Mayan civilization - interesting facts about the existence of the tribe and its achievements. ancient civilizations of latin america


The Maya civilization is unique. Their writing, calendar system, knowledge of astronomy amaze even modern cosmologists. The Maya Indians are one of the most ancient and mysterious civilizations that have ever existed on Earth.

The birth of the Mayan civilization

Scientists have determined where the Indians lived. According to the theory, after the end of the last ice age, the tribes living in the north went south to develop new lands. Today it is the territory of Latin America.

Then, for the next 6 thousand years, the Indians created their own culture - they built cities, were engaged in agriculture.

By 1500 BC, the Mayans lived in the Yucatán Peninsula, what is now Guatemala, the southern states of Mexico, and the western parts of El Salvador and Honduras.

Maya Indians: the history of the development of civilization

The first major centers were the cities of El Mirador, Nakbe and Tikal. The construction of temples flourished, calendars were widely used, and hieroglyphic writing developed.

The photo below shows the ancient Mayan cultural center in the ancient city of Tikal.

The Indians created their own system, including architecture with unique buildings - pyramids, monuments, palaces, politics and social hierarchy. Society was divided into the masses and the elite, consisting of rulers.

The Mayan tribe believed that their rulers were descended from the gods. The status was emphasized by robes with a mandatory attribute - a chest mirror. "Mirror of the people" - the Maya called their supreme ruler.

Maya ruling class

The ancient Mayan civilization numbered over 20 million people.

A whole system of 200 cities was created, 20 of them were metropolitan areas with a population of more than 50 thousand people.

Economic development of the Maya tribes

Initially, the Mayans were engaged in slash-and-burn agriculture - they cut down the forest on the site that they planned to cultivate, then they burned the trees and shrubs, and fertilized the soil with ash. Since the land in the tropics is infertile, its resources were quickly depleted, and the fields ceased to be cultivated. They words overgrown with forest. Then the whole process started all over again.

But with the increase in population, new methods were required, and the Indians began to use hillsides for terraced farming. Swamps were also mastered - raised fields were arranged on them by embanking beds a meter high above the water level.

They arranged irrigation systems, through a network of canals water flowed into tanks.

They traveled across the water in canoes made of mahogany. Up to 50 people could be in them at the same time. They traded fish, shells, shark teeth and other marine gifts. Salt was in the role of money.

Salt production

For the manufacture of weapons used obsidian, brought from Mexico and Guatemala.

Jade was a ritual stone, it has always been in value.

jade products

Those who lived on the plains traded food, cotton, jaguar skins, and quetzal feathers.

Art and architecture

During the "classic" early and late periods (250 - 600 AD and 600 - 900 AD) a huge number of temples were built, wall paintings appearing with the image of the rulers. Art flourishes.

Below is a photo of a bas-relief depicting a ruler.

Copan and Palenque become new cultural centers.


Starting from 900 AD, the southern plains gradually become empty, the settlements remain in the northern part of the Yucatan. Until 1000 AD, the influence of Mexican culture grows, the cities of Labna, Uxmal, Kabah and ChiChen Itza flourish.

Below is a photo of the pyramid in the city of Chichen Itza

After the mysterious collapse of Chichen Itza, Mayapan becomes the main city of the Maya.

Why did the Maya civilization disappear?

No one really knows the reason for the disappearance of the Indian people. There are only hypotheses about this. According to the main one, in 1441 there was an uprising of the leaders who lived in the cities neighboring Mayapan. This caused the degeneration of civilization and its transformation into disparate tribes. Drought and famine also affected. Then came the conquistadors.

Below in the photo - the last center of civilization.

In 1517, Spanish ships landed on an unknown shore. In the battle with the Indians, the conquistadors saw gold. This began the extermination of the Mayan people, since the Spaniards believed that gold should belong to their rulers. In 1547, the Maya were subjugated, but some of the tribes managed to escape and hide in the center of the Yucatan Peninsula, where they lived for 150 years.

The diseases that the Spaniards brought with them caused outbreaks of epidemics. The Indians had no immunity to influenza, measles, and smallpox, and they died by the millions.

The culture and religion of the Indians were exterminated in every possible way: temples were destroyed, shrines were destroyed, idolatry was punished by torture.

In the 100 years since the arrival in Latin America, the Mayan civilization was completely eradicated by Europeans.

Watch the BBC documentary on the mysterious Mayan civilization below.

The Maya civilization was one of the greatest pre-Columbian civilizations. Its scope extended to the entire northern region of Central America, including the territories of modern states - Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Mexico and the southwestern outskirts of Honduras.

Most of the Maya city-states reached their peak of urbanism and large-scale construction during the classical period from 250 to 900 AD. The most notable monuments from this period are the ancient temples that were built in almost every major city. For reasons still unknown, most of the Mayan centers fell into disrepair over the next few centuries. And by the time the conquistadors arrived, the Mayan civilization was already in deep decline.

There are several versions of the possible cause of the death of civilization, including soil depletion, loss of water sources and erosion, earthquakes, disease, and the likely military invasions of other highly developed cultures. Some Mayan cities of the highest historical and cultural value are included in. Of particular tourist interest today is ancient architecture, stone sculptures, bas-reliefs and stylized religious paintings on the walls of houses. As well as preserved massive palaces, ancient temples and pyramids.

We have already told you about the impressive ones, today you can get acquainted with the most interesting ancient cities of the Mayan civilization.

Ancient Mayan Cities - PHOTO

The ruins of Tikal are located on the territory of the national park of the same name. And this is perhaps one of the largest archaeological sites of the Mayan civilization in Central America. It was this place that became the inspiration, and then reflected in the Mel Gibson film Apocalypse. A trip to Tikal is financially quite expensive, compared to other destinations to the ruins of the Mayan civilization. But the preserved pyramids, stone royal palaces, paintings and frescoes are worth seeing. In 1979 Tikal National Park was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. By the way, be on the alert, in the dense forests surrounding the park, there are predatory jaguars.

The large pre-Columbian city of Chichen Itza is located in the Mexican state of Yucatan. This large ruined city, apparently, was one of the Tollans - a place of worship of the mythological deity Quetzalcoatl (feathered serpent). This is evidenced by the images found in the ball stadium. Chichen Itza is known for its wide variety of architectural styles. This city was attractive to residents, since there were two deep cenotes that provided the population with water all year round. One of these natural wells is the Sacred Cenote, a place of sacrifice and pilgrimage for the ancient Maya. Chichen Itza is very popular with tourists, with more than 1.2 million visitors every year.

This Mayan city flourished in southern Mexico in the 7th century BC. After the fall, the city was swallowed up by the jungle for a long time before being rediscovered and turned into a famous archaeological site. Palenque is located on the Usumacinta River, 130 km south of Ciudad del Carmen. It is much smaller than Tikal, but it boasts of its architecture, preserved sculptures and bas-reliefs of the ancient Maya. Numerous hieroglyphic inscriptions on the monuments have allowed experts to reconstruct much of Palenque's history. The same experts and archaeologists claim that only 10% of the territory of the ancient city has been excavated and studied at the moment. The rest is nearby, but hidden underground, in thickets of dense jungle.

The ancient ruins of the city of Calakmul are hidden in the jungles of the Mexican state of Campeche. It is one of the largest Mayan cities. More than 6,500 buildings have been discovered on an area of ​​about 20 square kilometers. The largest pyramids reach a height of 50 meters and a base width of 140 meters. In the classical period, the era of the dawn of Calakmul was observed. At that time, he was in fierce rivalry with Tikal, this confrontation can be compared with the clarification of the political ambitions of the two superpowers. Called the Serpent Kingdom, Calakmul spread its active influence over a radius of several hundred kilometers. This is evidenced by the characteristic stone emblems depicting a snake's head, found in small Mayan villages.

The Mayan ruins of Uxmal are located 62 kilometers from Merida, the capital of the Yucatan state. The ruins are famous for their size and decoration of buildings. But little is known about them, since significant archaeological research has not been carried out here. Uxmal was founded in 500 AD. Most of the surviving buildings date back to 800 - 900 years, pyramids and various structures can be observed in almost their original form. The puuk architectural style prevailing here is distinguished by the variety of decorations on the facades of buildings.

The ruins are located on the shores of a lagoon in the Orange Walk district in north-central Belize. Translated from the Mayan language, the name of the city, which has a history of three thousand years, means "drowned crocodile." Unlike other Mayan cities, Lamanai was still inhabited when the Spanish conquistadors invaded in the 16th century. During excavations carried out in the 1970s, three significant structures came into focus: the Temple of the Mask, the Temple of the Jaguar, and the High Temple. To be among these ruins, located deep in the jungle, you must join an organized boat trip from the city of Orange Walk. There is a small museum displaying ancient artifacts and telling about the history of the Maya.

The name of this ancient archaeological site means "Stone Woman". It is connected with the history of the Belizeans, according to which, allegedly since 1892, the ghost of a woman periodically appears in these places. A white-robed ghost with fiery red eyes climbs the stairs to the top of the main temple and dissolves through the wall. The ruins are located near the village of San Jose Succotz in the west of the country. In this village, you need to take a small ferry to cross the Mopan River. Having reached the ruins, do not deny yourself the opportunity to climb to the top of the Shunantunich Palace - a huge pyramid that offers stunning views of the river valley.

The walled city of Tulum, which served as a port for the city of Coba, is located on the east coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. It was built in the 1200s, at a time when the Mayan civilization was already in decline. Therefore, it lacks some elegance and grace in architecture, characteristic of the classical period of development. But the unique location on the Caribbean coast, the proximity of numerous beaches and Mexican resorts, made the Mayan port city of Tulum very popular among tourists.

The great city of the ancient Maya, which served as a home for 50 thousand inhabitants at the peak of its development, is located 90 kilometers east of Chichen Itza, about 40 kilometers west of the Caribbean Sea and 44 kilometers northeast of Tulum. All directions today are interconnected by modern convenient roads. Most of the objects were built between 500 and 900 years. The city has several tall pyramids. The highest pyramid of El Castillo, belonging to the Nohoch Mul group of buildings, reaches a height of 42 meters. To the top of the temple, where a small altar is located, which served as a place of sacrifice, there are 120 steps, along which those who wish can climb.

Mayan ceremonial and commercial center Altun Ha is located 50 kilometers from the city of Belize. This area, only 10 kilometers from the Caribbean coast, is known for its rich wildlife. Typical inhabitants of the local forests are armadillos, tapirs, agoutis, foxes, tairas and white-tailed deer. In addition to the impressive wildlife, Altun-Kha is famous for the artifacts found here by archaeologists from. Among them is a huge jade sculpture depicting the head of the sun god Kinich Ahau. This find is today considered a national treasure of Belize.

The large center of archaeological excavations of Caracol is located 40 kilometers south of Shunantunich in Cayo district. The ruins stretch 500 meters above sea level on the Waka Plateau. Caracol is now known as one of the most important political centers of the Mayan civilization in the classical period. At one time, Karakol stretched over an area of ​​more than 200 square kilometers. This is more than the territory of modern Belize - the largest city in the country. Even more surprising is that the current population of Belizeans is only half of its ancient predecessors.

The stunning Mayan ruins are located on the banks of the Usumacinta River in the southeastern Mexican state of Chiapas. Yaxchilan was at one time a powerful city-state, and was a kind of competition to such cities as Palenque and Tikal. Yaxchilan is known for a large number of well-preserved stone decorations decorating the door and window openings of the main temple. On them, as well as on various statues, there are hieroglyphic texts telling about the ruling dynasty and the history of the city. The names of some of the rulers sounded menacing: Moon Skull and Jaguar Bird dominated Yaxchilan in the fifth century.

In the department of Izabal in the southeast of Guatemala, there is a three-kilometer zone of archaeological excavations of Quirigua. During the classical period of the development of the Mayan civilization, this ancient city was at the crossroads of several important trade routes. An interesting attraction of this place is the Acropolis, the construction of which began in 550. The archaeological park of Quirigua is famous for its tall stone monuments. Considering that the city is located on the site of a transform geological fault and was prone to major earthquakes and floods in ancient times, it is worth a visit to see the preserved monuments and appreciate the urban planning skills of the ancient Maya.

The archaeological site of the Mayan civilization Copan is located in the western part of Honduras on the border with Guatemala. This relatively small town is known for a series of well-preserved architectural artifacts. Some of the stelae, sculptural decorations and bas-reliefs are among the best evidence of the art of ancient Mesoamerica. Some stone structures of Copan date back to the 9th century BC. The highest temple reaches a height of 30 meters. The dawn of the settlement falls on the 5th century, at that time about 20 thousand inhabitants lived here.

The ruins of Cajal Pech are located near the city of San Ignacio in the Cayo region on a strategic high ground at the confluence of the Makal and Mopan rivers. Most of the main dates of construction date back to the Classical period, but existing evidence speaks of continuous habitation at the site as early as 1200 BC. The city is a concentration in a small area of ​​34 stone structures located around the central acropolis. The highest temple is about 25 meters high. Cahal Pech, like many other cities, was abandoned in the 9th century AD for unknown reasons.

This is only a small part of the huge historical and cultural heritage that the mysterious civilization left behind. In total, in the northern region of Central America, more than 400 large archaeological sites were discovered, and over 4,000 small, but no less interesting ancient settlements belonging to the peoples and cultures of the Mayan civilization that existed for more than 2,500 years.

The main clans of the Mayan tribes formed independent city-states with adjacent towns and lands. These states were ruled by the so-called "great people", who were elected for life and enjoyed unlimited power. The most ancient Mayan cities - Quirigua, Itza and Tikal, after the capture of tribal lands by the Toltec Kukulkan and his warriors, were supplemented by such new states as Chichen Itza, Mayapan and Ulimal.

The size and beauty of the Maya cities amazed travelers, who first saw such magnificence in people whom they considered barbarians.

Also, the creations of the Maya were luxurious and temples, the wealth of architecture of which was a hundred times greater than the Inca and Aztec buildings. Mayan scientists managed to be ahead of their time by hundreds of years, making amazing in the field of astronomy, astrology and mathematics, which surpassed all the achievements of Europeans living in those days. Many of these discoveries were and deciphered only in our century. In addition, the Mayan authorship belongs to the numbering system and the number zero.

Mayan life

In ancient times, the Mayan tribe inhabited Central America, part of modern Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. Today, the Maya are tribes of Indians living in South America. During the heyday of their civilization, they managed to conquer all the ancient peoples, dominating them for about twelve centuries. However, after 900 AD, the Maya began slowly for some unknown reason.

Scientists are still wondering how a primitive farming tribe was able to create unique pyramids, temples, cities and tombs.

The colonizers of the Old World, to South America, found a civilization that had fallen into complete decline. Considering works of art and architectural monuments to be pagan idols, they destroyed the entire cultural heritage of the mysterious Maya. However, the colonialists failed to destroy their knowledge of astronomy, the accuracy of which modern scientists do not cease. They also left to the descendants the ruins of the once great and royal cities of the Mayan people, where many tourists and fans of the lost civilization are striving today.

There is an opinion that knowledge was given to the Mayan tribes by the gods who descended from the sky - aliens, but, unfortunately, this theory remains unproven, despite the obvious evidence in its favor.

Mayan civilization, Central America. The territory of the modern states of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Solvador.
Maya is a modern and ancient Indian people who created a highly developed civilization that preserves traditions to this day.

Location and travel

Geographical coordinates
Latitude 23°56′26″N (23.940526)
Longitude 102°31′35″W (-102.526313)
Travel from Moscow: By plane to Havana (Cuba) - 13 hours, then by plane to Mexico City - 3 hours.
Travel from St. Petersburg: via Moscow (see above)
Distance from Moscow - 10,500 km., from St. Petersburg - 9,910 km.

What to visit. Brief history and points of interest

Puerto Vallarta

Yucatan Peninsula

What to visit. Interesting historical and geographical objects.
Puerto Vallarta is a resort on the west coast of Mexico.
The Yucatan Peninsula is located in the southern part of Eastern Mexico.
Oaxaca is a city in Mexico on the south coast rich in natural (natural) and Mayan-created sights.

Chichen Itza is a city built up with Mayan temples, striking in grandeur and beauty.
Short story.
Wonderful people.
History of the name (toponym).

Video installation of the ancient city

Mayan civilization
The film was created by Mathias Kohlschmidt and the Maya-3d team. The history of the peoples and cultures related to the Maya civilization has more than 2500 years. Cities and settlements covered the territories of modern Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, the southeastern states of Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula. On the basis of archaeological research of architectural and historical monuments that have survived to this day, it was possible to recreate the approximate appearance of the ancient Mayan cities, show the decor of buildings and their interior decoration.
The author of the site was oriented to this link by the Internet portal Runivers, for which he, and especially the site, is very grateful. Such beauty, combined with great music, should be seen by as many caring and educated people as possible, and most importantly, our children should appreciate the work of the authors of historical restorations and admire what they saw, setting themselves the goal of creating such beauties.


Secrets of the Mayan Civilization. Why did the great Mayan civilization suddenly disappear?

How empires were created. Maya civilization.

Lost Mayan Cities

Photos and images

Location map of Maya civilization cities

By the beginning of the Spanish conquest in the 16th century, the Mayan culture occupied a vast and diverse territory in terms of natural conditions, which included the modern Mexican states of Tabasco, Chiapas, Campeche, Yucatan and Quintana Roo, as well as all of Guatemala, Belize (formerly British Honduras), western regions El Salvador and Honduras The boundaries of the area of ​​Maya civilization in the 1st millennium, apparently, more or less coincided with those mentioned above. At present, most scientists distinguish within this territory three large cultural and geographical regions, or zones: Northern, Central and Southern.

Maya Civilization Cities Location Map

The majestic Mayan civilization, formed before our era, left behind many mysteries. It is known for its developed writing and architecture, mathematics, art, and astronomy. The notorious Mayan calendar was incredibly accurate. And this is not all the legacy that the Indians left behind, who became famous as one of the most developed and most cruel peoples in the world.

Who are the Maya?

The ancient Maya are an Indian people who lived at the turn of the 1st millennium BC. - II millennium AD Researchers claim that their number numbered more than three million people. They settled in tropical forests, built cities of stone and limestone, and cultivated unsuitable lands for agriculture, where they grew maize, pumpkin, beans, cocoa, cotton and fruits. The descendants of the Maya are the Indians of Central America and part of the Hispanic population of the southern states of Mexico.

Where did the ancient Maya live?

Numerous Maya tribe settled in the vast territory of present-day Mexico, Belize and Guatemala, the west of Honduras and El Salvador (Central America). The center of civilization development was in the North. Since the soil was quickly depleted, the people were forced to move, to change settlements. The occupied lands were distinguished by a variety of natural landscapes:

  • in the north - the Peten limestone plateau, where a hot, humid climate reigned, and the mountains of Alta Verapaz;
  • in the south - a chain of volcanoes and coniferous forests;
  • the rivers flowing through the lands of the Maya carried their waters to the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea;
  • on the Yucatan Peninsula, where salt was mined, the climate is arid.

Mayan Civilization - Achievements

The Mayan culture in many ways surpassed its time. Already in 400-250 years. BC. people began to build monumental structures and architectural complexes, reached peculiar heights in the sciences (astronomy, mathematics), agriculture. During the so-called classical period (from 300 to 900 AD), the ancient Maya civilization reached its peak. People improved the art of jade carving, sculpture and artistic painting, watched the heavenly bodies, developed writing. The achievements of the Maya are still amazing.

Mayan architecture

At the dawn of time, without modern technology at hand, the ancient people built amazing structures. The main building material was limestone, from which powder was made and a cement-like mortar was prepared. With its help, stone blocks were fastened, and limestone walls were reliably protected from moisture and wind. An important part of all buildings was the so-called "Mayan vault", a false arch - a kind of narrowing of the roof. The architecture differed depending on the period:

  1. The first buildings were huts built on low platforms to protect against floods.
  2. The first were assembled from several platforms installed one on top of the other.
  3. In the Golden Age of cultural development, acropolises were built everywhere - ceremonial complexes consisting of pyramids, palaces, even playgrounds.
  4. The ancient Mayan pyramids reached 60 meters in height and resembled a mountain in shape. Temples were erected on their tops - cramped, windowless square houses.
  5. Some cities had observatories - round towers with a room for observing the moon, sun and stars.

Mayan civilization calendar

Space played a big role in the life of the ancient tribes, and the main achievements of the Maya are closely connected with it. Based on two annual cycles, a system of reckoning was created. For long-term observations of time, the Long Count calendar was used. For short periods, the Mayan civilization had several solar calendars:

  • religious (in which the year lasted 260 days) had a ritual significance;
  • practical (365 days) was used in everyday life;
  • chronological (360 days).

Ancient Mayan weapons

As for weapons and armor, the ancient Mayan civilization could not reach significant heights. Over the long centuries of existence, they have not changed much, because the Maya devoted much more time and effort to improving the art of war. The following types of weapons were used in wars and hunting:

  • spears (long, taller than a person, with a stone tip);
  • spear thrower - a stick with an emphasis;
  • dart;
  • bows and arrows;
  • blowgun;
  • axes;
  • knives;
  • clubs;
  • slings;
  • networks.

Ancient Mayan figures

The number system of the ancient Maya was based on the twenty-decimal system, which is unusual for modern man. Its origins are the method of counting, in which all fingers and toes were used. The Indians had a structure of four blocks with five digits each. Zero was schematically represented as an empty oyster shell. This sign also denoted infinity. Cocoa beans, small pebbles, sticks were used to write the remaining numbers, since the numbers were a mixture of dots and dashes. With the help of three elements, any number was written:

  • dot is a unit
  • the dash is five;
  • shell is nil.

Ancient Mayan Medicine

It is known that the ancient Maya created a highly developed civilization and tried to take care of every tribesman. The knowledge of maintaining hygiene and health, applied in practice, elevated the Indians above other peoples of that time. Medical issues were dealt with by specially trained people. Doctors very accurately determined many diseases (including tuberculosis, ulcers, asthma, etc.) and fought them with the help of potions, baths, inhalations. The ingredients of the medicines were:

  • herbs;
  • meat, skin, tails, horns of animals;
  • bird feathers;
  • improvised means - dirt, soot.

Dentistry and surgery reached a high level among the Mayan people. Thanks to the sacrifices carried out, the Indians knew the human anatomy, and doctors could perform operations on the face and body. The affected areas or those where there was a suspicion of a tumor were removed with a knife, the wounds were sewn up with a needle with a hair instead of a thread, and narcotic substances were used as anesthesia. Knowledge in medicine is a kind of ancient Mayan treasure that is worth admiring.

Art of the ancient Maya

The many-sided culture of the Maya was formed under the influence of the geographical environment and other peoples: the Olmecs and the Toltecs. But she is amazing, unlike any other. What is the uniqueness of the Mayan civilization and its art? All subspecies were aimed at the ruling elite, that is, they were created to please the kings in order to impress. It's more about architecture. Another feature: an attempt to create an image of the Universe, a reduced copy of it. So the Maya declared their harmony with the world. The features of the subspecies of art were expressed as follows:

  1. Music was closely associated with religion. There were even special gods responsible for music.
  2. Dramatic art flourished, the actors were professionals in their field.
  3. The painting was mostly on the wall. The paintings were of a religious or historical nature.
  4. The main themes of the sculpture are deities, priests, rulers. Whereas the common people were depicted with emphatic humiliation.
  5. Weaving was developed in the Maya empire. Clothing, depending on gender and status, varied greatly. The people traded their best fabrics with other tribes.

Where did the Maya civilization go?

One of the main questions that interests historians and researchers is: how and for what reasons did a prosperous empire decline? The destruction of the Maya civilization began in the 9th century AD. In the southern regions, the population began to rapidly decline, and the water supply system became unusable. People left their homes, and the construction of new cities stopped. This led to the fact that the once great empire turned into scattered settlements, fighting among themselves. In 1528, the Spaniards began their conquest of the Yucatán, and by the 17th century they had completely subjugated the region.

Why did the Mayan civilization disappear?

Until now, researchers argue what caused the death of a great culture. Two hypotheses are put forward:

  1. Ecological, based on the balance of man with nature. Long-term exploitation of soils has led to their depletion, which has led to a shortage of food and drinking water.
  2. Non-ecological. According to this theory, the empire could have declined due to climate change, an epidemic, conquest, or some kind of catastrophe. For example, some researchers believe that the Maya Indians could die even due to minor climate change (droughts, floods).

Mayan civilization - interesting facts

Not only the disappearance, but also many other mysteries of the Mayan civilization still haunt historians. The last place where the life of the tribe was recorded: the north of Guatemala. Only archaeological excavations now tell about history and culture, and according to them, you can collect interesting facts about the ancient civilization:

  1. Mayan people loved to take a steam bath and drive a ball. The games were a mixture of basketball and rugby, but with more serious consequences - the losers were sacrificed.
  2. The Maya had strange ideas about beauty, for example, slanting eyes, pointed fangs and elongated heads were “in vogue”. To do this, mothers from childhood placed the child's skull in a wooden vise and hung objects in front of their eyes in order to achieve strabismus.
  3. Studies have shown that the ancestors of the highly developed Maya civilization are still alive, and there are at least 7 million of them around the world.

Maya Civilization Books

Many works of contemporary authors from Russia and from abroad tell about the rise and fall of the empire, unsolved mysteries. To learn more about the disappeared people, you can study the following books about the Mayan civilization:

  1. Maya people. Alberto Rus.
  2. "Mysteries of Lost Civilizations". IN AND. Gulyaev.
  3. "Mayan. Life, religion, culture. Ralph Whitlock.
  4. "Mayan. Lost civilization. Legends and Facts. Michael Co.
  5. Encyclopedia "The Lost World of the Maya".

The Maya civilization left behind many cultural achievements and even more unsolved mysteries. So far, the question of its rise and fall has remained unanswered. One can only make assumptions. In an attempt to solve many mysteries, researchers stumble upon even more mysteries. One of the most majestic ancient civilizations remains the most mysterious and attractive.

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