Job description of the seller of foodstuffs with alcohol. What are the job responsibilities of a salesperson?


1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Seller. 1.2. The seller is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the General Director. 1.3. The Seller reports directly to the Head of the Section, Deputy Head of the Section. 1.4. The position of the Seller is assigned to a person who has a higher or secondary vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience or primary vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years. 1.5. The seller must be able to use a cash register in his work. 1.6. The seller must have computer skills at the level of a confident user, including the ability to use computer programs for accounting for goods. 1.7. The seller must know: - resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents relating to the work of a trade enterprise; commodity science, standards and specifications for goods, their main properties, quality characteristics; storage conditions of goods; the management structure, the rights and obligations of employees and the mode of their work; rules and methods of organizing customer service; the order of registration of premises and showcases; foundations of aesthetics and social psychology; labor legislation; Internal labor regulations; rules and norms of labor protection; safety regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene, fire safety, civil defense. 1.8. The seller must have good communication skills, must be energetic and positive. 2. FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1. Seller: 2.1.1. Ensures the uninterrupted operation of the commodity section, stays at his workplace during the entire working time and can leave his workplace only if he is replaced by another Seller with the consent of the Section Head (Deputy Section Head). 2.1.2. Carries out preventive and courteous customer service, creates the necessary conditions for them to select and familiarize them with the goods they are interested in, controls the absence of violations of trade rules, takes measures to ensure the absence of queues. 2.1.3. Performs a complete pre-sale preparation of goods (checking the name, quantity, completeness, grade, price, marking compliance, unpacking, visual inspection, etc.). 2.1.4. Informs his immediate supervisor, and, if necessary, the administration of the enterprise, about cases of detection of goods that do not meet the requirements of pre-sale preparation. 2.1.5. Places and lays out goods by groups, types, taking into account the commodity neighborhood, frequency of demand, ease of use. 2.1.6. Offers and displays products to customers; assists buyers in choosing goods, advises buyers on the purpose, properties, quality of goods, on the rules for caring for goods, on prices, on the offer of interchangeable goods, new and related goods; calculates the purchase price, issues a check, issues a passport (other document) for a product that has a warranty period; carries out the packaging of the purchase, issuance or transfer of the purchase for control; makes an exchange of goods. 2.1.7. Controls the availability of goods in the trading section, checks the quality, expiration dates of goods, checks the presence and compliance of markings, price tags on goods. 2.1.8. Controls the safety of goods, commercial equipment and other material assets. 2.1.9. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations. 2.1.10. Informs the management about the existing shortcomings in customer service, the measures taken to eliminate them. 2.1.11. Maintains an atmosphere of goodwill in the workplace, sets a personal example in customer service. The seller must be patient, attentive, polite when choosing and inspecting goods by buyers. When handing over the purchase to the buyer, you should thank him. 2.1.12. Ensures cleanliness and order in the workplace, in the commodity section, as well as in the trading floor as a whole. 2.1.13. Complies with labor and production discipline, labor protection rules and regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene requirements, fire safety, civil defense requirements. 2.1.14. Executes instructions and orders of the direct management and administration of the enterprise. 2.1.15. Is at the workplace in uniform work clothes, must have a neat appearance. 3. RIGHTS 3.1. The Seller has the right: 3.1.1. Take appropriate actions to eliminate conflict situations and the causes that led to them. 3.1.2. Give explanations on the essence and causes of the conflict situations that have arisen. 3.1.3. Make proposals to the administration of the enterprise to improve the work related to the functional duties of the Seller and the entire enterprise as a whole. 4. RESPONSIBILITY 4.1. The seller is responsible for: 4.1.1. Failure to fulfill their functional duties. 4.1.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the received tasks and instructions, violation of the deadlines for their execution. 4.1.3. Failure to comply with orders, directives of the direct management and administration of the enterprise. 4.1.4. Violation of the Internal Labor Regulations, fire safety and safety regulations established at the enterprise. 4.1.5. Disclosure of trade secrets. 4.1.6. Loss, damage and shortage of goods and other material assets in accordance with applicable law. 5. WORKING CONDITIONS 5.1. The Seller's working hours are determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise. Acquainted with the instruction: _______________/ __________________ signature Full name (signature) (full name) "___" ___________ _____

defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of the seller.

1.2. The seller is hired and dismissed from work by order of the director of the enterprise on the presentation of ____________________.

1.3. A person who has a higher or secondary specialized education without presenting requirements for work experience or general secondary education and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years is appointed to the position of the seller.

1.4. The Seller is subject to ____________________________________.

1.5. In its activities, the seller is guided by:

  • normative documents on the work performed;
  • methodological materials related to relevant issues;
  • the charter of the enterprise;
  • labor regulations;
  • orders and orders of the director of the enterprise (immediate supervisor);
  • this job description.

1.6. The seller must know:

  • resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents relating to the work of a trade enterprise;
  • commodity science, standards and specifications for goods, their main properties, quality characteristics;
  • storage conditions of goods;
  • the management structure, the rights and obligations of employees and the mode of their work;
  • rules and methods of organizing customer service;
  • the order of registration of premises and showcases;
  • foundations of aesthetics and social psychology;
  • labor legislation;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules and norms of labor protection;
  • safety regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene, fire safety, civil defense.

1.7. During the absence of the seller, his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by the appointed deputy, who is fully responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.


To perform the functions assigned to him, the seller must:

2.1. Ensure the uninterrupted operation of the commodity section, is at his workplace during the entire working time.

The seller can leave his workplace only if he is replaced by another seller with the consent of the section head (deputy section head).

2.2. Provide preventive and courteous customer service, create the necessary conditions for them to select and familiarize them with the goods they are interested in, control violations of trade rules, take measures to ensure the absence of queues.

2.3. Perform a complete pre-sale preparation of goods (checking the name, quantity, completeness, grade, price, conformity of marking, unpacking, inspection of appearance, etc.).

2.4. Notify your immediate supervisor, and, if necessary, the administration of the enterprise, about cases of detection of goods that do not meet the requirements of pre-sale preparation.

2.5. Place and lay out goods by groups, types, taking into account the commodity neighborhood, frequency of demand, ease of use.

2.6. Offer and display products to customers; assist buyers in choosing goods, advise buyers on the purpose, properties, quality of goods, on the rules for caring for goods, on prices, on the offer of interchangeable goods, new and related products; calculate the cost of the purchase, issue a check, issue a passport (other document) for a product that has a warranty period; package the purchase, issue or transfer the purchase for control; exchange goods.

2.7. Control the availability of goods in the trading section, check the quality, expiration dates of goods, check the presence and compliance of labels, price tags on goods.

2.8. Monitor the safety of goods, commercial equipment and other material assets.

2.9. Take measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

2.10. Inform management about existing shortcomings in customer service, measures taken to eliminate them.

2.11. Maintain a welcoming atmosphere in the workplace
personal example in customer service.

The seller must be patient, attentive, polite when choosing and inspecting goods by buyers.

When handing over the purchase to the buyer, you should thank him.

2.12. Ensure cleanliness and order in the workplace, in the commodity section, as well as in the trading floor as a whole.
2.13. Comply with labor and production discipline, rules and norms of labor protection, industrial sanitation and hygiene requirements, fire safety, civil defense requirements.

2.14. Execute instructions and orders of the direct management and administration of the enterprise.

2.15. Be at the workplace in uniform work clothes, have a neat

The seller has the right:

3.1. Receive from the employees of the enterprise the information necessary for the implementation of its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals on the issues of their activities for consideration by their immediate supervisor.


The seller is responsible for:

4.1. Failure to perform or improper performance of their functional duties.

4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the performance of their duties.

4.3. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the General Director of the organization and the immediate supervisor.

4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the organization and its employees.

4.5. Failure to comply with labor and performance discipline.


5.1. The Seller's working hours are determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the organization.

Any seller is associated with a trade where something is bought and sold. To ensure that the work is carried out clearly and correctly, specific job responsibilities for employees are developed. They are issued in the form of a document called a job description. The heads of the department compose it for sales assistants and senior sales assistants, cashiers.

Job description of trade workers

The content of the job description for trade workers holding various positions may differ slightly, but there are many identical points that must be observed by everyone. The instruction is printed out, signed by the management and stored in the personnel department, the second copy is issued to the employee personally. Compliance with their functional duties is an indispensable condition when working in a company.

The preparation and presentation of job descriptions for sellers is the responsibility of the personnel department. There is currently no single standard for creating such documents. Based on this, each company can independently develop and legitimize the job responsibilities of a trade employee, depending on the field of activity, degree of responsibility and other reasons.

Features of the work of a sales assistant

The load among all sellers is distributed evenly, but the job responsibilities of a sales assistant will contain several additional items. They determine the measure of responsibility and duties for this profession.

You need to understand that the sales assistant is not just a salesperson. He must understand the range of company products, be able to identify consumer needs, work with objections and be financially responsible for all products. To date, this profession is considered one of the most sought-after, but truly talented salespeople who know their business can be counted on the fingers.

The main tasks assigned to sales consultants

Any job responsibilities of a sales consultant have three main tasks - the sale of goods, the implementation of the sales plan and the competent identification of the needs of the buyer.

Among other things, the sales consultant must meet the following requirements:

  • availability of secondary specialized education;
  • The age of the candidate must not exceed 35 years;
  • pleasant appearance and neatness;
  • focus on results, since the main income is based on the percentage of the sales plan.

Of course, a competent sales assistant should be well versed in the product, know its specifics and characteristics. An important factor is the ability to win over a person, interest him and bring the conversation to the main result - paying for the purchase at the checkout.

The specifics of the work and duties of the sales assistant

The job description of a sales consultant is formed based on the specifics of the work and his main duties, namely:

  • display of goods, control over the replenishment of the showcase and the presence of missing units;
  • the presence of the correct price on the price tag;
  • tracking the timing of the sale of products;
  • layout according to the size range;
  • maintenance of cleanliness of the trading floor and the assortment of goods located in it;
  • receiving and unpacking goods;
  • sticker of price tags and protective magnets;
  • sale at the checkout with a receipt and a warranty card;
  • registration of returns in compliance with all consumer rights;
  • preparation of the trading floor for seasonal sales and current promotions;
  • conducting an inventory.

Sales consultants go through a lot of trainings, where they are taught sales skills, communication with customers and other nuances of work. It is very important to be a sociable and responsible employee so that the client has a desire to return to the store again. Competent service and unobtrusive delicacy are the main features of the activity of any seller.

Features of the work of the seller-cashier

Job descriptions and an employment contract form the main job responsibilities of a salesperson-cashier. They prescribe the specific labor functions of the employee, which reflect all aspects of his activities.

The functional responsibilities of the seller-cashier include:

  • work in a specially designated section of the store, where the seller-cashier can serve customers, accept money and write checks;
  • maintaining a cash book, collection, responsibility for the operation of the cash register;
  • receiving goods, participating in the inventory, tracking the missing goods and ordering them in a timely manner;
  • transfer of goods and inventory between branches with the obligatory signature of a document - an act of acceptance and transfer;
  • responsibility for the cleanliness and cleaning of their sector, the availability of the necessary goods;
  • compliance with the rules of etiquette of communication with customers, informing them of all current promotions and special offers;
  • acceptance of objections, including registration of the return of goods in compliance with the relevant instructions.

These are far from all the job responsibilities of a salesperson-cashier, as they are formed on an individual basis, depending on the specific activities of each enterprise or company separately.

The specifics of the work of a senior salesperson

Professions such as an administrator or sales floor manager, section manager can be categorized as senior salespeople. At least they will have the same responsibilities. As a rule, this honor is awarded to ordinary salesmen who have shown an excellent level of their work, sales and implementation of the plan. Such employees, of course, have more responsibility.

Each senior salesperson performs job duties based on the requirements that the management prescribes in accordance with the area of ​​the company's activities. However, one can still single out a single list:

  • control over the work of other sellers, including cashiers and sales assistants (in submission, the number of 10 people is considered optimal);
  • timely display of goods, replenishment of the assortment, correct layout and accounting of expiration dates;
  • writing off and ordering a new batch of goods, revaluation, revision and collection;
  • work with regular customers.

Such job responsibilities of a senior salesperson are identical for stores selling food, parts, clothing, and all other types of merchandise.

Working with food products

As mentioned earlier, the job responsibilities of a store seller are formed solely on the basis of the specific activities of an enterprise or organization. However, the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" is identical for all categories and must be implemented without any exceptions. However, the job responsibilities of a non-food salesperson will always be different from those of a trade worker involved in the sale of food products.

For general reference, you can list the main job responsibilities of the seller of food products:

  • compliance with the rules for the sale of goods in accordance with applicable sanitary standards;
  • expiration date control;
  • correct display of various categories of goods (fish and milk should not be on the same shelf);
  • control of the availability of the necessary certificates and quality standards for each category of goods, as well as documents confirming the permission to sell;
  • knowledge of the entire range to provide the buyer with any information of interest to him.

Of course, relevant trainings and educational programs are carried out, as food sellers have a high responsibility for their work and the health of customers.

Sellers in the non-food industry

The sphere of trade is very extensive, and non-food products play a huge role in it. All of us in everyday life need quality things and a number of other items. To summarize the information, you can consider the job responsibilities of a clothing seller, which will be identical for all sellers in this category:

Responsibilities of sellers of all categories

Summing up a little, we can say that the job responsibilities of the seller are the key to the success of the employee personally and the entire company as a whole. No wonder the management develops these points, which must be unquestioningly implemented. Only in this way can you set up your employee for a high result, make him disciplined and responsible.

“Why should I do this? This is not my job. I won't." Do you want to avoid such statements? Make sure the job description sales assistant was clear, and the section on the job responsibilities of the sales assistant was carefully read by him. To simplify the first task for you, we offer a sample sales assistant job description.

Sales Consultant Job Description
(Job description of the seller)

Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The sales consultant belongs to the category of technical performers.
1.2. The sales assistant is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the general director of the company / director of the store.
1.3. The Sales Consultant reports directly to the Store Director / Section Manager.
1.4. During the absence of the sales assistant, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who has primary vocational education, without presenting requirements for work experience, or secondary vocational education, without presenting requirements for work experience, or secondary (complete) general education and special training according to an established program, without presenting requirements for work experience.
1.6. The sales consultant is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation, including the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights;
- the Charter of the company, the Internal Labor Regulations, other regulatory acts of the company;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Responsibilities of the sales assistant

The Sales Consultant performs the following duties:
2.1. Monitors the availability of a sufficient amount of goods in the trading floor and, if necessary, replenishes it.
2.2. Helps customers in choosing goods, gives advice to customers on the range of goods offered for sale in the store, on consumer properties and features of goods.
2.3. Takes part in stimulating sales of certain types of goods, in store promotions: draws the attention of customers to a given product by placing it in the most viewed places, by additionally consulting customers on the features and benefits of this product, and in other ways.
2.4. Helps the merchandiser or store manager to receive goods.
2.5. Prepares goods for sale: unpacking, assembling, picking, checking performance, etc.
2.6. Monitors the availability of price tags for goods, their correct placement and the correct indication of all information in the price tag (product name, price, weight, etc.). The seller sticks the price tags prepared and handed over to him by the merchandiser or director: after the acceptance and placement of the goods; after price update; in case of detection of discrepancy between the price tag and the requirements of the rules of trade; in other cases, at the direction of the director or merchandiser.
2.7. Participates in inventory.
2.8. Keeps track of product sales. Upon detection of expired goods, the seller must immediately remove the goods from the place of sale and give this information to the merchandiser or director.
2.9. Resolves disputes with customers in the absence of administration representatives.
2.10. Participates in classes (training) for sellers to increase the level of knowledge on the properties and features of products, merchandising of goods, work at the checkout and other knowledge and skills necessary for work.
2.11. Participates in in-store team meetings.
2.12. Informs the store manager about all emergency situations in his work.
The seller is obliged to fulfill other, not described in this job description, orders of the administration, caused by production needs.

3. Rights of the sales assistant

The sales consultant has the right:
3.1. Make suggestions for improving the work related to the duties provided for in this job description.
3.2. Report to higher management on all identified deficiencies within their competence.
3.3. Require management to ensure the organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.
3.4. Make decisions within your competence.

4. Responsibility of the sales assistant

The sales assistant is collectively liable for the safety of the goods in the store.
In addition, the sales consultant is responsible for:
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

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