What happened on the transfer of Roman Babayan. Fight in the program "Right to vote": full version


It started after Roman Babayan decided to find out if Russians live in shit

Another fight took place on Russian television: this time it was initiated by Roman Babayan, the host of the Right to Vote talk show on TVC, who quarreled with the guest, Polish political scientist Tomasz Maceychuk.

The channel itself dryly reported this event last night on its website: “Today, the recording of the Right to Vote program was interrupted due to a conflict between the program participants and the TV Center channel will not be aired.”

Meanwhile, in social networks, the attackers on Matseychuk spoke in more detail about what happened, and a video of the incident was also available on the Internet (the conflict itself takes place after the 24th minute). It began with Matseychuk's statement that Russia lives worse than Romania, which, in particular, is confirmed by the level of the average salary. The talk show host stopped the political scientist with a question: “Did I hear correctly that we live in shit?”

Matseychuk confirmed that he heard Babayan correctly, in response to which the latter threw sheets of paper at the guest and said, “You live in shit!”

Following this, the pro-Russian participants in the TV show shouted “You, sheep, get out of here!” and people like them began to push the political scientist out of the studio, and the deputy from Odessa, Igor Markov, was especially active.

As a result, he, as his namesake wrote, political scientist Sergei Markov, who witnessed the fight, "helped him (Matseychuk - ed.) get out of the studio with a blow to the eye." At the same time, Sergei Markov expressed full approval of such actions against “Russophobes” and praised the “perfectly correct” behavior of the host who kicked the guest out of the studio: “Of course, it is impossible to allow such people to swagger over the people of Russia, insult them on Russian TV.”

Recall that recently such incidents on Russian television have occurred more than once. They were initiated by, with the words “Every sheep will teach me”, who kicked out the Ukrainian political scientist Sergei Zaporizhsky, who did not agree with the Russian version of the Boeing crash in the Donbass, from the air.

Subsequently, Norkin's tradition was supported by the host of Channel One, Artem Sheinin, in the program "Time Will Show", dedicated to the death of Motorola, who justified the killing of people by the fact that he, the host, was. Sheinin later explained that this happened during his service in Afghanistan.

The Russian talk show "" was taken off the air because of a fight with political scientist Tomas Maciejchuk from Poland, who during the recording of the program said that the people of Russia, unlike, for example, Romanians, "live in shit."

“Did I hear correctly? Get the hell out of here!" - the presenter Roman Babayan interrupted the Pole.

“You ram, get out of here! Just try to move! Get out from here!" - the political scientist Sergey Mikheev could not stand it either.

Mikheev and Markov beat up a Polish nationalist at TVC 11/23/2016

"So it's okay? When do you offend? - the Pole tried to justify himself.

“We are not saying that you live in shit,” Mikheev snapped.

"I have a right to my point of view!" - a guest from Poland refused to leave the studio.

“And when you call Poles “prostitutes” - is this not an insult?” he did not calm down.

"When? Where? What are you yelling at? - Mikheev tried to besiege the young European.

They tried to take the Pole out of the studio by the arms, but he began to resist.

Then the ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, Igor Markov, who was present in the studio, punched the guest from Poland in the jaw.

What happened next in the TVC studio did not make public. However, journalist Ruslan Marmazov, who was present at the shooting, said that following the Pole, two other guests from Ukraine left the pavilion, defending the Maidan point of view - Pavel Zhovnirenko and Vyacheslav Kovtun.

Moreover, Kovtun was actually kicked out by another guest from Ukraine - political scientist Andrei Mishin, a native of Mariupol. He stated that such guests as Kovtun, by participating in programs, dishonor Ukraine.

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Fight in the studio interfered with the broadcast TVC next release of the program Voting right". Fragments of what happened during the recording that got on the Web have already caused heated discussion. However, some moments did not hit the Internet.

With a few blows, the Odessa politician Igor Markov sent the Polish nationalist Tomasz Maciejchuk, no, not knocked out, but simply out of the studio. Moreover, the fight almost escalated into a mass one. Voluntarily, the guest who provoked the conflict did not want to leave. Several other participants in the program persuaded him at once.

- Get out of here, get out of here!

- I have a right to my point of view. When you call Poles prostitutes, isn't that an insult?

- What are you yelling? We are here in our own country.

From the very beginning, the intensity of passions in the studio was not just high. Went off scale. On one hand from the host Roman Babayan are Russian political scientists and Ukrainians who consider Maidan a coup. On the other hand, they are supporters of the current Kyiv authorities. The 26-year-old Polish nationalist Tomas Maciejczuk is also here. The young man himself appears as a military reporter, political scientist and public figure. He was banned from entering Ukraine for five years, he seems to be fighting Ukrainian neo-fascist movements. At the same time, he advocates the strengthening of NATO in Eastern Europe, as he is convinced that Russia can attack Poland.

Fight on TVC: full version 11/24/2016

The declared theme of the program is "Connecting rod on the Maidan". But instead of discussing what Ukraine has achieved 3 years after the coup d'etat, literally from the first minutes the conversation turned first to bizarre accusations, and then to insults.

- It was you who killed the Jews. You personally. You drank the blood of children.

- I heard a lot about myself, but that I killed Jews. First time. I don’t even know how to react,” Roman Babayan was surprised by such accusations.

The host repeatedly tried to direct the discussion in a constructive direction, asking specific questions, for example, about the current state of the Ukrainian economy, Petro Poroshenko's income increased several times during his presidency, and the reaction to Oliver Stone's film Ukraine on Fire. In response: the American film director needs to smoke less marijuana and point out the Kremlin as the main screenwriter, Ukraine is an independent country that lives within its means and, finally, finds itself in this world.

The Pole Tomasz Matseychuk worked on two fronts at once: he quarreled with experts from Ukraine regarding the Essessian division of Galicia, consisting of Ukrainian volunteers, and got involved in a dispute over the average salary in Russia, which this year is 32 thousand rubles. Confusing it with the minimum wage, which so far does not even reach 8 thousand, the Polish nationalist was happy for Romania, they say, they earn more there than in Russia.

“I want to congratulate Romania on their victory. And you know why, because today in Romania the average salary is higher than in Russia. In Poland, the average salary is now 70 thousand per month. The minimum wage here is 7 thousand,” said the young Pole.

One could object to the Pole - in the European Union itself, Romania is considered one of the poorest countries, whose inhabitants massively go to work abroad, and everyone in England knows about Polish plumbers. But Matseychuk, it seems, wanted to say something else - nasty things about Russia.

Matseychuk: “Ukrainians, they also want to live like normal people, and not in shit like you. Not in the shit, like the Russians."

Political scientist Sergei Mikheev: "Poles and Ukrainians sell everything for money."

Roman Babayan: “Did I hear correctly that we live in shit?”

Maceychuk: "That's right."

In such situations, the journalist must always be above the fray. But as a person, Roman Babayan simply could not restrain himself and in a sharp form demanded to leave the studio.

Mikheev: “Are you out of your mind? You sheep, get out of here! Go away! Just try to twitch, get out of here. Roman, we need to get him out of here.

“Roman Babayan himself behaved completely correctly. Of course, it is impossible to allow such people to swagger over the people of Russia, to insult them on Russian TV. And Roman did the right thing by kicking him out of the studio. This nationalist Pole provoked the conflict,” political analyst Sergei Markov wrote on his Facebook page.

The dispute in the studio continued after the participants of the fight were separated. They demanded an apology from the Polish guest. He preferred to leave. Together with him, the recording of the program was also left by representatives of the Ukrainian side, moreover, having previously quarreled with each other: some wanted to leave, some continued the conversation.

- No, I will also leave now without two colleagues.

- You will stand here alone.

- I'll just do it.

Because of the fight, "TV Center" was forced to cancel the release of the program. Tomas Maciejchuk showed barely noticeable bruises on the Internet, and despite what happened, he continues to attend Russian talk shows.

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YEREVAN, Nov 23 - Sputnik. The scandal with assault occurred the day before in the studio of the Russian TV channel "TVC". The speech of the Polish political scientist Tomasz Maciejchuk on the air of the political talk show "Right to vote" aroused indignation both among the experts present at the studio and the host, Roman Babayan. He demanded to take Matseychuk out of the hall. The Polish guest refused to obey the host's demand and received a slap in the face from the Ukrainian political scientist Igor Markov.

Sputnik correspondent Lev Ryzhkov tried to figure out what pissed off Russian experts so much.

Lowered the bar

“I believe that a person should adhere to some kind of framework. There is nothing good in what happened, in general, there is no. And I don’t feel any joy about this. But, on the other hand, I think that honor and dignity It’s impossible to pretend that we don’t hear or see anything when an impudent youngster, who, as far as I know, belongs to one of the ultra-right organizations, begins to teach us how to love our homeland,” said political scientist Sergei Mikheev, who also participated in in a verbal skirmish with Matseychuk.

According to Mikheev, this is not the first time he has faced provocations from his Polish colleague.

"I once heard from him the words: "The Russians never had a state, no, and never will." He said this on the air of the "Meeting Place" program on NTV. lowered the bar for guests invited from abroad. It seems to me that the general bar of a talk show needs to be raised. It is impossible to invite people who turn everything into some kind of street scandal. Well, on the other hand, somehow you still need to answer somehow ", - said Mikheev.

Nerves of steel, but not always

We asked political scientist, historian and writer Armen Gasparyan, who is also familiar with Matseychuk, to comment on the situation.

“All our opponents from the Young Eastern European countries have been repeatedly asked to behave civilly and do without rudeness and rudeness. Unfortunately, in the daily format we see the exact opposite. People take advantage of the fact that the expert community for the most part are very calm people who will not flare up every second, but sometimes unacceptable things happen!” Gasparyan said.

“The most interesting thing is that later, during a break between parts, he came up and said: “Guys! In fact, I understand everything. My grandfather also fought, and you just misunderstood me." And then he took up his own again. The person simply engages in cheap provocations. Every time an attempt to build a constructive dialogue with him and others like him rests on rudeness, abusive cries and inappropriate behavior. Unfortunately "People are not ready to constructively and intellectually discuss the problem. But when the transition to personalities begins, one must understand that a response may follow," said Armen Gasparyan.

According to the expert, such incidents are the exception, not the rule.

“Russian journalists have nerves of steel. We rarely break out. There have been isolated cases. But the main sadness is that the nerves can no longer stand even among professional presenters. It is impossible every single day, five days a week, to listen to rudeness and infamy, not only in relation to the country, to the people, but also to you personally. What a normal person is capable of doing this," Gasparyan said.

A fight in the studio prevented the next episode of the "Right to vote" program from being aired by TVC. Fragments of what happened during the recording that got on the Web have already caused heated discussion. However, some moments did not hit the Internet.

With a few blows, the Odessa politician Igor Markov sent the Polish nationalist Tomasz Maciejchuk, no, not knocked out, but simply out of the studio. Moreover, the fight almost escalated into a mass one. Voluntarily, the guest who provoked the conflict did not want to leave. Several other participants in the program persuaded him at once.

- Get out of here, get out of here!

- I have a right to my point of view. When you call Poles prostitutes, isn't that an insult?

— What are you yelling? We are here in our own country.

From the very beginning, the intensity of passions in the studio was not just high. Went off scale. On one hand from the host Roman Babayan are Russian political scientists and Ukrainians who consider Maidan a coup. On the other - supporters of the current Kyiv authorities. The 26-year-old Polish nationalist Tomas Maciejczuk is also here. The young man himself appears as a military reporter, political scientist and public figure. He was banned from entering Ukraine for five years, he seems to be fighting Ukrainian neo-fascist movements. At the same time, he advocates the strengthening of NATO in Eastern Europe, as he is convinced that Russia can attack Poland.

The announced theme of the program is "Shatun on the Maidan". But instead of discussing what Ukraine has achieved 3 years after the coup d'etat, literally from the first minutes the conversation turned first to bizarre accusations, and then to insults.

“It was you who killed the Jews. You personally. You drank the blood of children.

- I heard a lot about myself, but that I killed Jews. First time. I don’t even know how to react,” Roman Babayan was surprised at such accusations.

The host repeatedly tried to direct the discussion in a constructive direction, asking specific questions, for example, about the current state of the Ukrainian economy, Petro Poroshenko's income increased several times during his presidency, and the reaction to Oliver Stone's film Ukraine on Fire. In response: the American film director needs to smoke less marijuana and point out the Kremlin as the main screenwriter, Ukraine is an independent country that lives within its means and, finally, finds itself in this world.

The Pole Tomasz Matseychuk worked on two fronts at once: he quarreled with experts from Ukraine regarding the Essessian division of Galicia, consisting of Ukrainian volunteers, and got involved in a dispute over the average salary in Russia, which this year is 32 thousand rubles. Confusing it with the minimum wage, which so far does not even reach 8 thousand, the Polish nationalist was happy for Romania, they say, they earn more there than in Russia.

"I want to congratulate Romania on the victory. And you know why, because today in Romania the average salary is higher than in Russia. In Poland, the average salary is now 70,000 a month. The minimum salary here is 7,000," said the young Pole.

One could object to the Pole - in the European Union itself, Romania is considered one of the poorest countries, whose inhabitants massively go to work abroad, and everyone in England knows about Polish plumbers. But Matseychuk, it seems, wanted to say something else - nasty things about Russia.

Matseychuk: "Ukrainians also want to live like normal people, and not in shit like you. Not in shit like Russians."

Political scientist Sergei Mikheev: "Poles and Ukrainians sell everything for money."

Roman Babayan: "Did I hear correctly that we live in shit?"

Maceychuk: "That's right."

In such situations, the journalist must always be above the fray. But as a person, Roman Babayan simply could not restrain himself and in a sharp form demanded to leave the studio.

Mikheev: "Are you crazy or something? You, sheep, get out of here! Get out! Just try to twitch, get out of here. Roman, we need to get him out of here."

"Roman Babayan himself behaved completely correctly. Of course, it is impossible to allow such people to swagger over the people of Russia, insult them on Russian TV. And Roman did the right thing by kicking him out of the studio. This nationalist Pole provoked a conflict," he wrote on his page V

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