What is female plastic surgery? Our body loves movement.


Looking at the performances of professional dancers, one cannot help but be amazed by their perfect grace, special gait, and smooth movements. The possession of one's own body inherent in these people is amazing and enchanting. However, one should not assume that this quality is available only to the elite - each person, with hard work, will be able to achieve, if not the same, then the maximum approximate level. We present you some simple recommendations on how to develop the plasticity of the body and hypnotize people with your own movements.

Stretch every day. Stretched muscles and tendons are not the only, but a necessary condition for giving the body plasticity. The flexibility of tissues is essentially the number of forms that it can take. At the same time, take into account the capabilities of your body - excessively intense stretching exercises can lead not to the desired result, but to painful tears, displacements and other injuries. It is best to consult with a professional fitness trainer or choreographer beforehand.

Learn to control your body. Stretching alone will not help develop body plasticity and flexibility if you do not know how to control muscles. In dance, an important concept is the so-called "isolation". This is the involvement when performing a movement of only a certain muscle group. Have you seen how a professional break dancer makes a “wave”? This is just the result of excellent possession of each element of your body separately.

Pay attention to daily movements. If you do plastic exercises only in the dance hall, then you will not achieve noticeable progress. Try to move in normal surroundings in the same way as you do on the floor or stage. At first, it will be difficult to follow this constantly, but over time, plastic movements will become a habit and become natural. And in no case do not hesitate to demonstrate natural grace in public - this is a very attractive quality.

There are several ways to develop body plasticity. All of them are quite affordable to perform at home:

  • Pilates is a type of fitness developed by the American Joseph Pilates at the beginning of the 20th century and based on coordination, breath control, concentration, muscle isolation when performing simple exercises;
  • yoga - an ancient Indian teaching, transformed in the West into a system of exercises and postures, also pays great attention to breathing, concentration on internal sensations;
  • stretching - a set of exercises focused on stretching muscles and tendons, as well as developing flexibility;
  • body ballet is a kind of fitness based on some basic exercises from classical choreography, in particular, standing, stretching, abduction, leg swings, etc.

The latter method is gaining wide popularity today - which is not surprising if you look at the movements of professional ballerinas. IN "Ballet Workshop" by Yegor Simachev classes are held in body ballet, taught by professionals performing on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. Thanks to their experience, they know how to develop plasticity in dance and everyday life, using a huge arsenal of classical choreography tools.

Have you ever thought about how flexible you are? But flexibility, plasticity and grace, according to generally accepted opinion, should be present in every representative of the fair sex. At least that's what most men think. Have you noticed such a situation on the dance floor when an outwardly beautiful, chic woman dances as if something were holding her down, her movements are unnatural and awkward, it seems as if she is tense and cannot give herself entirely to the dance. Why not wooden Pinocchio? There is not only a lack of plasticity, but also self-doubt and inability to control one's body. How to learn to fully control your body and become much more plastic and flexible?

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Photo gallery: How to become more plastic?

The surest way to develop plasticity and flexibility is to sign up for dance classes. As a last resort, you can buy any disk with video lessons, and first practice at home, and then go to conquer the dance floors. But dances are also different and you need to know where to start. Strip dance and oriental dances develop plasticity very well. You can also do Latin American or any modern dance, for example, now there is an excellent youth direction of club dancing - go-go.

At the same time, you need to practice dancing stubbornly, honing every movement once in a while and not stopping if something suddenly doesn’t work out. Lessons in any dance direction can be easily found on the Internet. This way you will come to class at least a little prepared and not feel uncomfortable.

In addition to dancing, it is also recommended to do stretching. Any exercise that stretches your muscles helps you feel and control your body better. If at the same time you also want to lose weight a little, then we advise you to turn your attention to callanetics, also called plastic gymnastics. Callanetics is a great way to make your body more plastic and flexible, and your figure more feminine, so this wonderful trend in sports cannot be missed. The complexes of exercises for stretching the muscles included in it develop flexibility very well. Callanetics can be a real lifesaver if you don’t like too active sports, where you need to perform exercises quickly and clearly to fast music (for example, the same fitness). In callanetics, everything is simpler: the music is calm, the movements are smooth and measured, while the result from such activities is no worse than from fast and noisy fitness, plus you will achieve good flexibility.

The next way to make your body plastic and flexible is yoga. They will not only help you feel better about your body, but also improve your health and overall well-being. Yoga is generally almost a non-universal medicine for many problems with the body. Yoga exercises (asanas) make the body plastic and flexible, and also relieve problems with the spine and joints. Despite the fact that some asanas are quite simple, yoga is recommended to be practiced with an experienced trainer to achieve the best result. After a month of regular yoga or callanetics, you will notice that you have become more flexible and no longer seem to yourself so clumsy and clumsy. Your body will become stronger, leaner and more flexible.

To become more plastic, move more. An interesting observation, but most often those people who lead an inactive, sedentary lifestyle suffer from a lack of flexibility. If your work is connected to a computer, then you probably spend most of the day sitting on a chair at a table doing routine work. The same applies to seamstresses, administrators, call center operators, etc. With a sedentary lifestyle, the body gets used to inactivity, the muscles lose their tone, and indeed, the body seems to “stiffen”. Therefore, arrange a warm-up for yourself more often, and start every morning with gymnastics, which must necessarily include muscle stretching exercises.

Even if you have not chosen oriental dances for yourself, we still recommend that you learn how to do belly dancing. This movement of oriental beauties has a very good effect on the abdominal organs, eliminates stagnation of blood and lymph in the pelvic organs, awakens and enhances female energy, and also adds grace to movements. You can also learn how to make the famous “wave”, when in an upright position to the music you begin to make smooth wave-like movements with your body, or rather, its upper part to (lower back). This element can also often be observed in oriental dances.

Since you can easily become more plastic at home, you do not have to sign up for dance studios or fitness centers. This is especially important if you are very shy. You can first achieve plasticity and flexibility in movements at home, become more self-confident, bolder, more determined, and then go to a dance studio or immediately to the dance floor. If you don’t bother with such stupid complexes at all, then classes in a group with a teacher, of course, will only benefit you and you will achieve the desired results faster.


Dancing is the easiest and most enjoyable way to develop body mobility. Choose one or more areas that are close to you - modern dance, Latin American, strip plastic classes, oriental dances, etc. You must experience positive emotions, otherwise training will become a real torment. It is not at all necessary to practice dancing at a professional level - you can change your preferences, looking for loads that are acceptable to you. In order for you to be able to move freely and plastically on the dance floor in a few weeks, two or three classes a week are enough.

Any stretching exercises will help to make the body flexible - yoga, choreographic classes, etc. By stretching your body in various poses, you train your muscles and strengthen your joints. If you are not lazy and practice every other day, then in a couple of months you will be able to boast of graceful movements. Yoga is suitable for those who do not like dancing - breathing practices, coupled with stretching exercises, will increase body endurance, strengthen muscle fibers, and help make the body supple, plastic and slim.

Belly dancing is a great way to learn how to move gracefully, gracefully and plastically. This type of physical activity does not overload the ankle or wrist joints, promotes the formation of seductive curves, and helps to master smooth and beautiful movements. Your gait will change, it will become easy. Such a dance also has a healing effect, eliminating congestion in the pelvic organs.

Practice at home on your own if you don't have the time or opportunity to go to a dance studio or gym. Prepare an individual set of several exercises aimed at developing flexibility, stretching muscles and working out joints. These can be body tilts to the sides, forward and backward, lunges, rotational movements, stretching the muscles of the legs, arms, etc. To control the amplitude and correctness of performing individual movements, train in front of a mirror - you will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of classes with each workout.


  • How to be more flexible

Body language can tell a lot about its owner, and it's good when body- absolutely. But it often happens that we are unhappy with our reflection in the mirror, and sometimes we even feel awkward, and our body does not listen to us. To avoid this, you just need to take care of yourself. Where to start? Initially, with the help of standard examples, make your own body more plastic.


The easiest way to develop the abilities of the body is modern dance. There are a huge number of directions (go-go / sexy Style, hip-hop, latina solo, strip-plastic, body-shake, dance-hall, stretching, RnB), and the style corresponding to its character is not difficult. This type is chosen by those who do not want to be tied to any specific directions in dancing. If you practice at least three or four times a week, then very soon body will gain tone and become flexible, and you will feel more confident at any party.

You can achieve the plasticity of the body with the help of classical choreography. Stretching at the barre, as well as a combination of all kinds of training exercises on the floor will help to strengthen all muscle groups in a short time, and also make body more plastic and graceful.

For connoisseurs of calm, balanced rhythms, yoga is suitable. Measured and smooth movements will help activate the muscles, thereby stretching them and making them more plastic. This includes a whole system of physical exercises, and in order to perform them you need to learn how to breathe correctly in accordance with specific tasks. Only then will yoga have the desired effect and help the body become elastic.

One of the most efficient ways to make body capable of squirming as well as a snake is belly dancing - a Western dance technique common in the Middle East and Arab countries. After all, just all the originality of this - in its plasticity. Belly dance, unlike other dances, does not put pressure on the ankle joints, and this is a good way to model the figure and acquire a flexible and plastic body.

If you want to achieve body beauty in, you can start performing a set of body exercises, developing joint mobility and ligament elasticity. The most important thing here is to show concentration and willpower. Such flexibility and stretching exercises improve the mobility of the joints, and thereby contribute to their stretching. For this type of training, all exercises that help stretch the muscles are suitable. It can be tilts, lunges, rotational movements.

Helpful advice

To achieve the result, you need to train for at least three months.

Until recently, the country did not think about such a concept as femininity. For a long time, women's clothing was dominated by the "unisex" style, and women had professions for men. But the era has changed, and again femininity is valued and extolled in women. And if you want to see a real man next to you, then you yourself should try to become a real woman.


First of all, throw out the pants from the wardrobe! A woman looks much more feminine and seductive after all. Eliminate "unisex" from your style. Get long skirts, tight-fitting dresses and translucent blouses for your wardrobe, and you will see how they turn around after you! And do not forget that high heels make the leg look much sleeker, slimmer and longer. And also accessories that are not available and it's nice! Light scarves, earrings, bracelets, beads will make you unique and incredible.

It is also important to look feminine at home, which means you must forget about the habit of getting into your favorite bathrobe (leave it for the bath) and slippers of an unknown size! At home, your loved ones are looking at you, all the more so you need to choose clothes that will especially emphasize your dignity. And in a dressing gown, dignity is quite problematic to see.

They say that when a man sees a woman, he immediately pays attention to her gait, by which she determines the temperament of the lady who interested him. Naturally, if the gait is not distinguished by grace and plasticity, then the matter will not advance further than this cursory glance! So it turns out that our personal life largely depends on our grace.

But, you must admit that you would like to be special and attract the attention of men with just a swaying of your hips and a springy gait? How to become plastic?

For some reason, it is generally accepted that every woman simply must be able to move beautifully, but we are all very different and among women of any age there are those who have the natural ability to be graceful, and those who are a little angular and do not know how to learn how to control their body .

Is it possible to do this on my own, or is it necessary to attend some groups, courses, classes? Today, every woman can choose one or another type of physical activity that develops plasticity, it can be strip plastic, stretching or oriental dance classes.

Oriental dances are an excellent school of movement - the centuries-old tradition of oriental dances conveys everything that a woman who owns the secret of seduction should know and be able to do. In addition, movements in oriental dances can improve blood circulation in the pelvis, which has a positive effect on women's health. And how they improve the figure and gait!

The basic movements of oriental dance help to learn how to control the abdominal muscles, oblique abdominal muscles, train the hips and lower legs - while dancing and enjoying it, you can clearly draw a waistline. Classes with beautiful sensual music improve mood, create a positive emotional mood, combined with muscle fatigue, which gives a feeling of happiness. In order to create the right mood at home, you need to buy a disk with oriental music, a top, shalwars and a belt with coins - having mastered a few basic movements, it will be easy to build a dance full of passion and plasticity.

What can stretching give a woman? This type of physical activity helps to achieve maximum flexibility, which is reflected in the name. Stretching includes exercises aimed at developing the flexibility of the whole body, mobility in the joints, elasticity of the ligaments. The complex includes static, ballistic and dynamic exercises, which allows you to learn to control your body over time.

Stretching classes give a woman a sense of her own flexibility, improve blood circulation in tissues, solve the problem of osteochondrosis and excess weight, give plasticity and lightness to movements.

How to become plastic with strip plastic?

Those who want to perfectly master their body, the art of seduction and become plastic and sexy will need to enroll in a strip plastic school. This dance is full of smooth transitions, where one movement flows into another - a woman who owns strip plasticity knows how to subdue her body, she easily performs the most difficult acrobatic steps, moving gracefully like a cat.

In addition to being engaged in strip plastic, you can learn to control your body perfectly, it allows you to correct your posture, gait, teaches you to move easily and silently. With its help, you can lose weight and learn to be beautiful and liberated - they say that the ability to dance in this style makes a woman more courageous and decisive, and she very quickly solves all her problems in her personal life.

A woman, confident in her irresistibility, will easily find her happiness, attract him and not let go! And the art of being plastic will help her in this.

Surely everyone wants to quickly and without straining to have good plastic without leaving home (and even better without getting up from the couch).

There will be no specific exercises - you can easily find them on the Internet. These are just ideas to add to your "piggy bank" and then develop, develop, develop ...

For each item, you can find a lot of training videos and recommendations on the Internet that will bring you closer to your goal. The plasticity of the body is like a flower, the more you water it, the more beautiful it becomes.

So let's get started.

  1. Waves. This is a very spectacular and important component for the beauty of the dance. Train them at home. The main dances that will help you develop the waves well are oriental dances, bachata, kizomba.
  2. Move through the levels. It is spectacular when you can move from the floor to the upper level (standing position) without much effort and tension.
  3. Sensitivity. In order to better manage your body, it is necessary to develop its sensitivity. You must simultaneously feel the body as a whole, as a whole.
  4. Copy. Try to copy the plastic dance and record it on video. Then watch the video and dance again to the same music. Do this several times. The quality of your dance will begin to change.
  5. images. When you dance, come up with an image for yourself and do not leave it until the end of the dance.
  6. Mirror work. Dance in front of a mirror to better see yourself from the side. Experiment and come up with new moves. Read the article improvisation in dance on our website Bachata.Su.
  7. Video recording. One of the most effective ways to improve plasticity is to record a video and then watch it, find things that you like, don't like, then adjust and record the video again.
  8. Dealing with tension in the body. Excess tension must be removed from the body, for this various yoga exercises can help, as well as just constant and continuous work on oneself.
  9. Breath. It is important to monitor your breathing so that it is continuous. And if there is an "unnecessary" tension, "exhale through it."
  10. Music and emotions. Explore what kind of music you get the most beautiful dance.
  11. Stretching and twine. It will add entertainment and aesthetics to your dance. However, keep in mind thattwine is such a specific thing that it requires regular practice. You need to practice regularly.
  12. Ease. To develop ease in dance, firstly, it is necessary to work with the relaxation of the body, and secondly, it is necessary to follow the impulses of the body, to catch the inertia of movement.
  13. Movement speed. You can develop the speed of movements by turning on faster music.
  14. Muscle training. The main muscles for a girl are abs and buttocks, for a man - abs, chest, shoulders, back. However, do not forget about the development of the muscles of the arms and legs.
  15. muscle memory. You need to make sure that the muscles memorize the dance moves as quickly as possible. For this there are necessary exercises.
  16. Feedback. An outside perspective is important. Ask people you trust to evaluate your dance.
  17. "Turn your head on and off." As you know, the brain develops in dance. Wrong statement that you need to turn off your head in the dance. There must be freedom and control at the same time in the dance. You can turn off your head if you want, or you can join the dance again.
  18. Regularity. Remember - better a little but often than a lot but rarely.
  19. Inspiration. As often as possible, do what inspires you - books, films, music. This will definitely improve your dancing.

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