See you never. Anonymous Love Poems


We will never see you.
I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry.
We will never hug you.

To love you.

I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry.
We parted ways with you. February in my heart.
I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry.
All thoughts flew away somewhere far away ...

Why did you awaken these stupid thoughts in me?
Loving you even if you don't remember.
Loving you even if you don't believe me.
Loving you even if you don't know
To love you.

Loving you even if you don't remember.
Loving you even if you don't believe me.
Loving you even if you don't know
To love you I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
We never see each other not with you.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
We don't hug you.

to love you.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
We went to you. At the heart February.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
All thoughts flew off into the distance ...

Why did you wake me these stupid thoughts?
Loving you, even if you don't remember.
Loving you, even if you don't believe.
Loving you, even if you don't know
to love you.

Loving you, even if you don't remember.
Loving you, even if you don't believe.
Loving you, even if you don't know
To love you

January 22nd, 2017 , 12:46 pm

“And yet relationships aren’t always easy, are they?” the young man asked. “It seems to me that in any relationship there are always problems and disagreements.

Of course they are. But I have one simple method that helps in any relationship.

What is it? the young man asked.

- I always try to treat any person as if I would never see them again.

Try to imagine how your relationships with friends, work colleagues, family, and even strangers will change if you treat everyone as if you were seeing them for the last time?

The young man shook his head.

Not much yet.

How will you behave towards your wife or girlfriend if you are sure that you will never see her again?
Will you allow yourself to part with her without kissing or hugging?

Will you say goodbye knowing that some contentious issue remains unresolved?

Will you leave without telling her how much she means to you?

What about work colleagues, friends and family members?

If you are convinced that you will never see any of them again, then why not try to make your last meeting as memorable as possible? Don't you make every effort to avoid unpleasant feelings at the breakup?
The young man nodded.

Mr. Hansen's words touched some hidden chord in him. He went back to the day he had last seen his mother.

It was a hot summer day, she was going on vacation abroad, and he was in a hurry to meet a friend with whom he had agreed to play tennis, kissed her quickly on the cheek and ran away. He couldn't know that she would never return and that was their last goodbye. Since then, he has thought about it very often. It was the most bitter moment of his life, and it will remain so until the very end. Now the young man understood how he could avoid the same mistake in relation to other people whom he loved and appreciated.

As Mr. Hansen said, it was simple: "Treat people like you'll never see them again."

Many people, Mr. Hansen said, simply do not value their relationships.
I considered my career more important than my family, and as a result, I lost both.

John called her two days later, and the euphoria of what had happened was immediately replaced by a slight disappointment when his voice on the phone said:

You know that I am married. I must have read it in the articles.

“I read everything about you that I found on Google,” she admitted quietly.

- I have never ... never cheated on my wife and I still don’t understand how it happened ...

“I think it’s all the casserole’s fault,” Ellie joked in an exaggerated way.

“What are you doing to me, Ellie Howorth? Forty-eight hours have passed since our meeting, and I still haven’t written a single line… Because of you, I forget what I wanted to say,” he added embarrassedly.

So I'm lost, Ellie thought. She knew it the very moment she felt the heaviness of his body and the warmth of his lips. Despite everything she told her friends about married men, despite everything she firmly believed in, all it took was the slightest step forward from him, and she was gone.

And now, a year later, she has not been found - to be honest, she did not even try.

He reappears online almost forty-five minutes later. During this time, Ellie moved away from the computer, poured herself more wine, wandered aimlessly around the apartment, went into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror for a long time, collected the socks scattered around the apartment and put them in the laundry basket. Then there was a characteristic sound - a message came - and she settled back into the chair in front of the computer.

Sorry. I didn't think it would take so long. Hopefully we'll chat tomorrow.

He asked her not to call him on his mobile under any circumstances - printouts from the operator are usually detailed.

Are you at the hotel now? she picks up quickly. Can I call your number? Really talking to him is a luxury, rarely given the chance. God, she just needed to hear his voice.

Later. Purpose

And disappears.

Ellie sits staring at a blank screen. Now John will leave the room, walk along the hotel lobby, charm all the administrators along the way, go out into the street and get into the car that the festival organizers sent for him. In the evening, he will immediately give out a stunning toast, and then he will entertain those who are lucky enough to sit at the same table with him, and from time to time peer dreamily into the distance. He will live a real life, and she ... Ge life seemed to be paused.

What is she doing?

– What am I doing? Ellie says aloud, clicking on the "Minimize Window" sign. She falls on the huge empty bed and, looking at the ceiling of the bedroom, groans from her own impotence. You can’t call your friends: she has already talked to them about it a hundred times and always got the same reaction - it’s understandable, but how else should they react? Doug's words that evening hurt her deeply, but in a similar situation, she herself would have said the same thing.

Ellie sits down on the sofa, turns on the TV, and then her eyes suddenly fall on a stack of paper on the table, and she thinks about the article. Scolding Melissa for what the world stands, Ellie begins to understand the archival materials - sheer chaos, it seems, so the librarian told her, no headings, no dates. “I don’t have time to sort through all the papers. We have to throw away a lot of these piles,” the only librarian under fifty told her. I wonder why I haven't seen him before, Ellie casually asks herself.

“Look, maybe you can use something,” he said, and then he leaned over and whispered in her ear in a conspiratorial tone: “You can throw out everything you don’t need, just don’t tell the boss.” We just don't have time to deal with all this pile of paper.

She soon understands it: a few theater reviews, a list of passengers on a cruise ship, several menus for dinners attended by newspaper celebrities. She scans them quickly, glancing at the television from time to time. Yes, it is unlikely that any of this rubbish will be able to interest Melissa ...

Ellie flips through a tattered folder that looks like some sort of medical record. Everywhere we are talking about lung diseases, she notes to herself, all patients are related to the mines. She is about to toss the folder into the wastebasket, when suddenly a blue piece of paper sticking out of the middle catches her attention. Pulling it out with her thumb and forefinger, she discovers that it is not a piece of paper at all, but an open envelope with a handwritten postal address. Inside is a letter dated October 4, 1960.

My dear, my only one!

I spoke seriously. I came to the conclusion that there is only one way out: one of us must decide on a desperate step. I really think so.

I'm not as strong a person as you. When we met, I thought that you were a fragile creature that needed my protection, but now I understand: everything is not so. You are a strong person, you can continue to live knowing that true love is possible, but we will never have the right to it.

Please don't judge me for my weakness. For me, the only way to survive this is to go somewhere where we will never see each other, where I will not be haunted by the thought that I might accidentally meet you with him on the street. I need to be where life itself will stubbornly make me forget about you, driving away thoughts of you minute by minute, hour by hour. It won't happen here.

I decided to accept this job. Friday at 7.15 pm I will be standing on platform four at Paddington Station and nothing in the world will make me happier than if you have the courage to leave with me.

If you do not come, I will understand that, despite all our feelings for each other, they are still not enough. I won't blame you for anything, dear. I know these last weeks have been unbearable for you, and I understand perfectly how you feel. I hate myself for being the cause of your unhappiness.

I'll be waiting for you on the platform from 7.15. Remember that my heart and my future are in your hands.

Is yours

Ellie rereads the letter again, feeling tears well up in her eyes for some inexplicable reason. She can't take her eyes off the large, sweeping handwriting: the sincerity of these words, even forty years after they were written, is simply stunning. She turns the envelope in her hands, looking for some clue. Recipient's address: P.O. Box 13, London. And what did you do, PO Box 13, mentally asks the addressee Ellie, and then gets up, carefully puts the letter in an envelope, goes to the computer, opens the mail and clicks "Update". Nothing - the last message received at seven forty-five flickers on the screen:

It's time for me to go to dinner, pretty girl. Sorry - I'm already late.

Later. Purpose

For me, the only way to survive this is to go somewhere where we will never see each other, where I will not be haunted by the thought that I might accidentally meet you with him on the street. I need to be where life itself will stubbornly make me forget about you, driving away thoughts of you minute by minute, hour by hour. It won't happen here.

I decided to accept this job. On Friday at 7.15 pm I will be on platform four at Paddington Station and nothing in the world will make me happier than if you have the courage to leave with me.

Man to woman, in a letter

She began to come to her senses.

Rustling, creaking of a chair, sharply drawn curtain. Two voices whisper to each other.

“I'll call Mr. Hargreaves.

There was silence, and then she suddenly became aware of another layer of sounds - muffled voices somewhere in the distance, the sound of a car passing by. Strange, but all this seemed to be somewhere below. Lying, she absorbed the sounds, allowing them to crystallize, appear in her mind and disappear again, gradually recognizing each of them.

Hello. I miss. We haven't seen each other for almost 6 years. On our last meeting in this conscious surrounding reality, you went into the twilight of the night in the middle of an empty street. Even then I knew that consciously we would not see each other again. But despite this knowledge, every day I wished to see you. Sometimes my wish came true and I saw you in a dream, always in different ways, but in the end you still left. You have no idea how hard these 6 years have been for me. I have not been able to fully, to the end, reconcile with your choice. I think about it every day. In the morning, before work, sometimes I'm late because I can't get myself together, or rather I can't get myself together, or more precisely, I have to put myself together piece by piece. Sometimes I wake up and just see that you are gone and I am all alone against the whole World. How insignificant I am. I feel empty, nothing. I get hysterical and I can't get myself together. There are times when I just don't care about everything around me. But of course you don't care. Are you all right. Your choice was correct. You have chosen the best. He married the best, and gave the best two sons.
How was my life? No, you were just the last one. But I don't think you care. I ceased to exist the day we last saw each other. Every next day just repeats the previous one. I, as the former self that you knew, exists from 18:00 to 09:00, and during the hours of its existence, this part of me goes home with my head down, lies under the covers and falls into a stupor until the morning. From 09:00 to 18:00, with my coming to work, another me appears. I don't think anyone around me knows about my problems. If the second part of me had not appeared, then the real me would have already disappeared, as a physical unit in this dimension. Even though you don't care. I don't even exist for you. In any case, I do not have to wait for gifts from this life.
Although a year ago I received one of the best New Year's gifts in my life. About a month before the New Year, I stood on the balcony at work, from a height of 2 floors I could see my entire gray life today. Pondered. Looking down, I saw you, with you was your friend and another man I didn’t know. At first, I thought that you were not real, only the fruit of my thoughts. But if you are the fruit of thoughts, then your friend could not imagine me. I saw you, but you didn't see me. The second thought was to jump off the balcony. Only a couple of meters separated us from each other. Or run as fast as you can through offices and corridors. But would you leave? Then I turned on my brain. You came clearly not to my liking, then why? Probably visiting friends or work.
And then, what's the point of running to you? It's been 6 years. This is a whole life. You made your choice 6 years ago and you are doing well. It doesn't matter now how it happened. I decided to just stand and watch.
I saw your face. Your friends went to the flower shop, and you stood at a distance from them, two meters from the entrance to the building of my work. I think that you found out about me and knew that this was exactly the entrance to my work. I saw your face, his facial expressions. Your throwing was visible, not only body movements, but also your face. You wanted to come to my work, but you couldn't make up your mind, you were tossing about, not only your shell was tossing about, but there were also throwings somewhere inside you. Then your friends left the flower shop, and one of your friends, or rather, our mutual acquaintance, pulled you by the sleeve of your jacket, looked at you, clearly understanding why you were behaving like that, and said that it was time for you to go. You got into the car and left. I then stood on the balcony for a long time after you left. Maybe from shock, or maybe I just wanted to see your shell just one more time.
The last one was about a month ago. I went that early morning on a business trip to another city, passing through your city. I got a ticketed seat in the bus driver's cab. The conductor said that another person in your city would sit down, but I bought a ticket here. But, despite this, an impudent girl sat down next to me, who wanted to talk with a driver she knew. I did not care. I put a hood on my head and remembered you again. The bus stopped in your city. I was just amazed: and you came on the bus and the whole bus was filled with your smell. That impudent girl who took a seat next to me in order to communicate with the driver took your ticket seat. And you sat back. Fate, probably. More precisely, not fate. I was wearing a hood and you didn't know I was on the bus too. And what should we talk about now? You would begin to praise the one you chose and start showing pictures of your children. You would ask me why I'm still single and without children. Would humiliate me with this question. Therefore, as soon as the bus arrived at its destination, I immediately ran out of the bus and rushed away from you. I assume that the guardian angel, most likely Cupid, sent this girl to your place on the bus to chat with the driver so that you and I would not end up in neighboring places, so that we would not have to drive next to each other for almost three hours. After all, this situation would finish me off completely.
I don't think I'll ever meet anyone in my life. After all, over the past 6 years I have not had a single novel. You know that I'm not ugly, but there are better than me. Children are not born from the holy spirit and this is a fact. Therefore, I will not have children, just no one. We must face the truth. And it is true.
I think that sometimes I will receive reminder gifts from heaven about you and that I was once alive. Thank you at least for the reminders.


Hello! I'm Anonymous, and for the first time on this site and on this forum.
I recently broke up with my boyfriend, and all I feel
expressed in verse in my heart and soul ... Please rate ...

* * *
Goodbye... We'll never see each other again...
But know that I love you...
And no matter what you say, I'm leaving
No more strength. I love you for many years,
But I have to go to heaven...
I will live there and there I will die,
After all, I feel bad here, I'm tired ...
And quietly closing the eyelids,
Your image is slowly running...
Farewell, darling, goodbye!
The price of love is forever life!!!

* * *
Yes, we broke up, everything is gone,
Where did it all go?
Love burned out - it is not there,
From happiness, only ashes remained ...
There is only one question:
Why? Why did you do it?
Why did you laugh at me?
Why play the game of love?
Why did he propose to meet
When did we break up twice?
After all, you did not love, did not love ...
I didn't play with that feeling.
Let it all go, let it hurt me
The wound in my heart bleeds
And let the resentment all remain in the soul ...
So the heart wants...
How I loved, how I waited
How I believed that tomorrow again
I can see you
And whisper three eternal words...
Tell me how I love
How I wait for you, how I suffer,
How to believe, how I want to hug,
That without you I'm dying...
Yes, I love you even now
There is no more power to hide love
Oh God! How I want again
I hug you again, dear...
Oh how I want again
Dissolve in your arms...
I want to hug and kiss and...
Say goodbye to you forever.
I understand everything is gone
Your soul's doors are closed
But it's hard to realize again
All this fear, all the pain of loss.
Memories of you
So often my heart is disturbed ...
But time heals all wounds
I know it will help me.
No wonder people say:
"Before the wedding will heal, do not be afraid!"
Everything will live in my soul...
You don't worry about me.
Forget me, forget everything
I don't exist for you
And let them be punishment
Your words: "I love another"!

* * *
You know my sunshine
I so want to talk...
Tell you a lot
And thank you very much.
I want to say THANK YOU
For what you are in the world
For character traits
Which I can't count.
Thank you for loving you
And that you don't love me
Thank you for being
And I don't exist for you...
Thank you for hugging another
And that you kiss not at all with me,
Thank you for giving me destiny
And that you will never be mine...
Thank you for giving me
And that is forever given to you,
Thank God for falling in love with you
For the fact that there is such a sun on earth.
There are many good young men in the world,
But what is beyond the horizon there in the distance? God knows ....
And again, I'll thank you...

* * *
Know that you are unloved -
It hurts, of course
But it won't be like this for long
It won't last forever.
Yes, you will suffer
But hoping to love
You will forget him
It will be hard to forget...
He won't be with you
And you suffer in vain
Let him go...
He doesn't love you...

* * *
Everything is in this world:
From heaven to hell...
Love is dying...
And so it must be.
And it's not worth crying
Shedding tears.
You are nobody to him
You are a stranger to him...

* * *
You don't know how I am here
I don't know how you are...
This war is just weird.
Divided us in half...
I can't live without you
Thoughts are all about you again...
How are you there without me, my dear?
The bed is empty without you...
There is fog between us now
Between us the lights of the roads ....

May God save you!

I like it
I would write like this:
It's so hard for me to be alone without you
Thoughts all about you only again ...
How are you without me, my dear?
The bed is empty without you.

But the poems are good, but I didn’t like the first ones, sorry.
Are you writing recently? I think everything will come with experience.

Hello Anonymous
The poem is written very simply, which is actually its minus. Written so simply, as if it were written by a child. Rhyme and rhythm suffer. But the ending is great:
And - suffers rhythm and rhyme.
- reminiscent of a song from the movie "Midshipmen". If I am not mistaken:
"But fate should not pout,
What others have in the distance - God knows
And here we have enemies to be found -
It would be an honor, it would be an honor!

Everyone liked you better. Here you really exposed the nerve of your soul for everyone, and did not try to show that you feel bad! Rhythm and rhyme do not suffer much, but in this poem it is pleading, because it is a pain! Well done!
The first quatrain is just great:
- the image of comparison separation - war is well chosen. And separation and war, breeds people on different sides.

Here it's not mongo weak, because of the first two storcheks - it's trite! After what is written in the first four lines - unbelievable!

There is fog between us now
Between us the lights of the roads ....
Come back soon, my dear
May God save you!
- the ending is good too!

I'm sorry if I offended you somewhere with my words, I didn't mean to. Just analyzed your poetry. I wish you good luck and happiness, so that everything goes well. If there are or will be poems lay out with pleasure to read.


Yes, KAtenO"K, I've been writing recently ... Although, to be honest, not always, mostly when feelings and emotions are torn from the inside ... I hope that everything will come with experience ... And what I didn't like ... well. ..Everyone has their own opinion...


InbornPoet, thanks for the rating, yes, maybe both rhythm and rhyme suffer somewhere, and maybe I didn’t notice it everywhere, but these are exactly the verses in which I expressed what I feel ... And I have a lot of verses, therefore I will definitely write more ... Check it out?

Not bad! I especially liked these words:
And let them be punishment
Your words: "I love another"!


Here are some more poems, and again on an eternal topic ...

Ah, how much I love you!
So strong! You have no idea...
Your eyes are always looking everywhere
Your smile... You don't notice.
Well, how can I make you understand
That fate brought us together not by chance,
And the fact that I fell head over heels in love with you,
Believe me, my dear, this is not an accident ...
Maybe someday you'll understand
It may be too late ... I do not deny ...
So guess it soon, my beloved,
That I love you...I miss you...

But this poem may seem a little strange at the end especially:

Why do I lie to myself
Why try to calm down
Herself, because I'm for you
I don’t need it ... Then at rest
Leave me, no words needed
Don't pick up old wounds
And everything you said to me
Told me too, too soon!
We are not meant to be together...
Not destined ... Well, that's a shame ..
And what I really need
It is no longer visible from the side.
Let's leave it as it is
I won't be a burden to you...
And all the words, your words,
Let them fly to hell with skid ...

And another verse:

Let the stars in the sky today and the clouds cry
For the last time, let your hand hug me now,
May the memory keep forever a farewell kiss,
And I will say to myself: "Do not cry, and do not grieve."

It's not easy for me now to confess to you like this ...
No... if I don't tell you now, I won't be able to later.
I love you like no one else, I live by you alone,
You mean a lot to me... You are so dear to me!

Your love for me is gone. Is that right? Tell me honestly?
And in your heart there will be no more room for me...
Of course, it hurts me now, yes, it hurts and hurts,
But there are no tears in my eyes, and you are not ashamed.

I ask you to stay with me for the last seconds ...
Maybe it's stupid, but without you it's hard for me ..
Well, why are you standing? Go! Forward! Direct road to it!
Go - in words ... In the eyes - stay! Stay for God's sake!!!

Well, that's all ... And emptiness ... And I'm alone in the apartment ...
And all that was between us remained in another world ...
And slamming the door behind you, you cut off my life ...
All this falseness has closed, and this carnival.

And this verse is my favorite ... I don’t know if you will evaluate it, I really want you to read it and understand what was going on in my soul when I wrote it ... Sorry, please for some words, which you may find obscene ...

"To my mom"
I am going back home,
Late at night, from a party,
I don't remember much
After this rough drinking.

Half past two on the clock
Cigarette in the right
God, how I have changed
Became just a slut.

How could I be so low
And abruptly stumble?
But what is the theme
I can not stop.

I'm almost close to home
And I'm afraid to imagine
How worried mom...
How could I leave her?

I went to the intercom
And rang her doorbell
And no excuses
Won't help now.

I'll go up to the floor
And I whisper with tears:
"Forgive me, do you hear?
Forgive me mom...

I'm in tears for you
I've brought it up more than once
And that I love you
I rarely spoke like that."

She silently looks
On my drunk daughter
And with resentment lies down to sleep,
She is unable to help.

She hates to see
My own daughter in this form,
And probably now
She hates me.

I'll go to my room
I'll take a photo album
All happy moments
I remember and he remembers.

Here I am, just a little
In my mother's arms
And here's dad -
He was with us then...

And this is the New Year
And this is the birthday
Our whole family is here...
Happiness, music, fun...

Here is my first class
And I burn with happiness
With a huge pink bow...
Where is the white one? I don't know...

Here are my classmates
Familiar faces...
I want to repeat everything
And to be back at school...

Yes, the years go by fast
And now graduation
And I'm in an expensive dress
But my mom is by my side...

No, I can't do this anymore
And I'm closing the album...
And quietly nose into the pillow
I sigh, I sob.

Mom comes quietly
And hugs me:
"Don't cry, my bunny,
I understand you."

"Mom, mom, do you hear,
I won't do that anymore
I love you, your caress
I will never forget.

Forgive me, okay?
Forgive me mom
Forgive me for what I
All my life I've been so stubborn.

I'm sorry that you
Didn't reveal secrets
Sorry it's not always
I trusted you.

Sorry that's not all.
I told you
Forgive me, mom
What have I become.

Mom, I will change
I promise you..."
And gently kissing on the cheek,
Mom will say: "I'm sorry."

Dimitri B.

And in my opinion, it’s even very good for a novice poetess! I will not go into the analysis of rhymes and rhythms, but I will say that you really succeed in ending poems, and the first two lines and a successful ending are usually 70 percent success. You are great at summarizing the whole piece with a couple of final phrases, and this is already a talent, congratulations.
So write and write, the only thing, of course, I understand your state of mind, but still, try to diversify the topics for writing, I think you will succeed.
Good luck!

Dimitri B.

I'll try, but I can't say in detail!
Looking forward to creating!

Not bad for a beginner, but your "You don't know how I am here" I still consider the most successful and strong!
I understand your love for this verse:

"To my mom"
- it affects your personal relationships, but smacks of vulgarity and banality. I myself know how very difficult it is to combine TOP AND BOTTOM in a verse! All its minus, in my opinion, lies in the fact that you do not try to balance the images in any way, and therefore vulgarity takes the lead in the poem!
Although, of course, experience comes with time. Write! Good luck! I'm sorry if I offended you with criticism - I didn't mean to!

And the waves crashed softly
About rocks, coast and buoys...
Today from a big swim
Sailors must return...

She stood motionless
Tears glistened in my eyes,
And the wind gently kissed
Dark curls of hair...
And, suddenly, suddenly for some reason,
So my heart froze in my chest
And a strange feeling...
Probably a meeting ahead!

But the girl didn't know
That the guy is no longer on earth ...
After all, he stayed with the commander
On that ill-fated ship.
Of all the boys on the crew
No one else is alive...
The ship sank from the explosion
Don't change anything.

Girl standing on the pier
Looking thoughtfully into the distance...
And the white seagulls screamed
There was sadness in their voices.
The sun has set over the sea,
The veil of night descended,
The stars lit up in the sky,
But she was waiting for him...

big blue eyes
Gaze up at the sky...
There, beyond the wide, black sea
Seventeen white stars are burning.
One of them shone brighter...
The girl immediately understood
What is her favorite sailor!
He will never return!

And quietly tears rolled down from my eyes,
Her love was strong
She didn't know what to do
She was now alone...

Girl standing at the pier
Looking thoughtfully into the distance
There was hope in her eyes
The shawl fluttered in the wind.
And the waves crashed softly
About rocks, coast and buoys...
From the swimming of that big...
No ... the sailors will not return ...

"The city is a maze"

Where it's hard to find a way out
From all this dirt, falsehood and lies,
From this city of dark closets,
Houses, basements, and various showdowns.
There is no way out of this city
And no one knows who created it...
There is only night and hopelessness light,
The way out of this hell is DEATH!

This city is not on the map
It is sealed with a huge seal,
There are no people here, only dust and roads,
All this is played by some gods.
It's a ghost town, a labyrinth town
Once entered there
Can't find a way out...
This is a city of darkness, a city of trap, Anonymous!
Your poetry is powerful! There are, of course, some cons, but everything is ahead.
I was now reading a poem to my mother and tears came to my eyes. Maybe the rhyme is lost somewhere, the syllable is knocked out, but it's insanely strong, emotional. I just understand you, and in every line I walk next to you ...

Dimitri B.

And I liked everything! As I said, you have the makings of a very good poet! And


I even really liked it. Something even gives away the Block, maybe the theme ....
Write more! Well done! Good luck!

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