Dn mother's Siberian Alyonushka's fairy tales to read. Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak


Year of publication of the book: 1897

Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak wrote his collection "Alyonushka's Tales" for two years from 1894 to 1896. The author dedicated the book to his little daughter named Alena. It includes ten tales of the writer, which subsequently gained popularity among readers. Today, the book "Alyonushka's Tales" by Mamin-Sibiryak is deservedly included in the school curriculum, and some works of this collection have been filmed.

Collection "Alyonushka's Tales" summary

The cycle "Alyonushka's Tales" Mamin-Sibiryak often reread before going to bed to his little daughter. It begins with a saying, which tells how a little girl wants to listen to fairy tales before going to bed.

The first tale tells about a little bunny who lived in the forest. All his life he was afraid of something, but when he grew up, he decided to overcome his fears. The hare went out to his friends and began to shout that from today he was not afraid of anyone, even the gray wolf. Nobody believed him, some even started laughing at him.

Just then, not far from the hare company, the Wolf passed. He was terribly hungry and was looking for something to eat. He heard the Hare screaming that he was not afraid of wolves and decided to eat him. As soon as the hares saw the terrible beast, they were frightened and trembled. The daredevil hare jumped sharply from fear and fell right on the Wolf. Rolling down his back, the braggart ran far into the forest. He was afraid that the Wolf would find him. However, the Wolf himself at that moment thought that he had been shot, got scared and ran away in a completely different direction. Many later recalled how a brave hare drove away a huge Wolf.

The second fairy tale of the cycle of Mamin Sibiryak "Alyonushka's Tales" will tell us about the little Kozyavka, who has just been born. She flew through the air and thought that everything in this world belongs to her. But having met an evil bumblebee, a worm and sparrows, she was convinced that the world is full of dangers. The booger realized that not everything that surrounds her does not belong to her at all. But among this evil world, she managed to find a friend, with whom they spent all summer and autumn. In winter, the Kozyavka laid her testicles and hid until spring.

Further, the author tells us about Komar Komarovich, who, having learned that the Bear fell asleep in his swamp, decided to drive away the uninvited guest. He gathered his relatives and went to the Bear. Flying up to the swamp, Komar Komarovich began to threaten that he would eat the beast. However, the Bear was not at all afraid of the threats of the insect. He continued to sleep soundly until one of the main characters of the tale bit him on the nose. Then the bear woke up and as in decided to get even with the mosquito. He even pulled out a few trees with roots and began to wave them, but nothing helped. At the end, the Bear climbed onto a high branch, but because of the insects, he fell off it. After that, he nevertheless decided to go to sleep in another place, and Komar Komarovich, together with his friends, celebrated his victory.

The next story begins with the little boy Vanya celebrating his birthday. All his toys were invited to the celebration. The guests ate and had fun until two dolls - Katya and Anya - began to find out who was the most beautiful at this holiday. The toys were sorted out before a fight broke out. And only a slipper and a plush hare managed to hide under the bed. Vanya was very upset that this happened on his name day. When the argument subsided, all the toys blamed the slipper and the hare for the fight. Allegedly, they deliberately quarreled everyone and hid. Vanya drove them away from the holiday, and the fun continued as if nothing had happened.

Another tale will tell us the story of two friends - Sparrow Vorobeich and Ersh Ershovich. The two have been good friends for a long time now. Sparrow even invited Ruff to his roof, and he in response called his friend to stay in the river. The sparrow had another acquaintance - the chimney sweep Yasha. Once this same chimney sweep heard strange sounds. Running to the river, he saw a quarrel between Sparrow and Ruff. The reason was that Sparrow found a worm, and Ruff tricked him into stealing his friend's prey. However, it later turned out that Vorobeich himself was lying - he stole a worm from a little Bekasik the sandman.

The next in the collection of Mamin-Sibiryak "Alyonushka's Tales" you can read the story of the little Fly, which tirelessly rejoiced at the summer. Mushka believed that all people are kind, because they constantly leave a little jam or sugar on the table. But one day the cook in the house, near which many flies lived, decided to poison them all. Little Mushka managed to avoid this fate, but she, like the main character, realized that people were not so kind to her.

Soon autumn came, and the surviving flies hid in the house. But the main character of the fairy tale wanted to be left alone, so that only she could get all the food. The fly waited for the moment when all its relatives disappeared, but very soon got bored alone. So she was sad until the very spring, until she met a small fly that had just come into the world and rejoiced at the warmth.

The cycle also included the tale of the Raven and the Canary. Little Canary flew out of the cage because she wanted to live in freedom, like other birds. However, sparrows attacked her. The grumpy old Crow protected her and invited her to live with her. When the cold came, the Canary was very hard, but the Crow simply considered the little bird a sissy. One day, local boys set up a bird trap and filled it with grain. The canary knew that it was impossible to fly there, but the feeling of hunger won. The bird realized that now she would be caught and again put in a cage. But, despite the terrible cold, the Canary liked freedom. Hearing the cry, the Crow flew in and saved her friend.

The next story takes us to the poultry yard. It is inhabited by the Turkey-cock, who considers himself the most important bird. His wife and many other residents of the yard think the same way. From this, the Turkey is even more arrogant and begins to behave impudently. One day, the birds notice something that looks like a prickly stone. Everyone asks Turkey what it is, but he cannot give an exact answer. This "stone" turns out to be a hedgehog. Then all the birds start laughing at Turkey, but he manages to convince those present that he recognized the hedgehog, but just decided to joke.

Further, in the collection Mamin-Sibiryak "Alyonushka's Tales", a summary tells about Molochka and Kashka, who constantly argued on the stove to such an extent that Kashka tried to escape from the pan. No matter how hard the cook tried, she never managed to calm them down in time. One of the obstacles was a cat named Murka. He constantly asked for food, even if he recently ate a lot of liver or fish. Murka constantly followed the dispute between Milk and porridge. Once, when the cook went to the store, the cat jumped on the table and began to blow on the Milk to calm it down a bit. It all ended with the fact that, trying to figure out who is to blame for the constant disputes, Murka simply drank all the Milk.

The last tale tells that little Alyonushka said before going to bed that she wants to become a queen. She dreamed of a marvelous garden in which a variety of flowers were arguing about what exactly the girl had in mind. The roses claimed that Alyonushka wanted to become one of them. After all, everyone knows that a rose is a real queen among flowers. The bells in response said that Alenka dreams of becoming like them, because they give joy to the poor and the rich. Lilies, violets, lilies of the valley and other flowers also participated in the dispute.

Many of them talked about the country that is their homeland. Alyonushka was very upset because she had never been to these places. Then a ladybug flew in and told the girl to jump on her back. The ladybug showed the girl all those beautiful countries and a variety of flowers - lilies, orchids, lotuses. During the trip, Alyonushka learned that there are countries that do not know what winter is. The girl said that she could not live there, because she loves snow and frosty weather very much. Later, the ladybug brought the girl to Santa Claus, who asked what she wanted. Alyonushka replied that she wanted to be a queen. Then grandfather told her that all women are queens. The girl smiled and continued to sleep sweetly.

You can read the collection of Mamin Sibiryak "Alyonushka's Tales" online on the Top Books website.

Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak

Born in the family of a factory priest. He was educated at home, then studied at the Visim school for the children of workers, later at the Yekaterinburg Theological School (1866-1868) and at the Perm Theological Seminary (until 1872). In 1872 he entered the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy in the veterinary department. In 1876, without graduating from the academy, he moved to the law faculty of St. Petersburg University. After studying for a year, he was forced to leave the university due to financial difficulties and a sharp deterioration in health (tuberculosis began).
In the summer of 1877 he returned to the Urals to his parents. The following year the father died; the whole burden of caring for the family fell on Mamin-Sibiryak. In order to educate his brothers and sister and be able to earn money, it was decided to move to the large cultural center of Yekaterinburg. In Yekaterinburg, he married Maria Alekseeva, who became not only a wife-friend, but also an excellent literary adviser. During these years he made many trips around the Urals, studied literature on the history, economics, ethnography of the Urals, got acquainted with folk life.
From the beginning of the 1880s he was engaged in literary work, he repeatedly traveled to St. Petersburg.
In 1890 he divorced his first wife and married an artist of the Yekaterinburg Drama Theater M. Abramova and moved to St. Petersburg.
Mamin-Sibiryak since 1892, after the bitter loss of his beloved wife, who died at the birth of their daughter Alyonushka, has been put forward as an excellent writer about children and for children. His collections "Children's Shadows", "Alyonushka's Tales" (1894-1896) were very successful and entered the Russian children's classics. The works of Mamin-Sibiryak for children "Wintering on Studenaya" (1892), "The Gray Neck" (1893), "Zarnitsa" (1897), "Across the Urals" (1899) and others became widely known. They reveal the high simplicity, noble naturalness of feelings and the love of life of their author, who inspires domestic animals, birds, flowers, insects with poetic skill. Some critics compare Mamin's fairy tales with Andersen's.
He died on November 15, 1912 in St. Petersburg.

Alyonushka's Tales (1894-1897) occupy a special place in the work of Mamin-Sibiryak. They were first told by the writer to his daughter during her illness, and then prepared for publication. The dedication of fairy tales to little Alyonushka determined the lyricism, sincerity and lullaby intonation: “Bayu-bayu-bayu ... Alyonushka’s one eye is sleeping, the other is looking; one ear of Alyonushka is sleeping, and the other one is listening. Sleep, Alyonushka, sleep, beauty, and dad will tell fairy tales. The style of this proverb of Mamin-Sibiryak is close to folk.

Fairy tales are works of genuine children's literature. This is a humanistic book in which moral and social ideas are combined in a limited way.

The allegory of fairy tales is associated with the transfer of social phenomena to the world of birds, animals, and fish. Fairy tales are instructive, their morality is clever, it is embodied in a system of artistic images that are simple and accessible to children.

"The Tale of the Brave Hare" - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail " begins, as if traditionally, with the boasting of the Hare: “I am not afraid of anyone! he shouted to the whole forest. “I’m not at all afraid, and that’s it!” But it was not so much the braggart that turned out to be a coward, but the terrible Wolf himself. “When the Hare fell on him, it seemed to him that someone shot at him. And the wolf ran away. You never know other hares can be found in the forest, but this one was kind of mad ... "

From beginning to end, the fairy tale is permeated by one motive - “tired of being afraid”, “tired of hiding”. The conditional world of hares and wolves allegorically reflects the relationship between the weak and the strong in the world and the vulnerability of those who keep the weak at bay.

The main thing is to believe in yourself: "From that day on, the brave Hare began to believe himself that he was really not afraid of anyone." This idea is clearly embodied in the conflict and in the system of artistic images of the characters in the fairy tale.

IN "Alyonushka's fairy tales" images, composition, style, language are closely related to the goals of educating the mind of the child, with the tasks of awakening social consciousness (“Smarter than everyone”; “The Tale of Voronushka - a black head and a yellow canary bird”; “The Tale of Sparrow Vorobeich, Ruff Ershovich and a cheerful chimney sweep Yasha"). The fairy tales of Mamin-Sibiryak are truly children's, and their goals and objectives are carried out taking into account the peculiarities of the perception of preschoolers.

In a fairy tale "Smarter than everyone" ridiculed to sing, stupidity, arrogance. The turkey, who considered himself an aristocrat among the inhabitants of the poultry yard, demands universal recognition that he is the most intelligent bird:

“Am I smarter than everyone else? Yes?

The sleepy turkey coughed for a long time and then answered: Oh, how smart ... Khe-khe! Who doesn't know this?

No, you speak directly: smarter than everyone? There are just enough smart birds, but the smartest of all is one, that's me.

The turkey answered smartest of all. Khe-khe."

Already this beginning alarms the child. And when the turkey turns to all the birds living in the yard with the same question, he receives in response: “Who doesn’t know that you are the smartest bird! So they say: "Smart as a turkey." Here, even the smallest reader will certainly understand the essence of the matter and involuntarily smile at the swaggering creature. But the author is not limited to just a hint of the stupidity of his hero. With humor, he depicts the shameful collapse of the braggart, when an unprecedented beast appeared in the poultry yard, similar to both an egg and a burdock cone. This creature - the Hedgehog, a gray-haired man, finally exposes the braggart.

But the tale doesn't end there. The “decent and well-mannered” bird society could not reconcile itself to the fact that some stranger, a gray peasant, criticizes one of the most distinguished members of this society. The rooster and other birds are ready to pounce on the Hedgehog. In the end, everyone goes over to Turkey's side. This ending has a lot of social meaning.

In a fairy tale "Smarter than everyone" swaggering avian "decent" and "well-mannered" society is opposed by the little gray man Hedgehog, who turns out to be the smartest of all.

In a fairy tale "Vanka's name day" money-grubbing, arrogance, pugnacity, love of gossip are exposed. The author draws all this in such a way that morality is close and understandable to young children. Dolls, toys, household items act in the fairy tale. They talk, have fun, feast, quarrel, fight, make peace.

In the fairy tale, the holey Alyonushkin Slipper and the toy Bunny are the most modest of all. But pugnacious toys accuse them of starting a quarrel. The child reader will undoubtedly be on the side of the unjustly offended Bunny and Slipper; he will understand a lot in the relationship of people, and will think about the injustice towards the Slipper and the Bunny, who barely had time to jump out the window from the reprisal.

"The Tale of Sparrow Voronbeich, Ruff Ershovich and the Merry Chimney Sweep Yasha" talks about how difficult it is for two friends, Sparrow Vorobeich and Ersh Ershovich, to fight against all-powerful enemies. They often talked about their similar hardships. They also had the same enemies. Sparrow Vorobeich even believed that "the hawk was ever a pike, and the pike was a hawk."

In the struggle for life, an unadapted, inexperienced Canary dies and the robber steadfastly withstands all tests. Crow ("The Tale of the Voronushka - a black little head and a yellow bird Canary").

The tales of Mamin-Sibiryak are imbued with the idea of ​​humanity and awaken sympathy for the weak, the oppressed.

The allegory and anthropomorphism of the fairy tales of Mamin-Sibiryak are akin to folk fairy tales for children. The hare is cowardly, the cat is cheating, the sparrow is being mischievous. At the same time, animals talk, act like people; extraordinary, amazing events happen to them.

The writer carefully worked on fairy tales, using the richness of Russian folk speech, polished his own style in them, which his contemporaries aptly called "Mum's Slog". The language of Mamin-Sibiryak's children's works is fresh and colorful, full of proverbs and sayings, witty and well-aimed proverbs.

"Alyonushka's Tales"- an excellent example of creativity for the little ones, they have firmly entered the reading of more than one generation of children.

K.D.Ushinsky. Stories about children and nature in the writer's work: "Children in the Grove", "Four Wishes", "Alien Testicle", "Morning Rays", etc. Cognitive orientation of the stories.

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky (1824-1870) was born in the city of Tula. He spent his childhood in Ukraine, in the small town of Novgorod-Seversk and studied at the local gymnasium. At the age of 16 he entered the law faculty of Moscow University. Already in his student years, his interests were not limited to the scope of his future profession: he was fond of Russian and foreign literature, wrote poetry, seriously studied history and geography. But most of all attracted his pedagogical activity. This led him to the Yaroslavl Demidov Juridical Lyceum, where he served as a professor for more than two years.

However, Ushinsky did not have long to work as a professor. A man of an independent character, he did not care about a career, did not take into account the opinion of his superiors. Since 1852, his collaboration in popular magazines begins. "Contemporary", "Library for reading", "Magazine for education".

In 1854, as a talented literary teacher, he was invited to teach at the Gatchina and then at the Smolny Institute, where he became an inspector and carried out a number of reforms in order to give the pupils a broad education. But these reforms caused dissatisfaction with the authorities. And Ushinsky was forced to leave his job and go abroad. There he continues to write for children.

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky is the founder of Russian pedagogy, in particular preschool pedagogy. He based his pedagogical system on the idea of ​​national education, believing that children from a very early age should learn elements of folk culture, master their native language, and get acquainted with the works of oral folk art.

Ushinsky believed that learning should begin with stories about the seasons, people, domestic and wild animals, birds, plants, trees, minerals, air, water.

The main works of the great teacher and talented writer: "Man as an object of education" (in 2 volumes, 1868-1869), educational books "Children's World and Reader"(first edition - 1861), "native word"(first edition - 1864), as well as teaching aids for teachers.

Books "Children's World" introduce the little reader to nature, people of different nations and professions, folk art. Main location in Children's world" occupy small articles of a scientific nature. They most clearly manifested the talent of Ushinsky - a popularizer of scientific knowledge. His articles are accessible and engaging.

The methods of presentation in the articles are very diverse. Articles about nature, flora and fauna correspond to the level of science of that time. Animals and birds are shown in their natural environment, given with a description of their habits, depicted in close connection with human activities.

In different parts of the book, God is mentioned every now and then, allegedly giving all nature an expedient character and ruling the world. Such are the articles "About a Man", "Wonderful House". The wisdom of God also explains the ways in which seeds are distributed in plants (the article "Propagation of Plants").

IN "Children's World" Ushinsky's talent as an author of works of art for children was clearly manifested.

Animals in the stories of K.D. Ushinsky are presented with characteristic habits and in that vital “role” that is inseparable from their nature. in the story "Bishka" says: “Come on, Bishka, read what is written in the book!” The dog sniffed the book, and went away. “It is not mine,” he says, “to read a book. I guard the house, I don’t sleep at night, I bark, I scare thieves and wolves, I go hunting, I follow the hare, I look for ducks, I drag diarrhea - it will be from me and this. The dog is smart, but not smart enough to read books. To each is given by nature his own.

in the story "Vaska" in an equally simple form, it is told about what the cat does in the house.

in the story "Lisa Patrikeevna" the amount of real information about animals presented to the child is even greater. He learns not only that the fox has “sharp teeth”, “thin snout”, “ears on top”, “tail on the fly”, and a warm fur coat, but also that the fox is beautiful - “kuma is dressed up: wool is fluffy , golden; waistcoat on the chest, and a white tie around the neck "...

The subjects of Ushinsky's short stories are diverse: the life of children, family life, nature. They ridicule laziness, arrogance, glorify diligence, mutual assistance. Despite the brevity, they always have a deep meaning, and thus they provide abundant food for conversations, the development of thoughts and speech of children.

in the story "Viper" Ushinsky talks in detail about the difference between a poisonous snake and a simple snake. He mentions various cases when the viper bit animals and children. The meaning of the story comes through unobtrusively - the child himself can draw the appropriate conclusions.

in the story "Children in the Grove" it is told how a brother and sister went to school, they wanted to play in a shady, cool grove. They saw a beetle: "Play with us!" The beetle replied that he had no time: "I must get dinner." With the same request, the children turned to the bee - the bee also refused: "I need to collect honey." The ant, and the squirrel, and the dove, even the stream and the merry robin, who not only sang a song,

and cradled her chicks. Malinovka gave the guys advice to rush to school: “Better go where you were sent, and remember that it’s only pleasant for him to relax and play, who

He worked hard and did everything he had to do." In this morality, Ushinsky with his conviction that the child should know his duties.

in the story "Morning Rays" the writer does not resort to boring edification. He talks about the joy of morning awakening - the sun rose, the lark woke up and sang: “Oh, how good it is in the fresh morning air! How good! How fun!” The hare woke up - ran to eat grass; the rooster woke up, the hens flew off the perch; a bee flew for honey. And only the "little lazybones", although the sun's rays hit his eyes, did not wake up, only turned to the other side. Morality is not directly formed, but clear.

In his stories, Ushinsky warns the children against unrealizable, unreasonable desires. Such is the story "Four Wishes" the boy was so happy about winter, spring, summer, and autumn that every time he wanted the season to never end. Desires are unrealizable in that they exclude each other.

KD Ushinsky's books are not only encyclopedias of knowledge, but also encyclopedias of genres of children's literature. Business popular science and bright science fiction articles, essays, fairy tales, stories, poems - you can find almost all small genres of children's literature in them. They create a rich, colorful, but unified picture.

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1 Retold by A. Chernyshev. "Alyonushka's Tales" by D.N. Vorobeich, Ruff Ershovich and the cheerful chimney sweep Yasha The Tale of how the last Fly lived The Tale of the Voronushka - a black little head and a yellow bird Canary Smarter than all. Fairy tale Parable about Milk, oatmeal and gray cat Murka It's time to sleep It's dark outside. Snowing. He pushed down the window panes. Alyonushka, curled up in a ball, lies in bed. She never wants to sleep until her dad tells the story. Alyonushka's father, Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak, is a writer. He sits at the table, leaning over the manuscript of his forthcoming book. So he gets up, comes closer to Alyonushka’s bed, sits down in an easy chair, begins to talk ... The girl listens carefully about the stupid turkey who imagined that he was smarter than everyone else, about how the toys gathered for the name day and what came of it. The stories are wonderful, one more interesting than the other. But Alyonushka's one eye is already sleeping... Sleep, Alyonushka, sleep, beauty. Alyonushka falls asleep, putting her hand under her head. And it's snowing outside the window... So they spent the long winter evenings together - father and daughter. Alyonushka grew up without a mother, her mother died long ago. The father loved the girl with all his heart and did everything to make her live well. He looked at the sleeping daughter, and he remembered his own childhood. They took place in a small industrial settlement in the Urals. At that time, serf workers were still working at the plant. They worked from early morning until late at night, but lived in poverty. But their masters and masters lived in luxury. Early in the morning, when the workers were going to the factory, troikas flew past them. It was after the ball, which lasted all night, that the rich went home. Dmitry Narkisovich grew up in a poor family. Every penny counted in the house. But his parents were kind, sympathetic, and people were drawn to them. The boy loved it when factory artisans came to visit. They knew so many fairy tales and fascinating stories! Mamin-Sibiryak especially remembered the legend about the daring robber Marzak, who in ancient times was hiding in the Ural forest. Marzak attacked the rich, took away their property and distributed it to the poor. And the tsarist police never managed to catch him. The boy listened to every word, he wanted to become as brave and fair as Marzak was. The dense forest, where, according to legend, Marzak once hid, began a few minutes walk from the house. Squirrels were jumping in the branches of trees, a hare was sitting on the edge, and in the thicket one could meet the bear himself. The future writer has studied all the paths. He wandered along the banks of the Chusovaya River, admiring the chain of mountains covered with spruce and birch forests. There was no end to these mountains, therefore, with nature, he forever associated "the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwill, wild expanse." Parents taught the boy to love the book. He was read by Pushkin and Gogol, Turgenev and Nekrasov. He had an early passion for literature. At the age of sixteen, he already kept a diary. Years have passed. Mamin-Sibiryak became the first writer who painted pictures of the life of the Urals. He created dozens of novels and short stories, hundreds of short stories. With love he portrayed in them the common people, their struggle against injustice and oppression. Dmitry Narkisovich has many stories for children as well. He wanted to teach the children to see and understand the beauty of nature, the wealth of the earth, to love and respect the working person. "It's a joy to write for children," he said.

2 Mamin-Sibiryak wrote down those fairy tales that he once told his daughter. He published them as a separate book and called it Alyonushka's Tales. In these fairy tales, the bright colors of a sunny day, the beauty of the generous Russian nature. Together with Alyonushka you will see forests, mountains, seas, deserts. The heroes of Mamin-Sibiryak are the same as the heroes of many folk tales: a shaggy clumsy bear, a hungry wolf, a cowardly hare, a cunning sparrow. They think and talk to each other like people. But at the same time, they are real animals. The bear is depicted as clumsy and stupid, the wolf is evil, the sparrow is mischievous, agile bully. Names and nicknames help to present them better. Here Komarishko - a long nose - is a big, old mosquito, but Komarishko - a long nose - is a small, still inexperienced mosquito. Objects come to life in his fairy tales. Toys celebrate the holiday and even start a fight. Plants are talking. In the fairy tale "Time to sleep" spoiled garden flowers are proud of their beauty. They look like rich people in expensive dresses. But modest wildflowers are dearer to the writer. Mamin-Sibiryak sympathizes with some of his heroes, laughs at others. He respectfully writes about the working person, condemns the loafer and lazy person. The writer did not tolerate those who are arrogant, who think that everything was created only for them. The fairy tale "How the Last Fly Lived" tells about a stupid fly who is convinced that the windows in houses are made so that she can fly into and out of rooms, that they set the table and take jam from the closet only in order to treat her, that the sun shines for her alone. Of course, only a stupid, funny fly can think like that! What do fish and birds have in common? And the writer answers this question with a fairy tale "About Sparrow Vorobeich, Ruff Ershovich and the cheerful chimney sweep Yasha." Although Ruff lives in water, and Sparrow flies through the air, fish and birds equally need food, chase after a tasty morsel, suffer from cold in winter, and in summer they have a lot of troubles ... Great power to act together, together . How powerful the bear is, but the mosquitoes, if they unite, can defeat the bear ("The tale about Komar Komarovich - a long nose and about shaggy Misha - a short tail"). Of all his books, Mamin-Sibiryak especially valued Alyonushka's Tales. He said: "This is my favorite book - it was written by love itself, and therefore it will survive everything else." Andrey Chernyshev 2 Saying Byu-bye-bye ... Alyonushka's one eye is sleeping, the other is looking; one ear of Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is listening. Sleep, Alyonushka, sleep, beauty, and dad will tell fairy tales. It seems that everything is here: the Siberian cat Vaska, and the shaggy village dog Postoiko, and the gray Mouse-louse, and the Cricket behind the stove, and the motley Starling in a cage, and the bully Rooster. Sleep, Alyonushka, now the fairy tale begins. The tall moon is already looking out the window; there a slanting hare hobbled on his felt boots; the wolf's eyes glowed with yellow lights; bear Teddy bear sucks his paw. The old Sparrow flew up to the very window, knocks his nose on the glass and asks: soon? Everyone is here, everyone is assembled, and everyone is waiting for Alyonushka's fairy tale. One eye at Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is looking; one ear of Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is listening. Bye-bye-bye...

3 3 THE TALE ABOUT THE BRAVEST HARE - LONG EARS, SLANTING EYES, SHORT TAIL A bunny was born in the forest and was afraid of everything. A twig will crack somewhere, a bird will fly up, a lump of snow will fall from a tree, - a bunny has a soul in its heels. The bunny was afraid for a day, afraid for two, afraid for a week, afraid for a year; and then he grew big, and suddenly he got tired of being afraid. - I'm not afraid of anyone! he shouted to the whole forest. - I'm not afraid at all, and that's it! Old hares gathered, little hares ran, old hares dragged in - everyone listens to the Hare boasting - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail - they listen and do not believe their own ears. It was not yet that the hare was not afraid of anyone. - Hey you, slanting eye, are you not afraid of the wolf? - And I'm not afraid of the wolf, and the fox, and the bear - I'm not afraid of anyone! It turned out to be quite funny. The young hares giggled, covering their muzzles with their front paws, the good old hares laughed, even the old hares, who had been in the paws of a fox and tasted wolf teeth, smiled. A very funny hare! .. Oh, how funny! And all of a sudden it became fun. They began to tumble, jump, jump, overtake each other, as if everyone had gone crazy. - Yes, what is there to say for a long time! - shouted the Hare, finally emboldened. - If I come across a wolf, I'll eat it myself ... - Oh, what a funny Hare! Oh, how stupid he is!.. Everyone sees that he is both funny and stupid, and everyone laughs. Hares scream about the wolf, and the wolf is right there. He walked, walked in the forest on his wolf business, got hungry and only thought: "It would be nice to have a bite of a bunny!" - as he hears that somewhere very close the hares are screaming and he, the gray Wolf, is commemorated. Now he stopped, sniffed the air and began to creep up. The wolf came very close to the hares playing out, hears how they laugh at him, and most of all - the bouncer Hare - slanting eyes, long ears, short tail. "Hey, brother, wait, I'll eat you!" - thought the gray Wolf and began to look out, which hare boasts of his courage. And the hares see nothing and have more fun than before. It ended with the bouncer Hare climbing onto a stump, sitting on his hind legs and talking: - Listen, you cowards! Listen and look at me! Now I'll show you one thing. I... I... I... Here the bouncer's tongue is definitely frozen. The Hare saw the Wolf looking at him. Others did not see, but he saw and did not dare to die. Then something quite extraordinary happened. The bouncer hare jumped up like a ball, and with fear fell right on the wolf’s wide forehead, rolled head over heels on the wolf’s back, rolled over again in the air and then asked such a rattle that, it seems, he was ready to jump out of his own skin. The unfortunate Bunny ran for a long time, ran until he was completely exhausted. It seemed to him that the Wolf was chasing on his heels and was about to grab him with his teeth. Finally, the poor fellow was completely exhausted, closed his eyes and fell dead under a bush. And the Wolf at this time ran in the other direction. When the Hare fell on him, it seemed to him that someone had shot at him. And the wolf ran away. You never know other hares can be found in the forest, but this one was kind of mad ... The rest of the hares could not come to their senses for a long time. Who fled into the bushes, who hid behind a stump, who fell into a hole. Finally everyone got tired of hiding, and little by little they began to look out who was braver. - And our Hare cleverly scared the Wolf! - decided everything. - If not for him, we would not have left alive ... But where is he, our fearless Hare? .. They began to search. They walked and walked, there is no brave Hare anywhere. Has another wolf eaten him? Finally, they found it: it lies in a hole under a bush and is barely alive from fear. - Well done, oblique! - shouted all the hares in one voice. - Oh yes oblique! .. Deftly you scared the old Wolf. Thank you brother! And we thought you were bragging. The brave Hare immediately cheered up. He got out of his hole, shook himself, screwed up his eyes and said: - What would you think! Oh, you cowards ... From that day on, the brave Hare began to believe himself that he was really not afraid of anyone. Bye-bye-bye...

4 4 THE TALE ABOUT THE GOAT 1 No one saw how the Kozyavochka was born. It was a sunny spring day. The little goat looked around and said: - Good!.. The little goat spread her wings, rubbed her thin legs one against the other, looked around again and said: - How good!.. What a warm sun, what a blue sky, what a green grass, - well, good!.. And all mine!.. Kozyavochka rubbed her legs again and flew away. It flies, admires everything and rejoices. And below the grass is turning green, and a scarlet flower hid in the grass. - Goat, come to me! - shouted the flower. The little goat descended to the ground, climbed onto the flower and began to drink the sweet flower juice. What a kind flower you are! - says Kozyavochka, wiping her stigma with her legs. “Good, kind, but I don’t know how to walk,” the flower complained. “All the same, it’s good,” the Kozyavochka assured. - And all mine ... Before she had time to finish yet, as a shaggy bumblebee swooped in with a buzz - and straight to the flower: - Zhzh ... Who climbed into my flower? Lj... who drinks my sweet juice? Zhzh... Oh, you wretched Kozyavka, get out! Zhzhzh... Get out before I sting you! - Excuse me, what is this? squeaked the Kozyavochka. - All, all mine... - Zhzhzh... No, mine! The goat barely flew away from the angry Bumblebee. She sat down on the grass, licked her legs, stained in flower juice, and got angry: - What a rude this Bumblebee! .. Even surprising! - No, sorry - mine! - said the shaggy Worm, climbing up the stalk of grass. Kozyavochka realized that Little Worm could not fly, and spoke more boldly: - Excuse me, Little Worm, you are mistaken... I don't bother you crawling, but don't argue with me! touch me I don't like it, I confess to say ... You never know how many of you fly here ... You are a frivolous people, and I am a serious worm ... Speaking frankly, everything belongs to me. Here I will crawl on the grass and eat it, I will crawl on any flower and also eat it. Goodbye!.. In a few hours Kozyavochka learned absolutely everything, namely: that, besides the sun, the blue sky, and green grass, there are also angry bumblebees, serious worms, and various thorns on flowers. In a word, it was a big disappointment. The goat was even offended. For mercy, she was sure that everything belongs to her and was created for her, but here others think the same. No, something is wrong... It can't be. Kozyavochka flies further and sees - water. - It's mine! she squeaked cheerfully. - My water. .. Oh, how fun! .. Here and grass and flowers. And other goats are flying towards Kozyavochka. - Hello, sister! - Hello, darlings ... Otherwise, I got bored of flying alone. What are you doing here? - And we are playing, sister ... Come to us. We're having fun... Were you born recently? - Just today... I almost got stung by a Bumblebee, then I saw a Worm... I thought that everything was mine, but they say that everything is theirs. Other goats reassured the guest and invited them to play together. Above the water, the boogers played in a column: they circle, fly, squeak. Our Kozyavochka gasped with joy and soon completely forgot about the angry Bumblebee and the serious Worm. - Oh, how good! she whispered in delight. - Everything is mine: the sun, grass, and water. Why others are angry, I really do not understand. Everything is mine, and I don’t interfere with anyone’s life: fly, buzz, have fun. I allow ... Kozyavochka played, had fun and sat down to rest on the swamp sedge. You really need to take a break! The little goat looks at how the other little goats are having fun; suddenly, out of nowhere, a sparrow - how it darts past, as if someone had thrown a stone. - Oh, oh! - shouted the goats and rushed in all directions.

5 When the sparrow flew away, a dozen goats were missing. - Ah, robber! - the old goats scolded. - I ate a dozen. 5 It was worse than Bumblebee. The goat started to be afraid and hid with other young goats even further into the swamp grass. But here is another problem: two goats were eaten by a fish, and two by a frog. - What is it? - the Kozyavochka was surprised. - It doesn't look like anything at all... You can't live like that. Oh, how nasty!.. It’s good that there were a lot of goats and no one noticed the loss. Moreover, new goats arrived, which had just been born. They flew and squeaked: - All ours ... All ours ... - No, not all of ours, - our Kozyavochka shouted to them. - There are also angry bumblebees, serious worms, ugly sparrows, fish and frogs. Be careful sisters! However, night fell, and all the goats hid in the reeds, where it was so warm. The stars poured out in the sky, the moon rose, and everything was reflected in the water. Oh, how good it was!.. "My moon, my stars," our Kozyavochka thought, but she didn't tell anyone this: they'll just take that away too... 3 So the Kozyavochka lived the whole summer. She had a lot of fun, but there was also a lot of unpleasantness. Twice she was nearly swallowed by a nimble swift; then a frog imperceptibly crept up - you never know the goats have all sorts of enemies! There were some joys too. The little goat met another similar goat, with a shaggy mustache. She says: - How pretty you are, Kozyavochka ... We will live together. And they healed together, they healed very well. All together: where one, there and the other. And did not notice how the summer flew by. It began to rain, cold nights. Our Kozyavochka laid eggs, hid them in the thick grass and said: - Oh, how tired I am!.. No one saw how the Kozyavochka died. Yes, she did not die, but only fell asleep for the winter, so that in the spring she would wake up again and live again. TALE ABOUT KOMAROVICH - A LONG NOSE AND A HAIRY MISH - A SHORT TAIL 1 It happened at noon, when all the mosquitoes hid from the heat in the swamp. Komar Komarovich - long nose tucked under a wide sheet and fell asleep. He sleeps and hears a desperate cry: - Oh, fathers! .. oh, carraul! .. Komar Komarovich jumped out from under the sheet and also shouted: - What happened? And mosquitoes fly, buzz, squeak - you can’t make out anything. - Oh, fathers! .. A bear came to our swamp and fell asleep. As he lay down in the grass, he immediately crushed five hundred mosquitoes; as he breathed, he swallowed a whole hundred. Oh, trouble, brothers! We could barely get away from him, otherwise we would have crushed everyone ... Komar Komarovich - the long nose immediately became angry; he got angry both at the bear and at the stupid mosquitoes, which squeaked to no avail. - Hey you, stop squeaking! he shouted. - Now I'll go and drive the bear away ... It's very simple! And you yell only in vain ... Komar Komarovich got even more angry and flew off. Indeed, there was a bear in the swamp. He climbed into the thickest grass, where mosquitoes lived from time immemorial, fell apart and sniffs with his nose, only the whistle goes, just like someone is playing the trumpet. Here is a shameless creature! .. He climbed into a strange place, ruined so many mosquito souls in vain, and even sleeps so sweetly! - Hey, uncle, where are you going? - shouted Komar Komarovich to the whole forest, so loudly that even he himself became frightened. Shaggy Misha opened one eye - no one was visible, opened the other eye - he barely saw that a mosquito was flying over his very nose. What do you need, buddy? Misha grumbled and also began to get angry. How, just settled down to rest, and then some villain squeaks. - Hey, go away in a good way, uncle! .. Misha opened both eyes, looked at the impudent man, fuked his nose and finally became angry.

6 - What do you need, worthless creature? he growled. - Get out of our place, otherwise I don’t like joking ... I’ll eat you with a fur coat. The bear was funny. He rolled over onto the other side, covered his muzzle with his paw, and immediately began to snore. 6 2 Komar Komarovich flew back to his mosquitoes and trumpeted all over the swamp: - I cleverly scared the shaggy Mishka! .. Another time he won’t come. The mosquitoes marveled and asked: - Well, now where is the bear? - But I don’t know, brothers ... He was very scared when I told him that I would eat if he didn’t leave. After all, I don’t like joking, but I said directly: I’ll eat it. I'm afraid that he might die with fear while I'm flying to you ... Well, it's my own fault! All the mosquitoes squealed, buzzed and argued for a long time how to deal with the ignorant bear. Never before had there been such a terrible noise in the swamp. They squeaked and squeaked and decided to drive the bear out of the swamp. - Let him go to his house, into the forest, and sleep there. And our swamp... Even our fathers and grandfathers lived in this very swamp. One prudent old woman Komarikha advised to leave the bear alone: ​​let him lie down, and when he gets enough sleep, he will leave, but everyone attacked her so much that the poor woman barely had time to hide. - Let's go, brothers! shouted Komar Komarovich the most. - We'll show him... yes! Mosquitoes flew after Komar Komarovich. They fly and squeak, even they themselves are scared. They flew in, look, but the bear lies and does not move. - Well, I said so: the poor fellow died of fear! - boasted Komar Komarovich. - Even a little sorry, howling what a healthy bear ... - Yes, he is sleeping, brothers, - squeaked a little mosquito, flying up to the very bear's nose and almost drawn in there, as if through a window. - Oh, shameless! Ah, shameless! - squealed all the mosquitoes at once and raised a terrible hubbub. - He crushed five hundred mosquitoes, swallowed a hundred mosquitoes and sleeps himself as if nothing had happened ... And shaggy Misha sleeps to himself and whistles with his nose. He's pretending to be asleep! - shouted Komar Komarovich and flew at the bear. - So I'll show him now ... Hey, uncle, he will pretend! As soon as Komar Komarovich swoops in, as he digs his long nose right into the black bear's nose, Misha jumped up just like that - grab his nose with his paw, and Komar Komarovich was gone. - What, uncle, did not like? - squeaks Komar Komarovich. - Go away, otherwise it will be worse ... Now I’m not the only Komar Komarovich - a long nose, but my grandfather flew in with me, Komarishche - a long nose, and my younger brother, Komarishko - a long nose! Go away, uncle... - But I won't leave! - shouted the bear, sitting on its hind legs. - I'll turn you all over. .. - Oh, uncle, you're boasting in vain... Again Komar Komarovich flew and dug right into the bear's eye. The bear roared in pain, hit itself in the muzzle with its paw, and again there was nothing in the paw, only it nearly ripped out its eye with its claw. And Komar Komarovich hovered over the very bear's ear and squeaked: - I'll eat you, uncle ... 3 Misha was completely angry. He uprooted a whole birch with its roots and began to beat mosquitoes with it. It hurts from the whole shoulder ... He beat, beat, even got tired, but not a single mosquito was killed - everyone hovered over him and squeaked. Then Misha grabbed a heavy stone and threw it at the mosquitoes - again there was no sense. - What did you take, uncle? squeaked Komar Komarovich. - But I'll still eat you ... How long, how short, Misha fought with mosquitoes, only there was a lot of noise. A bear's roar was heard in the distance. And how many trees he pulled out, how many stones he twisted out! .. He wanted to catch the first Komar Komarovich, - after all, here, just above the ear, it curls, and the bear grabs with its paw, and again nothing, only scratched his whole face in the blood.

7 7 Finally exhausted Misha. He sat down on his hind legs, snorted and came up with a new thing - let's roll on the grass to crush the entire mosquito kingdom. Misha rode and rode, but nothing came of it, but he was only more tired. Then the bear hid its muzzle in the moss. It turned out even worse - mosquitoes clung to a bear's tail. The bear finally got angry. “Wait a minute, here I’ll ask you!” he roared so that it could be heard from five miles away. - I'll show you a thing ... I ... I ... I ... The mosquitoes have retreated and are waiting for what will happen. And Misha climbed a tree like an acrobat, sat down on the thickest bough and roared: - Well, come up to me now ... I’ll break everyone’s noses! .. The mosquitoes laughed in thin voices and rushed at the bear with the whole army. They squeak, whirl, climb... Misha fought back, fought back, accidentally swallowed a hundred mosquito troops, coughed, and as soon as he fell off the bough, like a sack ... However, he got up, scratched his bruised side and said: - Well, did you take it? Did you see how deftly I jump from a tree? .. The mosquitoes laughed even thinner, and Komar Komarovich trumpeted: - I'll eat you ... I'll eat you ... eat ... eat! strength, and it’s a shame to leave the swamp. He sits on his hind legs and only blinks his eyes. A frog rescued him from trouble. She jumped out from under a hummock, sat down on her hind legs and said: - Go hunting for you, Mikhailo Ivanovich, to bother yourself in vain! .. Do not pay attention to these crappy mosquitoes. Not worth it. - And that is not worth it, - the bear was delighted. - I'm like that ... Let them come to my lair, yes I ... I ... How Misha turns around, how he runs out of the swamp, and Komar Komarovich - his long nose flies after him, flies and shouts: - Oh brothers, hold on! The bear will run away ... Hold on! .. All the mosquitoes gathered, consulted and decided: "It's not worth it! Let him leave - after all, the swamp is left behind us!" VANK'S NAME DAY 1 Beat, drum, ta-ta! tra-ta-ta! Play, trumpets: tru-tu! Tu-ru-ru!.. Let's all the music here - today is Vanka's birthday!.. Dear guests, you are welcome... Hey, everyone gather here! Tra-ta-ta! Tru-ru-ru! Vanka walks around in a red shirt and says: - Brothers, you are welcome ... Treats - as much as you like. Soup from the freshest chips; cutlets from the best, purest sand; pies from multi-colored pieces of paper; what a tea! From the best boiled water. You are welcome ... Music, play! .. Ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta! Tru-tu! Tu-ru-ru! There was a full room of guests. The first to arrive was a pot-bellied wooden Top. - Zhzh... zhzh... where is the birthday boy? Live... live. .. I really like to have fun in a good company... Two dolls came. One - with blue eyes, Anya, her nose was a little damaged; the other with black eyes, Katya, she was missing one arm. They came decorously and took their place on the toy sofa. - - Let's see what kind of treat Vanka has, - Anya noticed. - That's something to brag about. The music is not bad, and I doubt very much about the refreshments. “You, Anya, are always dissatisfied with something,” Katya reproached her. - And you're always ready to argue. The dolls argued a little and were even ready to quarrel, but at that moment a strongly supported Clown hobbled on one leg and immediately reconciled them. - Everything will be fine, young lady! Let's have great fun. Of course, I am missing one leg, but Volchok is spinning on one leg. Hello, Volchok... - LJ... Hello! Why is it that one of your eyes looks like it's been hit? - Nothing... I fell off the couch. It could be worse. - Oh, how bad it can be ... Sometimes I hit the wall like that from all the running start, right on my head! ..

8 - It's good that your head is empty ... - It still hurts ... zhzh ... Try it yourself, you'll find out. The clown just clicked his brass cymbals. He was generally a frivolous man. Petrushka came and brought with him a whole bunch of guests: his own wife, Matryona Ivanovna, the German doctor Karl Ivanovich and the big-nosed Gypsy; and the Gypsy brought a three-legged horse with him. - Well, Vanka, receive guests! - Petrushka spoke cheerfully, clicking his nose. - One is better than the other. My only Matryona Ivanovna is worth something... She likes to drink tea with me very much, like a duck. "We'll find some tea, too, Pyotr Ivanovich," replied Vanka. - And we are always glad to have good guests ... Sit down, Matrena Ivanovna! Karl Ivanovich, you are welcome... 8 The Bear and the Hare also came, the greyish grandmother's Goat with the Corydalis Duck, the Cockerel with the Wolf - Vanka found a place for everyone. Alyonushkin's Slipper and Alyonushkin's Panicle came last. They looked - all the seats were occupied, and Panicle said: - Nothing, I'll stand in the corner ... But Slipper did not say anything and silently crawled under the sofa. It was a very venerable Slipper, though worn. He was a little embarrassed only by the hole that was on the nose itself. Well, nothing, no one will notice under the sofa. - Hey music! Vanka commanded. Beat the drum: tra-ta! ta-ta! The trumpets began to play: tru-tu! And all the guests suddenly felt so much fun, so much fun... 2 The holiday started off great. The drum beat by itself, the trumpets themselves played, the Top buzzed, the Clown rang his cymbals, and Petrushka squealed furiously. Oh, how fun it was! .. - Brothers, walk! shouted Vanka, smoothing his flaxen curls. Anya and Katya laughed in thin voices, the clumsy Bear danced with Panicle, the gray Goat walked with Corydalis Duck, the Clown tumbled, showing his art, and Dr. Karl Ivanovich asked Matryona Ivanovna: - Matryona Ivanovna, does your tummy hurt? - What are you, Karl Ivanovich? - offended Matrena Ivanovna. - Where did you get it?.. - Come on, show your tongue. - Leave me alone, please... - I'm here... - the silver Spoon, with which Alyonushka ate her porridge, rang out in a thin voice. Until now, she had been lying quietly on the table, and when the doctor spoke about language, she could not resist and jumped off. After all, the doctor always examines Alyonushka's tongue with her help ... - Oh, no ... no need! squeaked Matryona Ivanovna, waving her arms in such a funny way, like a windmill. - Well, I do not impose my services, - Spoon was offended. She even wanted to get angry, but at that time Volchok flew up to her, and they began to dance. The spinning top buzzed, the spoon rang... Even Alyonushkin's Slipper could not stand it, crawled out from under the sofa and whispered to Panicle: - I love you very much, Panicle... Panicle closed her eyes sweetly and only sighed. She loved to be loved. After all, she was always such a modest Panicle and never put on airs, as sometimes happened with others. For example, Matryona Ivanovna or Anya and Katya - these cute dolls loved to laugh at other people's shortcomings: the Clown was missing one leg, Petrushka had a long nose, Karl Ivanovich had a bald head, the Gypsy looked like a firebrand, and the birthday boy Vanka got the most. "He's a little manly," said Katya. “And besides, a braggart,” Anya added. Having fun, everyone sat down at the table, and a real feast began. The dinner passed like a real name-day, although the matter was not without small misunderstandings. The bear almost ate Bunny instead of a cutlet by mistake; The top almost got into a fight with the Gypsy because of the Spoon - the latter wanted to steal it and already hid it in his pocket. Pyotr Ivanovich, a well-known bully, managed to quarrel with his wife and quarreled over trifles.

9 9 - Matrena Ivanovna, calm down, - Karl Ivanovich persuaded her. - After all, Pyotr Ivanovich is kind ... Maybe your head hurts? I have excellent powders with me... - Leave her alone, doctor, - said Petrushka. - This is such an impossible woman ... But by the way, I love her very much. Matryona Ivanovna, let's kiss... - Hurrah! shouted Vanka. - It's much better than fighting. I can't stand it when people fight. Look... But then something completely unexpected happened and so terrible that it’s even scary to say. Beat the drum: tra-ta! ta-ta-ta! The trumpets were playing: ru-ru! ru-ru-ru! The Clown's cymbals rang, the Spoon laughed in a silver voice, the Top buzzed, and the merry Bunny shouted: bo-bo-bo! .. The Porcelain Dog barked loudly, the rubber Kitty meowed affectionately, and the Bear stamped his foot so that the floor trembled. The greyest grandmother's goat turned out to be the most cheerful of all. First of all, he danced better than anyone, and then he shook his beard so funny and roared in a raspy voice: mee-ke-ke! .. 3 Excuse me, how did all this happen? It is very difficult to tell everything in order, because of the participants in the incident, only Alyonushkin Bashmachok remembered the whole thing. He was prudent and managed to hide under the sofa in time. Yes, so that's how it was. First, wooden cubes came to congratulate Vanka... No, not like that again. It didn't start at all. The cubes really came, but the black-eyed Katya was to blame. She, she, right! .. This pretty cheat at the end of dinner whispered to Anya: - And what do you think, Anya, who is the most beautiful here. It seems the question is the simplest, but meanwhile Matryona Ivanovna was terribly offended and told Katya bluntly: - Why do you think that my Pyotr Ivanovich is a freak? “No one thinks that, Matrena Ivanovna,” Katya tried to justify herself, but it was already too late. “Of course, his nose is a little big,” continued Matryona Ivanovna. “But this is noticeable if you only look at Pyotr Ivanovich from the side ... Then, he has a bad habit of terribly squeaking and fighting with everyone, but he is still a kind person. And as for the mind ... The dolls argued with such passion that they attracted everyone's attention. First of all, of course, Petrushka intervened and squeaked: - That's right, Matryona Ivanovna ... The most beautiful person here, of course, is me! Here all the men are offended. Pardon me, such self-praise this Petrushka! It's disgusting to even listen to! The clown was not a master of speech and was offended in silence, but Dr. Karl Ivanovich said very loudly: - So, we are all freaks? Congratulations, gentlemen... All at once there was a hubbub. The Gypsy shouted something in his own way, the Bear growled, the Wolf howled, the gray Goat shouted, the Top buzzed - in a word, everyone was completely offended. - Gentlemen, stop! - Vanka persuaded everyone. - Do not pay attention to Pyotr Ivanovich ... He was just joking. But it was all in vain. It was Karl Ivanitch who was chiefly agitated. He even banged his fist on the table and shouted: - Gentlemen, good food, nothing to say! .. We were invited to visit only to be called freaks ... - Gracious sovereigns and gracious sovereigns! - Vanka tried to shout down everyone. - If it comes to that, gentlemen, there is only one freak here - it's me ... Are you satisfied now? Then... Excuse me, how did this happen? Yes, yes, that's how it was. Karl Ivanovich got completely excited and began to approach Pyotr Ivanovich. He shook his finger at him and repeated: “If I weren’t an educated person and if I didn’t know how to behave decently in decent society, I would tell you, Pyotr Ivanovich, that you are even quite a fool ... Knowing the pugnacious nature of Petrushka, Vanka wanted to stand between him and the doctor, but on the way he hit Petrushka's long nose with his fist. It seemed to Petrushka that it was not Vanka who had hit him, but the doctor... What had begun here!.. Petrushka clung to the doctor; for no reason at all, the Gypsy, who was sitting aside, began to beat the Clown, the Bear rushed at the Wolf with a growl, the Volchok beat the Goat with his empty head - in a word, a real scandal came out. The puppets squealed in thin voices, and all three fainted with fear. "Ah, I'm feeling ill!" shouted Matrena Ivanovna, falling off the sofa.

10 10 - Gentlemen, what is it? yelled Vanka. - Gentlemen, it's my birthday... Gentlemen, it's finally impolite! Vanka tried in vain to break up the fights, and ended up beating up everyone who came under his arm, and since he was the strongest of them all, the guests had a bad time. - Carraul!!. Fathers... oh, carraul! Petrushka yelled loudest of all, trying to hit the doctor harder ... - They killed Petrushka to death ... Karraul! .. Only Slipper left the dump, having managed to hide under the sofa in time. Out of fear, he even closed his eyes, and at that time the Bunny hid behind him, also seeking salvation in flight. - Where are you going? - grumbled the Slipper. “Be quiet, otherwise they will hear, and both will get it,” Zaichik persuaded, looking out of the hole in the sock with a slanting eye. - Oh, what a robber this Petrushka is! .. He beats everyone and himself yells with a good obscenity. Good guest, nothing to say ... And I barely escaped from the Wolf, ah! It's scary even to remember ... And there the Duck lies upside down with its legs. They killed the poor ... - Oh, how stupid you are, Bunny: all the dolls lie in a swoon, well, the Duck along with the others. They fought, fought, fought for a long time, until Vanka kicked out all the guests, except for the dolls. Matryona Ivanovna had long been tired of lying in a swoon, she opened one eye and asked: - Gentlemen, where am I? Doctor, see if I'm alive?.. No one answered her, and Matrena Ivanovna opened her other eye. The room was empty, and Vanka stood in the middle and looked around in surprise. Anya and Katya woke up and were also surprised. “There was something terrible here,” Katya said. - Good birthday boy, nothing to say! The dolls at once pounced on Vanka, who decidedly did not know what to answer him. And someone beat him, and he beat someone, but for what, about what - it is not known. “I really don’t know how it all happened,” he said, spreading his arms. - The main thing is that it's a shame: after all, I love them all ... absolutely all of them. - And we know how, - Shoe and Bunny responded from under the sofa. - We all saw! .. - Yes, it's your fault! Matrena Ivanovna pounced on them. - Of course, you ... You made a mess, but you yourself hid. - They, they! .. - Anya and Katya shouted in one voice. - Yeah, that's the point! - Vanka was delighted. - Get out, robbers... You only visit guests to quarrel good people. Slipper and Bunny barely had time to jump out the window. - Here I am ... - Matryona Ivanovna threatened them with her fist. - Oh, what wretched people there are in the world! So the Duck will say the same thing. - Yes, yes ... - Duck confirmed. - I saw with my own eyes how they hid under the sofa. The duck always agreed with everyone. - We need to return the guests ... - continued Katya. - We'll have some fun... The guests returned willingly. Who had a black eye, who limped; Petrushka's long nose suffered the most. - Ah, robbers! - they all repeated in one voice, scolding Bunny and Slipper. - Who would have thought? .. - Oh, how tired I am! He beat off all his hands, ”Vanka complained. - Well, why remember the old ... I'm not vindictive. Hey, music! .. The drum beat again: waste! ta-ta-ta! The trumpets began to play: tru-tu! ru-ru-ru! .. And Petrushka furiously shouted: - Hurray, Vanka! ..

11 11 A TALE ABOUT SPARROW VOROBEICH, ERSH ERSHOVICH AND THE Merry Chimney Sweep YASHA 1 Vorobey Vorobeich and Ersh Ershovich lived in great friendship. Every day in the summer Vorobey Vorobeich flew to the river and shouted: - Hey, brother, hello! .. How are you? - Nothing, we live little by little, - answered Ersh Ershovich. - Come visit me. I, brother, feel good in deep places ... The water is quiet, any water weed as you like. I'll treat you to frog caviar, worms, water boogers... - Thank you, brother! With pleasure I would go to visit you, but I'm afraid of water. It’s better you fly to visit me on the roof ... I’ll treat you, brother, with berries - I have a whole garden, and then we’ll get a crust of bread, and oats, and sugar, and a live mosquito. Do you like sugar? - What is he? - White is so ... - How do we have pebbles in the river? - Here you go. And take it in your mouth - sweet. Don't eat your pebbles. Shall we fly to the roof now? - No, I can't fly, and I suffocate in the air. Let's swim in the water together. I'll show you everything ... Sparrow Vorobeich tried to go into the water - he would go up to his knees, and then it became terribly. So you can drown! Vorobey Vorobeich will get drunk on bright river water, and on hot days he buys it somewhere in a shallow place, cleans his feathers - and again to his roof. In general, they lived together and liked to talk about different matters. - How do you not get tired of sitting in the water? Vorobey Vorobeich was often surprised. - It's wet in the water - you'll still catch a cold ... Ersh Ershovich was surprised in his turn: - How do you, brother, not get tired of flying? Look how hot it is in the sun: just suffocate. And I'm always cold. Swim as much as you want. Don’t be afraid in the summer everyone climbs into my water to swim ... And who will go to your roof? - And how they walk, brother! .. I have a great friend - a chimney sweep Yasha. He constantly comes to visit me ... And such a cheerful chimney sweep - he sings all the songs. He cleans the pipes, and he sings. Moreover, he will sit down on the very horse to rest, get some bread and have a snack, and I pick up the crumbs. We live soul to soul. I also like to have fun. Friends and troubles were almost the same. For example, winter: poor Sparrow Vorobeich is cold! Wow, what cold days there were! It seems that the whole soul is ready to freeze. Vorobey Vorobeich swells up, tucks his legs under him and sits. The only salvation is to climb somewhere in the pipe and warm up a little. But here is the trouble. Since Vorobey Vorobeich almost died thanks to his best friend, the chimney sweep. The chimney sweep came and, as soon as he lowered his cast-iron weight with a broom into the chimney, he almost broke Voroby Vorobeich's head. He jumped out of the chimney all covered in soot, worse than a chimney sweep, and now scolding: - What are you doing, Yasha, are you doing something? After all, that way you can kill to death ... - And how did I know that you were sitting in a pipe? - And be more careful forward ... If I hit you on the head with a cast-iron weight, is that good? Ersh Ershovich also had a hard time in winter. He climbed somewhere deeper into the pool and dozed there for whole days. It's dark and cold and you don't want to move. Occasionally he swam up to the hole when he called Vorobey Vorobeich. He will fly up to the hole in the water to get drunk and shout: - Hey, Ersh Ershovich, are you alive? - Alive ... - Ersh Ershovich responds in a sleepy voice. - Everyone just wants to sleep. Generally bad. We are all sleeping. - And we are not better either, brother! What to do, you have to endure... Wow, what an evil wind can be!.. Here, brother, you won’t fall asleep... I keep jumping on one leg to keep warm. And people look and say: "Look, what a cheerful little sparrow!" Ah, if only to wait for the warmth... Are you sleeping again, brother? And in the summer again their troubles. Once a hawk chased Vorobeich for two versts, and he barely managed to hide in the river sedge.

12 - Oh, barely alive left! - he complained to Ersh Ershovich, barely taking a breath. - Here is a robber! .. I almost grabbed it, but there you should remember your name. - It's like our pike, - consoled Ersh Ershovich. - I, too, recently almost fell into her mouth. How it will rush after me, like lightning. And I swam out with other fish and thought that there was a log in the water, but how this log would rush after me ... Why are these pikes only found? I'm surprised and can't understand... - And so am I... You know, it seems to me that a hawk was once a pike, and a pike was a hawk. In a word, the robbers... 2 Yes, Vorobey Vorobeyich and Ersh Yershovich lived and lived like this, they shivered in the winters, rejoiced in the summer; and the cheerful chimney sweep Yasha cleaned his pipes and sang songs. Everyone has their own business, their joys and their sorrows. One summer the chimney sweep finished his work and went to the river to wash off the soot. He goes and whistles, and then he hears a terrible noise. What happened? And over the river the birds hover like that: ducks, and geese, and swallows, and snipe, and crows, and doves. Everyone is making noise, yelling, laughing - you can’t make out anything. - Hey you, what happened? shouted the chimney sweep. - And here it happened ... - a lively tit chirped. - So funny, so funny! .. Look what our Sparrow Vorobeich is doing ... He was completely furious. Titmouse laughed in a thin, thin voice, wagged her tail and soared over the river. When the chimney sweep approached the river, Vorobey Vorobeich ran into him. And he himself is so terrible: the beak is open, the eyes are burning, all the feathers stand on end. - Hey, Vorobey Vorobeich, what are you, brother, making noise here? asked the chimney sweep. - No, I'll show him! .. - Vorobey Vorobeich shouted, choking with rage. - He still doesn't know what I'm like... I'll show him, damned Ersh Ershovich! He will remember me, robber... - Don't listen to him! Yersh Yershovich shouted to the chimney sweep from the water. - He's lying... - Am I lying? - shouted Sparrow Vorobeich. - And who found the worm? I'm lying!.. Such a fat worm! I dug it up on the shore... How much I worked... Well, I grabbed it and dragged it home to my nest. I have a family - I have to carry food ... Only fluttered with a worm over the river, and the damned Ersh Ershovich - so that the pike swallowed him! - how to shout: "Hawk!" I shouted out of fear - the worm fell into the water, and Ersh Ershovich swallowed it ... This is called lying ?!. And there was no hawk... - Well, I was joking, - Ersh Ershovich justified himself. - And the worm was really tasty ... All kinds of fish gathered around Ersh Ershovich: roach, crucian carp, perch, little ones, - they listen and laugh. Yes, Ersh Ershovich cleverly joked on an old friend! And it's even funnier how Vorobey Vorobeich got into a fight with him. So it flies, and it flies, but it cannot take anything. - Choke on my worm! - Vorobey Vorobeich scolded. - I'll dig another one for myself ... But it's a shame that Ersh Ershovich deceived me and is still laughing at me. And I called him to my roof ... Good friend, nothing to say! So the chimney sweep Yasha will say the same thing ... We also live together and even have a snack together sometimes: he eats - I pick up the crumbs. “Wait, brothers, this very matter must be judged,” said the chimney sweep. - Just let me wash up first... I'll deal with your case honestly. And you, Vorobey Vorobeich, calm down a little for now ... - My cause is just, - why should I worry! - shouted Sparrow Vorobeich. - And as soon as I show Ersh Yershovich how to play jokes with me ... The chimney sweep sat down on the bank, put a bundle with his dinner next to it on a pebble, washed his hands and face and said: - Well, brothers, now we will judge the court ... You , Ersh Ershovich, is a fish, and you, Sparrow Vorobeich, are a bird. Is that what I say? - So! So! .. - everyone shouted, both birds and fish. - Let's keep talking! The fish must live in the water, and the bird must live in the air. Is that what I say? Well... A worm, for example, lives in the ground. Fine. Now look... The chimney sweep unrolled his bundle, put a piece of rye bread on the stone, from which his whole dinner consisted, and said: - Look, what is this? This is bread. I have earned it and I will eat it; eat and drink water. So? So, I'll have lunch and I won't offend anyone. Fish and birds also want to dine ... You, then, have your own food! Why quarrel? Sparrow Vorobeich dug up a worm, which means he earned it, and, therefore, the worm is his ... - Excuse me, uncle ... - a thin voice was heard in the crowd of birds. 12

13 13 The birds parted and let the sandpiper go forward, who approached the chimney sweep on his thin legs. - Uncle, that's not true. - What's not true? - Yes, I found a worm ... Just ask the ducks - they saw it. I found it, and Sparrow swooped in and stole it. The chimney sweep was confused. It didn't come out at all. - How is it so? .. - he muttered, collecting his thoughts. - Hey, Vorobey Vorobeich, what are you, in fact, deceiving? - I'm not lying, but Bekas is lying. He conspired with the ducks... - Something's not right, brother... um... Yes! Of course, the worm is nothing; but it's not good to steal. And whoever stole must lie ... So I say? Yes... - That's right! That's right! .. - everyone shouted in chorus again. - And you still judge Yersh Yershovich with Sparrow Vorobeich! Who is right with them? .. Both made noise, both fought and raised everyone to their feet. - Who is right? Oh, you mischievous ones, Ersh Ershovich and Sparrow Vorobeyich!.. Really, mischievous ones. I will punish both of you as an example... Well, lively put up, now! - Right! they all shouted in unison. - Let them reconcile ... - And the sandpiper, who worked, getting a worm, I will feed with crumbs, - the chimney sweep decided. - Everyone will be happy... - Excellent! everyone shouted again. The chimney sweep has already stretched out his hand for bread, but he is not there. While the chimney sweep was talking, Vorobei Vorobeich managed to pull him off. - Ah, robber! Ah, rascal! - all the fish and all the birds were indignant. And everyone rushed in pursuit of the thief. The edge was heavy, and Vorobey Vorobeich could not fly far with it. They caught up with him just over the river. Large and small birds rushed at the thief. There was a real mess. Everyone vomits like that, only the crumbs fly into the river; and then the piece of bread also flew into the river. At this point, the fish grabbed onto it. A real fight began between fish and birds. They tore the whole crust into crumbs and ate all the crumbs. As there is nothing left of the crumble. When the loaf was eaten, everyone came to their senses and everyone felt ashamed. They chased after the thief Sparrow and along the way they ate a piece of stolen bread. And the cheerful chimney sweep Yasha sits on the bank, looks and laughs. It all turned out very funny ... Everyone ran away from him, only Bekasik the sandman remained. - Why don't you follow everyone? asks the chimney sweep. - And I would fly, but small in stature, uncle. Just the big birds will peck... - Well, that's how it will be better, Bekasik. Both of us were left without lunch. Apparently, they haven't worked much yet... Alyonushka came to the bank, began to ask the cheerful chimney sweeper Yasha what had happened, and also laughed. - Oh, how stupid they are, and fish and birds! And I would share everything - both the worm and the crumb, and no one would quarrel. Recently, I divided four apples ... Dad brings four apples and says: "Divide in half - me and Lisa." I divided it into three parts: I gave one apple to dad, the other to Lisa, and I took two for myself.

14 14 THE TALE OF HOW THE LAST FLY LIVED 1 What fun it was in the summer!.. Oh, how fun! It's hard to even tell everything in order... There were thousands of flies. They fly, buzz, have fun ... When little Mushka was born, she spread her wings, she also had fun. So much fun, so much fun you can't tell. The most interesting thing was that in the morning they opened all the windows and doors to the terrace - in whatever you want, fly through that window. “What a kind creature a man is,” little Mushka was surprised, flying from window to window. - It is for us that the windows are made, and they open them for us too. Very good, and most importantly - fun ... She flew out into the garden a thousand times, sat on the green grass, admired the blooming lilacs, the delicate leaves of the blossoming linden and the flowers in the flower beds. The gardener, unknown to her until now, had already managed to take care of everything in advance. Oh, how kind he is, this gardener! .. Mushka has not yet been born, but he has already managed to prepare everything, absolutely everything that little Mushka needs. This was all the more surprising because he himself did not know how to fly and sometimes even walked with great difficulty - he was swaying, and the gardener was mumbling something completely incomprehensible. - And where do these damned flies come from? grumbled the good gardener. Probably, the poor fellow said this simply out of envy, because he himself could only dig ridges, plant flowers and water them, but he could not fly. Young Mushka deliberately hovered over the gardener's red nose and bored him terribly. Then, people in general are so kind that everywhere they gave different pleasures to flies. For example, Alyonushka drank milk in the morning, ate a bun and then asked Aunt Olya for sugar - she did all this only in order to leave a few drops of spilled milk for the flies, and most importantly - crumbs of buns and sugar. Well, tell me, please, what could be tastier than such crumbs, especially when you fly all morning and get hungry? .. Then, the cook Pasha was even kinder than Alyonushka. Every morning she went to the market on purpose for the flies and brought amazingly tasty things: beef, sometimes fish, cream, butter - in general, the kindest woman in the whole house. She knew perfectly well what the flies needed, although she also did not know how to fly, like the gardener. A very good woman in general! And Aunt Olya? Oh, this wonderful woman, it seems, specially lived only for flies ... She opened all the windows with her own hands every morning so that it would be more convenient for the flies to fly, and when it rained or it was cold, she closed them so that the flies would not wet their wings and not caught a cold. Then Aunt Olya noticed that the flies were very fond of sugar and berries, so she began to boil the berries in sugar every day. The flies now, of course, guessed why it was all being done, and out of gratitude they climbed right into the bowl of jam. Alyonushka was very fond of jam, but Aunt Olya gave her only one or two spoons, not wanting to offend the flies. Since the flies could not eat everything at once, Aunt Olya put some of the jam in glass jars (so that they would not be eaten by mice, which are not supposed to have jam at all) and then served it to the flies every day when she drank tea. - Oh, how kind and good everyone is! - admired the young Mushka, flying from window to window. - Maybe it's even good that people can't fly. Then they would have turned into flies, big and gluttonous flies, and probably would have eaten everything themselves ... Oh, how good it is to live in the world! “Well, people are not quite as kind as you think,” remarked the old Fly, who liked to grumble. - It just seems that way... Have you noticed the man everyone calls "daddy"? - Oh, yes... This is a very strange gentleman. You are quite right, good, kind old Fly... Why does he smoke his pipe, when he knows perfectly well that I can't stand tobacco smoke at all? It seems to me that he does this directly to spite me ... Then, he absolutely does not want to do anything for the flies. I once tried the ink with which he always writes something like that, and almost died ... This is finally outrageous! I saw with my own eyes how two such pretty, but completely inexperienced flies were drowning in his inkwell. It was a terrible picture when he pulled out one of them with a pen and planted a magnificent inkblot on paper ... Imagine, he did not blame himself for this, but us! Where is justice? .. - I think that this dad is completely devoid of justice, although he has one merit ... - answered the old, experienced Fly. - He drinks beer after dinner. It's not a bad habit! I,

Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak The Tale of the Brave Hare Long Ears, Slanting Eyes, Short Tail Series “Readers for Primary School” Series “The Newest Reader in Literature. Grade 2 "Series" Russian

TALE ABOUT THE BRAVEST HARE LONG EARS, SLANTING EYES, SHORT TAIL A bunny was born in the forest and was afraid of everything. A knot will crack somewhere, a bird will flutter, a lump of snow will fall from a tree, a bunny has a soul in its heels. afraid

2017 IMPLEMENTATION Alyonushka's one eye is sleeping, the other one is watching; one ear of Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is listening. Sleep, Alyonushka, sleep, beauty, and dad will tell fairy tales. It seems that everything is here: and the Siberian cat

I Beat, drum: ta-ta! tra-ta-ta! Play, trumpets: tru-tu! tu-ru-ru! .. Let's all the music here, today is Vanka's birthday! .. Dear guests, you are welcome. Hey, everyone gather here! Tra-ta-ta! Tru-ru-ru!

PUBLISHING HOUSE "CHILDREN'S LITERATURE" Library Ladoved. SCAN. Yuri Voikin 2O1Og. D. N. MAMIN-SIBIRYAK A bunny was born in the forest and was afraid of everything. A twig will crack somewhere, a bird will flutter, a snowball will fall from a tree,

Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak Alyonushkin's fairy tales Direct-Media Moscow 2010 Mamin-Sibiryak D. N. Alyonushkin's fairy tales. M.: Direct-Media, 2010. 248 p. ISBN 978-5-9989-4309-6 The works of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak breathe love

“This is my favorite book - it was written by love itself, and therefore it will outlive everything else”. one ear of Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is listening.

How the wolf got his bottom "wait but" whose fox "went" to the ay "l 1 for the chicken. She "went" there "because" she "really wanted" to eat. In au "le fox" stole "la * sa" most big "yu ku" ritsu and would "stro-by" quickly run "la to

D.N.MAMIN- SIBIRYAK * > fairy tales \ MOSCOW CHILDREN'S LITERATURE 198 6 Ladoved Library. SCAN. Yuri Voikin 2014 Saying Bye-bye-bye ... Alyonushka's one eye is sleeping, the other is looking; Alyonushka has one ear

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There lived one ill-mannered Mouse in the forest. He didn't say good morning to anyone in the morning. And in the evening I didn’t say “good night” to anyone. All the animals in the forest were angry with him. They don't want to be friends with him. do not want to

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1 (Royal Elena, Budapest 2016) Hare Kuzka. Once upon a time there was a Hare, he was white and not gray like the others! Not oblique and not a coward. The rest is like a bunny. He loved to ride through the forest, Pinching fresh grass.

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The scenario of the New Year's party in the younger group on December 27, 2016. Educator: Vdovenko T.A. The hall is festively decorated with posters, snowflakes, garlands, serpentine, the Christmas tree is elegantly decorated. To the music "New

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Charles Perrault Little Red Riding Hood Series "Readers for Primary School" Series "Big Readers for Primary School" Series "Foreign Literature" Text provided by the publishing house http://www.litres.ru/pages/biblio_book/?art=133046

Scenario of the holiday on MARCH 8 senior group (Children enter the hall to the music and become a semicircle) Spring does not begin with flowers, There are many reasons for this. It begins with warm words, With a sparkle in the eyes and with smiles.

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 97 of the compensating type of the Central District of St. Petersburg Educator: Lavrentyeva Victoria Vladimirovna Poems for children 5-6

A DREAM ABOUT THE HEN RIABA Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman Every evening before going to bed, grandfather told Gosha a fairy tale. Usually new. But sometimes the grandson wanted to hear a fairy tale that he already knew. Today was just such a case.

Hello dear reader. How much time was spent there on the collection of Alyonushka's Tales of Mamin-Sibiryak. One of the most sensitive and touching writers could not but pay serious attention to children's fairy tales. Dmitry Narkisovich incredibly highly appreciated the educational power of books for children, he was deeply convinced that a children's book, like a spring sunbeam, awakens the dormant forces of the child's soul and causes the seeds thrown on this fertile soil to grow. Thanks to this particular book, children merge into one huge spiritual family that knows no ethnographic and geographical boundaries. It's impossible to argue with this. The most famous of the numerous fairy tales and stories was the collection of Alyonushka's Tales of Mamin-Sibiryak. This collection was published annually during the author's lifetime and entered the "Golden Fund" of children's literature. During the release of a separate edition of the collection Alyonushka's Tales, Mamin-Sibiryak wrote to his mother: "This is my favorite book - it was written by love itself, and therefore it will survive everything else." In all the tales of the collection Alyonushkina's Tales, animals and insects are humanized. In his fairy tales, they speak the language of people, reflect, interfere in human life, evaluate human actions. So, for example, starting to read a fairy tale about a brave Hare - long ears, slanting eyes, a short tail, it is easy and simple for the reader to understand the difficulties and experiences of the brave Hare, because they are absolutely identical with human ones. The fairy tale about Mamin-Siberian Kozyavochka is easy to read, because the human world is just as full of similar difficulties, there are always and everywhere people who seek to harm you, interfere with you, and it is necessary to prepare the child for the path of life so that from childhood he will have immunity to evil and love to good. The Tale of Komar Komarovich - a long nose and a furry Misha - a short tail is also useful to read online; very, very much. After all, tiny mosquitoes managed to defeat a huge bear! The fairy tale of Vanka's name day of Mamin-Sibiryak clearly depicts all the absurdity and frivolity of quarrels, how they arise and what a mess and fights turn into. It shows the young reader that such situations should be avoided in every possible way, and if it didn’t work out, then it is necessary to put up with each other as soon as possible and not hold grudges against each other. A very instructive Tale about Sparrow Vorobeich, Ersh Ershovich and the cheerful chimney sweep Yasha to read online which is both fun and instructive for children. Often we become witnesses of quarrels and scandals and it can be extremely difficult to reconcile people who have quarreled. The main thing in such cases is to be indulgent towards them, even if you have to sacrifice your lunch like a chimney sweep Yasha .... No less instructive is the Tale of how the last Fly of Mama-Sibiryak lived to read online it is a little sad, since the heroine of the tale experiences loneliness, but everything ends in the spring, everything comes to life and our fly again finds itself among its friends for which it has been for so long yearned. From childhood, it is necessary to warn our children against bad comrades, this is clearly shown by the Tale of the Voronushka - the black head and the yellow bird Canary of Mom-Siberian, you can read it online at the same time commenting on the behavior of the Canary, which succumbed to the bad influence of the Crow and paid for it with her life. How cheerfully describes the talented pen of Mamin-Sibiryak using the example of a turkey who imagines himself to be the smartest. Reading a fairy tale Smarter than all online is useful for children of all ages. In it, with all the obviousness, the author shows how ridiculous a person who imagines himself to be the smartest and who has completely forgotten about modesty looks ridiculous. The parable of Molochka, Oatmeal Kashka and gray cat Murka Mamin-Sibiryak shows us the love and indulgence of the cook for the naughty gray cat, who, despite all his arguments with the cook, despite the fact that he gets what he deserves, still loves and appreciates his mistress. I would like to note that the book "Alyonushka's Tales" is still very popular with parents, it has been translated into many foreign languages. We strongly advise parents to read "Alyonushka's Tales" online to children of any age.



Sleep, Alyonushka, sleep, beauty, and dad will tell fairy tales. It seems that everything is here: the Siberian cat Vaska, and the shaggy village dog Postoiko, and the gray Mouse-louse, and the Cricket behind the stove, and the motley Starling in a cage, and the bully Rooster.
Sleep, Alyonushka, now the fairy tale begins. The tall moon is already looking out the window; there a slanting hare hobbled on his felt boots; the wolf's eyes lit up with yellow lights; bear Mishka sucks his paw. The old Sparrow flew up to the very window, knocks his nose on the glass and asks: soon? Everyone is here, everyone is assembled, and everyone is waiting for Alyonushka's fairy tale.
One eye at Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is looking; one ear of Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is listening.


A bunny was born in the forest and was afraid of everything. A twig cracks somewhere, a bird flutters, a lump of snow falls from a tree - the bunny has a soul in his heels.
The bunny was afraid for a day, afraid for two, afraid for a week, afraid for a year; and then he grew big, and suddenly he got tired of being afraid.
- I'm not afraid of anyone! he shouted to the whole forest. - I'm not afraid at all, and that's it!
The old hares gathered, the little hares ran, the old hares dragged in - everyone listens to the Hare boasting - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail - they listen and do not believe their own ears. It was not yet that the hare was not afraid of anyone.
“Hey you, slanting eye, aren’t you afraid of the wolf too?”
- And I'm not afraid of the wolf, and the fox, and the bear - I'm not afraid of anyone!
It turned out to be quite funny. The young hares giggled, covering their muzzles with their front paws, the good old hares laughed, even the old hares, who had been in the paws of a fox and tasted wolf teeth, smiled. A very funny hare! .. Oh, how funny! And all of a sudden it became fun. They began to tumble, jump, jump, overtake each other, as if everyone had gone crazy.
— Yes, what is there to say! shouted the Hare, finally emboldened. - If I come across a wolf, I will eat it myself ...
- Oh, what a funny Hare! Oh, how stupid he is!
Everyone sees that he is both funny and stupid, and everyone laughs.
Hares scream about the wolf, and the wolf is right there.
He walked, walked in the forest on his wolf business, got hungry and only thought: “It would be nice to have a bite of a bunny!” - as he hears that somewhere very close the hares are screaming and he, the gray Wolf, is commemorated.
Now he stopped, sniffed the air and began to creep up.
The wolf came very close to the hares playing out, hears how they laugh at him, and most of all - the bouncer Hare - slanting eyes, long ears, short tail.
“Hey, brother, wait, I’ll eat you!” - thought the Gray Wolf and began to look out, which hare boasts of his courage. And the hares see nothing and have more fun than before. It ended with the bouncer Hare climbing onto a stump, sitting on his hind legs and talking:
“Listen, you cowards! Listen and look at me! Now I'll show you one thing. I... I... I...
Here the tongue of the bouncer is definitely frozen.
The Hare saw the Wolf looking at him. Others did not see, but he saw and did not dare to die.
Then something quite extraordinary happened.
The bouncer hare jumped up like a ball, and with fear fell right on the wolf's wide forehead, rolled head over heels on the wolf's back, rolled over again in the air and then asked such a rattle that, it seems, he was ready to jump out of his own skin.
The unfortunate Bunny ran for a long time, ran until he was completely exhausted.
It seemed to him that the Wolf was chasing him and was about to grab him with his teeth.
Finally, the poor fellow was completely exhausted, closed his eyes and fell dead under a bush.
And the Wolf at this time ran in the other direction. When the Hare fell on him, it seemed to him that someone had shot at him.
And the wolf ran away. You never know other hares can be found in the forest, but this one was kind of mad ...
For a long time the rest of the hares could not come to their senses. Who fled into the bushes, who hid behind a stump, who fell into a hole.
Finally everyone got tired of hiding, and little by little they began to look out who was braver.
- And our Hare cleverly scared the Wolf! - decided everything. - If not for him, we would not have left alive ... But where is he, our fearless Hare? ..
We started looking.
They walked and walked, there is no brave Hare anywhere. Has another wolf eaten him? Finally, they found it: it lies in a hole under a bush and is barely alive from fear.
- Well done, oblique! - shouted all the hares in one voice. - Oh yes oblique! .. You deftly scared the old Wolf. Thank you brother! And we thought you were bragging.
The brave Hare immediately cheered up. He got out of his hole, shook himself, screwed up his eyes and said:
- And what would you think! Oh you cowards...
From that day on, the brave Hare began to believe himself that he was really not afraid of anyone.


How Kozyavochka was born, no one saw.
It was a sunny spring day. The goat looked around and said:
- Fine!..
Kozyavochka straightened her wings, rubbed her thin legs one against the other, looked around again and said:
- How good! .. What a warm sun, what a blue sky, what green grass - good, good! .. And all mine! ..
The Kozyavochka also rubbed her legs and flew away. It flies, admires everything and rejoices. And below the grass is turning green, and a scarlet flower hid in the grass.
- Goat, come to me! cried the flower.
The little goat descended to the ground, climbed onto the flower and began to drink the sweet flower juice.
What a kind flower you are! says Kozyavochka, wiping her snout with her legs.
“Good, kind, but I don’t know how to walk,” the flower complained.
“And all the same, it’s good,” the Kozyavochka assured. And all mine...
Before she had time to finish, a hairy Bumblebee flew in with a buzz - and straight to the flower:
- Lzhzh ... Who climbed into my flower? Lj... who drinks my sweet juice? Zhzh ... Oh, you wretched Kozyavka, get out! Zhzhzh... Get out before I sting you!
— Excuse me, what is this? squeaked the Kozyavochka. Everything, everything is mine...
— Zhzhzh... No, mine!
The goat barely flew away from the angry Bumblebee. She sat down on the grass, licked her feet, stained with flower juice, and got angry:
- What a rude this Bumblebee! .. Even surprising! .. I also wanted to sting ... After all, everything is mine - and the sun, and grass, and flowers.
- No, sorry - mine! - said the shaggy Worm, climbing a stalk of grass.
Kozyavochka realized that Little Worm could not fly, and spoke more boldly:
“Excuse me, Little Worm, you are mistaken ... I don’t interfere with your crawling, but don’t argue with me! ..
“Okay, okay… Just don’t touch my weed. I don’t like it, I must admit… You never know how many of you fly here… You are a frivolous people, and I’m a serious worm… Frankly speaking, everything belongs to me. Here I will crawl on the grass and eat it, I will crawl on any flower and also eat it. Goodbye!..

In a few hours Kozyavochka learned absolutely everything, namely: that, besides the sun, the blue sky, and green grass, there are also angry bumblebees, serious worms, and various thorns on flowers. In a word, it was a big disappointment. The goat was even offended. For mercy, she was sure that everything belongs to her and was created for her, but here others think the same. No, something is wrong... It can't be.
Goat flies further and sees - water.
- It's mine! she squealed cheerfully. - My water ... Oh, how fun! .. There is grass and flowers.
And other goats are flying towards Kozyavochka.
— Hello, sister!
“Hello, darlings… Otherwise, I got bored of flying alone.” What are you doing here?
- And we are playing, sister ... Come to us. We have fun... You were born recently?
“Just today… I was almost stung by a Bumblebee, then I saw a Worm… I thought that everything was mine, but they say that everything is theirs.”
Other goats reassured the guest and invited them to play together. Above the water, the boogers played in a column: they circle, fly, squeak. Our Kozyavochka gasped with joy and soon completely forgot about the angry Bumblebee and the serious Worm.
- Oh, how good! she whispered in delight. - Everything is mine: the sun, and grass, and water. Why others are angry, I really do not understand. Everything is mine, and I don’t interfere with anyone’s life: fly, buzz, have fun. I let…
Kozyavochka played, had fun and sat down to rest on the swamp sedge. You really need to take a break! The little goat looks at how the other little goats are having fun; suddenly, out of nowhere, a sparrow - how it darts past, as if someone had thrown a stone.
— Oh, oh! - shouted the goats and rushed in all directions.
When the sparrow flew away, a dozen goats were missing.
- Oh, robber! the old goats scolded. - I ate a dozen.
It was worse than Bumblebee. The goat started to be afraid and hid with other young goats even further into the swamp grass.
But here is another problem: two goats were eaten by a fish, and two by a frog.
- What is it? - the goat was surprised. “It doesn’t look like anything at all ... You can’t live like that. Wow, how ugly!
It’s good that there were a lot of goats and no one noticed the loss. Moreover, new goats arrived, which were just born.
They flew and squeaked:
— All ours… All ours…
“No, not everything is ours,” our Kozyavochka shouted to them. - There are also angry bumblebees, serious worms, ugly sparrows, fish and frogs. Be careful sisters!
However, night fell, and all the goats hid in the reeds, where it was so warm. The stars poured out in the sky, the moon rose, and everything was reflected in the water.
Ah, how good it was!
“My moon, my stars,” thought our Kozyavochka, but she didn’t tell anyone this: they’ll just take that away too ...

So the Kozyavochka lived the whole summer.
She had a lot of fun, but there was also a lot of unpleasantness. Twice she was almost swallowed by an agile swift; then a frog imperceptibly crept up - you never know the goats have all sorts of enemies! There were some joys too. The little goat met another similar goat, with a shaggy mustache. And she says:
- How pretty you are, Kozyavochka ... We will live together.
And they healed together, they healed very well. All together: where one, there and another. And did not notice how the summer flew by. It began to rain, cold nights. Our Kozyavochka applied the eggs, hid them in the thick grass and said:
- Oh, how tired I am!
No one saw how Kozyavochka died.
Yes, she did not die, but only fell asleep for the winter, so that in the spring she would wake up again and live again.


It happened at noon, when all the mosquitoes hid from the heat in the swamp. Komar Komarovich - long nose tucked under a wide sheet and fell asleep. Sleeps and hears a desperate cry:
- Oh, fathers! .. oh, carraul! ..
Komar Komarovich jumped out from under the sheet and also shouted:
- What happened? .. What are you yelling at?
And mosquitoes fly, buzz, squeak - you can’t make out anything.
- Oh, fathers! .. A bear came to our swamp and fell asleep. As he lay down in the grass, he immediately crushed five hundred mosquitoes; as he breathed, he swallowed a whole hundred. Oh, trouble, brothers! We barely got away from him, otherwise he would have crushed everyone ...
Komar Komarovich - the long nose immediately became angry; he got angry both at the bear and at the stupid mosquitoes, which squeaked to no avail.
- Hey you, stop squeaking! he shouted. “Now I’ll go and drive the bear away ... It’s very simple!” And you yell only in vain ...
Komar Komarovich became even more angry and flew off. Indeed, there was a bear in the swamp. He climbed into the thickest grass, where mosquitoes lived from time immemorial, fell apart and sniffs with his nose, only the whistle goes, just like someone is playing the trumpet. Here's a shameless creature! .. Climbed into a strange place, ruined so many mosquito souls in vain, and even sleeps so sweetly!
“Hey, uncle, where are you going?” shouted Komar Komarovich to the whole forest, so loudly that even he himself became frightened.
Shaggy Misha opened one eye - no one was visible, opened the other eye - he barely saw that a mosquito was flying over his very nose.
What do you need, buddy? Misha grumbled and also began to get angry.
How, just settled down to rest, and then some villain squeaks.
- Hey, go away in a good way, uncle! ..
Misha opened both eyes, looked at the impudent fellow, blew his nose, and finally got angry.
"What do you want, you wretched creature?" he growled.
“Get out of our place, otherwise I don’t like joking ... I’ll eat you with a fur coat.”
The bear was funny. He rolled over onto the other side, covered his muzzle with his paw, and immediately began to snore.

Komar Komarovich flew back to his mosquitoes and trumpeted the whole swamp:
- Deftly, I scared the shaggy Mishka! .. Next time he won’t come.
Mosquitoes marveled and ask:
“Well, where is the bear now?”
“But I don’t know, brothers ... He was very scared when I told him that I would eat if he didn’t leave.” After all, I don’t like joking, but I said directly: I’ll eat it. I'm afraid that he might die with fear while I'm flying to you ... Well, it's my own fault!
All the mosquitoes squealed, buzzed and argued for a long time how to deal with the ignorant bear. Never before had there been such a terrible noise in the swamp.
They squeaked and squeaked and decided to drive the bear out of the swamp.
- Let him go to his home, into the forest, and sleep there. And our swamp... Even our fathers and grandfathers lived in this very swamp.
One prudent old woman Komarikha advised to leave the bear alone: ​​let him lie down, and when he gets enough sleep, he will leave, but everyone attacked her so much that the poor woman barely had time to hide.
- Let's go, brothers! shouted Komar Komarovich most of all. "We'll show him... yes!"
Mosquitoes flew after Komar Komarovich. They fly and squeak, even they themselves are scared. They flew in, look, but the bear lies and does not move.
- Well, I said so: the poor fellow died of fear! boasted Komar Komarovich. - Even a little sorry, howling what a healthy bear ...
“Yes, he’s sleeping, brothers,” squeaked a little mosquito, flying up to the very bear’s nose and almost drawn in there, as if through a window.
- Oh, shameless! Ah, shameless! squealed all the mosquitoes at once and raised a terrible uproar. - Five hundred mosquitoes crushed, a hundred mosquitoes swallowed and he sleeps as if nothing had happened ...
And shaggy Misha sleeps to himself and whistles with his nose.
He's pretending to be asleep! shouted Komar Komarovich and flew at the bear. “Here, I’ll show him now ... Hey, uncle, he will pretend!”
As soon as Komar Komarovich swooped in, how he stuck his long nose right into the black bear's nose, Misha jumped up just like that - grab his nose with his paw, and Komar Komarovich was gone.
- What, uncle, did not like? squeaks Komar Komarovich. - Leave, otherwise it will be worse ... Now I’m not the only Komar Komarovich - a long nose, but my grandfather flew in with me, Komarishche - a long nose, and my younger brother, Komarishko - a long nose! Go away uncle...
- I'm not leaving! shouted the bear, sitting on its hind legs. "I'll take you all...
- Oh, uncle, you're boasting in vain ...
Again flew Komar Komarovich and dug into the bear right in the eye. The bear roared in pain, hit itself in the muzzle with its paw, and again there was nothing in the paw, only it nearly ripped out its eye with its claw. And Komar Komarovich hovered over the very bear's ear and squeaked:
- I'll eat you, uncle ...

Misha was completely angry. He uprooted a whole birch along with the root and began to beat mosquitoes with it.
It hurts from the whole shoulder ... He beat, beat, even got tired, but not a single mosquito was killed - everyone hovered over him and squeaked. Then Misha grabbed a heavy stone and threw it at the mosquitoes - again there was no sense.
- What did you take, uncle? squeaked Komar Komarovich. “But I will still eat you…”
How long, how short Misha fought with mosquitoes, but there was a lot of noise. A bear's roar could be heard in the distance. And how many trees he uprooted, how many stones he uprooted! .. All he wanted was to catch the first Komar Komarovich, - after all, here, just above the ear, it curls, and the bear grabs with its paw, and again nothing, only scratched his whole face in the blood.
Exhausted at last Misha. He sat down on his hind legs, snorted and came up with a new thing - let's roll on the grass to pass the entire mosquito kingdom. Misha rode, rode, but nothing came of it, but he was only even more tired. Then the bear hid its muzzle in the moss. It turned out even worse - mosquitoes clung to the bear's tail. The bear finally got angry.
“Wait a minute, I’ll ask you something!” he roared so that it was audible for five miles. - I'll show you a thing ... I ... I ... I ...
The mosquitoes have receded and are waiting for what will happen. And Misha climbed a tree like an acrobat, sat down on the thickest bough and roared:
- Come on, come up to me now ... I'll break everyone's noses! ..
The mosquitoes laughed in thin voices and rushed at the bear with the whole army. They squeak, spin, climb ... Misha fought back, fought back, accidentally swallowed a hundred mosquito troops, coughed and how it fell off the bough, like a sack ... However, he got up, scratched his bruised side and said:
- Well, did you take it? Have you seen how deftly I jump from a tree? ..
The mosquitoes laughed even thinner, and Komar Komarovich trumpeted:
- I'll eat you ... I'll eat you ... I'll eat ... I'll eat you! ..
The bear was completely exhausted, exhausted, and it is a shame to leave the swamp. He sits on his hind legs and only blinks his eyes.
A frog rescued him from trouble. She jumped out from under the bump, sat down on her hind legs and said:
“You don’t want to bother yourself, Mikhailo Ivanovich!... Don’t pay attention to these wretched mosquitoes. Not worth it.
- And that's not worth it, - the bear was delighted. - I'm like that ... Let them come to my lair, but I ... I ...
How Misha turns, how he runs out of the swamp, and Komar Komarovich - his long nose flies after him, flies and shouts:
- Oh, brothers, hold on! The bear will run away... Hold on!..
All the mosquitoes gathered, consulted and decided: “It’s not worth it! Let him go - after all, the swamp is left behind us!


Beat, drum, ta-ta! tra-ta-ta! Play, trumpets: tru-tu! tu-ru-ru! .. Let's all the music here - today is Vanka's birthday! .. Dear guests, you are welcome ... Hey, everyone gather here! Tra-ta-ta! Tru-ru-ru!
Vanka walks around in a red shirt and says:
- Brothers, you are welcome ... Treats - as much as you like. Soup from the freshest chips; cutlets from the best, purest sand; pies from multi-colored pieces of paper; what a tea! From the best boiled water. You are welcome ... Music, play! ..
Ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta! Tru-tu! Tu-ru-ru!
There was a full room of guests. The first to arrive was a pot-bellied wooden Top.
- Lzhzh ... lzhzh ... where is the birthday boy? LJ… LJ… I love to have fun in good company…
There are two dolls. One - with blue eyes, Anya, her nose was a little damaged; the other with black eyes, Katya, she was missing one arm. They came decorously and took their place on the toy sofa. —
"Let's see what kind of treat Vanka has," Anya remarked. “Something very much to brag about. The music is not bad, and I doubt very much about the refreshments.
“You, Anya, are always dissatisfied with something,” Katya reproached her.
"And you're always ready to argue."
The dolls argued a little and were even ready to quarrel, but at that moment a strongly supported Clown hobbled on one leg and immediately reconciled them.
“Everything will be fine, lady!” Let's have great fun. Of course, I'm missing one leg, but Volchok is spinning on one leg. Hello Wolf...
— Zhzh... Hello! Why is it that one of your eyes looks like it's been hit?
- Nothing ... It was me who fell off the sofa. It could be worse.
- Oh, how bad it can be ... Sometimes I hit the wall like that from all the running start, right on my head! ..
It's good that your head is empty...
- It still hurts ... zhzh ... Try it yourself, you'll find out.
The clown just clicked his brass cymbals. He was generally a frivolous man.
Petrushka came and brought with him a whole bunch of guests: his own wife, Matryona Ivanovna, the German doctor Karl Ivanovich and the big-nosed Gypsy; and the Gypsy brought a three-legged horse with him.
- Well, Vanka, receive guests! Petrushka spoke cheerfully, tapping his nose. - One is better than the other. My only Matryona Ivanovna is worth something… She likes to drink tea with me very much, like a duck.
"We'll find some tea too, Pyotr Ivanovich," replied Vanka. - And we are always glad to welcome good guests ... Sit down, Matryona Ivanovna! Karl Ivanovich, you are welcome...
The Bear and the Hare also came, the greyish grandmother's Goat with the Corydalis Duck, the Cockerel with the Wolf - Vanka found a place for everyone.
Alyonushkin's Slipper and Alyonushkin's Metelochka came last. They looked - all the places are occupied, and Metelochka said:
- Nothing, I'll stand in the corner ...
But Slipper said nothing and silently crawled under the sofa. It was a very venerable Slipper, though worn. He was a little embarrassed only by the hole that was on the nose itself. Well, nothing, no one will notice under the sofa.
- Hey music! Vanka commanded.
Beat the drum: tra-ta! ta-ta! The trumpets began to play: tru-tu! And all the guests suddenly became so merry, so merry...

The holiday started off great. The drum beat by itself, the trumpets themselves played, the Top buzzed, the Clown rang his cymbals, and Petrushka squealed furiously. Ah, how fun it was!
- Brothers, play! shouted Vanka, smoothing his flaxen curls.
Anya and Katya laughed in thin voices, the clumsy Bear danced with Panicle, the gray Goat walked with Corydalis Duck, the Clown tumbled, showing his art, and Dr. Karl Ivanovich asked Matryona Ivanovna:
- Matryona Ivanovna, does your stomach hurt?
- What are you, Karl Ivanovich? Matryona Ivanovna was offended. - Why do you think so?..
- Come on, stick your tongue out.
- Stay away, please...
- I'm here ... - the silver Spoon, with which Alyonushka ate her porridge, rang out in a thin voice.
Until now, she had been lying quietly on the table, and when the doctor spoke about language, she could not resist and jumped off. After all, the doctor always examines Alyonushka's tongue with her help ...
“Oh, no… no need! squeaked Matryona Ivanovna, waving her arms so ridiculously like a windmill.
“Well, I don’t impose my services,” Spoon was offended.
She even wanted to get angry, but at that time Volchok flew up to her, and they began to dance. The spinning top buzzed, the spoon rang... Even Alyonushkin's Slipper could not resist, crawled out from under the sofa and whispered to Metelochka:
- I love you very much, Metelochka ...
Panicle closed her eyes sweetly and just sighed. She loved to be loved.
After all, she was always such a modest Panicle and never put on airs, as it sometimes happened with others. For example, Matryona Ivanovna or Anya and Katya - these cute dolls loved to laugh at other people's shortcomings: the Clown was missing one leg, Petrushka had a long nose, Karl Ivanovich had a bald head, the Gypsy looked like a firebrand, and the birthday boy Vanka got the most.
"He's a little manly," said Katya.
“And besides, a braggart,” Anya added.
Having fun, everyone sat down at the table, and a real feast began. Dinner passed like a real name day, although the matter was not without small misunderstandings. The bear almost ate Bunny instead of a cutlet by mistake; The top almost got into a fight with the Gypsy because of the Spoon - the latter wanted to steal it and already hid it in his pocket. Pyotr Ivanovich, a well-known bully, managed to quarrel with his wife and quarreled over trifles.
“Matryona Ivanovna, calm down,” Karl Ivanovich persuaded her. - After all, Pyotr Ivanovich is kind ... Maybe your head hurts? I have excellent powders with me...
“Leave her alone, doctor,” said Petrushka. - This is such an impossible woman ... But by the way, I love her very much. Matryona Ivanovna, let's kiss...
- Hooray! shouted Vanka. “It's much better than arguing. I can't stand it when people fight. Wow look...
But then something completely unexpected happened and so terrible that it’s even scary to say.
Beat the drum: tra-ta! ta-ta-ta! The trumpets were playing: ru-ru! ru-ru-ru! The Clown's cymbals rang, the Spoon laughed in a silver voice, the Top buzzed, and the merry Bunny shouted: bo-bo-bo! .. The Porcelain Dog barked loudly, the rubber Kitty meowed affectionately, and the Bear stamped his foot so that the floor trembled. The greyest grandmother's goat turned out to be the most cheerful of all. First of all, he danced better than anyone, and then he shook his beard so funny and roared in a raspy voice: me-ke-ke! ..

Wait, how did all this happen? It is very difficult to tell everything in order, because of the participants in the incident, only Alyonushkin Bashmachok remembered the whole thing. He was prudent and managed to hide under the sofa in time.
Yes, so that's how it was. First, wooden cubes came to congratulate Vanka... No, not like that again. It didn't start at all. The cubes really came, but the black-eyed Katya was to blame. She, she, right! .. This pretty cheat whispered to Anya at the end of dinner:
- And what do you think, Anya, who is the most beautiful here.
It seems that the question is the simplest, but meanwhile Matryona Ivanovna was terribly offended and told Katya bluntly:
- Why do you think that my Pyotr Ivanovich is a freak?
“No one thinks that, Matryona Ivanovna,” Katya tried to justify herself, but it was already too late.
"Of course, his nose is a little big," continued Matryona Ivanovna. “But this is noticeable if you only look at Pyotr Ivanovich from the side ... Then, he has a bad habit of terribly squeaking and fighting with everyone, but he is still a kind person. As for the mind...
The dolls argued with such passion that they attracted everyone's attention. First of all, of course, Petrushka intervened and squeaked:
- That's right, Matryona Ivanovna ... The most beautiful person here, of course, is me!
Here all the men are offended. Pardon me, such self-praise this Petrushka! It's disgusting to even listen to! The clown was not a master of speech and was offended in silence, but Dr. Karl Ivanovich said very loudly:
"So we're all freaks?" Congratulations gentlemen...
An uproar arose at once. The Gypsy shouted something in his own way, the Bear growled, the Wolf howled, the gray Goat shouted, the Top buzzed - in a word, everyone was completely offended.
- Gentlemen, stop! - Vanka persuaded everyone. - Do not pay attention to Pyotr Ivanovich ... He was just joking.
But it was all in vain. It was Karl Ivanitch who was chiefly agitated. He even banged his fist on the table and shouted:
“Gentlemen, a good treat, there’s nothing to say! .. We were invited to visit only in order to be called freaks ...
Gracious sovereigns and gracious sovereigns! Vanka tried to outshout everyone. - If it comes to that, gentlemen, there is only one freak here - it's me ... Are you satisfied now?
Then… Excuse me, how did this happen? Yes, yes, that's how it was. Karl Ivanovich got completely excited and began to approach Pyotr Ivanovich. He shook his finger at him and repeated:
“If I weren’t an educated person and if I didn’t know how to behave decently in decent society, I would tell you, Pyotr Ivanovich, that you are even quite a fool ...
Knowing the pugnacious nature of Petrushka, Vanka wanted to stand between him and the doctor, but on the way he hit Petrushka's long nose with his fist. It seemed to Petrushka that it was not Vanka who hit him, but the doctor ... What began here! .. Petrushka clung to the doctor; the Gypsy, who was sitting aside, for no reason at all began to beat the Clown, the Bear rushed at the Wolf with a growl, the Volchok beat the Goat with his empty head - in a word, a real scandal broke out. The puppets squealed in thin voices, and all three fainted with fear.
"Ah, I feel bad! .. " Matryona Ivanovna shouted, falling off the sofa.
"Gentlemen, what is this?" yelled Vanka. “Gentlemen, I’m a birthday boy… Gentlemen, this is finally impolite!..”
There was a real scuffle, so it was already difficult to make out who was beating whom. Vanka tried in vain to separate those who were fighting, and ended by beating himself up on everyone who turned under his arm, and since he was the strongest of all, the guests had a bad time.
- Carraul!! Fathers ... oh, carraul! Petrushka yelled the loudest, trying to hit the doctor harder... - They killed Petrushka to death... Carraul!..
Only Slipper left the landfill, having managed to hide under the sofa in time. Out of fear, he even closed his eyes, and at that time the Bunny hid behind him, also seeking salvation in flight.
— Where are you going? snarled the Slipper.
“Be quiet, otherwise they will hear, and both will get it,” Zaichik persuaded, looking out of the hole in the sock with a slanting eye. - Oh, what a robber this Petrushka is! .. He beats everyone and himself yells with a good obscenity. Good guest, nothing to say ... And I barely escaped from the Wolf, ah! It’s scary even to remember ... And there the Duck lies upside down with its legs. Killed poor...
- Oh, how stupid you are, Bunny: all the dolls are lying in a swoon, well, the Duck, along with the others.
They fought, fought, fought for a long time, until Vanka kicked out all the guests, except for the dolls. Matryona Ivanovna had long been tired of lying in a swoon, she opened one eye and asked:
"Gentlemen, where am I?" Doctor, look, am I alive?
Nobody answered her, and Matryona Ivanovna opened her other eye. The room was empty, and Vanka stood in the middle and looked around in surprise. Anya and Katya woke up and were also surprised.
“There was something terrible here,” Katya said. - Good birthday boy, nothing to say!
The dolls at once pounced on Vanka, who decidedly did not know what to answer him. And someone beat him, and he beat someone, but for what, about what - is unknown.
“I really don’t know how it all happened,” he said, spreading his arms. “The main thing is that it’s a shame: after all, I love them all ... absolutely all of them.
“But we know how,” Shoe and Bunny answered from under the sofa. We have seen everything!
- Yes, it's your fault! Matryona Ivanovna pounced on them. - Of course, you ... You made porridge, but you yourself hid.
- They, they! .. - Anya and Katya shouted in one voice.
“Yeah, that’s what’s up!” Vanka was delighted. “Get out, robbers… You only visit guests to quarrel good people.
Slipper and Bunny barely had time to jump out the window.
“Here I am…” Matryona Ivanovna threatened them with her fist. “Oh, what wretched people there are in the world! So the Duck will say the same thing.
“Yes, yes…” Duck confirmed. “I saw with my own eyes how they hid under the sofa.
The duck always agreed with everyone.
“We need to bring the guests back…” Katya continued. We'll have more fun...
The guests returned willingly. Who had a black eye, who limped; Petrushka's long nose suffered the most.
- Oh, robbers! they all repeated with one voice, scolding Bunny and Slipper. - Who would have thought?..
- Oh, how tired I am! He beat off all his hands," Vanka complained. - Well, why remember the old ... I'm not vindictive. Hey music!
The drum beat again: tra-ta! ta-ta-ta! The trumpets began to play: tru-tu! ru-ru-ru!.. And Petrushka furiously shouted:
- Hurrah, Vanka! ..


Vorobey Vorobeich and Ersh Ershovich lived in great friendship. Every day in the summer Vorobey Vorobeich flew to the river and shouted:
— Hey, brother, hello!.. How are you?
“Nothing, we live little by little,” answered Ersh Ershovich. - Come visit me. I, brother, feel good in deep places ... The water is quiet, any water weed as you want. I will treat you to frog caviar, worms, water boogers ...
- Thank you brother! With pleasure I would go to visit you, but I'm afraid of water. You’d better fly to visit me on the roof ... I’ll treat you, brother, with berries - I have a whole garden, and then we’ll get a crust of bread, and oats, and sugar, and a live mosquito. Do you like sugar?
— What is he?
- White is...
How are the pebbles in the river?
- Here you go. And you take it in your mouth - it's sweet. Don't eat your pebbles. Shall we fly to the roof now?
— No, I can't fly, and I suffocate in the air. Let's swim in the water together. I'll show you everything...
Sparrow Vorobeich tried to go into the water, - he will go up to his knees, and then it becomes terribly. So you can drown! Vorobey Vorobeich will get drunk on bright river water, and on hot days he buys it somewhere in a shallow place, cleans his feathers - and again to his roof. In general, they lived together and liked to talk about different matters.
- How do you not get tired of sitting in the water? Vorobey Vorobeich was often surprised. - It's wet in the water - you'll still catch a cold ...
Ersh Ershovich was surprised in his turn:
- How do you, brother, not get tired of flying? Look how hot it is in the sun: just suffocate. And I'm always cold. Swim as much as you want. Don’t be afraid in the summer everyone climbs into my water to swim ... And who will go to your roof?
- And how they walk, brother! .. I have a great friend - a chimney sweep Yasha. He constantly comes to visit me ... And such a cheerful chimney sweep - he sings all the songs. He cleans the pipes, and he sings. Moreover, he will sit down on the very skate to rest, get some bread and have a snack, and I pick up the crumbs. We live soul to soul. I also like to have fun.
Friends and troubles were almost the same. For example, winter: poor Sparrow Vorobeich is cold! Wow, what cold days there were! It seems that the whole soul is ready to freeze. Vorobey Vorobeich is fluffed up, tucks his legs under him and sits. The only salvation is to climb somewhere in the pipe and warm up a little. But here is the trouble.
Since Vorobey Vorobeich almost died thanks to his best friend, the chimney sweep. The chimney sweep came and, as soon as he lowered his cast-iron weight with a broom into the chimney, he almost broke Voroby Vorobeich's head. He jumped out of the chimney covered in soot, worse than a chimney sweep, and now scolding:
What are you doing, Yasha? After all, that way you can kill to death ...
- And how did I know that you were sitting in a pipe?
“But be more careful forward ... If I hit you on the head with a cast-iron weight, is that good?”
Ersh Ershovich also had a hard time in winter. He climbed somewhere deeper into the pool and dozed there for whole days. It's dark and cold and you don't want to move. Occasionally he swam up to the hole when he called Vorobey Vorobeich. He will fly up to the hole in the water to get drunk and shout:
— Hey, Ersh Ershovich, are you alive?
“Alive…” Ersh Ershovich responds in a sleepy voice. - I just want to sleep. Generally bad. We are all sleeping.
"And we're no better either, brother!" What to do, you have to endure ... Wow, what an evil wind can be! .. Here, brother, you won’t fall asleep ... I keep jumping on one leg to keep warm. And people look and say: “Look, what a cheerful little sparrow!” Oh, if only to wait for the warmth... Are you sleeping again, brother?
And in the summer again their troubles. Once a hawk chased Vorobeich for two versts, and he barely managed to hide in the river sedge.
- Oh, he barely left alive! he complained to Ersh Ershovich, barely taking a breath. - Here is a robber! .. I almost grabbed it, but there you should remember your name.
“It’s like our pike,” Ersh Ershovich consoled. - I also recently almost fell into her mouth. How it will rush after me, like lightning. And I swam out with other fish and thought that there was a log in the water, but how would this log rush after me ... Why are these pikes only found? I'm surprised and can't figure it out...
“Me too… You know, it seems to me that a hawk was once a pike, and a pike was a hawk.” In a word, robbers...

Yes, Vorobey Vorobeyich and Yersh Yershovich lived and lived like that, chilled in the winters, rejoiced in the summer; and the cheerful chimney sweep Yasha cleaned his pipes and sang songs. Everyone has their own business, their joys and their sorrows.
One summer the chimney sweep finished his work and went to the river to wash off the soot. He goes and whistles, and then he hears a terrible noise. What happened? And over the river the birds hover like that: ducks, and geese, and swallows, and snipe, and crows, and doves. Everyone is making noise, yelling, laughing - you can’t make out anything.
- Hey you, what happened? shouted the chimney sweep.
“And so it happened ...” the lively tit chirped. - So funny, so funny! .. Look what our Sparrow Vorobeich is doing ... He was completely furious.
Titmouse laughed in a thin, thin voice, wagged her tail and soared over the river.
When the chimney sweep approached the river, Vorobey Vorobeich ran into him. And he himself is so terrible: the beak is open, the eyes are burning, all the feathers stand on end.
- Hey, Vorobey Vorobeich, what are you, brother, making noise here? asked the chimney sweep.
- No, I'll show him! .. - Vorobey Vorobeich shouted, choking with rage. “He still doesn’t know what I am… I’ll show him, damned Ersh Yershovich!” He will remember me, robber...
- Do not listen to him! Yersh Yershovich shouted to the chimney sweep from the water. - He's lying anyway...
- I'm lying? yelled Sparrow Vorobeich. Who found the worm? I'm lying!.. Such a fat worm! I dug it up on the shore... How much I worked... Well, I grabbed it and dragged it home to my nest. I have a family - I have to carry food ... Only fluttered with a worm over the river, and the damned Ersh Ershovich - so that the pike swallowed him! - how to shout: "Hawk!" I shouted out of fear - the worm fell into the water, and Ersh Ershovich swallowed it ... Is this called lying ?!. And there was no hawk...
“Well, I was joking,” Ersh Ershovich justified himself. - And the worm was really tasty ...
All sorts of fish gathered around Ersh Ershovich: roach, crucian carp, perch, little ones - they listen and laugh. Yes, Ersh Ershovich cleverly joked on an old friend! And it's even funnier how Vorobey Vorobeich got into a fight with him. So it flies, and it flies, but it cannot take anything.
- Choke on my worm! scolded Vorobey Vorobeich. - I'll dig another one for myself ... But it's a shame that Ersh Ershovich deceived me and is still laughing at me. And I called him to my roof ... Good friend, nothing to say! So the chimney sweep Yasha will say the same thing ... We also live together and even have a snack together sometimes: he eats - I pick up the crumbs.
“Wait, brothers, this very matter must be judged,” declared the chimney sweep. “Just let me wash up first… I’ll deal with your case honestly.” And you, Vorobey Vorobeich, calm down a little for now ...
- My cause is just, - why should I worry! yelled Sparrow Vorobeich. - And as soon as I show Ersh Yershovich how to joke with me ...
The chimney sweep sat down on the bank, placed a bundle with his lunch on a pebble nearby, washed his hands and face, and said:
- Well, brothers, now we will judge the court ... You, Ersh Ershovich, are a fish, and you, Sparrow Vorobeich, are a bird. Is that what I say?
- So! So! .. - everyone shouted, both birds and fish.
- Let's keep talking! The fish must live in the water, and the bird must live in the air. Is that what I say? Well... A worm, for example, lives in the ground. Fine. Now look...
The chimney sweep unrolled his bundle, laid a piece of rye bread on the stone, from which his entire dinner consisted, and said:
“Look, what is this? This is bread. I have earned it and I will eat it; eat and drink water. So? So, I'll have lunch and I won't offend anyone. Fish and birds also want to dine ... You, then, have your own food! Why quarrel? Sparrow Vorobeich dug up a worm, which means he earned it, and, therefore, the worm is his ...
“Excuse me, uncle ...” a thin voice was heard in the crowd of birds.
The birds parted and let the sandpiper go forward, who approached the chimney sweep on his thin legs.
- Uncle, that's not true.
— What is not true?
- Yes, I found a worm ... Ask the ducks - they saw it. I found it, and Sparrow swooped in and stole it.
The chimney sweep was confused. It didn't come out at all.
“How is that…?” he muttered, collecting his thoughts. “Hey, Vorobey Vorobeich, what are you really deceiving?
- It's not I'm lying, but Bekas is lying. He conspired with the ducks...
“Something’s not right, brother… um… Yes!” Of course, a worm is nothing; but it's not good to steal. And whoever stole must lie ... So I say? Yes…
- Right! That's right! .. - everyone shouted again in unison. - And you still judge Yersh Yershovich with Sparrow Vorobeich! Who is right with them? .. Both made noise, both fought and raised everyone to their feet.
- Who is right? Oh, you mischievous ones, Ersh Ershovich and Sparrow Vorobeyich!.. Really, mischievous ones. I will punish both of you as an example ... Well, lively put up, now!
- Right! they all shouted in unison. - Let them reconcile ...
“And I’ll feed the sandpiper, who worked to get a worm, with crumbs,” the chimney sweep decided. Everyone will be happy...
- Great! everyone shouted again.
The chimney sweep has already stretched out his hand for bread, but he is not there.
While the chimney sweep was talking, Vorobei Vorobeich managed to pull him off.
- Oh, robber! Ah, rascal! - all the fish and all the birds were indignant.
And everyone rushed in pursuit of the thief. The edge was heavy, and Vorobey Vorobeich could not fly far with it. They caught up with him just over the river. Large and small birds rushed at the thief.
There was a real mess. Everyone vomits like that, only the crumbs fly into the river; and then the piece of bread also flew into the river. Just then, the fish grabbed onto it. A real fight began between fish and birds. They tore the whole crust into crumbs and ate all the crumbs. As there is nothing left of the crumble. When the loaf was eaten, everyone came to their senses and everyone felt ashamed. They chased after the thief Sparrow and along the way they ate a piece of stolen bread.
And the cheerful chimney sweep Yasha sits on the bank, looks and laughs. It all turned out very funny ... Everyone ran away from him, only Bekasik the sandman remained.
- Why don't you follow everyone? the chimney sweep asks.
- And I would fly, but I'm small in stature, uncle. As soon as the big birds peck ...
“Well, it will be better this way, Bekasik. Both of us were left without lunch. It looks like a little more work has been done...
Alyonushka came to the bank, began to ask the cheerful chimney sweep Yasha what happened, and also laughed.
- Oh, how stupid they are, and the fish and the birds! And I would share everything - both the worm and the crumb, and no one would quarrel. Recently I divided four apples ... Dad brings four apples and says: "Divide in half - me and Lisa." I divided it into three parts: I gave one apple to dad, the other to Lisa, and I took two for myself.


How fun it was in the summer!.. Oh, how fun! It is difficult even to tell everything in order... There were thousands of flies. They fly, buzz, have fun ... When little Mushka was born, she spread her wings, she also had fun. So much fun, so much fun you can't tell. The most interesting thing was that in the morning they opened all the windows and doors to the terrace - in whichever way you want, fly through that window.
“What a kind creature a man is,” little Mushka was surprised, flying from window to window. “Windows were made for us, and they open them for us too. Very good, and most importantly - fun ...
She flew out into the garden a thousand times, sat on the green grass, admired the blooming lilacs, the tender leaves of the blossoming linden and the flowers in the flower beds. The gardener, unknown to her until now, had already managed to take care of everything in advance. Oh, how kind he is, this gardener! .. Mushka has not yet been born, but he has already managed to prepare everything, absolutely everything that little Mushka needs. This was all the more surprising because he himself did not know how to fly and sometimes even walked with great difficulty - he was swaying, and the gardener was muttering something completely incomprehensible.
“Where do these damned flies come from?” grumbled the good gardener.
Probably, the poor fellow said this simply out of envy, because he himself could only dig ridges, plant flowers and water them, but he could not fly. Young Mushka deliberately hovered over the gardener's red nose and bored him terribly.
Then, people in general are so kind that everywhere they gave different pleasures to flies. For example, Alyonushka drank milk in the morning, ate a bun, and then begged Aunt Olya for sugar - she did all this only in order to leave a few drops of spilled milk for the flies, and most importantly, crumbs of buns and sugar. Well, tell me, please, what could be tastier than such crumbs, especially when you fly all morning and get hungry? .. Then, the cook Pasha was even kinder than Alyonushka. Every morning she went to the market on purpose for the flies and brought amazingly tasty things: beef, sometimes fish, cream, butter - in general, the kindest woman in the whole house. She knew perfectly well what the flies needed, although she also did not know how to fly, like the gardener. A very good woman in general!
And Aunt Olya? Oh, this wonderful woman, it seems, specially lived only for flies ... She opened all the windows with her own hands every morning so that it would be more convenient for the flies to fly, and when it rained or it was cold, she closed them so that the flies would not wet their wings and would not catch a cold. Then Aunt Olya noticed that the flies were very fond of sugar and berries, so she began to boil the berries in sugar every day. The flies now, of course, guessed why it was all being done, and out of gratitude they climbed right into the bowl of jam. Alyonushka was very fond of jam, but Aunt Olya gave her only one or two spoons, not wanting to offend the flies.
Since the flies could not eat everything at once, Aunt Olya put some of the jam in glass jars (so that they would not be eaten by mice, which are not supposed to have jam at all) and then served it to the flies every day when she drank tea.
- Oh, how kind and good everyone is! - admired the young Mushka, flying from window to window. “Maybe it’s even a good thing that people can’t fly. Then they would have turned into flies, big and gluttonous flies, and probably would have eaten everything themselves ... Oh, how good it is to live in the world!
“Well, people are not quite as kind as you think,” remarked the old Fly, who liked to grumble. “It just seems that way… Have you noticed the person everyone calls ‘dad’?”
“Oh yes… This is a very strange gentleman. You are quite right, good, kind old Fly ... Why does he smoke his pipe when he knows very well that I can not stand tobacco smoke at all? It seems to me that he does this just to spite me ... Then, he absolutely does not want to do anything for the flies. I once tried the ink with which he always writes something like that, and almost died ... This is finally outrageous! I saw with my own eyes how two such pretty, but completely inexperienced flies were drowning in his inkwell. It was a terrible picture when he pulled out one of them with a pen and planted a magnificent inkblot on paper ... Imagine, he did not blame himself for this, but us! Where's the justice?..
- I think that this dad is completely devoid of justice, although he has one merit ... - answered the old, experienced Fly. He drinks beer after dinner. It's not a bad habit! I confess, I also do not mind drinking beer, although my head is spinning from it ... What to do, a bad habit!
“And I also like beer,” the young Mushka admitted and even blushed a little. “It makes me so merry, so merry, although the next day my head hurts a little. But papa, perhaps, does not do anything for the flies because he does not eat jam himself, and puts sugar only in a glass of tea. In my opinion, nothing good can be expected from a person who does not eat jam ... He can only smoke his pipe.
The flies generally knew all people very well, although they valued them in their own way.

The summer was hot, and every day there were more and more flies. They fell into the milk, climbed into the soup, into the inkwell, buzzed, spun and pestered everyone. But our little Mushka managed to become a real big fly and almost died several times. The first time she got stuck with her feet in the jam, so that she barely crawled out; another time, waking up, she ran into a lighted lamp and almost burned her wings; for the third time, she almost fell between the window sashes - in general, there were enough adventures.
- What is it: life from these flies is gone! .. - the cook complained. - Like crazy, they climb everywhere ... We need to harass them.
Even our Fly began to find that there were too many flies, especially in the kitchen. In the evenings, the ceiling was covered with a living, moving grid. And when provisions were brought, the flies rushed at her in a live heap, pushed each other and quarreled terribly. Only the most brisk and strong got the best pieces, and the rest got leftovers. Pasha was right.
But then something terrible happened. One morning, Pasha, along with provisions, brought a pack of very tasty pieces of paper - that is, they became tasty when they were laid out on plates, sprinkled with fine sugar and doused with warm water.
“Here’s a great treat for flies!” the cook Pasha said, placing the plates in the most prominent places.
The flies, even without Pasha, guessed that this was done for them, and in a cheerful crowd they pounced on the new dish. Our Fly also rushed to one plate, but she was pushed away rather rudely.
- What are you pushing, gentlemen? she was offended. “Besides, I’m not so greedy as to take anything from others. Finally, this is disrespectful...
Then something impossible happened. The most greedy flies paid the first ... They first wandered around like drunks, and then completely fell off. The next morning, Pasha swept a whole large plate of dead flies. Only the most prudent remained alive, including our Fly.
We don't want papers! they all squeaked. - We do not want…
But the next day the same thing happened. Of the prudent flies, only the most prudent flies remained intact. But Pasha found that there were too many of these, the most prudent ones.
“There is no life from them…” she complained.
Then the gentleman, who was called papa, brought three very beautiful glass caps, poured beer into them and put them on plates ... Then the most prudent flies were caught. It turned out that these caps are just flycatchers. Flies flew to the smell of beer, fell into the cap and died there, because they did not know how to find a way out.
“Now that’s great!” Pasha approved; she turned out to be a completely heartless woman and rejoiced at someone else's misfortune.
What's so great about it, judge for yourself. If people had the same wings as flies, and if they put up flycatchers the size of a house, then they would come across in the same way ... Our Fly, taught by the bitter experience of even the most prudent flies, has completely ceased to believe people. They only seem to be kind, these people, but in essence they do nothing but deceive the gullible poor flies all their lives. Oh, this is the most cunning and evil animal, to tell the truth! ..
The flies have greatly diminished from all these troubles, and here is a new trouble. It turned out that the summer had passed, the rains began, a cold wind blew, and generally unpleasant weather set in.
Has summer passed? the surviving flies wondered. - Excuse me, when did it have time to pass? This is finally unfair ... We didn’t have time to look back, and here is autumn.
It was worse than poisoned papers and glass flycatchers. From the coming bad weather, one could seek protection only from one's worst enemy, that is, the lord of man. Alas! Now the windows did not open for whole days, but only occasionally - vents. Even the sun itself shone for sure only to deceive the gullible house flies. How would you like, for example, such a picture? Morning. The sun peeps so merrily through all the windows, as if inviting all the flies into the garden. You might think that summer is returning again ... And well - gullible flies fly out the window, but the sun only shines, not warms. They fly back - the window is closed. Many flies died in this way on cold autumn nights only because of their gullibility.
“No, I don’t believe it,” our Fly said. “I don’t believe in anything… If the sun is deceiving, then who and what can you trust?”
It is clear that with the onset of autumn, all the flies experienced the worst mood of the spirit. The character immediately deteriorated in almost everyone. There was no mention of the former joys. Everyone became so gloomy, lethargic and dissatisfied. Some got to the point where they even started biting, which was not the case before.
Our Mukha's character had deteriorated to such an extent that she did not recognize herself at all. Previously, for example, she felt sorry for other flies when they died, but now she thought only of herself. She was even ashamed to say aloud what she thought:
"Well, let them die - I'll get more."
Firstly, there are not so many real warm corners in which a real, decent fly can live in the winter, and secondly, they just got tired of other flies that climbed everywhere, snatched the best pieces from under their noses and generally behaved quite unceremoniously. It's time to rest.
These other flies accurately understood these evil thoughts and died by the hundreds. They didn't even die, but fell asleep for sure. Every day they were made less and less, so that there was absolutely no need for poisoned papers or glass flytraps. But this was not enough for our Fly: she wanted to be completely alone. Think how lovely it is - five rooms, and only one fly! ..

Such a happy day has come. Early in the morning our Fly woke up rather late. She had long been experiencing some kind of incomprehensible fatigue and preferred to sit motionless in her corner, under the stove. And then she felt that something extraordinary had happened. It was worth flying up to the window, as everything was explained at once. The first snow fell... The earth was covered with a bright white veil.
“Ah, so that’s what winter is like!” she thought at once. - She is completely white, like a piece of good sugar ...
Then the Fly noticed that all the other flies had completely disappeared. The poor things could not stand the first cold and fell asleep wherever it happened. The fly would have taken pity on them at another time, but now it thought:
"That's great ... Now I'm all alone! .. Nobody will eat my jam, my sugar, my crumbs ... Oh, how good! .. "
She flew around all the rooms and once again made sure that she was completely alone. Now you could do whatever you wanted. And how good it is that the rooms are so warm! Winter is there, on the street, and the rooms are warm and cozy, especially when lamps and candles are lit in the evening. With the first lamp, however, there was a little trouble - the Fly ran into the fire again and almost burned out.
“This is probably a winter fly trap,” she realized, rubbing her burned paws. - No, you won’t fool me ... Oh, I understand everything perfectly! .. Do you want to burn the last fly? But I don’t want this at all ... Here is the stove in the kitchen too - don’t I understand that this is also a trap for flies! ..
The last Fly was only happy for a few days, and then suddenly she became bored, so bored, so bored that it seemed impossible to tell. Of course, she was warm, she was full, and then, then she began to get bored. She flies, she flies, she rests, she eats, she flies again - and again she becomes more bored than before.
- Oh, how bored I am! she squeaked in the most mournful thin voice, flying from room to room. - If only there was one more fly, the worst, but still a fly ...
No matter how the last Fly complained about her loneliness, no one wanted to understand her. Of course, this angered her even more, and she molested people like crazy. To whom it sits on the nose, to whom in the ear, otherwise it will begin to fly back and forth before your eyes. In a word, a real crazy.
“Lord, why don’t you want to understand that I am completely alone and that I am very bored? she squealed to everyone. “You don’t even know how to fly, and therefore you don’t know what boredom is. If only someone would play with me ... No, where are you going? What could be more clumsy and clumsy than a person? The ugliest creature I've ever met...
The last Fly is tired of both the dog and the cat - absolutely everyone. Most of all, she was upset when Aunt Olya said:
“Ah, the last fly… Please don’t touch it.” Let it live all winter.
What is it? This is a direct insult. It seems that they stopped counting her as a fly. “Let him live,” tell me what a favor you did! What if I'm bored? What if I don't want to live at all? I don’t want to, and that’s it.”
The last Fly was so angry with everyone that even she herself became frightened. It flies, buzzes, squeaks ... The Spider, who was sitting in the corner, finally took pity on her and said:
- Dear Fly, come to me ... What a beautiful web I have!
- I humbly thank you ... Here's another friend! I know what your beautiful web is. Perhaps you were once a man, and now you only pretend to be a spider.
As you know, I wish you well.
- Oh, how disgusting! This is called wishing well: to eat the last fly!..
They quarreled a lot, and yet it was boring, so boring, so boring that you can’t tell. The fly was resolutely angry at everyone, tired and loudly declared:
“If so, if you don’t want to understand how bored I am, then I’ll sit in a corner all winter! .. Here you go! .. Yes, I’ll sit and not go out for anything ...
She even wept with grief, recalling the past summer fun. How many funny flies there were; And she still wanted to be completely alone. It was a fatal mistake...
Winter dragged on without end, and the last Fly began to think that there would be no more summer at all. She wanted to die, and she cried quietly. It is probably people who came up with winter, because they come up with absolutely everything that is harmful to flies. Or maybe it was Aunt Olya who hid the summer somewhere, the way she hides sugar and jam? ..
The last Fly was about to die of despair, when something quite special happened. She, as usual, was sitting in her corner and getting angry, when she suddenly heard: w-w-l! .. At first she did not believe her own ears, but thought that someone was deceiving her. And then… God, what was it!.. A real live fly, still very young, flew past her. She just had time to be born and rejoiced.
- Spring is starting! .. spring! she buzzed.
How happy they were for each other! They hugged, kissed and even licked each other with their proboscises. Old Fly told for several days how badly she had spent the whole winter and how bored she was alone. The young Mushka only laughed in a thin voice and could not understand how boring it was.
- Spring! spring! .. - she repeated.
When Aunt Olya ordered to set up all the winter frames and Alyonushka looked out the first open window, the last Fly immediately understood everything.
“Now I know everything,” she buzzed, flying out the window, “we make the summer, flies ...


The Crow sits on a birch and claps its nose on a branch: clap-clap. She cleaned her nose, looked around and croaked:
The cat Vaska, dozing on the fence, nearly collapsed with fear and began to grumble:
- Ek you took, black head ... God grant such a neck! .. What did you rejoice at?
“Leave me alone… I don’t have time, can’t you see? Oh, how once ... Carr-carr-carr! .. And everything is business and business.
"I'm exhausted, poor thing," Vaska laughed.
“Shut up, couch potato ... You’ve been lying all over your sides, all you know is that you can bask in the sun, but I don’t know peace since morning: I sat on ten roofs, flew around half the city, examined all the nooks and crannies. And I also need to fly to the bell tower, visit the market, dig in the garden ... Why am I wasting time with you - I have no time. Oh, how once!
Crow slapped the knot for the last time with her nose, started up and just wanted to fly up when she heard a terrible scream. A flock of sparrows was rushing along, and some small yellow bird was flying ahead.
- Brothers, hold her ... oh, hold her! the sparrows squeaked.
- What's happened? Where? - shouted the Crow, rushing after the sparrows.
The Crow waved its wings a dozen times and caught up with the flock of sparrows. The little yellow bird got out of her last strength and rushed into a small garden where bushes of lilac, currant and bird cherry grew. She wanted to hide from the sparrows chasing her. A yellow bird hid under a bush, and Crow was right there.
- Who will you be? she croaked.
The sparrows sprinkled the bush as if someone had thrown a handful of peas.
They got angry at the yellow bird and wanted to peck at it.
Why do you hate her? asked the Crow.
“But why is it yellow?” all the sparrows squeaked at once.
The crow looked at the yellow bird: indeed, all yellow, shook her head and said:
“Oh, you mischievous people… It’s not a bird at all!.. Do such birds exist? She's just pretending to be a bird...
The sparrows squealed, crackled, got even more angry, but there was nothing to do - we had to get out.
Conversations with the Crow are short: enough with the wearer that the spirit is out.
Having dispersed the sparrows, the Crow began to probe the little yellow bird, which was breathing heavily and looking so plaintively with its black eyes.
- Who will you be? asked the Crow.
I am Canary...
“Look, do not deceive, otherwise it will be bad.” If it wasn't for me, the sparrows would have pecked at you...
- Right, I'm a Canary ...
— Where did you come from?
- And I lived in a cage ... in a cage and was born, and grew up, and lived. I kept wanting to fly like other birds. The cage stood on the window, and I kept looking at the other birds ... They had so much fun, but it was so crowded in the cage. Well, the girl Alyonushka brought a cup of water, opened the door, and I escaped. She flew, flew around the room, and then flew out the window.
What were you doing in the cage?
- I sing well ...
- Come on, sleep.
The canary is asleep. The crow cocked its head to one side and wondered.
- You call that singing? Ha ha ... Your masters were stupid if they fed you for such singing. If I had to feed someone, then a real bird, like, for example, me ... This morning she croaked, - so the rogue Vaska almost fell off the fence. Here is the singing!
- I know Vaska ... The most terrible beast. How many times did he get close to our cage. The eyes are green, they burn, they will release their claws ...
- Well, who is afraid, and who is not ... He is a big rogue, that's true, but there is nothing terrible. Well, yes, we'll talk about this later ... But I still can't believe that you are a real bird ...
“Really, aunty, I’m a bird, quite a bird. All canaries are birds...
- Okay, okay, we'll see ... But how will you live?
- I need a little: a few grains, a piece of sugar, a cracker - that's full.
“Look, what a lady! .. Well, you can still manage without sugar, but somehow you will get grains. Actually, I like you. Do you want to live together? I have a great nest on my birch...
- Thank you. Just the sparrows...
- You will live with me, so no one will dare to touch a finger. Not like sparrows, but the rogue Vaska knows my character. I don't like to joke...
The canary immediately cheered up and flew along with the Crow. Well, the nest is excellent, if only a cracker and a piece of sugar ...
The Crow and the Canary began to live and live in the same nest. Although the crow sometimes liked to grumble, it was not an evil bird. The main flaw in her character was that she envied everyone, and considered herself offended.
“Well, how are stupid chickens better than me?” And they are fed, they are looked after, they are protected, - she complained to the Canary. - Also here to take pigeons ... What good are they, but no, no, and they will throw them a handful of oats. Also a stupid bird ... And as soon as I fly up - now everyone starts to drive me in three necks. Is it fair? Moreover, they scold after: “Oh, you crow!” Have you noticed that I will be better than others and even prettier? .. Suppose you don’t have to say this about yourself, but you force yourself. Is not it?
Canary agreed with everything:
Yes, you are a big bird...
— That's what it is. They keep parrots in cages, take care of them, but why is a parrot better than me? .. So, the most stupid bird. He only knows what to yell and mutter, but no one can understand what he is mumbling about. Is not it?
- Yes, we also had a parrot and terribly bothered everyone.
- But you never know other such birds will be typed, which live for no one knows why! .. Starlings, for example, will fly in like crazy from nowhere, live through the summer and fly away again. Swallows, too, tits, nightingales - you never know such rubbish will be typed. Not a single serious, real bird at all ... It smells a little cold, that's it, and let's run away wherever your eyes look.
In essence, the Crow and the Canary did not understand each other. The Canary did not understand this life in the wild, and the Crow did not understand in captivity.
- Really, aunty, no one has ever thrown a grain to you? Canary wondered. - Well, one grain?
- What a stupid you are ... What kind of grains are there? Just look, no matter how someone kills with a stick or a stone. People are very mean...
The Canary could not agree with the last, because people fed her. Maybe this is how it seems to the Crow ... However, the Canary soon had to convince herself of human anger. Once she was sitting on the fence, when suddenly a heavy stone whistled over her head. Schoolchildren were walking down the street, they saw a Crow on the fence - why not throw a stone at her?
“Well, have you seen it now?” asked the Crow, climbing onto the roof. “They are all like that, that is, people.
“Perhaps you have annoyed them with something, auntie?”
- Absolutely nothing ... They just get angry like that. They all hate me...
The Canary felt sorry for the poor Crow, whom no one, no one loved. Because you can't live like this...
Enemies in general were enough. For example, the cat Vaska... With what oily eyes he looked at all the birds, pretended to be asleep, and Canary saw with her own eyes how he grabbed a small, inexperienced sparrow - only the bones crunched and feathers flew... Wow, scary! Then the hawks are also good: they float in the air, and then like a stone and fall on some careless bird. The canary also saw the hawk dragging the chicken. However, Crow was not afraid of either cats or hawks, and even herself was not averse to feasting on a small bird. At first Canary didn't believe it until she saw it with her own eyes. Once she saw how a whole flock of sparrows were chasing the Crow. They fly, squeak, crackle ... The canary was terribly frightened and hid in the nest.
- Give it back, give it back! the sparrows squealed furiously as they flew over the crow's nest. - What is it? This is robbery!
The crow darted into its nest, and the Canary saw with horror that she had brought in her claws a dead, bloody little sparrow.
"Aunty, what are you doing?"
“Shut up…” Crow hissed.
Her eyes were terrible - they glow ... The Canary closed her eyes in fear so as not to see how the Crow would tear the unfortunate little sparrow.
“After all, she will eat me one day,” thought the Canary.
But Crow, having eaten, became kinder each time. He cleans his nose, sits comfortably somewhere on the bough and takes a sweet nap. In general, as the Canary noticed, the aunt was terribly voracious and did not disdain anything. Now she drags a crust of bread, then a piece of rotten meat, then some scraps that she was looking for in the garbage pits. The latter was the Crow's favorite pastime, and the Canary could not understand what pleasure it was to dig in the garbage pit. However, it was difficult to blame Crow: she ate every day as much as twenty canaries would not have eaten. And all the care of the Crow was only about food ... He would sit down somewhere on the roof and look out.
When the Crow was too lazy to look for food herself, she indulged in tricks. He will see that the sparrows are pulling something, and now he will rush. As if she is flying by, and she is yelling at the top of her lungs:
“Ah, I have no time ... absolutely no time! ..
It will fly up, grab the prey and was like that.
“It’s not good, auntie, to take from others,” the indignant Canary once remarked.
- Not good? What if I want to eat all the time?
And others also want...
Well, others will take care of themselves. It's you, sissies, they feed everyone in cages, and we ourselves must finish everything ourselves. And so, how much do you or a sparrow need? .. She pecked at the grains and is full for the whole day.

Summer flew by unnoticed. The sun has definitely become colder, and the days are shorter. It began to rain, a cold wind blew. The canary felt like the most miserable bird, especially when it was raining. And Crow doesn't seem to notice.
“So what if it’s raining?” she wondered. - Goes, goes and stops.
“But it’s cold, auntie!” Ah, how cold!
It was especially bad at night. Wet Canary was trembling all over. And the Crow is still angry:
- Here is a sissy! .. Whether it will still be when the cold strikes and it snows.
The crow was even offended. What kind of bird is this if it is afraid of rain, wind, and cold? After all, you can’t live in this world like that. She again began to doubt that this Canary was a bird. Probably just pretending to be a bird...
- Really, I'm a real bird, auntie! said the Canary with tears in her eyes. - I just get cold...
- That's it, look! And it seems to me that you are only pretending to be a bird ...
— No, really, I'm not pretending.
Sometimes the Canary thought hard about her fate. Perhaps it would be better to stay in a cage ... It is warm and satisfying there. She even flew several times to the window where her native cage stood. Two new canaries were already sitting there and envied her.
“Oh, how cold…” the chilled Canary squealed plaintively. - Let me go home.
One morning, when the Canary looked out of the crow's nest, she was struck by a sad picture: the ground was covered with the first snow during the night, like a shroud. Everything was white all around ... And most importantly - the snow covered all those grains that the Canary ate. The mountain ash remained, but she could not eat this sour berry. The crow - she sits, pecks at the mountain ash and praises:
- Oh, a good berry! ..
After starving for two days, the Canary fell into despair. What will happen next? .. That way you can die of hunger ...
Canary sits and mourns. And then he sees that the same schoolchildren who threw a stone at Crow ran into the garden, spread a net on the ground, sprinkled delicious flaxseed and ran away.
“Yes, they are not evil at all, these boys,” the Canary was delighted, looking at the spread net. - Auntie, the boys brought me food!
- Good food, nothing to say! Crow growled. “Don’t even think about sticking your nose in there… Do you hear? As soon as you start pecking at the grains, you will fall into the net.
- And then what will happen?
- And then they will put you in a cage again ...
The Canary took thought: I want to eat, and I don’t want to be in a cage. Of course, it’s cold and hungry, but still it’s much better to live in the wild, especially when it’s not raining.
For several days the Canary was fastened, but hunger is not an aunt - she was tempted by the bait and fell into the net.
“Fathers, guards!” she squeaked plaintively. “I’ll never do it again… It’s better to starve to death than to end up in a cage again!”
It now seemed to the canary that there was nothing better in the world than a crow's nest. Well, yes, of course, it happened both cold and hungry, but still - full will. Wherever she wanted, she flew there ... She even began to cry. The boys will come and put her back in the cage. Fortunately for her, she flew past Raven and saw that things were bad.
“Oh, you stupid!” she grumbled. “I told you not to touch the bait.
“Auntie, I won’t…”
The crow arrived just in time. The boys were already running to capture the prey, but the Crow managed to break the thin net, and the Canary found herself free again. The boys chased the damned Crow for a long time, threw sticks and stones at her and scolded her.
- Oh, how good! - the Canary rejoiced, finding herself again in her nest.
- That's good. Look at me ... - grumbled the Crow.
The Canary lived again in the crow's nest and no longer complained of cold or hunger. Once the Crow flew off to prey, spent the night in the field, and returned home, the Canary lies in the nest with its legs up. Raven made her head on one side, looked and said:
- Well, I said that it's not a bird! ..


The turkey woke up, as usual, earlier than the others, when it was still dark, woke his wife and said:
“Am I smarter than everyone else?” Yes?
The turkey, awake, coughed for a long time and then answered:
“Ah, how clever… Cough-cough!.. Who doesn’t know this? Whoa…
- No, you speak directly: smarter than everyone? There are just enough smart birds, but the smartest of all is one, that's me.
“Smarter than everyone… kheh!” Smarter than everyone ... Khe-khe-khe! ..
- That's it.
The turkey even got a little angry and added in such a tone that other birds could hear:
“You know, I feel like I don’t get enough respect. Yes, very little.
- No, it seems so to you ... Cough! - the Turkey reassured him, starting to straighten the feathers that had strayed during the night. - Yes, it just seems ... Birds are smarter than you and you can’t come up with. Heh heh heh!
What about Gusak? Oh, I understand everything ... Suppose he doesn’t say anything directly, but more and more is silent. But I feel that he silently does not respect me ...
- Don't pay any attention to him. It's not worth it... heh! Have you noticed that Gusak is stupid?
Who doesn't see this? It's written on his face: stupid gander, and nothing more. Yes ... But Gusak is still nothing - how can you be angry with a stupid bird? And here is the Rooster, the simplest rooster ... What did he shout about me on the third day? And how he shouted - all the neighbors heard. He seems to have called me even very stupid ... Something like that in general.
- Oh, how strange you are! - the Indian was surprised. "Don't you know why he screams at all?"
- Well, why?
“Khe-khe-khe… It’s very simple, and everyone knows it. You are a rooster, and he is a rooster, only he is a very, very simple rooster, the most ordinary rooster, and you are a real Indian, overseas rooster - so he screams with envy. Every bird wants to be an Indian rooster ... Cough-cough-cough! ..
- Well, it's hard, mother ... Ha-ha! See what you want! Some simple cockerel - and suddenly wants to become an Indian - no, brother, you're being naughty! .. He will never be an Indian.
The turkey was such a modest and kind bird and was constantly upset that the turkey was always quarreling with someone. And today, too, he didn’t have time to wake up, and he already thinks out with whom to start a quarrel or even a fight. In general, the most restless bird, although not evil. The turkey became a little offended when other birds began to make fun of the turkey and called him a talker, idler and wimp. Suppose they were partly right, but find a bird without flaws? That's what it is! There are no such birds, and it is even somehow more pleasant when you find even the smallest flaw in another bird.
The awakened birds poured out of the chicken coop into the yard, and a desperate hubbub immediately arose. The chickens were especially noisy. They ran around the yard, climbed to the kitchen window and shouted furiously:
- Oh, where! Ah-where-where-where... We want to eat! The cook Matryona must have died and wants to starve us to death...
“Gentlemen, have patience,” remarked Gusak, standing on one leg. - Look at me: I also want to eat, and I don’t scream like you. If I yelled at the top of my lungs ... like this ... Ho-ho! .. Or like this: ho-ho-ho !!.
The goose cackled so desperately that the cook Matryona immediately woke up.
“It’s good for him to talk about patience,” grumbled one Duck, “what a throat, like a pipe.” And then, if I had such a long neck and such a strong beak, then I would also preach patience. I myself would eat more than anyone else, but I would advise others to endure ... We know this goose patience ...
The Rooster supported the duck and shouted:
- Yes, it’s good for Gusak to talk about patience ... And who pulled my two best feathers out of my tail yesterday? It's even ignoble to grab right by the tail. Suppose we had a little quarrel, and I wanted to peck Gusak's head - I do not deny it, there was such an intention - but I am to blame, not my tail. Is that what I say gentlemen?
Hungry birds, like hungry people, became unjust precisely because they were hungry.

Out of pride, the turkey never rushed to feed with others, but patiently waited for Matryona to drive away another greedy bird and call him. So it was now. The turkey was walking aside, near the fence, and pretended to be looking for something among various rubbish.
“Khe-khe… oh, how I want to eat!” complained the Turkey, pacing after her husband. “Well, Matryona has thrown the oats… yes… and, it seems, the remnants of yesterday’s porridge… khe-khe!” Oh, how I love porridge! .. It seems that I would always eat one porridge, my whole life. I even sometimes see her at night in a dream ...
The turkey loved to complain when she was hungry, and demanded that the turkey be sure to feel sorry for her. Among other birds, she looked like an old woman: she was always hunched over, coughing, walking with some kind of broken gait, as if her legs had been attached to her only yesterday.
“Yes, it’s good to eat porridge,” Turkey agreed with her. “But a smart bird never rushes to food. Is that what I say? If the owner does not feed me, I will die of hunger ... right? And where will he find another such turkey?
“There is no other place like it…
- That's it ... But porridge, in essence, is nothing. Yes ... It's not about porridge, but about Matryona. Is that what I say? There would be Matryona, but there will be porridge. Everything in the world depends on one Matryona - and oats, and porridge, and cereals, and crusts of bread.
Despite all this reasoning, the Turkey began to experience the pangs of hunger. Then he became completely sad when all the other birds had eaten, and Matryona did not come out to call him. What if she forgot about him? After all, this is a very bad thing ...
But then something happened that made Turkey forget even about his own hunger. It began with the fact that one young hen, walking near the barn, suddenly shouted:
- Oh, where! ..
All the other hens immediately picked up and yelled with a good obscenity: “Oh, where! where to where ... ”And of course, the Rooster roared the loudest of all:
- Carraul! .. Who is there?
The birds that came running to the cry saw a very unusual thing. Right next to the barn, in a hole, lay something gray, round, covered entirely with sharp needles.
“Yes, it’s a simple stone,” someone remarked.
"He moved," the Hen explained. - I also thought that the stone came up, and how it moves ... Right! It seemed to me that he had eyes, but stones do not have eyes.
“You never know what a foolish chicken might think with fear,” remarked the Turkey-cock. "Maybe it's... it's..."
Yes, it's a mushroom! Husak shouted. “I saw exactly the same mushrooms, only without the needles.
Everyone laughed out loud at Gusak.
“It looks more like a hat,” someone tried to guess and was also ridiculed.
“Does a cap have eyes, gentlemen?”
“There is nothing to talk about in vain, but you need to act,” the Rooster decided for everyone. - Hey you, thing in needles, tell me, what kind of animal? I don't like to joke... do you hear?
Since there was no answer, the Rooster considered himself insulted and rushed at the unknown offender. He tried to peck twice and stepped aside in embarrassment.
"It's... it's a huge burdock and nothing else," he explained. - There is nothing tasty ... Would anyone like to try?
Everyone chatted whatever came to mind. There was no end to conjecture and speculation. Silent one Turkey. Well, let others talk, and he will listen to other people's nonsense. The birds chirped for a long time, shouting and arguing, until someone shouted:
- Gentlemen, why are we scratching our heads in vain when we have Turkey? He knows everything...
“Of course I know,” said Turkey, spreading his tail and puffing out his red gut on his nose.
“And if you know, then tell us.
- What if I don't want to? Yeah, I just don't want to.
Everyone began to beg Turkey.
“After all, you are our smartest bird, Turkey!” Well, tell me, my dear ... What should you say?
The turkey broke down for a long time and finally said:
“Very well, I’ll probably tell you… yes, I’ll tell you.” But first you tell me who do you think I am?
“Who doesn’t know that you are the smartest bird!” they all answered in unison. - That's what they say: smart as a turkey.
So you respect me?
- We respect! We all respect!
The turkey broke down a little more, then he fluffed up all over, puffed out his intestines, walked around the tricky beast three times and said:
“It’s… yes… Do you want to know what it is?”
- We want! .. Please, do not languish, but tell me quickly.
- This is someone crawling somewhere ...
Everyone just wanted to laugh, when a giggle was heard, and a thin voice said:
- That's the smartest bird! .. hee-hee ...
A black muzzle with two black eyes appeared from under the needles, sniffed the air and said:
“Hello, gentlemen ... But how did you not recognize this Hedgehog, a gray-haired hedgehog? .. Oh, what a funny Turkey you have, excuse me, what is he ... How is it more polite to say? .. Well, stupid Turkey ...

Everyone became even scared after such an insult that the Hedgehog inflicted on the Turkey. Of course, Turkey said nonsense, that's true, but it does not follow from this that the Hedgehog has the right to insult him. Finally, it's just impolite to come into someone else's house and insult the owner. As you wish, but the Turkey is still an important, imposing bird and no match for some unfortunate Hedgehog.
All at once went over to Turkey's side, and a terrible uproar arose.
- Probably, the Hedgehog considers us all stupid too! - Rooster shouted, flapping his wings
“He insulted us all!”
“If anyone is stupid, it’s him, that is, the Hedgehog,” Gusak declared, craning his neck. - I noticed it right away ... yes! ..
- Can mushrooms be stupid? Yezh replied.
“Gentlemen, we are talking to him in vain! Rooster shouted. “Anyway, he won’t understand anything ... It seems to me that we are just wasting time. Yes ... If, for example, you, Gusak, grab his bristles with your strong beak on one side, and Turkey and I cling to his bristles on the other, it will now be clear who is smarter. After all, you can’t hide your mind under stupid bristles ...
“Well, I agree…” said Husak. - It will be even better if I grab onto his bristles from behind, and you, Rooster, peck right at his face ... So, gentlemen? Who is smarter, now it will be seen.
The turkey was silent all the time. At first, he was stunned by the impudence of the Hedgehog, and he could not find what to answer him. Then Turkey got angry, so angry that even he himself became a little scared. He wanted to rush at the rude man and tear him into small pieces, so that everyone could see this and once again be convinced of what a serious and strict bird the Turkey is. He even took a few steps towards the Hedgehog, pouted terribly and just wanted to rush, as everyone began to shout and scold the Hedgehog. The turkey stopped and patiently began to wait for how everything would end.
When the Rooster offered to drag the Hedgehog by the bristles in different directions, the Turkey stopped his zeal:
— Excuse me, gentlemen... Maybe we can arrange the whole thing peacefully... Yes. I think there is a little misunderstanding here. Grant, gentlemen, it's all up to me...
“Okay, we’ll wait,” the Rooster reluctantly agreed, wanting to fight the Hedgehog as soon as possible. “But nothing will come of it anyway…”
"And that's my business," Turkey replied calmly. “Yes, listen as I talk…
Everyone crowded around the Hedgehog and began to wait. The turkey walked around him, cleared his throat and said:
“Listen, Mr. Hedgehog… Explain yourself seriously. I don't like domestic troubles at all.
“God, how smart he is, how smart! ..” thought Turkey, listening to her husband in mute delight.
“Pay attention first of all to the fact that you are in a decent and well-mannered society,” continued Turkey. “It means something… yes… Many consider it an honor to come to our yard, but alas! - it rarely succeeds.
- Is it true! True! .. - voices were heard.
“But this is so, between us, and the main thing is not in this ...
The turkey stopped, paused for the sake of importance, and then continued:
“Yes, that’s the main thing… Did you really think that we had no idea about hedgehogs?” I have no doubt that Gusak, who mistook you for a mushroom, was joking, and Rooster too, and others ... Isn't that right, gentlemen?
"Quite right, Turkey!" - they all shouted at once so loudly that the Hedgehog hid his black muzzle.
"Oh, how smart he is!" thought the Turkey, beginning to guess what was the matter.
“As you can see, Mr. Hedgehog, we all like to joke,” continued Turkey. “I’m not talking about myself… yes. Why not joke? And, it seems to me, you, Mr. Ezh, also have a cheerful character ...
“Oh, you guessed it,” admitted the Hedgehog, exposing his muzzle again. - I have such a cheerful character that I can’t even sleep at night ... Many people can’t stand it, but I’m bored to sleep.
- Well, you see ... You will probably get along in character with our Rooster, who bawls like crazy at night.
All of a sudden it became fun, as if everyone lacked the Hedgehog for the fullness of life. The turkey was triumphant that he had so deftly extricated himself from an awkward situation when the Hedgehog called him stupid and laughed right in his face.
“By the way, Mr. Hedgehog, confess,” said the Turkey-cock, winking, “you were, of course, joking when you called me just now ... yes ... well, a stupid bird?
- Of course, he was joking! Yezh assured. - I have such a cheerful character! ..
Yes, yes, I was sure of it. Have you heard gentlemen? the Turkey asked everyone.
- Heard ... Who could doubt it!
The turkey leaned over to the very ear of the Hedgehog and whispered to him in secret:
- So be it, I will tell you a terrible secret ... yes ... Only the condition: do not tell anyone. True, I am a little ashamed to talk about myself, but what can you do if I am the smartest bird! It sometimes even embarrasses me a little, but you can’t hide an awl in a bag ... Please, just not a word about this to anyone! ..


As you wish, and it was amazing! And the most amazing thing was that it was repeated every day. Yes, as soon as they put a pot of milk and an earthenware saucepan with oatmeal on the stove in the kitchen, it will begin. At first they stand as if nothing, and then the conversation begins:
- I'm Milky...
- And I'm an oatmeal!
At first, the conversation goes quietly, in a whisper, and then Kashka and Molochko begin to gradually get excited.
- I'm Milky!
- And I'm an oatmeal!
The porridge was covered with a clay lid on top, and she grumbled in her pan like an old woman. And when she began to get angry, a bubble would float up at the top, burst and say:
- But I'm still oatmeal ... pum!
This boasting seemed terribly insulting to Milky. Tell me, please, what an unseen thing - some kind of oatmeal! The milk began to get excited, rose foam and tried to get out of its pot. A little the cook overlooks, looks - Milk and poured onto the hot stove.
“Ah, this is Milk for me!” the cook complained every time. “If you overlook it a little, it will run away.”
“What am I to do if I have such a temper! Milk justified. “I am not happy when I am angry. And then Kashka constantly boasts: “I am Kashka, I am Kashka, I am Kashka ...” He sits in his saucepan and grumbles; well, I'm angry.
Things sometimes came to the point that even Kashka would run away from the saucepan, despite her lid - she would crawl onto the stove, and she would repeat everything herself:
- And I'm Kashka! Kashka! Porridge ... shhh!
It is true that this did not happen often, but it did happen, and the cook repeated over and over again in despair:
- This is Kashka for me! .. And that she can’t sit in a saucepan is simply amazing!

The cook was generally quite agitated. Yes, and there were enough different reasons for such excitement ... For example, what was one cat Murka worth! Note that it was a very beautiful cat and the cook loved him very much. Every morning began with Murka tagging along behind the cook and meowing in such a plaintive voice that, it seems, a stone heart could not stand it.
- That's an insatiable womb! the cook wondered, driving the cat away. How many cookies did you eat yesterday?
“Well, that was yesterday!” Murka was surprised in his turn. - And today I want to eat again ... Meow! ..
“Catch mice and eat, you lazybones.
“Yes, it’s good to say that, but I would try to catch at least one mouse myself,” Murka justified himself. - However, it seems that I'm trying hard enough ... For example, last week, who caught the mouse? And from whom I have a scratch all over my nose? That's what a rat was caught, and she grabbed my nose herself ... After all, it's only easy to say: catch mice!
Having eaten the liver, Murka sat down somewhere by the stove, where it was warmer, closed his eyes and dozed sweetly.
"See what you've been up to!" the cook wondered. - And he closed his eyes, couch potato ... And keep giving him meat!
“After all, I’m not a monk, so as not to eat meat,” Murka justified himself, opening only one eye. - Then, I like to eat fish too ... It's even very pleasant to eat a fish. I still can't say which is better: liver or fish. Out of courtesy, I eat both ... If I were a man, I would certainly be a fisherman or a peddler who brings us liver. I would feed all the cats in the world to the full, and I myself would always be full ...
Having eaten, Murka liked to engage in various foreign objects for his own entertainment. Why, for example, not sit for two hours at the window, where a cage with a starling hung? It is very nice to see how a stupid bird jumps.
“I know you, you old rascal!” shouts the Starling from above. "Don't look at me...
"What if I want to meet you?"
- I know how you get to know each other ... Who recently ate a real, live sparrow? Wow, disgusting!
- Not at all nasty, - and even vice versa. Everyone loves me... Come to me, I'll tell you a fairy tale.
“Ah, rogue… Nothing to say, good storyteller!” I saw you tell your tales to the fried chicken you stole from the kitchen. Good!
- As you know, I'm talking for your own pleasure. As for the fried chicken, I actually ate it; but he wasn't good enough anyway.

By the way, every morning Murka sat by the heated stove and patiently listened to Molochko and Kashka quarreling. He could not understand what was the matter, and only blinked.
- I am Milk.
- I'm Kashka! Kashka-Kashka-kashshshsh ...
— No, I don't understand! I don’t understand anything at all,” said Murka. - What are you angry about? For example, if I repeat: I am a cat, I am a cat, a cat, a cat ... Will it hurt anyone? .. No, I don’t understand ... However, I must confess that I prefer milk, especially when it does not get angry.
Once Molochko and Kashka had a particularly heated quarrel; they quarreled to the point that they half poured onto the stove, and a terrible fumes rose up. The cook came running and only threw up her hands.
- Well, what am I going to do now? she complained, pushing Milk and Kashka off the stove. - Can't turn away...
Leaving Molochko and Kashka aside, the cook went to the market for provisions. Murka immediately took advantage of this. He sat down next to Molochka, blew on him and said:
“Please don’t be angry, Milky…
Milk noticeably began to calm down. Murka walked around him, blew once more, straightened his mustache and said quite affectionately:
- That's what, gentlemen ... Quarreling is generally not good. Yes. Choose me as a justice of the peace, and I will immediately examine your case ...
The black cockroach, sitting in the crack, even choked with laughter: “That's the magistrate ... Ha ha! Ah, the old rogue, what he will come up with! .. ”But Molochko and Kashka were glad that their quarrel would finally be sorted out. They themselves did not even know how to tell what was the matter and why they were arguing.
- All right, all right, I'll figure it out, - said the cat Murka. - I'm not going to lie... Well, let's start with Molochka.
He went around the pot of Milk several times, tried it with his paw, blew on Milk from above and began to lap.
- Fathers! .. Guard! shouted the Tarakan. “He laps up all the milk, and they will think of me!”
When the cook returned from the market and ran out of milk, the pot was empty. Murka the cat was sleeping sweetly by the stove as if nothing had happened.
- Oh, you wicked one! the cook scolded him, grabbing him by the ear. - Who drank milk, tell me?
No matter how painful it was, Murka pretended that he did not understand anything and could not speak. When they threw him out the door, he shook himself, licked his wrinkled fur, straightened his tail and said:
- If I were a cook, then all the cats from morning to night would only do what they drank milk. However, I am not angry with my cook, because she does not understand this ...


One eye falls asleep at Alyonushka, another ear falls asleep at Alyonushka ...
- Dad, are you here?
Here, baby...
“You know what, dad… I want to be queen…”
Alyonushka fell asleep and smiles in her sleep.
Ah, so many flowers! And they are all smiling too. They surrounded Alyonushka's bed, whispering and laughing in thin voices. Scarlet flowers, blue flowers, yellow flowers, blue, pink, red, white - as if a rainbow fell to the ground and scattered with living sparks, multi-colored lights and cheerful children's eyes.
- Alyonushka wants to be a queen! the field bells rang merrily, swaying on thin green legs.
Oh, how funny she is! whispered the modest forget-me-nots.
“Gentlemen, this matter needs to be seriously discussed,” the yellow Dandelion interjected fervently. At least I didn't expect that...
What does it mean to be a queen? asked the blue field Cornflower. - I grew up in the field and do not understand your city orders.
“It’s very simple…” Pink Carnation intervened. It's so simple that it doesn't need to be explained. The queen is... is... You still don't understand anything? Oh, how strange you are ... A queen is when a flower is pink, like me. In other words: Alyonushka wants to be a carnation. Seems understandable?
Everyone laughed merrily. Only Roses were silent. They considered themselves offended. Who does not know that the queen of all flowers is one Rose, tender, fragrant, wonderful? And suddenly some Gvozdika calls herself a queen... It doesn't look like anything. Finally, Rose alone got angry, turned completely crimson, and said:
- No, sorry, Alyonushka wants to be a rose ... yes! Rose is a queen because everyone loves her.
- That's cute! Dandelion got angry. “Who, then, do you take me for?”
“Dandelion, don’t be angry, please,” the forest bells persuaded him. - It spoils the character and, moreover, ugly. Here we are - we are silent about the fact that Alyonushka wants to be a forest bell, because this is clear by itself.

There were many flowers, and they argued so funny. The wild flowers were so modest - like lilies of the valley, violets, forget-me-nots, bluebells, cornflowers, field carnations; and the greenhouse-grown flowers were a little pompous—roses, tulips, lilies, daffodils, levkoy, like rich children dressed up for the holidays. Alyonushka loved modest field flowers more, from which she made bouquets and wove wreaths. How lovely they are!
“Alyonushka loves us very much,” the Violets whispered. “After all, we are the first in the spring. As soon as the snow melts, we are here.
“So do we,” said the Lilies of the Valley. - We are also spring flowers ... We are unpretentious and grow right in the forest.
- And why are we to blame that it is cold for us to grow right in the field? - complained fragrant curly Levkoi and Hyacinths. “We are only guests here, and our homeland is far away, where it is so warm and there is no winter at all. Oh, how good it is there, and we are constantly yearning for our dear homeland ... It's so cold in your north. Alyonushka also loves us, and even very much ...
“And it’s good with us, too,” the wild flowers argued. — Of course, sometimes it's very cold, but it's great ... And then, the cold kills our worst enemies, like worms, midges and various insects. If it wasn't for the cold, we'd be in trouble.
“We also love the cold,” added the Roses.
Azalea and Camellia said the same. They all loved the cold when they picked up the color.
“Here’s what, gentlemen, let’s talk about our homeland,” suggested the white Narcissus. - This is very interesting ... Alyonushka will listen to us. She loves us too...
Everyone was talking at once. Roses with tears recalled the blessed valleys of Shiraz, Hyacinths - Palestine, Azaleas - America, Lilies - Egypt ... Flowers gathered here from all over the world, and everyone could tell so much. Most flowers came from the south, where there is so much sun and no winter. How good it is!.. Yes, eternal summer! What huge trees grow there, what wonderful birds, how many beautiful butterflies that look like flying flowers, and flowers that look like butterflies ...
“We are only guests in the north, we are cold,” whispered all these southern plants.
Native wildflowers even took pity on them. Indeed, one must have great patience when a cold north wind blows, cold rain pours and snow falls. Suppose the spring snow melts soon, but still snow.
“You have a huge shortcoming,” explained Vasilek, after listening to these stories. “I don’t argue, you are perhaps sometimes more beautiful than us, simple wildflowers, - I readily admit it ... yes ... In a word, you are our dear guests, and your main drawback is that you grow up only for rich people, and we growing for everyone. We are much kinder ... Here I am, for example - you will see me in the hands of every village child. How much joy I bring to all the poor children! .. You don’t need to pay money for me, but it’s only worth going out into the field. I grow with wheat, rye, oats...

Alyonushka listened to everything the flowers told her about and was surprised. She really wanted to see everything herself, all those amazing countries that were just being talked about.
“If I were a swallow, I would immediately fly,” she said at last. Why don't I have wings? Oh, how good it is to be a bird!
Before she had finished speaking, a ladybug crawled up to her, a real ladybug, so red, with black spots, with a black head and such thin black antennae and thin black legs.
- Alyonushka, let's fly! whispered Ladybug, moving her antennae.
“But I don’t have wings, ladybug!”
- Sit on me...
How can I sit down when you are little?
- But look ...
Alyonushka began to look and was surprised more and more. Ladybug spread its upper rigid wings and doubled in size, then spread thin, like cobwebs, lower wings and became even larger. She grew up before Alyonushka's eyes, until she turned into a big, big one, so big that Alyonushka could freely sit on her back, between the red wings. It was very convenient.
Are you okay, Alyonushka? Ladybug asked.
- Very.
Well, hold on tight now...
In the first moment when they flew, Alyonushka even closed her eyes from fear. It seemed to her that it was not she who was flying, but everything under her was flying - cities, forests, rivers, mountains. Then it began to seem to her that she had become so small, small, about the size of a pinhead, and, moreover, as light as a fluff from a dandelion. And the Ladybug flew quickly, quickly, so that only the air whistled between the wings.
“Look what’s down there…” Ladybug told her.
Alyonushka looked down and even clasped her little hands.
“Oh, how many roses… red, yellow, white, pink!”
The ground was exactly covered with a living carpet of roses.
“Let’s go down to the ground,” she asked Ladybug.
They went down, and Alyonushka became big again, as she was before, and Ladybug became small.
Alyonushka ran for a long time across the pink field and picked up a huge bouquet of flowers. How beautiful they are, these roses; and their scent makes you dizzy. If all this pink field were moved there, to the north, where roses are only dear guests! ..
“Well, now let’s fly further,” said Ladybug, spreading her wings.
She again became big-big, and Alyonushka - small-small.

They flew again.
How good it was all around! The sky was so blue, and the sea below was even bluer. They flew over a steep and rocky shore.
Are we going to fly across the sea? Alyonushka asked.
“Yes… just sit still and hold on tight.”
At first, Alyonushka was even scared, but then nothing. There is nothing left but sky and water. And the ships rushed across the sea like big birds with white wings… Small ships looked like flies. Oh, how beautiful, how good!.. And ahead you can already see the seashore - low, yellow and sandy, the mouth of some huge river, some kind of completely white city, as if it was built of sugar. And then you could see the dead desert, where there were only pyramids. Ladybug landed on the bank of the river. Green papyri and lilies grew here, wonderful, tender lilies.
“How good it is here for you,” Alyonushka spoke to them. - You don't get winters?
— What is winter? Lily was surprised.
Winter is when it snows...
- What is snow?
The lilies even laughed. They thought the little northern girl was joking with them. It is true that every autumn huge flocks of birds flew here from the north and also talked about winter, but they themselves did not see it, but spoke from other people's words.
Alyonushka also did not believe that there was no winter. So, you don’t need a fur coat and felt boots?
We flew further. But Alyonushka was no longer surprised either by the blue sea, or by the mountains, or by the desert burnt by the sun, where hyacinths grew.
“I’m hot…” she complained. “You know, ladybug, it’s not even good when it’s eternal summer.
- Who is used to it, Alyonushka.
They flew to high mountains, on the tops of which lay eternal snow. It wasn't that hot in here. Behind the mountains began impenetrable forests. It was dark under the canopy of trees, because the sunlight did not penetrate here through the dense tops of the trees. Monkeys jumped on the branches. And how many birds there were - green, red, yellow, blue ... But the most amazing thing were the flowers that grew right on the tree trunks. There were flowers of a completely fiery color, they were motley; there were flowers that looked like little birds and big butterflies—the whole forest seemed to be on fire with colorful live lights.
“Those are orchids,” Ladybug explained.
It was impossible to walk here - everything was so intertwined.
They flew on. Here a huge river spilled among the green banks. Ladybug landed right on top of a large white flower growing in the water. Alyonushka has never seen such large flowers.
"It's a sacred flower," Ladybug explained. It's called the lotus...

Alyonushka saw so much that she finally got tired. She wanted to go home: after all, home is better.
“I love the snowball,” said Alyonushka. “Without winter, it’s not good ...
They flew off again, and the higher they climbed, the colder it got. Soon snow fields appeared below. Only one coniferous forest turned green. Alyonushka was terribly happy when she saw the first Christmas tree.
- Christmas tree, Christmas tree! she called.
- Hello, Alyonushka! the green Christmas tree called to her from below.
It was a real Christmas tree - Alyonushka immediately recognized her. Oh, what a sweet Christmas tree! .. Alyonushka leaned over to tell her how cute she was, and suddenly flew down. Wow, how scary! .. She rolled over several times in the air and fell right into the soft snow. With fear, Alyonushka closed her eyes and did not know whether she was alive or dead.
“How did you get here, baby?” someone asked her.
Alyonushka opened her eyes and saw a gray-haired, hunched-over old man. She recognized him immediately too. It was the same old man who brings Christmas trees, golden stars, boxes of bombs and the most amazing toys to smart children. Oh, he is so kind, this old man! He immediately took her in his arms, covered her with his fur coat and again asked:
How did you get here, little girl?
- I traveled on a ladybug ... Oh, how much I saw, grandfather! ..
- So-so…
- I know you, grandpa! You bring Christmas trees to the kids ...
- So, so ... And now I'm also arranging a Christmas tree.
He showed her a long pole that didn't look like a Christmas tree at all.
- What kind of Christmas tree is this, grandfather? It's just a big stick...
- But you'll see...
The old man carried Alyonushka to a small village, completely covered with snow. Only roofs and chimneys were exposed from under the snow. The village children were already waiting for the old man. They jumped and shouted:
- Christmas tree! Christmas tree!..
They came to the first hut. The old man took out an unthreshed sheaf of oats, tied it to the end of a pole, and raised the pole to the roof. Just then, small birds flew in from all sides, which do not fly away for the winter: sparrows, kuzki, oatmeal, - and began to peck at the grain.
- This is our tree! they shouted.
Alyonushka suddenly became very cheerful. For the first time she saw how they arrange a Christmas tree for birds in winter.
Oh, how fun!.. Oh, what a kind old man! One sparrow, who fussed the most, immediately recognized Alyonushka and shouted:
- Yes, it's Alyonushka! I know her very well ... She fed me crumbs more than once. Yes…
And the other sparrows also recognized her and squealed terribly with joy.
Another sparrow flew in, which turned out to be a terrible bully. He began to push everyone aside and snatch the best grains. It was the same sparrow that fought with the ruff.
Alyonushka recognized him.
- Hello, sparrows! ..
- Oh, is that you, Alyonushka? Hello!..
The bully sparrow jumped on one leg, winked slyly with one eye and said to the kind Christmas old man:
- But she, Alyonushka, wants to be a queen ... Yes, just now I heard myself how she said this.
“Do you want to be queen, baby?” the old man asked.
- I really want it, grandpa!
- Great. There is nothing simpler: every queen is a woman, and every woman is a queen... Now go home and tell that to all the other little girls.
Ladybug was glad to get out of here as soon as possible before some mischievous sparrow ate it. They flew home quickly, quickly ... And there all the flowers are waiting for Alyonushka. They argued all the time about what a queen is.

+61 Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak Alyonushka's fairy tales Saying Byu-bye-bye ... Alyonushka's one eye is sleeping, the other is looking; one ear of Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is listening. Sleep, Alyonushka, sleep, beauty, and dad will tell fairy tales. It seems that everything is here: the Siberian cat Vaska, and the shaggy village dog Postoiko, and the gray Mouse-louse, and the Cricket behind the stove, and the motley Starling in a cage, and the bully Rooster. Sleep, Alyonushka, now the fairy tale begins. The tall moon is already looking out the window; there a slanting hare hobbled on his felt boots; the wolf's eyes glowed with yellow lights; bear Teddy bear sucks his paw. The old Sparrow flew up to the very window, knocks his nose on the glass and asks: soon? Everyone is here, everyone is assembled, and everyone is waiting for Alyonushka's fairy tale. One eye at Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is looking; one ear of Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is listening. Bai-bayu-bayu ... 1 TALE ABOUT THE BRAVEST HARE - LONG EARS, SLANTING EYES, SHORT TAIL A bunny was born in the forest and was afraid of everything. A twig cracks somewhere, a bird flutters, a lump of snow falls from a tree - a bunny has a soul in its heels. The bunny was afraid for a day, afraid for two, afraid for a week, afraid for a year; and then he grew big, and suddenly he got tired of being afraid. - I'm not afraid of anyone! he shouted to the whole forest. - I'm not afraid at all, and that's it! Old hares gathered, little hares ran, old hares dragged in - everyone listens to the Hare boasting - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail - they listen and do not believe their own ears. It was not yet that the hare was not afraid of anyone. - Hey you, slanting eye, are you not afraid of the wolf? - And I'm not afraid of the wolf, and the fox, and the bear - I'm not afraid of anyone! It turned out to be quite funny. The young hares giggled, covering their muzzles with their front paws, the good old hares laughed, even the old hares, who had been in the paws of a fox and tasted wolf teeth, smiled. A very funny hare! .. Oh, what a funny one! And all of a sudden it became fun. They began to tumble, jump, jump, overtake each other, as if everyone had gone crazy. - Yes, what is there to say for a long time! - shouted the Hare, finally emboldened. - If I come across a wolf, I'll eat it myself ... - Oh, what a funny Hare! Oh, how stupid he is!.. Everyone sees that he is both funny and stupid, and everyone laughs. Hares scream about the wolf, and the wolf is right there. He walked, walked in the forest on his wolf business, got hungry and only thought: “It would be nice to have a bite of a bunny!” - as he hears that somewhere very close the hares are screaming and he, the gray Wolf, is commemorated. Now he stopped, sniffed the air and began to creep up. The wolf came very close to the hares playing out, hears how they laugh at him, and most of all - the braggart Hare - slanting eyes, long ears, short tail. “Hey, brother, wait, I’ll eat you!” - thought the gray Wolf and began to look out, which hare boasts of his courage. And the hares see nothing and have more fun than before. It ended with the bouncer Hare climbing onto a stump, sitting on his hind legs and talking: - Listen, you cowards! Listen and look at me! Now I'll show you one thing. I ... I ... I ... Here the tongue of the braggart just froze. The Hare saw the Wolf looking at him. Others did not see, but he saw and did not dare to die. Then something quite extraordinary happened. The bouncer hare jumped up like a ball, and with fear fell right on the wolf’s wide forehead, rolled head over heels on the wolf’s back, rolled over again in the air and then asked such a rattle that, it seems, he was ready to jump out of his own skin. The unfortunate Bunny ran for a long time, ran until he was completely exhausted. It seemed to him that the Wolf was chasing on his heels and was about to grab him with his teeth. Finally, the poor man gave way, closed his eyes and fell dead under a bush. And the Wolf at this time ran in the other direction. When the Hare fell on him, it seemed to him that someone had shot at him. And the wolf ran away. You never know other hares can be found in the forest, but this one was kind of mad ... The rest of the hares could not come to their senses for a long time. Who fled into the bushes, who hid behind a stump, who fell into a hole. Finally everyone got tired of hiding, and little by little they began to look out who was braver. - And our Hare cleverly scared the Wolf! – decided everything. - If it were not for him, we would not have left alive ... But where is he, our fearless Hare? .. They began to search. They walked and walked, there is no brave Hare anywhere. Has another wolf eaten him? Finally found: lying in a hole under a bush and barely alive from fear. - Well done, oblique! - shouted all the hares in one voice. - Oh, yes, oblique! .. You cleverly scared the old Wolf. Thank you brother! And we thought you were bragging. The brave Hare immediately cheered up. He got out of his hole, shook himself, screwed up his eyes and said: - And what would you think! Oh, you cowards ... From that day on, the brave Hare began to believe himself that he was really not afraid of anyone. Bye-bye-bye… 2 THE TALE ABOUT THE GOAT I No one saw how the Goat was born. It was a sunny spring day. Kozyavochka looked around and said: - Good!.. Kozyavochka spread her wings, rubbed her thin legs one against the other, looked around again and said: - How good! .. What a warm sun, what a blue sky, what green grass - good, good ! .. And all mine!.. Kozyavochka rubbed her legs again and flew away. It flies, admires everything and rejoices. And below the grass is turning green, and a scarlet flower hid in the grass. - Goat, come to me! - shouted the flower. The little goat descended to the ground, climbed onto the flower and began to drink the sweet flower juice. - What a kind flower you are! - says Kozyavochka, wiping her stigma with her legs. “Good, kind, but I don’t know how to walk,” the flower complained. “All the same, it’s good,” the Kozyavochka assured. - And all mine ... Before she had time to finish yet, as a shaggy bumblebee swooped in with a buzz - and straight to the flower: - Zhzh ... Who climbed into my flower? Lj... who drinks my sweet juice? Zhzh ... Oh, you wretched Kozyavka, get out! Zhzhzh... Get out before I sting you! - Excuse me, what is this? squeaked the Kozyavochka. – Everything, everything is mine… – Zhzhzh… No, mine! The goat barely flew away from the angry Bumblebee. She sat down on the grass, licked her legs, stained in flower juice, and became angry: - What a rude this Bumblebee! - No, sorry - mine! - said the shaggy Worm, climbing up the stalk of grass. Kozyavochka realized that Little Worm could not fly, and spoke more boldly: - Excuse me, Little Worm, you are mistaken ... I don’t bother you crawling, but don’t argue with me! .. - All right, all right ... Just don’t touch my grass. I don’t like it, I confess to say ... You never know how many of you fly here ... You are a frivolous people, and I am a serious worm ... Frankly speaking, everything belongs to me. Here I will crawl on the grass and eat it, I will crawl on any flower and also eat it. Goodbye!.. II In a few hours Kozyavochka learned absolutely everything, namely: that, besides the sun, the blue sky, and green grass, there are also angry bumblebees, serious worms, and various thorns on flowers. In a word, it was a big disappointment. The goat was even offended. For mercy, she was sure that everything belongs to her and was created for her, but here others think the same. No, something is wrong... It can't be. Kozyavochka flies further and sees - water. - It's mine! she squeaked cheerfully. - My water ... Oh, how fun! .. There is grass and flowers. And other goats are flying towards Kozyavochka. - Hello, sister! - Hello, dears ... Otherwise, I got bored of flying alone. What are you doing here? - And we are playing, sister ... Come to us. We have fun... You were born recently? - Only today ... I was almost stung by a Bumblebee, then I saw a Worm ... I thought that everything was mine, but they say that everything is theirs. Other goats reassured the guest and invited them to play together. Above the water, the boogers played in a column: they circle, fly, squeak. Our Kozyavochka gasped with joy and soon completely forgot about the angry Bumblebee and the serious Worm. - Oh, how good! she whispered in delight. - Everything is mine: the sun, grass, and water. Why others are angry, I really do not understand. Everything is mine, and I don’t interfere with anyone’s life: fly, buzz, have fun. I allow ... Kozyavochka played, had fun and sat down to rest on the swamp sedge. You really need to take a break! The little goat looks at how the other little goats are having fun; suddenly, out of nowhere, a sparrow - how it darts past, as if someone had thrown a stone. - Oh, oh! - shouted the goats and rushed in all directions. When the sparrow flew away, a dozen goats were missing. - Oh, robber! the old goats scolded. - He ate a dozen. It was worse than Bumblebee. The goat started to be afraid and hid with other young goats even further into the swamp grass. But here - another misfortune: two goats were eaten by a fish, and two - by a frog. - What is it? - the goat was surprised. “It doesn’t look like anything at all… You can’t live like that. Oh, how nasty!.. It’s good that there were a lot of goats and no one noticed the loss. Moreover, new goats arrived, which had just been born. They flew and squeaked: - All ours ... All ours ... - No, not all of ours, - our Kozyavochka shouted to them. - There are also angry bumblebees, serious worms, ugly sparrows, fish and frogs. Be careful sisters! However, night fell, and all the goats hid in the reeds, where it was so warm. The stars poured out in the sky, the moon rose, and everything was reflected in the water. Oh, how good it was!.. "My moon, my stars," our Kozyavochka thought, but she didn't tell anyone: they'd just take that away too... III So the Kozyavochka lived the whole summer. She had a lot of fun, but there was also a lot of unpleasantness. Twice she was nearly swallowed by a nimble swift; then a frog imperceptibly crept up - you never know the goats have all sorts of enemies! There were some joys too. The little goat met another similar goat, with a shaggy mustache. She says: - How pretty you are, Kozyavochka ... We will live together. And they healed together, they healed very well. All together: where one, there and the other. And did not notice how the summer flew by. It began to rain, cold nights. Our Kozyavochka laid eggs, hid them in the thick grass, and said: “Oh, how tired I am!.. No one saw the Kozyavochka die. Yes, she did not die, but only fell asleep for the winter, so that in the spring she would wake up again and live again. 3 A TALE ABOUT KOMAROVICH'S LONG NOSE AND HAIRY MISH'S SHORT TAIL I It happened at noon, when all the mosquitoes hid in the swamp from the heat. Komar Komarovich - long nose tucked under a wide sheet and fell asleep. He sleeps and hears a desperate cry: - Oh, fathers! .. oh, carraul! .. Komar Komarovich jumped out from under the sheet and also shouted: - What happened? And mosquitoes fly, buzz, squeak - you can’t make out anything. - Oh, fathers! .. A bear came to our swamp and fell asleep. As he lay down in the grass, he immediately crushed five hundred mosquitoes; as he breathed, he swallowed a whole hundred. Oh, trouble, brothers! We could barely get away from him, otherwise we would have crushed everyone ... Komar Komarovich - the long nose immediately became angry; he got angry both at the bear and at the stupid mosquitoes, which squeaked to no avail. - Hey, you, stop squeaking! he shouted. - Now I'll go and drive the bear away ... It's very simple! And you yell only in vain ... Komar Komarovich became even more angry and flew off. Indeed, there was a bear in the swamp. He climbed into the thickest grass, where mosquitoes lived from time immemorial, fell apart and sniffs with his nose, only the whistle goes, just like someone is playing the trumpet. Here is a shameless creature! .. He climbed into a strange place, ruined so many mosquito souls in vain, and even sleeps so sweetly! “Hey, uncle, where are you going?” shouted Komar Komarovich to the whole forest, so loudly that even he himself became frightened. Shaggy Misha opened one eye - no one was visible, opened the other eye - he barely saw that a mosquito was flying over his very nose. What do you need, buddy? Misha grumbled and also began to get angry. - Well, just settled down to rest, and then some villain squeaks. - Hey, go away in a good way, uncle! .. Misha opened both eyes, looked at the impudent man, fuggled his nose and finally got angry. "What do you want, you wretched creature?" he growled. - Get out of our place, otherwise I don’t like joking ... I’ll eat you with a fur coat. The bear was funny. He rolled over onto the other side, covered his muzzle with his paw, and immediately began to snore. II Komar Komarovich flew back to his mosquitoes and trumpeted all over the swamp: - I cleverly scared the shaggy Mishka! .. Another time he won't come. Mosquitoes marveled and asked: - Well, now where is the bear? “But I don’t know, brothers ... He was very scared when I told him that I would eat if he didn’t leave.” After all, I don’t like joking, but I said directly: I’ll eat it. I'm afraid that he might die with fear while I'm flying to you ... Well, it's my own fault! All the mosquitoes squealed, buzzed and argued for a long time how to deal with the ignorant bear. Never before had there been such a terrible noise in the swamp. They squeaked and squeaked and decided to drive the bear out of the swamp. - Let him go to his house, into the forest, and sleep there. And our swamp ... Even our fathers and grandfathers lived in this very swamp. One prudent old woman Komarikha advised to leave the bear alone: ​​let him lie down, and when he gets enough sleep, he will leave, but everyone attacked her so much that the poor woman barely had time to hide. Let's go, brothers! shouted Komar Komarovich the most. “We will show him… yes!” Mosquitoes flew after Komar Komarovich. They fly and squeak, even they themselves are scared. They flew in, look, but the bear lies and does not move. - Well, I said so: the poor fellow died of fear! boasted Komar Komarovich. - It’s even a little pity, what a healthy bear ... - Yes, he’s sleeping, brothers, - squeaked a little mosquito, flying up to the very bear’s nose and almost drawn in there, as if through a window. - Oh, shameless! Ah, shameless! - squealed all the mosquitoes at once and raised a terrible hubbub. - He crushed five hundred mosquitoes, swallowed a hundred mosquitoes and sleeps himself as if nothing had happened ... And shaggy Misha sleeps to himself and whistles with his nose. He's pretending to be asleep! shouted Komar Komarovich and flew at the bear. - Here I will show him now ... Hey, uncle, he will pretend! As soon as Komar Komarovich swoops in, as he digs his long nose right into the black bear's nose, Misha jumped up just like that - grab his nose with his paw, and Komar Komarovich was gone. - What, uncle, did not like? squeaks Komar Komarovich. - Leave, otherwise it will be worse ... Now I’m not the only Komar Komarovich - a long nose, but my grandfather flew in with me, Komarishche - a long nose, and my younger brother, Komarishko - a long nose! Go away, uncle ... - But I will not leave! - shouted the bear, sitting on its hind legs. - I'll crush you all ... - Oh, uncle, you're boasting in vain ... Komar Komarovich flew again and dug right into the bear's eye. The bear roared in pain, hit itself in the muzzle with its paw, and again there was nothing in the paw, only it nearly ripped out its eye with its claw. And Komar Komarovich hovered over the very bear's ear and squeaked: - I'll eat you, uncle ... III Misha was completely angry. He uprooted a whole birch with its roots and began to beat mosquitoes with it. It hurts from the whole shoulder ... He beat, beat, even got tired, but not a single mosquito was killed - everyone hovered over him and squeaked. Then Misha grabbed a heavy stone and threw it at the mosquitoes - again there was no sense. - What did you take, uncle? squeaked Komar Komarovich. “But I’ll still eat you ... How long, how short, did Misha fight with mosquitoes, only there was a lot of noise. A bear's roar was heard in the distance. And how many trees he uprooted, how many stones he uprooted! .. He wanted to catch the first Komar Komarovich, - after all, here, just above the ear, it curls, and the bear grabs with its paw, and again nothing, only scratched his whole face in the blood. Exhausted at last Misha. He sat down on his hind legs, snorted and came up with a new thing - let's roll on the grass to pass the entire mosquito kingdom. Misha rode and rode, but nothing came of it, but he was only more tired. Then the bear hid its muzzle in the moss. It turned out even worse - mosquitoes grabbed a bear's tail. The bear finally got angry. “Wait a minute, I’ll give you a question!” he roared so that it could be heard from five miles away. - I'll show you a thing ... I ... I ... I ... The mosquitoes have retreated and are waiting for what will happen. And Misha climbed a tree like an acrobat, sat down on the thickest bough and roared: “Come on, come up to me now ... I’ll break everyone’s noses!” The mosquitoes laughed in thin voices and rushed at the bear with the whole army. They squeak, spin, climb... Misha fought back, fought back, accidentally swallowed a hundred mosquito troops, coughed, and as soon as he fell off the bough, like a sack... However, he got up, scratched his bruised side and said: - Well, did you take it? Did you see how deftly I jump from a tree? .. The mosquitoes laughed even thinner, and Komar Komarovich trumpeted: - I will eat you ... I will eat you ... I will eat ... I will eat you! ashamed. He sits on his hind legs and only blinks his eyes. A frog rescued him from trouble. She jumped out from under the hummock, sat down on her hind legs and said: “You don’t want to worry yourself, Mikhailo Ivanovich, in vain! .. Don’t pay attention to these crappy mosquitoes. Not worth it. - And that's not worth it, - the bear was delighted. - I'm like that ... Let them come to my lair, but I ... I ... When Misha turns around, how he runs out of the swamp, and Komar Komarovich - his long nose flies after him, flies and shouts: - Oh, brothers, hold on! The bear will run away… Hold on!.. All the mosquitoes gathered, consulted and decided: “It's not worth it! Let him go - after all, the swamp is left behind us! 4 VANYA NAME DAYS I Beat, drum, ta-ta! tra-ta-ta! Play, trumpets: tru-tu! tu-ru-ru! .. Let's all the music here - today is Vanka's birthday! .. Dear guests, you are welcome ... Hey, everyone gather here! Tra-ta-ta! Tru-ru-ru! Vanka walks around in a red shirt and says: - Brothers, you are welcome ... Treats - as much as you like. Soup from the freshest chips; cutlets from the best, purest sand; pies from multi-colored pieces of paper; what a tea! From the best boiled water. You are welcome ... Music, play! .. Ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta! Tru-tu! Tu-ru-ru! There was a full room of guests. The first to arrive was a pot-bellied wooden Top. – LJ… LJ… where is the birthday boy? LJ… LJ… I really like to have fun in a good company… Two dolls came. One - with blue eyes, Anya, her nose was a little damaged; the other with black eyes, Katya, she was missing one arm. They came decorously and took their place on the toy sofa. “Let's see what kind of treat Vanka has,” Anya remarked. “Something very much to brag about. The music is not bad, and I doubt very much about the refreshments. “You, Anya, are always dissatisfied with something,” Katya reproached her. “And you are always ready to argue. The dolls argued a little and were even ready to quarrel, but at that moment a heavily used Clown hobbled on one leg and immediately reconciled them. Everything will be fine, ladies! Let's have great fun. Of course, I am missing one leg, but Volchok is spinning on one leg. Hello, Volchok... - LJ... Hello! Why is it that one of your eyes looks like it's been hit? - It's nothing ... It was me who fell off the sofa. It could be worse. - Oh, how bad it can be... Sometimes I hit the wall with all the running start, right on my head! The clown just clicked his brass cymbals. He was generally a frivolous man. Petrushka came and brought with him a whole bunch of guests: his own wife, Matryona Ivanovna, the German doctor Karl Ivanovich and the big-nosed Gypsy; and the Gypsy brought a three-legged horse with him. - Well, Vanka, receive guests! Petrushka spoke cheerfully, poking his nose. - One is better than the other. My only Matryona Ivanovna is worth something… She likes to drink tea with me very much, like a duck. "We'll find some tea too, Pyotr Ivanovich," replied Vanka. - And we are always glad to have good guests ... Sit down, Matrena Ivanovna! Karl Ivanovich, you are welcome ... The Bear and the Hare also came, the greyish grandmother's Goat with the Corydalis Duck, the Cockerel with the Wolf - Vanka found a place for everyone. Alyonushkin's Slipper and Alyonushkin's Panicle came last. They looked - all the seats were occupied, and Panicle said: - Never mind, I'll stand in the corner ... But Slipper did not say anything and silently crawled under the sofa. It was a very venerable Slipper, though worn. He was a little embarrassed only by the hole that was on the nose itself. Well, nothing, no one will notice under the sofa. - Hey music! Vanka commanded. Beat the drum: tra-ta! ta-ta! The trumpets began to play: tru-tu! And all the guests suddenly became so merry, so merry... II The holiday began perfectly. The drum beat by itself, the trumpets themselves played, the Top buzzed, the Clown rang his cymbals, and Petrushka squealed furiously. Oh, how fun it was!.. - Brothers, take a walk! shouted Vanka, smoothing his flaxen curls. Anya and Katya laughed in thin voices, the clumsy Bear danced with Panicle, the gray Goat walked with Corydalis Duck, the Clown somersaulted, showing his art, and Dr. Karl Ivanovich asked Matryona Ivanovna: - Matryona Ivanovna, does your tummy hurt? - What are you, Karl Ivanovich! Matrena Ivanovna was offended. - Where did you get it?.. - Come on, show your tongue. - Leave me alone, please ... - I'm here ... - the silver Spoon, with which Alyonushka ate her porridge, rang out in a thin voice. Until now, she had been lying quietly on the table, and when the doctor spoke about language, she could not resist and jumped off. After all, the doctor always examines Alyonushka's tongue with her help ... - Oh no ... no need! squeaked Matrena Ivanovna, waving her arms in such a funny way, like a windmill. “Well, I don’t impose my services,” said Spoon, offended. She even wanted to get angry, but at that time Volchok flew up to her, and they began to dance. The spinning top buzzed, the spoon rang... Even Alyonushkin's Slipper could not resist, crawled out from under the sofa and whispered to Panicle: - I love you very much, Panicle... Panicle closed her eyes sweetly and only sighed. She loved to be loved. After all, she was always such a modest Panicle and never put on airs, as sometimes happened with others. For example, Matryona Ivanovna or Anya and Katya - these cute dolls loved to laugh at other people's shortcomings: the Clown was missing one leg, Petrushka had a long nose, Karl Ivanovich had a bald head, the Gypsy looked like a firebrand, and the birthday man Vanka got the most. "He's a little manly," said Katya. “And besides, a braggart,” Anya added. Having fun, everyone sat down at the table, and a real feast began. The dinner passed like a real name-day, although the matter was not without small misunderstandings. The bear almost ate Bunny instead of a cutlet by mistake; The top almost got into a fight with the Gypsy because of the Spoon - the latter wanted to steal it and already hid it in his pocket. Pyotr Ivanovich, a well-known bully, managed to quarrel with his wife and quarreled over trifles. “Matryona Ivanovna, calm down,” Karl Ivanovich persuaded her. - After all, Pyotr Ivanovich is kind ... Maybe your head hurts? I have excellent powders with me… “Leave her alone, doctor,” said Petrushka. - This is such an impossible woman ... But, by the way, I love her very much. Matryona Ivanovna, let's kiss... - Hurrah! shouted Vanka. “It's much better than arguing. I can't stand it when people fight. Look... But then something completely unexpected happened and so terrible that it’s even scary to say. Beat the drum: tra-ta! ta-ta-ta! The trumpets were playing: ru-ru! ru-ru-ru! The Clown's cymbals rang, the Spoon laughed in a silver voice, the Top buzzed, and the merry Bunny shouted: bo-bo-bo! .. The Porcelain Dog barked loudly, the rubber Kitty meowed affectionately, and the Bear stamped his foot so that the floor trembled. The greyest grandmother's goat turned out to be the most cheerful of all. First of all, he danced better than anyone, and then he shook his beard so funny and roared in a raspy voice: mee-ke-ke! .. III Excuse me, how did all this happen? It is very difficult to tell everything in order, because of the participants in the incident, only Alyonushkin Bashmachok remembered the whole thing. He was prudent and managed to hide under the sofa in time. Yes, so that's how it was. First, wooden cubes came to congratulate Vanka... No, not like that again. It didn't start at all. The cubes really came, but the black-eyed Katya was to blame. She, she, right! .. This pretty rogue whispered to Anya at the end of dinner: - And what do you think, Anya, who is the most beautiful here? It seems that the question is the simplest, but meanwhile Matrena Ivanovna was terribly offended and told Katya bluntly: - Why do you think that my Pyotr Ivanovich is a freak? “No one thinks that, Matryona Ivanovna,” Katya tried to justify herself, but it was already too late. “Of course, his nose is a little big,” Matrena Ivanovna continued. “But this is noticeable if you only look at Pyotr Ivanovich from the side ... Then, he has a bad habit of squeaking terribly and fighting with everyone, but he is still a kind person. And as for the mind ... The dolls argued with such passion that they attracted everyone's attention. First of all, of course, Petrushka intervened and squeaked: - That's right, Matrena Ivanovna ... The most beautiful person here, of course, is me! Here all the men are offended. Pardon me, such self-praise this Petrushka! It's disgusting to even listen to! The clown was not a master of speech and was offended in silence, but Dr. Karl Ivanovich said very loudly: - So, we are all freaks? Congratulations, gentlemen ... All at once there was a hubbub. The Gypsy shouted something in his own way, the Bear growled, the Wolf howled, the gray Goat shouted, the Top buzzed - in a word, everyone was completely offended. - Gentlemen, stop! - Vanka persuaded everyone. - Do not pay attention to Pyotr Ivanovich ... He was just joking. But it was all in vain. It was Karl Ivanitch who was chiefly agitated. He even banged his fist on the table and shouted: “Gentlemen, good food, nothing to say!.. We were invited to visit only to be called freaks…” “Gracious sovereigns and gracious sovereigns!” - Vanka tried to shout down everyone. - If it comes to that, gentlemen, there is only one freak here - it's me ... Are you satisfied now? Then… Excuse me, how did this happen? Yes, yes, that's how it was. Karl Ivanovich got completely excited and began to approach Pyotr Ivanovich. He shook his finger at him and repeated: “If I weren’t an educated person and if I didn’t know how to behave decently in decent society, I would tell you, Pyotr Ivanovich, that you are even quite a fool ... Knowing the pugnacious nature of Petrushka, Vanka wanted to get up.” between him and the doctor, but on the way he hit Petrushka's long nose with his fist. It seemed to Petrushka that it was not Vanka who hit him, but the doctor ... What began here! .. Petrushka clung to the doctor; for no reason at all, the Gypsy, who was sitting on the side, began to beat the Clown, the Bear rushed at the Wolf with a growl, the Volchok beat the Goat with his empty head - in a word, a real scandal came out. The puppets squealed in thin voices, and all three fainted with fear. “Ah, I feel bad! ..” shouted Matrena Ivanovna, falling off the sofa. “Gentlemen, what is this?” yelled Vanka. – Gentlemen, I'm a birthday boy... Gentlemen, this is finally impolite!.. There was a real scuffle, so it was already difficult to make out who was beating whom. Vanka tried in vain to break up the fights, and ended up beating up everyone who came under his arm, and since he was the strongest of them all, the guests had a bad time. - Carraul!! Fathers ... oh, carraul! Petrushka yelled loudest of all, trying to hit the doctor harder ... - They killed Petrushka to death ... Carraul! .. Only Slipper left the dump, having managed to hide under the sofa in time. Out of fear, he even closed his eyes, and at that time the Bunny hid behind him, also seeking salvation in flight. – Where are you going? - Boomer growled. “Be quiet, otherwise they will hear, and both will get it,” Zaichik persuaded, looking out of the hole in the sock with a slanting eye. - Oh, what a robber this Petrushka is! .. He beats everyone and himself yells with a good obscenity. Good guest, nothing to say ... And I barely escaped from the Wolf, ah! It’s scary even to remember ... And there the Duck lies upside down with its legs. They killed the poor ... - Oh, how stupid you are, Bunny: all the dolls are lying in a swoon, well, the Duck, along with the others. They fought, fought, fought for a long time, until Vanka kicked out all the guests, except for the dolls. Matryona Ivanovna had long been tired of lying in a swoon, she opened one eye and asked: - Gentlemen, where am I? Doctor, see if I'm alive?.. No one answered her, and Matrena Ivanovna opened her other eye. The room was empty, and Vanka stood in the middle and looked around in surprise. Anya and Katya woke up and were also surprised. “There was something terrible here,” Katya said. - Good birthday boy, nothing to say! The dolls at once pounced on Vanka, who decidedly did not know what to answer him. And someone beat him, and he beat someone, but it is not known for what. “I really don’t know how it all happened,” he said, spreading his arms. - The main thing is that it's a shame: after all, I love them all ... absolutely all of them. “And we know how,” said Slipper and Bunny from under the sofa. We all saw! .. - Yes, it's your fault! Matrena Ivanovna pounced on them. - Of course, you ... You made porridge, but you yourself hid. - They, they! .. - Anya and Katya shouted in one voice. - Yeah, that's the point! - Vanka was delighted. - Get out, robbers ... You go to guests only to quarrel good people. Slipper and Bunny barely had time to jump out the window. “Here I am…” Matryona Ivanovna shook her fist after them. “Oh, what wretched people there are in the world! So the Duck will say the same thing. - Yes, yes ... - Duck confirmed. “I saw with my own eyes how they hid under the sofa. The duck always agreed with everyone. - We need to return the guests ... - continued Katya. – We'll have some fun… The guests returned willingly. Who had a black eye, who limped; Petrushka's long nose suffered the most. - Oh, robbers! - they all repeated in one voice, scolding Bunny and Slipper. - Who would have thought? .. - Oh, how tired I am! He beat off all his hands, ”Vanka complained. - Well, why remember the old ... I'm not vindictive. Hey, music! .. The drum beat again: waste! ta-ta-ta! The trumpets began to play: tru-tu! ru-ru-ru!.. And Petrushka furiously shouted: - Hurray, Vanka! Every day in the summer Vorobey Vorobeich flew to the river and shouted: - Hey, brother, hello! .. How are you? - Nothing, we live little by little, - answered Ersh Ershovich. - Come visit me. I, brother, feel good in deep places ... The water is quiet, any water weed as you want. I will treat you to frog caviar, worms, water boogers ... - Thank you, brother! With pleasure I would go to visit you, but I'm afraid of water. It’s better that you fly to visit me on the roof ... I’ll treat you, brother, with berries - I have a whole garden, and then we’ll get a crust of bread, and oats, and sugar, and a live mosquito. Do you like sugar? - What is he? - White is so ... - How do we have pebbles in the river? - Here you go. And take it in your mouth - sweet. Don't eat your pebbles. Shall we fly to the roof now? – No, I can’t fly, and I suffocate in the air. Let's swim in the water together. I'll show you everything ... Sparrow Vorobeich tried to go into the water - he would go up to his knees, and then it became terribly. So you can drown! Sparrow Vorobeich will get drunk on light river water, and on hot days he buys it somewhere in a shallow place, cleans his feathers - and again to his roof. In general, they lived together and liked to talk about different matters. - How do you not get tired of sitting in the water? Vorobey Vorobeich was often surprised. - It's wet in the water - you'll still catch a cold ... Ruff Yershovich was surprised in his turn: - How do you, brother, not get tired of flying? Look how hot it is in the sun: just suffocate. And I'm always cold. Swim as much as you want. I suppose in the summer everyone climbs into my water to swim ... And who will go to your roof? - And how they walk, brother! .. I have a great friend - a chimney sweep Yasha. He constantly comes to visit me ... And such a cheerful chimney sweep - he sings all the songs. He cleans the pipes, and he sings. Moreover, he will sit down on the very horse to rest, get some bread and have a snack, and I pick up the crumbs. We live soul to soul. I also like to have fun. Friends and troubles were almost the same. For example, winter: poor Sparrow Vorobeich is cold! Wow, what cold days there were! It seems that the whole soul is ready to freeze. Vorobey Vorobeich swells up, tucks his legs under him and sits. The only salvation is to climb somewhere in the pipe and warm up a little. But here is the trouble. Once Vorobey Vorobeich almost died thanks to his best friend, a chimney sweep. The chimney sweep came and, as he lowered his cast-iron weight with a broom into the chimney, almost broke Voroby Vorobeich's head. He jumped out of the chimney all covered in soot, worse than a chimney sweep, and now scolding: - What are you doing, Yasha, are you doing something? After all, that way you can kill yourself to death ... - And how did I know that you were sitting in a pipe? “But be more careful ahead ... If I hit you on the head with a cast-iron weight, would that be good?” Ersh Ershovich also had a hard time in winter. He climbed somewhere deeper into the pool and dozed there for whole days. It's dark and cold and you don't want to move. Occasionally he swam up to the hole when he called Vorobey Vorobeich. He will fly up to the hole in the water to get drunk and shout: - Hey, Ersh Ershovich, are you alive? - Alive ... - Ersh Ershovich responds in a sleepy voice. - All you want to do is sleep. Generally bad. We are all sleeping. “And we are no better either, brother!” What to do, you have to endure ... Wow, what an evil wind can be! .. Here, brother, you won’t fall asleep ... I keep jumping on one leg to keep warm. And people look and say: “Look, what a cheerful little sparrow!” Oh, if only to wait for the warmth... Are you sleeping again, brother? And in the summer again their troubles. Once a hawk chased Vorobeich for two versts, and he barely managed to hide in the river sedge. - Oh, he barely left alive! he complained to Ersh Ershovich, barely taking a breath. - Here is a robber! .. I almost grabbed it, but there you should remember your name. “It’s like our pike,” Ersh Ershovich consoled. – I, too, recently almost fell into her mouth. How it will rush after me, like lightning. And I swam out with other fish and thought that there was a log in the water, but how would this log rush after me ... Why are these pikes only found? I'm surprised and can't understand... - And so am I... You know, it seems to me that a hawk was once a pike, and a pike was a hawk. In a word, the robbers... II Yes, Vorobey Vorobeyich and Ersh Yershovich lived and lived like that, they shivered in the winters, rejoiced in the summer; and the cheerful chimney sweep Yasha cleaned his pipes and sang songs. Everyone has their own business, their joys and their sorrows. One summer the chimney sweep finished his work and went to the river to wash off the soot. He goes and whistles, and then he hears a terrible noise. What happened? And over the river the birds hover like that: ducks, and geese, and swallows, and snipe, and crows, and doves. Everyone is making noise, yelling, laughing - you can’t make out anything. - Hey you, what happened? shouted the chimney sweep. “And so it happened ...” the brisk tit chirped. - So funny, so funny! .. Look what our Sparrow Vorobeich is doing ... He was completely furious. Titmouse laughed in a thin, thin voice, wagged her tail and soared over the river. When the chimney sweep approached the river, Vorobey Vorobeich ran into him. And he himself is so terrible: the beak is open, the eyes are burning, all the feathers stand on end. - Hey, Vorobey Vorobeich, what are you, brother, making noise here? asked the chimney sweep. - No, I'll show him! .. - Vorobey Vorobeich shouted, choking with rage. “He still doesn’t know what I am… I’ll show him, damned Ersh Ershovich!” He will remember me, robber... - Do not listen to him! Yersh Yershovich shouted to the chimney sweep from the water. - He's lying anyway... - Am I lying? - shouted Sparrow Vorobeich. Who found the worm? I'm lying!.. Such a fat worm! I dug it up on the shore... How much I worked... Well, I grabbed it and dragged it home to my nest. I have a family - I have to carry food ... Only fluttered with a worm over the river, and the damned Ersh Ershovich - so that the pike swallowed him! - how to shout: "Hawk!" I shouted out of fear - the worm fell into the water, and Ersh Ershovich swallowed it ... This is called lying ?!. And there was no hawk... - Well, I was joking, - Ersh Ershovich justified himself. - And the worm was really tasty ... All kinds of fish gathered around Ersh Ershovich: roach, crucian carp, perch, little ones - they listen and laugh. Yes, Ersh Ershovich cleverly joked on an old friend! And it's even funnier how Vorobey Vorobeich got into a fight with him. So it flies, and it flies, but it cannot take anything. - Choke on my worm! - Vorobey Vorobeich scolded. - I'll dig another one for myself ... But it's a shame that Ersh Ershovich deceived me and is still laughing at me. And I called him to my roof ... Good friend, nothing to say! So the chimney sweep Yasha will say the same thing ... We also live together and even have a snack together sometimes: he eats - I pick up the crumbs. “Wait, brothers, this very matter must be judged,” said the chimney sweep. - Just let me wash first ... I will examine your case in good conscience. And you, Vorobey Vorobeich, calm down a little for now ... - My cause is just, why should I worry! - shouted Sparrow Vorobeich. - And as soon as I show Ersh Ershovich how to play jokes with me ... The chimney sweep sat down on the bank, put a bundle with his dinner next to it on a pebble, washed his hands and face and said: - Well, brothers, now we will judge the court ... You, Ersh Ershovich, - a fish, and you, Sparrow Vorobeich, are a bird. Is that what I say? - So! So! .. - everyone shouted, both birds and fish. - Let's keep talking! The fish must live in the water, and the bird must live in the air. Is that what I say? Well... A worm, for example, lives in the ground. Fine. Now look... The chimney sweep unwrapped his bundle, put a piece of rye bread on the stone, from which his whole dinner consisted, and said: - Look, what is this? This is bread. I have earned it and I will eat it; eat and drink water. So? So, I'll have lunch and I won't offend anyone. Fish and birds also want to dine ... You, then, have your own food! Why quarrel? Sparrow Vorobeich dug up a worm, which means he earned it, and, therefore, the worm is his ... - Excuse me, uncle ... - a thin voice was heard in the crowd of birds. The birds parted and let the sandpiper go forward, who approached the chimney sweep on his thin legs. - Uncle, that's not true. – What is not true? - Yes, I found a worm ... Just ask the ducks - they saw it. I found it, and Sparrow swooped in and stole it. The chimney sweep was confused. It didn't come out at all. - How is it so? .. - he muttered, collecting his thoughts. - Hey, Vorobey Vorobeich, what are you, really, deceiving? - It's not I'm lying, but Bekas is lying. He conspired with the ducks... - Something's not right, brother... um... Yes! Of course, the worm is nothing; but it's not good to steal. And whoever stole must lie ... So I say? Yes... - That's right! That's right! .. - everyone shouted again in unison. - And you still judge Yersh Ershovich with Sparrow Vorobeich! Who is right with them? .. Both made noise, both fought and raised everyone to their feet. - Who is right? Oh, you mischievous ones, Ersh Ershovich and Sparrow Vorobeyich!.. Really, mischievous ones. I will punish both of you as an example ... Well, quickly put up, now! - Right! they all shouted in unison. - Let them reconcile ... - And I will feed the sandpiper, who worked, extracting a worm, with crumbs, - the chimney sweep decided. - Everyone will be happy ... - Excellent! everyone shouted again. The chimney sweep has already stretched out his hand for bread, but he is not there. While the chimney sweep was talking, Vorobei Vorobeich managed to pull him off. - Oh, robber! Ah, rascal! - all the fish and all the birds were indignant. And everyone rushed in pursuit of the thief. The edge was heavy, and Vorobey Vorobeich could not fly far with it. They caught up with him just over the river. Large and small birds rushed at the thief. There was a real mess. Everyone vomits like that, only the crumbs fly into the river; and then the piece of bread also flew into the river. At this point, the fish grabbed onto it. A real fight began between fish and birds. They tore the whole crust into crumbs and ate all the crumbs. As there is nothing left of the crumble. When the loaf was eaten, everyone came to their senses and everyone felt ashamed. They chased after the thief Sparrow and along the way they ate a piece of stolen bread. And the cheerful chimney sweep Yasha sits on the bank, looks and laughs. It all turned out very funny ... Everyone ran away from him, only Bekasik the sandman remained. - Why don't you follow everyone? the chimney sweep asks. - And I would fly, but I'm small in stature, uncle. Just big birds will peck ... - Well, that's better, Bekasik. Both of us were left without lunch. Apparently, they haven't worked much yet... Alyonushka came to the bank, began to ask the cheerful chimney sweeper Yasha what had happened, and also laughed. - Oh, how stupid they are, and fish and birds! And I would share everything - both the worm and the crust, and no one would quarrel. Recently, I divided four apples ... Dad brings four apples and says: "Divide in half - me and Lisa." I divided it into three parts: I gave one apple to dad, the other to Lisa, and I took two for myself. 6 A TALE ABOUT HOW THE LAST FLY LIVED I How fun it was in the summer!.. Oh, how fun! It is difficult even to tell everything in order... There were thousands of flies. They fly, buzz, have fun ... When little Mushka was born, she spread her wings, she also had fun. So much fun, so much fun you can't tell. The most interesting thing was that in the morning they opened all the windows and doors to the terrace - in whichever way you want, fly through that window. “What a kind creature a man is,” little Mushka was surprised, flying from window to window. “Windows were made for us, and they open them for us too. Very good, and most importantly - fun ... She flew out into the garden a thousand times, sat on the green grass, admired the blooming lilacs, the delicate leaves of the blossoming linden and the flowers in the flower beds. The gardener, unknown to her until now, had already managed to take care of everything in advance. Oh, how kind he is, this gardener! .. Mushka has not yet been born, but he has already managed to prepare everything, absolutely everything that little Mushka needs. This was all the more surprising because he himself did not know how to fly and sometimes even walked with great difficulty - he was swaying, and the gardener was mumbling something completely incomprehensible. “And where do these damned flies come from?” grumbled the good gardener. Probably, the poor fellow said this simply out of envy, because he himself could only dig ridges, plant flowers and water them, but he could not fly. Young Mushka deliberately hovered over the gardener's red nose and bored him terribly. Then, people in general are so kind that everywhere they gave different pleasures to flies. For example, Alyonushka drank milk in the morning, ate a bun and then asked Aunt Olya for sugar - she did all this only to leave a few drops of spilled milk for the flies, and most importantly, crumbs of buns and sugar. Well, tell me, please, what could be tastier than such crumbs, especially when you fly all morning and get hungry? .. Then, the cook Pasha was even kinder than Alyonushka. Every morning she went to the market on purpose for the flies and brought amazingly tasty things: beef, sometimes fish, cream, butter - in general, the kindest woman in the whole house. She knew perfectly well what the flies needed, although she also did not know how to fly, like the gardener. A very good woman in general! And Aunt Olya? Oh, this wonderful woman, it seems, specially lived only for flies ... She opened all the windows with her own hands every morning so that it would be more convenient for the flies to fly, and when it rained or it was cold, she closed them so that the flies would not wet their wings and would not catch a cold. Then Aunt Olya noticed that the flies were very fond of sugar and berries, so she began to boil the berries in sugar every day. The flies now, of course, guessed why it was all being done, and out of gratitude they climbed right into the bowl of jam. Alyonushka was very fond of jam, but Aunt Olya gave her only one or two spoons, not wanting to offend the flies. Since the flies could not eat everything at once, Aunt Olya put some of the jam in glass jars (so that they would not be eaten by mice, which are not supposed to have jam at all) and then served it to the flies every day when she drank tea. - Oh, how kind and good everyone is! - admired the young Mushka, flying from window to window. “Maybe it’s even a good thing that people can’t fly. Then they would have turned into flies, big and gluttonous flies, and probably would have eaten everything themselves ... Oh, how good it is to live in the world! “Well, people are not quite as good-natured as you think,” remarked the old Fly, who liked to grumble. – It only seems so… Have you noticed the person everyone calls “daddy”? - Oh, yes ... This is a very strange gentleman. You are quite right, good, kind old Fly ... Why does he smoke his pipe when he knows very well that I can not stand tobacco smoke at all? It seems to me that he does this just to spite me ... Then, he absolutely does not want to do anything for the flies. I once tried the ink with which he always writes something like that, and almost died ... This is finally outrageous! I saw with my own eyes how two such pretty, but completely inexperienced flies were drowning in his inkwell. It was a terrible picture when he pulled out one of them with a pen and planted a magnificent inkblot on paper ... Imagine, he did not blame himself for this, but us! Where is justice? .. - I think that this dad is completely devoid of justice, although he has one merit ... - answered the old, experienced Fly. He drinks beer after dinner. It's not a bad habit! I confess, I also do not mind drinking beer, although my head is spinning from it ... What to do, a bad habit! “And I also like beer,” the young Mushka admitted and even blushed a little. “It makes me so merry, so merry, although the next day my head hurts a little. But papa, perhaps, does not do anything for the flies because he does not eat jam himself, and puts sugar only in a glass of tea. In my opinion, nothing good can be expected from a person who does not eat jam ... He can only smoke his pipe. The flies generally knew all people very well, although they valued them in their own way. II The summer was hot, and every day there were more and more flies. They fell into the milk, climbed into the soup, into the inkwell, buzzed, spun and pestered everyone. But our little Mushka managed to become a real big fly and almost died several times. The first time she got stuck with her feet in the jam, so that she barely crawled out; another time, awake, she ran into a lighted lamp and almost burned her wings; the third time I almost got between the window sashes - in general, there were enough adventures. - What is it: there was no life from these flies! .. - the cook complained. - Like crazy, they climb everywhere ... We need to harass them. Even our Fly began to find that there were too many flies, especially in the kitchen. In the evenings, the ceiling was covered with a living, moving grid. And when provisions were brought, the flies rushed at her in a living heap, pushed each other and quarreled terribly. Only the most brisk and strong got the best pieces, and the rest got leftovers. Pasha was right. But then something terrible happened. One morning Pasha, along with provisions, brought a pack of very tasty pieces of paper - that is, they became tasty when they were laid out on plates, sprinkled with fine sugar and poured over with warm water. “Here’s a great treat for flies!” - said the cook Pasha, arranging the plates in the most prominent places. The flies, even without Pasha, guessed that this was done for them, and in a cheerful crowd pounced on the new dish. Our Fly also rushed to one plate, but she was pushed away rather rudely. - What are you pushing, gentlemen? she was offended. “Besides, I’m not so greedy as to take anything from others. This, finally, is impolite ... Then something impossible happened. The most greedy flies paid the first ... They first wandered around like drunks, and then completely fell off. The next morning, Pasha scooped up a whole big plate of dead flies. Only the most prudent remained alive, including our Fly. We don't want papers! - everyone squeaked. – We don’t want to… But the next day the same thing happened again. Of the prudent flies, only the most prudent flies remained intact. But Pasha found that there were too many of these, the most prudent ones. “There is no life from them…” she complained. Then the gentleman, who was called papa, brought three very beautiful glass caps, poured beer into them and put them on plates ... Then the most prudent flies were caught. It turned out that these caps are just flycatchers. Flies flew to the smell of beer, fell into the cap and died there, because they did not know how to find a way out. “Now that’s great!” Pasha approved; she turned out to be a completely heartless woman and rejoiced at someone else's misfortune. What's so great about it, judge for yourself. If people had the same wings as flies, and if they put up flycatchers the size of a house, then they would fall in exactly the same way ... Our Fly, taught by the bitter experience of even the most prudent flies, has completely ceased to believe people. They only seem to be kind, these people, but in essence they do nothing but deceive the gullible poor flies all their lives. Oh, this is the most cunning and evil animal, to tell the truth! .. Flies greatly diminished from all these troubles, and here is a new trouble. It turned out that the summer had passed, the rains began, a cold wind blew, and generally unpleasant weather set in. Has summer passed? - the flies who survived were surprised. - Excuse me, when did it have time to pass? This is finally unfair ... We didn’t have time to look back, and here is autumn. It was worse than poisoned papers and glass flycatchers. From the coming bad weather, one could seek protection only from one's worst enemy, that is, the lord of man. Alas! Now the windows did not open for whole days, but only occasionally - the vents. Even the sun itself shone for sure only to deceive the gullible house flies. How would you like, for example, such a picture? Morning. The sun peeps so merrily through all the windows, as if inviting all the flies into the garden. You might think that summer is returning again ... And well - gullible flies fly out the window, but the sun only shines, not warms. They fly back - the window is closed. Many flies died in this way on cold autumn nights only because of their gullibility. “No, I don’t believe it,” our Fly said. “I don’t believe in anything… If the sun is deceiving, then who and what can you trust?” It is clear that with the onset of autumn, all the flies experienced the worst mood of the spirit. The character immediately deteriorated in almost everyone. There was no mention of the former joys. Everyone became so gloomy, lethargic and dissatisfied. Some got to the point where they even started biting, which was not the case before. Our Mukha's character had deteriorated to such an extent that she did not recognize herself at all. Previously, for example, she felt sorry for other flies when they died, but now she thought only of herself. She was even ashamed to say out loud that she thought: "Well, let them die - I will have more left." Firstly, there are not so many real warm corners in which a real, decent fly can live in the winter, and secondly, they just got tired of other flies that climbed everywhere, snatched the best pieces from under their noses and generally behaved quite unceremoniously. It's time to rest. These other flies accurately understood these evil thoughts and died by the hundreds. They didn't even die, but fell asleep for sure. Every day there were fewer and fewer of them, so that there was absolutely no need for poisoned papers or glass flytraps. But this was not enough for our Fly: she wanted to be completely alone. Think how lovely it is - five rooms, and only one fly! .. III Such a happy day has come. Early in the morning our Fly woke up rather late. She had long been experiencing some kind of incomprehensible fatigue and preferred to sit motionless in her corner, under the stove. And then she felt that something extraordinary had happened. It was worth flying up to the window, as everything was explained at once. The first snow fell... The earth was covered with a bright white veil. “Ah, so that’s what winter is like!” she thought at once. - She is completely white, like a piece of good sugar ... Then the Fly noticed that all the other flies had completely disappeared. The poor things could not stand the first cold and fell asleep wherever it happened. A fly at another time would have taken pity on them, but now it thought: “That's great ... Now I'm all alone! .. Nobody will eat my jam, my sugar, my babies ... Oh, how good! ..” She flew around all the rooms and more once convinced that she was completely alone. Now you could do whatever you wanted. And how good it is that the rooms are so warm! Winter is there, on the street, and the rooms are warm and cozy, especially when lamps and candles are lit in the evening. With the first lamp, however, there was a little trouble - the Fly ran into the fire again and almost burned out. “This is probably a winter fly trap,” she realized, rubbing her burned paws. - No, you won’t fool me ... Oh, I understand everything perfectly! .. Do you want to burn the last fly? And I don’t want this at all ... Here is the stove in the kitchen too - don’t I understand that this is also a fly trap! .. The last Fly was happy for only a few days, and then suddenly she became bored, so bored, so bored that , it seems, and do not tell. Of course, she was warm, she was full, and then, then she began to get bored. She flies, she flies, she rests, she eats, she flies again - and again she becomes more bored than before. - Oh, how bored I am! she squeaked in the most plaintive thin voice, flying from room to room. - If only there was one more fly, the worst, but still a fly ... No matter how the last Fly complained about her loneliness, no one wanted to understand her. Of course, this angered her even more, and she pestered people like crazy. To whom it sits on the nose, to whom in the ear, otherwise it will begin to fly back and forth before your eyes. In a word, a real crazy. “Lord, why don’t you want to understand that I am completely alone and that I am very bored? she squealed to everyone. “You don’t even know how to fly, and therefore you don’t know what boredom is. If only someone would play with me ... No, where are you going? What could be more clumsy and clumsy than a person? The most ugly creature that I have ever met ... The Last Fly is tired of both the dog and the cat - absolutely everyone. What upset her the most was when Aunt Olya said: “Ah, the last fly… Please don’t touch it.” Let it live all winter. What is it? This is a direct insult. She seems to have ceased to be considered a fly. “Let him live,” tell me what a favor you did! What if I'm bored? What if I don't want to live at all? I don't want to - that's all. The last Fly was so angry with everyone that even she herself became frightened. It flies, buzzes, squeaks ... The Spider, who was sitting in the corner, finally took pity on her and said: - Dear Fly, come to me ... What a beautiful web I have! - Thank you humbly ... Here's another friend found! I know what your beautiful web is. Perhaps you were once a man, and now you only pretend to be a spider. As you know, I wish you well. - Oh, how disgusting! This is called wishing well: to eat the last Fly! .. They quarreled a lot, and yet it was boring, so boring, so boring that you can’t tell. The fly became resolutely angry at everyone, got tired and loudly declared: - If so, if you do not want to understand how bored I am, then I will sit in the corner all winter! .. Here you go! .. Yes, I will sit and not go out for a that ... She even wept with grief, recalling the past summer fun. How many merry flies there were; and she still wanted to be completely alone. It was a fatal mistake... The winter dragged on without end, and the last Fly began to think that there would be no more summer at all. She wanted to die, and she cried quietly. It is probably people who came up with winter, because they come up with absolutely everything that is harmful to flies. Or maybe it was Aunt Olya who hid the summer somewhere, the way she hides sugar and jam? .. The last Fly was ready to die completely from despair, when something completely special happened. She, as usual, was sitting in her corner and getting angry, when she suddenly heard: w-w-w! .. At first she did not believe her own ears, but thought that someone was deceiving her. And then ... God, what was it! .. A real live fly, still quite young, flew past her. She just had time to be born and rejoiced. - Spring is starting! .. spring! she buzzed. How happy they were for each other! They hugged, kissed and even licked each other with their proboscises. Old Fly told for several days how badly she had spent the whole winter and how bored she was alone. The young Mushka only laughed in a thin voice and could not understand how boring it was. - Spring! spring! .. - she repeated. When Aunt Olya ordered all the winter frames to be put up and Alyonushka looked out the first open window, the last Fly immediately understood everything. “Now I know everything,” she buzzed, flying out the window, “we make the summer, flies ... 7 THE TALE ABOUT THE CROW — THE BLACK HEAD AND THE YELLOW BIRD CANARY Crow sits on a birch and pats its nose on a branch: clap-clap. She cleaned her nose, looked around and croaked: - Carr ... carr! ? “Leave me alone… I don’t have time, can’t you see? Oh, how once ... Carr-carr-carr! .. And all the business and business. “I’m exhausted, poor thing,” Vaska laughed. - Shut up, couch potato ... You’ve been lying all over, all you know is that you can bask in the sun, but I don’t know peace since morning: I sat on ten roofs, flew around half the city, examined all the nooks and crannies. And I also need to fly to the bell tower, visit the market, dig in the garden ... Why am I wasting time with you - I have no time. Ah, no time! Crow slapped the knot for the last time with her nose, started up and just wanted to fly up when she heard a terrible scream. A flock of sparrows was rushing along, and some small yellow bird was flying ahead. - Brothers, hold her ... oh, hold her! the sparrows squeaked. - What's happened? Where? - shouted the Crow, rushing after the sparrows. The Crow waved its wings a dozen times and caught up with the flock of sparrows. The little yellow bird got out of her last strength and rushed into a small garden where bushes of lilac, currant and bird cherry grew. She wanted to hide from the sparrows chasing her. A yellow bird hid under a bush, and Crow was right there. - Who will you be? she croaked. The sparrows sprinkled the bush as if someone had thrown a handful of peas. They got angry at the yellow bird and wanted to peck at it. Why do you hate her? asked the Crow. - And why is it yellow? .. - all the sparrows squeaked at once. The crow looked at the little yellow bird: indeed, it was all yellow, shook its head and said: “Oh, you mischievous people… It’s not a bird at all! miraculously. She only pretends to be a bird ... The sparrows squealed, crackled, became even more angry, but there was nothing to do - they had to get out. Conversations with the Crow are short: enough with the wearer that the spirit is out. Having dispersed the sparrows, Crow began to probe the little yellow bird, which was breathing heavily and staring so plaintively with its black eyes. - Who will you be? asked the Crow. - I am a Canary ... - Look, do not deceive, otherwise it will be bad. If it wasn't for me, the sparrows would have pecked you... - Really, I'm a Canary... - Where did you come from? - And I lived in a cage ... in a cage and was born, and grew up, and lived. I kept wanting to fly like other birds. The cage stood on the window, and I kept looking at the other birds ... They had so much fun, and it was so crowded in the cage. Well, the girl Alyonushka brought a cup of water, opened the door, and I escaped. She flew, flew around the room, and then flew out the window. What were you doing in the cage? - I sing well ... - Come on, sing. The canary is asleep. The crow cocked its head to one side and wondered. - You call that singing? Ha ha ... Your masters were stupid if they fed you for such singing. If I had to feed someone, then a real bird, like, for example, me ... This morning she croaked - so the rogue Vaska almost fell off the fence. This is singing! .. - I know Vaska ... The most terrible beast. How many times did he get close to our cage. His eyes are green, and they burn, he will release his claws ... - Well, who is afraid, and who is not ... He is a big rogue, that's true, but there is nothing terrible. Well, yes, we'll talk about this later ... But I still can't believe that you are a real bird ... - Really, aunt, I'm a bird, quite a bird. All canaries are birds... - Okay, okay, we'll see... But how will you live? - I need a little: a few grains, a piece of sugar, a cracker, - that's full. - Look, what a lady! .. Well, you can still get by without sugar, but somehow you will get grains. Actually, I like you. Do you want to live together? I have an excellent nest on a birch ... - Thank you. Only sparrows... - You will live with me, so no one will dare to touch a finger. Not like sparrows, but the rogue Vaska knows my character. I don't like to joke... The canary immediately cheered up and flew away with the Crow. Well, the nest is excellent, if only a cracker and a piece of sugar ... Crow and Canary began to live and live in the same nest. Although the crow sometimes liked to grumble, it was not an evil bird. The main flaw in her character was that she envied everyone, and considered herself offended. - Well, what better than me stupid chickens? And they are fed, they are looked after, they are protected, - she complained to the Canary. - Also here to take pigeons ... What good are they, but no, no, and they will throw them a handful of oats. Also a stupid bird ... And as soon as I fly up - now everyone starts to drive me in three necks. Is it fair? Moreover, they scold after: “Oh, you crow!” Have you noticed that I will be better than others and even prettier? .. Suppose you don’t have to say this about yourself, but you force yourself. Is not it? The canary agreed with everything: - Yes, you are a big bird ... - That's it. They keep parrots in cages, take care of them, but why is a parrot better than me? .. So, the most stupid bird. He only knows what to yell and mutter, but no one can understand what he is mumbling about. Is not it? - Yes, we also had a parrot and terribly bothered everyone. - But you never know other such birds will be typed, which live for no one knows why! .. Starlings, for example, will fly like crazy out of nowhere, live through the summer and fly away again. Swallows, too, tits, nightingales - you never know such rubbish will be typed. Not a single serious, real bird at all ... It smells a little cold, that's all, and let's run away wherever your eyes look. In essence, the Crow and the Canary did not understand each other. The Canary did not understand this life in the wild, and the Crow did not understand in captivity. - Really, auntie, no one ever threw a grain to you? Canary wondered. - Well, one grain? - What a fool you are ... What kind of grains are there? Just look, no matter how someone kills with a stick or a stone. People are very angry ... Canary could not agree with the last, because people fed her. Maybe this is how it seems to the Crow ... However, the Canary soon had to convince herself of human anger. Once she was sitting on the fence, when suddenly a heavy stone whistled over her head. Schoolchildren were walking down the street, they saw a Crow on the fence - why not throw a stone at her? "Well, have you seen it now?" asked the Crow, climbing onto the roof. “They are all like that, that is, people. “Perhaps you have annoyed them with something, auntie?” - Absolutely nothing ... They just get angry. They all hate me ... The Canary felt sorry for the poor Crow, whom no one, no one loved. After all, you can’t live like that ... There were enough enemies in general. For example, the cat Vaska... With what oily eyes he looked at all the birds, pretended to be asleep, and the Canary saw with her own eyes how he grabbed a small, inexperienced sparrow - only the bones crunched and feathers flew... Wow, scary! Then a hawk is also good: it floats in the air, and then like a stone and falls on some careless bird. The canary also saw the hawk dragging the chicken. However, Crow was not afraid of either cats or hawks, and even herself was not averse to feasting on a small bird. At first Canary didn't believe it until she saw it with her own eyes. Once she saw how a whole flock of sparrows were chasing the Crow. They fly, squeak, crackle ... The canary was terribly frightened and hid in the nest. - Give it back, give it back! the sparrows squealed furiously as they flew over the crow's nest. - What is it? This is a robbery! .. The crow darted into its nest, and the Canary saw with horror that she had brought a dead, bloody sparrow in her claws. - Aunty, what are you doing? “Shut up…” Crow hissed. Her eyes were terrible - they glow ... The canary closed her eyes in fear so as not to see how the Crow would tear the unfortunate little sparrow. “After all, she will eat me someday,” thought the Canary. But Crow, having eaten, became kinder each time. He cleans his nose, sits comfortably somewhere on the bough and takes a sweet nap. In general, as the Canary noticed, the aunt was terribly voracious and did not disdain anything. Now she drags a crust of bread, then a piece of rotten meat, then some scraps that she was looking for in the garbage pits. The latter was the Crow's favorite pastime, and the Canary could not understand what pleasure it was to dig in the garbage pit. However, it was difficult to blame Crow: she ate every day as much as twenty canaries would not have eaten. And all the care of the Crow was only about food ... He would sit down somewhere on the roof and look out. When the Crow was too lazy to look for food herself, she indulged in tricks. He will see that the sparrows are pulling something, and now he will rush. As if she was flying past, and she was yelling at the top of her lungs: - Ah, I have no time ... absolutely no time! .. It will fly up, grab the prey and was like that. “It’s not good, auntie, to take from others,” the indignant Canary once remarked. - Not good? What if I want to eat all the time? - And others also want ... - Well, others will take care of themselves. It's you, sissies, they feed everyone in cages, and we all have to get ourselves. And so, how much do you or a sparrow need? .. She pecked at the grains and is full for the whole day. Summer flew by unnoticed. The sun has definitely become colder, and the days are shorter. It began to rain, a cold wind blew. The canary felt like the most miserable bird, especially when it was raining. And Crow doesn't seem to notice. - So what if it's raining? she wondered. - Goes, goes and stops. “But it’s cold, auntie!” Oh, how cold it was! It was especially bad at night. Wet Canary was trembling all over. And the Crow is still angry: - Here is a sissy! .. Whether it will still be when the cold strikes and it snows. The crow was even offended. What kind of bird is this if it is afraid of rain, wind, and cold? After all, you can’t live in this world like that. She again began to doubt that this Canary was a bird. Probably only pretending to be a bird ... - Really, I'm a real bird, auntie! said the Canary with tears in her eyes. - Only I get cold ... - That's it, look! But it still seems to me that you're only pretending to be a bird... - No, really, I'm not pretending. Sometimes the Canary thought hard about her fate. Perhaps it would be better to stay in a cage ... It is warm and satisfying there. She even flew several times to the window where her native cage stood. Two new canaries were already sitting there and envied her. “Oh, how cold…” the chilled Canary squealed plaintively. - Let me go home. One morning, when the Canary looked out of the crow's nest, she was struck by a sad picture: the ground was covered with the first snow during the night, like a shroud. Everything was white all around ... And most importantly - the snow covered all those grains that the Canary ate. The mountain ash remained, but she could not eat this sour berry. The crow sits, pecks at the mountain ash and praises: - Oh, the berry is good! .. Having starved for two days, the Canary fell into despair. What will happen next? .. That way you can die of hunger ... Canary sits and grieves. And then he sees - the same schoolchildren who threw a stone at Crow ran into the garden, spread a net on the ground, sprinkled delicious flaxseed and ran away. “Yes, they are not evil at all, these boys,” the Canary was delighted, looking at the spread net. - Auntie, the boys brought me food! - Good food, nothing to say! - growled the Crow. “Don’t even think about sticking your nose in there… Do you hear? As soon as you start pecking at the grains, you will fall into the net. – And then what will happen? - And then they will put him in a cage again ... The Canary took thought: he wants to eat, and he doesn’t want to be in a cage. Of course, it’s cold and hungry, but still it’s much better to live in the wild, especially when it’s not raining. For several days the Canary was fastened, but hunger is not an aunt - she was tempted by the bait and fell into the net. “Fathers, guards!” she squeaked plaintively. “I will never do it again… It is better to die of hunger than to be trapped in a cage again!” It now seemed to the canary that there was nothing better in the world than a crow's nest. Well, yes, of course, it happened both cold and hungry, but still - full will. Wherever she wanted, she flew there ... She even began to cry. The boys will come and put her back in the cage. Fortunately for her, she flew past Raven and saw that things were bad. - Oh, you stupid! .. - she grumbled. “I told you not to touch the bait. - Aunty, I won’t do it anymore ... The crow flew in on time. The boys were already running to capture the prey, but the Crow managed to break the thin net, and the Canary found herself free again. The boys chased the damned Crow for a long time, throwing sticks and stones at her and scolding her. - Oh, how good! rejoiced the Canary, finding herself again in her nest. - That's good. Look at me ... - grumbled the Crow. The Canary lived again in the crow's nest and no longer complained of cold or hunger. Once the Crow flew off to prey, spent the night in the field, and returned home, the Canary lies in the nest with its legs up. Raven made her head to one side, looked and said: “Well, I said that it’s not a bird! ? Yes? Sleepy turkey coughed for a long time and then answered: - Oh, what a smart one ... Khe-khe! .. Who doesn't know this? Khe ... - No, you speak directly: smarter than everyone? There are just enough smart birds, but the smartest of all is one, that's me. - Smarter than everyone ... khe! Smarter than everyone ... Cough-cough-cough! .. - That's it. The turkey even got a little angry and added in such a tone that the other birds could hear: - You know, it seems to me that I have little respect. Yes, very little. - No, it seems so to you ... Khe-khe! - the Turkey reassured him, starting to straighten the feathers that had strayed during the night. - Yes, it just seems ... Birds are smarter than you and you can’t come up with. Heh heh heh! What about Gusak? Oh, I understand everything ... Let's say he doesn't say anything directly, but more everything is silent. But I feel that he silently disrespects me... - Don't pay any attention to him. It's not worth it... heh! Have you noticed that Gusak is stupid? Who doesn't see this? It's written on his face: stupid gander, and nothing more. Yes ... But Gusak is still okay - how can you be angry with a stupid bird? And here is the Rooster, the simplest rooster ... What did he shout about me on the third day? And how he shouted - all the neighbors heard. He seems to have called me even very stupid ... Something like that in general. - Oh, how strange you are! - the Indian was surprised. "Don't you know why he screams at all?" - Well, why? – Khe-khe-khe… Very simple, and everyone knows. You are a rooster, and he is a rooster, only he is a very, very simple rooster, the most ordinary rooster, and you are a real Indian, overseas rooster - so he screams with envy. Every bird wants to be an Indian cock... Cough-cough-cough!.. - Well, it's hard, mother... Ha-ha! See what you want! Some simple cockerel - and suddenly wants to become an Indian - no, brother, you're being naughty! .. He will never be an Indian. The turkey was such a modest and kind bird and was constantly upset that the turkey was always quarreling with someone. And today - he didn’t have time to wake up, and he’s already thinking with whom to start a quarrel or even a fight. In general, the most restless bird, although not evil. The turkey became a little offended when other birds began to make fun of the turkey and called him a talker, idler and wimp. Suppose they were partly right, but find a bird without flaws? That's what it is! There are no such birds, and it is even somehow more pleasant when you find even the smallest flaw in another bird. The awakened birds poured out of the chicken coop into the yard, and a desperate hubbub immediately arose. The chickens were especially noisy. They ran around the yard, climbed to the kitchen window and shouted furiously: - Oh, where! Ah-where-where-where... We want to eat! The cook Matryona must have died and wants to starve us to death… “Gentlemen, have patience,” remarked Gusak standing on one leg. - Look at me: I also want to eat, and I don’t scream like you. If I yelled at the top of my lungs ... like this ... Ho-ho! .. Or like this: ho-ho-ho !!. The goose cackled so desperately that the cook Matryona immediately woke up. “It’s good for him to talk about patience,” grumbled one Duck, “what a throat, like a pipe.” And then, if I had such a long neck and such a strong beak, then I would also preach patience. I myself would have eaten as soon as everyone else, but I would advise others to endure ... We know this goose patience ... The Rooster supported the duck and shouted: - Yes, it’s good for Gusak to talk about patience ... And who pulled my two best feathers out of my tail yesterday? It's even ignoble - to grab right by the tail. Suppose we quarreled a little, and I wanted to peck Gusak's head - I don't deny it, there was such an intention - but it's my fault, not my tail. Is that what I say gentlemen? Hungry birds, like hungry people, were made unjust precisely because they were hungry. II The turkey, out of pride, never rushed to feed with others, but patiently waited for Matryona to drive away another greedy bird and call him. So it was now. The turkey was walking aside, near the fence, and pretended to be looking for something among various rubbish. “Khe-khe… oh, how I want to eat!” - complained Turkey, pacing behind her husband. - So Matryona threw oats ... yes ... and, it seems, the remnants of yesterday's porridge ... khe-khe! Oh, how I love porridge! .. It seems that I would always eat one porridge, my whole life. I even sometimes see her at night in a dream ... The turkey loved to complain when she was hungry, and demanded that the turkey would certainly feel sorry for her. Among other birds, she looked like an old woman: she was always hunched over, coughing, walking with some kind of broken gait, as if her legs had been attached to her only yesterday. “Yes, it’s good to eat porridge,” Turkey agreed with her. “But a smart bird never rushes to food. Is that what I say? If the owner does not feed me, I will die of hunger ... right? And where will he find another such turkey? – There is no other like it anywhere… – That's it… And porridge, in essence, is nothing. Yes ... It's not about porridge, but about Matryona. Is that what I say? There would be Matryona, but there will be porridge. Everything in the world depends on one Matryona - and oats, and porridge, and cereals, and crusts of bread. Despite all this reasoning, the Turkey began to experience the pangs of hunger. Then he became completely sad when all the other birds had eaten, and Matryona did not come out to call him. What if she forgot about him? After all, this is a very bad thing ... But then something happened that made Turkey forget even about his own hunger. It began with the fact that one young hen, walking near the barn, suddenly shouted: - Oh, where! somewhere…” And, of course, the Rooster yelled louder than all of them: “Karraul!.. Who is there?” The birds that came running to the cry saw a very unusual thing. Right next to the barn, in a hole, lay something gray, round, covered entirely with sharp needles. “Yes, it’s a simple stone,” someone remarked. “He moved,” said the Hen. - I also thought that the stone came up, and how it moves ... Really! It seemed to me that he had eyes, but stones do not have eyes. “You never know what can seem like a stupid chicken out of fear,” said the Turkey-cock. - Maybe it's ... it's ... - Yes, it's a mushroom! Husak shouted. - I saw exactly the same mushrooms, only without needles. Everyone laughed out loud at Gusak. “It looks more like a hat,” someone tried to guess and was also ridiculed. “Does a hat have eyes, gentlemen?” “There is nothing to talk about in vain, but you need to act,” the Rooster decided for everyone. - Hey you, thing in needles, tell me, what kind of animal? I don't like to joke... do you hear? Since there was no answer, the Rooster considered himself insulted and rushed at the unknown offender. He tried to peck a couple of times and embarrassedly stepped aside. "It's... it's a huge burdock and nothing else," he explained. - There is nothing tasty ... Does anyone want to try? Everyone chatted whatever came to mind. There was no end to conjecture and speculation. Silent one Turkey. Well, let others talk, and he will listen to other people's nonsense. The birds chirped for a long time, shouted and argued, until someone shouted: “Gentlemen, why are we scratching our heads in vain when we have a Turkey-cock?” He knows everything ... - Of course, I know, - said the Turkey, spreading his tail and puffing out his red gut on his nose. “And if you know, then tell us.” - What if I don't want to? Yeah, I just don't want to. Everyone began to beg Turkey. “After all, you are the smartest bird we have, Turkey!” Well, tell me, my dear ... What should you say? The turkey broke down for a long time and finally said: - Well, well, I, perhaps, will tell ... yes, I will tell. But first you tell me who do you think I am? - Who does not know that you are the smartest bird! .. - they all answered in unison. “That’s what they say: smart as a turkey.” So you respect me? - We respect! We respect everyone!.. The turkey broke a little more, then all fluffed up, puffed out his intestines, walked around the tricky beast three times and said: - This is ... yes ... Do you want to know what it is? - We want! .. Please, do not languish, but tell me soon. - This is someone crawling somewhere ... Everyone just wanted to laugh, when a giggle was heard, and a thin voice said: - That's the smartest bird! .. hee-hee ... A little black muzzle with two black eyes appeared from under the needles, sniffed the air and said: “Hello, gentlemen… But how did you not recognize this Hedgehog, a gray-haired hedgehog? The turkey-cock... III Everyone became even scared after such an insult that the Hedgehog inflicted on the turkey-cock. Of course, Turkey said nonsense, that's true, but it does not follow from this that the Hedgehog has the right to insult him. Finally, it's just impolite to come into someone else's house and insult the owner. As you wish, but the Turkey is still an important, imposing bird and no match for some unfortunate Hedgehog. All at once went over to Turkey's side, and a terrible uproar arose. "The hedgehog probably thinks we're all stupid too!" - shouted the Rooster, flapping its wings. - He insulted us all! .. - If anyone is stupid, it's him, that is, the Hedgehog, - declared Husak, craning his neck. - I noticed it right away ... yes! .. - Can mushrooms be stupid? - answered Ezh. “Gentlemen, we are talking to him in vain! - Rooster shouted. - All the same, he will not understand anything ... It seems to me that we are just wasting time. Yes ... If, for example, you, Gusak, grab his bristles with your strong beak on one side, and Turkey and I cling to his bristles on the other, it will now be clear who is smarter. After all, you can’t hide your mind under stupid bristles ... - Well, I agree ... - Gusak declared. - It will be even better if I grab onto his bristles from behind, and you, Rooster, will peck right at his face ... So, gentlemen? Who is smarter, now it will be seen. The turkey was silent all the time. At first he was stunned by the impudence of the Hedgehog, and he could not find what to answer him. Then Turkey got angry, so angry that even he himself became a little scared. He wanted to rush at the rude man and tear him into small pieces, so that everyone could see this and once again be convinced of what a serious and strict bird the Turkey is. He even took a few steps towards the Hedgehog, pouted terribly and just wanted to rush, as everyone began to shout and scold the Hedgehog. The turkey stopped and patiently began to wait for how everything would end. When the Rooster offered to drag the Hedgehog by the bristles in different directions, the Turkey stopped his zeal: - Excuse me, gentlemen ... Maybe we will arrange this whole thing in peace ... Yes. I think there is a little misunderstanding here. Give me, gentlemen, the whole thing ... - Well, we'll wait, - reluctantly agreed the Rooster, who wanted to fight with the Hedgehog as soon as possible. “Only nothing will come of it anyway…” “And that's my business,” Turkey replied calmly. - Yes, listen to how I will talk ... Everyone crowded around the Hedgehog and began to wait. The turkey walked around him, cleared his throat and said: - Listen, Mr. Hedgehog ... Explain yourself seriously. I don't like domestic troubles at all. “God, how smart he is, how smart! ..” thought Turkey, listening to her husband in mute delight. “Pay attention, first of all, to the fact that you are in a decent and well-mannered society,” continued Turkey. - It means something ... yes ... Many consider it an honor to come to our yard, but - alas! - rarely anyone succeeds. - Is it true! True! .. - voices were heard. “But it’s so, between us, and that’s not the main thing ... The turkey stopped, paused for importance, and then continued: “Yes, that’s the main thing ... Did you really think that we had no idea about hedgehogs? I have no doubt that Gusak, who mistook you for a mushroom, was joking, and Rooster too, and others ... Isn't that right, gentlemen? “Quite right, Turkey!” - they all shouted at once so loudly that the Hedgehog hid his black muzzle. "Oh, how smart he is!" thought the Turkey, beginning to guess what was the matter. “As you can see, Mr. Hedgehog, we all love to joke,” continued Turkey. - I'm not talking about myself ... yes. Why not joke? And it seems to me that you, Mr. Hedgehog, also have a cheerful character ... - Oh, you guessed it, - Hedgehog admitted, again exposing his muzzle. - I have such a cheerful character that I can’t even sleep at night ... Many people can’t stand it, but I’m bored to sleep. - Well, you see ... You will probably get along in character with our Rooster, who bawls like crazy at night. All of a sudden it became fun, as if everyone lacked the Hedgehog for the fullness of life. The turkey was triumphant that he had so deftly extricated himself from an awkward situation when the Hedgehog called him stupid and laughed right in his face. “By the way, Mr. Hedgehog, admit it,” said the Turkey-cock, winking, “after all, you were joking, of course, when you called me just now ... yes ... well, a stupid bird? - Of course, he was joking! Yezh assured. - I have such a cheerful character! .. - Yes, yes, I was sure of it. Have you heard gentlemen? - the Turkey asked everyone. - Heard ... Who could doubt it! The turkey bent down to the very ear of the Hedgehog and whispered to him in secret: - So be it, I will tell you a terrible secret ... yes ... Only a condition: do not tell anyone. True, I am a little ashamed to talk about myself, but what can you do if I am the smartest bird! Sometimes it even embarrasses me a little, but you can’t hide the sewing in a bag ... Please, just don’t say a word about this to anyone! And the most amazing thing was that it was repeated every day. Yes, as soon as they put a pot of milk and an earthenware saucepan with oatmeal on the stove in the kitchen, it will begin. At first they stand as if nothing, and then the conversation begins: - I am Milk ... - And I am oatmeal! At first, the conversation goes quietly, in a whisper, and then Kashka and Molochko gradually begin to get excited. - I'm Milky! - And I'm an oatmeal! The porridge was covered with a clay lid on top, and she grumbled in her pan like an old woman. And when she began to get angry, a bubble would float up above, burst and say: - But I'm still an oatmeal ... pum! This boasting seemed terribly insulting to Milky. Tell me, please, what an unseen thing - some kind of oatmeal! The milk began to get excited, rose foam and tried to get out of its pot. A little the cook overlooks, looks - Milk and poured onto the hot stove. - Ah, this is my milk! the cook complained every time. - Just a little overlooked - it will run away. - What should I do if I have such a quick temper! Milk justified. “I'm not happy when I'm angry. And then Kashka constantly boasts: “I am Kashka, I am Kashka, I am Kashka ...” He sits in his saucepan and grumbles; well, I'm angry. Things sometimes came to the point that even Kashka ran away from the saucepan, despite her lid - she would crawl onto the stove, and she kept repeating: - And I am Kashka! Kashka! Porridge ... shhh! It is true that this did not happen often, but it did happen, and the cook repeated again and again in despair: “This Kashka is for me! .. And that she can’t sit in a saucepan is simply amazing!” II The cook was quite often agitated in general. Yes, and there were enough different reasons for such excitement ... For example, what was one cat Murka worth! Note that it was a very beautiful cat and the cook loved him very much. Every morning began with Murka tagging along behind the cook and meowing in such a plaintive voice that, it seems, a stone heart could not stand it. - What an insatiable womb! the cook wondered, driving the cat away. How many cookies did you eat yesterday? - Well, that was yesterday! - Murka was surprised in turn. - And today I want to eat again ... Meow! .. - I would catch mice and eat, lazy. “Yes, it’s good to say that, but I would try to catch at least one mouse myself,” Murka justified himself. “However, I seem to be trying hard enough… For example, last week, who caught a mouse?” And from whom I have a scratch all over my nose? That's what a rat was caught, and she grabbed my nose herself ... After all, it's only easy to say: catch mice! Having eaten the liver, Murka sat down somewhere by the stove, where it was warmer, closed his eyes and dozed sweetly. - See what you've been up to! the cook wondered. - And he closed his eyes, couch potato ... And still give him meat! “After all, I’m not a monk, so as not to eat meat,” Murka justified himself, opening only one eye. - Then, I like to eat fish too ... It's even very pleasant to eat a fish. I still can't say which is better: liver or fish. Out of courtesy, I eat both ... If I were a man, I would certainly be a fisherman or a peddler who brings us liver. I would feed all the cats in the world to the fullest and I myself would always be full ... After eating, Murka liked to do various foreign objects for his own entertainment. Why, for example, not sit for two hours at the window, where a cage with a starling hung? It is very nice to see how a stupid bird jumps. “I know you, you old rascal!” shouts the Starling from above. - There is nothing to look at me ... - And if I want to get to know you? - I know how you get to know each other ... Who recently ate a real, live sparrow? Uh, nasty!.. - Not at all nasty, - and even vice versa. Everyone loves me... Come to me, I'll tell you a fairy tale. - Ah, rogue ... Nothing to say, good storyteller! I saw you tell your stories to the fried chicken you stole from the kitchen. Good! - As you know, I'm talking for your own pleasure. As for the fried chicken, I actually ate it; but he wasn't good enough anyway. III By the way, every morning Murka sat by the burning stove and patiently listened to Molochko and Kashka quarreling. He could not understand what was the matter, and only blinked. - I am Milk. - I'm Kashka! Kashka-Kashka-kashshshsh ... - No, I don’t understand! I don’t understand anything at all,” said Murka. - Why are you angry? For example, if I repeat: I am a cat, I am a cat, a cat, a cat ... Will it hurt anyone? .. No, I don’t understand ... However, I must confess that I prefer milk, especially when it does not get angry. Once Molochko and Kashka had a particularly heated quarrel; they quarreled to the point that they half poured onto the stove, and a terrible fumes rose up. The cook came running and only threw up her hands. - Well, what am I going to do now? she complained, pushing Milk and Kashka off the stove. - You can not turn away ... Leaving Molochko and Kashka, the cook went to the market for provisions. Murka immediately took advantage of this. He sat down next to Milky, blew on him and said: “Please don't be angry, Milky… Milky noticeably began to calm down. Murka walked around him, blew once more, straightened his mustache and said quite affectionately: - That's what, gentlemen ... It's not good to quarrel at all. Yes. Choose me as a justice of the peace, and I will immediately sort out your case ... The black cockroach sitting in the crack even choked with laughter: “That's the justice of the peace ... Ha-ha! Ah, the old rogue, what he can think of! .. ”But Molochko and Kashka were glad that their quarrel would finally be sorted out. They themselves did not even know how to tell what was the matter and why they were arguing. - All right, all right, I'll figure it out, - said the cat Murka. - I'm not going to lie ... Well, let's start with Molochka. He walked several times around the pot of Milk, tasted it with his paw, blew on Milk from above and began to lap. - Fathers! .. Guard! shouted the Cockroach. - He laps up all the milk, but they will think of me! When the cook returned from the market and ran out of milk, the pot was empty. Murka the cat was sleeping sweetly by the stove as if nothing had happened. - Oh, you wicked one! the cook scolded him, grabbing him by the ear. - Who drank milk, tell me? No matter how painful it was, Murka pretended that he did not understand anything and could not speak. When they threw him out the door, he shook himself, licked his rumpled wool, straightened his tail and said: - If I were a cook, all cats from morning to night would only do that they drank milk. However, I'm not angry with my cook, because she doesn't understand this... IT'S TIME TO SLEEP I Alyonushka's one eye falls asleep, Alyonushka's other ear falls asleep... - Dad, are you here? - Here, baby ... - You know what, dad ... I want to be a queen ... Alyonushka fell asleep and smiles in her sleep. Ah, so many flowers! And they are all smiling too. They surrounded Alyonushka's bed, whispering and laughing in thin voices. Scarlet flowers, blue flowers, yellow flowers, blue, pink, red, white - as if a rainbow fell to the ground and scattered with live sparks, multi-colored lights and cheerful children's eyes. - Alyonushka wants to be a queen! the field bells rang merrily, swaying on thin green legs. - Oh, how funny she is! – whispered modest forget-me-nots. “Gentlemen, this matter needs to be seriously discussed,” yellow Dandelion interjected fervently. – I, at least, did not expect this in any way… – What does it mean to be a queen? asked the blue field cornflower. - I grew up in the field and do not understand your city orders. “It’s very simple…” Pink Carnation intervened. It's so simple that it doesn't need to be explained. The Queen is... is... You still don't understand anything? Oh, how strange you are ... The queen is when the flower is pink, like me. In other words: Alyonushka wants to be a carnation. Seems understandable? Everyone laughed merrily. Only Roses were silent. They considered themselves offended. Who does not know that the queen of all flowers is one Rose, tender, fragrant, wonderful? And suddenly some Gvozdika calls herself a queen... It doesn't look like anything. Finally, only Rosa got angry, turned completely crimson and said: - No, excuse me, Alyonushka wants to be a rose ... yes! Rose is a queen because everyone loves her. - That's cute! Dandelion got angry. “Who, then, do you take me for?” “Dandelion, don’t be angry, please,” the forest bells persuaded him. - It spoils the character and, moreover, ugly. Here we are - we are silent about the fact that Alyonushka wants to be a forest bell, because this is clear by itself. II There were many flowers, and they were arguing so funny. The wild flowers were so modest - like lilies of the valley, violets, forget-me-nots, bluebells, cornflowers, field carnations; and the greenhouse-grown flowers were a little pompous—roses, tulips, lilies, daffodils, levkoys, like rich children dressed up for the holidays. Alyonushka was more fond of modest field flowers, from which she made bouquets and wove wreaths. How lovely they are! “Alyonushka loves us very much,” the Violets whispered. - After all, we are the first in the spring. Only the snow melts - and here we are. “And so are we,” said the Lilies of the Valley. - We are also spring flowers ... We are unpretentious and grow right in the forest. - And why are we to blame that it is cold for us to grow right in the field? - complained fragrant curly Levkoy and Hyacinths. - We are only guests here, and our homeland is far away, where it is so warm and there is no winter at all. Oh, how good it is there, and we are constantly yearning for our dear homeland ... It's so cold in your north. Alyonushka loves us too, and even very much ... - And it’s good with us too, - the wild flowers argued. - Of course, sometimes it is very cold, but it's great ... And then, the cold kills our worst enemies, like worms, midges and various insects. If it wasn't for the cold, we'd be in trouble. “We also love the cold,” added Roses. Azalea and Camellia said the same. They all loved the cold when they picked up the color. “Here's what, gentlemen, let's talk about our homeland,” suggested the white Narcissus. - This is very interesting ... Alyonushka will listen to us. After all, she loves us too ... Then they all started talking at once. Roses with tears recalled the blessed valleys of Shiraz, Hyacinths - Palestine, Azaleas - America, Lilies - Egypt ... Flowers gathered here from all over the world, and everyone could tell so much. Most flowers came from the south, where there is so much sun and no winter. How good it is!.. Yes, eternal summer! What huge trees grow there, what wonderful birds, how many beautiful butterflies that look like flying flowers, and flowers that look like butterflies ... - We are only guests in the north, we are cold, - whispered all these southern plants. Native wildflowers even took pity on them. Indeed, one must have great patience when a cold north wind blows, cold rain pours and snow falls. Suppose the spring snow melts soon, but still snow. “You have a huge shortcoming,” Vasilek explained after listening to these stories. – I don’t argue, perhaps you are sometimes more beautiful than us simple flowers of the field – I readily admit it… yes… In a word, you are our dear guests, and your main drawback is that you grow up only for rich people, and we growing for everyone. We are much kinder ... Here I am, for example - you will see me in the hands of every village child. How much joy I bring to all the poor children! .. You don’t need to pay money for me, but it’s only worth going out into the field. I grow with wheat, rye, oats... III Alyonushka listened to everything the flowers told her about and was surprised. She really wanted to see everything herself, all those amazing countries that were just being talked about. “If I were a swallow, I would immediately fly,” she said at last. Why don't I have wings? Oh, how good it is to be a bird!.. Before she had time to finish speaking, a Ladybug crawled up to her, a real ladybug, so red, with black spots, with a black head and such thin black antennae and thin black legs. - Alyonushka, let's fly! - Ladybug whispered, moving her antennae. “But I don’t have wings, ladybug!” - Sit on me ... - How can I sit when you are small? - But look ... Alyonushka began to look and was surprised more and more. Ladybug spread its upper rigid wings and doubled in size, then spread thin, like cobwebs, lower wings and became even larger. She grew before Alyonushka's eyes, until she turned into a big, big one, so big that Alyonushka could freely sit on her back, between the red wings. It was very convenient. - Are you okay, Alyonushka? Ladybug asked. - Very. - Well, hold on tight now ... In the first moment when they flew, Alyonushka even closed her eyes from fear. It seemed to her that it was not she who was flying, but everything under her was flying - cities, forests, rivers, mountains. Then it began to seem to her that she had become so small, small, about the size of a pinhead, and, moreover, as light as a fluff from a dandelion. And the Ladybug flew quickly, quickly, so that only the air whistled between the wings. “Look what’s down there…” Ladybug told her. Alyonushka looked down and even clasped her little hands. - Oh, how many roses ... red, yellow, white, pink! The ground was exactly covered with a living carpet of roses. “Let’s go down to the ground,” she asked Ladybug. They went down, and Alyonushka became big again, as she was before, and Ladybug became small. Alyonushka ran for a long time across the pink field and picked up a huge bouquet of flowers. How beautiful they are, these roses; and their scent makes you dizzy. If all this pink field were moved there, to the north, where roses are only dear guests! .. - Well, now we fly further, - said Ladybug, spreading her wings. She again became big-big, and Alyonushka - small-small. IV They flew again. How good it was all around! The sky was so blue, and the sea below was even bluer. They flew over a steep and rocky shore. “Are we going to fly across the sea?” Alyonushka asked. “Yes… just sit still and hold on tight.” At first, Alyonushka was even scared, but then nothing. There is nothing left but sky and water. And the ships rushed across the sea like big birds with white wings… Small ships looked like flies. Oh, how beautiful, how good!.. And ahead you can already see the seashore - low, yellow and sandy, the mouth of some huge river, some kind of completely white city, as if it was built of sugar. And then you could see the dead desert, where there were only pyramids. Ladybug landed on the bank of the river. Here grew green papyri and lilies, wonderful, tender lilies. “How good it is here with you,” Alyonushka spoke to them. - Don't you have winter? - What is winter? Lily was surprised. – Winter is when it snows… – And what is snow? The lilies even laughed. They thought the little northern girl was joking with them. It is true that every autumn huge flocks of birds flew here from the north and also talked about winter, but they themselves did not see it, but spoke from other people's words. Alyonushka also did not believe that there was no winter. So, you don’t need a fur coat and felt boots? We flew further. But Alyonushka was no longer surprised either by the blue sea, or by the mountains, or by the desert burnt by the sun, where hyacinths grew. “I’m hot…” she complained. - You know, ladybug, it's not even good when it's eternal summer. - Who is used to it, Alyonushka. They flew to high mountains, on the tops of which lay eternal snow. It wasn't that hot in here. Behind the mountains began impenetrable forests. It was dark under the canopy of trees, because the sunlight did not penetrate here through the dense tops of the trees. Monkeys jumped on the branches. And how many birds there were - green, red, yellow, blue ... But the most amazing thing were the flowers that grew right on the tree trunks. There were flowers of a completely fiery color, they were motley; there were flowers that looked like little birds and big butterflies - the whole forest seemed to be burning with multi-colored live lights. “Those are orchids,” Ladybug explained. It was impossible to walk here - everything was so intertwined. They flew on. Here a huge river spilled among the green banks. Ladybug landed right on top of a large white flower growing in the water. Alyonushka has never seen such large flowers. “This is a sacred flower,” Ladybug explained. - It is called a lotus ... V Alyonushka saw so much that she was finally tired. She wanted to go home: after all, home is better. “I love the snowball,” Alyonushka said. - It's not good without winter ... They flew again, and the higher they climbed, the colder it became. Soon snow fields appeared below. Only one coniferous forest turned green. Alyonushka was terribly happy when she saw the first Christmas tree. - Christmas tree, Christmas tree! she called. - Hello, Alyonushka! the green Christmas tree called to her from below. It was a real Christmas tree - Alyonushka immediately recognized her. Oh, what a sweet Christmas tree! .. Alyonushka leaned over to tell her how cute she was, and suddenly flew down. Wow, how scary! .. She rolled over several times in the air and fell right into the soft snow. With fear, Alyonushka closed her eyes and did not know whether she was alive or dead. “How did you get here, baby?” someone asked her. Alyonushka opened her eyes and saw a gray-haired, hunched-over old man. She recognized him immediately too. It was the same old man who brings Christmas trees, golden stars, boxes of bombs and the most amazing toys to smart children. Oh, he is so kind, this old man! He immediately took her in his arms, covered her with his fur coat and again asked: - How did you get here, little girl? - I traveled on a ladybug ... Oh, how much I saw, grandfather! .. - So, so ... - And I know you, grandfather! You bring Christmas trees to the kids... - So, so... And now I'm also arranging a Christmas tree. He showed her a long pole that didn't look like a Christmas tree at all. - What kind of tree is this, grandfather? It's just a big stick... - But you'll see... The old man carried Alyonushka to a small village, completely covered with snow. Only roofs and chimneys were exposed from under the snow. The village children were already waiting for the old man. They jumped and shouted: - Christmas tree! Christmas tree! .. They came to the first hut. The old man took out an unthreshed sheaf of oats, tied it to the end of a pole, and raised the pole to the roof. Just then, small birds flew in from all sides, which do not fly away for the winter: sparrows, grasshoppers, oatmeal, - and began to peck at the grain. This is our tree! they shouted. Alyonushka suddenly became very cheerful. It was the first time she saw how they arrange a Christmas tree for birds in winter. Oh, how fun!.. Oh, what a kind old man! One sparrow, who fussed the most, immediately recognized Alyonushka and shouted: - Why, it's Alyonushka! I know her very well ... She fed me crumbs more than once. Yes... And the other sparrows also recognized her and squealed terribly with joy. Another sparrow flew in, which turned out to be a terrible bully. He began to push everyone aside and snatch the best grains. It was the same sparrow that fought with the ruff. Alyonushka recognized him. - Hello, sparrows! .. - Oh, is that you, Alyonushka? Hello!.. The bully sparrow jumped on one leg, winked slyly with one eye and said to the kind Christmas old man: - But she, Alyonushka, wants to be a queen ... Yes, just now I heard myself how she said this. “Do you want to be queen, baby?” the old man asked. - I really want it, grandpa! - Great. There is nothing simpler: every queen is a woman, and every woman is a queen... Now go home and tell that to all the other little girls. Ladybug was glad to get out of here as soon as possible before some mischievous sparrow ate it. They flew home quickly, quickly ... And there all the flowers are waiting for Alyonushka. They argued all the time about what a queen is. Bayu-bayu-bayu ... Alyonushka's one eye is sleeping, the other is looking; one ear of Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is listening. Everyone has now gathered near Alyonushka's bed: the brave Hare, and Medvedko, and the bully Rooster, and Sparrow, and Voronushka - a black head, and Ruff Ershovich, and little, little Kozyavochka. Everything is here, everything is with Alyonushka. Dad, I love everyone ... - Alyonushka whispers. - I love black cockroaches, dad, I love ... Another peephole closed, another ear fell asleep ... And near Alyonushka's bed, spring grass is greening cheerfully, flowers are smiling, - a lot of flowers: blue, pink, yellow, blue, red. A green birch leaned over the very bed and whispers something so affectionately, affectionately. And the sun is shining, and the sand is turning yellow, and the blue sea wave is calling to Alyonushka ... - Sleep, Alyonushka! Gain strength ... bye-bye-bye ...

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