Day of Saints Methodius and Cyril, the day of Slavic writing and culture. Class hour on the topic: "May 24 - Day of Slavic Writing and Culture" May 24 is a holiday of Slavic writing and culture


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Day of memory of the first teachers of the Slavic peoples - the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius

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The history of the holiday 1986 - the revival of the holiday 1991 - approved as a public holiday Every year, some city in Russia becomes the owner of the holiday Festivals and concerts are held in all cities

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About the life of Cyril and Methodius Cyril (born in 827, before becoming a monk - Constantine) and Methodius (born in 815, worldly name unknown) were born in the family of a Byzantine commander from Thessaloniki (Greece) St. Methodius - a high-ranking warrior who ruled for about 10 years one of the Slavic principalities subordinate to Byzantium, which gave him the opportunity to learn the Slavic language St. Cyril from an early age was distinguished by mental abilities. While studying at the Thessalonica school and not yet reaching the age of fifteen, he already read the books of the most thoughtful of the Fathers of the Church - Gregory the Theologian (4th century)

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About the life of Cyril and Methodius In 861, the emperor summoned Saints Constantine and Methodius from the monastery and sent them to the Khazars for the gospel sermon. teachers for preaching in a country that has recently adopted Christianity, I will go with joy if they have letters for their language ... Teaching without the alphabet and without books is like writing a conversation on water. St. Cyril With the help of brother Methodius, Cyril compiled the Slavonic alphabet (the so-called Glagolitic alphabet) in 6 months and translated into Slavonic books, without which Divine services could not be performed: the Aprakos Gospel, the Apostle, the Psalter and selected services

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On February 14, 869, at the age of 42, Cyril dies in Rome “We pulled with you, brother, one furrow, like the husband of oxen, and now, I fall on the ridge, I end my life. I know you love your native Olympus very much. Look, don’t even leave our ministry for his sake…” After the death of his brother, Methodius continues the gospel sermon among the Slavs “I did not keep silent out of fear and was always awake on guard.” Thanks to the work of St. Methodius, both the Czechs and the Poles entered into a military alliance with Moravia, which opposes the influence of the Germans. Methodius predicted the day of his death and died on April 6, 885.

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Cyril and Methodius Equal-to-the-Apostles were numbered among the saints in antiquity. brothers is celebrated on the days of their death: St. Equal to the Apostle. Kirill - Feb. 14 (O.S.) / Feb. 27 (according to the new art.). St. equal to ap. Methodius - April 6 / April 19. General church memory is celebrated on May 11/May 24

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Slavic alphabets: Cyrillic and Glagolitic Glagolitic Cyril and Methodius "translated" the sounds of the Slavic language onto parchment using that Glagolitic alphabet. The letter styles were not preserved Cyrillic In 893, the Cyrillic alphabet appeared, which eventually replaced the Glagolitic alphabet in all Slavic countries Church Slavonic alphabet Russian alphabet Cyrillic writing the same distance from each other, without tilt - they are, as it were, "lined"

On May 24, Russia celebrates the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, which is also the Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius. It was founded in 1863 by the Russian Holy Synod in honor of the millennium of the Moravian mission of the brothers. In 863, ambassadors from the Moravian prince Rostislav came to Constantinople and asked to send them someone who would “tell them the true faith in their own language.” The emperor considered that it was Cyril and Methodius who would cope with this, and ordered them to go to Moravia (now part of the Czech Republic). At first, the holiday was celebrated on May 11, and in 1985 the date was moved to May 24.

Since 1991, a new city has been declared the capital of the holiday every year.

Since 2010, the main celebrations on the occasion of the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture have been held in Moscow.

However, various events are also held in other cities.

So, in 2017, in order to familiarize citizens with cultural values, to popularize them, the Rus Novgorodskaya tourist office was created in the Novgorod region, designed to promote local products, increase the investment attractiveness of the region, and help the districts develop the economy by attracting tourists. Thus, objects of cultural heritage will be able to act as a factor in modern development.

"Rus Novgorodskaya" will perform the functions of a regional development institution and will become the conductor of a unified tourism policy in the region, combining the capabilities of the regional government, municipalities and federal institutions.

The creation of such a tourist office is a kind of precedent, since there are no associations of a similar scale of tasks in the Russian tourism sector.

In Ryazan on May 24, a concert of the Thousand Combined Choir of the Ryazan Region will take place. The choir will include more than 1,000 participants from the districts of the region, as well as a combined choir of students from children's art schools in the city of Ryazan, the Ryazan State Academic Russian Folk Choir. Popov, Ryazan Chamber Choir, Ryazan Governor's Symphony Orchestra. This year the concert will be dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the formation of the Ryazan region. Ryazan residents will hear the works of famous countrymen, in particular Yesenin and Averkin, performed by the choir.

In Perm, on May 22, the Festival of Choirs, timed to coincide with the Day of Slavic Literature, has already started. The choral festival dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture will be held on May 24 at 12.00 in front of the Palace of Culture named after. Soldatov. The festival will be attended by choirs from all over the region, including the Great Consolidated Choir of the Perm Territory (about 500 people will perform on stage at the same time), consisting of several choirs: the Choir of the Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Ural Chamber Choir, the Youth Choir of the Boys Choir Choir, academic choir of the Institute of Culture; the women's academic choir of the Pedagogical University, the chamber choir "Lik", the choir of the music college and the students' choir of Perm State National Research University. You can see the performance of the Big Combined Choir only once a year. Also, the Children's Combined Choir takes part in the event, which will perform in the second part of the concert. It has 335 people, consists of nine teams. The concert program includes famous songs by Russian composers of different years, as well as works of Russian spiritual and symphonic classics.

In Sevastopol, the guests are expected by the literary salon "Chersonese Lira", the performance of the ensemble "Lodya" from Yaroslavl, a creative meeting and a poetic program with the participation of the People's Artist of Russia Alexander Pankratov-Cherny in the Antique Theater.

Russia is not the only country celebrating this holiday. So, in Bulgaria, May 24 is the Day of Bulgarian Enlightenment, Culture and Slavonic Literature.

The first mentions date back to 1803; the holiday began to be celebrated throughout the country in the second half of the 19th century.

In 1892, the text of the school-wide Hymn to Cyril and Methodius appeared, and in 1900, music for it. On the eve of the holiday, knowledge quizzes and holidays of letters are held, schoolchildren decorate portraits of Cyril and Methodius with wreaths of fresh flowers. Of all the countries, Bulgaria celebrates this holiday with the greatest scope.

In the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture has been celebrated since the early 1990s. The first celebrations were held in the square near the central library of the capital. In Macedonia, on the day of the holiday, a mini-football tournament among schoolchildren is held in the morning, and the main ceremony takes place in front of the monument to Saints Cyril and Methodius in the city park. In the Czech Republic, the holiday is celebrated on July 5th. On this day, solemn services are held in churches.

May 24 is annually celebrated in all Slavic countries as the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. The origins of this holiday are inextricably linked with the honoring of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius - the Enlighteners of the Slavs, the creators of the Slavic alphabet.

Cyril (secular name Konstantin; c. 827-869) and Methodius (secular name unknown; c. 815-885) - brothers, Greeks, natives of the city of Thessalonica (Thessalonica), came from the family of a Byzantine military leader.

Methodius at first devoted himself to a military career, but around 852 he took monastic vows, and later became abbot of the Polychron monastery on the Bithynian Olympus (Asia Minor). Cyril from a young age was distinguished by a craving for science and exceptional philological abilities. He was educated in Constantinople by the greatest scholars of his time - Leo the Grammarian and Photius (the future patriarch). After training, he took the priesthood, acted as a librarian, according to another version - a scephophylax (vessel guardian) of the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople and taught philosophy. In 851-852, as part of the embassy of an asikrit (court secretary), George arrived at the court of the Arab Caliph Muttawakil, where he had theological disputes with Muslim scholars.

Cyril and Methodius compiled the Slavic alphabet, translated several liturgical books from Greek into Slavonic (including selected readings from the Gospel, the apostolic letters and the Psalter), which contributed to the introduction and spread of Slavic worship, and also, relying on deep knowledge of Greek and Eastern cultures and summarizing the experience of Slavic writing, they offered the Slavs their own alphabet.

The legacy of Cyril and Methodius had a huge impact on the culture of the Slavic states: Bulgaria (and through it - Rus' and Serbia), the Czech Republic, Croatia (in the latter, the Glagolitic written tradition was preserved until modern times). The writing system developed by Cyril and Methodius had a huge impact on the development of Russian literature and literature. In the minds of many generations of Slavs, Cyril and Methodius are symbols of Slavic writing and Slavic culture.

The cult of Cyril and Methodius became widespread in all Slavic countries, both Orthodox and Catholic (the brothers were canonized shortly after their death). Established by the church in the X-XI centuries, the day of memory of Cyril and Methodius (May 24) in Bulgaria was subsequently turned into a holiday of national education and culture.

In Russia, the celebration of the Day of Remembrance of the Holy Brothers is rooted in the distant past and was celebrated mainly by the church. There was a period when, under the influence of political circumstances, the historical merits of Cyril and Methodius were forgotten, but already in the 19th century this tradition was revived.

Officially at the state level, the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture was first solemnly celebrated in 1863, in connection with the 1000th anniversary of the creation of the Slavic alphabet by Saints Cyril and Methodius, in the same year a decree was adopted to celebrate the Day of Remembrance of Saints Cyril and Methodius on May 11 (24 new style).

During the years of Soviet power, this holiday was unfairly forgotten and restored only in 1986. The idea of ​​resuming the nationwide, public celebration of the memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius and the Days of Slavic Literature and Culture in Russia was born in 1985, when the Slavic peoples, together with the world community, celebrated the 1100th anniversary of the death of Saint Methodius, Archbishop of Moravia and Pannonia.

In 1986, the first holiday was held in Murmansk, it was called the "Writing Festival", in subsequent years the holiday was held in Vologda (1987), Veliky Novgorod (1988), Kiev (1989) and Minsk (1990).

On January 30, 1991, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, by its decree, declared May 24 the Holiday of Slavic Literature and Culture, thereby giving it state status.

During the celebration in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, in all the churches of Russia, Divine Liturgies, religious processions, children's pilgrimage missions to the monasteries of Russia, scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions, concerts are held.

The International Scientific Conference "Slavic World: Commonality and Diversity" is traditionally held.

As part of the Days of Slavic Literature and Culture, the awarding ceremony for the laureates of the International Prize of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius, established by the Moscow Patriarchate and the Slavic Fund of Russia. It is awarded to state and public figures, figures of literature and art for the preservation and development of the Cyril and Methodius heritage. The laureates of the award are presented with a bronze sculpture of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius, a diploma and a commemorative medal.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources


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Probably every country or nation has events that divide history into BEFORE and AFTER, such milestones. Previously, spirituality was most valued, not politics and wealth. Especially among the Slavic peoples. Then spirituality was inseparable from education and upbringing, and even from science.

Representatives of the clergy were highly educated people, had the broadest outlook, were familiar with almost all the sciences that took place in their time. Their goals were moral and educational, and they were guided by this in their activities and research. An excellent example is Cyril and Methodius, who are still revered to this day, many centuries later.

The brothers were Byzantines and were fluent in Greek. Cyril was the first to decide to take the tonsure and retired to a monastery. Methodius received an excellent education, studied science and later joined his brother, and with his students. There their joint scientific and educational work began, the results of which became a turning point in the development of the Slavs.

So, within the walls of the monastery, the brothers began to develop Cyrillic, was this in the 9th century AD The original name of the alphabet is "Glagolitic". Writing was needed to preach Christianity to numerous Slavic peoples, to enlighten them. Many rulers went to Constantinople with requests for prayers in their native languages. The invention of the Glagolitic alphabet made this possible. Thus, Slavic writing was born, and, accordingly, culture.

Cyril and Methodius
In work and accomplishments
Learned the basics of languages
In excellence.
A godly deed done
Slavic peoples way
Opened to knowledge.
They created the alphabet for the Slavs
Geniuses of the word, Slavic soul.
In the ninth century from the birth of Christ
The alphabet has become a new act.
Years flew by, centuries changed,
The ABC of geniuses is now alive.
Flies into space, sails the seas
It rises to the mountains, goes underground.
Knowledge is power everywhere and always,
The alphabet became the basis of labor.
The descendants of the Slavs remember Cyril,
Brother Methodius is not forgotten.
ABC from early childhood with them
As a path to perfection and abundance.

We remember familiar sounds from childhood:
This is Az, and this is Buki.
Cyril and Methodius glory and honor
For the fact that Slavic writing exists!
And the whole world appreciates our culture,
Reads avidly our literature.
Let the years pass, centuries pass,
Slavic culture will always be!
Brothers Slavs, happy holiday to you.
Keep, appreciate the cultural reserve!

Thanks to two saints -
Cyril and Methodius!
Our culture was laid
Glorifying our country!
For Slavic writing
We will honor them.
Their deeds are more beautiful
We don't follow anywhere.
Let the Slavic languages
And writing lives
Kohl in heaven last
The stars won't die!

The origin of the holiday is inseparably linked with the memory of the creators of the Cyrillic alphabet - the Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius.

Cyril and Methodius were born into a noble and pious family that lived in Thessaloniki (now Thessaloniki). The elder brother Methodius chose the military field, served in the Slavic principality dependent on the Byzantine Empire, where he learned the local language. After 10 years of service, he became a monk, and then became the abbot of a monastery in Bithynia.

Cyril was interested in science from an early age, studied languages, and communicated with prominent personalities of that time, such as the Byzantine chronicler Leon Grammatikos and Patriarch Photius. After completing his studies, he received the rank of priest, taught philosophy in Constantinople, and later moved to Methodius in a monastery, where he prayed and read a lot.

The reason for the creation of a new script was the request of the Moravian prince Rostislav to send teachers to him so that they preached in the native language of his subjects. These were the times when the Slavic peoples were just entering the historical stage and needed convincing sermons and popular worship. In 863, the brothers begin to create a new alphabet. They significantly change the Greek alphabet and try to more accurately convey Slavic sounds. Using the new script, they translate books, texts from the Gospel, psalms, hymns for liturgies. As soon as the word of God sounded in the Slavic language, the need for local clergymen immediately arose, so the most worthy were prepared for ordination. Listening to the texts of the Holy Scriptures in their native language, people began to accept Christianity, and with it the written language. Having inherited their own alphabet, the culture and spirituality of the Slavic countries experienced an unprecedented rise.

The Orthodox Church deeply honors the memory of the brothers. Already in the XI century. the day of May 11 (May 24 according to the Gregorian calendar) is declared the day of memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius, and later, when science and education flourished, this day became the holiday of Slavic writing. In Rus', the custom of remembering Cyril and Methodius has developed a very long time ago, but at the state level the holiday was approved only in 1863, almost 1000 years after the introduction of the Cyrillic alphabet. In Soviet times, it was generally forgotten, but on May 24, 1986, several events were held in Murmansk dedicated to the Day of Writing, and the following year it was celebrated in Kyiv, Minsk and Novgorod. In 1991, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR legalized the holiday as the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture.

Now in Russia the holiday is celebrated by both the church and the secular community. Together with commemorative services, processions and pilgrimages to monasteries, exhibitions, presentations, literary readings, competitions and festive concerts are organized. This holiday is an occasion for joy and pride in their national culture, both for believers and convinced atheists in many countries.

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