What is torn not where it is thin. "Where it is thin, it breaks there": the main idea of ​​the work of Ivan Turgenev, in common with a folk saying, the opinions of critics


Wed Turgenev. (Comedy title).

Wed Where it is thin - there it breaks: in the sense - whoever has little, he loses (literally and allegorically).

Wed He felt fits of shortness of breath and began to fall on one leg ... And on top of that, the usual St. Petersburg bad weather ... by virtue of the proverb: "Where it's thin, it breaks there"... appeared before him in all their hopelessness.

Saltykov. Collection. Old grief.

Wed Your mind goes beyond your mind ... and where it is thin, there it breaks.

Dal. The Tale of the Shemyakin Court.

Wed Man zerreisst den Strick, wo er am dunnsten ist.

Wed From the one who does not have, what he has will be taken away.

Matt. 25, 29. Luke. 19, 26.

Cm. bumps fall on poor Makar .

  • - Wed. The whole world is like a stinking grave! The soul is torn out of the body... Look out for the humility of the soul... And let the spirit away from the body. K.F. Ryleev. 1826. "I feel sick here"...
  • - The soul is torn out of the body. Wed The whole world is like a stinking grave! The soul is torn out of the body... Hear the humility of the soul... And let the spirit out of the body. K. t. Rylev. 1826. "I feel sick here"...
  • - ("sopromat" - the name of the academic discipline on the law of resistance of materials - on the law of resistance of materials with a hint of intimate relationships ...

    Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions

  • - Cancer moves back, and the pike pulls into the water. Krylov...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - Wed. Yes, we tear each other's hearts in half... Nekrasov. Russian women. 1, 1. Cf. And she finds no relief to suppressed tears, I.A.S. Pushkin. Evg. Oneg. 7, 13. Cf. Das arme Herz muss stückweis brechen. Hervegh. . Strophen ans der Fremde. 2...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - Where it is thin, there it is torn. Wed Turgenev. . Wed Where it is thin - there it is torn: in the sense - whoever has little, he loses. Wed He felt fits of shortness of breath and began to fall on one leg.

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - b. Wed Yes, we tear each other's hearts in half... Nekrasov. Russian women. 1, 1. Cf. And she finds no relief in suppressed tears, And her heart breaks in half. A. S. Pushkin. Evg. Onig. 7, 13...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - where, to whom. Razg. Express. Someone has a strong, irresistible desire to do something...
  • Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - Razg. Someone feels mental pain, hard going through something. And the baboons? My God, you look at how he works on a collective farm - and your heart breaks into pieces ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - Obsolete. Express. Someone is deeply suffering, hard going through, experiencing mental anguish. Nowhere, in nothing she finds consolation, And she finds no relief for suppressed tears - And her heart is torn in half ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - Where it is bad, here it will be flogged. See HAPPINESS - LUCK Where it is thin, it breaks there ...
  • - See MOTHERLAND -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See WILL -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see Worldly neck sinewy...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See WILL -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

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Where it is thin, there it bends Divisibility of the earth's crust People who are far from our science think that geologists study the Earth as a whole. This, of course, is not true. A geologist is not able, either with a hammer, or with deep-sea submersibles, or even as a result of drilling, to

I often break capillaries in my eyes. What could this be a sign of?
D. Ostapenko, Ruza

The doctor of the highest category, ophthalmologist of the State Research Center for Preventive Medicine Marina MINAEVA answers:

FIRST of all, it is necessary to understand what the patient calls a burst vessel: a hemorrhage under the conjunctiva in the form of a scarlet spot that covers the entire protein, and the protein becomes practically invisible, or simply significantly dilated vessels, which patients sometimes mistake for a burst vessel.

As for dilated vessels, first of all, you need to pay attention to the general condition of the veins. Vascular pathology in general can be manifested both by varicose veins in the legs and by the expansion of venules (small veins) of the eyes. This is often found in hypertension due to the fact that the blood pressure on the wall of blood vessels is much higher than normal. Vessels often lose their tone, that is, they stretch, but they cannot narrow back and remain dilated for a long time. There are dilated vessels not all over the eye, but at its inner or outer corner. Patients regard the reddish spot of the dilated vessel as a hemorrhage.

As for the true hemorrhage, it is more common in people after 40-45 years of age with fragile vessels and already existing atherosclerosis. Often, once a bursting vessel begins to constantly tear in the same place due to the formation of an aneurysm - thinning of the vessel wall at the site of the old rupture. This can happen 3-4 times in a row. As soon as a person bends down to, for example, lace up a shoe, a hemorrhage appears. In such a situation, the patient should be referred to the laser department of the eye institute in order to find the thinned vessel wall and coagulate (“cauterize”) it pointwise with a laser, that is, to remove the aneurysm. Then all hemorrhages will stop.

Hypertensive patients with severe atherosclerosis, who have extensive hemorrhages under the conjunctiva, should be borne in mind that such hemorrhages are a certain "call". The vessels of the eyes and the brain are the same, and it is good that the vessel burst in the eye, and not in the brain. Such patients should immediately receive good vascular therapy and be warned about the need to limit heavy physical exertion. For almost a lifetime, they are categorically contraindicated for working at an angle (for example, in the garden), lifting weights, going to a very hot bath or sauna - that is, everything that can cause significant vasodilation. If the vessels are severely altered by atherosclerosis, any blood flow to the head can cause rupture of vessels in any part of the brain.

Recently, bad news has become commonplace. Somewhere a pyrotechnics plant exploded and 4 people died, somewhere another plane of the Ministry of Defense crashed, in which two pilots crashed, somewhere a bridge fell on the Trans-Siberian Railway. And then two famous football players staged a drunken brawl, in which one of them beat a Russian government official with a stool ... But still, the most interesting for us last week were four clearly unrelated, but having common roots, events: the execution of students and teachers in Kerch College, the excommunication of the Russian Orthodox Church from world Orthodoxy, the catastrophe of the Soyuz spacecraft with a cosmonaut and an astronaut on board, and the sentence to the former Minister of Construction of Tuva on a criminal case of a bribe. It would seem that at first glance, all four events are in no way connected with each other and are generated by completely different reasons. However, this is only at first glance...


There is an old Russian proverb: "Where it is thin, there it breaks." It looks like Russian society is coming apart at the seams. The most obvious example of the general crisis in the country can be safely called the execution of people and the detonation of an explosive device at the Polytechnic College of Kerch on Wednesday, October 17th. Then an 18-year-old student opened fire with a hunting rifle and set off an explosion in an educational institution. As a result, 21 people died, about 50 were injured. The shooter himself committed suicide. On the fact of the incident, a criminal case was initiated under Part 2 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder of two or more persons in a generally dangerous way). In this regard, a three-day mourning has been declared in Crimea.

This tragic event could not have been focused on if such incidents in Russian educational institutions had not become something beyond the scope - this year there have already been more than four of them. The peculiarity of the incident is in the large number of victims and in the fact that for more than 20 years of Crimea being part of Ukraine, nothing like this has happened there. But less than five years have passed since Crimea became part of the Russian Federation - and such a tragedy.

Analysts believe that the execution in Kerch is just an episode that reveals the problem of youth terrorism, which has declared itself this year. And this problem will not only exist in the country, but may also receive a new development in connection with the implementation of the policy of the authorities. So this is not the first case in Russia and, most likely, not the last. It is not at all connected with world terrorism, which Russia is actively fighting in Syria and Ukraine, and not with the influence of Western culture, as the interested parties are trying to present. It is no coincidence that the special services, having carefully studied the computer and phone of the alleged killer Roslyakov, did not find any connection with ISIS, or with Hizb-ut-Tahrir (both terrorist organizations banned in the Russian Federation), or with the SBU and other enemies of Russia. It turned out that none of the banned and not banned ill-wishers was behind the terrorist attack. Behind him is our harsh reality, the essence of which is that society is ruled by crooks who live according to the concepts of “Not caught - not a thief!”. Where hatred, cruelty and injustice are pouring from the screens of state television channels. Where rogues, bandits, corrupt officials, bankers and prostitutes become heroes. Where the state in an impoverished country, with a wild increase in the number of oligarchs, quite officially leaves tens of millions of people out of pensions. Here, modern youth does not find other heroes to follow. The killer in this series of "heroes" does not seem so scary to many young people.

If someone wants to argue with me, I will give our Tuvan well-known example. Some "cleaners" called "Chonnun Ooldary" started up in the republic. Shops are smashed, citizens are beaten and humiliated. Everything is done publicly. However, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, at the suggestion of the government of Tuva, are trying to legalize their activities. Apparently, they are waiting for them, following the example of Roslyakov in Kerch, to start killing.

Experts believe that in the last 15-20 years, the Russian authorities have very much launched control over the process of educating young people. Now the teacher in the kindergarten no longer educates, but only supervises the children, teachers in schools are no longer teachers and, moreover, not teachers: they provide services, most often to the authorities. Their main function now is to falsify the results of voting, and they have turned into crooks, stealing votes in elections, and for this reason alone they cannot enjoy any respect from students. In general, the Russian education system was broken in such a way that now, as a rule, secondary school teachers are also not obliged, and even not able to educate teenagers. And the recently adopted pension reform in Russia will lead to the fact that parents will not care about children, and grandparents (thanks to Putin and Medvedev!) will not be able to pay attention to their grandchildren, since they will be forced to work in production to the grave.

But even daily bread is not the main problem of raising children, although, of course, hunger is not an aunt. Which will force you to steal, and, if necessary, to kill. The main thing is that the principle “Not caught - not a thief!” cannot be the main postulate of life. This is the ideology of crooks and thieves and their political party in power. And it cannot be accepted by society as the basis of life. What happened in the Crimea, it was impossible to imagine some 15-20 years ago. Although its reasons are obvious: if there is no ideology in the country, there is no citizen. And without citizens there is no normal society.

Yes, without a doubt: this crime must be solved, those responsible and those involved in it must be punished. But this does not remove from the agenda the need to form a state ideology, a normal system of education and upbringing of the younger generation. This is impossible without creating conditions for respect for the elderly and care for mothers, which the authorities have now completely forgotten about in pursuit of momentary profit. So, apparently, the manifestation of the Kerch lone killer syndrome can be expected in any corner of Russia, because she deserves the shame when her children kill other children. And restricting children's access to the Internet will not save the situation, but will only drive the disease of society inward.


In the context of the ideological crisis in Russia, the Orthodox Church should have had its say. But even here, it seems that everything is very unfavorable for us. The problems of Russian-Ukrainian relations, which began with the annexation of Crimea, which now seem to have finally reached an impasse, have also affected relations between believers. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC-KP), having received the blessing of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, gained independence and received the right to secede from the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC).

This did not please the Russian church bureaucracy, and on October 15, the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Church Abroad announced in Minsk that, following the ROC, it was ending Eucharistic communion with the Patriarchate of Constantinople. And now, at any level, their contacts have been terminated until Constantinople "brings repentance" and "stops its lawlessness." What can one expect for three hundred years... The reason was that the Synod of Constantinople confirmed its intention to grant autocephaly to the Ukrainian church. Autocephaly gives the status of a local church, which implies its administrative independence from other local churches. And now the UOC-KP will stop sending money to the ROC. An autocephalous church is headed by a patriarch, archbishop or metropolitan. Earlier, he also established canonical communion with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate (UOC-KP) and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC). So now communication is impossible for both the clergy and the laity. The clergy of the Russian Church Abroad cannot serve in any parish of the Church of Constantinople and invite its clergy to ROCOR churches, and the laity cannot receive communion in the churches of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, including visiting Mount Athos.

In fact, this may mean the self-isolation of the ROC from the Orthodox world, with all the ensuing consequences. Vladimir Legoyda, chairman of the synodal department for relations between the church, society and the media of the Moscow Patriarchate, said that breaking the Eucharistic communion is "forced cruelty." It should be noted that this "forced cruelty" can hit Orthodox believers in the national republics of Russia very painfully. Especially where the Orthodox Church is under pressure from local nationalist-minded separatist authorities. Tuva can be safely attributed to such regions, where the authorities, using all the administrative levers available to it, are trying to squeeze the Orthodox population out of the republic, where the activities of the Orthodox Church are not something that is not encouraged - the authorities are trying to create as many obstacles as possible for the Orthodox in their performance of Orthodox rites.

And in this regard, the malice towards the businessman S. Safrin is not the mythical hatred of Kara-ool for the successful builder. The head of the republic cannot fail to understand that if he manages to “squeeze out” the director of Selstroy LLC from Tuva, then there will simply be no one to help the church - pay utility bills, etc. That is why the “attacks” by the government of Tuva on LLC “Selstroy” are the practical embodiment of the policy of squeezing the Orthodox Church out of Tuva in order to accelerate the exodus of the Russian community from this corner of Russia that has become uncomfortable for Russians.


The scandal with an air leak in the Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft has not yet died down due to the negligence of an employee of RSC Energia. And now - a new "incident", because of which a Russian cosmonaut and a US astronaut could die. A new scandal that could lead to the termination of Russian-American cooperation in space and the curtailment of the Russian space program as a whole.

At the same time, it should be noted that an accident like the one that happened from the Soyuz-FG launch vehicle with the Soyuz MS-10 manned spacecraft did not occur in the Soviet-Russian cosmonautics for more than 49 years. This type of launch vehicle, created under the guidance of Academician S.P. Korolev, was worked out even in Soviet times to the smallest detail. Experts called several possible causes of the accident, and now it is more likely that the incident happened due to an error in assembling the rocket at the cosmodrome. Thus, versions of a factory marriage and a design error were rejected.

But the point is not so much in a specific accident, although its consequences are colossal. The problem is that the accident with the Soyuz spacecraft is a litmus test of the state of Russian industry, of the entire Russian national economy. In this regard, the accident at the cosmodrome and the destruction of the newly built (thank God, they did not have time to solemnly open it!) The builders of the bridge across the Great Yenisei by the military of the Russian Ministry of Defense are links in the same chain. It's not even that everything that is being done by the Russian military today is pure window dressing and widespread theft. Now everything state-owned in Russia is a cast from the monstrous state of the country's military complex. If a country is rapidly degrading, this applies to all spheres of state activity.

Severe sentence to mediator

It cannot be said that the sentence to the former Minister of Construction V. Satu, announced in the Kyzyl city court, was a complete surprise for everyone. Although some had illusions that Sat could get out. The case went on for a suspiciously long time, and it seemed that the parties were waiting for something. But, in the end, the verdict was announced: imprisonment for 8 years in a strict regime and a fine of 55 million rubles. The former minister was arrested in the courthouse, and the convoy escorted him to the pre-trial detention center. Now experts in criminal cases are trying to figure out why this happened. And really, why? After all, his former colleagues in the Kara-ool government - Minister Bicheldey and the chairman of the district administration Anai-ool - got off with a slight fright - suspended sentences without a fine. And the criminal case of Minister of Labor Tas-ool for committing exactly the same crime is still not in court. And she still has not even been suspended from work, where she probably continues her criminal actions. And then - bam! Strange...

And the matter, in general, is not difficult. According to investigators, its essence is as follows. The government of Tuva (I will not name names and positions - everyone understands who we are talking about) decided to urgently steal 32 million rubles. As is already customary in the republic, in order to implement the plan, a Government Decree was issued on the allocation of the amount subject to theft by the Ministry of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan to the authorized capital of SUE "Kyzylteplo" ostensibly for the subsequent financing of the construction of engineering networks at "Svorotka", in the eastern part of Kyzyl , a contractor (director - Lendel). Then the money in the amount of 32 million rubles was transferred to Arkada LLC, the director of Lendel. Then he transferred them to an intermediary in Irkutsk, who forwarded them to Moscow for subsequent cashing out. After that, Lendel himself flew to Moscow, where he received 28 million rubles in cash - minus the cost of cashing out. Returning to Kyzyl, he allegedly handed over 32 million rubles to Minister of Construction V. Sat. Not 28 million received in Moscow, but all 32 million transferred by the government. Isn't it strange? It was these 32 million that the investigation considered a bribe.

The investigation in the case developed very rapidly. Immediately after the indictment, Sat, suffering from a number of serious illnesses, was placed in a pre-trial detention center. As it turns out later, this scam with 32 million was known to the Chekists from the very beginning. Even before Bartyna-Sady signed a government decree prepared by the apparatus of Sh. Kara-ool on the allocation of these millions for subsequent embezzlement. All transfers were carried out under their control. Therefore, when the Chekists showed Lendel all the evidence they had, he had no choice but to cooperate with the investigation and sign all the papers. Then they offered the same to Satu, but he was afraid to go against the Kara-ool brothers and did not agree to a deal.

The defense managed, through incredible efforts, to rescue him from the pre-trial detention center. It seemed that the investigation was going back to normal, and nothing special threatened Sat. But then an absolutely amazing thing happened - once free, Sat, after a conversation with one of the well-known brothers, suddenly refused his defense by local experienced lawyers, and he got a Moscow muddy lawyer from the office of the TV presenter of the program "Man and the Law" Pimanov. As it turns out later, most likely, it was the idea of ​​the chairman of the government of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool. There are rumors that it was he who imposed a new lawyer on Sat and insisted that he give up local defense lawyers, and especially A.A. Yazev. Apparently, he gave Sat some guarantees that nothing terrible would happen to him, as in his time with Bicheldey and Anai-ool, would not happen.

But the worst happened - a real term and a multi-million dollar fine. Thus, the Chekists and the court give a completely understandable signal - even if you steal budget money for karaool and leave nothing for yourself, do not hope that you will be excused - not the time, not the circumstances. Neither Kara-ool nor Shoigu will help, whom, as you know, God has endowed with the gift of doing nothing for nothing. And if you make the “right decision”, as Lendel once did, you may escape severe punishment.

The story with Minister Sat is not over yet. While he is in jail, the defense will prepare for an appeal. For the Chekists, the main thing now is to protect him from the long hands of the black brothers, who no longer need him and for whom he has become a dangerous witness. It is very important that he live to see the Court of Appeal. And then time will tell.

Turgenev Ivan

Where it is thin, there it breaks

Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich

Where it is thin, there it breaks

Comedy in one act


Anna Vasilievna Libanova, landowner, 40 years old.

Vera Nikolaevna, her daughter, 19 years old.

M-11e Bienaime, companion and governess, 42 years old.

Varvara Ivanovna Morozova, relative of Libanova, 45 years old.

Vladimir Petrovich Stanitsyn, neighbor, 28 years old.

Evgeny Andreevich Gorsky, neighbor, 26 years old.

Ivan Pavlych Mukhin, neighbor, 30 years old.

Captain Chukhanov, 50 years old,


The action takes place in the village of Ms. Libanova.

The theater represents the hall of a rich landowner's house; straight ahead - the door to the dining room, to the right - to the living room, to the left - the glass door to the garden. Portraits hang on the walls; in the foreground a table covered with magazines; piano, several armchairs; a little behind the Chinese billiards; in the corner is a large wall clock.

Gorsky (enters). Nobody here? so much the better ... What time is it? .. Half past ten. (Thinking a little.) Today is a decisive day... Yes... yes... (Goes to the table, takes a magazine and sits down.) "Le Journal des Debats" of the third of April of the new style, and we are in July... hm... Let's see what news... (Starts to read. Mukhin comes out of the dining room. Gorsky looks around hurriedly.) Bah, ba, ba... Mukhin! what fates? when did you arrive?

Mukhin. Tonight, and left the city yesterday at six o'clock in the evening. My coachman lost his way.

Gorsky. I didn't know you knew Madame de Libanoff.

Mukhin. I am here for the first time. I was introduced to Madame de Libanoff, as you say, at the governor's ball; I danced with her daughter and received an invitation. (Looks around.) And her house is good!

Gorsky. Still would! the first house in the province. (Shows him the Journal des Debats.) Look, we're getting the Telegraph. Joking aside, life is good here... Such a pleasant mixture of Russian village life with the French vie de chateau... 1) You'll see. The mistress ... well, a widow, and a rich one ... and a daughter ...

1) The life of a country castle (French).

Mukhin (interrupting Gorsky). Pretty daughter...

Gorsky. A! (After a pause.) Yes.

Mukhin. What is her name?

Gorsky (with solemnity). Her name is Vera Nikolaevna... She has an excellent dowry behind her.

Mukhin. Well, that's all the same to me. You know I'm not a fiancé.

Gorsky. You are not a groom, but (looking at him from head to toe) dressed as a groom.

Mukhin. Are you not jealous?

Gorsky. Here's to you! Let's sit down and chat better until the ladies come downstairs for tea.

Mukhin. I’m ready to sit down (sits down), and I’ll chat later ... Tell me in a few words what kind of house this is, what kind of people ... You’re an old tenant here.

Gorsky. Yes, my dead mother could not stand Mrs. Libanova for twenty years in a row ... We have known each other for a long time. I visited her in St. Petersburg and ran into her abroad. So you want to know what kind of people they are, if you please. Madame de Libanoff (it says so on her business cards, with the addition of -exe Salotopine 2) ... Madame de Libanoff is a kind woman, she lives herself and gives life to others. She does not belong to high society; but in Petersburg they don't know her at all; General Monplaisir stops by her. Her husband died early; and then she would go out into the people. She keeps herself well; a little sentimental, spoiled; he receives guests either casually or affectionately; you know, there is no real chic ... But at least thank you for not worrying, not talking through your nose and not gossiping. The house keeps in order and manages the estate itself ... The administrative head! A relative lives with her - Morozova, Varvara Ivanovna, a decent lady, also a widow, only a poor one. I suspect that she is evil, like a pug, and I know for sure that she cannot stand her benefactor ... But you never know what is missing! A French governess hangs around the house, pours out tea, sighs over Paris and loves le petit mot pour rire 3), rolls her eyes languidly... land surveyors and architects drag after her; but since she does not play cards, and preference is only good for three, then a ruined retired captain, a certain Chukhanov, who looks like a mustache and a grunt, but in reality is a low-flyer and flatterer, keeps on grazing for this. All these persons do not leave the house anyway; but Madame Libanovy has many other friends... you can't count them all... Yes! I forgot to name one of the most regular visitors, Dr. Gutman, Karl Karlych. He is a young, handsome man, with silky sideburns, he does not understand his business at all, but he kisses Anna Vasilyevna's hands with tenderness ... Anna Vasilyevna is not unpleasant, and her hands are not bad; a little greasy, but white, and the tips of the fingers are bent up ...

2) Born Salotopina (French).

3) A witty word (French).

Mykhin (impatiently). Why don't you say anything about your daughter?

Gorsky. But wait. I saved it for the end. However, what can I tell you about Vera Nikolaevna? Right, I don't know. Who can tell a girl at eighteen? She still wanders all over herself, like new wine. But a good woman can come out of her. She is thin, smart, with character; and her heart is tender, and she wants to live, and she is a big egoist. She will get married soon.

Mukhin. For whom?

Gorsky. I don’t know ... But only she won’t stay too long in the girls.

Mukhin. Well, of course, the rich bride...

Gorsky. No, that's not why.

Mukhin. From what?

Gorsky. Because she realized that a woman's life begins only from the day of her wedding; but she wants to live. Listen... what time is it?

Mukhin (looking at his watch). Ten...

Gorsky. Ten... Well, I still have time. Listen. Between me and Vera Nikolaevna the struggle is terrible. Do you know why I rode here headlong yesterday morning?

Mukhin. For what? no, I do not know.

Gorsky. And then, that today a young man you know intends to ask for her hand,

Mukhin. Who is this?

Gorsky. Stanitsyn..

Mukhin. Vladimir Stanitsyn?

Gorsky. Vladimir Petrovich Stanitsyn, a retired lieutenant of the Guards, is a great friend of mine, however, a very kind fellow. And consider this: I myself brought him into the local house. Yes, I entered! It was precisely then that I brought him in so that he would marry Vera Nikolaevna. He is a kind, modest, close-minded, lazy, homebody person: you can’t even demand a better husband. And she understands it. And I, as an old friend, wish her well.

Mukhin. So you rode here to be a witness to the happiness of your protege? (Protégé - French)

Gorsky. On the contrary, I came here in order to upset this marriage.

Mukhin. I don't understand you.

Gorsky. H'm... well, it seems the matter is clear.

Mukhin. Do you want to marry her yourself?

Gorsky. No I do not want to; And I don't want her to get married either.

Mukhin. You are in love with her.

Gorsky. Don't think.

Mukhin. You are in love with her, my friend, and you are afraid to speak out.

Gorsky. What nonsense! Yes, I'm ready to tell you everything ...

Mukhin. Well, that's how you get married...

Where it is thin, there it breaks

Wed Turgenev. (Comedy title).

Wed Where it is thin - there it breaks: in the sense - whoever has little, he loses (literally and allegorically).

Wed He felt fits of shortness of breath and began to fall on one leg ... And on top of that, the usual St. Petersburg bad weather ... by virtue of the proverb: "Where it's thin, it breaks there"... appeared before him in all their hopelessness.

Saltykov. Collection. Old grief.

Wed Your mind goes beyond your mind ... and where it is thin, there it breaks.

Dal. The Tale of the Shemyakin Court.

Wed Man zerreisst den Strick, wo er am dunnsten ist.

Wed From the one who does not have, what he has will be taken away.

Matt. 25, 29. Luke. 19, 26.

Cm. bumps fall on poor Makar .

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and well-aimed words. Collection of Russian and foreign quotations, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. SPb., type. Ak. Sciences.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

See what "where it's thin, it breaks" in other dictionaries:

    Where it is thin, it breaks there. Where it is bad, here it will be flogged. See HAPPINESS LUCK Where it is thin (or: briefly), it breaks there. See WORRY OF OFFENSE… IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Where thin, there it breaks. Wed Turgenev. (Title of comedy). Wed Where thinly there it breaks: in the sense of one who has little, he loses (literally and allegorically). Wed He felt fits of shortness of breath and began to fall on one leg ... And besides that, and ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Where it is thin, it breaks there (Turgeneva)- comedy... Dictionary of literary types

    Blenalme, m-lle ("Where it is thin - there it breaks")- See also >> companion and governess 42 years old. He sighs over Paris, loves le petit mot pour rire and rolls his eyes languidly... Dictionary of literary types

    Gorsky, Evgeny Andreevich ("Where it is thin - there it breaks")- See also Neighbor Libanova, 26 years old, smart man, old friend of Vera; reputed to be a mocking and cold person. By his own will, he rarely indulges in lofty feelings. It doesn't have sensitivity. He is much more pleasant to laugh, ... ... Dictionary of literary types

    Gutman, Karl Karlych ("Where it is thin - there it breaks")- See also the Doctor, young, handsome, with silky sideburns, he did not understand his business at all ... Dictionary of literary types

    Grooms ("Where it's thin, it breaks there")- See also blond, fair-haired, brown-haired; pack. l... Dictionary of literary types

    Libanova, Anna Vasilievna ("Where it is thin, there it breaks")- See also Landowner 40 years old, rich widow, n? e Salotopine, kind woman, she lives herself and gives life to others. Does not belong to high society; Petersburg, she is not known at all, but her house is the first in the province. Administrative head ... House in ... ... Dictionary of literary types

    Mukhin, Ivan Pavlovich ("Where it is thin, there it breaks")- See also Libanova's Neighbor, 26 years old, hot player... Dictionary of literary types

    Stanitsyn, Vladimir Petrovich ("Where it is thin, there it breaks")- See also Libanova's Neighbor, 28 years old, retired lieutenant of the guard, the kindest fellow, a modest man, of a narrow mind, lazy, a homebody. Trusting and talkative: what is in his heart, then in his tongue. Gorsky calls him a ladies' man... Dictionary of literary types


  • I. S. Turgenev. Works in twelve volumes. Volume 2, I.S. Turgenev. 1979 edition. The safety is good. The second volume includes scenes and comedies by I. S. Turgenev: "Carelessness", "Lack of money", "Where it is thin, there it breaks", "Freeloader", "Bachelor", "Breakfast at ...

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