What does the name airat mean in Tatar? Origin and character of the name airat


Meaning: amazing; merciful

The meaning of the name Airat - interpretation

Airat is a name of Turkic origin, which translates as “amazing”. Some experts believe that it is a form of the Arabic "khairat", meaning "mercy". In Russia, this name is common in Tatarstan. Let's learn in detail about the main stages of human development with such an extraordinary name.

Name Airat in other languages

Years later

Airat is a friendly boy who easily makes contact with peers and adults. This is an inquisitive and active child, a tireless little one who does not strive for a leadership position. He is quite comfortable feeling led by someone who is stronger and smarter.

He is self-sufficient and has a strong sense of justice and does not tolerate infringement of human dignity. From an early age he understands that he must be held accountable for his actions. in this sense, he is very demanding both of himself and of those around him.

He studies well, but falls short of ideal academic performance. But as soon as he pushes himself a little and improves his knowledge, the teachers will be crazy about the boy!

Airat cannot be called ambitious, but he perfectly finds a common language with others. This person is a source of confidence and optimism, which attracts increased attention from people. He literally radiates positivity, which leads to clear interest from the opposite sex.

One can note his courage and determination. He is one of those who resolutely, without hesitation, begins to complete a task. He really doesn’t like to remain in debt - he understands that this is, first of all, a debt to himself.

To his inner circle, he is an honest, calm and sensible person who honors tradition, is committed to stability and hates change. From a young age he takes care of his name.

As an adult, Airat still boasts developed communication skills. It is useful to communicate with the owner of this name, since he has many connections. His circle of contacts is quite wide and varied.

He does not have a harsh disposition - he can give in in an argument, and will try to refrain from critical comments. But, if something happens, I am ready to stand up for myself. As in childhood, he prefers justice in everything, achieving it in any case.

Airat is conservative and respects customs. Regularity and a serene flow of life are what characterize him. This man cannot be seen losing his emotional balance. He has a sense of duty, and will always stand up if the honor of an innocent person is affected. Although he is able to communicate with a person of any age and status. Airat values ​​and takes care of his friends, trying not to disappoint them.

Airat's character

Airat is completely alien to intrigue. Gifted by nature with inner nobility, he will never step over people and deceive them, going towards his goals, even if this promises great benefit.

Olympic calm, unshakable sanity and innate diplomacy bear fruit in the form of respect from others. Airat easily finds a common language with other people, no matter what their circle and position.

Airat also has negative qualities, which manifest themselves in arrogance and complacency. Praise and glorification can turn his head and overinflate his self-esteem, as a result of which he becomes harsh and does not think about his words.

In this regard, a man should try to suppress these traits. If they develop too much, life for such a man will become uncomfortable.

Airat's fate

He has a philosophical mindset, but he knows how not only to speak, but also to implement what is said. He will try to find himself in a field of activity where he needs to work with people, and will always follow an honest path. This person knows how to make efforts to achieve a goal, does not stop halfway, so he always achieves success.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

By nature, Airat is not a careerist, but he will make a good worker. He has no special leadership abilities, but due to his responsibility and serious attitude to work, he can become a good boss. The most important thing for Airat in any workplace is stability and confidence in the future. Natural intelligence and developed diplomacy skills help such a man carry out even difficult tasks without much difficulty.

Doesn't like to take risks. This is an honest person who values ​​his colleagues and partners and will not allow himself to deceive any of them. They respect him for his calmness and ability to smooth out rough edges. If he becomes a leader, he will demand no less from himself than from others.

Marriage and family

Such a person marries quite late and carefully chooses his wife. The institution of family is sacred for a man; he devotes a lot of time to his household and will never betray his spouse. Airat always has enough attention and warmth for his relatives.

He loves children very much, tries to take part in their upbringing, never behaves aggressively, and is generous. Only a calm, gentle and faithful woman can become his wife. Family is of great importance to this person, but he will not give up his hobbies and career growth. He also takes care of his parents with great zeal and will always help his father and mother.

Sex and love

Airat is devoted to his beloved, ready to do anything for the sake of his chosen one. Women see him as a protector, so he arouses interest among the fair sex. He prefers ladies with a calm and flexible character, close to his own.

The man is not without a sense of humor, which will be another plus for the chosen one, who will not get bored with Airat. Intimate life does not come first for him; feelings are much more important.


Airat is the owner of good health, with practically no weaknesses. He is able to live to old age without visiting doctors, and gets sick very rarely.

But it should be noted that after 30 years, a man with that name tends to become overweight. He should devote more time to diets, lead an active lifestyle, and play sports.

Interests and hobbies

He is the owner of a creative spirit, he really likes to create different things with his own hands. Even sitting at home, this man is constantly creating something.

A representative of the strong half of humanity with this name will make a wonderful poet, artist, sculptor. Airat also loves spending time with real friends.

The Turkic male name Airat is very common in Tatarstan and some other Asian regions, however, it is not typical for most of Russia. However, in recent years, there has been an interest among young parents in this name, which gives the impression of something courageous and strong.

Characteristics of the name Airat

Since the name Airat is quite rare, it is quite difficult to objectively judge the character of its owners. However, it is generally accepted that Airats are distinguished by a calm, balanced disposition. They are really very courageous, sensible, honest and kind. Airats, like all Eastern men, believe that they should be protectors of women and, as a rule, they cope well with this role.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Airat is most suitable for boys born in spring or autumn, and the most ideal zodiac signs for them are Aries and Virgo. A courageous, strong-willed Airat will be able to radically change the weakly expressed character of a “spring” boy, so if parents want their baby to have such good qualities as nature bestows on Airat, then they should choose this name for their “spring” son. With “autumn” boys the situation is a little different, because, for example, in the case of Virgo, the character of Airat and the owner of this zodiac sign is so similar that the boy named so will not feel any internal contradictions and his life will be extremely comfortable. And vice versa: we do not recommend naming a “summer” or “winter” child with the name Ayrat, since a proud summer or harsh winter character in combination with this name will make Ayrat arrogant, radical, and unpleasant to communicate with.

Pros and cons of the name Airat

Let's look at the strengths and weaknesses of this name. Of course, it is good that Airat most often has a consistently good character (which, of course, is a big plus), however, one should take into account the fact that Turkic names are quite poorly suited to Russian patronymics and surnames, so it is better to refuse a combination like Airat Petrovich Kalinin straightaway. If the surname and patronymic are harmonious with the name Airat, and the parents are not upset by the fact that this name is not listed in the calendar, you also need to think about how they will affectionately call their baby.

Love and family relationships

Overall this name is a good choice. It has been noticed that in adulthood, Airats pay a lot of attention to their family, taking care of their parents, wife and children. They choose a life partner according to their own image: calm, faithful, gentle. In relationships with friends, representatives of this name also demonstrate loyalty and consistency. It is very important for Airat not to offend or disappoint his friend, so he will never put his own interests above the interests of his comrade. Usually Airats have a narrow circle of friends who support each other in everything.

The meaning of the name Airat is a vivid example of how the best qualities and characteristics can coexist in one person. All parents dream that their child will have a good and successful destiny. After all, a person’s name largely determines the correct orientation for the future.

If we add up all the existing interpretations, then Airat combines courage, bravery and bravery with mercy, tenderness and kindness. According to other sources, the male name Airat means amazing, amazing and even forest man.

In general, it is the meaning of the name Airat for boys that can become the reliable basis that will help raise a brave and courageous, but at the same time kind and merciful warrior. And even though such a serious meaning of the name Airat does not yet play a special role for a child, with proper upbringing he will grow up to be a person confident in his original strength. To better understand its character, it is worth considering the origin and interpretation of the name among various peoples.


Since Khairat means dear and beloved, it is not difficult to determine what exactly awaits a person in love. Believe me, this man is ready to give everything for the sake of his beloved, but he always maintains a golden mean, since he himself is not devoid of prudence.

Poems under the moon, romantic deeds for the sake of your beloved, crazy nights and quiet, calm days. All this has special meaning for this man and will go to the woman he chooses as his companion. By the way, he initially gives preference to girls with the same calm and flexible character as his.

The most successful marriages are considered to be with Vera, Varvara, Galina, Natalya, Nina and Svetlana. Relations with Ekaterina, Lydia, Victoria and Inna may be somewhat worse.


As soon as Ira finds a faithful and gentle lady of his heart, he will immediately rush to start a family. This institution is sacred to him, therefore only in rare cases can one expect betrayal on his part.

This man always has enough warmth and attention. And he readily shares it with loved ones, be it his wife, parents or children. By the way, he loves children madly; for him they mean something more than just procreation. He takes a direct part in their upbringing and is always reserved and generous.

Business and career

By nature he is not a careerist, but a capable and diligent worker. It is difficult to call him a leader, although he may well turn out to be a responsible and serious boss. In any work, he values ​​stability first of all, and thanks to his natural intelligence and diplomacy, he easily copes with the most complex tasks. However, this does not mean at all that, given the opportunity, Ira will not take on a risky business or will not show himself as an arrogant and even arrogant person. But this is usually a rare exception.

Origin of the name Airat

In our area it is considered quite rare. The same cannot be said about the Turkic peoples, where this name came from. Therefore, it is worth calling a boy this way only if there is perfect consonance with his patronymic and surname. History knows a lot of examples when the right choice determined success not only in everyday life, but also in career, sports and other areas. Despite its fairly large popularity in the east, Airat has exclusively Turkic roots. And according to them, the etymology of Airat is determined by the consonant Heiret, that is, “amazement, surprise.”

As for the origin of the name Airat, other peoples have many other meanings. For example, translated from Arabic, Khairat means good deeds, mercy and charity. Another translation option sounds like beloved and dear.

Uzbeks believe that Gayrat symbolizes courage, bravery, courage, while among the Mongolian people Oirat personifies a shepherd or a forest dweller. It is difficult to judge whose name has the best meaning, so when naming a child, it is worth combining all these concepts and coming up with your own secret name.

Characteristics of the name Airat

In numerology, Airat corresponds to the number 6. It is this that determines success in any endeavor and ensures a calm and even character. Rath is somewhat conservative, values ​​and respects traditions and ancient customs, does not welcome radical changes, loves stability and regularity. The characteristics of the name are complemented by commitment, determination and patience.

The only downside is that it doesn’t go well with Russian surnames. And here parents face a very difficult choice. In addition, Ira, born in summer or winter, can become a selfish, aggressive and unpleasant person. An undoubted advantage is that a spring and autumn guy, by definition, will become a kind and bright person.

The mystery of the name

To reveal it, let's look at each letter separately:

A– guarantees a creative streak, and also imparts a desire for harmony and comfort, both in the mental and physical sense.

Y– defines the emotional, sensitive and romantic nature, which is often hidden under the guise of a reserved and practical personality.

R– provides the ability to penetrate into the very essence of things, endows a person with remarkable intelligence, but gives a certain propensity to take risks.

A– enhances the meaning of the first letter.

T- reflects a person who is trying to defend the truth, but very often does not know how to accurately balance his capabilities and desires.

  • Name day - Airat is not included in the calendar, therefore name days should be celebrated on the days on which the Day of the Christian Angel of Consonance Alexander falls: March 8, August 25, September 12, December 6.
  • The talisman stone is jasper.
  • Plant – onions, mustard, garlic, legumes, asparagus, hot peppers, tobacco.
  • The tree is heather.
  • Color – red and fiery.
  • Element – ​​fire.
  • Day – Tuesday.
  • The planet Mars.
  • Animal and bird – horse and raven.

Zodiac sign – main Aries, additional – Virgo and Scorpio. A weak-willed child in spring, receiving a strong name, acquires firmness and confidence. For autumn children, it also means complete harmony with the main character traits.

Famous people named Airat

  • Gainullin is a football player.
  • Ziganshin is a scientist, laureate of the State Prize in the field of science and technology.
  • Farrakhov is the Minister of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, politician.
  • Khairullin is a politician, State Duma deputy, entrepreneur, one of the richest residents of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The name Airat in different languages

The translation of the name Airat into other languages ​​is almost the same. A more precise meaning of how the name is translated was described above.

  • In English, French, Italian – Airat.
  • In German – Аjrat.
  • In Chinese – 阿伊拉特.
  • In Japanese – アイラト.

Name forms

  • Full – Airat.
  • Derived and abbreviated - Aira, Rat, Khairat, Oirot, Arat, Orat.
  • Diminutives - Airatik, Ratik.
  • Declensions – Airatu, Airata.
  • Church in Orthodoxy - Alexander.

The main interpretation of the meaning of the name Airat is translated as “brave, courageous” and comes from the Turkic dialect. From the Arabic language the name Airat is interpreted as “amazing”. There is an opinion that it comes from the name Khairat, which means “kindness and mercy”, and can also be translated as “dear, loving”.

Depending on the country that uses the name Airat, its literal translation and meaning depend. For example, among the Turks it means “surprise,” and among the Uzbeks “courage.” In the old days, entire Turkic and Mongolian tribes were called “Oirats or Oirots”; this extended the name not only to people, but also to cities and localities.

In the modern world, not many people call their sons Airats; to a greater extent, these are Tatars, Turks, Uzbeks, as well as peoples associated with the Mongols in the past. People named Airat are calm and balanced individuals. You won’t notice them losing their temper and losing their emotional balance. The meaning of the name Airat promises its bearer an integral element of firmness of character, filling him with courage and virtue at the same time.

These are sensible people with honesty and a sense of duty, they will not tolerate bullying of the weak, they will always stand up if the honor and dignity of other people are affected.

The numerology of the name Airat is indicated by a six, which promises our hero success in all endeavors.

  • Whatever the described person undertakes, everything will burn in his hands, from small matters to large projects.
  • Having an analytical mind and the ability to philosophize allows our hero not only to speak beautifully, but also to quickly implement projects.

The name Airat predetermines for its bearer a clear life position, from which he will not allow himself to deviate. It lies in honesty, and this extends to the implementation of plans.

Intrigue and jumping over the heads of his colleagues are alien to our hero; he will never cross the line, even for the sake of great gain and quick achievement of the goal.

There are people named Airat and negative qualities, to a greater extent they manifest themselves in complacency and arrogance. Depending on the period of birth, year of birth and zodiac sign, negative character traits may appear more in some men named Airat, and less in others.

  • Autumn and spring Airats are more positive and positive.
  • Winter and summer bearers of the name are characterized by rigidity and severity in character. One can expect arrogance and some kind of disdain from them to a greater extent.

Therefore, if a child is born in a favorable period, in spring or autumn, he can be called Airat, then his life will be comfortable and prosperous. But it will bring inconvenience to winter and summer bearers of the name, due to the acquisition of negative characteristics in the form of excessive pride and self-esteem.

It is worth thinking about when naming a baby the name Airat and about its consonance with the surname and patronymic. It is unusual and often does not fit Russian surnames.

Career and preferences

The name Airat is not an obvious careerist, although he can be called a workaholic.

Ayrat Nazipovich Khairullin (Russian entrepreneur, politician and statesman)

  • He faithfully and confidently moves towards his goal, while observing all the norms and rules.
  • Our hero is in authority among his colleagues; they like his sincerity and honesty.
  • Whatever he does, success awaits him everywhere.
  • To a greater extent, he is subject to the scientific field of activity and sports direction.
  • But he will also be successful in politics, in public service and in his own business.

Love, family and friendship

Referred to as Airat, he is a good family man, husband and father.

The later he marries, the more attention he pays to his family.

He does not cheat on his wife and expects the same attitude from her. He marries a kind and fair woman who has both a sense of humor and an analytical mind.

Our hero has few friends, but for their sake he is ready to do anything. For Airat, friendship is an intimate concept, so the problems of friends become a priority, while his own fade into the background.

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