the role of the groom is unpleasant for him. He has already fallen out of love with Olga and now does not dare to tell her about it. Ilya pretends to be sick.

Chapter VII

All week Oblomov sat at home. He talked with Agafya Matveevna and her children. With horror, Ilya Ilyich awaits a meeting with Olga, he wants this to happen as late as possible. Olga asks not to tell Oblomov that she has an estate, despite the fact that this could speed up the date of the wedding. Unexpectedly, she comes to him and finds out that he was not sick at all. Ilya discovers that his feelings have not completely faded. He promises Olga to go to the opera with her and is looking forward to a letter from the village.

Chapter VIII

Zakhar accidentally finds Olga's glove. Oblomov tries to deceive him and claims that this is not her thing. During the conversation, Ilya Ilyich learns with horror that the whole house knows about Olga's arrival. His financial situation has not improved. “Happiness has moved away for another year,” he thinks about the wedding.

Chapter IX

An unpleasant letter received from the village threw Oblomov into a state of confusion. He does not know what to do and decides to show the letter to Agafya Matveevna's brother. He recommends his good friend Isai Fomich Zatertoy as his assistant. Oblomov agrees.

Chapter X

Tarantiev and Ivan Matveevich (Agafya's brother) discuss Oblomov and rumors about his upcoming wedding. “Yes, Zakhar helps him sleep, otherwise he will get married!” - says Tarantiev. Since Ilya Ilyich is completely independent and does not understand anything absolutely, they decide to deceive him and cash in on his stupidity and gullibility.

Chapter XI

Oblomov comes with a letter from the village to Olga. He tells her that he has found a man who will fix everything. The girl is surprised that he trusts such things to strangers. Oblomov says that the wedding will have to be postponed for a year. Olga loses her senses. After she comes to her senses. The conversation continues. Olga says that Oblomov will never fix his affairs. The girl tells him that she fell in love with the "future Oblomov", full of aspirations and determination. And this very future Oblomov turned out to be a figment of her and Andrei's imagination. They break up.

Chapter XII

Oblomov in frustration. He walks for a long time on the street, and then sits motionless at the table. Apathy and despondency take possession of him. Ilya Ilyich develops a fever.

Part four

Chapter I

A year has passed. At first, Oblomov was very painful about parting with Olga, but the care that Agafya surrounded him smoothed out these unpleasant experiences. He finds pleasure in spending time with her. He calls her to his village, but she refuses.

Chapter II

On Midsummer's Day, a big celebration is expected in Agafya's house. Andrey arrives unexpectedly. Oblomov learns with horror that he knows all the details of their relationship with Olga. Stolz reproaches Ilya for such an act, but does not blame him. According to him, he, Andrei, is most to blame, then Olga, and only then Ilya, and even then, just a little.

Chapter III

The arrival of Stolz did not bring such joy to Tarantiev and Ivan Matveevich. They are afraid that Andrei Ivanovich will be able to bring them to clean water. The situation is not hopeless. Swindlers know about Oblomov's love for Agafya. They think they can keep Ilya Ilyich.

Chapter IV

A week before the meeting with Oblomov, Stoltz saw Olga. The girl has changed a lot since then, it was almost impossible to recognize her. Olga experiences a strange feeling when meeting with Andrey. On the one hand, she is pleased to see him, on the other hand, he involuntarily reminds her of Oblomov. They chat for several days. The girl decides to open up to him and talks about how unhappily her love for Ilya ended. Stolz confesses his love to Olga. The girl agrees to marry him, but, she notes to herself, I no longer feel such awe and excitement.

Chapter V

Oblomov's life returned to normal. He finally got stuck in his Oblomovism. Ivan Matveevich and Tarantiev still fool him and rob him. Ivan Matveyevich decided to get married and rented a separate apartment. Now Agafya cooks for him, and only the simplest dishes remain at home, but Oblomov does not care - he is still as apathetic as he was before meeting Olga.

Chapter VI

Stolz comes to visit Oblomov. He notes that his friend is "flabby, pale." He lives in poverty, he owes everything. Andrei announces to him about Olga's wedding. At first, Ilya Ilyich was taken aback, but after he found out that her husband was Stolz, he joyfully began to congratulate his friend. Andrei decides to put things in order in Oblomov's affairs.

Chapter VII

For Tarantiev and Ivan Matveyevich, things are not going well. They are trying to return everything to normal, and when they cannot do it peacefully, they blackmail Oblomov with his connection with Agafya. This move also does not work - Ilya Ilyich rebuffs them. Zakhar sends Tarantiev out.

Chapter VIII

Stolz arranged everything in Oblomovka. He writes a letter to Ilya with a request to come and continue to manage his estate himself, but Oblomov, as always, ignores. Andrei and Olga leave for the Crimea to rest and improve Olga's health after giving birth. They are very happy. Andrei believes that he is very lucky with his wife. Olga is also happily married, although sometimes memories of Ilya plunge her into despondency.

Chapter IX

Oblomov's life got better. Agafya's house is full of food, and his lover is full of outfits. However, suddenly everything changes - Oblomov suffered an apoplexy. Andrei, who came to visit him, hardly recognizes his friend. Ilya asks to leave him forever. He informs Stolz that Agafya is his wife, and the little boy is his son, whom they named Andrey in honor of Stolz. Oblomov asks Stolz not to forget his son. Andrei returns to Olga, the woman also wanted to see Oblomov, but her husband forbade her, explaining that “Oblomovism” was going on there.

Chapter X

5 years later. A lot has changed. Oblomov had a second blow and soon died. Agafya was very worried about the loss of her husband. Stolz and Olga took little Andrei to their upbringing. Andrei Ivanovich is still doing business in Oblomovka. Agafya refused Ilya Ilyich's money, convincing Stolz to save it for her son.

Chapter XI

Once on the street, a tramp approached Stolz and his familiar writer. It turned out that it was Zakhar. After the death of Ilya Ilyich, Ivan Matveevich Mukhoyarov and his family returned to his sister's house, Tarantiev also does not get out of there. There was no life at all in the house. During the cholera epidemic, Anisya died and now Zakhar is begging. Stolz offers to take Zakhar to the village, but he refuses - he wants to be closer to Oblomov's grave.

The writer expresses bewilderment. Andrei Ivanovich tells him about his friend, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, who "died, disappeared for nothing", and the reason for this is Oblomovism.

"Oblomov" - a summary of the novel by Ivan Goncharov

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1859 Russia. Otechestvennye Zapiski published Goncharov's novel Oblomov. The work is about Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, his servant Zakhara and their life in St. Petersburg. Ilya Ilyich practically does not get up from the sofa and his main attributes are a Spacious bathrobe, soft slippers and a sofa. The author also introduces us to Stolz, Oblomov's best friend and his aptipod. There is also a love story ... The ending of the novel is tragic - Oblomov dies, but "Oblomovism" lives on.

The main idea of ​​the novel "Oblomov" is that Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov for the first time in Russian literature draws the reader's attention to such a negative and destructive concept as "Oblomovism". It is this phenomenon that is the cause of degradation, both of an individual and of society as a whole. This can be seen in the ideological design of the novel.

The reader gets acquainted with the main character of the story - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He is 32 years old. He lives with his servant Zakhar on Gorokhovaya Street in St. Petersburg. His days are like one another like twins. Usually Ilya Oblomov lies in bed. "Doing nothing" is the main feature of the protagonist. His servant does not resist such a routine of life. Everything suits him.

A new day is coming and Volkov, Penkin, Sudbinsky come one after another to visit Ilya Ilyich. Their goal is to disrupt the measured course of a sloth's life. Oblomov, in turn, tells them about his problems, but the guests are not interested in these matters.
Oblomov has a friend - Andrei Stoltz. And only he alone can help Ilya Ilyich sort out his affairs.
In the meantime, the hero lies on the couch. He dreams of his native village - Oblomovka, where he is a small and curious boy, and life is carefree and calm. But the dream is interrupted by the arrival of Stolz.

Then the story begins about Andrei Stolz, his childhood and youth. It turns out that they are the same age as Oblomov, but they are antipodes in everything. Stolz has German roots, and because of this, he formed early as a person. He is active and constantly moving. Andrei even makes attempts to stir up Oblomov: take him to visit, introduce him to different people. Stoltz succeeds because Oblomov leaves the couch and tries to lead an active lifestyle.

One fine day, fate brings Oblomov to Olga Ilyinskaya. He falls in love ... But, Olga is a very active person and she definitely does not like much in Oblomov's way of life.

Stolz needs to leave on business. It was during this period of time that Ilya Ilyich fell under the influence of Tarantiev and moved to the Vyborg side. Oblomov again plunges into a pool of problems. It is unbearably difficult for him to deal with things. And then one day he met Agafya Pshenitsyna. It is so comfortable that the hero feels as if he has returned to his native Oblomovka.

Unnoticed, Pshenitsyna takes all matters into her hands. Then Ilya Ilyich again returns to a state of slumber and bliss. Often he gets a shake-up - these are meetings with Olga Ilyinskaya. Oblomov hears talk about the upcoming wedding of Olga and Stolz. But ..., Oblomov is only indignant, but does not take decisive action against it.

Almost a year passes. Oblomov has been sick all this time. Pshenitsyna manages the household with a firm hand. Tender feelings even appeared between her and Oblomov. Their life enters into a calm channel. Finally, the wedding of Olga and Stolz is played.

A few more years pass. Stoltz visits his old friend and sees that nothing has changed in his life. Oblomov doesn't care. The only thing he asks Andrei is to take care of Oblomov's son. Some time later, Oblomov dies. Agafya Pshenitsyna devotes herself entirely to her son.

The novel ends with meaningful words: “A reason… what a reason! Oblomovism!

Read a summary of Goncharov's novel Oblomov chapter by chapter

Part 1

1 chapter

In this chapter, the author tells the reader about the main character Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, his servant Zakhara and describes their life. Oblomov's favorite pastime is to lie on the couch and think about life. On the described morning, the master and the servant discussed the issue of a possible exit from the apartment.

Chapter 2

Oblomov is visited by acquaintances - Volkov, Sudbinsky, Penkin. Oblomov is trying to consult with them about exciting issues - what to do with the apartment and the estate (the headman told him that he would receive 2,000 less)? After their visits, Ilya Ilyich thought about how they thoughtlessly live their lives. Alekseev came next to him - a faceless person about whom there is nothing to say. He listened to Oblomov's problems, but could not advise anything.

Chapter 3

Tarantiev, a noisy, rude and cunning employee, comes to Oblomov for lunch. The reader is explained why Oblomov makes acquaintance with them and invites them to dinner: in Alekseev he will always find an agreeing interlocutor and an attentive listener, and the noisy Tarantiev brings Oblomov back to life for a short time. For the first time, Oblomov's friend Stolz is mentioned.

Chapter 4

Ilya Ilyich tells Tarantiev about his two misfortunes. Regarding the apartment, he advised him to move to an apartment with his godfather on the Vyborg side and promised to arrange everything. For advice on the account of the estate, he already demanded money and only then said that Oblomov should change the headman, he was deceiving him. Tarantiev and Alekseev leave, and the master remains to wait for Stolz.

Chapter 5

It tells about the life of Oblomov. Twelve years living in St. Petersburg, received the rank of collegiate secretary. After the death of his parents, he got the estate, and he lived in a big way. During the service, Oblomov mistakenly sent an important paper to the wrong place and, without waiting for the punishment of his superiors, left work. In his youth, Ilya Ilyich was more active, but over time he became apathetic and began to avoid society.

Chapter 6

As a young man, Oblomov received an education, but did not acquire any knowledge. Things on the estate went from bad to worse, the headman advised the master to come himself. But Oblomov did not want to go anywhere. Despite his apathetic nature, the desires of youth sometimes awakened in him, but then they invariably passed. Only the faithful Zakhar knew about his spiritual unrest.

Chapter 7

It tells about the life of Zakhar. Zakhar, like his master, is lazy, loves to grumble at the master, gossip about him. But he is also proud that he serves the master, loves their Oblomovka estate and puts his master above the rest.

Chapter 8

Oblomov makes attempts to write a letter to the governor, but to no avail. During this, he quarrels with Zakhar because the servant equated him with "others". Oblomov brings Zakhar to frustration with his "pathetic" words. After that, the owner, having drunk kvass, plunged into a daytime sleep.

Chapter 9 ()

Oblomov has an unusual dream. In this dream, he sees his childhood, his parents decided to educate him and sent him to a boarding school, where Oblomov met Stolz. He did not like to study, he was not indulged in the boarding school, and his parents, despite the awareness of the importance of education, often succumbed to the boy's whims and left him in Oblomovka.

Chapter 10

While the master was resting, Zakhar went out into the yard to other servants and began to scold him. But when they began to speak disrespectfully about Oblomov, pride leapt up in Zakhar and he began to praise him publicly.

Chapter 11

Zakhar returned home and began to wake up Ilya Ilyich, but he began to scold him, and the whole scene amused Stolz, who came to Oblomov.

Part 2

1 chapter

It tells about the childhood of Andrei Stolz. His father is a Russified German, his mother is Russian, she used to work as a governess. Stolz was a quick-witted, active boy, and at the end of his education, his father told him that he now had to achieve everything himself and gave him one hundred rubles. The farewell to my father was dry, but some woman decided to bless him.

Chapter 2

Stolz was a man of action. Everything he did was right, simple. He wanted to know as much as possible and apply the knowledge gained in practice. But dreams, strong feelings were alien - he tried to avoid them. He liked to visit his friend Oblomov, sit on his sofa and spend time in leisurely conversation.

Chapter 3

Oblomov consults with a friend. Stolz offers him to go to the estate himself and do its landscaping. Ilya Ilyich says that he will have time, there is no need to hurry. On the same day, Stolz still persuades Oblomov to go with him on business.

Chapter 4

Friends talk about how life should be. Oblomov philosophizes that people strive to live faster, they are in a hurry somewhere, and he does not like it. At the request of Stolz, he talks about his vision of life and family happiness. He describes the ideal of life as in his estate. Stolz calls this not life, but Oblomovism.

Chapter 5

Andrei Stolz introduces Ilya Oblomov to Olga Ilyinskaya. The young lady jokes about Oblomov's laziness and habits, which confuses him. Olga sings a song, and her singing excited Oblomov's soul. Stolz goes abroad, and his friend spends all his time with Ilyinskaya. During one of the walks, he accidentally confesses his love to her.

Chapter 6

Oblomov talks about what his wife should be like. Among female images, the image of Olga appears. The hero worries that he offended her with his involuntary confession. Oblomov apologizes. Olga, seeing his worries, finds confirmation of her guess about his feelings and forgives him.

Chapter 7

Oblomov tells Zakhar to clean up the dacha, which he rents not far from the Ilyinskys. Zakhar grumbles, Anisya offers to clean up the mess herself. It tells about the family life of Zakhar and Anisya. The master is brought an invitation to dinner with the Ilyinskys. Dear Oblomov doubts Olga's feelings.

Chapter 8

During dinner, Oblomov did not recognize his beloved - she did not feel that inner light that delighted him. He did not know that Olga was beginning to understand life better and faster, to become a woman. Oblomov decides to move to the Vyborg side. He tells Olga about this and she does not hide her annoyance. He is inspired by this discovery: he understands that the girl is not indifferent. Ilyinskaya, on the other hand, sees that thanks to her, a goal has appeared in his life.

Chapter 9

Olga understands that only after meeting with Oblomov does she begin to feel life more fully. Not a day goes by that Oblomov does not think about his beloved. He began to get out into society, to read books, because Olga demanded an answer from him for all questions. While walking on the mountain, she confesses her feelings to Oblomov. He considers the young lady the ideal of his beloved.

Chapter 10

Oblomov doubts whether Olga really loves him? Reflecting on this, he decides that the girl loves not him, but the image that she invented. He writes her a letter asking her to stop their meetings. Having handed over the letter, he becomes interested in how the young lady will react. Seeing how Ilyinskaya reads his message and cries, Oblomov tries to calm the girl. He says that they "love only once", and Olga, agreeing with him, says that she will not stop loving him and is not afraid of her feelings. After that, he realizes that the letter was unnecessary and asks to forget about it. Ilinskaya forgives him.

Chapter 11

Olga has nervous attacks. Oblomov worries about her health. They become more and more attached to each other every day. During a walk, they meet a friend of Ilinskaya with her husband. Oblomov realizes that they are behaving incorrectly and decides to propose to Olga.

Chapter 12

Oblomov makes an offer to Ilyinsky. She answers him with consent. Olga confesses to him that she never wants to part with him.

Part 3

1 chapter

Tarantiev comes to Oblomov and asks when he will move to an apartment with his godfather. Ilya Ilyich replies that he has changed his mind about renting an apartment, to which Tarantyev replies that an agreement has been signed under which Oblomov undertakes to pay a penalty of 800 rubles and that he needs to talk with the owner's brother. Oblomov in a dejected state.

Chapter 2

Olga asks her lover not to tell anyone about their engagement until he improves his estate and finds a new apartment. Oblomov arrives on the Vyborg side and meets the owner of the apartment, Pshenitsyna. To all his questions, she replies that she does not understand anything about this and it is better for him to talk to her brother. Oblomov, without waiting for her brother, leaves.

Chapter 3

At the end of the summer, Oblomov decides to live in Pshenitsyna's apartment until he finds another. They began to see Olga less often, and Ilyinskaya does not allow talking about the engagement until Oblomov does what he promised. After talking with the owner's brother, Mukhoyarov, it turns out that Oblomov must pay a penalty of 1,000 rubles. The master understands that he does not have that kind of money, and promises to try to transfer the apartment.

Chapter 4

Oblomov tries to find a new apartment, but they turn out to be too expensive. He looks closely at the mistress, he likes the way she runs the house. By chance, in the theater, he hears a conversation between young people about himself and Olga, at home Zakhar asks when the wedding is. Oblomov begins to fear that everyone has already guessed everything.

Chapter 5

Oblomov was afraid that Olga came to see him alone. He tries to explain to her that they need to be more careful. Ilyinskaya offers to tell everything to her aunt. Oblomov decides to postpone the explanation, as he is waiting for a letter from the village about how things are on his estate.

Chapter 6

Oblomov decides not to go to the Ilyinskys. According to a random phrase said by the hostess, it begins to seem to him that she knows about Olga. Oblomov decides to pretend to be sick and not see the young lady for some time. During his "illness" he becomes more and more close to Pshenitsyna.

Chapter 7

Oblomov does not come to dinner and Olga is worried. The girl comes to him on the Vyborg side. He tells her the whole truth about how he spent his days in idleness and is very repentant of this. After her departure, the desire to live returned to him again, and he is looking forward to a letter from Oblomovka.

Chapter 8

A letter arrives. In it, the neighbor says that the house is very bad and there will be no money in the near future. Oblomov is trying to find ways to solve this problem.

Chapter 9

Oblomov asks Mukhoyarov for help. He refuses to be the manager of his estate, but advises his friend. Oblomov agrees.

Chapter 10

Mukhoyarov and Tarantiev meet and discuss how cleverly they manage to deceive Oblomov. The landlady's brother is afraid of the tenant's marriage, Tarantiev reassures him. They decide, with the help of a friend, to manage Oblomov's affairs for as long as possible.

Chapter 11

Oblomov tells Olga about the letter and his decision. The young lady is disappointed in him: she understands that he will not change and decides to part with him. During a farewell conversation, she asks him why he ruins his mind, talent, his life for no reason? To which he replies that there is a reason - this is Oblomovism.

Chapter 12

Oblomov is having a hard time breaking up with Olga and falls ill with a fever.

Part 4

1 chapter

A year has passed since Oblomov's illness. The estate was managed by an acquaintance of Mukhoyarov and the owner did not see the need to go there himself. Gradually, Oblomov returned to his usual way of life, since the life of Pshenitsyna's house was like Oblomovka. Pshenitsyna develops feelings for Oblomov that neither she nor he is aware of. Oblomov just likes to watch "the work of her elbows."

Chapter 2

Stolz arrives at Oblomov's name day. He tells Oblomov that he saw Olga and she is happy. Stolz is interested in his affairs. Seeing reports from the village, he realizes that Oblomov was deceived. Offers him his help and receives consent. Stolz asks Oblomov not to forget that work is the goal of life.

Chapter 3

Tarantiev and Mukhoyarov are discussing how Stoltz ruined all their plans. Mukhoyarov notices the sympathy between his sister and Oblomov and decides to deceive him again. Together with Tarantiev, they want to force him to sign a paper that he undertakes to pay the debt to his sister for dishonorable behavior.

Chapter 4

Stolz meets the Ilinskys in Paris. He understands that Olga has changed a lot since their last meeting. Stolz gradually realizes that every day he falls more and more in love with her. Olga also understands that she has feelings for him, but is afraid to tell about Oblomov. Stoltz manages to find out the whole truth, and he calms Olga, asks for her hand. She agrees and realizes that she is very happy.

Chapter 5

Tarantiem and Mukhoyarov managed to turn their business around, and Oblomov was forced to give Ivan Matveevich most of his income. After the marriage of his brother, Pshenitsyna's household fell into decay: there was no plentiful table, everything became dirty, untidy, Oblomov himself became lazy, flabby. Pshenitsyna is worried and is trying with all her might to help him. Suddenly, Stoltz arrives.

Chapter 6

Oblomov invites Stolz to dinner. At dinner, a friend says that he is married to Olga. Oblomov is sincerely happy for him. Stolz is concerned about his life and finds out that he is forced to pay the owner a debt. Andrei, after talking with Pshenitsyna, understands that all this is the work of her brother. Pshenitsyna agrees to help Stoltz.

Chapter 7

Mukhoyarov tells Tarantiev how he was summoned by the general for the story with Oblomov, ordered to resign. Stolz warns his friend against close relations with the hostess and takes a promise from him that he will come to them. Tarantiev comes to Oblomov and begins to insult Stolz. Oblomov gives him a slap in the face. After that, Tarantiev and Oblomov no longer see each other.

Chapter 8

Olga and Stolz did not come to St. Petersburg for several years. Their family life was active, understanding and order reigned in everything. Olga delved into all the affairs of her husband, and he tried to remain worthy of his wife. A young woman worries about Oblomov. Stolz promises that he will try with all his might to help him, if he is not prevented by insurmountable circumstances.

Chapter 9

After the help of Stolz, wealth and abundance again settled in Pshenitsyna's house. From a sedentary lifestyle, Oblomov had an apoplectic stroke. Andrey and Olga come to see them. Oblomov says that he had a stroke. Stolz tries to explain to his friend that such a life as his is wrong and wants to take him to Oblomovka. Oblomov says that this is impossible and admits to him that he is married to the mistress and their son Andrei is growing up. Friends say goodbye, Stolz and Olga leave.

Chapter 10

Five years have passed. Oblomov had another blow that he suffered, but he never fully recovered. After some time, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov died. His wife mourned for her husband for a long time and only then realized that she loved him. Her brother moved to her with his family and Tarantiev. Her only joy is her son Andrei, whom she gave to the Stolts for education, so that a master would grow out of him.

Chapter 11

Stolz and his familiar writer were walking along the Vyborg side. The writer wondered where the beggars come from. At this time, one of them approaches them, in which Stoltz recognized Zakhar. Zakhar said that Anisya died during cholera, and he left home, he could not get a job anywhere and went into beggars. Stolz offers to move him to Oblomovka, it is very good there, life is in full swing, but Zakhar does not want to leave the grave of the master. Stolz tells the writer a story about his friend Oblomov.

Picture or drawing Oblomov

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

Very vague memories of infancy come first: a nurse, a long serious illness, a new home. Most often, the image of the road and the mother who loved Seryozha more than other children pops up in memory.

  • Summary Ural Batyr

    Yanbirde - "Giving Soul" the first person and his wife Yanbike ("Soul") lived alone in the land of eternal summer, hunted lions, a falcon was their faithful companion.

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    Part I

    Chapter I

    On Gorokhovaya Street, in one of the apartments, a man of 30-35 years old, of pleasant appearance with dark gray eyes, lay in bed - this is a nobleman, landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He is wearing his favorite oriental robe, which is “soft, flexible; the body does not feel it on itself; he, like an obedient slave, submits to the slightest movement of the body. For the past hour, Ilya Ilyich cannot get out of bed - laziness. From time to time he calls Zakhar (servant) and gives him some orders (to find a letter, a handkerchief, asks if the water is ready to wash).

    Oblomov at first does not seem to notice the mess in the apartment, but then he begins to find fault with the servant for the garbage. But, his remarks do not achieve the desired result - Zakhar confidently defends the idea that, no matter how much you sweep, garbage will still appear, so you don’t have to carefully clean it up. He reminds the nobleman about the unpaid bills of the butcher, the laundress, the baker and that they need to move out of the apartment - the owner is marrying his son and wants to combine two apartments for the wedding.

    Chapter II

    After 11 visitors come to Oblomov. Volkov came first. He looked around the room for a long time, hoping to find at least one clean corner to sit down, but as a result, he remained standing. He invites Ilya Ilyich for a walk, but he is too lazy.

    After the departure of a friend, he sighs sympathetically - Volkov needs to do a lot of things - such a hectic life upsets Oblomov. Then comes Sudbinsky. “To work from eight o'clock to twelve, from twelve to five, and at home also - oh, oh!” - Oblomov analyzes his life. It was not possible to stir up the main character, he steadfastly does not agree to any activities other than lying on the bed. The next visitor was Penkin. From the threshold, Ilya shouts to him: “Do not come, do not come: you are from the cold!”. He wonders if Oblomov has read his article and, having received a negative answer, promises to send the magazine. “Writing at night,” thought Oblomov, “when to sleep, then? And come on, five thousand a year will earn! It's bread!" Ilya Ilyich sighs. Alekseev arrived after him. Oblomov shares bad news with him: Oblomov's estate is unprofitable (2,000 losses).

    Chapter III

    Again a noise was heard - it was the countryman Mikhey Andreevich Tarantiev. He was "a man of smart and cunning mind." Worked in the office. Communication with him, in fact, as with Alekseev, has a calming effect on Oblomov. Tarantiev knows how to entertain Ilya Ilyich and bring him out of his state of boredom. Alekseev is an excellent listener. He does not bother Oblomov with unnecessary remarks and suggestions, and can spend hours in his office unnoticed.

    Chapter IV

    Tarantiev joins the conversation with Alekseev about Oblomov's problems and advises him to move out to his godfather. She is a widow, she has three children, but the most important thing is that she has the opportunity to stir up Oblomov and put things in order "because now it's bad to sit at your table." “The headman is your swindler” - Tarantiev delivers a verdict and advises him to change. Oblomov cannot decide - he does not want to change anything.

    Chapter V

    During the life of his parents, Oblomov lived well, despite the fact that his income was less, and he had to be content with less. He was full of aspirations, which often remained dreams, but still he looked more alive than now.

    We bring to your attention a summary of Ivan Goncharov's novel "The Cliff", the main essence of which is the fight against life crises.

    After the death of his parents, his income increased dramatically, he rented a larger apartment, and hired a cook.
    Any kind of activity in Oblomov is disgusting. "And when will you live?" he asks. In society, at first he enjoyed great success with women, but he himself was never captivated by any.

    Chapter VI

    Ilya Ilyich never has the willpower to do something or finish what he started.

    Training disgusted him, he considered it a punishment "sent down by heaven for our sins." Only Stoltz could stir him up, but not for long.

    The state of the family estate from year to year became worse. Oblomov should have gone himself and set things right, but long trips and moving were unacceptable for him, so he did not do this.

    Chapter VII

    Servant Zakhar was about 50 years old. He didn't look like a common servant. He "was both fearful and reproachful." Zakhar liked to drink, and often took advantage of the host's apathy and gullibility to pocket some money for himself. Sometimes he invented gossip about the master, but he did it not from evil.

    Chapter VIII

    After Tarantiev left, Zakhar found that Oblomov was again lying on the couch. He tries to get him to get up, wash his face and start working, but to no avail.

    Oblomov indulged in dreams of his family estate and life in it. Afterwards, with difficulty, he nevertheless forced himself to get up and have breakfast.

    Another visitor came to him - a neighbor doctor. Oblomov complains about his health. A neighbor recommends that he go abroad, otherwise, his lifestyle will lead to a blow in a couple of years.

    Oblomov tries to write a letter to the governor, but he fails - he tears the letter. Zakhar reminds him about the bills and the move, but does not achieve sensible actions. Oblomov demands that the servant agree to stay here, stubbornly unaware that the move is inevitable.

    Chapter IX

    Oblomov has a dream. He finds himself in a wonderful world where he is still a child and lives in Oblomovka. He remembers his mother, nanny, relatives and important events in their lives - weddings, births, deaths. Also, in a dream, he is transferred to the time of his adolescence. Here we learn that the parents wanted to give Ilya a good education, but their love for their son did not allow this - pitying him, they often left Ilya at home on school days, so their son really did not learn anything. Parents did not like unnecessary waste - a sofa with stains, leaky clothes - these things were commonplace in everyday life. This happened not because of a lack of money, but because the parents were too lazy to make purchases.

    Chapter X

    While Oblomov was fast asleep, Zakhar went out into the yard to the servants. In a conversation with them, he speaks extremely disapprovingly of his master, but, meanwhile, when the servants begin to support his opinion, Zakhar is offended by this and he begins to praise Oblomov with might and main "in a dream not to see such a gentleman: kind, clever, handsome."

    Chapter XI

    At the beginning of the fifth, Zakhar looked into the office and saw that Oblomov was still sleeping. The servant makes a lot of efforts to wake up the master.

    After several unsuccessful attempts, Zakhar sighs sadly: “He is sleeping like an aspen block! Why were you born into the light of God? Further actions brought more effective results: “Oblomov suddenly, unexpectedly jumped to his feet and rushed to Zakhar. Zakhar rushed from him with all his might, but at the third step Oblomov sobered up completely from sleep and began to stretch, yawning. “Give ... kvass ... ". This scene greatly amused Stolz who arrived.

    Part two

    Chapter I

    Stolz was not a purebred German. His mother was Russian. Andrei spent his childhood in his parents' house. His father always encouraged curiosity in him, never scolded him for the fact that the boy disappeared for half a day, and then came back dirty or tattered. The mother, on the contrary, was very upset by this appearance of her son. Andrei grew up quick-witted and capable of science. From a very young age, his father drove him through the fields and factories, even gave him special work clothes.

    Mother, despite the fact that she considered him an ideal gentleman, disliked the addiction to such work and tried to instill in her son a love for poetry and collars.

    When Andrei grew up, he was sent abroad for 6 years. After returning, the father, according to the German tradition, sent his son to an independent life - at that time the mother was no longer alive, so there was no one to argue with such actions either.

    Chapter II

    Stoltz was a pedant, which made life much easier and allowed him to stay afloat. "And he controlled sorrows and joys, like the movement of his hands, like the steps of his feet." I was afraid to indulge in dreams and tried never to do so.

    We offer you to get acquainted with the "Biography of Ivan Goncharov", one of the leading prose writers of the nineteenth century.

    He had no ideals (he did not allow their appearance), he was “chastely proud”, something unusual emanated from him, forcing even intimidating women to be embarrassed.
    With Oblomov, he was associated with childhood memories and school years.

    Chapter III

    Oblomov's stories about diseases amuse Stolz, he says that Ilya attacked them. Andrei Ivanovich is struck by the laziness of a school friend and indifference to the arrangement of his personal life. He is trying to convey to Ilya Ilyich that a trip abroad and leaving the apartment are not such terrible things, but Oblomov stands his ground. Stolz decides to take on Oblomov, arguing that in a week he will not recognize himself. He orders Zakhar to bring clothes and pulls Oblomov into the light.

    Chapter IV

    Oblomov is horrified by the week of life according to Stolz's plan. He is constantly somewhere, meets with different people. In the evening, Oblomov complains that from such a long wearing of boots, his legs itch and hurt. Stolz reproaches his friend for laziness: “Everyone is busy, but you don’t need anything!”.

    Ilya tells Andrei about his dreams of living in the village, but Stolz calls it some kind of "Oblomovism" and claims that these are unrealizable desires. Andrei Ivanovich is surprised that Oblomov, despite such attachment to the village, does not go there, Ilya Ilyich gives him many reasons why this did not happen, but not a single really weighty one.

    After the scene where Stolz asks Zakhar to tell who Ilya Ilyich is. Andrei explains to Ilya the difference between a gentleman and a gentleman (“A gentleman is such a gentleman, (...) who puts on stockings and takes off his boots himself”) and indicates why Zakhar called him a gentleman. Friends come to the conclusion that it is necessary to make a trip first abroad, and then to the village.

    Chapter V

    Taking the words of Stolz “Now or never” as his motivation, Oblomov did the incredible: he made himself a passport for a trip to France, bought everything you need for the trip, and even rarely indulged in his favorite thing - lying on the bed. The latter especially surprised Zakhar. Unfortunately, the trip was not destined to come true - Andrei Ivanovich introduced him to Ilinskaya Olga Sergeevna - Oblomov fell in love. At first, in the company of her, he behaves ignorantly. The situation is saved by Stolz, explaining this behavior by the fact that his friend "was lying on the couch." Over time, Oblomov, in communication, becomes more gallant, but he is unable to overcome the timidity that arises with the appearance of a girl. During Olga's performance of a musical composition, Oblomov says: "I feel ... not music ... but ... love."

    Chapter VI

    All the dreams and dreams of Oblomov are occupied by Olga. Meanwhile, he feels awkward after his accidentally escaped confession. Olga herself is bored - Stolz has left, and her piano is closed - there is no one to play.

    Despite the fact that Andrei Ivanovich can always make her laugh, Olga prefers communication with Oblomov - he is easier. The meeting on the street of Olga and Ilya simplifies a little, but at the same time complicates the relationship between them. Ilya Ilyich claims that the escaped phrase is an accident and Olga needs to forget it. The girl is well aware that Oblomov succumbed to passion and is not angry with him. An unexpected kiss on the palm makes her run away from Oblomov.

    Chapter VII

    The marriage of Zakhar and Anisya benefited not only lovers. Now the girl had access to the master's rooms and helped with might and main with cleaning - the house became neater and cleaner. Oblomov scolds himself for the kiss, thinks that he could ruin his relationship with Olga. Ilya Ilyich receives an invitation from Marya Mikhailovna, Olga's aunt.

    Chapter VIII

    Oblomov spent the whole day with Marya Mikhailovna. He languished in the company of his aunt and Baron Langvagen, hoping to see Olga. When this happened, he noted that strange changes had taken place in the girl: she looked at him "without the former curiosity, without affection, but like others."
    A walk in the park, appointed by Olga, changed everything. Oblomov learns that his feelings are mutual. "This all is mine!" he insists.

    Chapter IX

    Love transformed both Olga and Ilya. The girl began to be intensely interested in books, development. “You got prettier at the dacha, Olga,” my aunt told her. Oblomov finally got rid of his apathy: he willingly reads books (because Olga loves to listen to their retellings), changed the headman and even wrote several letters to the village. He was even ready to go there, if for this it was not necessary to part with his beloved. “I'm bored without you; parting with you for a short time - it's a pity, for a long time - it hurts, ”Olga explains her love to Ilya’s reproaches for the lack of tenderness.

    Chapter X

    Oblomov is attacked by a spleen - he reflects that Olga does not love him, that she would not have paid attention to him if it were not for Stolz. The realization of these, according to Oblomov, truths confuses the lover - he decides to break up with Olga before everything goes too far. To do this, he writes a letter to the girl. “Your present love is not real love, but future; it is only an unconscious need to love,” he writes to her. Oblomov witnesses the reading of this letter. Olga's tears make him doubt the correctness of his decision. The lovers manage to reconcile.

    Chapter XI

    Oblomov spends a lot of time with Olga. Once they were walking in the evening, and something strange happened to her: it looked like some kind of sleepwalking - something tightened in her chest, then silhouettes began to appear. Olga is getting better, but Ilya Ilyich got scared and convinced her to return home. The next day he found her in perfect health. Olga said that she needed more rest. Oblomov decides that it is necessary to officially announce his feelings.

    Chapter XII

    Olga tells Oblomov about yesterday's divination. The cards said that the king of diamonds was thinking about her. The girl asks if this is King Ilya and if the young man is thinking about her. Olga kisses Ilya, he falls for joy at her feet.

    Part III

    Chapter I

    Inspired Oblomov returns home. An unpleasant surprise awaits him there - Tarantiev arrived. He begs him for money and reminds him of the rental contract. Ilya Ilyich decides to meet with the brother of Tarantiev's godfather in order to resolve the issue of payment. During the conversation, it turns out that Mikhey Andreevich owes a vest and a shirt. Tarantiev claims that he gave everything away, and Zakhar apparently drank it away. Oblomov has changed a lot and now does not allow begging for money and things. Tarantiev leaves with nothing.

    Chapter II

    Putting aside all the cases, Ilya Ilyich goes to Olga. The girl convinces him to set things right in Oblomovka and rebuild the house, and then start the wedding. Oblomov is a little depressed. From goes to the city to talk about paying for an apartment and find another. The conversation with his brother did not take place, and this time he was too lazy to look for another apartment.

    Chapter III

    Relations with Olga do not bring Oblomov more such strong impressions. The girl often embroiders, counting the cells of the pattern to herself. Oblomov is bored. Olga forces Ilya Ilyich to talk about the apartment. Oblomov goes to Agafya Matveevna. Dine there and look around the house. When he returns, he discovers that he spent a lot of money over the summer, but he doesn’t remember where.

    Chapter IV

    Oblomov receives an invitation from Olga to go to the theater. He is not enthusiastic about such an idea, but he cannot refuse. Ilya Ilyich nevertheless moved to a rented apartment with Agafya Matveevna and was very pleased. Zakhar asks him about the wedding date. Ilya Ilyich is surprised how the servants know about the relationship, but he answers Zakhar that no wedding is planned. Oblomov himself notes that his feelings for Olga have cooled.

    Chapter V

    Ilya receives a letter from Olga with a request to meet. Despite the fact that meeting a girl has become burdensome, he heads to the park. It turns out that Olga is dating him secretly. Oblomov is very unhappy with this deception. They agree to meet tomorrow.

    Chapter VI

    Oblomov is afraid to go to the Ilyins - the role of the groom is unpleasant for him. He has already fallen out of love with Olga and now does not dare to tell her about it. Ilya pretends to be sick.

    Chapter VII

    All week Oblomov sat at home. He talked with Agafya Matveevna and her children. With horror, Ilya Ilyich awaits a meeting with Olga, he wants this to happen as late as possible. Olga asks not to tell Oblomov that she has an estate, despite the fact that this could speed up the date of the wedding. Unexpectedly, she comes to him and finds out that he was not sick at all. Ilya discovers that his feelings have not completely faded. He promises Olga to go to the opera with her and is looking forward to a letter from the village.

    Chapter VIII

    Zakhar accidentally finds Olga's glove. Oblomov tries to deceive him and claims that this is not her thing. During the conversation, Ilya Ilyich learns with horror that the whole house knows about Olga's arrival. His financial situation has not improved. “Happiness has moved away for another year,” he thinks about the wedding.

    Chapter IX

    An unpleasant letter received from the village threw Oblomov into a state of confusion. He does not know what to do and decides to show the letter to Agafya Matveevna's brother. He recommends his good friend Isai Fomich Zatertoy as his assistant. Oblomov agrees.

    Chapter X

    Tarantiev and Ivan Matveevich (Agafya's brother) discuss Oblomov and rumors about his upcoming wedding. “Yes, Zakhar helps him sleep, otherwise he will get married!” - says Tarantiev. Since Ilya Ilyich is completely independent and does not understand anything absolutely, they decide to deceive him and cash in on his stupidity and gullibility.

    Chapter XI

    Oblomov comes with a letter from the village to Olga. He tells her that he has found a man who will fix everything. The girl is surprised that he trusts such things to strangers. Oblomov says that the wedding will have to be postponed for a year. Olga loses her senses. After she comes to her senses. The conversation continues. Olga says that Oblomov will never fix his affairs. The girl tells him that she fell in love with the "future Oblomov", full of aspirations and determination. And this very future Oblomov turned out to be a figment of her and Andrei's imagination. They break up.

    Chapter XII

    Oblomov in frustration. He walks for a long time on the street, and then sits motionless at the table. Apathy and despondency take possession of him. Ilya Ilyich develops a fever.

    Part four

    Chapter I

    A year has passed. At first, Oblomov was very painful about parting with Olga, but the care that Agafya surrounded him smoothed out these unpleasant experiences. He finds pleasure in spending time with her. He calls her to his village, but she refuses.

    Chapter II

    On Midsummer's Day, a big celebration is expected in Agafya's house. Andrey arrives unexpectedly. Oblomov learns with horror that he knows all the details of their relationship with Olga. Stolz reproaches Ilya for such an act, but does not blame him. According to him, he, Andrei, is most to blame, then Olga, and only then Ilya, and even then, just a little.

    Chapter III

    The arrival of Stolz did not bring such joy to Tarantiev and Ivan Matveevich. They are afraid that Andrei Ivanovich will be able to bring them to clean water. The situation is not hopeless. Swindlers know about Oblomov's love for Agafya. They think they can keep Ilya Ilyich.

    Chapter IV

    A week before the meeting with Oblomov, Stoltz saw Olga. The girl has changed a lot since then, it was almost impossible to recognize her. Olga experiences a strange feeling when meeting with Andrey. On the one hand, she is pleased to see him, on the other hand, he involuntarily reminds her of Oblomov. They chat for several days. The girl decides to open up to him and talks about how unhappily her love for Ilya ended. Stolz confesses his love to Olga. The girl agrees to marry him, but, she notes to herself, I no longer feel such awe and excitement.

    Chapter V

    Oblomov's life returned to normal. He finally got stuck in his Oblomovism. Ivan Matveevich and Tarantiev still fool him and rob him. Ivan Matveyevich decided to get married and rented a separate apartment. Now Agafya cooks for him, and only the simplest dishes remain at home, but Oblomov does not care - he is still as apathetic as he was before meeting Olga.

    Chapter VI

    Stolz comes to visit Oblomov. He notes that his friend is "flabby, pale." He lives in poverty, he owes everything. Andrei announces to him about Olga's wedding. At first, Ilya Ilyich was taken aback, but after he found out that her husband was Stolz, he joyfully began to congratulate his friend. Andrei decides to put things in order in Oblomov's affairs.

    Chapter VII

    For Tarantiev and Ivan Matveyevich, things are not going well. They are trying to return everything to normal, and when they cannot do it peacefully, they blackmail Oblomov with his connection with Agafya. This move also does not work - Ilya Ilyich rebuffs them. Zakhar sends Tarantiev out.

    Chapter VIII

    Stolz arranged everything in Oblomovka. He writes a letter to Ilya with a request to come and continue to manage his estate himself, but Oblomov, as always, ignores. Andrei and Olga leave for the Crimea to rest and improve Olga's health after giving birth. They are very happy. Andrei believes that he is very lucky with his wife. Olga is also happily married, although sometimes memories of Ilya plunge her into despondency.

    Chapter IX

    Oblomov's life got better. Agafya's house is full of food, and his lover is full of outfits. However, suddenly everything changes - Oblomov suffered an apoplexy. Andrei, who came to visit him, hardly recognizes his friend. Ilya asks to leave him forever. He informs Stolz that Agafya is his wife, and the little boy is his son, whom they named Andrey in honor of Stolz. Oblomov asks Stolz not to forget his son. Andrei returns to Olga, the woman also wanted to see Oblomov, but her husband forbade her, explaining that “Oblomovism” was going on there.

    Chapter X

    5 years later. A lot has changed. Oblomov had a second blow and soon died. Agafya was very worried about the loss of her husband. Stolz and Olga took little Andrei to their upbringing. Andrei Ivanovich is still doing business in Oblomovka. Agafya refused Ilya Ilyich's money, convincing Stolz to save it for her son.

    Chapter XI

    Once on the street, a tramp approached Stolz and his familiar writer. It turned out that it was Zakhar. After the death of Ilya Ilyich, Ivan Matveevich Mukhoyarov and his family returned to his sister's house, Tarantiev also does not get out of there. There was no life at all in the house. During the cholera epidemic, Anisya died and now Zakhar is begging. Stolz offers to take Zakhar to the village, but he refuses - he wants to be closer to Oblomov's grave.

    The writer expresses bewilderment. Andrei Ivanovich tells him about his friend, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, who "died, disappeared for nothing", and the reason for this is Oblomovism.

    "Oblomov" - a summary of the novel by Ivan Goncharov

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    In Gorokhovaya Street, in one of the large houses, the population of which would have been the size of an entire county town, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov was lying in bed in his apartment in the morning.

    He was a man of about thirty-two or three years of age, of medium height, of pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes, but with no definite idea, no concentration in his features. The thought walked like a free bird across the face, fluttered in the eyes, settled on half-open lips, hid in the folds of the forehead, then completely disappeared, and then an even light of carelessness glimmered in the whole face. From the face, carelessness passed into the poses of the whole body, even into the folds of the dressing gown.

    Sometimes his eyes were darkened by an expression as if of fatigue or boredom, but neither fatigue nor boredom could for a moment drive away from his face the softness that was the dominant and basic expression, not only of the face, but of the whole soul, and the soul shone so openly and clearly in the eyes. , in a smile, in every movement of the head, hands. And a superficially observant, cold person, glancing casually at Oblomov, would say: “There must be a kind man, simplicity!” A deeper and more sympathetic person would have looked at his face for a long time and walked away in pleasant thought, with a smile.

    Ilya Ilyich's complexion was neither ruddy, nor swarthy, nor positively pale, but indifferent or seemed so, perhaps because Oblomov was somehow flabby beyond his years: from a lack of movement or air, or maybe that and another. In general, his body, judging by the dull, too white light of the neck, small plump hands, soft shoulders, seemed too pampered for a man.

    His movements, when he was even alarmed, were also restrained by softness and laziness, not devoid of a kind of grace. If a cloud of concern came over the face from the soul, the look became foggy, wrinkles appeared on the forehead, a game of doubt, sadness, fright began, but rarely did this anxiety freeze in the form of a definite idea, even more rarely turned into an intention. All anxiety was resolved with a sigh and faded into apathy or drowsiness.

    How Oblomov's home costume went to his dead features and to his pampered body! He was wearing a dressing gown made of Persian fabric, a real oriental dressing gown, without the slightest hint of Europe, without tassels, without velvet, without a waist, very roomy, so that Oblomov could wrap himself in it twice. The sleeves, in the same Asian fashion, went from fingers to shoulder wider and wider. Although this dressing gown had lost its original freshness and in some places replaced its primitive, natural gloss with another, acquired, it still retained the brightness of oriental color and the strength of the fabric.

    The dressing gown had in the eyes of Oblomov a darkness of invaluable virtues: it is soft, flexible, the body does not feel it on itself, it, like an obedient slave, submits to the slightest movement of the body.

    Oblomov always went home without a tie and without a vest, because he loved space and freedom. His shoes were long, soft and wide; when he lowered his legs from bed to the floor without looking, he would certainly fall into them immediately.

    Lying down with Ilya Ilyich was neither a necessity, like a sick person or a person who wants to sleep, nor an accident, like someone who is tired, nor a pleasure, like a lazy person: this was his normal state. When he was at home - and he was almost always at home - he was always lying, and everyone was constantly in the same room where we found him, which served him as a bedroom, study and reception room. He had three more rooms, but he rarely looked in there, unless in the morning, and then not every day when a person swept his office, which was not done every day. In those rooms, the furniture was covered with covers, the curtains were lowered.

    The room where Ilya Ilyich lay seemed at first glance to be beautifully furnished. There was a bureau of mahogany, two sofas upholstered in silk, beautiful screens embroidered with birds and fruits unknown in nature. There were silk curtains, carpets, a few paintings, bronzes, porcelain, and many beautiful little things.

    But the experienced eye of a man of pure taste, with one cursory glance at everything that was there, would read only a desire to somehow maintain the decorum of inevitable decorum, if only to get rid of them. Oblomov, of course, only bothered about this when he cleaned his office. Refined taste would not be satisfied with these heavy, ungraceful mahogany chairs, wobbly bookcases. The back of one sofa sank down, the pasted wood lagged behind in places.

    Exactly the same character was worn by paintings, and vases, and trifles.

    The owner himself, however, looked at the decoration of his office so coldly and absent-mindedly, as if asking with his eyes: “Who dragged and instructed all this here?” From such a cold view of Oblomov on his property, and perhaps even from a colder view of the same object of his servant, Zakhar, the appearance of the office, if you look there more and more closely, struck by the neglect and negligence that prevailed in it.

    On the walls, near the paintings, cobwebs saturated with dust were molded in the form of festoons; mirrors, instead of reflecting objects, could rather serve as tablets for writing down some notes on them from the dust. Carpets were stained. There was a forgotten towel on the sofa, on the table a rare morning there was not a plate with a salt shaker and a gnawed bone, not removed from yesterday's dinner, and bread crumbs were not lying around.

    If not for this plate, and not for a pipe just smoked leaning against the bed, or not for the owner himself lying on it, then one would think that no one lives here - everything was so dusty, faded and generally devoid of living traces of human presence . True, there were two or three open books on the shelves, a newspaper was lying around, and an inkwell with feathers stood on the bureau, but the pages on which the books were unfolded were covered with dust and turned yellow, it is clear that they had been thrown a long time ago, the number of the newspaper was last year, and from an inkwell, if you dip a pen in it, only a frightened fly would escape with a buzz.

    Ilya Ilyich woke up, contrary to his usual habit, very early, at eight o'clock. He is very concerned about something. On his face alternately appeared not the fear, not the melancholy and annoyance. It was evident that he was overcome by an internal struggle, and the mind had not yet come to the rescue.

    The fact is that on the eve of Oblomov received from the village, from his headman, a letter of unpleasant content. It is known what troubles the headman can write about: crop failure, arrears, a decrease in income, etc. Although the headman wrote exactly the same letters to his master both in the past and in the third year, this last letter also had an effect as strong as any an unpleasant surprise.

    Is it easy? We had to think about the means to take some action. However, we must do justice to the care of Ilya Ilyich about his affairs. According to the first unpleasant letter from the headman, received several years ago, he already began to create in his mind a plan for various changes and improvements in the management of his estate.

    According to this plan, it was supposed to introduce various new economic, police and other measures. But the plan was far from being fully thought out, and the headman's unpleasant letters were repeated every year, prompting him to activity and, consequently, disturbing the peace. Oblomov was aware of the need to do something decisive before the end of the plan.

    As soon as he woke up, he immediately set out to get up, wash himself and, after drinking tea, think carefully, figure something out, write it down and generally do this business properly.

    For half an hour he lay still, tormented by this intention, but then he reasoned that he would still have time to do this even after tea, and tea can be drunk, as usual, in bed, especially since nothing prevents you from thinking while lying down.

    And so he did. After tea, he already got up from his bed and almost got up, looking at his shoes, he even began to lower one foot from the bed towards them, but immediately picked it up again.

    It struck half past ten, Ilya Ilyich started up.

    What am I really? he said aloud with annoyance. - You need to know your conscience: it's time to get down to business! Just let yourself go and...

    Zakhar! he shouted.

    In the room, which was separated only by a short corridor from Ilya Ilyich's office, there was heard at first like the grumbling of a chained dog, then the sound of feet jumping off from somewhere. It was Zakhar who jumped off the couch, on which he usually spent his time, sitting immersed in a slumber.

    An elderly man entered the room, in a gray frock coat, with a hole under his arm, from which a piece of shirt stuck out, in a gray waistcoat, with copper buttons, with a skull bare as a knee, and with immensely wide and thick blond with graying whiskers, of which it would be three beards.

    Zakhar did not try to change not only the image given to him by God, but also his costume, in which he walked in the village. The dress was sewn for him according to the pattern he had taken out of the village. He also liked the gray frock coat and waistcoat because in this half-uniform he saw a faint recollection of the livery that he once wore when seeing the late gentlemen to church or on a visit, and the livery in his memoirs was the only representative of the dignity of the Oblomov family.

    Nothing more reminded the old man of the lordly, wide and quiet life in the wilderness of the village. The old gentlemen have died, the family portraits have remained at home and, for tea, are lying around somewhere in the attic, the legends about the ancient way of life and the importance of the family name are all dying out or live only in the memory of the few old people left in the village. Therefore, a gray coat was dear to Zakhar: in it, and even in some signs preserved in the face and manners of the master, reminiscent of his parents, and in his whims, to which, although he grumbled, both to himself and aloud, but which between he respected it inwardly, as a manifestation of the lord's will, the master's right, he saw faint hints of obsolete greatness.

    Without these whims, he somehow did not feel the master over him, without them nothing revived his youth, the village that they left long ago, and the legends about this old house, the only chronicle kept by old servants, nannies, mothers and passed down from generation to generation. genus.

    The Oblomovs' house was once rich and famous in its area, but then, God knows why, everything became poorer, smaller, and finally imperceptibly lost among the not old noble houses. Only the gray-haired servants of the house kept and passed on to each other the faithful memory of the past, cherishing it as a shrine.

    That is why Zakhar loved his gray coat so much. Perhaps he valued his sideburns because in his childhood he saw many old servants with this old, aristocratic decoration.

    Ilya Ilyich, immersed in thought, did not notice Zakhar for a long time. Zakhar stood in front of him silently. Finally he coughed.

    What you? asked Ilya Ilyich.

    Did you call?

    Called? Why did I call - I do not remember! he answered, stretching. - Go to yourself for now, and I will remember.

    Zakhar left, and Ilya Ilyich continued to lie and think about the accursed letter.

    A quarter of an hour has passed.

    Well, full lie! - he said, - you have to get up ... But anyway, let me read the letter from the headman again with attention, and then I’ll get up. - Zakhar!

    Again the same jump and grumbling stronger. Zakhar entered, and Oblomov again plunged into thought. Zakhar stood for about two minutes, unfavorably, looking a little sideways at the master, and finally went to the door.

    Where are you? - suddenly asked Oblomov.

    You don't say anything, so why stand there for nothing? - Zakhar croaked, for lack of another voice, which, according to him, he lost while hunting with dogs, when he rode with an old master and when he blew like a strong wind in his throat.

    He stood half-turned in the middle of the room and kept looking sideways at Oblomov.

    Are your feet so dry that you can't stand up? You see, I'm preoccupied - just wait! Haven't stayed there yet? Look for the letter I received yesterday from the headman. Where are you doing it?

    Which letter? I didn’t see any letter,” said Zakhar.

    You took it from the postman: so dirty!

    Where did they put him - why should I know? - said Zakhar, patting the papers and various things lying on the table with his hand.

    You never know anything. There, in the basket, look! Or fell behind the sofa? Here, the back of the sofa has not yet been repaired, why would you call the carpenter and fix it? After all, you broke it. You won't think of anything!

    I did not break, - Zakhar answered, - she broke herself, she would not be a century old: someday she must break.

    Ilya Ilyich did not consider it necessary to prove the contrary.

    Did you find it? he only asked.

    Here are some letters.

    Well, it’s not like that anymore,” Zakhar said.

    Okay, come on! Ilya Ilyich said impatiently. - I'll get up, I'll find it myself.

    Zakhar went to his room, but as soon as he put his hands on the couch to jump on it, a hasty cry was heard again: “Zakhar, Zakhar!”

    Oh you, Lord! - Zakhar grumbled, going back to the office. - What is this torment? If only death would come sooner!

    What do you want? - he said, holding on to the door of the office with one hand and looking at Oblomov, as a sign of displeasure, so sideways that he had to see the master half-heartedly, and the master could only see one immense whisker, from which you just expect two to fly out - three birds.

    Handkerchief, quick! You yourself could guess: you do not see! Ilya Ilyich remarked sternly.

    Zakhar did not show any particular displeasure or surprise at this order and reproach from the master, probably finding both of them very natural on his part.

    And who knows where the handkerchief is? he grumbled, going around the room and feeling every chair, although it could be seen even so that nothing was lying on the chairs.

    You lose everything! he remarked, opening the door to the drawing-room to see if anyone was there.

    Where? Search here! I haven't been there since the third day. Yes, rather! - said Ilya Ilyich.

    Where is the scarf? I don't have a scarf! - said Zakhar, throwing up his hands and looking around in all corners. “Yes, there he is,” he suddenly wheezed angrily, “under you!” There the end sticks out. Lie on it yourself, and ask for a handkerchief!

    And without waiting for an answer, Zakhar went out. Oblomov felt a little embarrassed at his own mistake. He quickly found another reason to make Zakhar guilty.

    What a cleanliness you have everywhere: dust, dirt, my God! There, there, look in the corners - you're not doing anything!

    If I don’t do anything ... - Zakhar spoke in an offended voice, - I try, I don’t regret my life! And I wash and sweep the dust almost every day ...

    He pointed to the middle of the floor and to the table on which Oblomov dined.

    Get out, get out, - he said, - everything is swept up, tidied up, as if for a wedding ... What else?

    And what's that? interrupted Ilya Ilyich, pointing to the walls and the ceiling. - And this? And this? - He pointed to the towel thrown from yesterday and to the forgotten plate with a slice of bread on the table.

    Well, I’ll probably take it away, ”Zakhar said condescendingly, taking a plate.

    Just this! And the dust on the walls, and the cobwebs? .. - said Oblomov, pointing to the walls.

    I clean this up for the holy week: then I clean the images and remove the cobwebs ...

    And books, paintings, sweep? ..

    Books and pictures before Christmas: then Anisya and I will go through all the cupboards. Now when are you going to clean up? You are all at home.

    I sometimes go to the theater and visit: if only ...

    What a cleaning at night!

    Oblomov looked reproachfully at him, shook his head and sighed, while Zakhar looked indifferently out the window and sighed too. The master, it seems, thought: “Well, brother, you are even more Oblomov than I myself,” and Zakhar almost thought: “You're lying! you are only a master of speaking tricky and miserable words, but you don’t care about dust and cobwebs.

    Do you understand, - said Ilya Ilyich, - that moths start from the dust? I sometimes even see a bed bug on the wall!

    I have fleas too! Zakhar replied indifferently.

    Do you really think that's good? After all, this is bullshit! Oblomov noted.

    Zakhar grinned all over his face, so that the grin even covered his eyebrows and sideburns, which parted to the sides from this, and a red spot spread all over his face up to his forehead.

    What is my fault that there are bugs in the world? he said with naive surprise. Did I make them up?

    This is from impurity, - interrupted Oblomov. - What are you all lying about!

    And I did not invent the impurity.

    You have mice running around there at night - I can hear it.

    And I didn't invent mice. There are a lot of this creature, like mice, cats, bedbugs, everywhere.

    How can others not have moths or bedbugs?

    Distrust was expressed on Zakhar's face, or, to put it better, calm confidence that this does not happen.

    I have a lot of everything, - he said stubbornly, - you can’t see through every bug, you won’t fit into the crack.

    And he himself, it seems, thought: “Yes, and what kind of sleep is it without a bug?”

    You sweep, pick rubbish from the corners - and there will be nothing, - Oblomov taught.

    Take it away, and tomorrow it will be typed again, - said Zakhar.

    It won’t be enough, - the master interrupted, - it shouldn’t.

    It will be enough - I know, - the servant kept repeating.

    And it will be typed, so sweep it again.

    Like this? Every day touch all the corners? Zahar asked. - What kind of life is this? Better go to your soul!

    Why are others clean? Oblomov objected. - Look opposite, at the tuner: it’s nice to look, but only one girl ...

    And where will the Germans take rubbish, - Zakhar suddenly objected. - Look at how they live! The whole family has been eating bones for a whole week. The coat passes from the shoulders of the father to the son, and from the son again to the father. The dresses on his wife and daughters are short: they all tuck their legs under themselves like geese ... Where can they get rubbish? They don’t have it, like we do, so that in the closets there are a bunch of old, worn-out dresses over the years, or a whole corner of bread crusts accumulated over the winter ... They don’t even have a crust lying around in vain: they make crackers, and drink with beer!

    Zakhar even spat through his teeth, talking about such a stingy life.

    Nothing to talk! - Ilya Ilyich objected, you better clean it up.

    Sometimes I would take it away, but you don’t give it yourself, ”said Zakhar.

    Went yours! You see, I'm in the way.

    Of course, you are all sitting at home: how will you clean up in front of you? Go away for the day, and I'll clean it up.

    Here's another thought up - to leave! Come on, you're better off.

    Yeah right! Zakhar insisted. - Here, if only today they would leave, Anisya and I would clean everything up. And then we can’t manage it together: we still need to hire women, wash everything.

    E! what ideas - women! Go to yourself, - said Ilya Ilyich.

    He was no longer glad that he called Zakhar to this conversation. He kept forgetting that if you touch this delicate object just a little, you will not end up with trouble.

    Oblomov would also like it to be clean, but he would like it to be done somehow, imperceptibly, of course, and Zakhar always started a lawsuit, as soon as they began to demand from him sweeping dust, washing floors, etc. He in this case, he will begin to prove the need for a huge fuss in the house, knowing very well that the mere thought of this horrified his master.

    Zakhar left, and Oblomov plunged into thought. A few minutes later another half hour struck.

    What is this? - Ilya Ilyich said almost with horror. - Eleven o'clock soon, but I haven't got up yet, haven't washed my face yet? Zahar, Zahar!

    Oh my God! Well! - I heard from the front, and then a well-known jump.

    Ready to wash? - asked Oblomov.

    Done a long time ago! Zakhar answered. - Why don't you get up?

    Why don't you tell me it's ready? I would have gotten up a long time ago. Come on, I'm following you now. I have to study, I'll sit down to write.

    Zakhar left, but returned a minute later with a scribbled and oily notebook and scraps of paper.

    Now, if you write, by the way, if you please, and check the scores: you have to pay money.

    What accounts? What money? Ilya Ilyich asked with displeasure.

    From the butcher, from the greengrocer, from the laundress, from the baker: everyone asks for money.

    Only about money and care! grumbled Ilya Ilyich. - A you that little by little don't submit scores, and all of a sudden?

    After all, you all drove me away: tomorrow, yes tomorrow ...

    Well, now why not until tomorrow?

    No! They are already very annoying: they don’t lend anymore. Today is the first number.

    Oh! - Oblomov said with anguish. - New concern! Well, what are you standing? Put it on the table. I'll get up now, wash myself and look, - said Ilya Ilyich. - So, are you ready to wash up?

    Ready! Zakhar said.

    Well now...

    He began, groaning, to push himself up in bed to get up.

    I forgot to tell you, - Zakhar began, - just now, while you were still resting, the janitor's manager sent: he says that you definitely need to move out ... you need an apartment.

    Well, what is it? If you need it, then, of course, we will go. What are you doing to me? This is the third time you've told me about this.

    They come to me too.

    Say we'll go.

    They say: you've been promising for a month, they say, but you still don't move out, we, they say, will let the police know.

    Let them know! Oblomov said decisively. - We ourselves will move, as it will be warmer, in three weeks.

    Where in three weeks! The manager says that in two weeks the workers will come: they will break everything ... “Move out, he says, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow ...”

    Eee! too nimble! See what else! Would you like to order now? Don't you dare remind me of the apartment. I already forbade you once, and you again. Look!

    What am I to do? Zakhar replied.

    What to do? - this is how he gets rid of me! answered Ilya Ilyich. - He asks me! What do I care? You do not bother me, but there as you want, and dispose of it, only so as not to move. Can't try for the master!

    But how, father, Ilya Ilyich, I will arrange? Zakhar began with a soft hiss. - The house is not mine: how can one not move from someone else's house, if they are driven? If my house were, so I would with my great pleasure ...

    Is there any way to persuade them? “We, they say, have been living for a long time, we pay regularly.”

    He spoke, - said Zakhar.

    Well, what are they?

    What! They set up their own: “Move, they say, we need to redo the apartment.” They want to make one big apartment out of the doctor's office and this one, for the wedding of the master's son.

    Oh my God! - Oblomov said with annoyance. - After all, there are such asses that get married!

    He rolled onto his back.

    You should have written, sir, to the landlord,” said Zakhar, “perhaps he would not have touched you, but would have told you to break down that apartment first.

    Zakhar pointed with his hand somewhere to the right.

    Well, as soon as I get up, I'll write ... You go to your room, and I'll think about it. You don’t know how to do anything,” he added, “I have to worry about this rubbish myself.

    Zakhar left, and Oblomov began to think.

    But he was at a loss as to what to think about: whether about the letter from the headman, whether about moving to a new apartment, whether to begin to settle scores? He was lost in the tide of worldly worries and kept lying, tossing and turning from side to side. From time to time only jerky exclamations were heard: “Oh, my God! It touches life, it reaches everywhere.

    It is not known how long he would have remained in this indecision, but the bell rang in the hall.

    Someone has come! - said Oblomov, wrapping himself in a dressing gown. - And I have not yet got up - a shame and nothing more! Who would it be so early?

    And he, lying down, looked with curiosity at the door.

    Below you will find a summary of "Oblomov" by Goncharov I.A.

    Part 1

    Chapter 1

    The novel begins with a description of the main character - the nobleman Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He is thirty years old; his character is soft and trusting, he spends most of his time in dreams and idleness. A couple of years ago, he received a letter in which the headman of his family estate - Oblomovka - says that he needs to come there and start arranging the economy, but Ilya Ilyich was not going to go to Oblomovka. The owner of the apartment in which he lives needed his housing; the main character needs to move out.

    Chapter 2

    In the afternoon, guests come to Oblomov - Volkov, Sudbinsky and Penkin; they offer him to go somewhere, but he refuses. Then Alekseev comes in, who invites Oblomov to Yekateringof, but he is too lazy. The protagonist appreciates Alekseev for his ability to listen and stay in the room for a long time waiting for his attention. Ilya Ilyich tells the guest that he was upset by the letter from the headman, informing him that this year his estate is suffering a loss of two thousand.

    Chapters 3-4

    After Alekseev, Tarantiev visits Oblomov's apartment, who, on the contrary, was a noisy person and could bring Ilya Ilyich out of his static state. A man hides from a guest under a blanket, because he came from the street, and it's cold there. Oblomov and discusses the letter of the headman with him; Tarantiev believes that the headman is a swindler, advises him to change and asks for money for his help. Tarantiev also offers Ilya Ilyich to move to his godfather's apartment.

    Chapters 5-7

    Further in the novel follows a description of the life of the protagonist. Oblomov has been living in St. Petersburg for twelve years; in the service has the rank of collegiate secretary. The estate passed into his possession after the death of his parents. The service of Ilya Ilyich lasted a little over two years; once he made a mistake with the address of sending an important paper, after which he no longer appeared at the workplace, fearing discontent from his superiors. After some time, he resigned, became lazy and almost stopped communicating with friends. Oblomov's closest friend was Andrey Stolz - his childhood friend, a practical person who is constantly engaged in self-development, sets himself various goals and achieves them. Ilya Ilyich never had a passion for studying; only poetry aroused his interest. Long trips also did not appeal to the main character; he traveled only to Moscow and Oblomovka. In his dreams, Ilya Ilyich invents interesting moments of his life and presents himself as a great man, but all this does not go beyond his dreams. Zakhar - Oblomov's servant - a rather clumsy and lazy person; he is very devoted to the master, who has been by his side since early childhood.

    Chapters 8-9

    When the guests left, Ilya Ilyich began to dream of a happy life on the estate. These thoughts made him happy; he decided to have breakfast and write a letter to the elder. However, the letter came out clumsy, and Oblomov tore it up. After that, Zakhar invites him to leave the house for a while, so as not to interfere with the servants to carry things for moving, but Ilya Ilyich does not want to change the apartment. They quarrel, and the master goes to bed, asking Zakhar to wake him up in the evening.

    In a dream, Oblomov sees himself as a child; with him is his mother and an old nanny who tells him fairy tales. The everyday life of Ilya Ilyich's relatives consisted of successive rituals and feasts - funerals, weddings, births. The rest of the time, everyone carried on insignificant, almost meaningless conversations, yawning and dozing. Trouble and worries were alien to those who lived in Oblomovka.

    Chapters 10-11

    At this time, Zakhar in the courtyard complains to the servants about his master, however, when they began to agree with him, he begins to praise both Oblomov and himself. Then he intends to wake Ilya Ilyich, but he refuses to get up and scolds him. Stolz, who came to Oblomov, is watching them.

    Part 2

    Chapters 1-2

    Stolz, unlike Ilya, was an active, mobile child in childhood; loved to study and work. Stolz does not like to dream; he achieves his goals with amazing practicality. However, he appreciates the opposite friend in everything.

    Chapters 3-4

    Oblomov shares the contents of the elder's letter with Stolz, who proposes to open a school in Oblomovka, but the owner of the estate does not agree with him. Ilya Ilyich also complains about the need to move; Andrey does not see anything catastrophic in this and is amazed at the laziness of his friend. Stolz forbids Zakhar from letting Tarantiev into the apartment, who has a habit of borrowing Oblomov's things and money and not returning them. After that, also at the insistence of Andrey, friends travel to various societies. Ilya Ilyich is dissatisfied: he is tired of crowds of people, noise and the need to walk for a long time in boots. He accidentally tells a friend that the ideal of life for him is Oblomovka. When asked by Stolz about why he should not move there, the main character has many excuses. Andrei considers life on a friend's estate not real life, but "Oblomovism", and says that it is necessary to work, first visit abroad, and then go to the estate.

    Chapters 5-9

    Conversations with a friend had an effect on Oblomov; he decided to take action, collected everything necessary for a trip to France. But he failed to leave: one evening, Stolz introduced him to Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya, and the main character fell in love with a girl; he even bought the dacha across from her aunt's house. Ilya Ilyich really enjoyed listening to Olga sing; during one song he forgot himself and cried out that he felt love. After that, he became embarrassed and ran out of the room. Then Oblomov told the girl that it was a passion for music, and she replied that she had forgiven him. Meanwhile, Zakhar married Anisya, an active woman, thanks to whom the orders established in Oblomov's house began to change.

    Ilya Ilyich is invited to dinner with Aunt Olga, and he begins to fear that the girl is only flirting with him. He spends the whole day with her aunt, who was an authority for her niece. Olga comes in the evening; she keeps a low profile. Oblomov asks her to sing, but does not hear in his head the feeling that was before. At home, he is tormented by doubts about the behavior of the girl; at this time, through Zakhar, she makes an appointment with Oblomov. In the park, he talks to Olga about the uselessness of his existence, and then about their feelings; the girl gives him her hand, and the happy Ilya Ilyich happily thinks throughout the walk: “This is all mine!”. After that, Oblomov becomes more active and constantly thinks about Olga, whose life is also filled with special meaning thanks to his love. Once the main character asks the girl why she does not tell him about her love, she replies that she loves him in a special way, when it is a pity to part for a while, but for a long time it hurts.

    Chapters 10-12

    The next day, Oblomov reflects on Olga's attitude towards him; he does not like the passivity of her love. Ilya Ilyich writes a letter in which he speaks of the untruth of their feelings, that he is not the person Olga needs, and the words of love she said are not true. He passes the letter to the girl through the maid and watches Olga reading the letter in the park. Seeing her tears, Ilya Ilyich catches up with the girl; she reproaches him with selfishness, that he does not love her and is not capable of a real feeling. He asks for forgiveness, says that he made a mistake by writing a letter. Soon Olga forgives him, saying that she saw love and tenderness in the letter.

    Part 3

    Chapters 1-3

    Spending all his days with his beloved, Oblomov does not think at all about solving the problems of his estate; Stolz in letters reminds him of them, but the main character is not up to it. He does not like that he and Olga see each other in secret, and they think that they should soon announce their relationship. However, the girl believes that before that it is necessary to resolve the situation in Oblomovka and build a house there. Oblomov goes to Tarantiev's godmother's apartment, where he sees things piled up in a heap and meets the hostess, Agafya Matveevna. Her brother says that you need to pay 800 rubles for the time when things were in the room; Ilya Ilyich has only 300 rubles, and he does not understand where the rest of the money was spent. Soon he moves into this apartment; Agafya Matveevna makes sure that he lives well. Oblomov finally sends a letter to the elder; his dates with Olga continue.

    Chapters 4-7

    Once Zakhar asks the master when they will play a wedding; it turns out that all the servants gossip about the relationship of Ilya Ilyich. He replies that it requires too much trouble. Olga makes an appointment with Oblomov and meets him wearing a veil. A man does not like the fact that she has to deceive relatives; the girl says that you can tell everything to your aunt the next day. But Ilya Ilyich wants first to get an answer from the headman, so the next day he does not come to Olga, saying he is sick. He stays in the apartment for a whole week; the girl comes to visit him and immediately sees that he deceived her. Olga invites him to go to Smolny with her and her aunt; Oblomov rejoices at the upcoming meeting.

    Chapters 8-12

    Soon he receives a letter; the neighbor writes that Oblomovka does not bring any profit at all, and in order to correct things, it is necessary that Ilya Ilyich himself come to the estate. Oblomov is upset, because because of this, the wedding will have to be postponed. The brother of Agafya Matveevna, who wants to get rich at the expense of the tenant, offers Ilya Ilyich a deal: instead of him, his acquaintance Zaterty will go to the estate. Oblomov tells Olga that now he does not need to go to the estate, but the marriage still needs to be postponed for a year. The girl, who had hoped to get married soon, faints. Having come to her senses, she reproaches Ilya Ilyich for being indecisive, and believes that nothing will change in a year. The lovers part. Oblomov wanders around the city late; when he comes home, he sits motionless for a long time, and in the morning he develops a fever.

    Part 4

    Chapters 1-3

    A year passes. Ilya Ilyich lives in the same place and imperceptibly has warm feelings for Agafya Matveevna, who has surrounded him with care. Zaterty sent Oblomov money received from the sale of bread, and the master is pleased that he did not have to go to the estate. On Midsummer Day, Stoltz comes, who reports that Olga, who has left for Paris with her aunt, cannot forget Oblomov. Andrei tries to take his friend with him, but he refuses, promising to come later. Agafya's brother, along with Tarantiev, who was at the same time with him, are worried that Stolz might find out their secret: they appropriated the quitrent collected from Oblomov's estate.

    Chapter 4

    Further, the novel describes the events that took place a year ago in Paris. There Stoltz met Olga, and the change in her character surprised the man. He began to see her often, to advise her of interesting books. Soon Andrei realized that he had fallen in love with a girl; Olga also felt sympathy for him. At the request of Stolz to tell about her unhappy love, the girl admitted that she had a relationship with Oblomov. Andrei called her to marry, and Olga agreed.

    Chapters 5-8

    A year and a half after Ivan's Day, Ilya Ilyich's life became even worse; all day long he is lazy, completely uninterested in anything. Agafya Matveevna's brother deals with his money, after whose marriage the profit from the estate completely ceased to flow. Worried about the tenant, Agafya pawns her pearls. Soon Oblomov is visited again by Stolz, who tells that he married Olga; friend congratulates him. Andrei invites Ilya Ilyich to go with him, but he asks for a delay for a month. Before leaving, Stolz tells his friend that his feelings for the hostess are very noticeable. After that, Andrey does not come to St. Petersburg for several months. One day he is talking to Olga about Oblomov; she wants to see Ilya Ilyich when she is in town.

    Chapter 9

    Stolz took up the affairs of Oblomovka, and the estate began to bring in a lot of income; the main character got money, and he bought Agafya Matveevna a lot of outfits. However, Ilya Ilyich continues to lie on the sofa for days, watching how the hostess does something in the house. Once Oblomov has a stroke; the doctor talks about the need to change his lifestyle, but he does not follow his recommendations and continues to lie and be lazy. Stolz arrives again, who invites a friend to visit. After the refusal, he says that Olga is waiting in the carriage; then Oblomov reports that he is married to Agafya Matveevna and they have a son Andrei, who was named after Stolz, and he has no desire to leave the apartment. Andrey leaves and tells Olga that "Oblomovism" reigns in the friend's house.

    Chapters 10-11

    Five years pass. Oblomov died of a stroke three years ago; Stolz took his son to be raised. Agafya misses the boy, but does not want to go to Andrey's estate. Once, on a walk, Stoltz sees Zakhar begging for alms; he calls the servant to him, but the man does not want to leave the grave of his master. An acquaintance of Stolz asks him who Oblomov is and why he disappeared, to which Andrei says - “The reason ... what a reason! Oblomovism!

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