Diabetes 2 degree treatment and nutrition. My Diet for Type II Diabetes


We have already mentioned that diabetes is a chronic disease.

At the moment, there is no cure for it, and all “side” drugs and techniques are aimed solely at stopping or delaying a number of complications in this disease, which sooner or later will manifest themselves anyway.

"Sugar disease" in its destructive effect is so multifaceted that it is possible to increase the patient's lifespan only if both the endocrinologist and the patient themselves fight together against this disease.

For the most part, the leading role in the treatment process, of course, should be played by the diabetic himself, because no one except him will be able to respond in time to the slightest signals sent by the body, and the first thing any patient should do is self-control.

We dare to give a little advice to our readers. Keep a personal diary in which you will record your readings daily. Thus, you can track all quantitative fluctuations during the day in time and warn them in time. How to respond to certain changes will tell you either the attending physician or our subsequent advice.

To put it simply, the algorithm for the modern treatment of type 2 diabetes is as follows:

  1. Diet
  2. Medicines
  3. Normalized physical activity
  4. Maintaining self-control
  5. Prevention of late complications in diabetes mellitus

Let's just say that personally we are not entirely in solidarity with traditional methods. In this therapy, we are very confused by drug intervention in the treatment process.

We would recommend to refrain from taking any drugs for as long as possible and, if possible, limit yourself to diet, self-control, lead an active lifestyle and thereby delay the further development of diabetes and its complications.

In addition, instilling eating habits is a rather long-term process that many diabetics do not cope with right away.

The main goal of introducing diet and physical activity into therapy is to strive to normalize disturbed metabolic processes of substances in the body (carbohydrate, fat, protein and water-salt), in order to bring the patient's condition closer to normal. Thus, it is possible not only to normalize all processes, but also to correct the weight of the patient. With weight loss, special emphasis is placed on low-carbohydrate or balanced diets.

At the same time, a complete refusal of food is completely wrong, and such a technique as fasting in diabetes is unacceptable.

We do not exclude the fact that with high-quality fasting (in the process of following all the recommendations, total control and supervision of the patient by a real practitioner in this field!) You can achieve amazing results.

BUT! At the moment, we cannot say for sure that there are many such specialists in Russia. Moreover, consider themselves professional specialists and those who simply pull money out of unfortunate people. They manipulate the fear of a person, driving him into a dead end, frightening him with terrible stories about unfortunate people who were treated in traditional ways and could not live a “worthy” and long life. At the same time, they talk about the incredible healing of people after 40 days of fasting, so much so that the unfortunate begins to completely believe this "doctor", because patients are surrounded by sufferers who allegedly recovered by a miracle, telling him about their false destinies.

Recall! The hardest part about fasting is getting started and finishing the process right. With the wrong method of fasting, you can very much harm the whole body! The consequences of such methods developed by crooked-handed and sweet-voiced "specialists" are actually terrible. Therefore, before entrusting your life, health and a fabulous amount of money to someone, check all regulatory documents and their authenticity, because you can print ready-made review forms on any color printer.

And remember that none of them is responsible for your life and health, because you yourself agree to such experiments.

No one forced or forced you. At the same time, all checks usually bear the inscription: “Voluntary donation in the amount of….”

But back to our topic.

So, in order to lose excess weight, which largely interferes with the normalization of all metabolic processes, improve your health and almost completely forget about diabetes, you need to clearly understand that:

  • Without desire, aspiration and willpower, nothing will come of it.
  • It is important to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician (but do not swallow pills that are “useful” in the most extreme case, when it is simply impossible to live without their intervention)
  • You need to diversify your life with a love of training (love the gym, because without them it will be more difficult for you to join the ranks of healthy people living a full life)
  • Eat right (watch what and how much you consume)
  • Never lose heart (despondency is the enemy of any person, which drives him into an even more difficult state - depression)
  • Remember that all the diseases that have clung to us progress against the background of a complex stressful state (do not let negative emotions cloud your mind)
  • Any diet should be adjusted depending on the current state (if you have already lost a certain amount of kilograms, usually from 10 or more, then you need to reduce the total daily calories, etc.)

Diabetics should completely eliminate:

  • sugar and sugar syrups (jam, condensed milk)
  • confectionery (sweets, cookies, pastries, cakes, etc.)
  • white baked goods
  • fruits and dried fruits (it is allowed to drink compotes, but without sugar)
  • beer, spirits and sweet wines
  • sugary drinks (including packaged store-bought juices with sugar)

The process of cooking is also important! Eating highly fatty foods, deep-fried, is dangerous not only for diabetics, but also for healthy people. Try to cook dishes with ingredients in a small amount of oil and fat. It is better to eat fresh vegetables and herbs, when cooking, try not to overcook them a little. It is best to steam or bake foods in their own juices in the oven. Choose lean meats, fish, and other seafood. It is also not recommended to lean on salt.

Drink more water! Do not allow dehydration of the body. In diabetics, all excess sugar and oxidation components after metabolic processes are excreted with an abundance of urine. That is why the process of urination can be difficult and they are more likely than others to go out of need. At the same time, be careful with any tea drinks. Remember that any tea is a diuretic.

When following a diet, it is also worth remembering the vitamin balance. In diabetics, many nutrients are also washed out of the body with urine, which do not have time to be absorbed in time, and if the patient adheres to a diet, the amount of vitamins is sharply reduced, especially in the off-season or in winter. To ensure the normal course of redox processes, it is important to consume a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables, greens, which contain fiber. Sometimes an endocrinologist may prescribe some additional vitamin complex.

Tobacco smoking, which increases the already high level of lipid peroxidation in diabetes, is strictly prohibited. Also, you can not drink alcohol, even in small doses. All this has an extremely detrimental effect on the functions of all organs, on the central and peripheral nervous systems.

How to calculate your daily calorie intake

We perfectly understand how doctors work in city and regional hospitals. Such wages do not at all stimulate them to conduct a more thorough analysis and work with each patient who comes to the hospital with a particular issue. Therefore, most likely, in working with the patient, the doctor will limit himself to some general recommendations and advice. To get more specific and high-quality advice, you have to contact either a paid clinic, or look for answers to your questions yourself.

And in the first and second cases, no one will give you any guarantees, because in a paid clinic you will have to repay literally every breath you take (as long as finances allow), and when you search for information on your own, you can come across groundless, empty, stupid and even dangerous advice that is far from factual.

Therefore, we will place in this article one technique that, thanks to some calculations, will allow us to calculate the individual daily calorie intake. To do this, you need to have only a few knowledge (to know: weight, height, age, gender and activity level).

Of course, you can limit yourself to studying the simpler information in the table below, but it is much more important to conduct a detailed analysis and calculations in order to identify your own criteria.

Daily rate

men age norm excess norm excess Women
19-24 2600 2080 2200 1780
25-50 2400 1920 2000 1600
51-64 2200 1780 1800 1440
over 64 1900 1520 1600 1280

Why does total calorie intake decrease with age?

The thing is that the older the person, the slower his metabolism. All metabolic processes slow down and, accordingly, a smaller amount of "fuel" - food - is required for the normalization and energy supply of the body. Therefore, people over the age of 40 who are overweight fall into a special increased risk group for developing or.

Calculation of individual criteria

  • activity level

From the table below, select the definition that suits you and separately write down its coefficient.

coefficient definition description
1.2 inactive inactive lifestyle without physical activity (sedentary work - home - work)
1.375 inactive
occasional gym workouts (about 2 days a week)
1.55 active more frequent workouts (about 3 - 5 days a week)
1.725 very active
frequent workouts (every day)
1.9 hyperactive a large amount of physical activity (professional sports, daily many hours of training or physical labor)

When determining your level of activity, you need to be as honest as possible. The accuracy of subsequent calculations depends on this.

  • Total metabolism per day

He calculates according to the formula, taking into account gender differences.

For men: 66.47+(13.7×weight/kg)+(5×height/cm)-(6.76×age)

For women: 655.1+(9.6×weight/kg)+(1.8×height/cm)-(4.7×age)

For example, the weight of a fifty-six-year-old woman of average height is 115 kg, her daily norm will be: 655.1 + (9.6 × 115) + (1.8 × 168) - (4.7 × 65) = 1756 kcal / day

However, do not forget that rapid weight loss is fraught with negative consequences, especially for a diabetic who, even with his diagnosis, has already experienced a serious failure in lipid, carbohydrate, purine, water-salt metabolism.

Normal, healthy weight loss with overweight and diagnosed obesity is only possible by 4 or 5 kg per month!

The indicator obtained at this stage is only a rough, dirty criterion that requires further polishing and cutting, because such a daily rate is very conditional!

  • Calorie norm

Calculated according to the formula: total metabolism per day×activity level

It turns out, 1756 × 1.2 (the person is inactive, does not engage in heavy physical labor and leads a predominantly “sedentary” lifestyle) = 2107.2 kcal / day

In other words, a person should consume approximately 2108 calories, but in order to lose weight, he needs to subtract 500 kcal from this amount. We get 1608. The best option will be presented to us by calculating the calorie corridor, which will allow us to determine the low and high limits.

Low limit: 1608-250=1358

High limit: 1608+100=1708

Thus, we will receive approximate guidelines in order to vary the calorie content of the daily diet within acceptable limits. At the same time, the level and speed that are characteristic of healthy, smooth weight loss is achieved.

The norm of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

But when compiling a diet, planning appropriate treatment for type 2 diabetes, it is imperative to observe the balance of various substances and trace elements. The daily diet should contain: carbohydrates - 45-60%, fats - 20-35%, proteins - 10-16% of the daily norm.

How to determine their exact number for a particular person?

In this case, we will be helped by the previously obtained indicators of the corridor of calories (low and high limits) to calculate the corridor of nutrients.

Low level:

  • proteins 1358×0.10÷4=33.95
  • fats 1358×0.20÷9=30.17
  • carbohydrates 1358×0.45÷4=152.77

High level:

  • proteins 1708×0.16÷4=68.32
  • fats 1708×0.35÷9=66.42
  • carbohydrates 1708×0.60÷4=256.2

In addition, when compiling your menu, it would be nice to classify foods according to their usefulness for a diabetic. Will help with this.

self control

The next thing that is used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes after diet and normalized physical activity is self-control!

To do this, you can either print this page with tabular data, or draw them yourself in your personal diary.

Self-control (standard from 1993)

Indicators Control
good satisfactory bad
on an empty stomach 4.4 - 6.1
6.2 - 7.8
after meal 5.5 - 8.0
11.1 - 14.0
HbA1C (N<6%) <6.5 6.5 - 7.5
HbA1C (N<7.5%) <8.0 8.0 - 9.5
total cholesterol
mmol/liter <5.2 5.2 - 6.5
Fasting triglycerides
mmol/liter <1.7 1.7 - 2.2
Body Mass Index (kg/m²)
men <25.0 25.0 - 27.0
women <24.0 24.0 - 26.0

With the European norm, developed in 1993 by the group on insulin-dependent diabetes, it is proposed to monitor the following biochemical parameters:

  • Glucose level

Blood sugar levels vary throughout the day and are directly related to the quality and quantity of food consumed.

If you consume food rich in fast carbohydrates, then, of course, the blood sugar level will increase very much. If you eat foods with slow carbohydrates, then the “sugar” level will also rise, but not critically. Within 5 hours after eating, a gradual normalization will occur.

You can learn more about carbohydrate-containing products and the process of their interaction with our “inner world” from the article:

Therefore, control must be carried out, as you may have guessed, during the day. Usually the first blood sampling takes place in the morning on an empty stomach until breakfast. Then after every meal. Glucometers can help you measure your glucose levels at home.

With inpatient or sanatorium treatment, an additional method of control is. It is also possible to pass a similar analysis during outpatient treatment with direct receipt of a referral from the attending endocrinologist.

Compensation of carbohydrate metabolism

Study time Glucose content (mmol/liter)
perfect compensation satisfactory compensation
before breakfast 3.89 - 5.0 3.87 - 6.11
before any meal 3.89 - 5.83 3.89 - 7.22
After meal
After 1 hour 6.11 - 8.88 6.11 - 9.99
In 2 hours 4.44 - 6.66 4.44 - 8.33
at 2 and 4 p.m. 3.89 - 5.0 3.89 - 6.66

Looking ahead, we note that it is necessary to conduct more enhanced self-control in order to stop or hypoglycemia before, during and after training or any physical activity. Very often, patients turn to the doctor at a critical moment, who do not take this fact into account while working on their garden plot.

Remember: digging beds for planting, landscaping the site, caring for and harvesting - all this refers to increased physical exertion. At this time and after work, you need to monitor your health especially often.

If you forget about it, then start an alarm clock that would beep every 30 - 40 minutes!

A portable express blood cholesterol analyzer that has several test strips will help you measure the level of total cholesterol at home. Similar devices allow you to find out not only the level of “bad cholesterol” (LDL cholesterol of low density lipoproteins) and “good cholesterol” (HDL cholesterol of high density lipoproteins), i.e. show the amount of triglycerides, as well as the level of glucose in the blood.

Typically, such a set consists of several items: a lancet (a pen with a needle at the end), the device itself, which measures readings and a set of test strips that act like litmus paper when a drop of blood is taken onto a strip soaked in a special chemical solution that enters react when in contact with human blood.

It is necessary to take blood for analysis strictly on an empty stomach! (with a twelve-hour fast)

The strip is inserted into the niche of the device and it remains only to wait for the publication of information that will be reflected on the monitor in the form of symbols, which the attached instructions will allow to decipher.

It is not necessary to buy an expensive express analyzer. You can take a referral from an endocrinologist and donate blood as part of a laboratory analysis.

  • Body mass index

To calculate BMI (body mass index), you need to know your height and weight.

Formula: BMI \u003d weight / kg ÷ height / m 2

Thus, if a person's weight is 95kg with a height of 175cm, then: 95÷(1.75×1.75)=31

And then we check the diagnostic table, which also reflects the level of risk of developing endocrine diseases in conjunction with cardiovascular and other types of complications in the presence of overweight and obesity.

BMI (kg / m 2) Diagnostics Level of risk
<18.5 underweight
low (medium risk of developing other diseases)
18.5 - 24.9
normal body weight normal condition without complications
25 - 29.9 overweight elevated can diagnose prediabetes
30.0 - 34.9 obesity I degree high (metabolic syndrome)
35.0 - 39.9 obesity II degree very tall
≥40 obesity III degree extremely high

If the above methods do not help to normalize the patient's condition, then apply insulin therapy, which is shown in the following cases:

  • ketoacidosis, diabetic coma;
  • fast and strong weight loss;
  • the occurrence of intercurrent diseases;
  • surgical intervention in a critical condition of the patient;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • lack of effect from the use of other methods of treatment.

Only a doctor can prescribe this type of treatment for type 2 diabetes!

Medical treatment of type 2 diabetes

All treatment comes down to normalizing the level of glycemia and normalizing carbohydrate metabolism, stimulating insulin secretion and increasing cell susceptibility to insulin, and speeding up metabolism.

In the treatment of type 2 diabetes, sugar-burning drugs are also used. There are only two types of them: sulfonylurea derivatives and biguanides.

Sulfonylureas, depending on their effect (central or peripheral), can act directly on the pancreas when stimulation of the pancreatic islets and insulin is produced, and the sensitivity of β-cells to glycemia improves. Such drugs can participate in the process of glucose utilization in the liver and muscle tissue, when the process of glycogen formation in them is enhanced. Other relatively positive results are also achieved, allowing the development time to be delayed.

But! Prolonged treatment leads to a strong decrease in sensitivity to them. Further attempts to increase the dosage do not lead to positive results!

Sulfonylureas Contraindications

In addition, if a person has the following complications, then these drugs are strictly prohibited to use:

  • ketoacidosis,
  • precomatose state
  • diabetic coma
  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • the presence of any infectious disease,
  • need for surgical intervention
  • development of trophic skin lesions,
  • the appearance of symptoms of developing renal or hepatic insufficiency,
  • progressive weight loss of the patient.

Side effects

In some cases, taking drugs can provoke the development of the following complications and negative consequences:

  • dyspepsia,
  • allergic reactions,
  • leukopenia,
  • thrombocytopenia,
  • agranulocytosis,
  • toxic hepatitis.

In any case, remember that before you conduct any experiments on your health, be sure to consult a doctor for a timely consultation!

The above should not push you towards rash self-treatment!

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Diabetes mellitus is one of the serious pathologies of the endocrine system, which requires constant monitoring by the patient and the doctor.

Everyone who has been diagnosed with such a diagnosis will agree that the prevailing share of medical restrictions and recommendations concerns the daily diet. In fact, this is the main treatment, on which the course of the disease, as well as the general condition of the patient, directly depends. If you have type 2 diabetes, the diet is something that is important to learn by heart, so it is best to print it out so that it is always in front of your eyes and you strictly adhere to it. Many mistakenly believe that nothing bad will happen from a few glasses of alcohol or a dozen candies.

Such breakdowns simply nullify all your efforts and can cause a critical condition that requires immediate resuscitation, or even a complete refusal of food.

Features and principles of nutrition in type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes mellitus causes a drop in glucose concentration and a lack of energy in the cells of the spinal cord due to insufficient supply of glucose to the cells of the patient's body. Diabetes mellitus of this type develops in elderly or mature people and is directly related to aging of the body or obesity. The task of a person with type 2 diabetes is to lose weight, then he will get rid of the disease. Losing 5 kg will already greatly improve blood insulin levels, so you should follow a low-calorie diet.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates provide the main energy in the human body during nutrition. Fats contain more energy, almost twice as much as carbohydrates or proteins, so a significant reduction in fats in the menu will be an effective low-calorie diet for type 2 diabetes.

To remove as much fat as possible, you should follow a few rules in the diet:

  1. Remove fat from meat and skin from poultry before cooking.
  2. Carefully read the information on the product packaging, it will show the fat content.
  3. Avoid frying foods with vegetable oil. It is better to use stewing, baking or boiling.
  4. Adding mayonnaise or sour cream to salads significantly increases their calorie content.
  5. Try to eat more raw vegetables than boiled ones.
  6. Avoid chips and nuts - they are high in calories.

Some features of optimal nutrition for diabetics

  1. In no case should you neglect breakfast.
  2. You can not starve and take long breaks in food.
  3. Last meal no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  4. Dishes should not be too hot or too cold.
  5. During meals, vegetables are eaten first, and then a protein product (meat, cottage cheese).
  6. If there is a significant amount of carbohydrates in a serving of food, there must be proteins or the right fats to reduce the rate of digestion of the former.
  7. Allowed drinks or water should preferably be drunk before meals, and not washed down with food.
  8. When cooking cutlets, a long loaf is not used, but oatmeal and vegetables can be added.
  9. You can not increase the GI of products by additionally frying them, adding flour, breading in breadcrumbs and batter, flavoring with oil and even boiling (beets, pumpkin).
  10. With poor tolerance for raw vegetables, baked dishes are made from them, various pastas and pates.
  11. Eat slowly and in small portions, chewing food thoroughly.
  12. You should stop eating at 80% saturation (according to personal feelings).

What is the glycemic index (GI) and why does a diabetic need it?

This is an indicator of the ability of foods after they are ingested to cause an increase in blood sugar levels. GI acquires particular relevance in severe and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

Each product has its own GI. Accordingly, the higher it is, the faster the blood sugar indicator rises after its use and vice versa. The GI gradation separates all products with high (more than 70 units), medium (41-70) and low GI (up to 40). Tables with a breakdown of products into specified groups or online calculators for calculating GI can be found on thematic portals and used in everyday life.

All foods with a high GI are excluded from the diet, with the rare exception of those that are beneficial to the body of a person suffering from diabetes (honey). In this case, the overall GI of the diet is reduced by limiting other carbohydrate foods. The usual diet should consist of foods with a low (mainly) and medium (smaller proportion) GI.

Food table by glycemic index

The lower the glycemic index of the product, the slower it is absorbed by the body, and this in turn leads to the fact that blood sugar remains normal or rises slightly. But this will not affect the patient's condition.

It must be remembered that the diagnosis of diabetes is not a death sentence. And this does not mean that the diet will be scarce. On the contrary, the patient should not starve. Just foods for type 2 diabetes should have a low glycemic index.

Table of prohibited products

Refined sugar is among the products with an average GI, but with a borderline value. That is, theoretically, it can be consumed, but the absorption of sugar is fast, which means that blood sugar rises rapidly. Therefore, ideally, it should be excluded from the diet or consumed in a limited way.

What not to eat with diabetes, food table:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal
Vegetables and greens
beet 1,5 0,1 8,8 40
horseradish 3,2 0,4 10,5 56
apricots 0,9 0,1 10,8 41
pineapples 0,4 0,2 10,6 49
bananas 1,5 0,2 21,8 95
melon 0,6 0,3 7,4 33
mango 0,5 0,3 11,5 67
grape 0,6 0,2 16,8 65
Nuts and dried fruits
raisin 2,9 0,6 66,0 264
dried figs 3,1 0,8 57,9 257
dates 2,5 0,5 69,2 274
Cereals and cereals
semolina 10,3 1,0 73,3 328
rice 6,7 0,7 78,9 344
sago 1,0 0,7 85,0 350
Flour and pasta
pasta 10,4 1,1 69,7 337
noodles 12,0 3,7 60,1 322
Bakery products
wheat bread 8,1 1,0 48,8 242
jam 0,3 0,2 63,0 263
candies 4,3 19,8 67,5 453
confectionery cream 0,2 26,0 16,5 300
Ice cream
ice cream 3,7 6,9 22,1 189
chocolate 5,4 35,3 56,5 544
Raw materials and seasonings
mustard 5,7 6,4 22,0 162
mayonnaise 2,4 67,0 3,9 627
sugar 0,0 0,0 99,7 398
baked milk 3,0 6,0 4,7 84
cream 2,8 20,0 3,7 205
sour cream 25% (classic) 2,6 25,0 2,5 248
sour cream 30% 2,4 30,0 3,1 294
fermented baked milk 6% 5,0 6,0 4,1 84
airan (tan) 1,1 1,5 1,4 24
fruit yoghurt 3.2% 5,0 3,2 8,5 85
Cheese and cottage cheese
glazed cheese 8,5 27,8 32,0 407
curd 7,1 23,0 27,5 341
Meat products
salo 2,4 89,0 0,0 797
smoked chicken 27,5 8,2 0,0 184
smoked duck 19,0 28,4 0,0 337
Fish and seafood
smoked fish 26,8 9,9 0,0 196
canned fish 17,5 2,0 0,0 88
sardine in oil 24,1 13,9 221
cod (liver in oil) 4,2 65,7 1,2 613
Oils and fats
animal fat 0,0 99,7 0,0 897
culinary fat 0,0 99,7 0,0 897
Soft drinks
lemonade 0,0 0,0 6,4 26
pepsi 0,0 0,0 8,7 38
Juices and compotes
grape juice 0,3 0,0 14,0 54

Table of allowed products

Allowed foods for diabetes are a group that can be eaten without restrictions.

What can you eat with diabetes, food table:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal
Vegetables and greens
zucchini 0,6 0,3 4,6 24
cabbage 1,8 0,1 4,7 27
sauerkraut 1,8 0,1 4,4 19
cauliflower 2,5 0,3 5,4 30
cucumbers 0,8 0,1 2,8 15
radish 1,2 0,1 3,4 19
tomatoes 0,6 0,2 4,2 20
pumpkin 1,3 0,3 7,7 28
apricots 0,9 0,1 10,8 41
watermelon 0,6 0,1 5,8 25
cherry 0,8 0,5 11,3 52
pears 0,4 0,3 10,9 42
nectarine 0,9 0,2 11,8 48
peaches 0,9 0,1 11,3 46
plums 0,8 0,3 9,6 42
apples 0,4 0,4 9,8 47
cowberry 0,7 0,5 9,6 43
blackberry 2,0 0,0 6,4 31
raspberries 0,8 0,5 8,3 46
currant 1,0 0,4 7,5 43
Cereals and cereals
buckwheat (ground) 12,6 3,3 62,1 313
oat groats 12,3 6,1 59,5 342
corn grits 8,3 1,2 75,0 337
pearl barley 9,3 1,1 73,7 320
millet groats 11,5 3,3 69,3 348
barley grits 10,4 1,3 66,3 324
Bakery products
Rye bread 6,6 1,2 34,2 165
bread with bran 7,5 1,3 45,2 227
doctor's loaves 8,2 2,6 46,3 242
whole grain bread 10,1 2,3 57,1 295
crackers diabetic 10,5 5,7 73,1 388
Raw materials and seasonings
xylitol 0,0 0,0 97,9 367
honey 0,8 0,0 81,5 329
fructose 0,0 0,0 99,8 399
milk 3,2 3,6 4,8 64
kefir 3,4 2,0 4,7 51
sour cream 15% (low fat) 2,6 15,0 3,0 158
curdled milk 2,9 2,5 4,1 53
acidophilus 2,8 3,2 3,8 57
yogurt 4,3 2,0 6,2 60
Cheese and cottage cheese
cottage cheese 0.6% (low fat) 18,0 0,6 1,8 88
cottage cheese 1.8% (low fat) 18,0 1,8 3,3 101
cottage cheese 5% 17,2 5,0 1,8 121
Meat products
beef 18,9 19,4 0,0 187
beef tongue 13,6 12,1 0,0 163
veal 19,7 1,2 0,0 90
rabbit 21,0 8,0 0,0 156
chicken 16,0 14,0 0,0 190
turkey 19,2 0,7 0,0 84
chicken eggs 12,7 10,9 0,7 157
Fish and seafood
herring 16,3 10,7 161
Oils and fats
butter 0,5 82,5 0,8 748
corn oil 0,0 99,9 0,0 899
olive oil 0,0 99,8 0,0 898
sunflower oil 0,0 99,9 0,0 899
Soft drinks
mineral water 0,0 0,0 0,0
coffee 0,2 0,0 0,3 2
instant chicory 0,1 0,0 2,8 11
black tea without sugar 0,1 0,0 0,0
Juices and compotes
carrot juice 1,1 0,1 6,4 28
plum juice 0,8 0,0 9,6 39
tomato juice 1,1 0,2 3,8 21
pumpkin juice 0,0 0,0 9,0 38
rosehip juice 0,1 0,0 17,6 70
Apple juice 0,4 0,4 9,8 42
* data are per 100 g of product

Wholly or partially restricted products

  • Excluded are pastries, sweet desserts, honey, confectionery, jams and jams (you can use xylitol blanks), sugar, ice cream, curd mass, sweet curds, sweet juices, sweet drinks, beer.
  • Flour products (dumplings, dumplings, pancakes, pies).
  • Sweet fruits and dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, bananas, dates, figs, grapes, pineapple, persimmon, apricot, melon.
  • Semolina and pasta.
  • You can not eat fatty broths and fatty meat, fatty sauces, smoked meats, bacon, ham, sausages and cream. Limited liver, egg yolks, honey are allowed.
  • It is better to give up fried foods, eating spicy and too salty foods, spicy sauces.


  • Potatoes, wheat groats, white rice.
  • Beets and carrots.
  • The consumption of fats, even vegetable, is reduced as much as possible.

Replacing harmful products with useful analogues

We exclude We introduce into the diet
White rice brown rice
Potatoes, especially mashed and french fries Yasm, sweet potato
regular pasta Pasta made from durum flour and coarse grinding.
White bread peeled bread
Cornflakes Bran
Cakes Fruits and berries
red meat White dietary meat (rabbit, turkey), low-fat fish
Animal fats, trans fats Vegetable fats (rapeseed, linseed, olive)
Rich meat broths Light soups on the second broth from dietary meat
fat cheese Avocados, low-fat cheeses
Milk chocolate bitter chocolate
Ice cream Whipped frozen fruit (not fruit ice cream)
Cream low fat milk

Menu for a week with diabetes

Below is a menu according to generally accepted dietary recommendations. When compiling a menu for a week for type 2 diabetes for yourself, try to diversify it more and include your favorite vegetables and fruits, meat and fish dishes, the allowed amount of sweeteners in jelly, drinks and casseroles.

The menu for type 2 diabetes may look like this:

Second option:

Third option:

Fourth option:

Fifth option:

Sixth option:

Seventh option:

Table 9 for diabetes

Diet No. 9 was developed specifically for diabetics and has long been used in inpatient treatment of patients who strictly adhere to it at home. It was developed by the Soviet scientist M. Pevzner. It includes:

  • 300 g of fruit;
  • 80 g of vegetables;
  • 100 g mushrooms;
  • 1 st. natural fruit juice;
  • 300 g of meat or fish;
  • 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 500 ml of fermented milk products;
  • 100-200 g of bran, rye, wheat bread mixed with rye flour or 200 g of cereals (ready-made), potatoes;
  • 40-60 g of fat.

Main dishes:

  • Soups: vegetable, cabbage soup, beetroot soup, borscht, vegetable and meat okroshka, fish or light meat broth, mushroom soup with cereals and vegetables.
  • Poultry, meat: rabbit, veal, chicken stewed, chopped, boiled, turkey.
  • Fish: pike perch, saffron cod, cod, pike and low-fat seafood stewed, steamed, boiled, baked in juice.
  • Snacks: vegetable mix of vegetables, vinaigrette, aspic dietary fish and meat, vegetable caviar, unsalted cheese, seafood salad with butter.
  • Sweets: desserts from berries, fresh fruits, berry mousses, fruit jelly without sugar, jam and marmalade without sugar.
  • Egg dishes: soft-boiled eggs, protein omelet, in dishes.

Diet for type 2 diabetes by day

Contrary to the skepticism of many menus for the week of people who have just taken the right path of dietary nutrition, it can be both tasty and varied, the main thing is that food becomes a priority in life.

First option Second option
Breakfast Loose buckwheat with steam cheesecake and vegetable oil. Tea, protein omelet with asparagus.
Lunch Carrot salad. Apple and squid salad with pomegranate seeds.
Dinner Vegetarian vegetable soup, jacket potatoes + meat stew. One apple. Beetroot, baked eggplant with pomegranate seeds.
Snack Kefir mixed with fresh berries. Rye bread sandwich with avocado.
Dinner Boiled fish with stewed cabbage. Steak baked with green onions, salmon.
Breakfast Tea with milk, oatmeal porridge. A glass of coffee, buckwheat in milk.
Lunch Cottage cheese with fresh apricots. Fruit salad.
Dinner Vegetarian borscht. Seafood salad. Pickle made on the second meat broth.
Snack Turkey meat goulash with lentils. A glass of kefir and unsalted cheese.
Dinner Soft-boiled egg. Dried fruit compote without added sugar. Roasted vegetables with chopped turkey.
Breakfast Curd cheese (low-fat) with tomatoes. Tea. Oatmeal with grated apple, sweetened with stevia, sugar-free yogurt.
Lunch Vegetable grapes and two slices of peeled bread. Smoothie made with fresh apricots and berries.
Dinner Quenelles steamed from veal. Viscous barley soup with milk. Stewed vegetable stew with veal.
Snack Fruit poached in milk. Curd with milk.
Dinner Braised broccoli with mushrooms. Salad of carrots, fresh pumpkin.
Breakfast A glass of chicory with milk, soft-boiled egg. Burger with whole grain bread, tomato and low-fat cheese.
Lunch Berries and fruits, whipped with a blender with kefir. Steam vegetables with hummus.
Dinner Barley porridge under a fish coat, vegetarian cabbage soup. Vegetable soup with green peas and celery. Chopped chicken cutlet with spinach.
Snack Squash caviar Pears stuffed with raw almonds.
Dinner Boiled chicken breast with celery and eggplant goulash. Salad with pepper, salmon and natural yogurt.
Breakfast Sprouted grains with bread and natural yogurt. Cafe. Steam puree of plums with stevia and cinnamon. Soy bread and weak coffee.
Lunch Berry jelly. Salad with natural zucchini caviar and salad with boiled egg.
Dinner Mushroom broth with vegetables. Meatballs with stewed zucchini. Broccoli and cauliflower soup. Beef stack with tomatoes and arugula.
Snack One apple, a glass of green tea. Low-fat cottage cheese with berry sauce.
Dinner Salad with tomatoes, cottage cheese and herbs. Fish meatballs in green natural sauce and steamed green beans.
Breakfast Rice bran with berries and milk. Low-fat cheese and two slices of whole grain bread. Fresh orange.
Lunch Diet bread, fruit salad with nuts. Salad of raw beets, walnuts and mustard oil.
Dinner Soup with sorrel and beef meatballs. Baked avocado with cream. Pike-perch soup with wild rice.
Snack Zrazy from cottage cheese and carrots, vegetable juice. Fresh berries whipped with milk (low fat).
Dinner Steamed fish with pepper, cucumber and tomato salad. Baked red onion with an omelette made from quail eggs.
Breakfast Berry fresh, cottage cheese casserole. Curd-carrot soufflé, tea (weak).
Lunch Bran bread burger with lettuce and soaked herring. Warm salad made with fresh celery root, kohlrabi and pear.
Dinner Bean soup cooked in a second meat broth. Mushroom steam cutlet. Rabbit fillet stewed with Brussels sprouts. Cold spinach soup.
Snack A glass of kefir. Layered fruit dessert with mascarpone.
Dinner Pike perch fillet with vegetables. Baked cod with green salad.

Products that normalize sugar

List of products that will help normalize blood sugar:

  1. Vegetables. Minerals, vitamins and antioxidants are found in fresh vegetables. To reduce sugar, experts recommend eating broccoli and red peppers. Broccoli fights inflammation in the body, and red pepper is rich in ascorbic acid.
  2. Jerusalem artichoke. Promotes the elimination of toxins, improves metabolism and reduces blood sugar.
  3. Fish. By eating fish twice a week, the risk of developing diabetes is reduced. It is preferable to steam it or bake it in the oven.
  4. Oatmeal. This dish contains soluble fiber, which normalizes blood sugar.
  5. Garlic. This product affects the production of insulin, stimulating the pancreas. In addition, garlic contains antioxidants that have a positive effect on the functioning of the whole organism.
  6. Cinnamon. The composition of this spice includes magnesium, polyphenols and fiber, which reduce sugar levels in the body.
  7. Avocado. The properties of avocados are of interest to many. This green fruit is rich in beneficial micronutrients, folic acid, protein, monounsaturated fats and magnesium. Its regular use will increase immunity, improve the condition of the skin and hair, and protect the body from the development of diabetes.


This issue remains controversial, since a diabetic patient does not experience an acute need for them, but uses them only to satisfy their taste preferences and the habit of adding sweetness to food and drinks. In principle, there are no artificial and natural sugar substitutes with 100% proven safety. The main requirement for them is the absence of an increase in blood sugar or a slight increase in the indicator.

Currently, 50% fructose, stevia and honey can be used as sweeteners with strict blood sugar control.


Fructose 50%. Fructose does not require insulin to metabolize, so it is safe in this regard. It has 2 times less calories and 1.5 times more sweetness than regular sugar. It has a low GI (19) and does not cause a rapid increase in blood sugar.

The consumption rate is not more than 30-40 gr. per day. When using more than 50 gr. fructose per day decreases the sensitivity of the liver to insulin. Produced in the form of powder, tablets.


Stevia is a calorie-free sugar substitute made from the leaves of the perennial stevia plant. The plant synthesizes sweet glycosides, such as stevioside, a substance that gives leaves and stems a sweet taste, 20 times sweeter than regular sugar. It can be added to ready meals or used in cooking. It is believed that stevia helps to restore the pancreas and helps produce your own insulin without affecting blood sugar.

Officially approved as a sweetener by WHO experts in 2004. The daily allowance is up to 2.4 mg / kg (no more than 1 tbsp per day). If the supplement is abused, toxic effects and allergic reactions may develop. Available in the form of powder, liquid extracts and concentrated syrups.


Natural bee honey. Contains glucose, fructose and a small proportion of sucrose (1-6%). Insulin is needed for the metabolism of sucrose, but the content of this sugar in honey is negligible, and therefore the load on the body is small.

Rich in vitamins and biologically active substances, improves immunity. With all this, it is a high-calorie carbohydrate product with a high GI (about 85). With mild degrees of diabetes, 1-2 tea boats of honey with tea per day are acceptable, after eating, slowly dissolving, but not adding to a hot drink.

Recipes for type 2 diabetes

Soup with tomatoes and bell pepper

You will need: one onion, one bell pepper, two potatoes, two tomatoes (fresh or canned), a tablespoon of tomato paste, 3 cloves of garlic, ½ teaspoon of cumin, salt, paprika, about 0.8 liters of water.

We cut the tomatoes, peppers and onions into cubes, stew in a saucepan with the addition of tomato paste, paprika and a few tablespoons of water. Grind cumin with a crush or in a coffee grinder. Cut the potatoes into cubes, add to the vegetables, salt and pour hot water. Cook until potatoes are ready.

A few minutes before cooking, add cumin and crushed garlic to the soup. Sprinkle with herbs.

vegetable appetizer

We will need: 6 medium tomatoes, two carrots, two onions, 4 bell peppers, 300-400 g of white cabbage, a little vegetable oil, bay leaf, salt and pepper.

We chop the cabbage, cut the pepper into strips, cut the tomatoes into cubes, and the onions into half rings. Simmer over low heat with the addition of vegetable oil and spices.

Sprinkle with herbs when serving. Can be used on its own or as a side dish for meat or fish.

Meatballs from vegetables and minced meat

We will need: ½ kg of minced chicken, one egg, one small head of cabbage, two carrots, two onions, 3 cloves of garlic, a glass of kefir, a tablespoon of tomato paste, salt, pepper, vegetable oil.

Finely chop the cabbage, chop the onion, three carrots on a fine grater. Fry the onion, add vegetables and simmer for 10 minutes, cool. In the meantime, add the egg, spices and salt to the minced meat, knead.

Add vegetables to minced meat, mix again, form meatballs and put them in a mold. Prepare the sauce: mix kefir with crushed garlic and salt, pour over the meatballs. Top with a little tomato paste or juice. Place the meatballs in the oven at 200°C for about 60 minutes.

What is the diet for diabetes?

The benefits of a diet for diabetics should in no case be diminished, since a properly composed diet and meals by the hour help stabilize blood glucose levels and improve the general condition of the patient's body. In addition, those diabetics who are overweight, by the end of the first month of dieting, observe a significant reduction in kilograms and volumes.

Here are some simple tips to help you live life to the fullest with type 2 diabetes:

  1. More physical activity.
  2. Less fatty and sweet. It is better to replace sweets with dietary desserts.
  3. Refusal of alcohol and smoking.
  4. Tracking your own weight.
  5. Implementation of dietary recommendations.

Diet #9 is recommended for life, as it is healthy and prevents spikes in blood sugar that lead to life-threatening complications, as well as improves pancreas function and improves the patient's overall well-being.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disease in which there is a constant increase in blood glucose.

The disease is characterized by a violation of the susceptibility of cells and tissues to insulin, which is produced by cells of the pancreas. This is the most common type of diabetes.

Reasons for the appearance

Why does type 2 diabetes occur and what is it? The disease manifests itself with insulin resistance (lack of the body's response to insulin). In sick people, the production of insulin continues, but at the same time it does not interact with the cells of the body and does not accelerate the absorption of glucose from the blood.

Doctors have not determined the exact cause of the disease, but according to current research, type 2 diabetes can manifest itself by varying the volume or receptor sensitivity of cells to insulin.

Risk factors for type 2 diabetes are:

  1. Irrational nutrition: the presence of refined carbohydrates in food (sweets, chocolate, sweets, waffles, pastries, etc.) and a very low content of fresh plant foods (vegetables, fruits, cereals).
  2. Overweight, especially in the visceral type.
  3. The presence of diabetes in one or two close relatives.
  4. Sedentary lifestyle.
  5. High pressure.
  6. Ethnicity.

The main factors influencing tissue resistance to insulin include exposure to growth hormones at the time of puberty, race, gender (a greater propensity to develop the disease is observed in women), and obesity.

What happens in diabetes?

After a meal, the blood sugar level rises, and the pancreas cannot produce insulin, which occurs against the background of elevated glucose levels.

As a result, the sensitivity of the cell membrane responsible for hormone recognition decreases. At the same time, even if the hormone penetrates the cell, the natural effect does not occur. This condition is called insulin resistance, when the cell is resistant to the effects of insulin.

Type 2 diabetes symptoms

In most cases, type 2 diabetes mellitus does not have pronounced symptoms and the diagnosis can only be established with a routine fasting laboratory test.

As a rule, the development of type 2 diabetes begins in people after 40 years of age, in those who suffer from obesity, high blood pressure and other manifestations of metabolic syndromes in the body.

Specific Symptoms are expressed as follows:

  • thirst and dry mouth;
  • polyuria - excessive urination;
  • skin itching;
  • general and muscle weakness;
  • obesity;
  • poor wound healing;

The patient may be unaware of his disease for a long time. He feels a slight dryness in the mouth, thirst, skin itching, sometimes the disease can be manifested by the appearance of pustular inflammation on the skin and mucous membranes, thrush, gum disease, tooth loss, decreased vision. This is explained by the fact that sugar that has not entered the cells goes into the walls of blood vessels or through the pores of the skin. Bacteria and fungi thrive on sugar.

What is the danger?

The main danger of type 2 diabetes mellitus is lipid metabolism disorders, which inevitably cause a violation of glucose metabolism. In 80% of cases, against the background of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and other diseases associated with blockage of the lumen of the vessels by atherosclerotic plaques develop.

In addition, severe type 2 diabetes mellitus contributes to the development of kidney disease, reduced visual acuity, deterioration of the reparative ability of the skin, which significantly reduces the quality of life.


Type 2 diabetes can occur with different severity options:

  1. The first is that the patient's condition can be improved by changing the principles of nutrition, or by using a maximum of one capsule of a sugar-reducing agent per day;
  2. The second - improvement occurs when using two or three capsules of a sugar-reducing agent per day;
  3. The third - in addition to sugar-lowering agents, one has to resort to the introduction of insulin.

If the patient's blood sugar level is slightly higher than normal, but there is no tendency to complications, then this condition is considered compensated, that is, the body can still cope with the carbohydrate metabolism disorder on its own.


In a healthy person, a normal sugar level is at around 3.5-5.5 mmol / l. 2 hours after eating, it is able to rise to 7-7.8 mmol / l.

To diagnose diabetes, the following tests are performed:

  1. Blood glucose test: on an empty stomach, the glucose content in capillary blood (blood from a finger) is determined.
  2. Determination of glycosylated hemoglobin: its amount is significantly increased in patients with diabetes mellitus.
  3. Glucose tolerance test: on an empty stomach, take about 75 g of glucose dissolved in 1-1.5 glasses of water, then determine the concentration of glucose in the blood after 0.5, 2 hours.
  4. Urinalysis for glucose and ketone bodies: The detection of ketone bodies and glucose confirms the diagnosis of diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

Once type 2 diabetes has been diagnosed, treatment begins with diet and moderate exercise. In the initial stages of diabetes, even a slight weight loss helps to normalize the carbohydrate metabolism of the body and reduce the synthesis of glucose in the liver. For the treatment of later stages, various medications are used.

Since the majority of patients with type 2 diabetes are obese, proper nutrition should be aimed at reducing body weight and preventing late complications, primarily atherosclerosis.

A hypocaloric diet is necessary for all patients with excess body weight (BMI 25-29 kg/m2) or obesity (BMI> 30 kg/m2).


Drugs that reduce sugar are used to stimulate cells to produce additional insulin, as well as to achieve the required concentration in the blood plasma. The selection of drugs is carried out strictly by a doctor.

The most common antidiabetic drugs are:

  1. Metformin is the drug of first choice for hypoglycemic therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity and fasting hyperglycemia. This tool promotes the movement and absorption of sugar in muscle tissue and does not release sugar from the liver.
  2. Miglitol, Glucobay. These drugs inhibit the absorption of polysaccharides and oligos. As a result, the rise in blood glucose levels slows down.
  3. Sulfonylureas group drugs(CM) 2nd generation (chlorpropamide, tolbutamide, glimepiride, glibenclamide, etc.) stimulate insulin secretion in the pancreas and reduce the resistance of peripheral tissues (liver, muscle tissue, adipose tissue) to the hormone.
  4. Thiazolidinone derivatives(rosiglitazone, troglitazone) increase the activity of insulin receptors and thereby reduce glucose levels, normalizing the lipid profile.
  5. Novonorm, Starlix. They act on the pancreas to stimulate the production of insulin.

Drug treatment begins with monotherapy (taking 1 drug), and then becomes combined, that is, including the simultaneous administration of 2 or more hypoglycemic drugs. If the drugs listed above lose their effectiveness, then you have to switch to the use of insulin agents.

Diet for type 2 diabetes

Treatment for type 2 diabetes begins with a diet based on the following principles:

  • proportional nutrition 6 times a day. Food should be taken constantly at the usual time;
  • do not exceed caloric content above 1800 kcal;
  • overweight requires normalization;
  • limiting the intake of saturated fats;
  • reducing salt intake;
  • reducing the amount of alcohol;
  • food with lots of vitamins and minerals.

Products that should be excluded or, if possible, limited:

  • containing a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates: sweets, buns, etc.
  • spicy, salty, fried, smoked and spicy dishes.
  • butter, margarine, mayonnaise, cooking and meat fats.
  • fat sour cream, cream, cheeses, feta cheese, sweet curd cheeses.
  • semolina, rice cereal, pasta.
  • fatty and strong broths.
  • sausages, sausages, sausages, salted or smoked fish, fatty varieties of poultry, fish, meat.

The dose of fiber for diabetics leaves 35-40 g per day, and it is desirable that 51% of dietary fiber consists of vegetables, 40% of cereals and 9% of berries, fruits, mushrooms.

Sample diabetic menu for the day:

  1. Breakfast - oatmeal, egg. Bread. Coffee.
  2. Snack - natural yogurt with berries.
  3. Lunch - vegetable soup, chicken breast with salad (beetroot, onion and olive oil) and stewed cabbage. Bread. Compote.
  4. Snack - low-fat cottage cheese. Tea.
  5. Dinner - hake baked in sour cream, vegetable salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, greens or any other seasonal vegetable) with vegetable oil. Bread. Cocoa.
  6. The second dinner (a few hours before bedtime) is natural yogurt, a baked apple.

Follow simple rules

Basic rules that a diabetic patient should adopt:

  • stick to a healthy diet
  • do physical activity regularly
  • take medication
  • check blood sugar levels

In addition, getting rid of extra pounds normalizes the health status of people with type 2 diabetes:

  • blood sugar reaches normal
  • normalizes blood pressure
  • improves cholesterol levels
  • a person feels lightness in the body.

You should regularly measure your blood sugar levels yourself. When the level of sugar is known, it is possible to adjust the approach to the treatment of diabetes if blood sugar is not normal.

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance - impaired sensitivity of body cells to insulin. This endocrine (intrasecretory) hormone transports glucose to tissues and cells to provide them with the necessary energy. In the second type of disease, the pancreas does not stop working on the production of insulin, but because the body is unable to use it, unrealized sugar remains in the blood plasma. The main method of treatment of the disease is diet therapy. A properly formulated diet helps to control glycemia and prevent the development of complications of the disease.

Dietetics and Diabetes

A hallmark of diabetes is polyphagia (permanent hunger). This is due to a deficiency of glucose as a source of nutrition and energy in the cells of the body. Increased appetite provokes the development of obesity, which leads to heart pathologies and atherosclerosis (damage to blood vessels by cholesterol growths). The diet for type 2 diabetes is aimed at normalizing glycemia and reducing body weight.

The medical classification of therapeutic nutrition according to V. Pevzner provides for the diet "Table No. 9" for diabetics. The menu is designed for weight loss, maintaining a stable sugar level, and restoring disturbed metabolic processes. The main parameters of diet therapy for diabetes are: the glycemic index (GI or GI) of products, the number of calories, the balance of nutrients (fats, carbohydrates, proteins), diet and portion size.

According to "Table No. 9", all products are divided into acceptable, prohibited and limited (allowed in limited quantities). By combining allowed and limited foods, a daily diet is compiled. Nutrition should be complete, balanced, with strict adherence to dietary parameters.

Any food that enters the body affects the level of sugar in the blood. GI is a value that indicates the rate at which food is broken down into components, glucose is released from it and resorbed (absorbed) into the systemic circulation. Low GI foods are digested slowly and have little effect on glycemia. A high glycemic index of foods indicates their forced processing, and an instant release of glucose into the blood. Such food for a diabetic is classified as prohibited.

The digital GI values ​​are distributed as follows:

  • from 70 to 100 units - a high index;
  • from 30 to 70 - medium;
  • less than 30 is low.

For the correct selection of products according to the GI criterion, there is a special table. Prohibited foods for diabetics have a glycemic index above 70 units.

Calorie Criterion

In order not to create an additional load on the weakened pancreas, diabetic food should not be heavy and indigestible. High-calorie foods, regardless of GI, require a lot of energy for processing, and a diabetic does not have a serious energy resource due to a poor supply of glucose to cells. In addition, extra calories do not contribute to weight loss. Daily calorie intake must be kept within 2200-2500 kcal. Percentage composition of nutrients:

  • carbohydrates - 45%;
  • proteins - 20%;
  • fats - 35%.

Compliance with such a balance will bring metabolic processes as close as possible to the norm.


In addition to the percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the diet provides for the differentiation of all categories of products into useful and harmful.


The consumption of animal fats should be reduced as much as possible, as they accelerate the absorption of glucose, and contribute to the deposition of "bad" cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. As a result, sugar rises and atherosclerosis develops. You can regulate fat metabolism by replacing butter (lard) with vegetable fats.


Essential amino acids, which the body cannot produce on its own, are obtained from protein. The process of gluconeogenesis (the release of glucose from amino acids) occurs slowly, therefore, when people eat protein foods, the sugar level rises slightly, and is not forced. The protein component of the diabetic diet should not be less than 20% of the total diet. The source of protein for diabetics are dietary meats and fish, mushrooms, and some vegetable products.

High protein foods that should be included in the diet of a person with type 2 diabetes


The carbohydrate component is necessary for the body as the main energy source. This category of nutrients is divided into those that a diabetic can eat and those that must be discarded. Complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides) are processed slowly and do not cause a sharp rise in blood sugar. These include:

  • glycogen (present in protein foods);
  • pectin (found in vegetables, fruits and berries);
  • fiber or cellulose (the main source is vegetables, greens);
  • starch (which is a component of potatoes, pasta, legumes and grains).

Simple carbohydrates are: monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, galactose), disaccharides (sucrose, lactose, maltose). Foods high in simple carbohydrates are rapidly resorbed, causing an immediate release of glucose into the bloodstream. In diabetes, this reaction of the body provokes glycemia, and can be life-threatening. Therefore, a low-carb diabetic diet means eliminating fast carbohydrates from the diet, and limiting complex ones.

Proper nutrition for type 2 diabetes prevents spikes in sugar, and helps restore insulin sensitivity to cells. If you have difficulty developing a menu, you should seek help from a nutritionist. The diet is developed taking into account the nature of the course and stage of the disease, the age and individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Postulates of therapeutic nutrition

When compiling a daily menu, a diabetic patient must consider not only what foods can be consumed, but also how to do it correctly. Medical nutrition must be organized according to the following rules:

  • Eliminate disaccharides and monosaccharides from the diet. These components are contained in every possible kind of sweets: confectionery, ice cream, sweets, etc.
  • Stick to the drinking regime. The norm of fluid intake is from 1.5 to 2 liters per day.
  • Observe the regularity of food intake. You should eat every 3-4 hours.
  • Don't be greedy with food. A single serving should not exceed 350–400 g of food. Overeating leads to weight gain.
  • Control the amount of calories and glycemic index of foods. Nutrition should be balanced, with a clearly observed proportion of nutrients.
  • Exclude dishes cooked in a culinary way of frying. Food must be cooked by boiling, stewing, steaming. You can bake food in foil. This will help reduce calories and unload the pancreas.
  • Introduce healthy vegetables and fruits from the permitted list into your daily diet as a source of vitamins and minerals.
  • Limit the amount of salt in the diet, and abandon salty foods (ideally switch to a salt-free diet). Such a measure will reduce the load on the renal apparatus and the heart.
  • Replace animal fats with vegetable ones (olive, corn, linseed and other oils).

What needs to be excluded

To avoid hyperglycemia, a diabetic needs to clearly know what not to eat. Prohibitions primarily apply to sweet foods and drinks. Simple carbohydrates in their pure form are contraindicated for the patient. In addition, high-calorie fatty foods should be removed from the menu: fast food, smoked meats (meat, lard, fish), semi-finished products (dumplings, pasties, khinkali), sausages not specifically designed for diabetic nutrition, ham. It is forbidden to use flavored snacks and crackers, chips, popcorn as a snack.

The following products are subject to removal from the grocery basket:

  • Meat. Poultry (duck, goose), fatty pork.
  • Fish. Preserves, dried product.
  • Conservation. Meat pates, sprats, canned fish, pickled vegetables, sweet canned fruits in their own juice, compotes and jams.
  • Cereals. Rice (white variety), sago, semolina.
  • Dairy and sour-milk products with a high percentage of fat. The permissible fat content is: cream and sour cream - 10%, cheese - 40-45%, yogurt - 3.2%, cottage cheese - 9%, fermented baked milk - 4%. Glazed curds and sweet curds are banned.
  • Flour. White bun, pasta of category B, C, 1st and 2nd class, pastries from rich, puff, shortcrust and choux pastry.
  • Sauces and condiments. Ketchups, mayonnaise-based sauces, mustard.
  • Fruits. Focus on the glycemic index. High GI have: pineapple, figs, watermelon, grapes. From exotic fruits: papaya, carom, guava.

Table of products unacceptable for consumption in diabetes

Limited (limited to use) products

This category includes foods with a medium GI. In type 2 diabetes, their use is allowed in a small amount 1-3 times a week. With stable sugar levels, this will not harm health. Popular products from the limited category:

  • products made from unleavened dough: biscuits, pita bread, pita (without filling) and muesli - 67–69;
  • potatoes (only boiled in their uniforms are allowed), bananas, raisins - 64–66;
  • fruits (mango, persimmon, kiwi) - 55, oranges - 44;
  • unsweetened buckwheat porridge - 50;
  • blueberries - 43;
  • canned beans, corn, peas - 48–42;
  • cheeses: feta, processed - 56-57.

A more detailed list of foods that have an average glycemic index can be found on the website. Fatty fish varieties (sturgeon, halibut, capelin, mackerel) are allowed to a limited extent as a source of omega-3.6 fatty acids. An endocrinologist will help you decide on products that have an average GI. The doctor takes into account the nature of the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Eligible Products

For a diabetic patient, a food set that will allow you to eat safely for health consists of protein and fiber. Allowed and recommended products for use are discussed in the table below.

Category Products
Protein component Veal, poultry (chicken, turkey), rabbit meat, mushrooms (except salted and marinated), seafood (mussels, squid, sea kale, shrimps), lean fish (pollock, saffron cod, tuna, cod, blue whiting, pike), eggs , nuts (walnuts, pine nuts, peanuts, almonds)
Fruits Pomegranates, grapefruits, apricots, apples, lemons, limes, pears, pomelo, peaches, plums
Berries Blueberries, viburnum, lingonberries, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, strawberries, currants
Legumes Beans (common and green beans), peas, lentils, chickpeas
Cereals Wheat, buckwheat, oats, barley, as well as cereals from these cereals (barley, barley, wheat)
Spices Oregano (oregano), cinnamon, all kinds of pepper, cloves

Vegetables and herbs must be included in the daily diet. These foods are best eaten raw. Boiled carrots and beets have a high glycemic index and are not suitable for a diabetic menu. You can eat without restrictions:

Ground pear (Jerusalem artichoke) and momordica (bitter gourd) are extremely useful for stabilizing sugar. The use of these vegetables activates the endocrine and metabolic processes in the body, and helps fight excess weight. The choice of fermented milk products is based on fat content, calorie content, and the percentage of carbohydrates. With diabetes, you can eat and drink the following foods and drinks in this category: kefir - fat content up to 2.5%, Greek natural yogurt (without additives) - 2%, acidophilus - 3.2%, yogurt - 2.5%, sour cream - 10%, cottage cheese - 1.8–2%. The use of dairy products with fruit additives is undesirable, since they contain a sufficiently large amount of sugar.

Drinks for type 2 diabetes

In the diet, attention should be paid to the drinking regimen and drinks consumed. Most fruit juices have a medium glycemic index, so their consumption must be strictly controlled. Freshly squeezed undiluted juices are not recommended for consumption, as they have an aggressive effect on the pancreas. Other prohibited drinks include bottled tea and packaged juices (they contain a lot of sugar), coffee and cocoa sticks 3 in 1, cocktails with the addition of syrup.

Important! Lemonades and any sweet soda are subject to a complete ban. In addition to the high sugar content, they have the ability to instantly penetrate into the bloodstream.

Alcohol in diabetes is contraindicated. Light alcoholic drinks, as a rule, have a high GI, strong ones load the diseased pancreas and cardiovascular system. Recommended drinks are mineral water (preferably without gas), homemade jelly and compotes cooked without sugar, decoctions of medicinal herbs and rose hips, tea (green, black, hibiscus, oolong tea). Drinking coffee in small quantities is not prohibited. You should not only brew a strong drink and drink it with sugar.

Artificial sweeteners are in a limited category. In type 2 diabetes, food additives E950, E951 and E952 (Acesulfame Potassium, Aspartame and Sodium Cyclamate), trichlorgalactosucrose (Sucralose), glycoside from the leaves of the stevia plant (Steviazid) are allowed. Sorbitol and xylitol are high in calories, so it is better not to use them.

Sugar substitutes do not affect the level of glycemia, but they should not be abused

Before using sweeteners, you need to get the approval of the treating endocrinologist. Substances have a number of contraindications.

Diabetic diet

The menu for the week is compiled by combining products from the permitted category. All meals and drinks are prepared without added sugar. Morning meal: microwaved cottage cheese casserole, protein omelet with feta cheese, milk porridge (oatmeal, wheat, barley). Drinks: black tea, red tea, oolong tea, coffee with milk. Lunch: fruits (from the allowed list), berry jelly, pita bread with melted cheese, diabetic cookies, biscuits, yogurt with muesli. Drinks: freshly squeezed (diluted with water) apple-grapefruit juice, hibiscus tea

First courses for a daily meal: frozen seafood soup, bean soup with chicken broth (the skin must be removed from the chicken), cabbage soup with turkey (chicken) broth, mushroom soup, pollock fish soup, cod. Salads: fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, greens, fresh cabbage + carrots, seaweed + fresh cabbage + fresh cucumbers. Salad dressings should be prepared by yourself using recipes that do not contain mayonnaise. Soy sauce is limited due to the abundance of salt. 10% sour cream, Greek yogurt, vegetable oils, lemon juice are allowed.

Drinks: homemade fruit and berry compote or jelly. Side dishes for lunch and dinner: steamed vegetables, barley or buckwheat porridge on the water, potatoes boiled "in uniform" (once a week), stewed cabbage. Snack: cheesecakes with berries cooked in the oven, oatmeal jelly, fruit puree. The main dishes for the evening meal: stewed vegetables with rabbit meat, steam-cooked meatballs or meatballs from poultry (fish), boiled fish, cabbage rolls with chicken.

Drinks: green tea, herbal tea. To improve the functioning of the digestive organs, it is recommended to drink any fermented milk drink with a low fat content (yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk) 1.5 hours before bedtime. Treatment of diabetes mellitus is impossible without correcting the patient's eating behavior. Improper nutrition leads to the fact that the pancreas stops producing endocrine hormone and diabetes becomes insulin-dependent.

In medicine, there are a number of acquired chronic diseases in which the human body needs constant, diverse support, which consists in specific treatment, dieting, and lifestyle changes in general. One of the most dangerous diseases of this nature is diabetes mellitus, which has several stages of development.

Type 2 diabetes is an unpleasant and rather severe form of the pathological process, however, it can be resisted. To do this, you need to have an idea about the disease itself, you need a special diet and treatment for type 2 diabetes, which you will have to adhere to throughout your life.

General information about type 2 diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a group of diseases of the endocrine system, in which a constant pathological process is observed in the rocks, caught by an increase in glucose levels.

If we talk about type 1 diabetes, this feature is that the pancreas completely stops producing insulin. As for type 2 diabetes, we are talking about a lack of the mentioned hormone to some extent. As a result, there is a gradual immunity of cells to the absorption of sugar, glucose is not absorbed in full.

Excess amounts of glucose do not go anywhere, they remain in the body, which causes crystallization of the inner membranes of blood vessels and even nerve tissues, which leads to the development of pathological processes in blood vessels and organs, and various complications begin.

Subsequently, the pancreas is depleted, ceases to perform its functions, in order to reduce the glucose content in the body, special preparations, insulin injections are needed.

Type 2 diabetes symptoms

As practice shows, type 2 diabetes manifests itself sluggishly, in some cases the symptoms are very difficult to recognize. This type of disease often develops in people over 40, especially those who suffer from certain forms of obesity, eat improperly, suffer from high blood pressure, or have a hereditary predisposition to the development of diabetic pathologies.

If you still highlight the characteristic symptoms, they may be as follows:

  • Frequent, profuse urination;
  • Increased feeling of dryness in the mouth, often tormenting thirst;
  • Poor tissue regeneration (even ordinary scratches heal for a long time);
  • Systematic fatigue, lethargy, weakness;
  • Irritation or itching on the skin.

If you often encounter at least one of these symptoms, it is worth donating blood for analysis, because this is the only way to accurately determine the presence and development of type 2 diabetes.

It is very important to diagnose the disease as quickly as possible, because with type 2 diabetes, serious complications develop, including:

  • Cardiac and vascular pathologies;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • Weakening of regenerative abilities;
  • visual impairment;
  • There is even a risk of developing impotence.

Diet for type 2 diabetes

The diet and treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus may differ slightly depending on the age of the patient, how much the pathological process affects his health, whether there are any concomitant diseases, etc.

But despite this, nutritional adjustment should be carried out without fail, which should be discussed in detail with your doctor. At the same time, a single rule for all diabetics is a low-carbohydrate diet, that is, the diet should include foods containing a minimum of carbohydrates, at the same time it is important to consume as little glucose as possible in order to reduce its concentration in the body.

Of course, there are more narrow rules:

When it comes to the initial stages of the disease, the strictest diet and proper diet allows you to do without drugs at all. Thus, it is possible to keep the development of the pathological process under control, to prevent the disease from progressing.

Keeping in mind that we are talking about insufficient insulin production by the pancreas and excessive blood glucose, it is important to adjust your diet. It is also necessary to understand that the rules of nutrition will have to be followed all your life, that is, certain dishes and products become not just an integral part of the daily diet, it consists of them entirely.

To better understand what foods are allowed or even preferred in type 2 diabetes, consider a list that indicates the direction. But before that, there is one more recommendation - it is better to cook food for a couple, bake, boil, stew or eat in its natural form (the latter applies mainly to vegetables and fruits).

  1. Low-fat or dietary meats, among which are chicken, rabbit, turkey, beef;
  2. Dairy and sour-milk products with low fat content are allowed, that is, kefir milk, yogurt, cottage cheese and everything else should not be fatter than 1%;
  3. Low-fat varieties of fish, both river and ocean, are well suited for food;
  4. Part of the diet should consist of fruits, but in moderation. Only grapes and bananas are worth avoiding;
  5. The lion's share of nutrition is based on the use of vegetables, literally any kind. They can be cooked or eaten raw, fresh, especially greens;
  6. Many do not imagine how you can eat without bread. This issue is especially important, since only bran and whole grain types of this flour product are welcome;
  7. Cereals and cereals (rice, wheat, millet, buckwheat, pearl barley, etc.) will not harm your health either. Doctors say that pasta can also be consumed, but infrequently, in moderation.

As you can see, the list of allowed foods for type 2 diabetes is quite extensive and if you show imagination, you will not starve or feel dissatisfied. This standard of care is indispensable and treats nutrition with the utmost seriousness, without giving yourself any indulgences for a single day.

In addition to indicating what you can and should eat, you should also mention those products that should be completely abandoned. So you can more confidently adhere to the rules of nutrition and you will not have the desire to break it or harm yourself out of ignorance.

The following foods should be removed from your menu:

  1. All kinds of sweets top the list, because they contain a huge amount of easily digestible carbohydrates. We are talking about sweets, cakes, cakes, buns, halva and other things, the list can be continued for a long time;
  2. Given the above, it is quite logical that fried, smoked, salty, sour and spicy dishes are contraindicated;
  3. It is necessary to exclude the use of pork, as well as fatty types of beef and fish, the same applies to all kinds of sausage products;
  4. Fatty dairy products (butter, cream, cheeses, etc.) are prohibited;
  5. Fruit juices (especially non-natural), sugary drinks, coffee and tea with sugar, and honey are no longer desirable.

Daily diet

In order to understand what the daily diet of a person with type 2 diabetes should look like, it is worth considering simple and at the same time useful recipes for a low-carb diet, and for a clear example, consider 6 meals in order:

  1. Breakfasts are always distinguished by their lightness, the body is just waking up and after a few hours you can eat again. For this reason, a cup of not too strong coffee, oatmeal (you can use skim milk) and a slice of bran bread will suffice.
  2. As soon as the feeling of hunger began to clearly make itself felt, the ideal solution would be to have a snack on fruit and drink it all down with an unsweetened fat-free herd;
  3. The third meal should be made more saturated, it may consist of a light soup, a second course of fish or the previously described meats with porridge, a vegetable salad and a couple of slices of bran bread. You can drink a meal with tea or unsweetened compote.
  4. The fourth meal in its saturation may coincide with the second, let it be cottage cheese and a juicy apple.
  5. The evening meal includes a main course (stew, fish, meat, etc.) with bread, salad and weak tea.
  6. If you ate dinner, but shortly before you want to refresh yourself again, prepare a light fruit dessert from berries and low-fat sour cream.

Of course, there can be as many variations as you like, it all depends on your imagination, but the approximate direction should be clear. In addition, it is better to make a diet for a week in advance, so it will be easier to stick to the rules of nutrition.

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

In addition to dieting, it is often necessary to resort to the help of traditional medicine, especially in cases where the disease progresses. First of all, in such situations, it is necessary to consult a doctor and pass a series of tests, because only on the basis of the diagnostic data obtained, the most correct direction of treatment is built.

The treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus itself should be comprehensive:

  • Mandatory diet and nutrition adjustment;
  • Physical activity, because, as practice shows, most often type 2 diabetes is found in overweight people, and even a loss of 2-3 kilograms gives tangible results;
  • Medical treatment.

The basis of the methods of combating the pathological process under discussion is therapy aimed at lowering blood glucose, as well as normalizing or stimulating the pancreas, namely the production of insulin.

Each drug should be prescribed only by the attending endocrinologist, self-medication in such cases is impossible and extremely dangerous. In addition, initially only one specific remedy is used to combat the disease, but in most cases, therapy is becoming more extensive, there are more medications.

In 8 out of 10 cases of type 2 diabetes, a doctor prescribes medication in the form of tablets, which must be taken orally. Let's look at what these pills are:

  • Diabeton and its analogues, which increase the production of insulin. They must be taken in strict accordance with the doctor's prescriptions, their abuse affects the functions of the adrenal glands, allergic reactions can also be observed;
  • Metformin lowers blood sugar levels and is also prescribed for patients with certain forms of obesity. Thanks to this tool, sugar is better absorbed in muscle tissues;
  • Glucobay and the like can slow down the rise in glucose levels;
  • Thiazolidino and analogues of this drug make insulin receptors more active, which also has a beneficial effect on the normalization of glucose levels.

As mentioned earlier, initially only one drug from the list is used, which the doctor prescribes. Then the treatment becomes combined, with the addition of one, two or more agents.

There are also cases when insulin cannot be dispensed with and the specialist decides to inject this drug intravenously.

As an auxiliary method of dealing with type 2 diabetes, traditional medicine can help. However, folk methods are not a substitute for the main therapy, they only improve some indicators and allow you to keep the disease in check.

Consider the most common and safe folk methods of helping the elderly and young people with folk remedies:

  • Linden (linden blossom) is considered one of the best remedies. 2-3 pinches of this plant are brewed in a bowl of 300-400 milliliters, after which they are allowed to brew and consumed without adding sugar instead of tea. You can take one cup 1-2 cups daily.
  • To prepare another effective "medicine" you will need garlic and the roots of ordinary garden parsley (300 grams each), 100 grams of lemon zest. The first two ingredients are ground in a meat grinder or in a blender, then zest is added to them and everything is thoroughly mixed. The resulting mixture is sent to an opaque glass container and placed in the refrigerator for two weeks, then consumed 5 grams twice a day.
  • Potato juice contributes to the normalization of processes in the body. It is recommended to drink 70-100 milliliters of this product daily, to obtain which you need to grate a few raw potatoes and squeeze the resulting slurry, you need to take breaks in the course of such treatment.
  • You can also prepare a decoction of bay leaves. To do this, 10-12 leaves are poured with 300 milliliters of boiling water and infused for a day in a thermos under a closed lid. The resulting product is filtered and drunk 50 ml 20-30 minutes before meals for 20 days.

It is very important to always remember that before using each of the proposed methods, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, who can adjust the course of traditional medicine, and, if necessary, make appropriate changes to the main treatment for type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus: diet and treatment - all the details on the site

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