Business time and fun hour. A story on a school theme according to a proverb A story from life business time fun hour


story - fairy tale
Near a small town, not far away, there is a village. Beautiful, I must say, the village. The yards were neat, well-groomed, the fences were even with carvings, but painted, the houses were solid. In the windows of those houses, in clean glass, the sun was reflected and admired this beauty.
But there was one yard in the village, as if abandoned, forgotten. Everything in it was overgrown with grass, and the garden was unkempt, the house leaned on its side, gray. A peasant lived there, with indescribable laziness, he did not want to do anything: neither in the yard, nor in the garden, nor in the house. The whole village was buried in flowers, the greenery of gardens, and this little peasant was overgrown with weeds.
Somehow a neighbor who lived opposite came up and said:
- Ivan, it would be necessary to put the yard in order and the garden. Look how beautiful our village is, and you only grow weeds.
“The time has not come,” Ivan answered.
- Eh, time will punish you, the neighbor answered in his hearts and left.
Another approached him with the same request. He also answered him:
- Everything has its time…
The neighbor, on the contrary, was tired of admiring all this, he took it and went to his relative, in a town that was not far from the village. Over tea, he complained about his neighbor, even mimicked him:
- The time has not come! Yes, for him, lazy, it will never come!
... Here Ivan is sitting on the porch and dreaming, interesting clouds are floating above him, good!
Suddenly there is a knock at his gate. He looked, the old man was standing, gray-haired, with a knapsack. It can be seen from afar and walked for a long time, tired. He invited him to his porch, to rest.
- Who are you, dear man, what is your name?
“I am Time,” answered the elder, “I came to tell you that the time has come to put the house, yard and garden in order.
Lost lazy! How to argue with a gray-haired old man, and suddenly he is Time, and it is omnipotent and powerful. He remembered the words of a neighbor: “Time will punish you!” And all of a sudden, right?
Oh, where did his laziness go! Only the heels sparkled, not from laziness, from Ivan !!! The old man lived with him for a whole week, and he also helped, because time very often even helps us ... in many ways ...
And when, a week later, he said goodbye to Ivan, his house, yard and garden were unrecognizable! I weeded the beds, watered the garden, pulled out the weeds in the yard, planted flowers and painted the fence. In a word, beauty! I fell in love myself.
- Goodbye, Ivan!
- Don't leave Time, I'll be lost without you, I'll become lazy again.
- You won't, I'll leave the magic words for you., repeat them and do so.
- And what?
- Do not tell yourself, "the time has not come", but say "time for business, hour for fun"!
That's all.
And left. Already outside the village, the old man met his neighbor Ivan, the one who lives opposite him. They greeted each other and laughed at Ivan for a long time, because the old man was that relative from the nearby town. And Ivan since then only adhered to these words ... And he began to like such a life very much !!! The magic words turned out to be ... the old man did not lie !!!

Today the weather is bad: frost, snowstorm. Those deprived of their liberty were not sent to outside work.

Amelka, according to his request, was demanded to the educational program. He knew how to read and write well, but deliberately pretended to be illiterate. Well... He'll play the fool, then, you see, he'll get into the cultural commission, into the actors, or whatever... Well, at least sweep the stage. And there - two days of sitting are counted as three. That's good.

Likbez - bright warm room. It doesn't look like a prison at all. And those sitting in it feel almost free. Desks of students, a table and an easy chair for a teacher. On the walls are tables with large letters, geographical maps, portraits of leaders, corresponding slogans on red, calico cloths; "The illiterate is like the blind." "We are uncivilized people, we are poor people, but that's okay, there would be a desire to learn." In the corner is a blackboard with crayons.

The teacher is of a rather unusual appearance, in a neat jacket, in a clean, with a tie, shirt, shoes shine. Light brown pointed beard, sideburns, hair parted in the middle. He reminds me of the teacher of literature at the boarding school for noble maidens. His name is: Stepan Fedorovich Ignatiev; thief-pharmacist, recidivist, with a university education.

Hey, how are you, Skhimnikov! To the blackboard... Amelka, smiling stupidly, waddles to the blackboard, takes the chalk.

Draw the letter "A"...

Printed or written?

This and that…

With complete pleasure.

Amelka writes something like the letter "Zh" and a series of some meaningless scribbles, then declares:

We are dark... We can't.

Erase, go to your place, - says the teacher, writes the first five letters of the alphabet himself, orders the younger group to write each letter thirty times in notebooks and goes to the middle group:

Dictation! Get ready! Write: “We are not slaves, we are not slaves. We are not slaves, we are not slaves ... "

Repeating this phrase in a singsong voice in a theatrical tenor, the dandy teacher paces between the desks, dreams of his impending release soon, of the black eyes of Shurka the gypsy, of the thieves' flight to Moscow, where there is no end of all sorts of possibilities.

- “We are not slaves, we are not slaves ...” Did you write?

Yes, citizen teacher! - someone's red-haired, shabby head in glasses throws out his hand.

The rest, from sixty-year-olds to bare-faced youths, are sweating and scratching with pencils on paper.

The older group, with heavy sniffling, sighs, solves a difficult addition problem.

* * *

The club is located in the house church of the former prison castle. Here the lively cultural work of the detention center is in full swing, accommodating more than one hundred prisoners deprived of liberty within its walls. The middle of the church is reserved for the auditorium. On the wings, choirs, in back streets - a number of rooms for special purposes. The most extensive is the office of the head of the educational department. He is directly subordinated to: the cultural commission, the editorial board and the meeting of educators. Next come the library council with reading rooms for departments and red corners, the arts council with the theater, in the theater there are performances, lectures, concerts, film screenings. Then the school board with three schools. At the cultural commission, there is a meeting of chamber commissioners, “culturists”, one from the chamber. And at the meeting of educators - a legal bureau, serviced by a lawyer from the prisoners.

With the help of such a complex apparatus, the most serious attempts are made to rework the psyche of the criminal, to strengthen his will, to instill the skills of a useful working life, in a word, to create a useful member of the state family from a harmful, socially dangerous person.

Theater Hall. Now there is a rehearsal of the "Inspector". The short-legged fat man, who recently and completely in vain was slapped on the neck, found his element. He plays Osip very well. Participants roll with laughter. During the break, when the director taps his wand to rest, the fat man says:

Once in Smolensk, at a solemn performance, in the presence of the governor, I played Osip in the same way. And on the eve of the whole night he screwed up in the cards. And you can imagine, I lie down on the bed, hands behind my head. The curtain opens, the audience expects a monologue from me, and I am silent. You can imagine - he fell asleep as if stabbed to death, even snored. And someone broomed from behind the scenes in my snout. I jumped up and rubbed my eyes. And there is laughter in the hall. His Excellency got up and left ... - The fat man's eyes were covered with an oily coating; saggy cheeks trembled with a suppressed smile.

Well, please! the director shouted. - In places, in places! Prompter, give!.. Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, roll like a cockerel... Emphasize class stratification more strongly... Mayor! Eliko, perhaps, fall into a kulak deviation. I remind you once again that Gogol's ideology is tarnished, meaning his correspondence with friends. Therefore, try in every possible way to straighten the ideological line in every gesture ... So ... prompter!

In the auditorium at that time, four guys were painting the scenery. Rolling up their pants and sleeves, they walked with long tassels and put bold strokes on the canvas. From the choir shouted their chief leader, a painter by profession, a house burglar Mitka Klesh:

Get thicker! Oven, oven thicker shade! For rustic - a thin brush. Where are you, cow, dipping in red lead?! Blue needs it! Stretch the cornice with white. Ugh, damn... Hit the stuffing box! Flash, flash put! Wait, spoiled ... - And at breakneck speed he rushes down from the choirs.

One of the busiest little rooms is the editorial board, where the Vozrozhdenie magazine and the Volchok wall newspaper are manufactured. She is all in screams, in the rustle of paper, in the clang of working scissors, in a thick gray curtain of shag smoke: the smoke eats up tears in the eyes, makes it difficult to breathe, but the dispossessed writers do not notice this. The youngest of them is the editor. He was barely twenty years old. He has a manly pale face and long hair. His voice is loud, his gestures are wide, he looks like a provincial poet. His name is Comrade Rovny. Completely alone, not knowing his father, abandoned by his mother, he was entangled in homeless children from an early age, then he took the road, entered the factory as a worker, became a Komsomol member. But, not having a strong will, he fell under the influence of a hooligan gang and was convicted of trying to win the love of one of the girls through violence. All the past seems to him now, at a distance, some hazy nightmare. He is full of inner remorse and atones for his guilt by doing excellent work in the house of detention.

Tapping his palm on the table, he looks through the smoke screen into the sly eyes of a small fat-headed man standing on the other side of the table, and amid a noisy uproar carries on a pushy, firm conversation with him.

I'm on you, dear comrade, - he says, - in a big offense.

And how did I touch you, comrade? - with sly eyes, the fat-headed one asks, and his bridled mouth twists into a sickle, ends up.

And who promised a note and does not write? Who poses a conscious self, and by the way, only know that pouting in dominoes? It's you, dear comrade.

Where is the topic? - the evil one asks smilingly. I searched, I searched, I can't find it. It’s not all the same to write that playing cards are made from books, and corns grow on the ears from the mat ... Tired.

How, those are not? - And the editor runs his fingers smeared in paste and ink into his long hair. - Yes, Comrade Jim, I'll find a dozen topics at once. For example, what moment is the USSR going through now?..

Jim took a small step back and shouted, thumping his heart:

Comrade editor! Do you think I'm a boy? Maybe I myself shed blood on the civil fronts... Not all the same, I was sitting in correctional houses. A…

Calm down, calm down! - Tried to shout down his editor, banging his palm on the table top. - So, you agree that now the greatest restraint is required, soldering with the proletariat? And who is the leader of the revolution in the whole world?

Bolsheviks. Clear.

And who is the mouthpiece of the revolution?

Soviet press.

How many newspapers does our house of detention subscribe to? For seven hundred people, we subscribe to twenty newspapers in total. Two newspapers per camera… Shame!

I understand you, said Jim. - Give me, comrade Rovny, a sheet of paper. In an hour the feuilleton will be ready. The internal phone rings.

Hello, hello! .. Yes, yes, editor. Is this glassware? Now… - And, turning into smoke, he shouts: - Samoglotov! Bear!..

There is a bear! What do you want?

How many pages are in the newspaper?


Hello! Are you listening?.. Twelve pages... Is the magazine ready? One hundred copies... I'll be right back. And more screams:

Who has gum arabic?

Why the hell did you gobble it up with a bun, or something? ..

Hush hush! Sha! .. Comrade Makhnev, read ... The nimble, black, dry-faced poet cleared his throat consumptuously and creaked like a cricket:


That time was not so long ago.

I read about our house,

But soon fate promised me

Explore all the orders in it.

There, a citizen, having lost his freedom,

Find your favorite job

Forget past troubles

Find a place to rest your heart.

Not what it was under tsarism:

Nobody wears shackles.

Here they release for the fatherland

Already corrected sons.

Never had to regret

That I am in the correctional home,

But even glad that it happened:

I work here with love!!

Stupid!.. Unfounded, - someone interrupted him from a smokescreen, - You are really luring citizens into a corrected house: please, they say, we have much better than in the wild. Where is the ideology, where is the meaning? We need more salt, self-criticism ... And rhyme ... No, it won’t work ...

Comrades! Stop smoking! .. Open the window and - for five minutes into the hall ...

A stream of fresh air gushed out of the frosty haze. The guard unlocked the door, and under his supervision, the dispossessed writers all went out of the smokehouse into the auditorium where the actors were working.

The rehearsal doesn't work. The director, comrade Polumyasov, bilious, wrinkled, with a black painted mustache, is serving a sentence for service in the tsarist secret police. At one time he played a lot in amateur provincial performances, he is an experienced, demanding, nervous person. And then, as a sin, the assistant to the head of the house himself wished to participate in the performance, the actor is useless, clumsy, like a bookcase, and hasty in words. He played Tyapkin-Lyapkin, the judge.

Not so, citizen chief, not so, - Polumyasov, who was perspiring and long-legged like an ostrich, interrupted him. - I told you that when you say: “Yes, a bad thing has started,” you should go here, to the forefront. And, for God's sake, don't show your back to the public.

The chief somehow got better. But the director again taught him:

More life! What are you doing with your hands?

The chief sulked, but tried to restrain himself. Finally, the director's nerves burst, he shouted to the boss:

Yes, turn to the audience with your face, not your back! Don't swallow words. Speak separately! .. After all, this is not a game, but the devil knows what ...

The chief turned purple:

Who am I here?! Do you want to be alone! - He spat into the left wings, put on his cap and left.

It got quiet. The pale director was shaking, nervously biting off pieces of a match and spitting them out. The editorial board, pushing and chuckling, tumbled into the refreshed room.

Here the wife of the Gogol mayor, Anna Andreevna (deprived of Kolechkin's women's department), went up to her daughter, Marya Antonovna (deprived of Zontikova), and asked her:

On what basis are you spreading vile gossip that I am writing love notes to the bread cutter Mitka?

Nothing like that ... I don’t know, - Marya Antonovna, the mayor’s daughter, shook her curls. - And as for your Mitka, he is a well-known scoundrel, and I don’t give a damn about him ...

Oh you bitch! - shouted the mayor.

From the bitch I hear!

Both actresses exchanged sonorous, backhanded slaps and vehemently clung to their hair.

Cool down, cool down! - shouted the lead. - March on the cameras!

The rehearsal is over. The lead drove the artists to their places.

Everything settled down in the evening. Tyapkin-Lyapkin affectionately led the director by the arm, saying to him:

Come on, friend... Don't be angry. You, brother, even though you are a director, but a prisoner ... But I'm still the boss ...

Yes, I, the citizen chief, did not even think to offend you ...

Well, well ... It happened and it's gone ... Let's go.

The whole troupe gathered again in the illuminated hall. The rehearsal this time went well. Tyapkin-Lyapkin pulled himself up. Anna Andreevna and Marya Antonovna also reconciled: not a gugu about the villain Mitka the bread-cutter.

"Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich with boyars on falconry near Moscow"
Painting by Nikolai Sverchkov. 1877

We all know the proverb Cause time, fun hour", including thanks to the pop hit by Alla Pugacheva to the music of Raymond Pauls, released in 1985. However, this phrase was born not in the twentieth, but in the distant 17th century, and belongs to the second Russian tsar from the Romanov dynasty Alexey Mikhailovich, father of the first Russian emperor Peter I.

The king wrote these lines in the preface to his collection of falconry rules. The full phrase sounds like this:

« A book or your own excuse: this is a parable of the soul and body; do not forget the truth and judgment and the merciful love and the military system: it’s time for business and fun».

Since Alexei Mikhailovich loved order and believed that “ without rank, no thing is established and strengthened”, then in the first place he put the time allotted to the case. However, he added that in addition to work, attention should be paid to fun (rest).

The royal wisdom fell in love with the people and became a proverb that has come down to our time through 4 centuries.

An unusual picture depicting Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was painted in 2001 by a modern Russian painter Pavel Ryzhenko(1970-2014), whose work, unfortunately, is still not known to everyone, although it rightfully deserves not only its own hall in a large art gallery, but even a whole separate museum. (Website - pavel-ryzhenko.rf).

In this picture, the king seems to be alive. He looks at us with a thoughtful, slightly distant look. Nearby is a book, possibly Holy Scripture. Behind is an icon with a lighted lamp. There is no condemnation in the eyes of the tsar, but Lermontov's lines are involuntarily recalled: "I look sadly at our generation!" Under the double gaze - the king of heaven and the king of the earth - one becomes ashamed of everything that we once did wrong.

Pavel Ryzhenko's commentary on the painting:

Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich the Quietest, father of the first Russian Emperor Peter I - the last sovereign of the so-called "pre-Petrine" time. It is customary to consider this time dark, ignorant, and the Sovereigns - almost fabulous old bearded men. But they were not really like that. Not fussiness, passed off as excessive efficiency, but prayerful peace and strength were inherent in these giants of the spirit. These were not chosen by the crowd and money, but God-supplied anointed ones. No wonder Alexei Mikhailovich was called the Quietest people. In this naming, one feels both filial love and recognition of the power of the royal ministry, which, like any true power, is always quiet as the ocean.

Documentary film by Elena Kozenkova "Choice of Faith". Dedicated to the memory of the Russian artist Pavel Ryzhenko, who passed away into eternal life on July 16, 2014:

Program "Orthodox encyclopedia. Spiritual feat and military feat" with the participation of Pavel Ryzhenko:

Elena Kabilova

Merkulova Anastasia

The story of the student Merkulova Anastasia.

Cause time - fun hour!

One day I got stuck!

And it all started so great! The long awaited weekend has arrived. Mom, of course, said:

Denis, do your homework now, don't put it off for later.

The fact is that I am a second grade student, and I also work in the football section, so I don’t have much time for entertainment.

I had prepared all the textbooks, notebooks, pens, and then an interesting picture book caught my attention. Then I was interested in an entertaining TV show about the life of the swamp.

It was time for dinner, my mother called everyone to the table. After lunch, my friends and I went outside, because fresh air is essential for good health. After taking a walk, I sat down to study.

So, I said to myself, I'll start with mathematics.

I clicked the examples like nuts, and proceeded to the problem about the frogs. And then I remembered that the work needed to finish the frog. I glued a cute right eye, sewed on one paw and thought about how to write “frog” or “frog” correctly? The thought flashed that he had done nothing in Russian. But I decided to postpone everything until tomorrow, because it's time to sleep.

On Sunday, I slept until lunch, ate and went to football. Tired, I returned home, my mother reminded me about the lessons, and I opened the reading book:

I love the storm in early May. I started learning.

Then the younger brother ran up, asked to fix the machine. We need to help the child! Having repaired the machine, we tested it for strength. Suddenly the doorbell rang and guests arrived.

Time flew by unnoticed. Close your eyes, you need to sleep. I left my textbooks in my briefcase.

The first lesson was mathematics. How many frogs live in the swamp, I could not say, but what grasses grow in the swamp and animals are found, I perfectly remembered from the TV show.

At the labor lesson, my frog stood out very much - he had only one paw, a beautiful eye, but also one!

The poem about the storm also made everyone laugh:

I love the storm in early May. 2:0. The car started up!

That's how I got stuck: three deuces in one day! Since then, I have been trying to do my homework on time.



The story of the student Merkulova Anastasia.

Cause time - fun hour!

One day I got stuck!

And it all started so great! The long awaited weekend has arrived. Mom, of course, said:

Denis, do your homework now, don't put it off for later.

The fact is that I am a second grade student, and I also work in the football section, so I don’t have much time for entertainment.

I had prepared all the textbooks, notebooks, pens, and then an interesting picture book caught my attention. Then I was interested in an entertaining TV show about the life of the swamp.

It was time for dinner, my mother called everyone to the table. After lunch, my friends and I went outside, because fresh air is essential for good health. After taking a walk, I sat down to study.

So, I said to myself, I'll start with mathematics.

I clicked the examples like nuts, and proceeded to the problem about the frogs. And then I remembered that the work needed to finish the frog. I glued a cute right eye, sewed on one paw and thought about how to write “frog” or “frog” correctly? The thought flashed that he had done nothing in Russian. But I decided to postpone everything until tomorrow, because it's time to sleep.

On Sunday, I slept until lunch, ate and went to football. Tired, I returned home, my mother reminded me about the lessons, and I opened the reading book:

I love the storm in early May. I started learning.

Then the younger brother ran up, asked to fix the machine. We need to help the child! Having repaired the machine, we tested it for strength. Suddenly the doorbell rang and guests arrived.

Time flew by unnoticed. Close your eyes, you need to sleep. I left my textbooks in my briefcase.

The first lesson was mathematics. How many frogs live in the swamp, I could not say, but what grasses grow in the swamp and animals are found, I perfectly remembered from the TV show.

At the labor lesson, my frog stood out very much - he had only one paw, a beautiful eye, but also one!

The poem about the storm also made everyone laugh:

I love the storm in early May. 2:0. The car started up!

That's how I got stuck: three deuces in one day! Since then, I have been trying to do my homework on time.

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