Galina mother Georgievskaya read a summary. Educational activities in the preparatory group "Fighters of the invisible front" (story S


Elena Balueva
Educational activities in the preparatory group "Fighters of the invisible front" (story by S. Georgievskaya "Galina's mother")

This methodological development is intended for children preparatory group. It is aimed at consolidating and expanding children's ideas about the Great Patriotic War, introduces them to works of art about Russian soldiers, their courage, bravery, fearlessness. The pedagogical value of the development is that children get acquainted with the work of S. Georgievskaya« Galina mom» , which reveals the great feat of the Soviet woman in the war.

Integration educational areas:

"Cognitive Development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development".

Target: consolidation of children's knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, the exploits of the heroes of the War.


Educational: tell on the participation of women in the Great Patriotic War on the example story C. Georgievskaya« Galina mom» , encourage children tell about his attitude to a specific act of a literary hero, to consolidate the ability to answer questions, to continue to learn how to draw simple plots with a simple pencil.

Educational: develop thinking, memory, imagination, inculcate accuracy.

Educational: to cultivate respect for the defenders of the fatherland, for the memory of the fallen and living veteran soldiers.

Methods and techniques:

practical: drawing; listening to music; performance of the song.

visual: looking at the picture, viewing multimedia presentation.

verbal: conversation - dialogue; poetry reading; drafting stories.

Equipment: school waltz, poem by S. Shchipachev "June 22, 1941", the song "Holy War", story C. Georgievskaya« Galina mom» , illustration for a work in technology "simple pencil"(performed by the teacher, multimedia presentation « Soldiers of the invisible front» .

preliminary work: reading stories about WWII, memorizing poems about the war, reading story C. Georgievskaya« Galina mom» , viewing pictures of the war, photographs of monuments to soldiers who fell in the Second World War.

The course of educational activities.

1. Organizational moment: Quiet school waltz sounds

caregiver: The summer night was filled with the smell of herbs, birds singing and cheerful music. June 22 is the shortest night of the year. On June 22, graduation ball was celebrated in all schools of the country.

In the morning, graduates filled the streets of cities. They sang and laughed, they hoped and dreamed of the future, they went to meet dawn. It was June 22, 1941.

(Music cuts off)

2 .. The teacher reads a poem.

It seemed that the flowers were cold,

And they faded a little from the dew.

The dawn that walked through the grasses and bushes,

They searched with German binoculars.

A flower, all covered in dewdrops, clung to the flower,

And the border guard held out his hands to them.

And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee, at that moment

They climbed into the tanks, closed the hatches.

Everything breathed such silence,

That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed.

Only five minutes left!

I wouldn't sing about anything else

And would glorify his whole life his way,

When an army modest trumpeter

I blew the alarm for five minutes. (S. Schipachev)

3. Teacher's story(accompanied by multimedia presentation)

caregiver: On June 22, at 4 o'clock in the morning, the troops of Nazi Germany, crossing over six hundred kilometers, invaded the territory of the USSR. The Nazi army numbered five million five hundred thousand people, four thousand six hundred aircraft, three thousand eight hundred tanks. The enemy planned to capture our Motherland in a short time.

(Sounds music song "Holy War")

caregiver: On June 22, a general call was announced. Millions of people put on overcoats. Of every hundred men who left during the war years, front, three survived. Only three people out of a hundred survived to the Victory.

In the first days of the war, our Army suffered a crushing defeat. The troops of the border districts were completely defeated. But with every day of the war, resistance increased.

Soviet troops showed miracles of heroism and stamina, fought for every city, village, for every meter of Russian land.

The contribution of women in the war was huge and great. Medical workers operating on the wounded fighters, nurses who carried the wounded fighters from the battlefield - these are tens of thousands of female heroines, whose names we almost do not know today. There were more than 100,000 female medical workers in the Red Army. Millions of Soviet soldiers and officers owe their lives to these women.

According to many soldiers of the Red Army, in many regiments there were female scouts who were sent on a combat mission with little hope that they would return.

many verses and stories written by poets and writers about that terrible war. About the courage, bravery of our soldiers and generals, about the courage and fearlessness of our women, about their exploits that they performed in the performance of their soldier's duty. The names of not all soldiers-heroes have been preserved in history, but poems, songs have been written about many of them, stories, story.

One of these soldier's exploits was described in her story C. Georgievskaya« Galina mom» .

4. Reading an extract from story C. Georgievskaya« Galina mom» .

5. Reading conversation:

What feelings did you experience Galina mom when did you go to war? Grandmother? Galya herself?

- What a feat did Galina mom?

Why did she do it?

– How did it all happen?

- What did you feel Galina mom when was she hurt?

What did the woman experience when she saw her horse killed?

- Guys, what do you think, did she think that she was accomplishing a feat?

What do you think she was thinking?

consideration drawing to work:

What moment do you think is depicted in this picture?

How did you guess? What does it say about it?

What feelings does this picture evoke in you?

What emotions does Galina mom?

Looking at the picture, what can you say about this woman? What is she?

By what means was the drawing made?

Why do you think with a simple pencil?

Why do you think Galya can be proud of her mother?

caregiver: What words can describe our soldiers. What were they like in combat? (children's answers - brave, courageous, fearless, decisive, fearless)

6. Outdoor game "Important Message"

7. Didactic game "Finish the sentence"

caregiver: Now let's play a game.

I will tell you a phrase, and you will finish it.

That is Russia's head,

Our dear mother

Golden-domed … (Moscow).

Defended your grandfathers

Labor and happiness on earth,

Shine brighter in honor of ... (wins)

Stars of the world on the Kremlin.

The sky lit up above us

It shone with lights.

Like flowers they bloom

It's festive (firework).

8. Drawing with a simple pencil story.

caregiver: Guys, what do you remember the most? What episode made you think? What would you like to say about Galina's mother? About Gala?

Guys, I suggest you depict any moment from the story C. Georgievskaya« Galina mom» which you remember the most. Close your eyes, remember and transfer to paper all your feelings, emotions and experiences.

(independent work of children)

Exhibition of children's drawings.

caregiver: War is cruel, terrible. She roared for nearly four years. And then came the long-awaited day of Victory.

Reading a poem (children)

Great day! That's what we called him

Before him, a wall of powder smoke,

Above the ashes, burning, piles of ruins

They raised the battle banner of victory.

9. Summing up

caregiver: Those who fought many years ago are still alive. But they are already very old, many of them are sick and disabled. It is difficult for them to even walk.

They are called veterans. On Victory Day, they put on all their military awards. Gather together to remember the war years.

Child reads a poem:

So that again on the earthly planet

That winter did not happen again

We need our children

This was remembered, as we are!

I don't need to worry,

So that that war is not forgotten

After all, this memory is our conscience,

We need her as a force.

caregiver: Guys, if you see a person with orders and medals on May 9, then come up and congratulate him on the holiday, tell him “thank you” for protecting our Motherland from enemies. Veterans will be pleased that we all remember that difficult and wonderful Victory.

There is a city of Kuibyshev in the world. It's a big, beautiful city. Its streets are green like gardens, the banks are green like the streets, and the yards are green like the banks.

The Volga flows under the high bank. Steamers sail along the Volga in the summer and moor now to one side, then to the other.

During the war, the girl Galya, Galina's mother and Galina's grandmother lived in the city of Kuibyshev - all three of them were evacuated from Leningrad.

Galina's grandmother was wow, good, but her mother was even better. She was young, cheerful and understood everything. She, like Galya, loved to run barefoot after the rain, and look at pictures in old magazines, and heat the stove with the door open, although her grandmother said that all the heat goes out from this.

Galina's mother worked for a whole week. She drew very beautiful circles on transparent paper, large and small, and drew different rulers - fat or thin as a hair. It was called "drawing".

On Sundays, Galya and her mother went by boat to the other side of the Volga. Volga was big. Rafts and boats sailed along it, a steamer was moving, dispersing long waves in both directions. And on the shore lay wavy soft sand, elastic holly reeds with velvet brushes climbed out of the water, and dragonflies flew in the shade - they carried their narrow bodies through the air on flat wings shining under the sun. It was so good there, as if there was no war anywhere at all.

In the evening, Galya and her mother walked along the embankment.

Mom, car! Galya screamed. - Ask!

Galina's mother slowly turned around to see if her grandmother was sitting at the gate. If the grandmother was not there, she raised her hand.

The truck stopped.

Give us a ride, please, - my mother said. - My girl so wants to ride!

The people in the truck laughed. Then some loader or a Red Army soldier sitting in the back extended his hand from above.

The truck bounced over bumps. Mom and Galya sat in the open back on a sack of potatoes or on a spare tire, both in chintz dresses sewn by their grandmother, and held each other's hands.

Galya laughed. When the car was thrown up, she shouted: “Oh, mom! Hey mom!

She wanted to see the whole yard, the whole street, the whole city of Kuibyshev, how she and her mother ride in a car.

The car was shaking on uneven cobblestone pavement. They were covered in dust.

Thank you, comrades, - said my mother.

The car shuddered and stopped.

Galya, say thank you too.

Thank you! shouted Galya, already standing on the pavement.

Above, the Red Army soldiers smiled.

Once, when Galya and her mother were walking along the streets of the city of Kuibyshev, they saw how five young Red Army soldiers in full gear were getting into a tram going to the station. They must have gone to the front.

The Red Army soldiers were escorted by collective farmers. Collective farmers wept and kissed their sons and brothers.

The whole street around them seemed to be silent.

People stopped and silently shook their heads.

Many women wept quietly.

And then the tram trembled. Gently ringing, he rolled through the streets of the city of Kuibyshev. Collective farmers ran after him, shouting something and waving their handkerchiefs.

Galya and her mother stood on the edge of the sidewalk and looked after them.

Galya, - Mom suddenly said, - I didn’t want to tell you before, but, probably, it’s time to say: I, too, will soon go to the front.

Will you leave? - asked Galya, and her eyes became round and wet. - To the front? Without me?

Chapter Two

And two months later, Galya and her grandmother saw off her mother to the front.

The station was crowded with people.

Grandmother approached the elderly military man and said:

Comrade military man, my daughter is going to the front. The only one. Very young ... Be so kind, if you are traveling on this train, do not let her be offended.

In vain, mother, worry, - the military man answered. - What here can be resentment!

Well, that's good, - said the grandmother. - Give thanks.

It got dark. The lights came on at the station. In their yellow light, the platform, damp from the rain, shone like ice.

The train started moving. Grandmother ran after the car.

She screamed: “My daughter! My dear daughter!" - and grabbed the conductor by the sleeve on the run, as if it depended on her to protect the health and happiness of her mother.

And my mother stood in the vestibule behind the conductor and said:

Mommy, don't. Mommy, leave it. Mommy, I'm not alone, it's uncomfortable ... Don't, Mommy!

The train left in the dark. Galya and grandmother stood on the platform for a long time and looked at the red light running away. And then only Galya realized that her mother had left, she had completely left. Without her. And she cried aloud. Grandmother took her by the hand and led her home. Quietly led. Grandma didn't like to walk fast.

Chapter Three

And my mother kept driving and driving.

It was almost completely dark in the car. Only somewhere under the very ceiling a lantern glowed, blinking. And from there, together with the light, there were clouds of shag smoke. All benches were already occupied.

Mom was sitting on her suitcase in the corridor of the car that was taking her to the front. She recalled how her grandmother ran after the train in her fluttering headscarf, recalled Galya's round face, her outstretched arms, her coat, intercepted under her arms by a warm knitted scarf, and her legs in small, blunt-toed galoshes ... And she whispered, like a grandmother: “My daughter, daughter My dear!.."

The train went past bare trees, rustled its wheels and rolled forward, all forward - to the war.

Chapter Four

There is a harsh, cold region in the world called the Far North. There are no forests, no fields - there is only one tundra, all covered with ice crust. The sea that washes this icy region is called the Barents Sea. This is a cold sea, but the warm current of the Gulf Stream passes through it, and this does not freeze the sea.

Our Northern Fleet was stationed there during the war.

Galina's mother received an order to be a signalman at the fleet headquarters.

The communications headquarters was located in a rock - in a real gray granite rock. The sailors carved a deep cave in it. At the entrance there was always a sentry, and in the depths, under a heavy vault, signal girls received and transmitted ciphers day and night.

“Now, if my Galya saw where I got to! - Galina's mother sometimes thought. “What a cave and what rocks! .. When it is possible, I will write to her about it.”

But the war was on, and it was impossible to write about the cave in which the headquarters was located, and Galina's mother had no time to write long letters. Either you had to stand on watch, then you had to be on duty in the galley - that’s what the naval kitchen is called - then go on the instructions of the chief to the city of Murmansk or to the peninsula, where the marines held the defense and where the hottest battles were going on at that time.

Chapter Five

And then one day Galina's mother went on horseback to deliver an important package to the combat guards of the Rybachy Peninsula.

Around her was a huge white field, empty and level.

Only far away, where the sky rests against the earth, mountains stood with uneven jagged teeth.

It was the Tunturi ridge.

No tree or shrub grew anywhere. Snow and stone lay on a white plain. And a prickly wind was blowing across the plain and hitting the horse and Galina's mother in the eyes. And it was so empty all around! Not even a bird could be seen in the blue sky.

The horse fell through the snowdrifts and went into the melt water up to the very belly.

On the right side, a bay crashed into the tundra. The beach was monotonous: rubble and pebbles.

Well, you, go, go! - Galina's mother urged her horse.

And so they got out to the very bay - a horse with a wet belly and a mother in boots swollen from water.

The bay was as smooth as a sheet of glossy paper. High, blue, the sky rose above him. From the blue it ached in the eyes and in the heart - the heavenly dome was so pure, so calm.

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Susanna Mikhailovna Georgievskaya Galina mother

Chapter first

There is a city of Kuibyshev in the world. It's a big, beautiful city. Its streets are green like gardens, the banks are green like the streets, and the yards are green like the banks.

The Volga flows under the high bank. Steamers sail along the Volga in the summer and moor now to one side, then to the other.

During the war, the girl Galya, Galina's mother and Galina's grandmother lived in the city of Kuibyshev - all three of them were evacuated from Leningrad.

Galina's grandmother was wow, good, but her mother was even better. She was young, cheerful and understood everything. She, like Galya, loved to run barefoot after the rain, and look at pictures in old magazines, and heat the stove with the door open, although her grandmother said that all the heat goes out from this.

Galina's mother worked for a whole week. She drew very beautiful circles on transparent paper, large and small, and drew different rulers - fat or thin as a hair. It was called "drawing".

On Sundays, Galya and her mother went by boat to the other side of the Volga. Volga was big. Rafts and boats sailed along it, a steamer was moving, dispersing long waves in both directions. And on the shore lay wavy soft sand, elastic holly reeds with velvet brushes climbed out of the water, and dragonflies flew in the shade - they carried their narrow bodies through the air on flat wings shining under the sun. It was so good there, as if there was no war anywhere at all.

In the evening, Galya and her mother walked along the embankment.

Mom, car! Galya screamed. - Ask!

Galina's mother slowly turned around to see if her grandmother was sitting at the gate. If the grandmother was not there, she raised her hand.

The truck stopped.

Give us a ride, please, - my mother said. - My girl so wants to ride!

The people in the truck laughed. Then some loader or a Red Army soldier sitting in the back extended his hand from above.

The truck bounced over bumps. Mom and Galya sat in the open back on a sack of potatoes or on a spare tire, both in chintz dresses sewn by their grandmother, and held each other's hands.

Galya laughed. When the car was thrown up, she shouted: “Oh, mom! Hey mom!

She wanted to see the whole yard, the whole street, the whole city of Kuibyshev, how she and her mother ride in a car.

The car was shaking on uneven cobblestone pavement. They were covered in dust.

Thank you, comrades, - said my mother.

The car shuddered and stopped.

Galya, say thank you too.

Thank you! shouted Galya, already standing on the pavement.

Above, the Red Army soldiers smiled.

Once, when Galya and her mother were walking along the streets of the city of Kuibyshev, they saw how five young Red Army soldiers in full gear were getting into a tram going to the station. They must have gone to the front.

The Red Army soldiers were escorted by collective farmers. Collective farmers wept and kissed their sons and brothers.

The whole street around them seemed to be silent.

People stopped and silently shook their heads.

Many women wept quietly.

And then the tram trembled. Gently ringing, he rolled through the streets of the city of Kuibyshev. Collective farmers ran after him, shouting something and waving their handkerchiefs.

Galya and her mother stood on the edge of the sidewalk and looked after them.

Galya, - Mom suddenly said, - I didn’t want to tell you before, but, probably, it’s time to say: I, too, will soon go to the front.

Will you leave? - asked Galya, and her eyes became round and wet. - To the front? Without me?

Chapter Two

And two months later, Galya and her grandmother saw off her mother to the front.

The station was crowded with people.

Grandmother approached the elderly military man and said:

Comrade military man, my daughter is going to the front. The only one. Very young ... Be so kind, if you are traveling on this train, do not let her be offended.

In vain, mother, worry, - the military man answered. - What here can be resentment!

Well, that's good, - said the grandmother. - Give thanks.

It got dark. The lights came on at the station. In their yellow light, the platform, damp from the rain, shone like ice.

The train started moving. Grandmother ran after the car.

She screamed: “My daughter! My dear daughter!" - and grabbed the conductor by the sleeve on the run, as if it depended on her to protect the health and happiness of her mother.

And my mother stood in the vestibule behind the conductor and said:

Mommy, don't. Mommy, leave it. Mommy, I'm not alone, it's uncomfortable ... Don't, Mommy!

The train left in the dark. Galya and grandmother stood on the platform for a long time and looked at the red light running away. And then only Galya realized that her mother had left, she had completely left. Without her. And she cried aloud. Grandmother took her by the hand and led her home. Quietly led. Grandma didn't like to walk fast.

Susanna Mikhailovna Georgievskaya

Galina mom

Chapter first

There is a city of Kuibyshev in the world. It's a big, beautiful city. Its streets are green like gardens, the banks are green like the streets, and the yards are green like the banks.

The Volga flows under the high bank. Steamers sail along the Volga in the summer and moor now to one side, then to the other.

During the war, the girl Galya, Galina's mother and Galina's grandmother lived in the city of Kuibyshev - all three of them were evacuated from Leningrad.

Galina's grandmother was wow, good, but her mother was even better. She was young, cheerful and understood everything. She, like Galya, loved to run barefoot after the rain, and look at pictures in old magazines, and heat the stove with the door open, although her grandmother said that all the heat goes out from this.

Galina's mother worked for a whole week. She drew very beautiful circles on transparent paper, large and small, and drew different rulers - fat or thin as a hair. It was called "drawing".

On Sundays, Galya and her mother went by boat to the other side of the Volga. Volga was big. Rafts and boats sailed along it, a steamer was moving, dispersing long waves in both directions. And on the shore lay wavy soft sand, elastic holly reeds with velvet brushes climbed out of the water, and dragonflies flew in the shade - they carried their narrow bodies through the air on flat wings shining under the sun. It was so good there, as if there was no war anywhere at all.

In the evening, Galya and her mother walked along the embankment.

Mom, car! Galya screamed. - Ask!

Galina's mother slowly turned around to see if her grandmother was sitting at the gate. If the grandmother was not there, she raised her hand.

The truck stopped.

Give us a ride, please, - my mother said. - My girl so wants to ride!

The people in the truck laughed. Then some loader or a Red Army soldier sitting in the back extended his hand from above.

The truck bounced over bumps. Mom and Galya sat in the open back on a sack of potatoes or on a spare tire, both in chintz dresses sewn by their grandmother, and held each other's hands.

Galya laughed. When the car was thrown up, she shouted: “Oh, mom! Hey mom!

She wanted to see the whole yard, the whole street, the whole city of Kuibyshev, how she and her mother ride in a car.

The car was shaking on uneven cobblestone pavement. They were covered in dust.

Thank you, comrades, - said my mother.

The car shuddered and stopped.

Galya, say thank you too.

Thank you! shouted Galya, already standing on the pavement.

Above, the Red Army soldiers smiled.

Once, when Galya and her mother were walking along the streets of the city of Kuibyshev, they saw how five young Red Army soldiers in full gear were getting into a tram going to the station. They must have gone to the front.

The Red Army soldiers were escorted by collective farmers. Collective farmers wept and kissed their sons and brothers.

The whole street around them seemed to be silent.

People stopped and silently shook their heads.

Many women wept quietly.

And then the tram trembled. Gently ringing, he rolled through the streets of the city of Kuibyshev. Collective farmers ran after him, shouting something and waving their handkerchiefs.

Galya and her mother stood on the edge of the sidewalk and looked after them.

Galya, - Mom suddenly said, - I didn’t want to tell you before, but, probably, it’s time to say: I, too, will soon go to the front.

Will you leave? - asked Galya, and her eyes became round and wet. - To the front? Without me?

Chapter Two

And two months later, Galya and her grandmother saw off her mother to the front.

The station was crowded with people.

Grandmother approached the elderly military man and said:

Comrade military man, my daughter is going to the front. The only one. Very young ... Be so kind, if you are traveling on this train, do not let her be offended.

In vain, mother, worry, - the military man answered. - What here can be resentment!

Well, that's good, - said the grandmother. - Give thanks.

It got dark. The lights came on at the station. In their yellow light, the platform, damp from the rain, shone like ice.

The train started moving. Grandmother ran after the car.

She screamed: “My daughter! My dear daughter!" - and grabbed the conductor by the sleeve on the run, as if it depended on her to protect the health and happiness of her mother.

And my mother stood in the vestibule behind the conductor and said:

Mommy, don't. Mommy, leave it. Mommy, I'm not alone, it's uncomfortable ... Don't, Mommy!

The train left in the dark. Galya and grandmother stood on the platform for a long time and looked at the red light running away. And then only Galya realized that her mother had left, she had completely left. Without her. And she cried aloud. Grandmother took her by the hand and led her home. Quietly led. Grandma didn't like to walk fast.

Chapter Three

And my mother kept driving and driving.

It was almost completely dark in the car. Only somewhere under the very ceiling a lantern glowed, blinking. And from there, together with the light, there were clouds of shag smoke. All benches were already occupied.

Mom was sitting on her suitcase in the corridor of the car that was taking her to the front. She recalled how her grandmother ran after the train in her fluttering headscarf, recalled Galya's round face, her outstretched arms, her coat, intercepted under her arms by a warm knitted scarf, and her legs in small, blunt-toed galoshes ... And she whispered, like a grandmother: “My daughter, daughter My dear!.."

The train went past bare trees, rustled its wheels and rolled forward, all forward - to the war.

Chapter Four

There is a harsh, cold region in the world called the Far North. There are no forests, no fields - there is only one tundra, all covered with ice crust. The sea that washes this icy region is called the Barents Sea. This is a cold sea, but the warm current of the Gulf Stream passes through it, and this does not freeze the sea.

Our Northern Fleet was stationed there during the war.

Galina's mother received an order to be a signalman at the fleet headquarters.

The communications headquarters was located in a rock - in a real gray granite rock. The sailors carved a deep cave in it. At the entrance there was always a sentry, and in the depths, under a heavy vault, signal girls received and transmitted ciphers day and night.

“Now, if my Galya saw where I got to! - Galina's mother sometimes thought. “What a cave and what rocks! .. When it is possible, I will write to her about it.”

But the war was on, and it was impossible to write about the cave in which the headquarters was located, and Galina's mother had no time to write long letters. Either you had to stand on watch, then you had to be on duty in the galley - that’s what the naval kitchen is called - then go on the instructions of the chief to the city of Murmansk or to the peninsula, where the marines held the defense and where the hottest battles were going on at that time.

Chapter Five

And then one day Galina's mother went on horseback to deliver an important package to the combat guards of the Rybachy Peninsula.

Around her was a huge white field, empty and level.

Only far away, where the sky rests against the earth, mountains stood with uneven jagged teeth.

It was the Tunturi ridge.

No tree or shrub grew anywhere. Snow and stone lay on a white plain. And a prickly wind was blowing across the plain and hitting the horse and Galina's mother in the eyes. And it was so empty all around! Not even a bird could be seen in the blue sky.

The horse fell through the snowdrifts and went into the melt water up to the very belly.

On the right side, a bay crashed into the tundra. The beach was monotonous: rubble and pebbles.

Well, you, go, go! - Galina's mother urged her horse.

And so they got out to the very bay - a horse with a wet belly and a mother in boots swollen from water.

The bay was as smooth as a sheet of glossy paper. High, blue, the sky rose above him. From the blue it ached in the eyes and in the heart - the heavenly dome was so pure, so calm.

And suddenly the air shook. From somewhere, from the side of Tunturei, a mine flew. Stones and snow splashed into the sky with a roar.

The horse flattened its ears, and Mom felt it tremble.

Well, old dear, drive! - Mom screamed and spurred the horse with all her might.

The horse jerked, rushed at a gallop, wheezing and stumbling. And around them the ground trembled from new explosions.

This is a fascist who sat down on the hills, fired at the approaches to our dugouts from above, so that no one could either approach or drive up to them.

Before my mother had time to drive away from the first funnel and ten meters, something seemed to hit her on the shoulder. The horse snorted, reared up, and then immediately fell into the snow, bending its front legs.

Mom herself did not know how long she lay in the snow. It was spring time, the sun does not set in those parts in spring and summer, and she could not guess what time it was now. And her watch was broken.

She woke up either from pain in her shoulder, or from cold, or just like that. She woke up and saw that she was lying on the blasted snow, next to her killed horse.

Mom was very thirsty. She chewed on the snow, then slowly took her foot out of the stirrup, got up and walked forward. The sleeve of her jacket was completely wet with blood. She felt sick.

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