Dasha's maiden name is Pynzar. Daria Pynzar: “I will have a girl! Conflict with the Gusevs


She was born in the city of Balakovo, where she lived before joining the reality show with her mother, older sister Natalya, as well as her beloved nephew, Alexander.

Having come to the project, at the age of 20, the blonde immediately declared that she was a virgin, and in her life she had not yet met a person to whom she could give herself. True, on this topic, Ksenia Sobchak spoke very caustically, saying that the new girl, with her behavior, is more like a stripper than an innocent angel. It must be admitted that the girl gave rise to such reasoning, because she constantly wore revealing and seductive dresses, and skillfully used male attention.

The first young man with whom Dasha Chernykh decided to build love was Rustam Solntsev. Is it worth remembering that the age difference with her chosen one was more than 10 years, which actually became one of the reasons for the fairly quick separation from Rustam. Also, one of the catalysts for the breakup was the complete mismanagement of the blonde, who managed to wash Solntsev's jeans along with his mobile phone.

But, for a long time the blonde did not have to suffer alone. Soon Sergey Pynzar came to the TV project, the girl had strong feelings for the box. After a while, they created a very strong couple on the television project house 2. True, in their relationship, there have been many disagreements lately. The main ones are claims to the financial insolvency of Serezha, who cannot fully satisfy the needs of his soulmate in material goods. Another important problem in the relationship of the couple is how Dasha and Evgenia Feofilaktova communicate, with whom the blonde spends much more time than with her boyfriend. Together with Zhenya, they organized a group in which, on tour, in a duet, they perform songs at home 2. But, despite all the differences, love reigns in a couple.

May 8, 2010 (according to the time of the reality show) took place with Sergey Pynzar. The girl took the name of her husband and now she can be called Daria Pynzar.

Russian media person and business woman Daria Chernykh. Known as a former participant in the Dom-2 television project on the TNT channel, a participant in the reality show Pregnant Women on the Domashny channel.

Daria Chernykh (Pynzar) was born in the winter of 1986 in Ukraine, in the small village of Enakievo. Later, she, along with her family, mother and older sister Natalya, moved to the city of Balakovo, Saratov Region.

Daria Pynzar and House 2

Being a third-year student of the full-time department of the design faculty of the Moscow Institute of Economics and Culture, the girl decided to show herself and take part in the sensational reality show " House 2". At the end of December 2007, she appeared on the set.

Dasha Chernykh, at the first meeting with the participants, stated that she was still a virgin and was going to build love only with the most sincere and worthy man. Rustam Solntsev, a rather sharp-tongued old-timer of the TV show, became her chosen one. He was ten years older than Dasha and refused to see the girl as a good housewife - the last straw was that Chernykh washed Rustam's jeans along with his mobile phone.

The next admirer of the blond beauty was Andrey Cherkasov, who had a reputation as a womanizer on the Dom-2 project, but Dasha herself chose to get rid of him.

Soon the girl drew attention to the athlete Sergei Pynzar. Relations developed according to the classic scenario: Sergey courted Dasha, called her the embodiment of ideal female beauty and gave huge bouquets of flowers.

Despite the official status of an “almost married” girl, Daria continued to go to nightclubs and spend time on strip shows with her friend, another participant in the TV project Evgenia Feofilaktova. After several high-profile scandals, Sergei forgave his beloved and agreed to start their relationship from scratch.

Personal life of Daria Pynzar

Daria did not dare to take her husband's surname for a long time, but in the end she succumbed to the persuasion of others. Dasha's sister gave the newlyweds a ticket to Cuba, where they spent their honeymoon.

In the fall of 2010, the couple announced that they were expecting a child, which caused an unprecedented stir in a wide circle of fans of the TV show. To spite all her ill-wishers, Daria continued to wear mini-skirts until the last months of her pregnancy and did not gain a single extra kilogram. In addition, Dasha participated in the Lady Grace competition, where she competed in fitness art with other participants in Doma-2 and won first place, receiving a cash prize of 300 thousand rubles.

On July 23, 2011, Daria's firstborn was born. Sergey was present at the birth and said that there is no happier person in the world than he is. The baby was named Artem.

In 2012, the couple opened a personalized clothing store in Moscow.

In April 2016, the TV channel " Home"Announced that the newly pregnant Dasha Pynzar became a participant in the reality show" Pregnant Season 2 "Together with director Valeria Gay Germanika and the daughter of a famous fashion designer Galina Yudashkina.

In 2016, Daria gave birth to her second son, the child was named David.

In 2017, Daria became the owner of a beauty salon, but already in 2018 she lost her business.

In 2018, the whole family went on vacation to Turkey. Living in Alanya seemed so pleasant to Daria that she seriously thought about staying in Turkey for a longer period than usual holidays suggest.

Sergey Pynzar is a former participant in the reality show "Dom 2" on the TNT channel. Born on May 30, 1984, in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. Full years - 33 years. The height is 175 cm, and the weight is about 82 kg.

Little Seryozha's childhood

Sergey and his brother Evgeny were brought up by one mother, since they did not have a father. From childhood, the little boy liked dancing, which grew into a huge become in his younger years.

After Seryozha graduated from the 9th grade school, he decided to enter the school of instrumentation and automation, and after that he was taken to the institute to continue his studies in this specialty. At the time when Serezha was studying, he also managed to earn extra money at many jobs, from a gas station filler to a sales assistant.

But even at that time, Serezha still did not forget about his most important hobby in life - dancing. The guy did not like to study at the institute, and therefore, as soon as he received an offer to join the show ballet "Crocodile", based in Evpatoria, he left the institute and began touring with a new team.

Thanks to this hobby, Sergei managed to see a huge number of Ukrainian and Russian cities, but St. Petersburg was the most hooked on him, once he got into it, he did not want to return back and stayed to live there. Pynzar began to make a living by dancing "go-go" in the clubs of the cloudy city.

Participation and life of Sergei Pynzar on the television project "Dom 2"

In 2008, the young man received an invitation to pass the casting for this TV project, which he successfully passed, and after that he went straight to the show itself. Immediately, after his arrival, the guy announced his intentions to woo Victoria Karaseva, who did not react to these statements in any way. Therefore, after some time, Sergey decided to try himself in a relationship with Natalya Varvina and Nadezhda Ermakova, but they could not achieve long-term serious meetings with these girls either.

After some time, Sergei nevertheless found his happiness on the project - Daria Chernykh. Initially, the guys looked at each other for a long time, and after a while their couple became one of the brightest non-TV projects. Although it is worth noting that here everything was not entirely smooth. Daria loved to take a walk with her friend in nightclubs, which upset Seryozha very much, while the girl herself often reproached the young guy for not being able to earn decent money.

In addition, a huge number of other guys tried to get the attention of the beautiful Daria, who was already in a relationship with Sergey, and since Serezha is a rather hot-tempered man, he arranged serious fights on the site.

The personal life of a young man now

After several years of relationship, the young couple nevertheless decided that they were made for each other and realized that they were ready to live together until the end of their days. Therefore, in May 2010, a couple of Sergei and Daria had a wedding.

Six months after this significant event, the girl became pregnant, but despite this, the couple continued to take an active part in one of the country's main television projects. The couple named their first child Artem. After the birth of their son, the couple finally settled in Moscow and came to the clearing only on weekends.
Six years after the birth of Artem, another boy was born to young people, who was named David.

At the moment, the young couple provides themselves with their own branded clothing and jewelry stores, and in 2017 they managed to open their own beauty salon.

Now, the couple retains their warm feelings for each other, as they did many years ago, which cannot but please their fans.

  • instagram.com/pinzar_sergei

Ex-participants of the Dom-2 project Sergey and Daria Pynzar give the impression of an ideal couple. They got married six years ago and have two sons - 5-year-old Artem and 5-month-old David. But the birth of the first child almost caused a scandal in the family of "households".

“I was inexperienced, I didn’t know which way to approach the baby,” Dasha tells StarHit. - We asked Serezha's mother Elena Petrovna to come to us for some time from Dnepropetrovsk. Mother-in-law helped a lot with the topic, I was extremely grateful to her. But a month and a half later, Seryozha confronted me with the fact that my mother was leaving. I was very surprised, and my husband admitted that, it turns out, all this time Elena Petrovna expressed her dissatisfaction with me. Either I didn’t make the bed, then I put a comb on the kitchen table, then I cooked it tastelessly ... "

Elena Petrovna set up her son to make remarks to Dasha. “She assured him that I was unworthy of such a man, that he needed another,” recalls Pynzar. - I wanted him to scold me for not cooking enough and not cleaning the floors from morning to night. Yes, I'm not perfect, I admit it, but what can I do, I can't become different! Perhaps Elena Petrovna did not understand what could be the reason for our divorce, because thousands of families are breaking up because of the mother-in-law.

After leaving, Daria did not communicate with her husband's mother. “They called Serezha on Skype, her husband showed her the Topic, but I didn’t want to appear on the screen,” Dasha explains. “It was unpleasant, because I didn’t even suspect that the person didn’t like me.”

This continued until Pynzar gave her husband a second son.

“He reconciled us,” says Daria, who is now participating in the reality show “Wedding Size” on the Domashny TV channel. - Elena Petrovna was very happy, and her sincerity made me forget about our misunderstanding. I showed her David, she began to ask how he eats, how he sleeps. Answering my mother-in-law's questions, I understood that my feelings for her were growing warmer ... Soon she would come to us to babysit the little one, and I hope that this time everything will be fine. But in any case, I’m sure that the farther from relatives, the better the relationship. To avoid conflicts, one must live in different territories.”

Daria Pynzar is the brightest participant in the reality show "House 2", known to many viewers. As part of the project, she managed to successfully marry and give birth to two sons.

Dasha Chernykh (her maiden name) is a native of the small town of Yenakiyevo near Donetsk. She was born in 1986 on January 6th. Her childhood and youth were spent in the Saratov region in Balakovo, where the family - mother, father and two daughters - moved almost immediately after the birth of Dasha. But Chernykh suffered a terrible tragedy - the girls were left without parents very early, and in fact Dasha was raised by her older sister Natalya.

"House 2"

After graduating from high school, Daria entered the design department of the Moscow Institute of Economics and Culture. She studied without difficulty, but the idea came to her mind to take part in "House 2", she believed that it was there that she would pull out her lucky ticket. She went through a series of auditions in the most rated show in the country, in 2007 she got on the site of a scandalous project, and her career went up. She immediately declared that she was innocent, and intended to build a strong relationship only with a serious man. Everyone was delighted when Daria and Sergey Pynzar finally found each other, started a family and began to live together. After all, their path to happiness in the family was rather thorny, the process of "grinding in" took a long time.

Lap of honor at the start of the family

Daria married Sergei in 2010 and took his last name. Unusually and non-standard began their "career of the newlyweds", however, the life of celebrities cannot be considered commonplace. The main entrance to the Wedding Palace was closed. And Seryozha promised Dasha that he would bring her in his arms to the registry office. Pynzar is a strong guy, an athlete, he, without losing his head and without letting go of his bride, walked around the building, making a "lap of honor". Someone may see this as a symbol of a strong family.

Later, at the site of "House 2", during the celebrations, Daria and Sergey released white doves, and then flew away for their honeymoon to Cuba - this trip was presented to them by their sister Natasha for the wedding.

Family and children of Daria Pynzar

In 2011, it became known that the couple was expecting a child. Dasha, being pregnant, won the project competition "Lady Grace". In general, carrying her son under her heart, Daria led an active lifestyle, traveled, did not stop playing sports and taking care of herself. On July 23, another "son of the regiment" appeared in "House 2". Pynzari decided to name the boy Artem. Papa Sergei was present at the birth.

After that, Pynzari actually stopped participating in the TV show, moved to a city apartment, played the roles of not participants, but co-hosts in "House 2". How so? Do they live in a living space paid for by the TV channel, do they receive a salary? The audience was outraged.

Two years after the birth of their first child, the couple got married. In May 2016, Daria Pynzar gave birth to her second son, David.

Today, Dasha and Serezha are planning to conceive a third baby, and they emphasize that they would like a daughter. The couple is very determined, the birth of a child is planned in 2018. They say that in order to realize her dream, Daria Pynzar has already applied to the perinatal center, where she should undergo a genetic study, prescribe special nutrition and take the necessary drugs.

new chest

Once Dasha was proud of her bust, but when she finished feeding her son, she realized that her pride had become a big problem. Before the plastic surgery, Daria Pynzar's chest was dull, small and unattractive. After the operation, she became sexy and appetizing, even better than before.

At the same time, her husband and relatives were categorically against the operation, but dear Dasha insisted on her own, giving a weighty argument - the girl wants to be beautiful for her husband always. Even if he is against it.

Look at the photo of Daria Pynzar before and after the plastic surgery - the result is not bad, and thank God that everything "took root" as it should.


Being pregnant with her second son, Dasha, together with the daughter of fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin Galina and director Valeria Gay Germanika, took part in the second season of the show "Pregnant" on the Domashny TV channel.

In November 2016, Pynzari became guests of the show "Wedding Size" with Anita Tsoi - the couple expressed a strong desire to lose weight, and passed the test together with dignity. Pynzarey's career on TV is developing well, in addition, Dasha is very active in social media. Well, "House 2" provides good chances to start from anywhere in your life in the vent of popularity. The main thing is not to splash yourself on the rise, not to miss the right moment, not to stop warming up interest in yourself.


Some time ago, the TV presenter and blogger could still boast of something. Two studios of Daria Pynzar, specializing in manicure and pedicure, successfully worked on Novy Arbat and in South Butovo.

According to Daria, she came to the salons every day and followed the employees. I personally hired staff, tested them for professional suitability, and checked their work on myself. Dasha opened studios from scratch, and she had to make a lot of efforts to get people to go there. Daria Pynzar is very scrupulous and demanding, the reputation of the salon was above all for her. Therefore, employees were not recruited at a very high pace.

Due to disagreements with partners, the girl had to refuse to cooperate with them. Daria decided not to quarrel with anyone, but simply to stop business cooperation. She is a peaceful girl, why these quarrels.

Salon owner

Daria and Sergey Pynzarey have another business of their own - an online clothing store, they personally deal with its advertising. In 2012, the couple opened their own boutique, now it is a fashion chain. The Pinzar franchise is all about cute everyday wear that will never go out of demand.

But in this type of business, peaceful Dasha also did not do without conflicts - a cat ran between the Pynzarys and the Gusevs, with whom they were very friendly at one time. Both families were competitors in this business, they didn’t share something to such an extent that the Gusevs even wanted to change their baby’s godmother (she was Dasha). It seems that the conflict has subsided, but the families do not communicate.

How long this brand will be alive is unknown, time will tell. Today the couple Pynzarey is seriously going to leave Russia.

Sunny Alanya

Former members of "House-2" Daria and Sergey Pynzar some time ago with both sons settled in Turkey. According to media reports, the family plans to buy housing by the sea.

Why did they decide in favor of Alanya? Dasha and Sergey say that it is incredibly beautiful and warm here all year round. A small town located on the coast. The sea on one side, mountains and rivers on the other, Dasha had never seen anything like it. All the locals are very positive, they speak Russian, Dasha says that she does not feel a language barrier. More than enough mothers with children.

In addition, according to Dasha, the local population loves children, they are always ready to help, help out, she says that there is no such thing in Russia.

Artem, the son of the Pynzares, goes to a local kindergarten, and his mother likes everything. He is learning English - his mother does not read fairy tales to him at night, but repeats English words with him.

Well, let's wish them good luck!

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