French literature of the 20th century. Famous French poets


French literature XX century - literature written in French in the XX century. Many developments in French literature during this period paralleled changes in the visual arts. The French literature of this century is characterized by entertainment, isolation from life. The search for an ideal, a model for development, French writers find in Russian literature.


French literature of the 20th century was greatly influenced by the historical events of the century, which was characterized by deep political, philosophical, moral and artistic crises.

The period under review covers the last decades of the Third Republic (1871-1940) (including the years of the First World War), the period of the Second World War (German occupation, the provisional French government (1944-1946) in the Fourth Republic (1946-1958), years Fifth Republic (since 1959) Important historical events for French literature are: the Dreyfus affair (the case of espionage in favor of the German Empire by an officer of the French General Staff, a Jew, captain Alfred Dreyfus); French colonialism and imperialism in Africa, in the Far East ( French Indochina) and in the Pacific Ocean; Algerian War of Independence (1954-1962); the rise of the French Communist Party; the rise of fascism in Europe; the events of May 1968, the influence of Russian emigration literature on French literature.

French literature of the 20th century did not develop in isolation, but under the influence of literatures, genres and writers from all over the world, including Ivan Bunin, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Franz Kafka, John dos Passos, Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, James Joyce and many others. In turn, French literature has influenced world literature.

Writers and poets Ivan Bunin, Merezhkovsky, Dmitry Sergeevich, Gippius, Zinaida Nikolaevna, K. D. Balmont, Oscar Wilde, Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway, William S. Burroughs, Henry Miller, Anais Nin, lived and worked in France in the 20th century. James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, Julio Cortazar, Nabokov, Edith Wharton and Eugène Ionesco. Some of the most important works in French were written by foreign authors (Eugène Ionesco, Samuel Beckett).

For Americans in the 1920s and 1930s (including the so-called “lost generation”), the passion for France was also associated with freedom from prohibitions, for some Russian writers, staying in France at the beginning of the century was associated with the rejection of the Great October Socialist revolution in Russia (Bunin, Merezhkovsky). For American blacks in the 20th century (for example, James Baldwin), France provided great freedom. France in the 20th century was a more liberal country in terms of censorship, and many foreign authors published their works in France, which could be banned in America, for example: Joyce Ulysses(Publishing house Sylvia Beach. Paris, 1922), novel by V. Nabokov Lolita and William S. Burroughs "Naked Breakfast"(both published in Olympia Press), Henry Miller Tropic of Cancer(publishing house Obelisk Press).

Radical experiments were not appreciated by all literary and artistic circles of the early 20th century. The bourgeois tastes of that time were rather conservative. Very popular at the beginning of the 20th century was the poetic drama of Edmond Rostand, especially his Cyrano de Bergerac written in 1897.

The fantasy genre at the beginning of the 20th century also included the detective genre. The writers Gaston Leroux and Maurice Leblanc worked in this area.

1914 - 1945

Dada and Surrealism

The First World War gave rise to even more radical tendencies in literature. The Dadaiz Movement, which was founded in Switzerland in 1916 and moved to Paris in 1920, involved the writers Paul Éluard, André Breton, Louis Aragon and Robert Desnos. He was strongly influenced by Sigmund Freud with his concept of the unconscious. In literature and in the visual arts, surrealists tried to identify the mechanisms of the subconscious. An increased interest in anti-bourgeois philosophy brought many writers into the ranks of the French Communist Party. The writers associated with Surrealism were Jean Cocteau, René Crevel, Jacques Prévert, Jules Supervielle, Benjamin Péré, Philippe Soupault, Pierre Reverdy, Antonin Artaud (who revolutionized the theatre), Henri Michaud and René Char. The Surrealist movement remained for a long time the main trend in the art world until the Second World War. The technique of surrealism was well suited for poetry, theatrical productions. Surrealism was a major influence on the poets Saint-John Perse and Edmond Jabes. Some writers such as Georges Bataille (secret society "Acephalus"), Roger Caillois and Michel Leiris created their own literary movements and groups, some of which were engaged in research into the irrational facts of social life.


In the first half of the century, the genre of the novel in France also underwent changes. The novelist Louis-Ferdinand Celine used jargon in his novels to oppose the hypocrisy of his generation. However, Selin's anti-Semitic publications are the pamphlets "Trinkets for the Pogrom" ( Bagatelles pour un massacre) (1937), The School of Corpses ( L'Ecole des cadavres) (1938) and "Caught in trouble" ( Les Beaux Drapes) (1941) cemented Celine's reputation as an anti-Semite, racist, and misanthrope for many years. The novelist Georges Bernanos used a variety of methods to psychologically explore the characters in novels. Psychological analysis was important to François Mauriac and Jules Romain. André Gide experimented with the genre in his novel "Counterfeiters" where he described a writer trying to write a novel.


The theatrical life of the 1920s and 1930s in France was represented by an association of theaters (the so-called "Cartel"), directors and producers Louis Jouvet, Charles Dullin, Gaston Baty, Georges Pitoev. They staged plays by French writers Jean Giraudoux, Jules Romain, Jean Anouilh and Jean-Paul Sartre, works by the Shakespearean Theatre, works by Luigi Pirandello, Chekhov and Bernard Shaw.


In the late 1930s, the works of writers E. Hemingway, W. Faulkner and Dos Passos were translated into French. The prose style of their writings had a huge impact on the work of writers such as Jean-Paul Sartre, André Malraux and Albert Camus. The writers Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Malraux and Simone de Beauvoir (who is also known as one of the forerunners of feminism) are often referred to as "existentialist writers".

in the French colonies

The 1930s and 1940s saw the development of literature in the French colonies. The French (Martinique) writer Aimé Césaire, together with Léopold Sédar Senghor and Leon Damas, created a literary review L "Etudiant Noir, which was the forerunner of the Négritude movement, the theoretical basis of which is the concept of originality, self-worth and self-sufficiency of the Negroid race.

Literature after World War II

The 1950s and 1960s were very turbulent in France. Despite the dynamic development of the economy, the country was torn apart by its colonial heritage (Vietnam and Indochina, Algeria). Collective guilt from the collaborationist Vichy regime, the pursuit of national prestige (Gaulism) and social conservative tendencies dominated the minds of the French intelligentsia of this time.

Inspired by the theatrical experiments of the first half of the century and the horrors of war, the so-called avant-garde Parisian theater "New Theater" or "theater of the absurd" united around the writers Eugène Ionesco, Samuel Beckett, Jean Genet, Arthur Adamov, Fernando Arrabal. The theater abandoned traditional characters, plots and productions. Other innovations in theatrical life are decentralization, the development of a regional theater, the "people's theater" (intended for the working class), the Bertolt Brecht theater (largely unknown in France until 1954).

Poetry in the post-war period experienced a connection between poetry and the visual arts. Famous poets of this time

Every year on March 20, International Francophonie Day is celebrated. This day is dedicated to the French language, which is spoken by more than 200 million people around the world.

We took advantage of this occasion and offer to recall the best French writers of our time, representing France in the international book arena.

Frederic Begbeder . Prose writer, publicist, literary critic and editor. His literary works, with descriptions of modern life, human throwing in the world of money and love experiences, very quickly won fans around the world. The most sensational books "Love lives for three years" and "99 francs" were even filmed. The well-deserved fame was also brought to the writer by the novels “Memoirs of an Unreasonable Young Man”, “Vacations in a Coma”, “Tales under Ecstasy”, “Romantic Egoist”. Over time, Begbeder founded his own literary prize, the Flora Prize.

Michel Houellebecq . One of the most widely read French writers of the early 21st century. His books have been translated into a good three dozen languages, he is extremely popular among young people. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the writer managed to touch on the sore points of modern life. His novel "Elementary Particles" (1998) received the "Grand Prix", "Map and Territory" (2010) - the Goncourt Prize. They were followed by The Platform, Lanzarote, The Possibility of the Island, and others, and each of these books became a bestseller.

Writer's new novel"Submission" tells about the collapse in the near future of the modern political system of France. The author himself defined the genre of his novel as "political fiction". The action takes place in 2022. A Muslim president comes to power democratically, and the country begins to change before our eyes...

Bernard Werber . Cult science fiction writer and philosopher. His name on the cover of the book means only one thing - a masterpiece! The total world circulation of his books is more than 10 million! The writer is best known for the trilogy "Ants", "Thanatonauts", "We, the Gods" and "The Third Mankind". His books have been translated into many languages, and seven novels have become bestsellers in Russia, Europe, America and Korea. The author has a lot of literary awards, incl. Jules Verne Prize.

One of the author's most sensational books -"Empire of Angels" , where fantasy, mythology, mysticism and the real life of the most ordinary people are intertwined. The main character of the novel goes to heaven, passes the "last judgment" and becomes an angel on Earth. According to heavenly rules, he is given three human clients, whose lawyer he must later become at the Last Judgment...

Guillaume Musso . A relatively young writer, very popular among French readers. Each of his new works becomes a bestseller, films are made based on his works. Deep psychologism, piercing emotionality and vivid figurative language of books fascinate readers all over the world. The action of his adventure-psychological novels takes place all over the world - in France, the USA and other countries. Following the heroes, readers go on adventures full of dangers, investigate mysteries, plunge into the abyss of the heroes' passions, which, of course, gives a reason to look into their inner world.

At the heart of the writer's new novel"Because I love you" is a family tragedy. Mark and Nicole were happy until their little daughter - the only, long-awaited and adored child - disappeared ...

Mark Levy . One of the most famous novelists, whose works have been translated into dozens of languages ​​and printed in huge numbers. The writer is a laureate of the national Goya Prize. Steven Spielberg paid $2 million for the film rights to his first novel, Between Heaven and Earth.

Literary critics note the versatility of the author's work. In his books - "Seven Days of Creation", "Meet Again", "Everyone Wants to Love", "Leave to Return", "Stronger than Fear", etc. - the theme of selfless love and sincere friendship, the secrets of old mansions and intrigue is often found , reincarnation and mysticism, unexpected twists in storylines.

Writer's new book"She and he" is one of the best novels of 2015. This romantic story is about irresistible and unpredictable love.

Anna Gavalda . A famous writer who conquered the world with her novels and their exquisite, poetic style. She is called the "star of French literature" and "the new Françoise Sagan". Her books have been translated into dozens of languages, marked by a constellation of awards, performances are staged and films are made on them. Each of her works is a story about love and how it adorns every person.
In 2002, the first novel of the writer was published - "I loved her, I loved him." But this was all just a prelude to the real success that the book brought her."Just together" eclipsed in France even the novel "The Da Vinci Code" by Brown.This is an amazingly wise and kind book about love and loneliness, about life and, of course, happiness.

French poetry of the last century is primarily the poetry of commentary, allusion, hidden internal connections, believes translator Mikhail Yasnov

Text and collage: Year of Literature. RF

A few months ago, the educational project "Arzamas" published a large material entitled "How to read American poets of the 20th century." We liked it extremely, but left a feeling of some incompleteness: why only American poets? Unlike pop music or cinema, other, non-American, poetic traditions are quite alive and have sharp distinctive features.
We asked poet-translators who study these features constantly to tell about them. And, more importantly, passing them through themselves. The first to respond was a children's poet and translator of contemporary French poetry. Which, as follows from his detailed text, is not at all the same thing.

Cendrars/Deguis: Poetry = commentary
(Translator's notes)

Text: Mikhail Yasnov

Classical French poetry operated with rigid poetic forms: rondo and sonnet, ode and ballad, epigram and elegy - all these types of verse were carefully developed, repeatedly and in the smallest formal details reproduced by authors who tried with the help of sophisticated technology not only to connect the past and the present , but also literally from each poem to peel out the topical meaning. As a rule, feeling prevailed over reason, revealing to the world thousands of everyday episodes that had sunk into eternity, but these little things created a real mosaic of life that has not weathered to this day, in which poetry occupies a significant, and sometimes paramount place.
From the end of the 19th century, it begins to free itself from the accumulated "ballast" and throughout the past century it has been looking for forms that are adequate to the mobile and changeable state of minds, articulating the well-known thesis of Tristan Tzara "Thought is made in the mouth", more and more consistently including elements in the field of versification, before it alien or auxiliaries. In particular, the act of poetry loses its meaning outside the biographical, real, intertextual commentary, which not only coexists with a specific poetic gesture, but often forms an essential part of it, turning the poem into a game of intellect.

The two poems we will focus on are separated by half a century. The term is historically short. But this half of the twentieth century is the most destructive and innovative in French poetry.

1. CANDRAR (1887-1961)



Cadran complique de la Gare Saint-Lazare
Avance, retarde, s'arrete parfois.
Voyageur occidental
Pourquoi ne m'accompagnes-tu pas en Amérique?
J'ai pleure au debarcadere
New York Les vaisseaux secouent la vaisselle
Rome Prague Londres Nice Paris
Oxo Liebig fait frise dans ta chambre
Les livres en estacade
Les tromblons tirent à noix de coco
"Julie ou j'ai perdu ma rose"FuturisteTu as longtemps écrit à l'ombre d'un tableau
A l'Arabesque tu songeais
O toi le plus heureux de nous tous
Car Rousseau a fait ton portrait
Aux etoiles
Les oeillets du poète Sweet WilliamsApollinaire
Durant 12 ans seul poète de France
Tangled time about this Saint-Lazare train station
Hurries behind sometimes freezes in place
Why didn't you come to America with me?
I sobbed on the pier
On the ship shakes the dishes
Rome Prague London Nice Paris
The skies of your room are adorned with Oxo Liebig
Books rise like a flyoverShooting at random
"Julie, or My Lost Rose"FuturistYou have long worked in the shadow of the famous painting
Dreaming of Arabesque
The happiest of us
After all, Rousseau painted you
On the stars
Sweet Williams Poet's carnationApollinaire
The only French poet of this twelfth year.

(1887-1961) - Swiss and French writer /

The poem "Hammock" is included (under the seventh number) in the cycle of Blaise Cendrars "Nineteen Elastic Poems", published as a separate book in 1919. Most of the texts appeared in the periodicals of 1913-1918, but were written mainly in 1913-1914. ("Hammock" - in December 1913), in the era of "pre-war avant-garde" - l'avant-garde d'avant gerre, according to the game formula of the commentator Cendrars Marie-Paul Béranger, and at the first journal publications (1914 and 1918) bore the names "Apollinaire" and "".
In the study "Apollinaire and Co." the literary critic Jean-Louis Cornille shows that this poem is directly related to Apollinaire's poem "Through Europe" - Á travers l'Europe (both were published in periodicals in the spring of 1914), in particular, with the intention of Cendrars to ironically beat the "darkness" of Apollinaire's text, but not so much deciphering it as exacerbating it with new connotations.

Guillaume Apollinaire(1880-1918) - French poet, one of the most influential figures of the European avant-garde of the early 20th century /

Apollinaire's poem is an attempt by means of poetic speech to convey the painting of Marc Chagall, with whom both poets were friends. Cendrars picks up and "plays out" Apollinaire's allusions.

In particular, according to J.-L. Karnil, the name "Hamac" ("Hamac") is an anagram of Apollinaire's dedication of his poem (A M. Ch.): Cendrars parodically rearranges the four letters of the dedication, turning them into a new word (A.M.C.H. - HAMAC)
An even greater amplitude of possible readings is caused by the first lines of both poetic texts ( "Rotsoge / Ton visage ecarlate..." at Apollinaire and «Onoto-visage…» at Cendrars). The exotic Rotsoge, preceding the further portrait of Chagall (Ton visage écarlate - Your crimson face ...), is then interpreted as a translation from the German rot + Sog ("red trail behind the stern of the ship"- a hint at the artist's red hair), then as rote + Аuge ( "Red eye"), then as a translation of the German word Rotauge - “rudd”, a word similar to a friendly nickname. Just as the first line of Cendrars' poem, phonetically playing on the beginning of Apollinaire, is transformed into Onoto-visage, suggesting to the translator his playful allusion ( "It-that-face"). The first poem is perceived as a pretext, the second as a reminiscence, an ironic remark in a conversation.

Henri Rousseau
"Muse that inspires the poet" Portrait of Guillaume Apollinaire and his beloved Marie Laurencin. 1909

The whole poem is a chain of allusions to the relationship between Cendrars and Apollinaire, or rather, to the relationship of Cendrars to Apollinaire: "Hammock" is a swing between admiration and rivalry.

It is known that Cendrars sent his first poem "Easter in New York", written in America in April 1912 and completed in the summer after returning to Paris, to Guillaume Apollinaire in November. AND

here begins a mysterious story that darkened relations between poets for many years.

Either Apollinaire did not receive the manuscript of the poem, or he pretended that he did not receive it - in any case, two months later she returned to Cendrars by mail without any notes. This was the time when Apollinaire wrote his "Zone", intonationally, psychologically, and in many purely poetic moves reminiscent of "Easter", and this, in turn, determined the long-term discussions of French researchers about the "primacy" of this or that poem. Nevertheless, at the very least, the poets became friends, and after the death of Apollinaire, Cendrars paid tribute to him by writing that all the poets of our time speak his language - the language of Guillaume Apollinaire. In the last three lines of the poem "Hammock" Cendrars also seems to pay tribute to Apollinaire, but these three lines, like epitaphs on a tombstone, look like "remarkably cheeky"; their author emphasizes that, starting from 1912 year (that is, from the date of writing "Easter"), "the only French poet" lost his championship, since there are now two of them "first" - he and Cendrars.

Thus, poetry becomes a text for initiates. At the same time, the necessary comments branch out, including a decoding of the realities, sometimes very confusing, -

as, for example, the "confusing time" of the Saint-Lazare station: the reader should know that in the late XIX - early XX centuries. at the Paris stations there was an "external" and "internal" time. So, at the Saint-Lazare station, the clock in the train departure hall showed the exact Paris time, and the clock installed directly on the platforms showed the time the train was late.

(fr. Marie Laurencin, 1883-1956) - French artist /

So, reality. Sandrare's mention of "Oxo-Liebig" refers to the famous Liebig Meat Extract company at the beginning of the century, which produced this popular product developed by a German chemist Justus von Liebig(1803-1873) back in the forties of the XIX century. Liebig founded the world's first production of bouillon cubes, which was later joined by another fast food company, Okso. But the main thing that the reader of Sndrar should have known was that at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. color posters advertising this company were in great fashion, which served as decorative decorations for the premises. Hence the line "The skies of your room are adorned with Oxo Liebig".

By the will of Cendrars, the reader should also know that Apollinaire was a connoisseur of secret and erotic literature, a collector of "book libertinage";

in the poet’s house, “books rise like a flyover”, from which “at random” you can pull out some volume of obscene content, for example, the novel “Julie, or My Saved Rose” - the first French erotic novel written by a woman and attributed to the writer Felicite de Choiseul-Meuse(1807); again, at the behest of Cendrars, the title of the novel in the text of his poem takes on the opposite meaning of the content: "Julie, or My Lost Rose."

"Apollinaire and his friends", 1909

“You have long worked in the shadow of the famous painting / Dreaming of the Arabesque…”- continues Cendrars, recalling the painting of the Customs Officer Rousseau "Muse inspiring the poet" (1909), which also depicts Guillaume Apollinaire. At the same time, it would be good to remember that Apollinaire more than once associated the painting of Marie Laurencin with arabesques. In particular, in an essay dedicated to her work, it was included in G. Apollinaire's book “On Painting. Cubist artists "(1913) - the poet says that Laurencin "created canvases on which whimsical arabesques turned into graceful figures" and notes: “Women's art, the art of Mademoiselle Laurencin, strives to become a pure arabesque, humanized by careful observance of the laws of nature; being expressive, it ceases to be a simple element of decor, but at the same time remains just as delightful". Finally, the cryptic line "Sweet Williams Poet's Carnation" through Sweet Williams - the English name for the Turkish carnation - refers us to, in which Sweet Williams (Dear William) is one of the traditional names of a romantic hero.

2. DEGI (b. 1930)



Les grands vents féodaux courent la terre. Poursuite pure ils couchent les blés, délitent les fleuves, effeuillent chaume et ardoises, seigneurs, et le peuple des hommes leur tend des pièges de tremble, érige des pals de cyprès, jette des grilles de bambou en travers de leurs pistes, et leur opposition de hautes éoliennes.
Le poète est le traître qui ravitaille l'autan, il rythme sa course et la presse avec ses lyres, lui montre des passages de lisière et de cols
Poèmes de la presqu'île (1962)
Under the omnipotence of the winds, the lands droop. Whirlwinds, pure grass, they bend down cereals, divide rivers, shower straw and slate from the roofs, and the human race catches them in the nets of aspens, fences the city of cypresses, sets traps for bamboo thickets on trodden paths and erects tall windmills.
And the poet is a traitor, he inflates the bellows of the hot wind, he sets the rhythm to his movements, he adjusts them to the sounds of his lyre, he knows where there is a neck, and where there is a cliff.
Poems from the Peninsula (1962)

Michel Degui(fr. Michel Deguy, 1930) - French poet, essayist, translator/en/

Michel Degui loves and knows how to talk about poetry in all its manifestations, likes to explain his own poems - either in the poems themselves or in numerous interviews and articles - rigorously emphasizing his main predilection: nesting in the language. Language is the home of his metaphors, he repeats this in every way: “A poem with a special glow of an eclipse - an eclipse of being - reveals everything (things that are partially named and refer to everything) and light as well, namely: speech.”
It is echoed by researchers.

“Degi is one of those poets who perceive what is written not only as a synonym for the word “say”, but also the word “do”,

(Italian Andrea Zanzotto; 1921-2011) - Italian poet /

Remarks in the preface to Degas' collection Tombstones (1985) Andrea Zanzotto. Everything is one in the language - writing, speaking, doing; each sound testifies in favor of the next.
Degi has been exploring all his life "unclear areas" poetic speech, what he himself calls "doubling, binding" opposites - identity and difference, immanence and transcendence. This is poetics, the heroes of which are not so much objects, phenomena or circumstances of human life as numerous connections and relationships between them. Here, any way of designation can give rise to poetry. In a world where addition, connotation, i.e., comments are often more important than the immediate object, allusions and analogies take on living features; they have their own dramaturgy, their own theatre:

Degi hears and uses poetry as a kind of “basic metaphorical statute”: “Poetry, to match love, risks everything in the name of signs,” he writes in one of the poems. “My life is the mystery of how,” says another. "Poetry is a rite," he formulates in the third.

Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud(1854-1891) - French poet/

He does not need to name his literary predecessors. If, for example, he writes "it's time for purgatory" (la saison en purgatoire), then this is a transparent reference to Rimbaud to "Time in Hell" (Une saison en enfaire). Extremely important for the poetics of Degas Apollinaire (and before and through him - Mallarme) can appear on the pages of his books at several levels - from quotation variations ( "The Seine was green in your hand / Beyond the Mirabeau Bridge...") to rhythmic assimilation, dictating the structure of a poetic phrase:

Sous le pont Mirabeau coule la Seine…
(The Seine disappears under the Mirabeau Bridge...)
Les grands vents féodaux courent la terre…
(Under the omnipotence of the winds, the lands droop ...)

The appeal to the "literary past" becomes the same way of studying the present, as the very reference to the same Apollinaire - the object of work "inside" the language.

Poetry becomes a commentary on itself.

Stéphane Mallarmé(French Stéphane Mallarmé) (1842-1898) - French poet who became one of the leaders of the Symbolists. Referred by Paul Verlaine to the number of "damned poets" /

Actually, the totality of Degas's work (he would say: "essence" - l'être-ensemble des œuvres) can be represented as the richest object of such work. Examples from Degas could illustrate the vocabulary of linguistic terms. The figures of his poetic speech - from the simplest skipping of links, semantic assonances (as, for example, a doublet played many times seul / seuil - threshold / lonely) or a virtuoso verbal game with the very word "word" to the most complex designations of deep hermeticism - become a panorama of modern poetic polystylistics.
First, it would be said that Degas, following the ramified tradition of the twentieth century, destroys the language. However, the condensation of suggestion leads to new forms of poetic expression. Thus, in one of the characteristic poems of the “Help-memory” cycle, he decomposes the word commun (“general”) into comme un (“as one”), once again emphasizing that poetry is the being of the word and the concept of comme - “how”. This is the path to the expansion of the metaphorical picture of the world, to that fourth dimension, which the great lyricists of the past dreamed of.

Paul Valery(fr. Paul Valéry 1871-1945) - French poet, essayist, philosopher /

In this picture, a mixture of genres and types of writing is fundamentally important for Degas - poems and marginal notes, multi-page essays and short rhymed metaphors. The main thing is a mixture of poetry and prose, prosème; in his poetics, the development of one into another occurs naturally, the boundaries are erased, a theoretical treatise can end with a poetic miniature, a lyrical quatrain - with a political manifesto. Fragments re-create the whole, which breaks up into fragments - but does not disincarnate.
Your own idea ("Modern literature, he says, seems to be marked Valerie hesitation between"; between prose and poetry, for example) Degas devoted a separate article “The Shuffling of a Broom on the Street of Prose”, in which, in particular, he noted: “A modern poet is a poet-organizer (poetizer) of his own free will. He likes to spin in the wheel (and with the wheel) that closes the thought of poetics and the poetics of thought.Poetics - "poetic art", explained by the interest in the poem and in its composition - combines and articulates two main ingredients: formality with revelation.

The convergence of poetry with philosophy, its flow into essayism, the restoration of missing links on a different, mental level, create a special logic of the poetic text, when "inside comment"(read: intellect) becomes a source of living passions and ultimately returns us to earthly sorrows and joys, emphasizing the eternal readiness of poetry to be called upon to help the soul and memory.


Berranger M.-P. commente "Du monde entier au cœur du monde" de Blaise Cendrare. Paris, 2007. P. 95.
Cornille J.-L. Apollinaire et Cie. Paris, 2000. P. 133.
Bohn W. Orthographe et interprétation des mots étrangers chez Apollinaire. Que Vlo-Ve? Serie 1 No. 27, January 1981, P. 28-29. See also: Hyde-Greet A. “Rotsoge”: à travers Chagall. Que Vlo Ve? Sèrie 1 No. 21-22, jullet-octobre 1979, Actes du colloque de Stavelot, 1975. P. 6.
Cornille J.-L. P. 134.
Berranger M.-P. R. 87.
Leroy C. Dossier // Cendrars Blaise. Poesies completes. Paris, 2005. P. 364.
Angelier M. Le voyage en train au temps des compagnies, 1832-1937. Paris, 1999. P. 139).
Apollinaire G. Mlle Marie Laurencin // Œuvres en prose complètes. V. 2. Paris, 1991. P. 34.39.
Zanzotto A. Préface a Gisants // Deguy M. Gisants. Poemes I-III. Paris, 1999. P. 6.

Hi all! I came across a list of the 10 best French novels. To be honest, I didn’t get along with the French, so I’ll ask the connoisseurs - how do you like the list that you read / didn’t read from it, what would you add / remove from it?

1. Antoine de Saint-Exupery - "The Little Prince"

The most famous work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery with author's drawings. A wise and “humane” tale-parable, which simply and heartfeltly speaks of the most important things: friendship and love, duty and fidelity, beauty and intolerance to evil.

“We all come from childhood,” the great Frenchman reminds us and introduces us to the most mysterious and touching hero of world literature.

2. Alexandre Dumas - The Count of Monte Cristo

The plot of the novel was drawn by Alexandre Dumas from the archives of the Parisian police. The real life of François Picot, under the pen of a brilliant master of the historical-adventure genre, turned into a fascinating story about Edmond Dantes, a prisoner of the Château d'If. Having made a daring escape, he returns to his hometown to do justice - to take revenge on those who ruined his life.

3. Gustave Flaubert - Madame Bovary

The main character - Emma Bovary - suffers from the impossibility of fulfilling her dreams of a brilliant, secular life, full of romantic passions. Instead, she is forced to drag out the monotonous existence of the wife of a poor provincial doctor. The oppressive atmosphere of the outback suffocates Emma, ​​but all her attempts to break out of the bleak world are doomed to failure: a boring husband cannot satisfy his wife's needs, and her outwardly romantic and attractive lovers are actually self-centered and cruel. Is there a way out of life's impasse?..

4. Gaston Leroux - The Phantom of the Opera

“The Phantom of the Opera really existed” - one of the most sensational French novels of the turn of the 19th-20th centuries is dedicated to the proof of this thesis. It belongs to the pen of Gaston Leroux, the master of the police novel, the author of the famous "Secrets of the Yellow Room", "The Fragrance of the Lady in Black". From the first to the last page, Leroux keeps the reader in suspense.

5. Guy De Maupassant - "Dear friend"

Guy de Maupassant is often called the master of erotic prose. But the novel "Dear Friend" (1885) goes beyond this genre. The story of the career of an ordinary seducer and life-burner Georges Duroy, developing in the spirit of an adventurous novel, becomes a symbolic reflection of the spiritual impoverishment of the hero and society.

6. Simone De Beauvoir - "Second Sex"

Two volumes of the book "The Second Sex" by the French writer Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) - "a born philosopher", according to her husband J.-P. Sartre - are still considered the most complete historical and philosophical study of the whole complex of problems associated with a woman. What is the "female destiny", what is behind the concept of "natural purpose of sex", how and why the position of a woman in this world differs from the position of a man, is a woman capable in principle of being a full-fledged person, and if so, under what conditions, what circumstances limit the freedom of women and how to overcome them.

7. Cholerlo de Laclos - "Dangerous Liaisons"

"Dangerous Liaisons" - one of the most striking novels of the XVIII century - the only book of Choderlos de Laclos, a French artillery officer. The heroes of the erotic novel, Viscount de Valmont and Marquise de Merteuil, start a sophisticated intrigue, wanting to take revenge on their opponents. Having developed a cunning strategy and tactics of seducing the young girl Cecile de Volange, they skillfully play on human weaknesses and shortcomings.

8. Charles Baudelaire - "Flowers of Evil"

Among the masters of world culture, the name of Charles Baudelaire burns like a bright star. This book includes the collection of the poet "Flowers of Evil", which made his name famous, and the brilliant essay "School of the Pagans". The book is preceded by an article by the remarkable Russian poet Nikolai Gumilyov, and a rarely published essay on Baudelaire by the outstanding French poet and thinker Paul Valery concludes the book.

9. Stendhal - "Parma monastery"

The novel, written by Stendhal in just 52 days, received worldwide recognition. The dynamism of the action, the intriguing course of events, the dramatic denouement, combined with the depiction of strong characters capable of everything for the sake of love, are the key moments of the work that do not cease to excite the reader until the last lines. The fate of Fabrizio, the protagonist of the novel, a freedom-loving young man, is filled with unexpected twists and turns that take place during the historical turning point in Italy at the beginning of the 19th century.

10. André Gide - "The Counterfeiters"

A novel that is significant both for the work of André Gide and for French literature of the first half of the 20th century in general. A novel that largely predicted the motives that later became the main ones in the work of the existentialists. The intricate relationships of three families - representatives of the big bourgeoisie, united by crime, vice and a labyrinth of self-destructive passions, become the background for the story of the growing up of two young men - two childhood friends, each of whom will have to go through their own, very difficult school of "education of feelings".

Famous French writers have made an invaluable contribution to world literature. From the existentialism of Jean-Paul Sartre to commentaries on Flaubert's society, France is well known for bringing examples of literary geniuses to the world. Thanks to the many well-known sayings that quote the masters of literature from France, there is a good chance that you are very familiar with, or at least heard of, works of French literature.

Over the centuries, many great literary works have appeared in France. While this list is hardly comprehensive, it contains some of the greatest literary masters who ever lived. Most likely you have read or at least heard about these famous French writers.

Honoré de Balzac, 1799-1850

Balzac is a French writer and playwright. One of his most famous works, The Human Comedy, was his first real taste of success in the literary world. In fact, his personal life has become more of an attempt to try something and fail than an actual success. He is considered by many literary critics to be one of the "founding fathers" of realism because The Human Comedy was a commentary on all aspects of life. This is a collection of all the works he wrote under his own name. Father Goriot is often cited in French literature courses as a classic example of realism. The story of King Lear, set in 1820s Paris, Père Goriot is a Balzacian reflection of a money-loving society.

Samuel Beckett, 1906-1989

Samuel Beckett is actually Irish, however, he mostly wrote in French because he lived in Paris, moving there in 1937. He is considered the last great modernist and some argue that he is the first postmodernist. Particularly prominent in his personal life was his service in the French Resistance during World War II, when he was under German occupation. Although Beckett has published extensively, he is best known for his theater of the absurd, depicted in the play En attendant Godot (Waiting for Godot).

Cyrano de Bergerac, 1619-1655

Cyrano de Bergerac is best known for a play that Rostand wrote about him called Cyrano de Bergerac. The play was staged and made into films many times. The plot is well known: Cyrano loves Roxanne, but stops courting her in order to read his poems to her on behalf of his not so eloquent friend. Rostand most likely embellishes the real characteristics of de Bergerac's life, although he really was a phenomenal swordsman and a delightful poet.

It can be said that his poetry is better known than Rostand's play. According to the descriptions, he had an extremely large nose which he was very proud of.

Albert Camus, 1913-1960

Albert Camus is an Algerian-born author who received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1957. He was the first African to achieve this and the second youngest writer in literary history. Despite being associated with existentialism, Camus rejects any labels. His most famous two absurd novels: L "Étranger (The Stranger) and Le Mythe de Sisyphe (The Myth of Sisyphus). He was perhaps best known as a philosopher and his work reflects the life of that time. In fact, he wanted to become football player, but contracted tuberculosis at the age of 17 and was bedridden for an extended period of time.

Victor Hugo, 1802-1885

Victor Hugo would describe himself first and foremost as a humanist who used literature to describe the terms of human life and the injustices of society. Both of these themes can be easily seen in two of his most famous works: Les misèrables (The Les Misérables), and Notre-Dame de Paris (Notre Dame Cathedral is also known by its popular name, The Hunchback of Notre Dame).

Alexandre Dumas, father 1802-1870

Alexandre Dumas is considered the most widely read author in French history. He is known for his historical novels that describe the dangerous adventures of heroes. Dumas was prolific in writing and many of his stories are still retold today:
Three Musketeers
Count of Montecristo
The Man in the Iron Mask


His first published novel, Madame Bovary, is perhaps his most famous work. It was originally published as a series of novels, and the French authorities filed a lawsuit against Flaubert for immorality.

Jules Verne, 1828-1905

Jules Verne is especially famous for being one of the first writers of science fiction. Many literary critics even consider him one of the founding fathers of the genre. He wrote many novels, here are some of the most famous:
twenty thousand leagues under the sea
Journey to the center of the earth
Around the world in 80 Days

Other French writers

Emile Zola
George Sand
Marcel Proust
Jean-Paul Sartre
Madame de Scudery
Sully Prudhomme
Anatole France
Simone de Beauvoir
Charles Baudelaire

In France, literature has been, and continues to be, the driving force behind philosophy. Paris is fertile ground for new ideas, philosophies and movements that the world has ever seen.

Notable French writers

Famous French writers have made an invaluable contribution to the world
literature. From the existentialism of Jean-Paul Sartre to comments on
Flaubert society, France is well known for the phenomenon of the world of examples
literary geniuses. Thanks to the many well-known sayings that
quote the masters of literature from France, there is a high probability
that you are very familiar with, or at least have heard about
works of French literature.

Over the centuries, many great literary works have appeared
in France. While this list is hardly comprehensive, it contains some
of the greatest literary masters who ever lived. Quicker
everything you have read or at least heard about these famous French

Honoré de Balzac, 1799-1850

Balzac is a French writer and playwright. One of his most famous
works "The Human Comedy", was his first real taste of success in
literary world. In fact, his personal life has become more of an attempt
try something and fail than real success. He, by
considered by many literary critics to be one of the
"founding fathers" of realism, because The Human Comedy was
commentary on all aspects of life. This is a collection of all the works that he
wrote under his own name. Father Goriot is often cited in courses
French literature as a classic example of realism. History of the King
Lear, which took place in the 1820s in Paris, the book "Father Goriot" is
A Balzacian reflection of a society that loves money.

Samuel Beckett, 1906-1989

Samuel Beckett is actually Irish, however, he mostly wrote
in French because he lived in Paris, having moved there in 1937. He
is considered the last great modernist and some argue that he is -
first postmodernist. Particularly prominent in his personal life was
service in the French Resistance during World War II,
when it was under German occupation. Although Beckett has published extensively,
he is most of all his theater of the absurd, depicted in the play En attendant
Godot (Waiting for Godot).

Cyrano de Bergerac, 1619-1655

Cyrano de Bergerac is best known for the play that was
written about him by Rostand under the title "Cyrano de Bergerac". play
staged and filmed on it many times. The plot is familiar: Cyrano
loves Roxana, but stops courting her so that on behalf of her not
such an eloquent friend to read her his poems. Rostand most likely
embellishes the real characteristics of de Bergerac's life, although he
really was a phenomenal swordsman and a delightful poet.
It can be said that his poetry is better known than Rostand's play. By
he was described as having an extremely large nose which he was very proud of.

Albert Camus, 1913-1960

Albert Camus - Algerian-born author who received
Nobel Prize in Literature in 1957. He was the first African
who achieved this, and the second youngest writer in history
literature. Despite being associated with existentialism, Camus
rejects any labels. His most famous two novels of the absurd are:
L "Étranger (Stranger) and Le Mythe de Sisyphe (The myth of Sisyphus). He was,
perhaps best known as a philosopher and his work - mapping
life of that time. In fact, he wanted to become a football player, but
contracted tuberculosis at the age of 17 and was bedridden in
over a long period of time.

Victor Hugo, 1802-1885

Victor Hugo would describe himself primarily as a humanist who used
literature to describe the terms of human life and injustice
society. Both of these themes are easily seen in two of his most famous
works: Les misèrables (Les Misérables), and Notre-Dame de Paris (Cathedral
Notre Dame is also known by its popular name - The Hunchback of
Notre Dame).

Alexandre Dumas, father 1802-1870

Alexandre Dumas is considered the most widely read author in French history.
He is known for his historical novels that describe dangerous
adventures of heroes. Dumas was prolific in writing and many of his
stories are retold today:
Three Musketeers
Count of Montecristo
The Man in the Iron Mask
The Nutcracker (made famous by Tchaikovsky's ballet version)

Gustave Flaubert 1821-1880

His first published novel, Madame Bovary, is perhaps the most
famous for his work. It was originally published as a series
novel, and the French authorities filed a lawsuit against Flaubert for

Jules Verne 1828-1905

Jules Verne is especially famous because he was one of the first authors,
who wrote science fiction. Many literary critics even consider
him one of the founding fathers of the genre. He wrote many novels
some of the better known:
twenty thousand leagues under the sea
Journey to the center of the earth
Around the world in 80 Days

Other French writers

There are many more other great French writers:

Emile Zola
George Sand
Marcel Proust
Jean-Paul Sartre
Madame de Scudery
Sully Prudhomme
Anatole France
Simone de Beauvoir
Charles Baudelaire

In France, literature has been, and continues to be, the driving force behind philosophy.
Paris is fertile ground for new ideas, philosophies and movements that
ever seen the world.

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