What do you need to make ice cream. How to make ice cream without eggs


I don’t know how relations with ice cream develop in your family, but my family simply adore it! A few years ago, the taste of ice cream began to deteriorate very much, and for the first time I thought about how to make ice cream at home from natural products without all these chemical dyes, taste enhancers and other nasty things.

Naturally, at first I asked my friends about how to make ice cream with my own hands, and I heard a lot of different options - from fruit sorbets, for the preparation of which you will need almost nothing at all except fruit and a freezer, and ending with a variety of ice cream cakes that you can hit home. My housekeeping girls have advised me a lot of things, and I will be happy to tell you how to make homemade ice cream.

Important Notes

If you are thinking about how to make ice cream, then let's first understand a little about how to make it properly.
  1. Homemade ice cream is made from a milk base and sugar. Other foods can be added or not added as desired or depending on the recipe - for example, for a simple low-calorie ice cream recipe, you only need white yogurt and any toppings.
  2. The most important rule when making ice cream is to prevent large ice crystals from forming. Surely you have tried such a failed delicacy - frozen ice crystals crunch just like sand on your teeth. It's tasteless and not very useful.
  3. You also need to choose only the freshest and highest quality products. This compote can be cooked from darkened apples, cutting off ugly places from them, but you won’t succeed with ice cream, the taste will be spoiled.
  4. Use the most natural ingredients. Yes, buying vanillin and color dye is much easier and easier than using natural vanilla pods or tinting homemade ice cream with berry juice. But all this affects the quality. Even supposedly tasteless dyes have their own aftertaste.
  5. Think carefully about the fat content in the dish. It's one thing if you want to make vanilla ice cream or creme brulee ice cream as a dessert or treat - then you can ignore the amount of sugar and fat. And it's a completely different matter if you just prefer to eat it for a snack in the hot summer - in this case, you should choose a lower-calorie ice cream recipe at home.

Do you need an ice cream maker

Can you make ice cream at home without an ice cream maker? Naturally! What's good about an ice cream maker?
  • a special container that is used only for one product - you are guaranteed not to feel the aroma of borscht in your ice cream;
  • automatic mixing (more on that later);
  • the ability to cook immediately in large portions;
  • proper freezing.
Every homemade ice cream recipe no ice cream maker ends with the same words: "and then stir every half an hour". The delicate texture of this wonderful dessert is the result of the interaction of milk protein, sugars and fats. The fatter the ice cream, the softer and more tender. However, in order to get a high-quality texture of your favorite dessert, you will have to solve a difficult task - either buy an ice cream maker, or don’t be lazy and beat the ice cream yourself. Ultimately, I chose the second option, because there is absolutely nowhere to put this household unit in my kitchenette.

Why do you need to mix? Fat and water have different characteristics, and the water in the milk will freeze first. The crystals tend to coalesce, which means that without stirring, you will end up with a chunk of ice in the sweet fat. When stirring, ice crystals are crushed and evenly distributed throughout the mass.


On milk

How to make ice cream from milk? I must say right away that ice cream will not work only from milk, you will need some ingredient in order for your homemade milk ice cream to thicken. I’ll tell you a little more about thickeners, but for now I’ll share the recipe.

An economical recipe for homemade milk ice cream:
  • 1 liter of good milk (it is better not to take ultra-pasteurized milk);
  • 1 pack of butter (the spread will not give the desired consistency);
  • 2 cups of sugar (if there is a grinder, it is better to grind the sugar);
  • 5 yolks from chicken eggs;
  • 1-1.5 tsp potato or corn starch.

1) First of all, you need to boil the milk and dissolve the butter in it, then the mixture should cool slightly, but for now you can work on sugar, starch and yolks.

2) You need to grind the yolks well, and mix sugar and starch into them. If it doesn't mix well, you can add a few tablespoons of milk.

3) Put the milk-butter mixture back on the stove and heat, gradually pouring in the yolks with sugar, until everything is mixed and the mixture boils.

4) After that, the pan should be placed in a basin or sink with cold water and knead until the mixture cools to a pleasant warmth.

5) After cooling, you need to pour ice cream from milk at home into molds or containers, and then freeze for about four hours.

There are many milk ice cream recipes, but they all repeat this one in one way or another - the ratio changes somewhere, additional ingredients are used somewhere, I told you the basic cooking method that can be adapted to suit you.

On cream

Do you want to treat your family to ice cream? Forget about the diet and make homemade cream ice cream.

You will need:
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 cup 35-40% cream;
  • 2 tbsp dry milk;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar.
  • 2 tsp cornstarch
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar.
Cooking delicious creamy ice cream at home: in a convenient saucepan, mix milk powder and sugar, and then pour in almost all the milk (leave a couple of spoons to dissolve the starch in them). This mixture needs to be heated and then the starch is added and heated slowly until the mixture thickens. After that, let her rest and take care of the cream.

Well-chilled cream should be whipped until it rises in peaks, and then gently fold into the cooled milk mixture. Put the resulting ice cream in the freezer and start a timer or alarm clock - every twenty minutes you will need to beat it (it is best to do this with a mixer).

By the way, the calorie content of ice cream ice cream is easy to calculate - just add up the calorie content of all ingredients per weight, and calculate the desired value.

You can also make ice cream from cream and condensed milk.- most often, condensed milk is added in cases where you want to make ice cream melting on the tip of your tongue with a slight sourness (due to fillers).

You will need:

  • a can of good condensed milk;
  • half a liter of low-fat cream;
  • 1 cup very heavy cream;
  • a teaspoon of vanilla sugar;
  • one or two cups of berry filler (you can use almost any berry, I prefer blueberries).
Making ice cream at home from condensed milk is quite simple. The berry must be pureed in any convenient way (even with a blender, even through a sieve, in general - as you like). In a separate bowl, mix the remaining ingredients, beat well and put in the freezer.

Stir the mixture every half hour until it turns into soft ice cream. Then beat the mixture well, adding berry puree, and put it back in the freezer.

In my opinion, there is no easier recipe for cream ice cream than with condensed milk - even my daughter can handle it.

Lactose free and vegan option

Can there be ice cream without milk? If one of your family members is lactose intolerant or has special dietary guidelines, you can make the treat without animal products. I made vegan ice cream just out of curiosity to diversify our desserts.

How to make ice cream without cream and milk? Use coconut, rice or soy milk - they will give the desired texture and taste.

Make soy milk chocolate ice cream.

Have to take:

  • 2 cups soy milk;
  • 6 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 2 teaspoons of coconut or nuts (as a filler);
  • sugar or stevioside (or any other sweetener) to your taste;
  • some lemon juice.
Add lemon juice (a tablespoon is enough) to soy milk and let it sour - it took me no more than half an hour. Good curd mass is obtained from soy milk, cocoa, sweetener and filler (nuts or shavings) must be added to it, and then mixed well with a blender.


How to make banana ice cream? In general, banana ice cream at home is the salvation of many mothers when a child requires ice cream, but for some reason he cannot. There is nothing faster and easier than banana ice cream at home, the recipe of which I give below.

So, you will need:
  • 2-4 bananas;
  • sugar, honey or invert syrup (to taste, about 1 tablespoon);
  • a handful of any berries or fruits;
  • some lemon juice.
Cooking banana ice cream at home:
  • first you need to peel the banana, cut it into small washers and freeze;
  • skip well-frozen bananas through a blender;
  • add fruits or berries, splash lemon juice and add sugar to taste;
  • beat well and send to the freezer for re-freezing.
The best homemade popsicles are also prepared with the addition of avocados - they need to be mixed with a banana one by one. And if you add any fruits or berries with a bright taste (for example, raspberries), then it is better to do without sugar or honey.

Secrets and answers to frequently asked questions

How to make chocolate ice cream darker? Use not regular instant cocoa, but cocoa powder that needs to be boiled. Make a small cup of strong, rich cocoa, and your ice cream will be a deep chocolate shade.

By the way, chocolate ice cream at home in the summer can be varied - try adding mint or orange syrup to the finished treat, you will be pleasantly surprised.

Is there a low calorie ice cream recipe? No, you have to choose - either a chic creamy taste (for example, the first homemade ice cream on the list repeats the taste of Soviet ice cream just perfectly), or low calorie content. Not only I, but even professional chefs do not know how to make ice cream ice cream without cream and fat.

Is it possible to adapt the chocolate ice cream recipe for adults? Naturally. Any ice cream will only get better if you add a little alcohol to it - in the case of chocolate, it can be your favorite liqueur or ordinary cognac.

How would you make ice cream at home without stirring? Only in the ice cream shop.

Will you get ice cream at home from cream from the village? Yes, it will only sour - rustic cream always contains sour notes. One can set a goal and fix it with the help of alcohol and fillers.

How to turn ice cream ice cream into a popsicle at home? You need to cook chocolate icing and dip the ice cream. Glaze is better to cook according to old confectionery recipes (not five minutes).

How many calories are in ice cream? It depends on how you prepared it. To find out how many calories are in ice cream prepared by you personally - calculate the mass of each ingredient used and the calorie content, and then add everything up - you will get the calorie content of the product. In general, ice cream contains calories in a small amount - about 200 kcal per hundred grams.

What are the benefits of ice cream and, accordingly, the harm of ice cream? This is a tasty and healthy dairy product that contains a lot of fat. If you eat it twice a week, there will be no harm.

Can you make your own recipe? Experiment! Use ricotta and cottage cheese instead of milk, add milk powder and all kinds of soft cheeses, try new toppings and you will become an ice cream guru.

By the way, if you want to make homemade ice cream that tastes like creme brulee, then look at this recipe with a photo. A photograph will help you remember the sequence of actions.

And watch the video instruction, video instruction will help you follow the recipe and get the desired caramel texture.

And finally - homemade ice cream recipe from my children:

  • mix a glass of cream, a jar of condensed milk and a glass of frozen berries (any);
  • beat the mixture well and add broken cookies there;
  • finely chop or grate marshmallows;
  • mix well and freeze.
It will turn out delicious ice cream - my children love to add sauce made by me with creme brulee flavor to it. Naturally, such a dessert is more high-calorie than ordinary milk ice cream, but its production does not require much effort.

Ice cream is a cold delicacy that people eat with pleasure in any weather. Delicious waffle cups of ice cream, an unforgettable taste of crème brulee and cranberry sherbet, popsicle chocolate melting in your mouth - who can pass by this pleasure?

Ice cream, as a summer dessert, has been known since the time of Kievan Rus. It looked, of course, differently - finely planed iced milk with dried cherries, honey, pears boiled in molasses. But it was him, according to historians, that was served at the end of the meal on the princely table on the hottest days.

By the way, ice cream is easy to make at home, having purchased the necessary products and having a refrigerator available.

How to make ice cream at home - general principles

The essence of making ice cream is simple - to give the dish the desired consistency by cooling. This can be done in two ways.

  • In an ice cream shop. Mix all the ingredients in the mixer in the recipe sequence, pour into a chilled container. Then proceed according to the instructions for the device.
  • In the freezer. Prepare a thick cream, put it in the freezer for 3-4 hours. For the first hour and a half, stir the mass every 20 minutes.

Tip: fillers - nuts, dried fruits, chocolate, alcohol, put last when the sweetness thickens enough.

Homemade sweets are made without preservatives, so you need to eat it in three days. Keep this in mind and do not cook ice cream for future use.

How to make ice cream at home - ice cream

The recipe is for 6 servings, the total cooking time is 6 hours.

Classical reception: cream 35% and milk - 300 ml each, powdered milk - one tablespoon, 100 gr. sugar, 20 gr. corn starch. For flavor - grains of one vanilla pod.

  • Pour sugar and dry milk into a saucepan. Pour warm milk in portions here, stir, put on a gentle fire.
  • Introduce diluted starch into the boiling milk mixture, cook, stirring, until the jelly is thick.

Reference: starch can be replaced with 4 yolks, whipped with sugar and poured into warm milk. Next - according to the recipe.

  • Wipe the mass through a sieve. Cover the pot with cling film and leave to cool.
  • Whip cream, combine with milk billet. Place in the freezer on the lowest setting.

Spread the finished ice cream in bowls, pour blackcurrant for five minutes.

How to make ice cream at home - creme brulee

This delicious treat has only three ingredients:

  • condensed milk - one can (380 gr.);
  • cream - 500 ml with a fat content of 35%;
  • cognac - 2 tbsp. l.

Whip cream, mix with condensed milk, pour in alcohol.

Tip: If you are cooking for children, replace the cognac with a few drops of vanilla essence.

Transfer the mass into a mold, put it in the freezer. The ice cream will set in four hours. Do not forget to mix the composition during this time. Decorate the creme brulee with grated chocolate, nuts, marmalade or serve it like this, it's also delicious.

How to make ice cream at home - raspberry sorbet

Usually popsicles are made from fresh berries and sugar, but you can add dairy ingredients, honey, natural flavors. Take: 2 cups raspberries, honey - three tablespoons, 200 gr. yogurt, half a lemon.

Put sugar, lemon juice in raspberries, beat in a blender. Add yogurt, stir. Pour the mass into a container, put in the refrigerator. The food will harden after 5 hours. Arrange the dessert in bowls with portioned balls, decorating them with mint leaves.

How to make ice cream at home - popsicles

Delicious ice is obtained from oranges, cranberries, pineapples, in principle, you can take any juicy fruits or berries.

  • Washed fruits - 500 gr. grind into puree.
  • Boil syrup from one and a half glasses of water and 100 gr. sugar, cool, add berries, a tablespoon of lemon juice, stir.
  • Pour the mixture into ice cream cups, insert sticks, send to the freezer. After freezing, dip the glass for a couple of seconds in hot water, and - berry cold in your hands.

Popsicles are a light treat that tastes much better than store-bought and won't harm your health if you don't overeat.

Now you know how to make homemade ice cream, which means you will be able to diversify the summer menu with cold desserts and add a hormone of joy to your loved ones.

Ice cream - one of the favorite delicacies of children and adults - appeared in Europe in the 13th century, although frozen fruits were already enjoyed in ancient China. This dessert can be flavored with chocolate, coffee, vanilla, caramel, fruits, berries, nuts, mint, or green tea.

Ice cream with cognac, cookies, meringue, halvah, candied fruits and dried fruits is very tasty. Some restaurants serve ice cream made from rose petals, pumpkin, carrot, ginger, coconut, honey and spices. And if you make ice cream yourself - I wonder what happens?

A few words about ice cream

Sometimes it seems that cooking with your own hands is a very troublesome business, so many housewives buy special electric ice cream makers. It is very convenient - just put in the necessary products, set the program, and after a while the ice cream, creme brulee or ice cream with chocolate are ready. The main convenience of the device lies in the fact that it simultaneously beats the mass and freezes it, since without whipping the mass will not turn out to be homogeneous, small ice crystals will occur in it. However, not everyone in the kitchen has a place for additional equipment, but this does not mean that you cannot make your own ice cream at home. It is not at all necessary to purchase new kitchen devices, you can whip the cream yourself with a mixer and set the required temperature in the freezer. Today we will talk about how to make ice cream with our own hands, and we will try to do it in a master class. Your family will certainly appreciate the new experiment!

Secrets of making ice cream at home

Ice cream is made from whipped cream mixed with egg yolks, milk, sugar and various additives. In some homemade ice cream recipes, milk and yolks are missing, in other descriptions you can find cottage cheese and yogurt. However, in all cooking methods there are common subtleties and secrets that every sweet tooth should know about.

Use only high-quality and fresh products - natural cream, expensive high-quality chocolate, ripe and juicy fruits. The fatter the dairy products, the softer the ice cream will be, so buy cream from 30% fat.

Do not forget about thickeners, which are important ingredients in the dessert, because they make its texture delicate, velvety and dense at the same time. Gelatin, egg yolks, agar-agar, starch, milk powder or lemon juice are usually taken as thickeners - thanks to them, ice cream does not melt for a long time. Otherwise, after 10 minutes, a milk puddle will remain in the bowl from the ice cream ball.

To obtain a more uniform consistency, it is recommended to use powdered sugar instead of sugar, and before freezing the milk mass, you can rub it through a sieve to make it lighter and more airy. Before freezing, the mass should resemble sour cream in density, since a too liquid base for ice cream in finished form will acquire a watery consistency.

To give the ice cream a more savory taste, add a little cognac, rum or liquor to it, of course, if adults will be tasting. Children like ice cream with chocolate, fruit, cookies, nuts, fruit or berry juices. Keep in mind that alcohol slightly increases the cooking time of ice cream, and juices give it a creamy texture.

All liquid additives (juices, syrups, alcohol) are added to ice cream at the stage of initial mixing of products, but it is better to introduce nuts and pieces of fruit after the ice cream has thickened. If you are making ice cream with gelatin, first dissolve the gelatin and then heat it up.

During the freezing process, you should beat the ice cream as often as possible, ideally every 15 minutes, when it becomes soft and smooth, leave it in the freezer for another 3 hours or more, it all depends on the temperature. Cooling ice cream is whipped to get rid of ice crystals. The hardening time also depends on the recipe, different types of ice cream have their own cooking characteristics.

Ice cream is served in beautiful bowls and glasses, garnished with fruits, dried fruits, nuts, chocolate chips, cookies, marmalade or a sprig of mint. You can pour dessert with fruit, chocolate, coffee syrup, sprinkle with cinnamon, poppy seeds or cocoa powder. It is very original to serve ice cream in waffle cones, on a stick, in “cups” of fruit or in the form of balls, combined with warm pastries.

How to whip cream for ice cream

As already mentioned, the cream must be thick enough, otherwise you will not be able to whip it.

Whip the cream after chilling it in the refrigerator - this way you will achieve the result faster. At the same time, the dishes and whisk of the mixer must also be chilled. Do not turn off the mixer until the mass has thickened, and stop immediately, without waiting for lush foam, otherwise the ice cream will lose its airy and light texture. You can use a whisk or a mixer, although some old-fashioned housewives pour the cream into a closed container and shake vigorously.

The cream should be whipped slowly, gradually increasing the speed, otherwise, instead of tender cream, you will get butter. Do not beat too long - as soon as soft peaks appear, gradually reduce the intensity of whipping. Whipping in a blender is not recommended, since its sharp knives cut through the mass, which is why it turns out to be layered.

Master class on making ice cream

Having learned how to make ice cream at home, you will forever forget about store-bought ice cream, since the ice cream you made will turn out to be more tasty, appetizing and healthy, because it will contain only natural products. The amount of sugar can be changed depending on your tastes and preferences.

Ingredients: fat cream - 250 ml, milk - 500 ml, eggs - 5 pcs., powdered sugar - 100 g, vanillin.

Cooking method:

1. Separate the yolks from the whites.

2. Mix the yolks with sugar and a pinch of vanilla, rub well to get a homogeneous mass.

3. Boil the milk and gradually pour it into the egg-sugar mixture, stirring constantly so that the yolks do not curdle. First, pour in a couple of tablespoons of milk, then a little more, when half of the total volume of milk remains, you can pour it out without worrying about the fate of the yolks.

4. Cook the milk mixture over very low heat for about 2-3 minutes until it thickens and looks like liquid sour cream. In no case do not bring to a boil, otherwise the yolks will boil.

5. Leave the mixture to cool to room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator.

6. Cool the cream and beat it in a mixer until stable peaks.

7. Combine the cream with the milk and egg mass and mix thoroughly.

8. Put the mass into a mold and place it in the freezer.

9. In the first hour and a half, mix the contents of the mold with a mixer every 20 minutes. After that, leave the ice cream in the cold for another 3 hours, repeating the mixing process every hour.

Call the household to the table and serve ice cream with chocolate, fruit syrup, nuts, fruit pieces and dried fruits. Is it really tasty?

How to make yogurt ice cream at home

Yoghurt ice cream is very popular among those who follow the principles of a healthy diet or simply watch their figure, fearing extra calories. With such ice cream, nothing threatens your waist!

Mix two peaches or nectarines cut into pieces, after peeling them, 100 g of sugar, a glass of natural yogurt and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, beat all the ingredients in a blender to finely chop the fruit. Put the mass into a mold and put in the freezer for 3 hours. Every half an hour, take out the ice cream and beat it with a mixer - for an hour and a half, after which the ice cream can be left alone until it solidifies completely. This dessert can be prepared with any fruits and berries, and sugar can be easily replaced with honey.

The simplest ice cream

This recipe is suitable for those housewives who do not have time to rub the yolks, boil them in milk and do many other necessary actions, although you still have to turn on the mixer and mix the ice cream in the freezer.

Whip 0.5 liters of heavy chilled cream to very stiff peaks - the cream should not drip down the whisk. Add pieces of fruit, chocolate, marmalade, nuts, berries, condensed milk or coconut flakes to the creamy mass, mix very gently to maintain an airy structure.

Freeze the mass in the freezer in a plastic container, churning it every half hour or a little less often - see the consistency of the ice cream. For the entire cooking time, you need to beat it at least 4 times. Delicate and melting in your mouth dessert can be served in waffle cones with grated chocolate. Delicious!

Italian gelato ice cream

This unusual ice cream seems very exotic due to tropical fruits, but its taste leaves neither adults nor children with a choice. Dessert is eaten immediately, and it is remembered for a long time, so cook more of it, besides, this ice cream is very healthy and does not spoil the figure.

Grind about 400 g of ripe mango cut into pieces in a blender, add 100 ml of regular full-fat milk and 100 ml of coconut milk, sugar to taste - someone likes sweet desserts, and someone prefers to enjoy the taste of natural products.

Put the mass in the freezer and freeze it, beating with a mixer every half hour, so that the ice cream acquires a smooth texture without ice pieces. Enjoy a refreshing dessert on a hot day!

Serving utensils

Interestingly, June 10 is World Ice Cream Day. The holiday is fun and tasty, because it is on this day that manufacturers arrange free tastings of new varieties of delicacies, organize contests, competitions and other entertainment. And who prevents us from arranging such holidays every week? On the site "Eat at Home!" You will find many homemade ice cream recipes with photos and step-by-step instructions that are suitable for both experienced and novice cooks. And for serving, you can always find beautiful dishes in. Agree that ice cream cheers up and makes our life much more pleasant!

Everyone knows that when buying ice cream in a store, we run the risk of purchasing a completely unnatural product with a bunch of unhealthy impurities that are especially harmful to the child's body. All risks are nullified if you cook a treat at home in the kitchen from simple and affordable products. How to do it right, our today's recipes.

How to make your own ice cream at home - a recipe from milk


  • whole milk - 990 ml;
  • egg yolks - 5 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 400 g;
  • peasant butter - 110 g;
  • starch - 10 g;
  • vanillin - a pinch.


Milk is combined in a saucepan with butter and placed on the stove, on the burner for heating. After boiling, remove the vessel temporarily from the fire. Mix the yolks with granulated sugar and starch and grind thoroughly until light and all crystals dissolve. Now pour in quite a bit of warm milk to the yolk mass to get the consistency of liquid sour cream and stir until smooth.

Now again put the saucepan with milk and butter on the fire, pour in the yolks pounded with sugar in a thin stream and stir the mass intensively at the same time. Let the mixture come to a boil and put it in a wide container with cold water to cool. Stir the ice cream base from time to time and renew the cold water. After cooling to room temperature, pour the mass into ice cream molds or into a container and put in the freezer for several hours. If one large container is used for freezing, then it is necessary to periodically stir its contents vigorously to avoid the formation of large ice crystals.

How to quickly and easily make Plombir ice cream at home?


  • fat cream (30% or more) - 560 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 120 g;
  • vanillin - 1 pinch.


To prepare ice cream "Plombir", cream must be taken with a high percentage of fat content and cooled well beforehand. We now mix the ice product with powdered sugar, add a pinch of vanillin and process the mixture to a dense and fluffy foam with a mixer. After about five minutes of operation of the device, we transfer the resulting creamy mass into a container or other container suitable for freezing and place it in the freezer for seven hours. During this time, we break the contents of the form with a mixer a couple of times.

How to make fruit ice cream at home?


  • any berries or berry mix - 520 g;
  • granulated sugar - 140 g or to taste;
  • - 20 ml;
  • purified water.


Pour granulated sugar into a saucepan or ladle, pour in quite a bit of purified water and place over moderate heat. We warm the mass until all the crystals dissolve and boil, then remove from heat and leave to cool. During this time, we prepare the berries properly. We wash them, sort them out, grind them to a puree state with a blender and, if desired, grind through a sieve to get rid of the admixture of crusts and small bones.

After the syrup has cooled, pour it into the berry mass, add lemon juice, mix and pour into small molds or one large ice cream mold. After a few hours in the freezer, popsicles will be ready.

How to make ice cream at home without cream with cottage cheese?


Summary: Cooking homemade ice cream with children. Four of the best proven homemade ice cream recipes. How to make ice cream for your child.

Ice cream is perhaps the most favorite sweet treat for children and adults in hot weather. Unfortunately, it is now difficult to buy natural ice cream in stores, without the addition of artificial colors, flavors, preservatives and other harmful chemicals. Therefore, we will prepare ice cream at home ourselves. It is simple, useful, and, moreover, interesting, especially for children. In this article, we will share with you two basic recipes for making creamy ice cream (ice cream). You will be able to supplement them with your favorite toppings: pieces of fruit, berries, ground nuts, candied fruits, etc. Homemade ice cream according to our recipes is prepared without an ice cream maker, and, nevertheless, the result is a soft delicacy without ice crystals. In this article, you will also learn how to make real chocolate ice cream. And we will share with you the recipe for lemon ice cream. This is a very popular and simple recipe for soft creamy ice cream with a pleasant sourness.

1. Homemade ice cream. Ice cream at home

1st basic recipe

You will need:

3 eggs
- 70 gr. sugar (can be less)
- 300 ml. 30% cream

1. Separate the whites from the yolks.
2. In a separate container, beat the whites with a pinch of salt.
3. Separately beat the yolks with sugar.
4. Whip the cream separately.
5. Mix cream, yolks, carefully add whites. Add fillers to the mix if desired.
6. Put in the freezer and stir 2-3 times during the freezing process so that ice does not form. Delicious creamy homemade ice cream will be ready in 5-6 hours.

2. Ice cream recipe. How to make ice cream

2nd basic recipe

You will need:

1 liter 32-35% cream
- 40 gr. Sahara
- 1 tsp vanilla sugar
- 1 can of condensed milk
- 1 tbsp instant gelatin

Note: choose high-quality condensed milk, it should contain only milk and sugar, no vegetable oils, etc.

How to make homemade ice cream:

1. Soak the gelatin to swell in a little water.
2. All other ingredients mix and beat, about 2 minutes.
3. Melt the gelatin without bringing it to a boil, then pour it into the mixture in a thin stream.
4. Now you need to continue to beat the mixture, after about 1 minute its volume should double. It is very important not to overwhip the cream, otherwise the ice cream will turn out greasy.
5. Put in the freezer. Soft, velvety, creamy homemade ice cream will be ready in 5-6 hours.

3. How to make homemade ice cream. homemade ice cream recipe

Chocolate ice cream

You will need:

100 gr. dark chocolate
- 3 tbsp sugar
- 1/2 cup milk
- cream 33-35% - 300 grams

Heat milk with sugar, add broken chocolate, stir until it is completely dissolved. Then cool the mixture. Whip the chilled cream and fold it into the chocolate mixture. Put in the freezer for a few hours. You can stir the ice cream after 2-3 hours so that ice does not form. It turns out soft homemade chocolate ice cream.

4. Homemade ice cream. Ice cream at home

lemon ice cream

A very popular and easy ice cream recipe. It turns out soft creamy ice cream with a pleasant sourness.

You will need:

500 ml cream 33-35%
- 1 can of condensed milk
- 1 lemon

1. Squeeze juice from a lemon (about 50 ml is needed in total).
2. Whip the cream. Whipping should be stopped as soon as the cream begins to thicken. It is very important not to overwhip the cream, otherwise the ice cream will turn out greasy.
3. Add condensed milk to the cream, mix.
4. Add lemon juice, mix.
5. Pour the mass into a form in which you can freeze. Put in the freezer. After 2 hours, take out the ice cream, mix (with a fork or whisk), put in the freezer until completely frozen (for 6-8 hours).

Material prepared: Svetlana Garbuk

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