For those who like to tickle their nerves. Personal list of the best thrillers - a sophisticated way to tickle your nerves


Then you are here. Thrills - Guaranteed!
Many people prefer to spend their holidays lying on the beach. But if you are one of those who love thrills more, then you should pay attention to 9 extreme things from this list.
Swimming with crocodiles in Australia
"Cage of Death" is an extreme attraction that gives you the opportunity to swim with real crocodiles. Of course, this is absolutely safe, since the cage itself is made of high-strength material. At least that's what the organizers tell us.

Official website:

Skydiving over Everest
Another pastime for fans of a crazy vacation is skydiving over Everest. Just imagine: you are floating in the air at a great height, and all around you are landscapes of incredible beauty.

Official website:

Tundra Buggy
Tundra Buggy - travel across the north of Canada on a huge all-terrain vehicle. A unique adventure awaits you among snowy landscapes and polar bears.

Official website:

Feeling of weightlessness
Thanks to the Zero Gravity Corporation, you have the opportunity to experience the feeling of weightlessness. And for this you do not have to fly into space. In a specially modified Boeing 727 you will feel like a real astronaut! Of course, such entertainment will cost quite a lot - more than $ 5,000. But you will definitely be the only one among your friends and acquaintances who has experienced a real feeling of weightlessness.

Official website:

The fastest slide in the world
Formula Rossa (Ferrari World, Abu Dhabi) is without a doubt one of the fastest slides in the world. The cabin reaches a speed of 240 km/h! Real thrill seekers should take a ride.

Official website:

Flying in a jet fighter
Another very costly, but insanely interesting and extreme entertainment is flying on a real jet fighter! An experienced instructor will take you for a ride and show you how a dead loop is made!

Official website:

The most dangerous hiking trail
If you really want to tickle your nerves, then you are welcome to Spain. El Caminito del Rey awaits you here, the most dangerous 3 km trail located at an altitude of over 300 meters.

Walk along the edge of the CN Tower
This is another attraction for those who like to feel at the very top of the world: they hang you up with a strong cable and give you the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful panorama of Toronto.

Dinner in the sky
There is a unique restaurant in Brussels where you can taste Belgian cuisine 50 meters above the ground. A special cabin accommodates a group of 22 people.

Official site.

A good psychological thriller can turn a movie show into one big, never-ending tickle. We present to your attention the best psychological thrillers that do not collect full houses and are not present in every home collection, but we are sure that watching them will give you a lot of pleasure.

"Good Boy" (2010)

Beal And Kate- an ordinary American married couple. Having given themselves completely to work and having raised a child, they plan a vacation to rekindle their former feelings for each other. Disturbing news of a college shooting horrifies them as more than 20 students and faculty have died, possibly including their boy Sam. But are parents able to accept the idea that their own son is the killer?

"Side Effect" (2013)

Psychiatrist Jonathan gets a difficult patient - a young woman Emily suffering from suicidal thoughts. Jonathan appoints Emily the latest drug that restores her good spirits. The only side effect is somnambulism, harmless at first but dormant afterwards. Emily kills her husband with a knife. On trial Jonathan protects the patient by getting her out of jail and taking responsibility for the tragedy. But the deeper he plunges into this case, the more intrusive the thought becomes: has he turned out to be a malleable doll in someone else's criminal game?

"Newsboy" (2012)

The movie is worth watching if only for the amazing acting. John Cusack(49), (48), (46) and Zac Efron(28). At the journalist's Ward there was an opportunity to make a sensational report. In one of the small towns there was a daring murder of a racist sheriff. Guilty found a thief named Van Wetter, whose involvement has not been fully proven. Van Wetter faces the death penalty. And now Ward, his younger brother Jack and a black colleague conduct an honest investigation.

Martha Marcy May Marlene (2011)

The younger sister plays the main role in this film. Mary-Kate(29) and Ashley Olsen (29) – Elizabeth(26). Escaped from the sect Martha trying to recover and return to normal life. She seeks support from her older sister Lucy and her husband, but does not find the strength to confess to them the true reason for his long absence. She is convinced that the members of the sect are after her. Painful memories that haunt the girl turn into paranoia, and the line between reality and illusion gradually blurs.

"Experiment" (2010)

Adrien Brody(42) and Forest Whitaker(54) starred in a stunning psychological thriller based on the famous prison experiment of an American psychologist Philippa Zimbardo. Travis, an unemployed hippie, decided to participate in a two-week psychological experiment. For participation in this simple event, he will receive a reward of $14,000. He and 25 other people will be isolated from the outside world in a prison for 14 days, where they will be divided into guards and prisoners. However, what seemed like an easy adventure to the test subjects turned out to be a nightmare. Not everyone was able to cope with their vices, and soon the imaginary prisoners felt as if they were actually in prison.

"Something Wrong with Kevin" (2011)

Tilda Swinton(55) and Ezra Miller(23) perfectly showed in this picture the difficult relationship of a diligent mother and an unlucky son. Putting aside personal and professional ambitions, Eve dedicates his life to raising his son. However, their relationship from the very beginning is extremely difficult. At the age of 15 Kevin does the wrong thing, and Eve tormented by the realization of responsibility and his own guilt.

"Shame" (2011)

In this movie (38) plays a 30 year old Brandon- resident New York suffering from an inability to control his sex life. Brandon an eternal frequenter of nightclubs, strip bars and sex chats. And he is an amazingly successful seducer, whose charms no girl can resist. But his world is turned upside down when his sister comes to visit him.

"Cleveland Captives" (2015)

A brutal psychological thriller based on a true story about an American criminal. Ariele Castro who kidnapped and held three women as slaves for a long time.

"Womb" (2010)

TICKLE YOUR NERVES to whom. TICKLE YOUR NERVES to whom. Razg. Express. Excite, excite someone. As a boy until forty-one And I dreamed of war. She tickled the nerves, The blood stirred in me. But it was worth becoming a soldier, Knowing the life of the front, Until the very forty-fifth I hated her(S. Baruzdin. A boy up to forty-one ...) Wanting at all costs to tickle the nerves of passers-by, to lure them to a session, the creators of advertising sometimes forget about a sense of proportion and elementary literacy(A. Holidays. From the arsenal of circus barkers).

  • - strands of nervous tissue that connect the brain and nerve nodes with other tissues and organs of the body. N. are formed by bundles of nerve fibers ...

    Biological encyclopedic dictionary

  • - strands of nervous tissue, formed mainly by nerve fibers ...

    The Beginnings of Modern Natural Science

  • - 12 pairs of nerves extending directly from the brain and exiting the cranial cavity through separate openings ...

    medical terms

  • - pull the nerve. the fabrics formed by hl. arr. nerve. fibers. N. connect a brain and a nerve. nodes with other organs and tissues of the body. N.'s totality forms peripheral. nerve. system...

    Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - in paleobotany mouth. syn. vein term...

    Geological Encyclopedia

  • - see Nervous system...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - cord-like strands of nervous tissue that connect the brain and nerve nodes with other organs and tissues of the body, that is, innervating them. N. are formed mainly by nerve fibers ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - strands of nervous tissue, formed mainly by nerve fibers. Nerves connect the brain and ganglions with other organs and tissues of the body. A collection of nerves forms the peripheral nervous system...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - You need to have nerves of steel or not have any. M. St. Domansky Don't waste your nerves on what you can spend money on...

    Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

  • - yes, tickle, - a little ...

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - Tickle, see tickle...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - Tickle, tickle, tickle. sovereign to tickle...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - tickle owls transition 1. By touching the body, cause someone to have a slight nervous irritation, usually accompanied by laughter. 2. trans. unfold Excite, excite...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - tickle "at, -och" at, - "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - whom. Jarg. corner. To stab someone with a knife. Baldaev 1, 345...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - ...

    Word forms

"Tickle your nerves" in books

30. Apartment and nerves

From the book This is America author Golyakhovsky Vladimir

30. Apartment and Nerves The next morning Alyosha went to Mrs. Traktenberg. She called someone and said to Alyosha: - I spoke with my friends, brothers Isaac and David Hershel. They will receive you, they have an office on 70th street. Your position in their eyes is still very

Only nerves

From the book Language is God. Notes on Joseph Brodsky [with illustrations] author Jangfeldt Bengt

Only nerves Joseph Brodsky was a man with a great talent for friendship. In relation to those whom he loved, his attention, caring and generosity knew no bounds. Especially if someone was sick or in a difficult situation. On his kindred concern for Stephen


From the book Before Sunrise author Zoshchenko Mikhail Mikhailovich

NERVES Two soldiers slaughter a pig. The pig squeals so that there is no way to move. I come closer. One soldier is sitting on a pig. The hand of another, armed with a knife, deftly rips open the belly. White fat of immense thickness spreads out on both sides.

69. Nerves, nerves, nerves ...

From the book Luftwaffelmen author Sidorov Alex

69. Nerves, nerves, nerves ... While studying at a military school, despite the initially stable friendly and trustingly warm relationships between the guys within the training units, sooner or later, but always and invariably, a vile

Mom's nerves

From the book Candidate for Culling the author Borisov Anton

Nerves couldn't take it

From the book Test Pilot [Edition of 1939] author Collins Jimmy

Nerves failed Once I tested the plane. In the air, his wings fell off, and I jumped out with a parachute. I am convinced that the people who looked at me from the ground were more worried than I was. I was too busy. Admiral Moffet, for example, the one who subsequently crashed


From the book Remember, you can not forget author Kolosova Marianna

NERVES I imagined today, As if the one who is dear to me, - Died ... Ah, where does such strength come from In the midnight woeful Duma? I couldn't lie in bed, I couldn't fall asleep anyway. On the fire of melancholy, bitter tears boiled - I could not be Evil ... The night devils scoffed ... No from them

Brain and nerves

From the book The Great Encyclopedia of Spices, Seasonings and Spices author Karpukhina Victoria

Treat nerves

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 04 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Treat nerves This conspiracy has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. A person gradually begins to be less nervous, becomes kinder and calmer, his character noticeably changes for the better, it is easier for him to communicate with others. But it has long been known that


From the book Miracles of Healing of the Archangel Raphael by Virche Dorin

Nerves Dear Archangel Raphael, please calm and heal my nerves. Help me to fully restore the normal functioning of my nervous system. Surround me with your healing green light that can only saturate my nerves with kindness.


From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (NOT) of the author TSB


From the book The Big Book of Aphorisms author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Nerves See also “Psychiatry. Mental disorders”, “Silence and noise” You need to have nerves of steel or not have any. M. St. Domansky Do not waste your nerves on what you can spend money on. Leonid Leonidov The conviction that your work is extremely important is a true


From the book Knee Pain. How to restore joint mobility author Zaitseva Irina Alexandrovna

Nerves The main nerve in the knee is the popliteal nerve, which is located at the back of the knee joint. It is a component of the sciatic nerve, passes in the region of the lower leg and foot and provides sensitivity and data movement.

Thomas Seymour Tickle the Princess

From the book The most piquant stories and fantasies of celebrities. Part 2 by Amills Roser

Thomas Seymour Tickle Princess Thomas Seymour, 1st Baron Seymour of Sudley (1508–1549) - English statesman, admiral and diplomat at the Tudor court. In the book The Life of Thomas Seymour, written by John McLean, you can read what nobleman Thomas Seymour was


From the book Fantasophia. Issue 3. Underground and Erotica author Team of authors

Nerves Nerves, it's all just nerves. Forgive me and understand. Yes, honey, you're not the first In this flow of love. Yes, honey, would you like some tea? Fresh brew. Alone, I meet the unsleeping dawn. No, honey, I'm not crying, Just a mote, here. I mean something in your life, Or maybe -

Mom, 2013

Chilling horror, the image of a "mother" who follows her children. Two little girls were found completely alone: ​​they had lived in the house for five years. The only relatives take the little ones to their place, but no one even guesses that the girls have a mother who wants to take the children to her.

While watching "Mother" you will want to escape from the room, but the only safe place is under the covers. Nightmare!

Paris: City of the Dead

As Above, So Below, 2014


Think Paris is about love? The Eiffel Tower, croissants in the morning, world-class boutiques… Not at all, true masters of the city are hiding in Paris. Welcome to the city of the dead! Have a nice trip.

Key to all doors

The Skeleton Key, 2005

After watching this movie, you won't even be able to look into the mirrors, let alone the rooms! Perhaps this is the only moment when you will be glad to be in a single room.

According to the plot, a young girl arrives at an old mansion, from which it is immediately clear that something is unclean here. The hostess gives the new resident a key that fits all the doors in the house. An inquisitive girl opens exactly the room in which black magic exists.


The Babadook, 2014

The game of the subconscious, fantasy and reality - everything is intertwined in the minds of Amelia and her little son. A film that leaves behind a lot of questions, but almost no answers.


1408, 2007

Based on a short story by Stephen King, the writer was inspired by the story of real-life parapsychologist Christopher Chacon, who described his exploration of a haunted room at the Coronado Hotel Del Coronado.

« Hotel "Dolphin" invites you to stay in any of our luxurious rooms. Except for one…” reads the slogan of the film “1408”. It's time to move in, dear viewers!


The Others, 2001

Grace's children suffer from a strange disease: they cannot stand direct daylight. When three new servants appear in the house, they must learn a vital rule: all rooms must always be in twilight, you cannot open the door until the previous one is locked. The strict order established by Grace will be challenged. Grace, the children and those around them will take a decisive, fatal step.


Sinister, 2012

Together with his family, the author of detectives moves to a house where a terrible tragedy has recently occurred: all the tenants of the house were killed. The writer finds a video where there are answers to all questions about the crime. And it is at this moment that terrible things begin that threaten the life of his family.


Mirrors, 2008

After a series of horrifying events, the film's protagonist, Carson, is hired as a night watchman for the burnt-out ruins of a department store. What was once a symbol of prosperity and luxury is now slowly eroding in the dark, like a decaying ghost ship ravaged by a gigantic fire that has consumed many innocent lives.


Martyrs, 2008

This tape was shown at the Toronto Film Festival. Then, according to eyewitnesses, several people fainted! Ready to test your strength?

In the story, a year after the mysterious disappearance, Lucy is found on a country road. The girl cannot tell about what happened, but there is a place of her imprisonment - a slaughterhouse.


The Bunker, 2001

Seven soldiers in the midst of World War II find a lost bunker in the woods. The only thing that turned out to be unusual in the fortress was an old guard and a young soldier. All the rest of the platoon were missing. What kind of power was absorbing them, can it be resisted???


It Follows, 2014

A creepy film that intrigues from the first minutes. According to the plot, a young girl, after intimacy with a guy, begins to feel strange phenomena in herself: someone or something is tirelessly watching her life, turning it into a living nightmare.


Insidious, 2010

Standard start, but completely unexpected ending. Astral is a must see for everyone, even if you don't like horror movies. Sometimes the nerves fail: where the hell is the ghost hiding? Perhaps he is already near you? ..

From within

From Within, 2008

A small and very religious town is terrified: people have become suicidal. No reason, no explanation. It looks like a curse - each new suicide, shortly before death, was in contact with the previous victim. Suspicions fall on Aiden, the brother of the first suicide and a representative of a very dubious family.

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