What comes from the stove. "Dance from the stove" - ​​the meaning and origin of phraseology with examples? Who danced from the stove


“Dancing from the stove” is advised to a person if something needs to be repeated from the beginning. At the same time, he does not have to dance in the literal sense of the word, the main thing is to start over. The question arises - why the stove in phraseology is associated with the beginning.

Who and when danced from the stove

The most common version refers to the unfinished novel of the little-known writer of the XIX century V. Sleptsov "The Good Man". The protagonist of the novel recalls how he was taught to dance, and every time he did not succeed in the next step, he was sent to the stove, from where the dance began.

However, this version raises doubts about the reliability. Of course, there are works, quotes from which become phraseological units, the same “Woe from Wit” by Griboedov. But it is unlikely that a scene from an unfinished, and, consequently, unread novel by most of the public, could become quoted to such an extent.

In this case, we mean the architectural traditions, according to which stoves were built in aristocratic houses. To make the stove take up less space, it was placed against the wall, when learning to dance, the movement started from the far wall in order to give the dancers more space.

Who danced from the stove

The very word "dance" fits more logically into folk traditions. That is, we can conclude about the more ancient origin of the phraseological unit. To clarify the situation, it makes sense to turn to folk traditions. In some Russian provinces, there was a wedding ritual for accepting a daughter-in-law into the family. The young wife walked from the stove, saying: "I'm coming from the stove, I honor the rugs (I count)."

The wedding ceremony among many Slavic peoples was initiated with death and rebirth - a daughter leaving her parental home was considered for her native nest. And the appearance of a new member in the groom's family was associated with birth.

This is where the sacred meaning of the stove opens in the houses of the ancient Slavic peoples. The stove, the hearth - all this refers to ancient times, when people lived in caves. Some philologists even trace the connection between the words "furnace" and "cave". The hearth meant fire, which means life, all magical dances took place around the fire. The hearth was conceived as the center of the family, that is, the movement of the bride "from the stove" means the birth of a new family member.

Such an interpretation of a phraseological unit is rather similar to the Latin "ab ovo" - from the egg, that is, from the very beginning. The modern use of the expression "to dance from the stove" is, of course, more frivolous, but its essence does not change from this - from the beginning.

Phraseologism "Dance from the stove" meaning

Start with the most simple, elementary.

The expression "dance from the stove" is addressed to the person who prefers to act according to a knurled pattern, once and for all approved plan, without using his knowledge or ingenuity. He is asked to read a verse from certain words, but he does not succeed - only at first he can, "from the stove." Where did this expression come from?
Most likely, it originates from the book of V. Sleptsov, a Russian writer of the 19th century, “The Good Man”. It is about a certain person - Sergei Terebenev - who returned to Russia after a long absence. The return revived childhood memories in him, among which one of the most striking is when little Seryozha was taught to dance.
Here, he stands by the stove, legs in third position. Parents, yard servants are nearby and watch his progress. The teacher gives the command: "One, two, three." Seryozha begins to make the first “pas”, but suddenly he loses time, his legs tangle. His father reproaches him for his awkwardness and asks him to stand by the stove again and try again.
Obviously phraseology " dance from the stove” originated from this skit and gained popularity in many languages.


“There should be 8-12 hectares of arable land per worker. Designers and builders are dancing from here, like from a stove” (O. Latifi).

dance from the stove

dance from the stove
Suddenly there was a scandal: one of Seryozha's legs somehow tucked up, braided behind the other, Seryozha lost time and stopped ... - Oh, what a brother you are! - Father says reproachfully. - Well, go back to the stove, start over. “If you please, go to the stove,” the teacher says dejectedly. Confused, looking down, Seryozha returns to the stove... The whole scene presented itself to Terebenev in minute detail... all those childhood sufferings that he had experienced fifteen years ago, again resurrected in him with the same force, as if he had only just been disgraced in dancing and returns to the stove in order to start over again. “Yes, now what am I doing?” Why am I going to Russia? - he suddenly thought with horror ... - This is me returning to the stove! .. Now his situation again became completely clear to him: the village, Moscow, Petersburg, Europe, he reached the edge and again there, to the village. Yes, to the village, because the stove is not in St. Petersburg, not even in Moscow, it is there ... in a village house, it stands in the same place where it stood fifteen years ago. And in order to start over, it is necessary to return again there, to the same tiled stove, to become in the third position and again: one, two, three, one, two, three, etc.".

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

dance from the stove

The expression is used in the meaning: when starting any business, conversation, always start from the same thing, return to the starting point. Its origin is explained by one of the scenes of the unfinished novel by V.A. Sleptsov "The Good Man" (1871), by which, apparently, it was popularized. The hero of this novel, the "non-serving nobleman" Terebenev, after fruitless wanderings in Western Europe, returns to Russia. Dreaming of how he would work and "serve the people," he "for some reason remembered how he was taught to dance as a child. It seemed to him that he was standing in the hall, by the stove, with his legs turned out to the third position." Both parents and servants look with interest at his training. " Suddenly there was a scandal: one of Seryozha's legs somehow tucked up, braided behind the other, Seryozha lost time and stopped ... - Oh, what a brother you are! - Father says reproachfully. - Well, go back to the stove, start over. “If you please, go to the stove,” the teacher says dejectedly. Confused, looking down, Seryozha returns to the stove... The whole scene presented itself to Terebenev in minute detail... all those childhood sufferings that he had experienced fifteen years ago, again resurrected in him with the same force, as if he had only just been disgraced in dancing and returns to the stove in order to start over again. “Yes, now what am I doing?” Why am I going to Russia? - he suddenly thought with horror ... - This is me returning to the stove! .. Now his situation again became completely clear to him: the village, Moscow, Petersburg, Europe, he reached the edge and again there, to the village. Yes, to the village, because the stove is not in St. Petersburg, not even in Moscow, it is there ... in a village house, it stands in the same place where it stood fifteen years ago. And in order to start over, it is necessary to return again there, to the same tiled stove, to become in the third position and again: one, two, three, one, two, three, etc.".

Dictionary of winged words. Plutex. 2004

See what "Dance from the stove" is in other dictionaries:

    Accept, start, proceed Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    DANCE FROM THE OVEN- 1. who Repeat from the beginning. This means that a person or a group of persons (X), doing something, are forced to start all over again from the simplest, most familiar and consistently take all the necessary steps, without which the activity cannot ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    dance from the stove- to do something, starting from the usual place, from the beginning. It is believed that the turn to dance from the stove came into the Russian literary language from the unfinished novel of the raznochinets writer V. A. Sleptsov “The Good Man” (1871). The hero of the novel Terebenev ... ... Phraseology Handbook

    dance from the stove- wing. sl. The expression is used in the meaning: when starting any business, conversation, always start from the same thing, return to the starting point. Its origin is explained by one of the scenes of the unfinished novel by V. A. Sleptsov “Good ... ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    dance from the stove- Razg. Shuttle. Start with the most simple, familiar. There should be 8 12 hectares of arable land per worker. From here, designers and builders dance like from a stove (O. Latifi. Discounted villages) ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

This expression is suitable when you need to understand something or do something very accurately and carefully, then it is better to start from the very beginning. For example, my son asked me to help him with mathematics, I had to learn everything from the very beginning and explain it to him. Sometimes it's better, just, "from the stove" and start.

But it also happens that a person cannot improvise in something, he is used to doing everything according to a plan, and every time he starts from the beginning, and from the beginning. He learned a poem, began to tell and stumbled, prompted, but he does not continue further, but begins to read from the first lines.

There are many such examples, but it is necessary to find out where this phraseological unit comes from and what does the stove have to do with it.

And here we are referred to the work of V Sleptsov "The Good Man". The hero of this work, Sergei Terbenev, was not in Russia for a long time, and when the first memories that flooded over him returned, there were memories of how he was taught to dance. And it all started just at the stove, and after the first steps he gets confused. And every time it starts again and again, and again from the stove. And it already seems to him that his whole life is continuous "from the stove."

Here, he stands by the stove, legs in third position. Parents, yard servants are nearby and watch his progress. The teacher gives the command: "One, two, three."

So many assume that the expression came from just this work.


do something, starting from the usual place, from the beginning. It is believed that the turn to dance from the stove came into the Russian literary language from the unfinished novel of the raznochinets writer V. A. Sleptsov "The Good Man" (1871). The hero of the novel, Terebenev, returns to his homeland after fruitless wanderings around Europe. He dreams of serving the people and remembers the pictures of his childhood, in particular, how he was taught to dance. When he lost time, he was forced to return to the stove again and start all over again. Remembering the scene at the stove, Terebenev understands that he needs to return to his home, to the old tiled stove, and start a new life there. However, according to other linguists, despite the fact that the expression to dance from the stove became widespread thanks to the novel "The Good Man", V. A. Sleptsov cannot be considered the author of the turnover. The custom to learn to dance from the stove was well spread in Russia of the last century in noble families. Thanks to the popularity of this custom, the expression to dance from the stove in a figurative sense also came into use. At the beginning of the XX century. the variant of the turnover was also known to dance not from the stove - “to do something out of habit”, “to find it difficult doing something for the first time”.

Handbook of Phraseology. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is DANCE FROM THE OVEN in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

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  • DANCE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
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  • DANCE in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
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