Essay of the musical director of the kindergarten for certification. Essay "I am a teacher"


Essay "I am a music director"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten №17 "Christmas" Petrovsk, Saratov region

ESSAY"I am an educator"

Musical director

MBDOU d / s No. 17 "Christmas"


Kolesova Yu.V.

Essay on the topic of: "My profession is a teacher"

General information.

Kolesova Yulia Viktorovna Musical director MBDOU kindergarten №17 "Christmas". Secondary specialized education. Work experience 1 year and 3 months.

I kindergarten musical director

My profession - music director… Sounds dry, soulless, one-faced ... However, dig deeper and you will find out that the truth lies in these two words. « Musical» - beautiful, sensual, affectionate, playful. « Supervisor» - giving a hand to the ignorant, afraid, and leading to a new, unknown, beautiful ... We give light. We learn to love, understand, empathize, feel. Thus, we, musicians, we create a harmonious personality, which in the future will always find a way out of any situation with dignity and honor. We inspire, give the opportunity to fly over the world and see the beauty of the universe. Of course, not literally. Us music guides...

Why did I choose a profession music director?

The answer to this question is very simple: for me it's not just a profession or job - it's a calling, a state of mind, a way of life. Everyone chooses the path of life in their own way ...

My choice of profession was more than conscious.

… For me « music director» This is life, my philosophy. I don't work music director, I live music director I like to be music director. And despite all the difficulties and attempts to dissuade me from choosing this "ungrateful" profession, I work, I live this profession.

It is difficult to say that work is an everyday holiday, yet we deal with different characters every day. It is also very difficult. Sometimes they just give up, but as soon as the child smiles at you and that's it, you understand that you simply cannot betray them. It’s not for nothing that the guys from the older groups, after returning from the session, tell me and we asked Irina Igorevna why our director has been absent for so long ?. Isn't that the highest credibility score?

The question is, did I make the right choice? And I can confidently say:

I am a happy man! I am allowed by fate to be close to the future of our country - with our children! Every mother is happy when she re-lives the period of childhood with her child. And I was lucky to enjoy this age many times, every time "teaching others, learning yourself"! I can call myself « Music Mom» with a capital letter, because I have almost a hundred children, and all of them are mine, all of them I love, I gave each of them a piece of my soul, my heart!. Thinking about children, taking care of them, loving them is the most wonderful feeling that not everyone can experience. And that makes me happy!

I am a loving person! And this is many times more wonderful than being loved. I have a wonderful mission - to give my Love and Music for children! And with great pleasure I bring it to life, while teaching my children this feeling. As L.N. Tolstoy: "To love is to live the life of the one you love." These words are the meaning of why you go to the children every day.

I am a creator! It's not for nothing that children are called "flowers of life", and educators - "gardeners". The work of an educator can be compared with the work of a gardener who grows various plants. One plant loves the light of the sun, the other a cool shade; one loves the bank of a stream, the other a dry mountain peak; one grows on sandy soil, the other on oily, clay soil. Everyone needs a special, only suitable care for him, otherwise it will not reach perfection in its development. So in my work, every child needs love, understanding of his individuality. After all, only in love is the uniqueness of each child revealed, its image is revealed.

And it is I who is entrusted by Humanity "sow" reasonable, kind, eternal into the little souls of the most beautiful treasures on Earth!

I music director!

Kindergarten is now my home, where I am expected, loved, appreciated; in which I hasten with interesting ideas, good mood. I am a creative person and a very emotional person. I want to become the closest friend for my kids, I want to give them all my knowledge and skills, show them how beautiful and friendly the world around them is. How fragile and defenseless he is, how he needs our participation. The main thing in my profession, I believe that it is necessary to instill in children a love for music to the feeling of beauty.

I am proud of my profession. It is honorable because it leaves a good feeling, allows you to feel your involvement in their fate, and therefore, your usefulness. A person will meet many faces in his life, a face music director he will remember forever. Only a teacher receives the biggest award in the world - a child's smile and children's laughter.

I am convinced that the profession music director the best in the world! Music director is a person, which instills hope and self-confidence in the soul of a child, helps girls and boys to succeed in the future. What a joy to realize that in my profession two of the biggest miracles, in my opinion, are combined - Children and Music!

In constant search for new discoveries for themselves and their pupils in the magical wonderful world music time flies unnoticed. You look, and your kids have already grown up and are ready "stand on the roof". At the graduation party, I feel joy that the children have matured, pride that music became a part of their life, sadness, because parting is always sad, and even more so if you part with the fidgets you love. But to a greater extent, I feel satisfaction from my profession.

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"Musical KVN" Cheerful music sounds, teams enter the hall. Vedas: Good afternoon, dear friends! I am glad to welcome you to the musical.

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Independent creative activity of the child is possible provided that a special subject-developing environment is created. To develop self.

"All forms of art serve the greatest of

arts - the art of living on earth!

B. Brecht.

The profession of a music director provides a unique opportunity to come into contact with one of the greatest creations of man - music. It is she who has been given the power to make our hearts rejoice and be sad, admire and worry. Music ennobles, makes purer the moral side of a person. "Musical man" has always been valued in society at all times. This person is spiritually rich, creative, capable of doing good, creating beauty. And it is very important that it is precisely at preschool age that a person has in his hands the key to the magic door to the world of beauty, which brings light, kindness, and nobleness to the soul. And, in my opinion, the mission of the music director is precisely this - to give the child this “magic key”.

The first impressions of art, of the people who give us art, remain in the memory of a person for a long time, sometimes for a lifetime. Memories of the musical director of my preschool childhood still live in my memory. She seemed to me a mysterious sorceress - kind and beautiful. And most importantly, she, like a fairy-tale fairy, day by day more and more opened the door to the mysterious and enchanting world of music for me, fascinated my imagination with dazzling musical colors. Sometimes, secretly from everyone, I made my way into the music room, climbed onto a chair that was too high for me at the time near the “fabulous” musical instrument, which adults called the piano, opened the lid of the instrument and for a long time, carefully pressing the keys, listened to the sounds. These sounds fascinated, awakened in me feelings inexplicable for me then, took me to the magical fairy-tale world of musical colors ... And it was then, being a very little girl, sitting at the first piano in my life, I decided: - “When I grow up big, I also magical…” Years passed, my life was a music school, a music college, and many years of teaching practice. And here I am, an accomplished music director, and now I myself give my pupils the “magic world of music”. My childhood dream came true. And never, during the years of my musical and pedagogical practice, have I regretted choosing my profession.

Being a music director is not a job, it's a calling! It is impossible to teach to love and understand what you do not love and do not understand yourself. The profession I have chosen is devoid of routine, monotony and boredom. It allows you to constantly absorb inexhaustible vital energy, feel yourself in constant movement, search, requires the disclosure of the inner world, makes it possible to reveal the versatile creative potential. All this I give to my students. I try, by means of music, to promote the formation of a comprehensively developed harmonious personality, to give children the opportunity to give birth in them to those emotions, feelings that would make them dream, think, create, empathize, help to distinguish the beautiful from the “ugly”, good from bad.

All this requires great preparation, everyday emotional attitude, constant improvement of self-education. Preschool children are inquisitive "little people". They always demand something new, interesting to them, emotional. Therefore, you always have to keep up with the times, look for new methods, approaches, technologies. This is required by both modern life and modern education. The main task of the musical director of the preschool educational institution is the development of musical abilities in children. I try to teach them to perceive and understand music, various types of art, teach them to sing, dance, teach self-expression, the ability to show their unique individuality, to create beauty. For these purposes, I include in my teaching practice such innovative methods and technologies as: developments by T. T. Tyutyunnikova - elementary creative music making; dance-game gymnastics "SA-FI-DANCE" by Zh. E. Firileva, E. G. Sykina; health-saving technologies - mobile music games, dynamic pauses, finger exercises, breathing exercises, logarithmics. My priority areas in the development of musical abilities in preschoolers are Russian musical folklore, musical and theatrical activities. At this point in time, in connection with modern educational requirements, in the mode of transition of work to the Federal State Educational Standard, I use the design method in my educational work with children.

Of course, the role of a music director is not limited to the development of children's musical and creative abilities. By means of music, the cognitive activity of preschool children is also formed, activated, and the social and moral side of the future personality is being formed. I try to instill in my pupils the foundations of philanthropy, justice, love and affection for close people, for my native land, for my Fatherland. In this regard, I include in my work with children works of an appropriate orientation, both traditional and non-traditional musical leisure activities, holidays, entertainment, concert programs: “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, a concert for the Day of the Border Guard, for “Mother's Day”, entertainment and holidays "Cherlak side", "Maslenitsa", "Day of national unity", .... For the same purpose, I cooperate with the social microsphere surrounding the preschool educational institution - public cultural institutions: the local museum of local lore, the school of arts (concerts, excursions), the "House of Children's Creativity" (where children get the opportunity not only to communicate with peers, but also to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, artistic abilities), with the House of Culture.

In my opinion, a music director should be a teacher - a generalist. He must be able to answer all the countless children's "why?", be able to "wake up" and support in the child the desire to perceive the world around him through feelings, emotions, he is a musician and psychologist, singer and choreographer, costume designer and artist, screenwriter and director. Sometimes it's hard! But it's worth it"! Because it is “extraordinarily” pleasant as a result to see in the pupils a piece of their invested work. It is very warm and joyful in my soul when a child “opens up” before your eyes, becomes a “little artist”, always eagerly strives to the music hall: he wants to sing, dance, play, learn, create ...

And let my pupils not become outstanding composers or vocalists, the main thing is that they grow up to be real people who can think, feel, see the beauty around them, people who can give their creativity, joy to others, benefit their native land, their Fatherland - they will learn the greatest of arts - the art of living on earth.

Zasadnyuk Lyudmila Vasilievna

Borisova Gulniza Rashitovna, musical director of the MADOU of the Embaevsky kindergarten "Spring"

Tyumen region, Tyumen district, with. Embaevo

"I'm a music director!"
I am happy when children laugh!
When joy flows in the eyes, warmth.
When they sing, play, the world is in their palm,
A world full of light, wonder and goodness!

In the life of each of us there comes a day when you need to choose your own path. And sometimes our whole life depends on what this choice will be. My path led me to Kindergarten. A cozy two-story building, a friendly, open team of like-minded people, and many, many kids. So, 30 years ago, a new page in my life began: I am the music director of a kindergarten.

Every morning I cross the threshold of my second home. With a habitual gesture, I turn on the light in the already familiar, spacious music hall. Quiet and empty, but not for long. Very soon the whole space will be filled with noisy children's voices, I will meet my inquisitive and curious pupils. Cheerful exercises, festive concerts, and warm meetings with parents are held in this hall, and most importantly, my heart and soul sing along with the guys every day.

Looking into those bright children's eyes, I remember myself as a child. At the age of 5 she was a terribly shy and timid girl, she was afraid to speak in public, but she wanted it so much! I looked with envy at those children who soloed in dancing and singing. Thinking and dreaming: “I want that too!” But… alas… One day our music director Nina Fedorovna suddenly offered me to dance instead of a sick girl. I remember it was a Moldovan dance with tambourines. What happiness was for me, a little girl, and what delight I experienced then! Bright clothes, cheerful music, it seemed that I was the only one clapping my hands! When my mother came for me that day, the teacher praised me: that I have a good sense of rhythm! And now, when I myself am the music director in kindergarten, and every day I meet with my pupils, I note that among the active ones stand out "quiet" and shy children, but this does not mean that they do not want or do not know how - just that they are embarrassed to solo. Therefore, I strive to ensure that none of them sit on chairs and watch the others dance. I try to organize our joint activities in such a way that all children take an active part in the musical process. I select such a repertoire that it is possible to organize as many children as possible in dramatizations, in musical games, in dances and songs with movements.

My desire to choose the profession of a teacher and be with children every day was probably natural. My mother worked as a music teacher at school for 40 years, my older sister works as an elementary school teacher at the same school where my mother once taught and where I studied myself. The desire not to interrupt the family tradition, studying at a music school, love for music and children determined my choice: "I'll be a music teacher!" .

My dream has come true. Every day I sit down at the piano, music flows from under my fingers, and thirty curious children's eyes look at me, which again and again are waiting for a trip to the World of Music.

Each of my working days is different from the previous one. Being a music director is a constant search for something new, interesting, and informative. You can't be a teacher with today's children "yesterday's knowledge" . The world is developing rapidly, time is moving forward, and in order to quickly keep up with it, you need to be interested in all the problems of a small child in time and look for something that will certainly surprise and interest him.

A music director is not just a profession, it is a title that must be carried with dignity, so that later your students remember their first meetings with music, as I remember it to this day. And the wise man is right who said that it is impossible to instill love for what you do not love yourself. The main purpose of the music director is to bring the beauty of music to every kid so that he can see, understand and feel through it all the charm of this wonderful world.

The work of a real teacher, a teacher is a constant, sometimes exhausting, work that drains health and nerves. You have to devote less time to your family, your child, but what can be compared with the joy when a stupid baby, who still doesn’t really know how to talk, sings to you his "la-la-la" ! And even if they are not yet outstanding singers, dancers and musicians, but to see how at their first graduation ball "gallant cavaliers" invite "beautiful ladies" to your first children's waltz ... believe me, words cannot convey this! I'm really proud of those children who have already matured, singing and dancing on the stage of the local House of Culture. After all, they received their first skills and abilities in kindergarten, and I was involved in enriching their musical culture. Honestly, sometimes I think because of this it is worth living and working!

From the outside, it seems to many that my profession comes down to playing the piano and singing along to children at a matinee. But this is far from true! In fact "music director" is a generalist teacher. He must be able to answer all children's "Why" to be able to wake up and support the desire to communicate and perceive the world around through feelings, emotions. He is both a musician and a singer, a dancer and an artist, a sculptor and a reader, a screenwriter and director of holidays.

I not only teach children, but I myself am able to learn from my preschool children. I really like the saying of the wise Confucius: "Master and Student Grow Together" .

My little pupils teach me:

  • cheerfulness (Is it possible to come to class in a bad mood?)
  • mobility, athleticism (If necessary, I'll catch up! And down with the extra weight!)
  • restraint (never raise your voice)
  • tact (everyone has his own character, and even what one!)
  • patience (Well, when will you understand, this is a note "before" , but not "re" )
  • sense of humor (Oh, and let's laugh together!)
  • optimism (we still fight!).

I strive to ensure that children always find it interesting in my classes and holidays, so that at each of our meetings they discover something new, useful and remember it for a long time. And if they ask me what you want to do for your children in the first place, I will answer: I will continue to bring pleasure and joy to children with music lessons, make their life more colorful and happier! And music will help me in this. This is my main goal, and maybe even MISSION.

Klochkova Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Musical director of kindergarten No. 98

"There are many different professions in the world,

And each has its own beauty.

But there is no nobler, more necessary and more wonderful,

Than who I work for."

For me, a music director is not just a profession, it is a title that must be carried with dignity, so that later your pupils will remember their childhood with music, as I remember it to this day. “Musical education is not the education of a musician, but, above all, the education of a person,” said V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

AND The wise man is right who said that you cannot instill love for what you do not love yourself.

In my profession, two of the greatest miracles are connected - children and music, and it depends on me whether music will help develop the best qualities of a child: spiritual sensitivity, the ability to feel the harmony of the world around, kindness, susceptibility to beauty.

From the outside, it seems to many that my profession comes down to playing the piano and singing along to children at a matinee. But this is far from true! In fact, a "music director" is a universal teacher. He must be able to answer all the children's "why", be able to "wake up and support" the desire to communicate and perceive the world around him through feelings, emotions. He is both a musician and a singer, a dancer and an artist, a sculptor and a reader, a screenwriter and director of holidays.

My main mission is to convey the beauty of music to every kid so that he can see, understand and feel through it all the charm of this wonderful world, teach children to empathize, be sensitive, sincere, love their country, their people, their land - it is music that helps me awaken these feelings in my pupils.

Children today are the people who will build our world tomorrow! Preschool age is the most favorable age when the closest contact and mutual understanding is established between a child and an adult. Preschoolers are the most sincere students, my little friends. They are without pretense, truthfully express their desires, show interest, love to sing, waiting for new meetings with music, waiting for me! Knowing that their favorite activity is the game, I turn any task or exercise, even learning a complex dance or song, into a game. And then this difficult task becomes not so difficult. I see how the guys "grow" before my eyes, accumulate a wealth of knowledge and experience, and show their creative abilities.

It is a great happiness for me to see the happy faces of my pupils, their sincere, genuine joy when they make a discovery for themselves. The soul of a child is the whole world! The world, not yet known by him, and step by step, together we discover new facets of it, enriching the beauty of life and art.

What is the happiness of my work?The happiness of a person largely depends on what meaning he puts into his work and on “falling in love with his work”. It comes when I see that my guys can dance a perky dance, or sing a Russian song, play merrily in an orchestra, or show a fairy tale.

It is unusually pleasant to see in my pupils a "piece" of my work, "sprouts" of the "grains" planted by me! And even if they are not yet outstanding singers, dancers and musicians, but to see how gentlemen invite ladies to their first waltz at the graduation ball ... believe me, words cannot convey this! Honestly, because of this it is worth living and working!

Each of my working days is not like the previous one, because the work of a music director is a constant search for something new, interesting, informative, educational. With modern children, one cannot be a teacher of "yesterday's knowledge", because A teacher with a capital letter can only be called a person who is constantly learning and improving his professional level. A music director studies all his life, developing and improving his professional experience and generously sharing it with colleagues, like-minded people, and parents. Much of what was dreamed of and thought was achieved. But for some reason there is no peace in the soul: the eternal search, the eternal work. The energy of childhood is inexhaustible and I try to direct it in the right direction.

My approach to work

The work of a music director in a kindergarten can be compared to a stream, it is always in motion and polyphonic. And since the “stream” cannot be stopped, therefore I am always in motion, learning new, unknown.
It's been 7 years since I've been in this position. From the first day it became clear that this job is for me! I love children, I am very happy when we get what we have planned. I get pleasure when I see the happy faces of the children who perform in front of their parents and peers at the holidays, receive awards for winning competitions.
I like to see the success of the guys - my graduates. Many continue to be creative: they sing and dance, attending various circles in the House of Culture and the Center for Children's Folk Art in our city. Some of the guys, on my recommendation, continue their studies at a music school. In the Kindergarten, I work as a part-time job, and my main job is a teacher at a music school. My former students are my current students. It is very important to identify musical abilities in a child from childhood and develop them further. Studying at a music school, children become participants and winners of city, district and regional competitions and festivals. Their achievements are a part of my work, my talent, my soul!
I build my musical activity with children on the principles of developing creative potential, which is facilitated by: creating a warm, friendly, relaxed atmosphere in order to emancipate each child; activity and lack of uncertainty; implementation of children's ideas during classes; arranging the work so that the musical activity is attractive, playful and creative.

I always, whenever possible, try to participate in competitions of professional skills. This makes it possible to sum up the pedagogical activity, to understand the level of one's skill and to outline the further path of development.
Being a music director is not a job, it's a calling! It is impossible to teach to love and understand what you do not love and do not understand yourself. All this requires great preparation, everyday emotional attitude, constant improvement of self-education. At this point in time, in connection with modern educational requirements, in the mode of work according to the Federal State Educational Standards, I use the design method in my educational work with children. After studying the methodological literature and applying the knowledge in practice, I came to the conclusion that this method is relevant and very effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills. In addition to long-term seasonal projects, I implement short-term thematic projects, such as: "Visiting a Fairy Tale", "Nature and Music" and others.
My priority in the development of musical abilities in preschoolers is musical and didactic games. The purpose of this direction is to help children actively enter the world of music, stimulate the development of musical and sensory abilities, teach them to distinguish the property of musical sound using visual-auditory and visual-visual methods of musical education.
Studying new modern educational technologies, I became interested in technology TRIZ(theory of inventive problem solving) And RTV (development of creative imagination). I made didactic aids, handouts, developed games that I use in my practice. According to my observation, classes with the use of TRIZ and RTV elements are a powerful tool for developing active creative thinking in children: shyness is overcome, fantasy develops, horizons and vocabulary expand. All this provides preschoolers with the opportunity for successful self-realization not only in music, but also in other activities.
In Kindergarten, I organized a music circle "Okay". It is attended by children of older groups. The purpose of this circle is to develop the creative personality of the child by introducing him to the art of music. Classes in the circle include breathing and articulation gymnastics, vocal exercises, work on songs, musical repertoire by listening to music, learning folk and modern dances, playing children's noise instruments. My pupils annually take part in the regional competition "Golden Hive", where they win prizes. And we also perform at various city, regional holidays and show our creativity in our kindergarten.
The children enjoy attending the classes. They learn to listen and love music, feel its character, sing cleanly, without tension, acquire choreographic skills, and in the future they do not experience difficulties in the process of speaking to an audience, behave confidently and relaxed, and become sociable.
At music lessons and at the music circle classes, we create unique images, and to make the image more complete, I think over every detail in clothes. I create costumes for performances myself and, of course, my parents help me. We demonstrate these costumes at the annual regional competition "Golden Sewing", for which we receive awards and prizes.
In my work, I work closely with parents, where I use various forms of work: consultations, master classes, preparations and holding various thematic holidays. Parents really like this cooperation, and they are happy to take part in all our activities. Such cooperation brings success to our common work.
In my opinion, a music director should be a universal teacher. He must be able to answer all the countless children's "why?", be able to "wake up" and support the child's desire through feelings, emotions to perceive the world around him. Sometimes it's hard, but it's worth it! Because it's nice to see in the pupils a piece of their own work. It is very warm and joyful in my soul when a child “opens up” before your eyes, becomes a little artist, always eagerly strives to the music hall: he wants to sing, dance, play, learn, create ...

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