Philosophical statements about life. Philosophical sayings about love


Recently, the fashion for philosophical statements is gaining momentum. Often people use wise sayings as statuses in social networks. They help the author of the page to express their attitude to the current reality, to tell others about their mood and, of course, to tell the society about the features of their worldview.

What is a philosophical statement

The word "philosophy" should be understood as "love of wisdom". This is a special way of knowing being. Based on this, philosophical statements should be understood as sayings on the most general issues related to the understanding of the world, life, human existence, and relationships. These include both the thoughts of famous people and the arguments of unknown authors.

about life

Sayings of this kind express an attitude to the meaning of life, success, the relationship of events that happen to a person, and the peculiarities of thinking.

Very popular at the present time are the arguments that life circumstances are the result of our thoughts. Guided in his actions by good thoughts, a person constantly feels the joy of being.

Remarks of this nature are found in Buddhist literature, where it is said that our life is the result of our thoughts. If a person speaks and acts with kindness, joy follows him like a shadow.

It is impossible not to note the question of the significance of a person's personal responsibility in what happens to him. For example, A. S. Green expresses the idea that our life is changed not by chance, but by what is in us.

There are also less specific philosophical statements. Alexis Tocqueville notes that life is not suffering or pleasure, but is a matter that must be completed.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is very brief and wise in his statements. He emphasizes the value of life, noting that it cannot be "rewritten in white paper." Our compatriot considers struggle to be the meaning of being on Earth.

Arianna Huffington talks about how life is a risk and we only grow in risky situations. The biggest risk is to allow yourself to love, to open up to another person.

Very briefly and correctly, he said about luck: "Lucky for those who are lucky." Any success is the result of hard work and implementation of the right strategy.

The word philosophy comes from two Greek words: phileo - "love", and sophia - "wisdom". It is a form of knowledge of the world. Its main tasks have always included the study of the laws of the whole world and society, as a part of it, the process of cognition itself, as well as the comprehension of moral values, questions about life, freedom, love and other concepts that have puzzled more than one generation of people. Philosophical statements about life and its components have come down to us: love, justice, good and evil, freedom, religion of the brightest representatives of human society. In essence, philosophy is not so much a science, it is rather a worldview, how this or that person sees the world.

About philosophical statements

Almost every person is engaged in philosophy in life, setting himself questions and answering them to the best of his education, life experience, practical skills and other things. If experience and knowledge are not enough, then a person turns to the wisdom of people who have achieved certain achievements.

Such people are scientists, writers, prominent public figures with certain knowledge and experience. They leave behind a legacy in the form of works, recorded thoughts, works from which people have extracted the most valuable philosophical statements, which often become their mottos and guides to life.

A person striving for certain achievements is necessarily inquisitive, tries to develop, improve, knowing full well that experience and knowledge are worth a lot, they make a person wise.

Life is purpose and action

Every person thought about the meaning of life and how to live it. The writer J. London, known for his works full of fortitude, said that the destiny of a person is life, not existence. The concept of "life" includes not just living, providing basic needs, but also something else, without which a person will not be happy, satisfied with fate, satisfied with the life he has lived, will not find meaning in it.

To live, you need a goal - for the sake of what it is done. It is well known that life without a purpose is a waste of time. According to V. Belinsky, without a set goal there is no action, without interests there can be no goal, and without action there is no life itself.

Philosophical statements about the life of the ancient Greek thinker Aristotle contain such a rule that the good of a person to whom he aspires depends on the observance of two conditions: the right end goal of any activity and finding the right means that will lead him to this goal.

About the meaning of life

According to Freud, the question of the meaning of life has been raised by people countless times, but never a satisfactory answer has been given. This is partly because each person is different. He defines the meaning of life for himself. Therefore, many thinkers see it differently. Interestingly, for most people, the meaning is to achieve certain goals that everyone sets for himself in life. As the German philosopher W. Humboldt wrote, half of the success in achieving a goal is stubbornly striving for it.

Reading philosophical statements about the meaning of life, you understand that each of them is often the result of not only reflections, but also life experience. The German poet and philosopher F. Schiller wrote that a person grows as long as his goals grow. As soon as he comes to terms with the ordinary, is satisfied with the results achieved, his growth as a person stops. Simple dreams lead nowhere. Honore de Balzac noted that in order to achieve your goal, you must first go.

So the great Russian writer M. Gorky sees the meaning in life primarily in the beauty and strength of striving for goals, he notes that every moment of life should have its own goal. You need to go without stopping and not being distracted by obstacles and trifles. On this occasion, F. M. Dostoevsky wrote that if, going to the goal, you stop in order to throw stones at all the dogs barking at you, then you will never reach it.

Sayings about freedom

The most interesting and controversial are philosophical statements about freedom, because it is this important and complex concept that has worried thinkers and philosophers for many centuries. Freedom was and remains a mystery, since the concept carries the most unexpected content, which changes over time and depends on various factors. Hegel has such words about the idea of ​​freedom that it is indefinite, multifaceted, subject to great misunderstandings, which cannot be said about other philosophical concepts.

Philosophical statements are also different in this regard. Justinian, the Byzantine emperor, defined freedom from the point of view of a politician and ruler as the natural ability of a person to do whatever he wants, if it is not forbidden by force and right. The ancient Greek philosopher Democritus considered a free person who is not afraid of anyone and does not hope for anything. B. Shaw has a slightly different opinion. He presented freedom as a responsibility that everyone fears.

Philosophical concept of justice

In philosophy, it is customary to distinguish between two concepts of justice. The first is the justice of law, or, in other words, procedural justice. In this case, it is achieved through the correct functioning of the mechanism of the law. It is here that justice is a logical, one might say, mechanical assessment, according to the fixed provisions of the law. But is it always fair? In the second concept of justice, there is an appeal to higher values ​​that are not reflected in the law and are called the moral court.

It is this concept that introduces some confusion into the logic of the justice of the law, which is not always consistent with morality. This is evidenced by well-known philosophical statements of wise thinkers. Even Plato said that in many states it is believed that justice is what the ruling power needs, which is represented by people and is not always consistent with the highest values. Or justice is perceived as the decision of the majority, which, according to I. Schiller, cannot be its measure.

The law does not always correspond to divine concepts of justice. On this occasion, T. Jefferson said that when he thinks that the Lord is justice, he is seized by fear for his country.

Religion in human life and philosophy

The philosophy of religion, its significance in human life belongs to a number of important philosophical disciplines, it is often singled out as a separate part as religious philosophy. It is aimed at the knowledge of religion. Its appearance is associated with religious and mythological culture, since a person explored not only external life, but also internal - spiritual.

The philosophical statements of most thinkers confirm this. As F. Bacon said, with a superficial study of philosophy, a person tends to deny God, with a deep study of it, the human mind turns to religion.

Nikolai Berdyaev argued that when science turns into philosophy, the latter turns into religion. Science cannot answer many questions of life, but religion answers all questions unambiguously.

About truth in human life

The philosophy of life is impossible without truth, which is rooted in antiquity. The goal of any knowledge is truth, but philosophy, in addition to this, explores it as a subject. What is truth? All famous philosophers have thought about such a concept as "truth". Plato believed that in the case when a person says something that corresponds to reality, this is the truth, otherwise he is lying. From the principle that is affirmed by thought, that is, in reality, the concept of philosophy was developed. I. Kant introduced into it the concept of "adequacy" - the agreement of thinking with itself. In other words, an adequate description of objective reality by a person can be considered truth.

Philosophers of love

Love was elevated by philosophers, writers, poets to an omnipotent force that moves and transforms the world. The philosophy of love leads thinkers to reflections, allowing them to comprehend the nature of feeling, to evaluate its role in the life of every person. Love personified the path to happiness. Philosophical statements about love reflect the depth of feelings full of passions. This was reflected in the words of G. Heine, who defined it as the most victorious and sublime passion, which, thanks to the all-conquering power, is contained in "... boundless generosity and supersensual unselfishness."

O. Balzac said that love lives only in the present. This is the only passion that does not want to recognize the past and the future. Moreover, it was considered happiness to experience this feeling personally, this is evidenced by numerous philosophical statements about love. A. Camus wrote that not being loved is a failure, and not experiencing love yourself is a disaster.

Great about the happiness of people

Along with love, which some people associate with the highest point of happiness, famous philosophers did not disregard the concept itself. A rather significant difficulty here is that each person understands happiness differently. Aristotle spoke about various perceptions of happiness, at the same time emphasizing that this concept represents well-being and a good life. O. Splenger associated it with the kinship of souls and harmony. G. Andersen argued that only by benefiting the world, one can be happy.

Philosophers of Wealth

Two poles in human life - wealth and poverty - did not go unnoticed by philosophers. This topic did not leave anyone indifferent. The question why some people can make money out of nothing, while others, working around the clock, do not have a penny, is relevant at all times. Comprehending the concept of wealth, thinkers made their own conclusions, their interesting philosophical statements suggest that the point here is not in higher justice, but in the person himself, in his attitude towards himself.

The ancient Greek philosopher Democritus wrote that greed for money is much harder than need, because from the growth of desires, there is also an increase in needs. The ancient Greek philosopher B. Bion wrote that the misers are so concerned about their wealth, as if it were their own, but they use it little, as if it were someone else's.

good and evil

The philosophy of life has always paid great attention to the problems of good and evil, trying to help humanity understand their essence and help find ways to achieve good and avoid evil. There were various philosophical schools and currents that in their own way established the relationship between evil and good, searched for and determined their own ways of asserting virtue and combating the product of evil - vices. As with any subject of philosophical research, philosophers have a different attitude to this concept. This is evidenced by the philosophical statements of great people.

Good is always stronger than evil, and there is more of it. From the latter it is unbearably painful, and the good often goes unnoticed. As the Persian poet M. Saadi said, with the help of kindness and gentle words, you can lead an elephant by a thread. The great L. N. Tolstoy said that people are loved for their good and not loved for the evil that they have done. The question of how to distinguish good from evil is quite acute for people. On this occasion, M. Cicero wrote that the most disturbing fact in a person's life is ignorance of good and evil.

Philosophy, the mother of all sciences, helps a person answer many questions concerning various spheres of life, relations between society and people, and the knowledge of life moves humanity forward.

This clever collection includes philosophical statements on various aspects of human life:

  • I am seriously convinced that the world is run by completely crazy people. Those who are not crazy either abstain or cannot participate. Tolstoy L.N.
  • A noble husband thinks about what is due. A low person thinks about what is profitable. Confucius
  • I have yet to meet a cat who cares what mice say about him. Yuzef Bulatovich
  • Be supportive of bold undertakings. Virgil
  • What is easy? - Give advice to others. Thales of Miletus
  • Among the fools there is a certain sect called the hypocrites, who continually learn to deceive themselves and others, but more than others than themselves, and in reality deceive themselves more than others. Leonardo da Vinci
  • It is better for a person who calls everything by its proper name not to appear on the street - he will be beaten as an enemy of society. George Savile Halifax
  • A cheerful facial expression is gradually reflected in the inner world. Immanuel Kant
  • What you should not do, do not do even in your thoughts. Epictetus
  • The war will last as long as people have the stupidity to be surprised and help those who kill them by the thousands. Pierre Buast

  • An intelligent person sees before him an immeasurable realm of the possible, while a fool considers only what is possible to be possible. Denis Diderot
  • World history is the sum of all that could have been avoided. Bertrand Russell
  • Belief is the conscience of the mind. Nicola Chamfort
  • Giving someone else's secret is a betrayal, giving your own is stupidity. Voltaire
  • He who constantly restrains himself is always unhappy for fear of being unhappy sometimes. Claude Helvetius
  • The foolish believes every word, but the prudent is attentive to his ways. Michley
  • Those who want to learn are often harmed by the authority of those who teach. Cicero
  • It's sad to be the scapegoat among donkeys. Przekrui
  • Happy is he who boldly takes under the protection of what he loves. Ovid
  • Children should be taught what will be useful to them when they grow up. Aristippus
  • Beware of abuse of mercy. Machiavelli
  • Trust given to the treacherous gives him the opportunity to do harm. Seneca
  • The hottest coals in hell are reserved for those who, during the greatest moral upheavals, remained neutral. Dante
  • If 50 million people are talking nonsense, it is still nonsense. Anatole France
  • The speech of truth is simple. Plato
  • If opposing opinions are not expressed, then there is nothing to choose the best from. Herodotus
  • The opposite is cured by the opposite. Hippocrates
  • If you buy what you don't need, you will soon be selling what you need. Benjamin Franklin
  • A government that operates without the consent of those it rules is the ultimate formula for slavery. Jonathan Swift
  • There is a weapon more terrible than slander; this weapon is the truth. Talleyrand
  • It is not fitting for a decent person to chase after universal respect: let it come to him by itself against his will. Nicola Chamfort
  • Women don't count their age. Their friends do it for them. Yuzef Bulatovich
  • He who knows himself is his own executioner. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • And please don't talk to me about tolerance, it seems that special houses are reserved for it. Mark Aldanov
  • Memory is a copper plate, covered with letters, which time imperceptibly smooths out, if sometimes they are not renewed with a chisel. John Locke
  • True conservatism is the struggle of eternity with time, the resistance of incorruptibility to decay. Nikolai Berdyaev
  • From lazy hands the skeleton of the house will collapse, and whoever lowers his hands, the roof leaks. Kohelet/Ecclesiastes

  • Slander is the revenge of cowards. Samuel Johnson
  • She gave way so quickly that he didn't have time to retreat. Yuzef Bulatovich
  • When a person does not know which pier he is on his way to, not a single wind will be favorable for him. Seneca
  • Favors don't bring people together. He who does a favor does not receive gratitude; the one to whom it is done does not consider it a favor. Edmund Burke
  • Who hates the world? Those who have torn to pieces the truth. Augustine the Blessed
  • Education creates a difference between people. John Locke
  • Whoever convinces too hard will not convince anyone. Nicola Chamfort
  • No pretense can last long. Cicero
  • It is better to acquit ten guilty than to accuse one innocent. Catherine II
  • An injustice committed against one person is a threat to all. Charles Louis Montesquieu
  • The best way to instill in children a love for the fatherland is to have this love in the fathers. Charles Louis Montesquieu
  • You can't help someone who doesn't want to listen to advice. Benjamin Franklin
  • Narrow-minded people usually condemn everything that goes beyond their understanding. François de La Rochefoucauld
  • It is not enough to master wisdom, one must also be able to use it. Cicero
  • They won't understand me there and they won't meet me well here. A. Dumas
  • Do not follow the majority to evil and do not decide litigation, deviating from the truth for the majority. Shemot/Exodus
  • For many, philosophers are just as painful as nightly revelers who disturb the sleep of civilians. Arthur Schopenhauer
  • The real victory is only when the enemies themselves recognize themselves as defeated. Claudian
  • Courage is tested when we are in the minority; tolerance - when we are in the majority. Ralph Sokman
  • We must strive not to be understood by everyone, but to ensure that we cannot be misunderstood. Virgil
  • We much more often praise what is praised by others than what is praised in itself. Jean de La Bruyère
  • A fly that does not want to be swatted is safest on the cracker itself. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
  • The thoughts of the best minds always eventually become the opinion of society. Philip Chesterfield
  • Maybe an atheist is unable to come to God for the same reasons a thief is unable to come to a policeman. Lawrence Peter
  • Do not have mercy on a weak enemy, for if he becomes powerful, he will not have mercy on you. Saadi
  • Peace must be won by victory, not by agreement. Cicero
  • It is not true that politics is the art of the possible. Politics is a choice between the fatal and the unpleasant. John Kenneth Galbraith
  • People are so simple-hearted and so preoccupied with immediate needs that a deceiver will always find someone who will allow himself to be deceived. Machiavelli
  • Ignorance is not an excuse. Ignorance is not an argument. Spinoza
  • Loving someone who obviously hates us is not in human nature. Henry Fielding
  • Often they go far to look for what they have at home. Voltaire
  • It is better to fight among a few good people against many bad people than among many bad people against a few good ones. Antisthenes

  • The wicked flee when no one pursues him; but the righteous is bold as a lion. Michley
  • It is better to be the first with an ugly girl than the hundredth with a beauty. Pearl Buck
  • You need to have the courage to speak your mind. Sechenov I. M.
  • Whoever forgives a crime becomes its accomplice. Voltaire
  • I value one experience more than a thousand opinions born of the imagination alone. M.V. Lomonosov
  • Who wants peace, let him prepare for war. Vegetius
  • The given trust usually causes reciprocal fidelity. Titus Livy
  • When a butcher tells you that his heart bleeds for his country, he knows what he is talking about. Samuel Johnson
  • The insults and honors of the crowd should be accepted with indifference: not to rejoice in some and not to suffer from others. Publilius Sir
  • As soon as you imagine that you are not able to do a certain thing, from that moment on, its implementation becomes impossible for you.
  • The relationship between the sexes suggests the presence of friction. Samuel Butler
  • Sometimes the best wins over the best. Titus Livy
  • Pessimism is a luxury Jews cannot afford. Golda Meir
  • Error always contradicts itself, truth never. Claude Helvetius
  • Understanding is the beginning of agreement. Spinoza, Benedict
  • There is only one good, knowledge, and only one evil, ignorance. Socrates
  • It is commendable to do what is proper, not what is permissible. Seneca
  • There are people who will not begin to hear until their ears are cut off. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
  • In a philosophical discussion, the loser wins more - in the sense that he multiplies knowledge. Epicurus
  • If strength unites with justice, what could be stronger than this union? Aeschylus
  • Let the sages say whatever they want, but you can get rid of one extreme only by falling into another. Philip Chesterfield
  • If we want to enjoy the world, we have to fight for it. Cicero
  • The greatest victory is the victory over your negative thinking. Socrates
  • Jews are hated for their virtues, not their vices. Theodor Herzl
  • Freedom will not survive if the people are corrupt. Edmund Burke
  • For the triumph of evil, only one condition is necessary - that good people sit idly by. Edmund Burke
  • To recognize a duty and not fulfill it is cowardice. Confucius
  • The business of smart people is to foresee trouble before it comes; it is up to the brave to deal with adversity when it comes. Pittacus
  • Your right to swear, my right not to listen. Aristippus
  • The pride of lowly people is to constantly talk about themselves, but of high people - not to talk about themselves at all. Voltaire
  • Triumph over oneself is the crown of philosophy. Diogenes
  • Where hope dies, there is emptiness. Leonardo da Vinci
  • Cowardice is very harmful because it keeps the will from useful actions. Rene Descartes
  • Every doctrine is true in what it affirms, and false in what it denies or excludes. Leibniz
  • Remorse of conscience begins where impunity ends. Claude Helvetius
  • The enemy must be forgiven only after he is hanged. Heinrich Heine
  • Philosophy is the medicine of the soul. Cicero
  • If there were fewer simpletons in the world, there would be fewer of those who are called cunning and tricksters. Jean de La Bruyère
  • Man ceased to be the slave of man and became the slave of the thing. Friedrich Engels

  • The great art of learning a lot is to take on a little at once. John Locke
  • An honest man can be persecuted, but not dishonored. Voltaire
  • At the beginning of all philosophy lies wonder. Michel Montaigne
  • In order not to become a drunkard, it is enough to have before your eyes a drunkard in all his ugliness. Anacharsis
  • Only those who deserve it are afraid of contempt. François de La Rochefoucauld
  • I'm interested in the future because I'm going to spend the rest of my life there. Charles Kettering
  • Calamity is the touchstone of valor. Seneca

Subject: Famous philosophical statements on various topics from the great representatives of mankind

The most famous sayings of philosophers:

    I know that I know nothing, and any knowledge is knowledge of my ignorance (Socrates).

    Know thyself (Socrates).

    You can not enter the same river twice ... (Heraclid).

    Nothing beyond measure (Heraclid).

    Everything flows, everything changes ... (Heraclid).

    Secret harmony is stronger than obvious (Heraclid).

    Multi-knowledge does not teach the mind. (Heraclid).

    The body is not the shackles of the spirit, a lot of things are worthy of surprise and study ... (Aristotle).

    Wisdom is worthy of the gods, a person can only strive for it (Pythagoras).

    Harmony is the combination of the heterogeneous and the agreement of the dissenting (Pythagoras or Philolaus?).

    Falsehood does not penetrate into number (Pythagoras or Philolaus?).

    One is God. God is thought (Xenophanes).

    Being is and cannot be, non-being is not and cannot be anywhere and in no way (Parmenides).

    the path of truth is the path of reason, the path of error is inevitably given feelings (Parmenides).

    thing, object, being, thinking are one (Parmenides).

    Do not strive to know everything, so as not to be ignorant in everything (Democritus).

    Slavery is natural and moral... (Democritus).

    The pleasure of the sage splashes in his soul, like a calm sea in the firm shores of reliability (Epicurus).

    The ability to live well and die well is one and the same science (Epicurus).

    Death is not terrible for people. While we are here - she is gone, when she comes - we are no longer (Epicurus).

    Fate leads the one who wants, but drags the one who does not want (the principle of stoicism).

    Man is the measure of all things... (Protagoras, skepticism).

    The world is not cognizable, and a person should not assert anything if he does not know the truth (skepticism).

    He who knows does not speak, he who speaks does not know. (Lao Tzu. Taoism).

    To govern is to correct (Confucius on the power of a good emperor).

    Every day you need to live like the last ... (Marcus Aurelius).

    Knowledge is power! (F. Bacon).

    I think, therefore I am. * Second version: I doubt, so I think, I think, therefore I exist (R. Descartes).

    Everything is for the best in this world ... God created the best of the worlds ... (Leibniz).

    Genius creates like nature itself (E. Kant).

    Concepts without sensations are empty, sensations without concepts are blind (Kant.)

    There is nothing in the mind that would not have been in the senses before (J. Locke).

    You should not jump to conclusions. Only that which is given to the mind clearly and distinctly and without any doubt should be accepted as truth (R. Descartes).

    Existing should not be multiplied unnecessarily (W. Okcom).

    ... only living cultures die (O. Spengler)

    Pico della Mirandola. - ... the miracles of the human spirit surpass [the miracles] of heaven ... On earth there is nothing greater than man, and in man - nothing greater than his mind and soul. To rise above them means to rise above the heavens...

    The study of nature is the comprehension of God (N. Kuzansky).

    The end justifies the means (Nicolo Machiavelli or Thomas Hobbes).

    Unfortunate is the one whose actions are at odds over time (N. Machiavelli).

The article includes the sayings of the sages, philosophical phrases and quotes:

  • Do not do what your conscience condemns, and do not say what is not in accordance with the truth. Keep this most important thing, and you will complete the whole task of your life. M. Aurelius.
  • The greatest of books is the book of life, which can neither be closed nor reopened at will. A. Lamartine.
  • The dialectics of life - youthful dreams imperceptibly turning into senile memories.
  • Music is an acoustic composition that arouses in us an appetite for life, just as well-known pharmaceutical compositions arouse an appetite for food. V. Klyuchevsky.
  • Fate cannot be escaped even after life. A. Faiz.
  • Do not be upset if life passes by - these are her problems. V. Bednova.
  • If I know the truth of a certain way and level of life, then I formulate it, because I can see and it is given to turn the obvious into words. It is enough to catch the key word of the painfully unconscious in order to extract the appropriate experience of others from the collection of such formulations. E. Ermolova.
  • Normal life begins when the wife's point of view becomes the husband's point of view. T. Kleiman.
  • Life does not smile on those who despise it. A. Rakhmatov.
  • Wandering among the letters of the alphabet of one's own life, it is difficult to find its beginning and end, alpha and omega, for which life is worth living. Alas, this alphabet is not taught in any school in the world. B. Krieger.
  • To have the right to criticize, one must believe in some truth. M. Gorky.
  • A teacher, if he is honest, should always be an attentive student. M. Gorky.
  • Those who place the peace of their loved ones above all else must completely renounce the life of ideas. A.P. Chekhov.
  • A life worthy of its name is a dedication to the good of others. B.T. Washington.
  • Fight, fight for life, but be ready for death. A.V. Ivanov
  • Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt - fate leads those who want to go, drags those who do not want to.
  • Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus! - let the world perish, but justice will prevail!
  • Jus vitae ac necis - the right to control life and death.
  • Medicus curat, natūra sanat - the doctor heals, nature heals.
  • Natura abhorret vacuum - nature does not tolerate emptiness.
  • Supra nos Fortuna negotia curat - bypassing us, fate decides things.
  • The childless are more likely to divorce: children are a common good for both, and the common good unites. Aristotle.
  • The sayings of the sages are a colossal life experience...
  • The wiser in every science is he who is more precise and more able to teach the discovery of causes. Aristotle.
  • Those who have the art are able to teach, but those who have experience are not. Aristotle.
  • Contrary to the opinion of some, reason is not the beginning and leader of virtue, but rather the movement of feelings. Aristotle.
  • Power over oneself is the highest power, enslavement to one's passions is the most terrible slavery. L. P. Tolstoy.
  • One thing remains discreet - this is the thirst for achievement. In this thirst a living human heart trembles, an inquisitive and never calming human mind is hidden. Saltykov-Shchedrin M. E.
  • Our will, like our muscles, is strengthened by ever-increasing activity; without giving them exercise, you are bound to have weak muscles and weak will. K. D. Ushinsky.
  • Character is the greatest multiplier of human faculties. K. Fisher.
  • Need to improve. Any character can be changed. Patience, ability, even physical strength - everything can be developed in yourself if you really want to, if you do not give yourself any indulgence. M. V. Frunze.
  • How many truths that we now recognize as indisputable, at the time of their pronouncement, seemed only paradoxes or even heresies! Catherine II
  • Our personality is the garden, and our will is its gardener. W. Shakespeare
  • I prefer to find one truth, even in insignificant things, than to argue for a long time about the greatest questions, without reaching any truth. G. Galileo.
  • Anger is short-term insanity. Horace.
  • Let people do without principles, but give them sophisms instead of truths. E. Renan.
  • Interesting Philosophical Sayings About Possibilities - He who can't do little, can't do more. M. V. Lomonosov
  • Fear of the possibility of error should not deter us from seeking the truth. K. A. Helvetius.
  • A state of mindless, unbridled anger is just as fatal as a state of mindless kindness or tenderness. K. D. Ushinsky
  • On a courageous heart, all adversity breaks. M. Cervantes
  • Anger always has a reason, but rarely a good enough one. B. Franklin
  • Courage without prudence is only a special kind of cowardice. Seneca the Younger.
  • Courage and fortitude are necessary for people not only against the weapons of enemies, but also against any blows.
  • Courage is the contempt of fear. It ignores the dangers that threaten us, challenges them to battle and crushes them. Seneca the Younger.

Topic: Sayings, quotes, philosophical phrases and expressions about the meaning of life and people.

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