"Even the possession of magic can not solve all problems": JK Rowling on Harry Potter and charity. JK Rowling for charity excluded from the list of billionaires Forbes Joan is not chasing money


British children's writer, author of the Harry Potter series of novels. The success of the series (1997-2007) with readers, as well as films based on her novels by Warner Bros., brought Rowling worldwide fame and a fortune that Forbes magazine estimated in 2007 at $ 1 billion. Rowling is the owner of many prestigious literary awards, in 2000 she was awarded the Order of the British Empire.

Joanne Rowling was born on July 31, 1965 in the town of Chipping Sodbury in Gloucestershire, near Bristol, became the eldest of two daughters in the family. When the future writer was nine years old, the Rowlings moved to the city of Chepstow in the county of Gwent (Wales). After graduating from high school there in 1983, Rowling entered the University of Exeter, where she studied French. This gave her the opportunity to spend a year in Paris.

After graduating from the university, having received a Bachelor of Arts degree, Rowling moved to London, where she changed several jobs. She spent most of her time in the international human rights organization Amnesty International. In 1990, the future writer moved to Manchester, and at the same time she first came up with the idea of ​​a children's book about a wizard boy. Also in 1990, Rowling's mother died of multiple sclerosis. A few months later, Joan got a job as an English teacher in Porto, the second largest city in Portugal.

In Porto, Rowling met her future husband, television journalist Jorge Arantes. They got married in 1992, from this marriage they had a daughter, Jessica (Jessica). Pretty soon, Rowling and Arantesh broke up: her husband, according to the writer, literally put her and her daughter out of the house. By Christmas 1994, Rowling was back in the UK. She moved with her daughter to Edinburgh where her younger sister Dee lived at the time. By this time, a significant part of the first novel - "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" - had already been written. In an effort to complete the book, Rowling did not take a permanent job and finished writing the novel in cafes, including the popular Nicolson's, owned by her relative.

In 1995, Rowling sent a white version of the novel to two literary agents, and the first returned the text almost immediately, not considering it promising, and the second - Christopher Little (Christopher Little) - nevertheless undertook to attach the manuscript. He succeeded a year later: "Harry Potter" was interested in a small London publishing house Bloomsbury. His employee Barry Cunningham (Barry Cunningham) in August 1996 offered the writer a modest advance (one and a half thousand pounds), which Rowling readily accepted.

The first printing of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" came out in 1997 and amounted to only a thousand copies, of which half went to children's libraries. The book did not make a big impression, but it was still noticed by critics. The Scottish Art Council has given Rowling a grant to help her start the second volume of Potter.

In the same year, at a professional fair for children's literature publishers in Bologna, Barry Cunningham managed to sell the rights to the American edition of Harry Potter to Scholastiс, which offered the writer an unusually large advance for a debutante - 105 thousand dollars,. The writer had, however, to change the title of the book to "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone). Subsequently, she never adapted the titles of the novels for an American audience.

The second Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, was published in 1998. That same year, Warner Bros. bought the film rights to two of Rowling's novels. They were released in 2001 and 2002 respectively. Both were directed by Chris Columbus. Rowling herself wanted to see British director Terry Gilliam as director, but the choice was left to the studio.

The third and fourth novels "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" and "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" were published in 1999 and 2000 respectively. years.

Immediately after Christmas 2001 (December 26), JK Rowling remarried. This time her chosen one was the Edinburgh anesthesiologist Neil Scott Murray (Neil Scott Murray). The birth of two children (in March 2003, the couple had a son, David Gordon Rowling Murray, and in January 2005, a daughter, Mackenzie Jean Rowling Murray, Mackenzie Jean Rowling Murray) slowed down work on new sequels to the Potter series. The fifth book ("Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix", "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix") was published in 2003, and the sixth ("Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince") - in 2005.

The seventh and final novel in the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, went on sale in the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as in several other countries, at midnight on July 21, 2007 local time,. The premiere of Rowling's book was preceded by a series of leaks: several hackers and pirates posted a synopsis, and then digital photos of the American edition of the book on the Internet,,,. An investigation by publisher Scholastic identified the sources of the leaked photos: Levy Home Entertainment (LHE) and DeepDiscount.com, which delivered approximately 1,200 copies of the novel to American readers despite the embargo. One of the buyers posted the re-shot pages of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" to file-sharing networks. In addition, two days before the novel's release, The New York Times published a review of the novel written by its lead critic, Michiko Kakutani. The author admitted that she bought the book from a New York store that also violated the embargo. Rowling and Bloomsbury and Scholastic have asked those who already have copies of the novel "not to spoil the fun for other readers."

Rowling repeatedly assured that the seventh novel would be the last in the series, but on the eve of its release, she did not rule out that she would write a continuation of the adventures of her heroes in the future. Also, her agent announced that the writer plans to publish an encyclopedia of characters and realities from her novels.

Film adaptations of Rowling's third, fourth, fifth, and sixth novels appeared in 2004, 2006, 2007, and 2009, respectively. The seventh novel in the series was filmed in two parts, which were filmed in 2010 and 2011, respectively.

In September 2012, Rowling's first adult novel, The Casual Vacancy, was released.

The total circulation of the seven Harry Potter novels by 2012 exceeded 450 million copies. In March 2007, the fortune of 41-year-old Rowling was estimated by Forbes magazine at one billion dollars.

The Harry Potter novels brought the writer many awards, including the Nestle Smarties Gold Award (three times), British Book Awards, Children's Book Award (twice), The Booksellers Association / The Bookseller Author of the Year Award (twice), Scottish Arts Council Children's Book Award (twice), the Spanish Prince of Asturias Prize and the Danish Hans Christian Andersen Literary Prize. In 2000, Rowling was made an MBE.

Rowling does a lot of charity work. In particular, she supports the Single Parents Foundation and the Multiple Sclerosis Research Foundation, the disease from which her mother died,.

Rowling is named among the close friends of Sarah Brown, the wife of the current British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

Used materials

Allison Pearson. JK Rowling review: "The Casual Vacancy" breaks Harry Potter's spell. - The Daily Telegraph, 27.09.2012

Jill Martin Wrenn. Muggle moms await first adult J.K. Rowling book. - CNN, 26.09.2012

Fans queue to see the final Harry Potter film. - BBC News, 15.07.2011

Catherine Shoard. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows breaks box office records. - The Guardian, 22.11.2010

Rowling wins new Danish literary award. - CBC News, 19.10.2010

Tim Masters. Review: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. - BBC News, 08.07.2009

Elizabeth Hand. Harry's Final Fantasy: Last Time's the Charm. - The Washington Post, 22.07.2007

Michiko Kakutani. An Epic Showdown as Harry Potter Is Initiated Into Adulthood. - The New York Times, 19.07.2007

According to Forbes magazine, writer JK Rowling is the owner of the largest fortune in the literary world. Still, the series of books about Harry Potter brought her the status of a billionaire, which, according to news reports, J.K. Rowling recently lost. Previously, no writer managed to become a billionaire, for example, one of the most popular writers of our time, Stephen King, was able to earn only $ 200 million from his works. The Harry Potter brand is estimated to be worth between $21 billion and $24 billion.

It is curious that in JK Rowling there was a moment when the head of the publishing house warned the writer: "You can't make money on children's books, Joe ...". If only he knew how wrong he was. And he probably knows, because reports on the state of JK Rowling often appear in the media around the world.

Although lately most of the writer's life has been occupied not, but, which is reflected both in her work and in her bank account. How much JK Rowling earned from her works is not known for certain. However, foreign media say that after all sorts of taxes, the writer's fortune is about 640 million. True, as Rowling herself has repeatedly stated, in the summer of 2014 another work from the cycle of “adult books” is published. Perhaps the proceeds from its sale will "finish off" the figure to 9-digit numbers.

It is important to note that JK Rowling donated the lion's share of the fee to charity - about $ 160 million. It is this reason, according to researchers, that led to the loss of the status of a billionaire. This is the first such case in the history of Forbes. But this made it possible to acquire a new status - "Kindness of the Year", however, unspoken, which is sometimes more expensive than dry magazine statistics.

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Photo 1 of 6:© Getty Images

For several years in a row, John Rowling, who introduced the world to the young wizard Harry Potter, occupies the first lines in the Forbes ranking as one of the richest women in the world. Today, JK Rowling's fortune is estimated at $1 billion.

Could an unemployed mother dream about this, whom her husband literally kicked out of the house with a child in her arms?

lady.tochka.net recalls 10 facts from the life of JK Rowling.

1. Joanne Rowling was born on July 31, 1965 in a small town near Bristol. Three daughters were brought up in her family. After leaving school, she studied French at the University of Exeter and spent a year in Paris.

2. In 1990, JK Rowling moved to Portugal, where she works as an English teacher. In the same year, she begins to work on a novel about a boy - a wizard - Harry Potter.

3. In 1992, in Porto, JK Rowling marries TV journalist Georges Arantes. From this marriage they had a daughter, Jessica. But this marriage broke up very quickly. As Joan Rowling recalls, her husband literally kicked her and her daughter out of the house.

4. In 1994, Joan returns to the UK and lives with her sister in Edinburgh. At that time, the first Harry Potter novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, was already ready.

5. Rushing to complete the Harry Potter book, J.K. Rowling is not looking for a permanent job. An unemployed writer is finishing her novel at Nicolson's Cafe, owned by her relative.

6. In 1995, Joan makes her first attempt to print the novel "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". She sends the manuscript to two literary agents at once. The first returns the novel immediately. The second - Christopher Little - attaches the manuscript to the London publishing house Bloomsbury.

© Getty Images

7. JK Rowling's first fee for Harry Potter was £1,000. It was an advance received from publisher Barry Cunningham in August 1996. The first print run of "Harry Potter" was only 1,000 copies. The book was noticed by critics, but most of the circulation went to children's libraries.

8. To write the second book about Harry Potter, JK Rowling received a grant from The Scottish Art Council, and her literary agent managed to sell the rights to publish "Harry Potter" to the American agency Scholastiс. Joanne Rowling receives a huge advance for a newcomer - $ 105 thousand.

9. In 1998, the second Harry Potter novel was published. At the same time, Hollywood became interested in the story of the wizard boy: the first two films were released in 2001 and 2002. From this moment begins the victorious procession of "Potteriana" around the world.

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10. To date, JK Rowling has already released 7 Harry Potter novels, claiming that this story is over. But it is possible that very soon we will be able to read the continuation of the story about the wizard boy.

Her real name is Jo. But before the release of the first book about the young wizard Harry Potter, the publishers asked to indicate on the cover only the initials of J.K. Rowling. In their opinion, the male audience could be scared off by a book written by a woman. But after the story of a boy with a scar from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry sold millions of copies and became a bestseller, everyone was not up to the gender of the author - readers were waiting for the continuation.

Rowling has been writing since childhood. In interviews, she often says that she wrote her first fairy tale about Mr. Rabbit and Miss Bee at the age of 5 at the request of her younger sister. Already in elementary school, Rowling realized that her favorite subjects were literature and English, and teachers understood this too: her first stories were read to the whole class, making her feel special. However, Rowling grew up shy, and classmates remembered her as a girl living in a fantasy world and constantly writing something in her notebook.

When Jo was 15, her mother contracted multiple sclerosis. After 10 years of fighting the disease, JK Rowling has died. This tragedy left a big imprint on the writer. “My biggest regret is that my mother never found out that I became a writer. I never told her about Harry Potter, but she would definitely like it, ”Rowling said in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. After the death of her mother, Joan decided to start life from scratch and left to teach English in Portugal, where she met her first husband. A year after the marriage, their daughter Jessica was born, and a few months later, her husband kicked Rowling out of the house with a baby in her arms.

With no money, no job, no family, Rowling returned to Britain. She has not communicated with her father since the death of her mother, from her relatives - only her younger sister Dee. The as-yet-unknown Rowling had literally hit bottom: living on a £70 allowance, barely enough to pay for a tiny apartment and the cheapest food. “I considered myself the biggest loser I knew,” Rowling describes her then life. The divorce led to a protracted depression, which, by the way, was embodied in the form of Dementors - creatures from the fantastic Potter universe that draw the soul and happy emotions out of people. In an interview with The Telegraph in 2006, Rowling admitted that death and the fear of death are the key to the Harry Potter books: the story begins with the death of the protagonist's parents and continues with Voldemort's irresistible desire to become immortal.

According to the most rough estimates, today Rowling earns £77 per minute (approximately $120).

She earns income not only through the sale of copyrights to a series of books, but also from a number of other commercial enterprises in one way or another connected with Potter: royalties from films, income from the release of products depicting her characters, merchandising income. In total, the writer earned £545 million (more than $1 billion) from the adventures of the magician - twice as much as John R.R. Tolkien on the history of the hobbits. So it's hard to believe that the advance for the first book about a boy wizard, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, which was rejected by the publishers 12 times, was only £1,500 (just over $2,300). Bloomsbury published the book only because the 8-year-old daughter of the head of the publishing house, Alice Newton, read the first chapter and immediately demanded that her father continue.

For a recently divorced writer who lived with her one-year-old daughter on welfare, it was a victory. The editor of the manuscript, however, kindly advised Rowling to find a job because "children's books don't sell anymore." The first printing of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" - only 1,000 copies, with 500 books sent free of charge by the publishing house to libraries. But this was enough for the novel to be recognized as the "best children's book of the year" in the UK. The rights to the American edition of the novel were bought at auction for $100,000. Rowling focused on continuing the Potter story and by 2004 became the richest woman in Britain.

The actions of Rowling's books take place in a fictional world that so closely resembles the real one: good here does not always triumph over evil. Maybe this is the secret of Potter's crazy popularity among both children and adults. Books are swept off the shelves. The circulation of the latter was sold out at an unprecedented speed in the history of book publishing - 7,000 copies per minute. In 2011, this allowed Rowling to become the first female author in the world to earn $1 billion from her work.

Since then, she has not appeared on the list of billionaires - due to her extensive charitable work and UK tax policy. However, Rowling ranked 84th on the list of the highest paid celebrities in 2014, the year before - 93rd in the ranking of the most powerful women in the world, and 7th in 2015.

It's been 18 years since the first Harry Potter book was released. Books of that edition, released in hardcover with an edition of 1000 copies, now sell for more than $30,000. During this time, Rowling wrote 9 more books about the magical world. The series became the best-selling in history, second only to the Bible, and the film franchise based on it is the second in global box office ($7.723 billion for 8 films) after the world of Marvel superheroes ($8.783 billion for 12 films). The Harry Potter brand is valued at $15 billion. Rowling also continues to make money from sales of the electronic version of the book, the rights to which are only available to the site Pottermore.com, owned by the writer and opened in 2012 (it brought in $4 million in the first month of operation). There, the author communicates with fans of the series and puts new facts about books in the public domain. By the way, she remains the only one of the writers who won the rights from the publishing house to sell the electronic version of her book.

In 2012, Rowling released a novel aimed at teens and adults, The Casual Vacancy (the book became the top bestseller in the US in 2012 in the paperback fiction category). The advance payment for it amounted to $ 8 million. In the first three days, sales of the book exceeded one million copies. The BBC has bought the film rights to the series based on The Random Vacancy, the first season of which was released in February this year. A little later, under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith, two novels about detective Cormoron Strike were published - The Call of the Cuckoo and The Silkworm. And, despite the fact that before the release of the second detective, the truth of authorship was revealed, Rowling promised to continue publishing under a male name.

Rowling gives the lion's share of his fee to charitable projects. In the 1990s, she worked as a secretary in the research department of Amnesty International in London, where she first encountered Third World refugees. This work left a serious imprint on Rowling's later life, it was then that she had the idea of ​​a Potter novel.

In 2000, she founded the Volant Charitable Trust, which fights poverty. The Foundation funds various organizations that help children and single-parent families, as well as research multiple sclerosis. Two Harry Potter sequel books, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and Quidditch From Antiquity to the Present, have brought in more than £15.7 million to another charity, Laugh Relief, which also works on poverty. In 2005, Rowling co-founded Children's High Level Group with MEP Emma Nicholson, later renamed Lumos. The Foundation is committed to creating acceptable conditions for the life and development of children around the world. To raise funds at Lumos in 2007, Rowling auctioned one of seven handwritten copies of The Tales of Beedle the Bard (repeatedly mentioned in the Potterian), which went under the hammer for £1.95 million (the buyer was the online retailer Amazon.com ) and became one of the most expensive books in history. Rowling donated all the proceeds from the sale of the book - about £19 million.

July 31, 2015 Rowling turns 50 years old. She is currently writing the screenplay for the film adaptation of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. In 2015, the release of a new book is promised - "The Career of Evil". A few hours after the announcement of the new book, the book topped the list of popular pre-orders on the Amazon website. It also became known that Rowling's detective novels will form the basis of the series for BBC One.

In her 2008 speech to Harvard University alumni, Rowling talked about how things don't always work out on the first try: “My biggest fear at your age was not poverty, but failure. There is no need to be afraid of failures - they are inevitable. It is impossible to live and not lose, unless you live so carefully that, in fact, you do not live at all - in which case you are sure to fail.

The real name of the famous British writer J. K. Rowling (J. K. Rowling) is Joanna Murray. Many people know the author of seven Harry Potter novels as Robert Galbraith. The writer uses the same pseudonym to write her no less popular detective stories.

Today, Joan Kate Rowling is a successful literary figure, an outstanding personality with a worldwide reputation, a rich woman, screenwriter, film producer, happy wife, caring mother of three children.


Joanna Kate Rowling was born on July 31, 1965 in an ordinary family living in Waite (UK). The girl's father (P.J. Rowling) worked at Rolls-Royce, and her mother (J.-Ann Rowling) was a housewife. When Joanna was two years old, her sister, Dianna, was born. In 1969 the family migrated to Winterbourne.

The childhood of the writer was truly carefree. Numerous photos of the little girl Joanna posted on the network confirm this fact. Yes, and Rowling herself remembers her childhood always with a smile, as it was filled with fun games with her sister, family comfort and warmth, the care of parents. It was they who instilled in the girl a love of literature.


A little-known fact that many researchers miss concerns the beginning of the work of a modern star: J.K. Rowling wrote her first story at the age of six, and from that moment the girl did not stop creating.

In 1974, the Rowling family moved to Tutshill, Wells. The change of residence was a real shock for a nine-year-old child, due to the fact that Joanne loved her school friends very much and cherished them.

After 6 years, a difficult event happened in the life of a young lady: her mother fell ill. The rapid development of the disease led to the fact that Rowling's mother soon died of multiple sclerosis. After burying a loved one, in 1990 Joanna decides to leave Tutshill and move to London.

Son Dakika Haberleri

Having defended a diploma in French linguistics, the young girl received a secretary position at Amnesty International. In the same period, Rowling falls in love for the first time, so a year later, together with her first boyfriend, she moves to live in Manchester.

Once, it was on a train from Manchester to London that the writer had the image of that very familiar to all fans, the wizard boy in round glasses - Harry Potter.

"Harry Potter"

The start of JK Rowling's career is considered to be the year of publication of the first part of the novel - "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" (1997). The circulation was 1000 copies. This book won the Nesyle Smarties Book Prize in November. In 1998, Rowling received her first international award, the British Book Award, for her work.

After such success and recognition of the writer's work in the United States, an auction was held, the lot for which was the right to publish the Philosopher's Stone. The auction was won by the American publishing house Scholastic Incorporation, which paid $105,000.

Our Niva

In the summer of 1998, a sequel to the novel, The Chamber of Secrets, was published; in 2000, the world saw the third part of the novel - "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban." The fourth part called "The Goblet of Fire" was able to break all sales records: the volume amounted to 373 thousand books in 24 hours.

In 2003, Rowling writes, publishes the fifth part of the sensational saga - "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix." In 2005, the sixth book, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", was released, which broke all previous book sales records: the volume amounted to 9 million in 24 hours. In 2007, the seventh part of the novel about the wizard boy, The Deathly Hallows, was completed and published.

Slate Magazine

To date, all 7 parts of the fantastic saga have been translated into 70 languages. In addition, excellent films have been made based on the novels of JK Rowling, directed by:

  • C. Columbus.
  • A. Cuarón.
  • D. Yates.

Other Rowling books

In addition to novels about the little wizard from Hogwarts, the writer became famous thanks to other works.

The only book published under the pseudonym "Newt Scamander". This literary masterpiece is a spin-off story about the main little wizard. It describes the events that took place 65 years before the appearance of the boy Harry.

Most of the money received from the sale of the book (about 13 million pounds), JK Rowling transferred to the account of the largest organizations involved in children's charities.

The fairy tale "Hare Hare and her stump-tooth rock" was written in the period 2007-2009. For this masterpiece of world literature for children, Prince Charles awarded the writer the Order of the British Empire.

Joanne Rowling - Commander of the Order | Mirror

The novel "The Casual Vacancy" ("Random Vacancy") is the first work of the "social drama" genre from J.K. Rowling for adults and teenagers.

Also, a lot of noise was made by the detective story "The Call (Cry) of the Cuckoo."

JK Rowling's personal life

Working in her youth at Amnesty International, Rowling was looking for a new job. So, after reading an advertisement in The Guardian about a teaching job, J.K. Rowling decided to leave for Portugal.

It was in the city of Porto that Rowling met her first husband, television journalist Jorge Arantes. Their wedding took place in the fall of 1992, and already in July 1993, the young family had a daughter, Jessica-Isabelle Rowling-Arantes.

Jessica, daughter of JK Rowling

Despite the complexity of relations with her husband, the writer tried her best to save the family. Biographers suggest that Rowling was often subjected to scenes of jealousy, domestic violence, and beatings. Confirmation of such rumors is the writer's confession about how her husband once beat her, and then simply put her out of the house with her daughter.

In December 1993, Rowling with Jessica in her arms (and already written 3 chapters of Harry Potter in her bag) was forced to leave for Edinburgh (Scotland) to her younger sister.

In 1993, Rowling returned to England. Becoming a single mother, she took out a state allowance (70 pounds), which became the only income of the writer. Despite her poor financial condition, she continued to work hard.

Due to bitter personal experience, the writer did not dare to start a family for a long time. She devoted all her time to her daughter and, of course, to creativity. Only 8 years later, Joan became a wife again. The writer's chosen one is the anesthesiologist Neil-Michael Murray (5 years younger than her).

In 2001, the couple legalized their relationship, and in 2003 their son David was born. In January 2005, the couple had another baby, who was named Mackenzie. In her first interview after giving birth, J.K. Rowling stated that she was truly happy, and the reason for her boundless joy was her beloved children and a sincerely loving man.

  • Before the first publication of Harry Potter, it was the American publisher Scholastic Incorporation who suggested that Rowling use a pseudonym. The author chose to supplement her name with the initials of her grandmother - Kathleen. So there was a pseudonym - J. K. Rowling. Even despite her official surname Murray, Joanna continues to write under the pseudonym that brought her worldwide popularity.

  • Joan Kate Rowling admits that today (as well as when creating her first book) she is inspired by the lyric concerts of Pyotr Tchaikovsky. The writer says that she writes her masterpieces, armed with a pen and paper. Only after creating a draft by hand, the author types the text on the computer, then gives it to the publisher.
  • If there are no notebook sheets at hand, she writes down thoughts on any subjects. So, for example, the names of the faculties of the Hogwarts University of Magic were invented by J.K. Rowling on the plane and recorded on a paper disposable bag.

JK Rowling today

Today, J.K. Rowling is the highest paid author in the world. Rowling's entire literary heritage is estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars, and the Harry Potter trademark itself is estimated at about $15 billion.

In the summer of 2016, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child took place in London. Contrary to numerous rumors, fans' assumptions, this work is not a full-fledged eighth part of the novel, but only a scenario for a theatrical production. The real authors of The Cursed Child are Jack Thorne, John Tiffany.


The work is a new story. It shows the events taking place 19 years after the events described in the Deathly Hallows.

In September 2016, new applications were launched on Rowling's Pottermore portal, which are collections of additions to the main 7 parts of the fantastic wizard saga. The plots of these stories tell about several minor characters, about the history of the emergence of the Azkaban prison, the Hogwarts school of magic.

The Daily Dot

In an interview for The Guardian, J.K. Rowling admitted that she is currently working hard on two works. The new books will be published under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith.

The writer noted that the "novelties" have nothing to do with the character of Newt Scamander from the story "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", which was filmed in America in the fall of 2016.


  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
  • Harry Potter And The Chamber of secrets
  • Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  • Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
  • Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
  • Tales of Beedle the Bard
  • random vacancy
  • call of the cuckoo
  • Silkworm
  • In the service of evil

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