What does the German fascist swastika mean. Types of swastikas of the Slavs and their meaning


(Skt. स्वस्तिक from Skt. स्वस्ति, svasti, greeting, good luck) - a cross with curved ends ("rotating"), directed either clockwise (this is the movement of the earth around the sun), or counterclockwise.

(Old Ind. svastika, from su, lit. "associated with good"), one of the most archaic symbols, already found in the images of the Upper Paleolithic, in the ornament of many peoples in different parts of the world.

The swastika is one of the most ancient and widespread graphic symbols. "The symbol of the swastika crystallizes from the rhombo-meander ornament, which first appeared in the Upper Paleolithic, and then inherited by almost all peoples of the world." The oldest archaeological finds depicting a swastika date back to approximately 25-23 millennium BC (Mezin, Kostenki, Russia).

The swastika was used by many peoples of the world - it was present on weapons, everyday items, clothes, banners and coats of arms, and was used in the design of churches and houses.
The swastika as a symbol has many meanings, in most nations they are positive. The swastika among most ancient peoples was a symbol of the movement of life, the Sun, light, prosperity.

Celtic Kermaria Stone, 4th century BC

The swastika reflects the main type of movement in the Universe - rotational with its derivative - translational and is able to symbolize philosophical categories.

In the 20th century, the swastika (German Hakenkreuz) became famous as a symbol of Nazism and Nazi Germany, and in Western culture it is steadily associated with the Nazi regime and ideology.

History and meaning

The word "swastika" is a compound of two Sanskrit roots: सु, su, "good, good" and अस्ति, asti, "life, existence", that is, "well-being" or "well-being". There is another name for the swastika - "gammadion" (Greek γαμμάδιον), consisting of four Greek letters "gamma". The swastika is considered not only as a solar symbol, but also as a symbol of the fertility of the earth. This is one of the ancient and archaic solar signs - an indicator of the apparent movement of the Sun around the Earth and the division of the year into four parts - four seasons. The sign fixes two solstices: summer and winter - and the annual movement of the Sun. Has the idea of ​​four cardinal points, centered around an axis. The swastika also suggests the idea of ​​movement in two directions: clockwise and counterclockwise. Like "Yin" and "Yang", a dual sign: rotating clockwise symbolizes male energy, counterclockwise - female. In ancient Indian scriptures, male and female swastikas are distinguished, which depicts two female, as well as two male deities.

White glazed netted orch, Yi Dynasty

The swastika personifies a moral characteristic: movement along the sun is good, against the sun is evil. (()) In the symbolism of auspiciousness, the sign is depicted in the form of a cross with the ends bent at an angle or oval (in the clockwise direction), which means “screwing” the energies , holding the flow of physical forces in order to control the lower forces. The right-handed swastika is perceived as a sign of dominance over matter and control of energy (as in yoga: holding the body immobile, “screwing up” the lower energies makes it possible for the higher forces of the energies to manifest themselves). The left-handed swastika, on the contrary, means the unwinding of physical and instinctive forces and the creation of an obstacle to the passage of higher forces; the direction of movement favors the mechanical, earthly side, the exclusive striving for power in matter. The counterclockwise swastika is also seen as a symbol of black magic and negative energies. As a solar sign, the swastika serves as an emblem of life and light. It is perceived as an incomplete zodiac circle or as a wheel of life. Sometimes the swastika is identified with another solar sign - a cross in a circle, where the cross is a sign of the daily movement of the Sun. As a symbol of the Sun, an archaic coiled swastika with a symbol of a ram is known. A symbol of rotation, continuous movement, expressing the invariance of the solar cycle, or the rotation of the Earth around its axis. A rotating cross, the blades at the ends of which represent the movement of light. The swastika contains the idea of ​​eternal overcoming of the inertia of the square by the wheel of rotation.

The swastika is found in the culture of the peoples of many countries of the world: in the symbols of Ancient Egypt, in Iran, in Russia, in the ornaments of different communities. One of the oldest forms of the swastika is Asia Minor and is an ideogram of the four cardinal points in the form of a figure with four cross-shaped curls. Back in the 7th century BC, images similar to the swastika were known in Asia Minor, consisting of four cross-shaped scrolls - rounded ends are signs of cyclic movement. There are interesting coincidences in the image of Indian and Asia Minor swastikas (dots between the branches of the swastika, jagged thickenings at the ends). Other early forms of the swastika - a square with four plant-like roundings along the edges - are a sign of the earth, also of Asia Minor origin. The swastika was understood as a symbol of the four main forces, the four cardinal points, the elements, the seasons and the alchemical idea of ​​the transformation of the elements.

In the cultures of countries

The swastika is one of the most archaic sacred symbols, already found in the Upper Paleolithic among many peoples of the world. India, ancient Rus', China, Ancient Egypt, the Mayan state in Central America - this is the incomplete geography of this symbol. Swastika symbols denoted calendar signs back in the days of the Scythian kingdom. The swastika can be seen on old Orthodox icons. The swastika is a symbol of the Sun, good luck, happiness, creation (the “correct” swastika). And, accordingly, the swastika of the opposite direction symbolizes darkness, destruction, the “night Sun” among the ancient Russians. As can be seen from ancient ornaments, in particular, on jugs found in the vicinity of Arkaim, both swastikas were used. This has deep meaning. Day replaces night, light replaces darkness, new birth replaces death - and this is the natural order of things in the Universe. Therefore, in ancient times there were no "bad" and "good" swastikas - they were perceived in unity.

The first swastika drawings appeared at an early stage in the formation of the symbols of the Near East Neolithic cultures. Swastika-like figure 7 thousand BC from Asia Minor consists of four cruciform scrolls, i.e. signs of vegetation, and, obviously, is one of the variants of the ideogram of the concept of "four cardinal points". The memory that the swastika once symbolized the four cardinal directions is recorded in medieval Muslim manuscripts, and has also survived to our time among the American Indians. Another swastika-like figure, belonging to the early stage of the Asia Minor Neolithic, consists of the sign of the Earth (a square with a dot) and four plant-like appendages adjoining it. In such compositions, one should, apparently, see the origin of the swastika - in particular, its variant with rounded ends. The latter is confirmed, for example, by the ancient Cretan swastika, combined with four plant elements.

This symbol was found on clay vessels from Samarra (the territory of modern Iraq), which date back to the 5th millennium BC. The swastika in the left and right rotation form is found in the pre-Aryan culture of Mohenjo-Daro (Indus River basin) and ancient China around 2000 BC. In Northeast Africa, archaeologists have found a burial stele of the kingdom of Meroz, which existed in the 2nd-3rd centuries AD. The fresco on the stele depicts a woman entering the afterlife, and a swastika also flaunts on the clothes of the deceased. The rotating cross also adorns the golden weights for scales that belonged to the inhabitants of Ashanta (Ghana), and the clay utensils of the ancient Indians, and the carpets of the Persians. The swastika was on almost all amulets among the Slavs, Germans, Pomors, Skalvians, Curonians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Mordovians, Udmurts, Bashkirs, Chuvashs and many other peoples. In many religions, the swastika is an important religious symbol.

Ancient Greek Funerary Vessel, circa 750 B.C. BC.

Details of an ancient Greek burial vessel

The swastika in India has traditionally been seen as a solar sign - a symbol of life, light, generosity and abundance. It was closely associated with the cult of the god Agni. She is mentioned in the Ramayana. In the form of a swastika, a wooden tool was made to produce the sacred fire. They laid him flat on the ground; the recess in the middle served for the rod, which was rotated until the appearance of fire, kindled on the altar of the deity. It was carved in many temples, on the rocks, on the ancient monuments of India. Also a symbol of esoteric Buddhism. In this aspect, it is called the "Seal of the Heart" and, according to legend, was imprinted on the heart of the Buddha. Her image is placed on the hearts of the initiates after their death. Known as the Buddhist cross (it resembles a Maltese cross in shape). The swastika is found everywhere where there are traces of Buddhist culture - on rocks, in temples, stupas and on Buddha statues. Together with Buddhism, it penetrated from India to China, Tibet, Siam and Japan.

Torso of a female sculpture, 6th century BC

In China, the swastika is used as a sign of all the deities worshiped in the Lotus School, as well as in Tibet and Siam. In ancient Chinese manuscripts, it included such concepts as "region", "country". Known in the form of a swastika are two curved mutually truncated fragments of a double helix, expressing the symbolism of the relationship between "Yin" and "Yang". In maritime civilizations, the double helix motif was an expression of the relationship between opposites, a sign of the Upper and Lower Waters, and also meant the process of becoming life. Widely used by Jains and followers of Vishnu. In Jainism, the four arms of the swastika represent the four levels of existence.

Swastika in India

On one of the Buddhist swastikas, each blade of the cross ends in a triangle indicating the direction of movement and crowned with an arch of a flawed moon, in which, like in a boat, the sun is placed. This sign represents the sign of the mystical arba, the creative quaternary, also called Thor's hammer. A similar cross was found by Schliemann during the excavations of Troy. In Eastern Europe, Western Siberia, Central Asia and the Caucasus, it occurs from the II-I millennium BC. In Western Europe it was known to the Celts. Depicted in pre-Christian Roman mosaics and on the coins of Cyprus and Crete. An ancient Cretan rounded swastika made of plant elements is known. The Maltese cross in the form of a swastika of four triangles converging in the center is of Phoenician origin. It was also known to the Etruscans. In early Christianity, the swastika was known as the gamma cross. According to Guénon, until the end of the Middle Ages it was one of the emblems of Christ. According to Ossendowski, Genghis Khan wore on his right hand a ring depicting a swastika, into which was set a magnificent ruby ​​- a sun stone. Ossendovsky saw this ring on the hand of the Mongol governor. At present, this magical symbol is known mainly in India and Central and East Asia.

Swastika in Russia

In Rus', swastika symbols have been known since ancient times.

The rhombo-meander swastika ornament in the Kostenkovo ​​and Mezin cultures (25-20 thousand years BC) was studied by V. A. Gorodtsov.

As a special type of swastika, symbolizing the rising Sun-Yarilu, the victory of Light over Darkness, Eternal Life over death, Kolovrat was called (literally, “wheel rotation”, the Old Slavic form Kolovrat was also used in the Old Russian language).

In Russian folk ornamentation, the swastika was one of the common figures until the end of the 19th century.

The swastika was used in rituals and construction, in homespun production: in embroideries on clothes, on carpets. The swastika was used to decorate household utensils. She was also present on the icons
In the St. Petersburg Necropolis, Glinka's grave is crowned with a swastika.

In post-war children's legends, it was widely believed that the swastika consists of 4 letters "G", symbolizing the first letters of the names of the leaders of the Third Reich - Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler, Goering.

Swastika in India

In pre-Buddhist ancient Indian and some other cultures, the swastika is usually interpreted as a sign of auspicious destinies, a symbol of the sun. This symbol is still widely used in India and South Korea, and most weddings, holidays and festivities cannot do without it.

Swastika in India

Buddhist symbol of perfection (also known as manji, "whirlwind" (Jap. まんじ, "ornament, cross, swastika")). The vertical line indicates the relationship of heaven and earth, and the horizontal line indicates the relationship of yin-yang. The direction of short lines to the left personifies movement, gentleness, love, compassion, and their aspiration to the right is associated with constancy, firmness, intelligence and strength. Thus, any one-sidedness is a violation of world harmony and cannot lead to universal happiness. Love and compassion without strength and firmness are helpless, and strength and reason without mercy and love lead to the multiplication of evil.

Swastika in European culture

The swastika became popular in European culture in the 19th century, in the wake of the fashion of Aryan theory. English astrologer Richard Morrison organized the Order of the Swastika in Europe in 1869. It is found on the pages of books by Rudyard Kipling. The swastika was also used by the founder of the Boy Scouts, Robert Baden-Powell. In 1915, the swastika, being very common in Latvian culture since ancient times, was depicted on the banners of the battalions (later regiments) of the Latvian riflemen of the Russian army.

Altars with swastika V Europe:

From Aquitaine

Then, since 1918, it became an element of the official symbols of the Republic of Latvia - the emblem of military aviation, regimental insignia, insignia of societies and various organizations, state awards, and is still used today. The Latvian military order of Lachplesis was in the form of a swastika. Since 1918, the swastika has been part of the state symbols of Finland (now it is depicted on the presidential standard, as well as on the banners of the armed forces). Later it became a symbol of the German Nazis, after they came to power - the state symbol of Germany (depicted on the coat of arms and flag); after World War II, her image was banned in a number of countries.

Swastika in Nazism
The National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), which appeared in the 1920s, chose the swastika as its party symbol. Since 1920, the swastika has become associated with Nazism and racism.

There is a very common misconception that the Nazis chose the right-handed swastika as their emblem, thereby perverting the precepts of the ancient sages and defiling the sign itself, which is more than five thousand years old. In reality, this is not so. In the cultures of different peoples, both left-handed and right-handed swastikas are found.

Under the definition of "Nazi" symbols, only a four-pointed swastika, standing on an edge of 45 °, with the ends pointing to the right, can fit. It was this sign that was on the state banner of National Socialist Germany from 1933 to 1945, as well as on the emblems of the civil and military services of this country. The Nazis themselves used the term Hakenkreuz (literally “crooked (hooked) cross”), which is synonymous with the word swastika (German: Swastika), which is also used in German.

In Russia, the stylized swastika is used as an emblem by the All-Russian social movement Russian National Unity (RNE). Russian nationalists claim that the Russian swastika - the Kolovrat - is an ancient Slavic symbol and cannot be recognized as Nazi symbols.

Swastika in the cultures of other countries

Sun, love, life, luck. This is how the sign was understood in Great Britain and America. They believed that the symbol is composed of 4 letters "L". It is on them that the English words “light”, “love”, “life” and “luck” begin.

Sounds like good wishes to someone. Indeed, the term "swasti" in Sanskrit is nothing more than a greeting. Sanskrit is the language of India and, in this country, the symbol is also found. Known, for example, are sculptures of elephants whose capes on their backs are decorated with a solar sign.

It is solar because it resembles rays diverging to the side. Actually, among most peoples, the swastika was a symbol of the heavenly body, its warmth. The most ancient images of the sign belong to the Paleolithic, that is, they are about 25,000 years old.

The history of the swastika, its good name was crossed out by Hitler, using the drawing as a sign of Nazism. After the Great Patriotic War, the information that the Russians also used the symbol was withheld. The data is now open. Let's start acquaintance with the swastika signs of the Slavs.

Genus symbol

Many ethnographers consider this sign to be the first of the swastika amulets. God Rod, to whom the symbol is dedicated, is also the first. It was he, according to pagan beliefs, who created everything that exists. Our ancestors compared the great spirit with an incomprehensible cosmos.

Its particular expression is fire in the hearth. The rays radiating from the center resemble flames. The circles at their ends are considered by historians to be the embodiment of knowledge, the strength of the Slavic family. The spheres are turned inside the circle, but the rays of the sign do not close. This is evidence of the openness of the Russians and, at the same time, their reverent attitude towards their traditions.


If all that exists was created by the Family, then the souls of people are born in the Source. This is the name of the Heavenly Halls. They, according to pagan beliefs, are controlled by Zhiva.

It is she who gives each person a pure and bright soul. If the born retains it, then after death he drinks the divine elixir from the cup of eternal life. Her dead also receive from the hands of the Goddess Alive. The Slavs used the graphic symbol of the source in everyday life, so as not to stray from the right path of life.

Where was it used Pictures? Swastika of the Slavs applied to the body in the form of, on the dishes in the form of ornaments. The source was embroidered on clothes and painted on the walls of houses. In order not to lose the energy connection with the Source, our ancestors dedicated songs, original mantras, to the Goddess Zhiva. We invite you to listen to one of these works. The video sequence of the clip demonstrates the motives of the creativity of the Slavs and some of the solar symbols of the people.

Fern flower

This swastika of the Slavs came into their use in the 5th-6th centuries. The symbol is a consequence of the legend. According to her, a particle of the power of the supreme God Perun is embedded in the bud.

He gave the children his brother Semargl. This is one of the defenders of the throne of the Sun, who does not have the right to leave him. However, Semargl fell in love with the Goddess of summer nights, could not stand it, and left his post. It happened on the day of the autumn equinox.

So, from September 21st, the day began to wane. But, the lovers were born Kupala and Kostroma. The uncle gave them a fern flower. It destroys the spell of evil, guards its owner.

The Slavs could not find real buds, because a plant from the mystogamous family does not bloom, but reproduces by spores. Therefore, our ancestors came up with a swastika symbol denoting the color of Perun.

Overcome the grass

Overcome the grass, unlike the fern, is a real flower. In the 21st century, it is called a water lily. Our ancestors believed that water lilies are able to overcome, defeat any disease.

Hence the name of the buds and their graphic representation. It is an allegory for the Sun. The buds of the plant are similar to it. The luminary bestows life, and the spirits of darkness catch up with the ailment. But, seeing the grass overcome, they retreat.

Our ancestors wore the sign as a wearable decoration, placed on dishes, weapons. Armor with a solar symbol was kept from wounds.

The dishes did not allow poisons to enter the body. Overcome the grass on clothes and in the form of pendants drove away the lower spirits of evil. The image is poetic. It is not surprising that many songs are dedicated to him. We offer you to watch a video with one of these compositions.


The sign is depicted in a circle, or without it. "Rama" is a symbol of wisdom, the ability to subdue one's emotions. This is one of the abilities of God Kolyada, to whom the swastika is dedicated. He also belongs to the group of spirits of the sun, is considered the youngest of them.

No wonder the day of Kolyada coincides with the winter solstice. The zealous, young God has enough strength to resist the winter, every day winning a few minutes from the night. The spirit is depicted with a sword in his hand. But, the blade is always lowered - this is an indicator that Kolyada is inclined towards peace, not hostility, and is ready to compromise.

Kolyadnik - swastika of ancient slavs, used as a male . It gives the representatives of the stronger sex energy for creative work and helps in battles with enemies if there is no peaceful solution.


The sign is close to Kolyadnik, but only visually. Along the perimeter are not straight lines, but rounded lines. The symbol has a second name - Thunderstorm, gives strength to control the elements, to defend against them.

So that the houses would not suffer from fires, floods, winds, the Slavs applied the Solstice on the walls of their dwellings. Choosing an amulet, connoisseurs take into account the rotation of its blades.

The direction from right to left corresponds to the waning of the day after the summer solstice. The energy is stronger in Grozovik, whose blades are directed to the right. Such an image is associated with the coming day, and with it, the power of the heavenly body.


The sign is a union of the right-sided Solstice and Kolyadnik. Their confluence was considered a duet of heavenly fire and earthly waters. These are fundamental beginnings.

Their duet is a symbol of the harmony of the world. The connection of the earthly with the divine is a powerful concentration of power. She is able to protect from evil forces.

Therefore, Svitovit is a popular swastika of the Slavs. Tattoo with her image is one of the most popular ways to use the sign in the modern world. If you need a homemade one, you can make panels from pieces of picture frames. How to do it? Instructions, next.


The sign is composed of the left-sided Solstice and Ladinets, reminiscent of Kolyadnik, but turned in the other direction. The Ladin personifies the Goddess Lada.

She helped ripen the crop and was associated with the warmth of the earth. Therefore, the Light is a duet of heavenly and earthly fire, the power of two worlds. Universal energy is able to suggest answers to questions about the universe. The sign is chosen by seeking, thinking people as their amulet.

Black Sun

This swastika of the Slavs, photo which is more than information about the sign. It was almost never used in everyday life. The image is not found on everyday artifacts.

On the other hand, the drawing is found on the sacred objects of the priests. The Slavs called them Magi. Apparently, they were entrusted with managing the Black Sun. Scientists suggest that the symbol is associated with the concept of gender. The talisman gives a connection with the ancestors, not only relatives, but all the deceased.

The sign was used not only by the Russians, but also by the magicians of Scandinavia. German tribes also lived in the latter region. Their symbolism was interpreted and used by Hitler's associate, Himmler, in his own way.

It was on his instructions that the swastika was chosen as the sign of the Third Reich. It was Himmler who insisted on drawing the Black Sun in Wewelsburg Castle, where the top of the SS gathered. How it was, will tell the following video:


What does this swastika among the Slavs? The answer is the universal border, the border between the worlds.

The sacred symbol, like the Black Sun, was available only to the Magi. They depicted Rubezhnik at the entrances to temples and temples. So the priests separated the worldly zone from the spiritual one. The sign was also associated with the transition from earthly life to the posthumous world, and was used in funerals.


The word "Valkyrie" is translated as "chooser of the dead." The graphic sign is a symbol of the spirits that the Gods allowed to decide who would win the battle.

Therefore, the warriors considered the symbol to be their amulet. Taking a talisman on the battlefield, they believed that the Valkyries would be on their side. The mythical virgins were also entrusted with the duty to pick up the slain combatants and carry them to heaven.

The swastika symbol attracted the attention of the spirits, otherwise, the fallen might not have been noticed. By the way, the Valkyries were also called the chosen ones of the warriors - ordinary, earthly women. Putting on the amulet, the warriors took with them the warmth of their loved ones, felt their support.


Swastikas of the Slavs and their meanings often associated with military rank. This also applies to Ratiborets. In the name of the symbol, the words "army" and "fight" are visible.

The energy of the sun, contained in the sign, is an assistant on the battlefield. Our ancestors believed that the talisman also calls for the help of the ancestors, the strength of the family. The talisman was applied to the armor. Some historians suggest that Ratiborets was also depicted on standards, tribal flags.


To the question " what does the swastika mean among the slavs» The answer is clear – the energy of the sun. Many signs use approximate meanings - heat and fire.

Doukhoborg is associated with a flame, the fire that rages inside a person. From the name it follows that the talisman helps to overcome one's passions, cleanse the spirit of dark thoughts and energies. Doukhoborg is a symbol of a warrior, but not by occupation, but by character. A solar sign can be made from improvised materials. The following video shows how to do it.


The name of the symbol reads the word "say". The meaning of the sign is associated with it. It blocks the energies of negative phrases directed at a person.

The image serves as a shield not only for spoken words, but also for thoughts. The amulet from the evil eye was presented to the Slavs by Radogost - the God of the clan. This is what our ancestors thought. They gave clothes, with Molvinets, to children and women - the most vulnerable to the slander erected on them.

Wedding attendant

The symbol is not accidentally depicted in two. The sign was used as a talisman during marriage ceremonies. A wedding is a union of a man and a woman.

The ancient Slavs compared girls with the element of water, and guys with fire. By the distribution of colors in Svadebnik one can see the view of our ancestors on family life.

In it, the spouses are equal, as is the number of red and blue colors in the drawing. The rings that make up the swastika are a symbol of marriage. Instead of two familiar to modern man, 4 rings were used.

Two of them were dedicated to the Gods Rod and Zhiva, that is, those who gave birth to a new family, a heavenly father and mother. The rings are not closed, which indicates the openness of the cell of society, its active participation in the life of the community.


This Slavic-Aryan swastika- a symbol of the unification of the clans of a single race. In everyday terms, the amulet is used to harmonize relationships with loved ones. The image is close to the emblem of fascism. However, it has blades from left to right, not right to left. Imagine for comparison the Nazi swastika:

Do they have swastika of Slavs and fascists differences, many people are interested. The emblem of Nazism is really different from the Rasic sign.

But, our ancestors also used the right-handed swastika. Below are photos of bedspreads that Vologda craftswomen wove back in the 19th century.

Products are kept in ethnographic country. The images show both left-hand and right-hand signs of the sun. For the Russians, they were symbols of the combination of the four elements, the warmth of heaven, the uninterrupted cycle of life.

In the 21st century, the reputation of the swastika began to recover. The abundance of information about the true meaning of the symbol encourages people to use it in everyday life.

So it was before the Second World War. For example, the English writer Rudyard Kipling decorated the covers of all his books with a swastika ornament. But, in the 1940s, the prose writer ordered to remove solar signs from the design of publications, he was afraid of associations with Nazism and the Nazi regime.

The four-beam swastika is a hexagon, with axial symmetry of the 4th order. The correct -beam swastika is described by a point symmetry group (Schoenflies symbolism). This group is generated by rotation of the -th order and reflection in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation - the so-called "horizontal" plane in which the pattern lies. Due to the operation of reflecting the swastika achiral and does not have enantiomer(that is, a "double" obtained by reflection, which cannot be combined with the original figure by any rotation). As a result, in oriented space, right- and left-handed swastikas do not differ. Right- and left-handed swastikas differ only on the plane, where the pattern has purely rotational symmetry. For even, an inversion appears, where is a rotation of the 2nd order.

You can build a swastika for anyone; when you get a figure similar to the sign of the integral. For example, the symbol borjgali(see below) is a swastika with . A swastika-like figure will generally be obtained if we take any area on the plane and multiply it by rotating it once about the vertical axis , which does not lie in the vertical plane of symmetry of the area .

Origin and meaning

Illustration from ESBE.

The word "swastika" is a compound of two Sanskrit roots: सु, su, "good, good" and अस्ति, asti, "life, existence", that is, "well-being" or "well-being". There is another name for the swastika - "gammadion" (Greek. γαμμάδιον ), since the Greeks saw in the swastika a combination of four letters "gamma" (Γ).

The swastika is a symbol of the Sun, good luck, happiness and creation. In Western European medieval literature, the name of the sun god of the ancient Prussians Swiikstiks(Svaixtix) is first found in Latin-language monuments - the beginning of the 17th century: "Sudauer Buchlein"(mid-15th century), "Episcoporum Prussiae Pomesaniensis atque Sambiensis Constitutiones Synodales" (1530), "De Sacrificiis et Idolatria Veterum Borvssorvm Livonum, aliarumque uicinarum gentium" (1563), "De Diis Samagitarum" (1615) .

The swastika is one of the ancient and archaic solar signs - an indicator of the apparent movement of the Sun around the Earth and the division of the year into four parts - four seasons. The sign fixes two solstices: summer and winter - and the annual movement of the Sun.

Nevertheless, the swastika is considered not only as a solar symbol, but also as a symbol of the fertility of the earth. It has the idea of ​​four cardinal points, centered around an axis. The swastika also suggests the idea of ​​movement in two directions: clockwise and counterclockwise. Like "Yin" and "Yang", a dual sign: rotating clockwise symbolizes male energy, counterclockwise - female. In ancient Indian scriptures, male and female swastikas are distinguished, which depicts two female, as well as two male deities.

About the meaning of the swastika, the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus F. A. and Efron I. A. writes as follows:

This sign has been used since time immemorial by the brahminists and Buddhists of India, China and Japan in ornament and writing, expressing greetings, a wish for well-being. From the East, the swastika passed to the West; its images are found on some of the ancient Greek and Sicilian coins, as well as in the painting of the ancient Christian catacombs, on medieval bronze tombstones, on priestly vestments of the 12th - 14th centuries. Having mastered this symbol in the first of the above forms, under the name of "gammed cross" ( crux gammata), Christianity gave it a meaning similar to what it had in the East, that is, it expressed to them the sending of grace and salvation.

The swastika is "correct" and reverse. Accordingly, the swastika of the opposite direction symbolizes darkness, destruction. In ancient times, both swastikas were used simultaneously. This has a deep meaning: day replaces night, light replaces darkness, new birth replaces death - and this is the natural order of things in the Universe. Therefore, in ancient times there were no "bad" and "good" swastikas - they were perceived in unity.

One of the oldest forms of the swastika is Asia Minor and is an ideogram of the four cardinal points in the form of a figure with four cross-shaped curls. The swastika was understood as a symbol of the four main forces, the four cardinal points, the elements, the seasons, and the alchemical idea of ​​the transformation of the elements.

Use in religion

In many religions, the swastika is an important religious symbol.


Other religions

Widely used by Jains and followers of Vishnu. In Jainism, the four arms of the swastika represent the four levels of existence.

Usage in history

The swastika is a sacred symbol and is found already in the Upper Paleolithic period. The symbol is found in the culture of many nations. Ukraine, Egypt, Iran, India, China, Maverannahr, Russia, Armenia, Georgia, the Mayan state in Central America - this is the incomplete geography of this symbol. The swastika is presented in oriental ornaments, on monumental buildings and household utensils, on various amulets and Orthodox icons.

In the ancient world

The swastika was found on clay vessels from Samarra (the territory of modern Iraq), which date back to the 5th millennium BC, and in ornaments on ceramics of the South Ural Andronovo culture. The left- and right-handed swastika is found in the pre-Aryan culture of Mohenjo-Daro (Indus River basin) and ancient China around 2000 BC.

One of the oldest forms of the swastika is Asia Minor and is an ideogram of the four cardinal points in the form of a figure with four cross-shaped curls. Back in the 7th century BC, images similar to the swastika were known in Asia Minor, consisting of four cross-shaped scrolls - rounded ends are signs of cyclic movement. There are interesting coincidences in the image of Indian and Asia Minor swastikas (dots between the branches of the swastika, jagged thickenings at the ends). Other early forms of the swastika - a square with four plant-like roundings along the edges - are a sign of the earth, also of Asia Minor origin.

In Northeast Africa, a stele of the kingdom of Meroe was discovered, which existed in the 2nd-3rd centuries AD. e. The fresco on the stele depicts a woman entering the afterlife, and a swastika also flaunts on the clothes of the deceased. The rotating cross also adorns the golden weights for scales that belonged to the inhabitants of Ashanta (Ghana), and the clay utensils of the ancient Indians, and the carpets of the Persians. The swastika is often found on the charms of the Slavs, Germans, Pomors, Curonians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Mordovians, Udmurts, Bashkirs, Chuvashs and many other peoples. The swastika is found wherever there are traces of Buddhist culture.

In China, the swastika is used as a sign of all the deities worshiped in the Lotus School, as well as in Tibet and Siam. In ancient Chinese manuscripts, it included such concepts as "region", "country". Known in the form of a swastika are two curved mutually truncated fragments of a double helix, expressing the symbolism of the relationship "Yin" and "Yang". In maritime civilizations, the double helix motif was an expression of the relationship between opposites, a sign of the Upper and Lower Waters, and also meant the process of becoming life. On one of the Buddhist swastikas, each blade of the cross ends in a triangle indicating the direction of movement and crowned with an arch of a flawed moon, in which, like in a boat, the sun is placed. This sign represents the sign of the mystical arba, the creative quaternary, also called Thor's hammer. A similar cross was found by Schliemann during the excavations of Troy.

The swastika was depicted in pre-Christian Roman mosaics and on the coins of Cyprus and Crete. An ancient Cretan rounded swastika made of plant elements is known. The Maltese cross in the form of a swastika of four triangles converging in the center is of Phoenician origin. It was also known to the Etruscans. According to A. Ossendovsky, Genghis Khan wore a ring on his right hand with the image of a swastika, into which a ruby ​​was set. Ossendovsky saw this ring on the hand of the Mongol governor. At present, this magical symbol is known mainly in India and Central and East Asia.

Swastika in India

Swastika in Russia (and on its territory)

Various types of swastikas (3-beam, 4-beam, 8-beam) are present on the ceramic ornament of the Andronovo archaeological culture (Southern Urals of the Bronze Age).

The rhombus-meander swastika ornament in the Kostenkovskaya and Mezinskaya cultures (25-20 thousand years BC) was studied by V. A. Gorodtsov. So far, there is no reliable data on where the swastika was first used, but its earliest image was not registered in Rus'.

The swastika was used in rituals and construction, in homespun production: in embroideries on clothes, on carpets. The swastika was used to decorate household utensils. She was also present on the icons. Embroidered on clothes, the swastika could have a certain protective meaning.

The swastika symbol was used as a personal sign and a talisman symbol by Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Images of the swastika are found on hand-drawn postcards of the Empress. One of the first such "signs" was placed by the Empress after the signature "A." on a Christmas card drawn by her, sent on December 5, 1917 from Tobolsk to her friend Yu. A. Den.

I sent you at least 5 drawn cards that you can always recognize by my signs (“swastika”), I always invent new

The swastika was depicted on some banknotes of the Provisional Government of 1917 and on some Soviet signs printed with the cliché "Kerenok", which were in circulation from 1918 to 1922. .

In November 1919, the commander of the South-Eastern Front of the Red Army, V.I. Shorin, was issued, which approved the distinctive sleeve insignia of the Kalmyk formations using the swastika. The swastika in the order is indicated by the word "lyungtn", that is, the Buddhist "Lungta", meaning - "whirlwind", "vital energy".

Also, the image of the swastika can be seen on some historical monuments in Chechnya, in particular on ancient crypts in the Itum-Kalinsky district of Chechnya (the so-called "City of the Dead"). In the pre-Islamic period, the swastika was a symbol of the sun god among pagan Chechens (Dela-Malkh).

The swastika and censorship in the USSR

On the territory of modern Israel, images of the swastika were discovered during excavations in the mosaics of ancient synagogues. Thus, the synagogue on the site of the ancient settlement of Ein Gedi in the Dead Sea region dates back to the beginning of the 2nd century, and the synagogue on the site of the modern kibbutz Maoz Chaim on the Golan Heights operated between the 4th and 11th centuries.

In North, Central and South America, the swastika is found in Maya and Aztec art. In North America, the Navajo, Tennessee, and Ohio tribes used the swastika symbol in ritual burials.

Thai greeting Swatdi! comes from the word svatdika(swastika).

The swastika as the emblem of the Nazi organizations

Nevertheless, I was forced to reject all the countless designs sent to me from all over by young supporters of the movement, since all these projects boiled down to only one theme: they took the old colors and on this background drew a hoe-shaped cross in various variations. […] After a series of experiments and alterations, I myself drew up a completed project: the main background of the banner is red; a white circle inside, and in the center of this circle is a black hoe-shaped cross. After long alterations, I finally found the necessary ratio between the size of the banner and the size of the white circle, and finally settled on the size and shape of the cross.

In the view of Hitler himself, she symbolized "the struggle for the triumph of the Aryan race." This choice combined both the mystical occult meaning of the swastika, and the idea of ​​the swastika as an "Aryan" symbol (due to its prevalence in India), and the already established use of the swastika in the German extreme right tradition: it was used by some Austrian anti-Semitic parties, and in March 1920 during the Kapp putsch, it was depicted on the helmets of the Erhardt brigade that entered Berlin (here, perhaps, there was the influence of the Baltic states, since many fighters of the Volunteer Corps encountered a swastika in Latvia and Finland). Already in the 20s, the swastika became increasingly associated with Nazism; after 1933, it finally began to be perceived as a Nazi symbol par excellence, as a result of which, for example, it was excluded from the emblems of the scouting movement.

However, strictly speaking, not any swastika was a Nazi symbol, but a four-pointed one, with the ends pointing to the right side and rotated by 45 °. At the same time, it should be in a white circle, which in turn is depicted on a red rectangle. It was this sign that was on the state banner of National Socialist Germany from 1933 to 1945, as well as on the emblems of the civil and military services of this country (although, of course, other variants were used for decorative purposes, including by the Nazis).

Actually, the Nazis used the term to designate the swastika that served as their symbol. Hakenkreuz ("Hackenkreuz", literally "hook cross", translation options also - "crooked" or "arachnid"), which is not a synonym for the word swastika (German. Swastika), which is also used in German. It can be said that "Hackenkreuz"- the same national name for the swastika in German, as "solstice" or "kolovrat" in Russian or "hackaristi" in Finnish, and is usually used specifically to refer to the Nazi symbol. In Russian translation, this word was translated as "hoe-shaped cross".

On the poster of the Soviet graphic artist Moor "Everything on" G "" (1941), the swastika consists of 4 letters "G", symbolizing the first letters of the names of the leaders of the Third Reich written in Russian - Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler, Goering.

Geographical objects in the form of a swastika

forest swastika

Forest swastika - forest plantation in the form of a swastika. They are found both in open areas in the form of a corresponding schematic planting of trees, and in the forest area. In the latter case, as a rule, a combination of coniferous (evergreen) and deciduous (deciduous) trees is used.

Until 2000, a forest swastika existed northwest of the settlement of Zernick, in the district of Uckermark, in the state of Brandenburg in northwestern Germany.

On a hillside near the village of Tash-Bashat, in Kyrgyzstan, on the border with the Himalayas, there is a forest swastika "Eki Narin" ( 41.447351 , 76.391641 41°26′50.46″ N sh. 76°23′29.9″ E d. /  41.44735121 , 76.39164121 (G)).

Labyrinths and their images

Buildings in the shape of a swastika

Complex 320-325(English) Complex 320-325) - one of the buildings of the naval landing base in Coronado (Eng. Naval Amphibious Base Coronado ), in San Diego Bay, California. The base is operated by the US Navy and is the central training and operations base for the Special Forces and Expeditionary Forces. Coordinates 32.6761, -117.1578.

The building of the Complex was built between 1967 and 1970. The original design consisted of two central buildings for the boiler plant and a relaxation area and a threefold repetition of a 90-degree turn to the central buildings of the L-shaped barracks building. The completed building is shaped like a swastika when viewed from above.

Swastika computer symbol

The Unicode character table has the Chinese characters 卐 (U+5350) and 卍 (U+534D), which are swastikas.

Swastika in culture

In the Spanish series "Black Lagoon" (Russian version of "Closed School"), a Nazi organization developing in the depths of a secret laboratory under a boarding school had a coat of arms in which the swastika was encrypted.


  • Swastika in European culture
  • Swastika in a 2nd century AD Roman mosaic

see also


  1. R. V. Bagdasarov. Radio program "Swastika: blessing or curse" on "Echo of Moscow".
  2. Korablev L. L. Graphic magic of the Icelanders. - M.: "Veligor", 2002. - S. 101
  3. http://www.swastika-info.com/images/amerika/usa/cocacola-swastika-fob.jpg
  4. Gorodtsov V. A. Archeology. Stone period. M.; Pg., 1923.
  5. Yelinek Jan. Large illustrated atlas of primitive man. Prague, 1985.
  6. Tarunin A. Past - Kolovrat in Russia.
  7. Bagdasarov, Roman; Dymarsky Vitaly, Zakharov Dmitry Swastika: blessing or curse. "The Price of Victory". "Echo of Moscow". Archived from the original on August 23, 2011. Retrieved April 7, 2010.
  8. Bagdasarov, Roman.. - M .: M., 2001. - S. 432.
  9. Sergei Fomin. Materials for the history of the Tsaritsyn Cross
  10. Letters from the Royal Family from imprisonment. Jordanville, 1974, p. 160; Dehn L. The Real Tsaritsa. London, 1922. P. 242.
  11. There. S. 190.
  12. Nikolaev R. Soviet "credit cards" with a swastika? . Site "Bonistika". - the article was also published in the newspaper "Miniature" 1992 No. 7, p. 11. Archived from the original on August 23, 2011. Retrieved June 24, 2009.
  13. Evgeny Zhirnov. To assign the right to wear a swastika to all Red Army soldiers // Vlast magazine. - 08/01/2000 - No. 30 (381)
  14. http://www.echo.msk.ru/programs/victory/559590-echo/ Interview with historian and religious scholar Roman Bagdasarov
  15. http://lj.rossia.org/users/just_hoaxer/311555.html LYUNGTN
  16. Kuftin B.A. Material culture of Russian Meshchera. Part 1. Women's clothing: shirt, poneva, sundress. - M.: 1926.
  17. W. Shearer. Rise and fall of the Third Reich
  18. quote from R. Bagdasarov's book "Mysticism of the Fiery Cross", M., Veche, 2005
  19. Discussion of the terms Hakenkreuz and Swastika in the LiveJournal community "Linguaphiles" (in English)
  20. Adolf Hitler, "Mein Kampf"
  21. Kern German. Labyrinths of the world / Per. from English. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka-klassika, 2007. - 432 p.
  22. Azerbaijani Carpets
  23. Li Hongzhi. Zhuan Falun Falun Dafa


In Russian

  1. Wilson Thomas. Swastika. The oldest known symbol, its movement from country to country, with observations on the movement of some crafts in prehistoric times / Translated from English: A. Yu. Moskvin // The history of the swastika from ancient times to the present day. - Nizhny Novgorod: Books Publishing House, 2008. - 528 p. - S. 3-354. - ISBN 978-5-94706-053-9.
    (This is the first publication in Russian of the best fundamental work on the history of the swastika, written by Thomas Wilson, curator of the department of prehistoric anthropology of the US National Museum, and published for the first time in the collection of the Smithsonian Institution (Washington) in 1896).
  2. Akunov V. The swastika is the oldest symbol of mankind (a selection of publications)
  3. Bagdasarov R.V. Swastika: sacred symbol. Ethnoreligious Essays. - Ed. 2nd, corrected. - M .: White Alvy, 2002. - 432 p. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 5-7619-0164-1
  4. Bagdasarov R.V. Mystic of the fiery cross. Ed. 3rd, add. and corrected - M.: Veche, 2005. - 400 p. - 5000 copies. - (Labyrinths of occult knowledge). -

As we can see, there is no indication in the law about the use of the Swastika symbols, so why are the law enforcement agencies signing it under this law. All this happens due to elementary ignorance of their own history and their own language.

Let's understand the terminology gradually.

First, consider the term Nazism:
National Socialism (German Nationalsozialismus, abbreviated as Nazism) is the official political ideology of the Third Reich.

Translating the essence of the name: Making socially oriented changes for development, (although not always) within the same nation. Or abbreviated Change of the Nation - Nazism. This system existed in Germany from 1933 to 1945.

Unfortunately, our politicians did not study history at all, otherwise they would have known that from 1917 to 1980, the Socialist system was officially adopted in our country, which was called International Socialism. What in translation: Carrying out socially oriented changes for development, (although not always) within one multinational people. Or abbreviated International Nation Change - Internationalism.

For ease of comparison, I will also give the Latin form of writing these two regimes Nationalsozialismus and InterNationalsozialismus

In other words, you and I, ladies and gentlemen, were exactly the same Nazis as the inhabitants of Germany.

Accordingly, according to this law, all symbols of the former USSR and modern Russia are banned.

And besides, I will give not big statistics. During the Second World War, more than 20 million people died in Russia. This is a clear reason to have a negative attitude towards the political regime of Germany in the 30s. During the revolution of 1918 in Russia (during the repressions) more than 60 million people died. In my opinion, the reason for the negative attitude towards the Soviet government is 3 times more.

But at the same time, the symbol of the Swastika, which was used by the Nazis, is banned in the Russian Federation, and the Symbols of the Bolsheviks "Red Star" and "Hammer and Sickle" are symbols of the national treasure. In my opinion, on the face of a bright injustice.

I deliberately do not use the term Fascism in relation to Nazi Germany, because this is another very important misconception. There has never been fascism in Germany and never could be. He flourished in Italy, France, Belgium, Poland, Great Britain, but not in Germany.

Fascism (Italian fascismo from fascio "bundle, bunch, association") - as a political science term, is a generalized name for specific extreme right-wing political movements, their ideology, as well as the political regimes of the dictatorial type led by them.

In a narrower historical sense, fascism is understood as a mass political movement that existed in Italy in the 1920s and early 1940s under the leadership of B. Mussolini.

This can be elementarily confirmed by the fact that fascism implies a cohesive unification of the church and the state into one body or collegium, and in Nationalist Germany the church was separated from the state and was oppressed in every possible way.

By the way, the Symbol of Fascism is not a swastika at all, but 8 arrows tied with a ribbon (Fashina is a bunch).

In general, we have more or less figured out the terminology, now let's move on to the Swastika symbol itself.

Consider the Etymology of the word Swastika, but based on the origin of the language, and not, as everyone is used to, on the roots of the Sanskrit language. In Sanskrit, the translation is also very favorable, but we will look for the essence, and not adjust the convenience to the truth.

The swastika consists of two words and a bunch: Sva (Sun, the primordial energy of the universe, Inglia), C-preposition of connection and Tika (fast movement or circular motion). That is, Swa with Tick is the Swastika, the Sun with rotation or movement. Solstice!

This ancient symbol has been used by Slavic culture since its inception, and has several hundred different variations. Also, this ancient symbol is used by many other religions, including Buddhism. But for some reason, when this symbol is depicted on Buddha statues, no one ranks Buddhists as fascists or Nazis.

Why is there Buddhism, in the tradition of Russian patterns and ornaments, swastikas are found at every turn. And even on Soviet money, the swastika symbol was depicted, moreover, one to one like in Nationalist Germany, except perhaps not black.

So why are we, or rather our (not our) authorities, trying to denigrate this symbol and put it out of use. Unless they are afraid of his true power, which is able to open their eyes to all their atrocities.

Absolutely all the galaxies that exist in our space have the shape of a swastika, so the ban on this symbol is just pure absurdity.

Well, enough talk about the negative, let's look at the Swastikas themselves a little closer.
Swastika symbols have two main types of orientation:
Right-sided solstice - rays directed to the left, create the effect of rotation to the right. It is a symbol of creative solar energy, a symbol of birth and development.

Left-sided solstice - the rays are directed to the right, creating the effect of rotation to the left. It is a symbol of the energy of "destruction". The word is deliberately put in quotation marks, because there is no pure destruction in the universe. In order for a new solar system to be born, first one of the suns must explode, that is, destructure and be cleansed of the old program. Then there is a new creation. Accordingly, the left-sided swastika is a symbol of Purification, healing, and renewal. And wearing or using this symbol does not destroy, but purifies.

Therefore, it is important to carefully select this symbol based on the changes that you want to get.

The Slavic Swastika is one of the most powerful symbols that has ever existed in the universe. It is stronger than Runic, because it is understood in any galaxy and any universe. It is a universal symbol of being. Treat this symbol with Respect and do not classify it as one people only. And even more so to one extremely small event on the scale of the universe.


Many people associate the Swastika with Fascism and Hitler. This opinion has been hammered into the heads of people for the last 60 years. Few people now remember that the Swastika was depicted on Soviet money from 1917 to 1922, that on the sleeve patches of soldiers and officers of the Red Army in the same period, there was also a Swastika in a laurel wreath, and inside the Swastika were the letters of the RSFSR. There is even an opinion that Comrade I.V. Stalin himself presented the Swastika to Hitler in 1920.

The history of the swastika goes back thousands of years...

History of the swastika

The swastika symbol is a rotating cross with curved ends pointing clockwise or counterclockwise. As a rule, now all over the world all Swastika symbols are called in one word - SWASTIKA, which is fundamentally wrong, because. each Swastika symbol in ancient times had its own name, purpose, Guardian Power and Figurative meaning.

Swastika symbolism, as the most ancient, is most often found during archaeological excavations. More often than other symbols, it was found in ancient burial mounds, on the ruins of ancient cities and settlements. In addition, swastika symbols were depicted on various details of architecture, weapons, clothing and household utensils among many peoples of the world. Swastika symbolism is ubiquitous in ornamentation as a sign of Light, Sun, Love, Life.

The oldest archaeological artifacts depicting swastika symbols now date back to approximately 4-15 millennium BC. (on the right is a vessel from the Scythian Kingdom 3-4 thousand BC). According to the materials of archaeological excavations, Russia is the richest territory for the use of the swastika for both religious and cultural purposes. Neither Europe, nor India, nor Asia can compare with Russia in the abundance of swastika symbols covering Russian weapons, banners, national costumes, household utensils, household and agricultural items, as well as houses and temples. Excavations of ancient mounds, cities and settlements speak for themselves - many ancient Slavic cities had a clear shape of the Swastika, oriented to the four cardinal points. This can be seen in the example of Arkaim, Vendogard and others.

The swastika and swastika-solar symbols were the main elements of the most ancient Proto-Slavic ornaments.

Swastika symbolism in various cultures

But not only Aryans and Slavs believed in the mystical power of swastika patterns. The same symbols were found on clay vessels from Samarra (the territory of modern Iraq), which date back to the 5th millennium BC. Swastika symbols in left-handed and right-handed forms are found in the pre-Aryan culture of Mohenjo-Daro (Indus River basin) and ancient China around 2000 BC. e. In Northeast Africa, archaeologists have found a burial stele of the Meroz kingdom, which existed in the 2nd-3rd centuries AD. The fresco on the stele depicts a woman entering the afterlife, and the Swastika flaunts on the clothes of the deceased.

The rotating cross also adorns the golden weights for scales that belonged to the inhabitants of Ashanta (Ghana), and the clay utensils of the ancient Indians, beautiful carpets woven by the Persians and Celts. Man-made belts created by the Komi, Russians, Sami, Latvians, Lithuanians and other peoples are also filled with swastika symbols, and at present it is difficult even for an ethnographer to figure out which of the peoples to attribute these ornaments to. Judge for yourself.

The swastika symbolism from ancient times has been the main and dominant among almost all peoples on the territory of Eurasia: Slavs, Germans, Mari, Pomors, Skalvians, Curonians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Mordovians, Udmurts, Bashkirs, Chuvashs, Indians, Icelanders, Scots and many others.

In many ancient Beliefs and religions, the Swastika is the most important and brightest cult symbol. So, in ancient Indian philosophy and Buddhism, the Swastika is a symbol of the eternal cycle of the universe, a symbol of the Buddha Law, to which everything that exists is subject. (Dictionary "Buddhism", M., "Republic", 1992); in Tibetan Lamaism - a security symbol, a symbol of happiness and a talisman.

In India and Tibet, the Swastika is depicted everywhere: on the walls and gates of temples, on residential buildings, as well as on the fabrics in which all sacred texts and tablets are wrapped. Very often, sacred texts from the Book of the Dead are framed with swastika ornaments, which are written on burial covers before kroding (cremation).

You can observe the image of many Swastikas both on an old Japanese engraving of the 18th century, and on the matchless mosaic floors in the halls of the St. Petersburg Hermitage.

But you will not find any messages about this in the media, because they have no idea what the Swastika is, what ancient figurative meaning it carries, what it has meant for many millennia and means now for the Slavs and Aryans and many peoples inhabiting our Earth.

The swastika among the Slavs

Swastika among the Slavs- this is "Solar" symbolism, or in other words "Solar" symbolism, which means the rotation of the Solar circle. The word Swastika also means "Heavenly Movement", Sva - Heaven, Tik - Movement. Hence the names of the Slavic gods: the bird Mother Sva (the patroness of Rus'), the god Svarog and finally Svarga - the habitat of the bright gods of Slavic myths. Swastika translated from Sanskrit (under one of the versions of Sanskrit - Old Russian Slavic language) "Svasti" - Greeting, wish of good luck.

They believed in the swastika as a talisman, "attracting" good luck. In ancient Rus', it was believed that if you draw Kolovrat on your palm, you will definitely be lucky. The swastika was also painted on the walls of the house, so that happiness reigned there. In the Ipatiev House, where the family of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II was shot, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna painted all the walls with this divine symbol, but the swastika did not help against the atheists. Nowadays, philosophers, dowsers and psychics suggest building city blocks in the form of swastikas - such configurations should generate positive energy. By the way, these conclusions have already been confirmed by modern science.

Under Peter I, the walls of his country residence were decorated with swastikas. The ceiling of the throne room in the Hermitage is also covered with a sacred symbol. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the swastika became the most common amulet symbol in Russia, Western and Eastern Europe - the influence of the "Secret Doctrine" of E.P. Blavatsky, the teachings of Guido von List, etc. For thousands of years, common people have used swastika ornaments in everyday life, and at the beginning of this century, interest in swastika symbols also appeared among those in power. In Soviet Russia, the sleeve patches of the Red Army soldiers of the South-Eastern Front since 1918 were decorated with a swastika with the abbreviation R.S.F.S.R. inside.

After the overthrow of the autocracy, the Swastika appears on the new banknotes of the Provisional Government, and after October 1917 - on the banknotes of the Bolsheviks. Now few people know that matrices with the image of Kolovrat (Swastika) against the background of a double-headed eagle were made by special order and sketches of the last Tsar of the Russian Empire - Nicholas II.

Beginning in 1918, the Bolsheviks introduced new banknotes in denominations of 1,000, 5,000 and 10,000 rubles, which depicted not one swastika, but three. Two smaller ones - in the side ties and a large Swastika - in the middle. Money with the Swastika was printed by the Bolsheviks and was in use until 1922, and only after the formation of the Soviet Union were they withdrawn from circulation.

Swastika symbols

Swastika symbols carry a huge secret meaning. They have great wisdom. Each swastika symbol opens before us the Great picture of the universe. Ancient Slavic-Aryan Wisdom says that our galaxy has the shape of a Swastika and is called SWATI, and the Yarila-Sun system, in which our Midgard-Earth makes its way, is located in one of the arms of this heavenly Swastika.

In Rus' there were 144 species swastika symbols : Swastika, Kolovrat, Salting, Holy Gift, Svasti, Svaor, Solstice, Agni, Fash, Mara; Inglia, Solar Cross, Solard, Vedara, Svetolet, Fern Flower, Perunov Color, Swati, Race, Bogovnik, Svarozhich, Svyatoch, Yarovrat, Odolen-Grass, Rodimich, Charovrat, etc. One could still enumerate, but it is better to consider further briefly several solar swastika symbols: their style and figurative meaning.

KOLOVPAT- The symbol of the rising Yarila-Sun; a symbol of the eternal victory of Light over darkness and Eternal Life over death. The color of Kolovrat also plays an important role: Fiery, symbolizes the Rebirth; Celestial - Update; black - change.

ENGLAND- Symbolizes the Primary Life-Giving Divine Fire of Creation, from which all the Universes and our Yarila-Sun system appeared. In amulets, Inglia is a symbol of the Primordial Divine Purity that protects the World from the forces of Darkness.

HOLY DAR- Symbolizes the Ancient Sacred northern ancestral home of the white peoples - Daaria, now called: Hyperborea, Arctida, Severia, the Paradise Land, which was in the Northern Ocean and died as a result of the First Flood.

CWAOP- Symbolizes the endless, constant Heavenly Movement, called - Svaga and the Eternal Cycle of the Vital Forces of the Universe. It is believed that if Svaor is depicted on household items, then there will always be prosperity and happiness in the house.

SVAOR-SOLNTSEVRAT- Symbolizes the constant Movement of the Yarila-Sun across the Firmament. For a person, the use of this symbol meant: Purity of Thoughts and Actions, Goodness and Light of Spiritual Illumination.

AGNI (FIRE)- The symbol of the Sacred Fire of the Altar and the Hearth. The Guardian Symbol of the Highest Light Gods, Protecting dwellings and temples, as well as the Ancient Wisdom of the Gods, i.e. Ancient Slavic-Aryan Vedas.

FASH (FLAME)- Symbol of the Protective Guardian Spiritual Fire. This Spiritual Fire purifies the human Spirit from selfishness and base thoughts. This is a symbol of the power and Unity of the Warrior Spirit, the victory of the Light Forces of the Mind over the forces of Darkness and ignorance.

SALTING- The symbol of the setting, i.e. retiring Yarila-Sun; A symbol of the completion of Creative Labor for the benefit of the Family and the Great Race; A symbol of the Spiritual Fortitude of man and the Peace of Mother Nature.

CHAROVRAT- It is an amulet symbol that protects a person or an object from casting Black Charms on him. Charovrat was depicted as a Fiery rotating Cross, believing that Fire destroys dark forces and various spells.

BOGOVNIK- Personifies the Eternal power and patronage of the Light Gods to a person who has embarked on the Path of Spiritual development and perfection. Mandala, with the image of this symbol, helps a person to realize the Interpenetration and Unity of the Four Primary Elements in our Universe.

RODOVIK- Symbolizes the Light Power of the Parent Clan, helping the peoples of the Great Race, provides constant support to the Ancient Many Wise Ancestors to people who work for the good of their Clan and create for the descendants of their Clan.

WEDDING- The most powerful Family Amulet, symbolizing the unification of two Clans. The merging of two Elemental Swastika Systems (body, Soul, Spirit and Conscience) into a new Unified Life System, where the Masculine (Fiery) principle unites with the feminine (Water).

DUNION- A symbol of the connection of the Earthly and Heavenly Living Fire. Its purpose: to keep the Ways of the Constant Unity of the Genus. Therefore, all the Fiery Altars for the baptism of Bloodless Requirements, brought to the glory of the Gods and Ancestors, were built in the form of this symbol.

HEAVENLY BOAR- Sign of the Hall on the Svarog Circle; The symbol of the God-Patron of the Hall - Ramhat. This sign denotes the connection of the Past and the Future, Earthly and Heavenly Wisdom. In the form of a Charm, this symbolism was used by people who embarked on the Path of Spiritual Self-Improvement.

GROZOVIK- Fiery symbolism, with the help of which it became possible to control the Natural Elements of the Weather, and also the Thunderstorm was used as a Charm, protecting the dwellings and temples of the Clans of the Great Race from bad weather.

GROMOVNIK- The Heavenly Symbol of God Indra, guarding the Ancient Heavenly Wisdom of the Gods, i.e. Ancient Vedas. As an amulet, it was depicted on military weapons and armor, as well as over the entrances to the Vaults, so that those who enter them with evil thoughts would be struck by Thunder (infrasound).

COLARD- Symbol of Fiery Renewal and Transformation. This symbol was used by young people who joined the Family Union and expected the appearance of healthy offspring. At the Wedding, the bride was given jewelry with Colard and Solard.

SOLARD- The symbol of the Greatness of the Fertility of the Mother of the Raw Earth, receiving Light, Warmth and Love from the Yarila-Sun; A symbol of the prosperity of the land of the Ancestors. The symbol of Fire, which gives prosperity and prosperity to the Clans that create for their descendants, to the Glory of the Light Gods and the Many Wise Ancestors.

FIREMAN- Fiery Symbol of the God of the Kind. His image is found on Kummir Roda, on architraves and "towels" along the slopes of roofs on houses and on window shutters. As an amulet, it was applied to the ceilings. Even in St. Basil's Cathedral (Moscow), under one of the domes, you can see the Fireman.

YAROVIK- This symbol was used as a Charm for the preservation of the harvested Harvest and to avoid the loss of livestock. Therefore, he was very often depicted above the entrance to barns, cellars, sheepfolds, rigs, stables, cowsheds, barns, etc.

SWASTIKA- Symbol of the eternal cycle of the Universe; it symbolizes the Highest Heavenly Law, to which all things are subject. People used this Fire Sign as a Charm that protected the existing Law and Order. Life itself depended on their inviolability.

SUASTI- A symbol of movement, the cycle of Life on Earth and the rotation of Midgard-Earth. The symbol of the four cardinal points, as well as the four northern rivers, dividing the ancient Sacred Daaria into four "regions" or "countries", in which the four Clans of the Great Race originally lived.

SOLON- An ancient solar symbol that protects a person and his goodness from dark forces. As a rule, it was depicted on clothes and household items. Very often, the image of Soloni is found on spoons, pots and other kitchen utensils.

YAROVRAT- The Fiery Symbol of the Yaro-God, who controls the spring flowering and all favorable weather conditions. In order to get a good harvest, it was considered obligatory for the people to draw this symbol on agricultural implements: plows, sickles, scythes, etc.

SOUL SWASTIKA- used to concentrate the Higher Powers of Healing. Only Priests who had risen to a high level of Spiritual and Moral perfection had the right to include the Soul Swastika in the ornament of clothes.

DUHOVNA SWASTIKA- enjoyed the greatest attention among Wizards, Magi, Veduns, it symbolized Harmony and Unity: Teles, Soul, Spirit and Conscience, as well as Spiritual Power. The Magi used the Spiritual Power to control the Natural Elements.

KOLYADNIK- The symbol of God Kolyada, who makes updates and changes for the better on earth; it is a symbol of the victory of Light over darkness and Bright Day over night. In addition, the Kolyadnik was used as a male Amulet, giving men strength in creative work and in the battle with a fierce enemy.

THE CROSS OF LADA-THE MOTHER OF GOD- A symbol of Love, Harmony and Happiness in the family, the people called it LADINETS. As an amulet, it was mainly worn by girls in order to have protection from the "evil eye". And so that the strength of the power of Ladin was constant, he was inscribed in the Great Kolo (Circle).

OVERCOME THE GRASS- This symbol was the main Amulet for protection against various diseases. It was believed among the people that evil forces send diseases to a person, and the double Fire sign is able to burn any illness and disease, cleanse the body and Soul.

FERN FLOWER- The fiery symbol of the purity of the Spirit, has powerful healing powers. The people call him Perunov Tsvet. It is believed that he is able to open treasures hidden in the earth, to fulfill desires. In fact, it gives a person the opportunity to reveal the Spiritual Forces.

SUNNY CROSS- a symbol of the Spiritual Power of the Yarila-Sun and the prosperity of the Family. Used as a body amulet. As a rule, the Solar Cross endowed with the greatest power: the Priests of the Forest, Gridney and Kmetey, who depicted him on clothes, weapons and religious accessories.

HEAVENLY CROSS- A symbol of Heavenly Spiritual Power and the Power of Tribal Unity. It was used as a wearable Amulet, protecting the one who wears it, granting him the help of all the Ancestors of his Family and the help of the Heavenly Family.

SWITOVIT- A symbol of the eternal relationship between Earthly Waters and Heavenly Fire. From this connection, new Pure Souls are born, who are preparing for incarnation on Earth in the Explicit World. Pregnant women embroidered this Amulet on dresses and sundresses so that healthy children would be born.

LIGHT- This symbol represents the union of two great Fiery streams: Earthly and Divine (Extraterrestrial). This connection gives rise to the Universal Whirlwind of Transformation, which helps a person to reveal the essence of the Multidimensional Existence, through the Light of Knowledge of the Ancient Foundations.

VALKYRIE- An ancient amulet protecting Wisdom, Justice, Nobility and Honor. This sign is especially revered by the warriors defending their native land, their Ancient Family and Faith. As a security symbol, it was used by the Priests to preserve the Vedas.

SVARGA- A symbol of the Heavenly Path, as well as a symbol of Spiritual Ascension, through many harmonious Worlds of Spiritual Perfection, through multidimensional Locations and Realities located on the Golden Path, to the end point of the wandering of the Soul, which is called the World of Rule.

SVAROZHICH- The symbol of the Heavenly Power of God Svarog, preserving in its original form all the diversity of Life forms in the Universe. A symbol that protects various existing Intelligent Life Forms from Mental and Spiritual degradation, as well as from complete destruction as an Intelligent species.

RODIMIC- The symbol of the Universal Power of the Genus-Parent preserving in the Universe in its original form the Law of Succession of Knowledge of the Wisdom of the Genus, from Old Age to Youth, from Ancestors to Descendants. Symbol-Amulet, which reliably preserves the Ancestral Memory from generation to generation.

RASICH- Symbol of the Unity of the Great Race. The Sign of England, inscribed in the Multidimensional, has not one, but four colors, according to the color of the iris of the eyes of the Clans of the Race: Silver for yes "Aryans; Green for x" Aryans; Heavenly at Svyatorus and Fiery at Rassen.

STRIBOZHICH- The symbol of God who controls all Winds and Hurricanes - Stribog. This symbol helped people protect their homes and fields from bad weather. Sailors and fishermen gave a calm water surface. The millers built windmills resembling the sign of Stribog, so that the mills would not stand.

VEDAMAN- The Symbol of the Guardian Priest, which keeps the Ancient Wisdom of the Clans of the Great Race, because in this Wisdom are preserved: the Traditions of the Communities, the Culture of relationships, the Memory of the Ancestors and the Gods of the Patrons of the Clans.

VEDARA- The symbol of the Priest-Keeper of the Ancient Faith of the First Ancestors (Kapen-Ynglinga), which keeps the Shining Ancient Wisdom of the Gods. This symbol helps to learn and use the ancient Knowledge for the benefit of the Prosperity of the Clans and the Ancient Faith of the First Ancestors.

SVYATOCH- Symbol of Spiritual Revival and Illumination of the Great Race. This symbol united in itself: the Fiery Kolovrat (Renaissance), moving along the Multidimensionality (Human Life), which united the Divine Golden Cross (Illumination) and the Heavenly Cross (Spirituality).

RACE SYMBOL- Symbol of the Universal United Union of the Four Great Nations, Aryans and Slavs. The peoples of the Aryans united Clans and Tribes together: yes "Aryans and x" Aryans, A Narody Slavs - Svyatorusov and Rassenov. This unity of the Four Nations was designated by the Symbol of Inglia of the Solar color in the Heavenly Space (Blue color). Solar Inglia (Race) is crossed by the Silver Sword (Conscience) with a Fiery hilt (Pure Thoughts) and the pointing point of the blade of the sword to the bottom, which symbolizes the Preservation and Protection of the Trees of Divine Wisdom of the Great Race from various forces of Darkness (Silver Sword, with the pointing point of the blade to the bottom , means protection from external enemies)

The eradication of the swastika

In the second half of the 20th century, in America, Europe and the USSR, they began to decisively eradicate this Solar symbol, and they eradicated it in the same way as they had previously eradicated: the ancient folk Slavic and Aryan Culture; ancient Faith and folk traditions; the true Heritage of the Ancestors, undistorted by the rulers, and the long-suffering Slavic people themselves, the bearer of the ancient Slavic-Aryan Culture.

And even now, the same people or their descendants are trying to ban any kind of rotating Solar Crosses, but using different pretexts: if earlier this was done under the pretext of class struggle and anti-Soviet conspiracies, now it is a fight against the manifestation of extremist activity.

One generation replaces another, state systems and regimes collapse, but as long as the People remember their Ancient Roots, honor the traditions of their Great Ancestors, preserve their Ancient culture and symbols, until that time the People are ALIVE and will LIVE!

For those readers who wish to receive more information about the Swastika, we recommend the Ethnoreligious essays of Roman Vladimirovich Bagdasarov "The Mystic of the Fiery Cross" and others.

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