Exercise-games for the development of imaginative thinking. Exercises for the development of thinking


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Well-developed thinking is one of the main factors for success in the process of schooling. The fact is that mental processes are able to act as compensators for the weak development of other processes, for example, they play important role in the development of the memorization process, various mnemonic techniques are based precisely on various thought processes. Thinking, in turn, is inextricably linked with speech. These are two interdependent processes: the development of one of them entails the development of the other.

Generalization - finding common essential features of objects and their association. The movement of mental activity from the particular to the general.

"Say one word"

The child is asked to name a group of words proposed to him in one word.

Aspen, birch, poplar, oak are deciduous trees.

Spruce, pine - coniferous trees

Maple, aspen, linden, spruce, pine - trees.

Spring, winter, summer, autumn are the seasons.

January, March, May, August, December are the months of the year.

March, April, May are the spring months.

Scarf, hat, hat, cap - headwear.

Boletus, boletus, russula - mushrooms.

Apple, pear, cherry - fruit trees.

Tiger, badger, lion, squirrel are wild animals.

Horse, cat, dog are pets.

Tiger, lion, hyena, elephant, giraffe are wild animals of hot countries.

Badger, squirrel, wolf, hare are wild animals of cold countries.

Skipping rope, ball, constructor, doll - toys.

Vasya, Petya, Stas, Seryozha - the names of the boys.

Vasily, Peter, Stanislav, Sergey are male names.

Tanya, Katya, Ira, Olya are the names of girls.

Tatyana, Ekaterina, Irina, Olga - female names

Geranium, ficus, cactus - indoor plants.

Wardrobe, sofa, ottoman, chair, stool - furniture.

Mom, grandmother, sister, aunt - family members - women,

Dad, brother, son, grandson - family members - men.

Daughter, grandfather, cousin, nephew are family members.

Beetle, butterfly, caterpillar, aphid - insects.

Borscht, fish soup, hodgepodge, pickle - soups.

Cutlet, mashed potatoes, fish soup, salad - food.

Lemonade, compote, jelly, juice, fruit drink - drinks.

Sneakers, shoes, slippers, boots - shoes.

Carrots, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers are vegetables.

Green, red, purple are the colors.

Wood, glass, porcelain, metal are the materials from which any objects are made.

Dress, tights, shirt, shorts - clothes.

Jacket, fur coat, raincoat, sheepskin coat - outerwear.

Spoon, fork, plate, saucepan - dishes.

Doctor, teacher, educator, nurse - professions.

Hammer, saw, ladle, syringe - tools.

Woodpecker, titmouse, sparrow are wintering birds.

Owl, chicken, ostrich, nightingale, bullfinch are birds.

Crane, heron, waxwing, duck are migratory birds.

Turkey, rooster, goose are domestic birds.

Roach, cod, bream, pike - fish.

Tram, plane, ship, bus - transport.

Helicopter, plane, Balloon- air Transport.

Bus, metro, tram, trolley bus - urban transport.

Apple, banana, pear, orange are fruits.

Kiwi, orange, banana, lemon - fruits of hot countries.

Rose, violet, lilac, chamomile - flowers.

Currants, mountain ash, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries - berries.

Pencil case, chalk, briefcase, textbook - school supplies.

Read more games and tasks for the development of thinking on the next page.

P.S. On the site http://yapotrebitel.ru/c/newcollections you will find photographs of collectible clothes, shoes and accessories from leading brands for both children and adults.

Visual and effectivethinking develops especially intensively in a child from 3 to 4 years old. He comprehends the properties of objects, learns to operate with objects, establish relationships between them and solve a variety of practical problems.

On the basis of visual-effective thinking, more complex shape thinking -visual-figurative.It is characterized by the fact that the child can already solve problems on the basis of ideas, without the use of practical actions. This allows the child, for example, to use diagrams or mental arithmetic.

All types of thinking are closely related. When solving problems, verbal reasoning is based on vivid images. At the same time, the solution of even the simplest, most specific task requires verbal summaries.

Various games, construction, modeling, drawing, reading, generalization, etc., that is, everything that a child does before school, he develops such mental operations as generalization, comparison, abstraction, classification, establishing cause-and-effect relationships , understanding of interactions, the ability to reason. The child can understand main idea sentences, text, pictures, combine several pictures based on a common feature, etc.

We offer games and exercises aimed at developing coherent speech, thinking, enriching lexical vocabulary preschoolers.

Exercises for the development of mental operations:

"Comparison of Items"

For comparison, offer the child the following pairs of words:

1. fly and butterfly

2. house and hut

3. table and chairs

4. book and notebook

5. water and milk

6. ax and hammer

7. city and village

The child must imagine what he will compare. Ask him questions: “Did you see the fly? And the butterfly? after such short questions about each word from the pair, ask the child to compare them. Again ask him questions: “Does it look like a fly and a butterfly? How are they similar? How are they different from each other?"

Review the child's responses. How many words did he successfully match? What is easier for a child: to look for similarities or differences?

A child of 6-7 years old should correctly make a comparison: highlight both similarities and differences, but not by random, insignificant features (for example, a hammer and an ax are in a barn), but by the main features.

Linguistic game for developmentthinking speed:

"Word End"

Invite your child to play this game: you will start the word by saying the first syllable, and he will finish it. "Guess what I want to say: By ..." - this is how you start the game.

Suggested syllables:

If the child easily and quickly copes with the task, invite him to come up with (guess) not one word, but as many as he can.

Fix not only the correctness of the answers, but also the time, which is an indicator of the speed of thought processes, ingenuity, and speech activity.

Exercises for the development of thought processes of generalization, abstraction, highlighting essential features:

Find the extra word.

Read a series of words to your child. Each series consists of 4 words; 3 words in each series are homogeneous and can be combined according to their common feature, and one word differs from them and should be excluded.

Invite the child to identify the word that is "extra".

Old, decrepit, small, dilapidated

Brave, wicked, daring, courageous

Apple, plum, cucumber, pear

Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, bread

Hour, minute, summer, second

Spoon, plate, saucepan, bag

Dress, sweater, hat, shirt

Book, TV, radio, tape recorder

Soap, broom, toothpaste, shampoo

Birch, oak, pine, strawberry

"Find the extra picture."

Pick up a series of pictures, among which every three pictures can be combined into a group by common ground, and the fourth is superfluous. (see Attachment).

Lay out the first four pictures in front of the child and invite him to remove the extra one. Ask: “Why do you think that. How similar are the pictures that you left?

Note whether the child highlights more significant signs, whether he correctly groups objects.

If you see that this operation is difficult for the child, then continue to patiently work with him, picking up another series of pictures. In addition to pictures, objects can also be used. The main thing is to interest the child in the game form of the task.

Mind Flexibility Exercises.

Invite the child to name as many words as possible denoting a concept.

Name the words for trees (birch, pine, spruce, cedar, mountain ash ...)

Name the words for pets

Name words for wild animals

Name the words for land transport

Name the words for air transport

Name the words for water transport

Name words for vegetables

Name words for fruits

Name the words related to the variety (football, hockey ...)

The game

"How can this be used?"

Offer the child a game: find the most more options for using an item.

For example, you name the word "pencil", and the child comes up with how to use this item.

The child names the following options:

· Draw

· Write

Use like a wand


· Thermometer for dolls, etc.

The game

"Speak Right"

Study the poem with your child.

I'll say the word "HIGH"

And you will answer - ... (LOW)

I will say the word "FAR"

And you will answer - ... (CLOSE)

I will tell you the word "Coward"

You will answer - ... (brave)

Now "BEGINNING", I will say,

Well, answer - ... (END)

Offer the child the game “I will say the word, you also say it, but only the other way around, for example: BIG - SMALL”, you can use the following pairs of words:

Cheerful - sad

fast - slow

· Beautiful - ugly

Endurance - full

Thin - fat

Clever - stupid


Hard - soft

Rough - smooth

This game helps to expand the horizons and ingenuity of the child.

A useful exercise for the development of children's thinking is guessing riddles. Moreover, riddles well known to children do not carry any mental load. But such, for example, make not only a child think, but also an adult:

Two sables lie with their tails to each other. (BROWS)

Not on the floor, not on the ceiling, but looks both into the house and into the street (WINDOW)

Curl up - with a cat, turn around - from the track. (ROPE)

Exercise for the development of verbal logical thinking:

"Define Concepts"

The child is offered the following sets of words:

· Bicycle, button, book, raincoat, feathers;

Airplane, nail, newspaper, umbrella, fur, hero

Car, screw, magazine, boots, scales, coward

Ask the child to imagine a person who does not know the meaning of any of these words. Then you say, "Try to explain to this person what each word means."

Before your child tries to define a word, make sure he understands it. This can be done by asking, “Do you know this word?” or “Do you understand the meaning of this word?”

Help your child define each word, ask leading questions, but always let him answer first.

Corrective exercises for the development of thinking

1. Exercises for the development of mental operations:

" Item Comparison"
Pairs of words.
1) Fly and butterfly 6) Ax and hammer
2) House and hut 7) Piano and violin
3) Table and chairs 8) Prank and fight
4) Book and notebook 9) Tickle and stroke
5) Water and milk 10) Town and country
Have you seen a fly? And the butterfly?
Are a fly and a butterfly similar or not? How are they similar?
And how do they differ from each other?
When comparing objects, learn to find features of similarity and features of difference according to the main features.
2. Exercises to develop the speed of thinking:

"Word End"
"Guess what I want to say"(the first syllable of the word is pronounced). In total, 10 syllables are proposed: 1) on, 2) on, 3) behind, 4) mi, 5) mu, 6) before, 7) che, 8) pry, 9) ku, 10) zo.
3. Exercises for the development of thought processes of generalization, abstraction, selection of essential features.
a) "Find the extra word."
1. Old, decrepit, small, dilapidated.
2. Brave, evil, brave, courageous.
3. Apple, plum, cucumber, pear.
4. Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, bread.
5. Hour, minute, summer, second.
6. Spoon, plate, pan, bag.
7. Dress, sweater, hat, shirt.
8. Soap, broom, toothpaste, shampoo.
9. Birch, oak, pine, strawberry.
10. Book, TV, radio, tape recorder.
b) "Find the extra picture."
in) "Exercises to develop the flexibility of the mind."
Invite the child to name as many words as possible denoting a concept:
- Name the words for trees (birch, pine, spruce, cedar, mountain ash, ...)
- Name words related to sports
- Name the words for pets.
- Name the words for water sports.
- Name the words for fruits, etc.
d) "Exclusion of the superfluous"
e) "Successive pictures"
Presented in disarray a certain amount of images that have a logical sequence. The task of the child is to determine the existing connection between the pictures, the sequence of events depicted in the pictures.
f) "Restructuring of the word"
From the letters of this word, make as many new words as possible. In a new word, each letter can be used as many times as it occurs in the original word.
g) "Deduction"
They offer mental tasks of this type: "Sasha is younger than Kolya. Sasha is older than Vova. Who is older?"

h) "Generalizations"
1) Name objects in one word:
Fork, spoon, knife...
Rain, snow, frost...
Arm, leg, head...
2) Specify generalizing concepts:
Fruit is...
Transport is...

i) "Continue a series of numbers."
A series with a certain sequence of numbers is set. Participants must understand the pattern of building a series and continue it.
1, 3, 5, 7 .......
1, 4, 7, .........
1, 3, 9, .........
12, 13, 15, 18 ...

4. Fluency exercises

"Name words with a given letter."
1) Name the words that begin with the letter "a".
2) Name the words ending with the letter "t".
3) Name the words in which the third letter from the beginning is "c".

5. Games that develop thinking, ingenuity

a) game. "How it can be used."
Offer the child a game: find as many options as possible for using an object.

b) The game "Say the other way around."
I will speak the word, you also speak, but only in reverse.
Thin - fat
Smart - stupid
Empty - full, etc.

c) The game "It happens - it doesn't happen."
The child must catch the ball in the event that the named situation occurs, and if not, then the ball does not need to be caught.
Dad left for work.
The train flies through the sky.
The cat wants to eat.
Bunny went to the cinema. etc.

Corrective exercises for the development of speech and logical thinking

Exercise "SAY THE BACK".


1. Learn to clearly pronounce the words of the syllabic structure of the 2nd type, choosing adjectives and adverbs with the opposite meaning.

2. Expand and activate vocabulary

The course of the game exercise.

The adult invites the child to select words with the opposite meaning.



sharp shovel

dull shovel

domestic geese

wild geese

smooth paper

crumpled paper

loud music

quiet music

old panama

new panama

close to home

far from home

going right

I go to the left


Purpose: 1. Learn to pronounce words of the syllabic structure of the 1st type.

2. Exercise in the simplest syllabic synthesis.

3. Activate and expand vocabulary.

Equipment: ball.

The course of the game exercise.

An adult, throwing a ball to a child, pronounces the first syllable. The child, returning the ball, says the second syllable, then calls the word in full.










cotton wool




the date



ha ta




















bu DI

wake up


Grows, turns green (what?)


Play, run, play pranks (who?)


Soapy white (what?)


Blue, cloudless (what?)


Soft, fluffy (what?)

cotton wool



1. Continue to learn to clearly pronounce the words of the 1st type of the syllabic structure of the 1st type.

2. Develop auditory attention.

Equipment : subject and plot pictures.

The course of the game exercise.

An adult shows the child plot (subject) pictures and offers to complete the sentences with a word that is appropriate in meaning:

Waiting at the burrow for prey

Lurking, gray cat .

The mouse was left without a tail,

Running away from the cat

And now a mile away

Won't come close to to the cat.

The rat is old, and that

Seeing a formidable cat,

Run away to the house

not to meet cat.

There trembles in the dark

Reminds me of a cat.

(Similarly, work is carried out with the word "water".)

Dirty always helps out water .

For ships to sail

To cook kissels

So that there is no trouble -

We can't live without... water .

Goose in any bad weather

Rushing to get into… water .

Anytime and anywhere

Eternal glory ... to water.

Exercise-games for the development of imaginative thinking should be performed not only by people creative professions. So, unlike exercises for the development of the imagination, in which the right hemisphere dominates, the training of figurative thinking involves analytical abilities, and this is a symbiosis of the two hemispheres. Exercises for the development of imaginative thinking are suitable for people who want to have a sharp mind and establish interaction between the two hemispheres.

Exercises for the development of figurative thinking

Exercises for the development of imaginative thinking should be performed in a calm, comfortable environment. You should not rush somewhere, in the absence of competitive motivation and criticism of actions. At the same time, not only the number of answers is valued, but also their quality, or rather, originality.

Exercise for the development of figurative thinking No. 1. "Drudles"

American Roger Price came up with the Drudles puzzle game, which is based on unfinished pictures. The point of this puzzle is to come up with as many versions and interpretations as possible. A feature of exercises for the development of figurative thinking is the lack of a correct answer. These puzzles can be used by all ages. It is better to start with simple shapes with a minimum amount of detail.

Exercise for the development of figurative thinking No. 2. "blots"

Unlike the previous exercise, which mainly uses lines, here it is proposed to work with solid shapes. It can be blots, spots, clouds and other abstractions. Blobs do not have to be monochrome.

Check out the work of Filipe dos Santos, an illustrator from Portugal:

Exercise for the development of imaginative thinking No. 3

The essence of the exercise is to express a phrase or sentence in an image. This lesson has something in common with puzzles familiar to us. This exercise helps to create unsurpassed logos.

In order not to spend a lot of time thinking about that very original and author's phrase, it is easier to use phrases from movies and songs, proverbs, aphorisms and other well-known expressions.

Also popular are images of verbal expressions-casuses a la “The bear collects fungi in the fox”, “Saw fish”, “Chickens are not drying”, and so on.

Exercise for the development of figurative thinking No. 4. "Search for figurative synonyms"

In this case, you need to find figurative synonyms for the object or its individual parts. For example: violin - waist - bottle.

The figurative chain can be of three types:

  • Centered. All synonyms follow from the original version.
  • Sequential. Each new synonym is matched to the previous word.
  • Chaotic. Lack of any sequence.

To complicate the task a little, try to make chains not only according to figurative characteristics, but also functional, applied, and so on. This technique is called the "visual matrix".

Exercise for the development of figurative thinking No. 5. "Kaleidoscope"

The essence of the game is juggling with our projections on the observed. You need to write out your options and depict your vision of familiar processes and personalities.

Exercises for the development of imaginative thinking are very simple to perform - this lesson is not only useful, but also insanely interesting.

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