Hawaiian party: script, contests, costumes and music. Hawaiian Party Ideas for Adults and Kids


Props are needed for the event: a throne, loincloths and armlets, face painting, rattles - maracas, elastic bands, hoops, skittles, jump rope, sheets - stickers, pebbles, tails) The hall is decorated in a tropical style. The presenter is dressed in bright clothes: a flower on her head, bright jewelry around her neck. Paper badges are attached to the guests before the start of the holiday. Tokens are given for winning competitions, at the end of the holiday they are counted and prizes are awarded. Guests gather in the hall, while the birthday boy is waiting outside the doors.

1 part.

Background music playing ______
Vedas: Hello, dear guests! I am glad to welcome all of you to this hall. We have gathered here today on a very pleasant occasion - the name of the birthday girl (ka), turned .... years. Let's meet her with friendly applause, squeals and applause (to applause, the birthday girl (k) enters the hall)
Sounds like "Happy Birthday"
Vedas: Tell me, ... .., have you ever been to exotic hot countries? And you, dear guests? Do you want to move from the cold Ural winter to the hot summer? Then I suggest everyone to go on a trip to the mysterious and attractive Hawaiian Islands, which are located in the Pacific Ocean! Do you agree? How can we get there? How do you think? (children's answers)
An excerpt from the track "In a big balloon"
That's right, the best way to get there is by hot air balloon. And so as not to lose each other on the way, we stand behind each other. But, we will fly with stops. At each stop, listen carefully to my words and try to follow them so that our flight will be more fun. Well, are you ready? Then let's fly!
Track "In a big balloon"
The game is a journey.
The presenter commands: stop 1: What kind of toys are there - we hold on tight to ... (ears!) The participants of the train must loudly shout the word in rhyme. Then they dance for a while, holding each other by the ears.
The leader shouts again: stop 2nd: The evening has ceased to be boring - we hold on tight to ... (shoulders!) Everyone dances, holding on to their shoulders.

Presenter: stop 3: Station of jokes! Opochki!!! We hold on tight to ... And also study at school !!! For the waist! The reaction to this station is always a burst of laughter!
Presenter: stop 4: This is how hippos dance - clasping their hands ... (bellies !!). They keep dancing.
Host again: Stop 5: Station for Survivors! Lower your hands below ... And grab without looking back, you know what? ... (by the heels !!!) Then they dance like this

Vedas: Well, here we are! (African melody) I invite all the guests to sit down, and the birthday girl (ku) to sit comfortably here (points to a throne decorated with flowers).
Hawaii is a fabulous paradise!
Hawaii is your dream!
Just have fun here, relax!
Hawaii is the star of the radiant sea!
The law of any holiday is to have fun and do not think about anything. But there are certain responsibilities of a festive Hawaiian pastime. Listen to them carefully:
Today the law is simple:
Have fun, dance and sing!
It takes a lot of effort
Loud, fun laugh!
Have fun yourself and make others happy
After all, Hawaii cannot be otherwise!
It was not in vain that we seated our birthday girl (ka) in this wonderful throne. After all, she has a special role tonight - she will have to become the supreme Hawaiian leader for this evening. And for this we will conduct a rite of passage. To begin with, you, as Hawaiian natives, will have to dress in Hawaiian outfits.
Under the track _______, girls wear skirts, and boys wear armlets. Aqua painting is being done.
Then the boys are given Hawaiian hairstyles (rubbers) Track _________
There is such a word “Aloha” in Hawaii - it has several meanings at once: a greeting, a wish for good, and even a declaration of love. This word is the best suited for congratulating our birthday girl (ka)
Track (African drums)
Well, now the rite of passage itself (to the sound of drums, a lei is put on the neck of the birthday girl and everyone shouts together: Aloha!)
As usual, the leader must be appeased so that he does not execute anyone or feed them to wild animals. What do you think should be done? Of course, the leader must be bestowed, and not just bestowed, but with wishes.
Presentation of gifts to the track "Happy Birthday", gifts are stacked in a chest.
Well, as in any Hawaiian holiday, it all starts with dancing to the sounds of maracas and funny Hawaiian songs.
Hawaiian dancing with hoops. Track _________
After such hot dances, you need a little snack. What do you think is the most popular fruit among Hawaiians? Of course, bananas.
Game "Pass and eat banana" Track _________
A little refreshed? And now we should have a hearty snack, because there are still many entertainments waiting for us and you will need strength. Invite ... your guests to the table.
1st table. The game "Guess who" is held at the table (the theme is "Animals")

2 part.

Game program.
Vedas: Refreshed? I invite you to the Hawaiian beach! Do you agree? Well then, repeat after me - "Haramburum!"
Game Haramburum.
Necessary and unnecessary things on the beach:
Football boots
Mathematics textbook
PC mouse
Ball pen
canned food
Mineral water
Warm socks
Suntan cream

Game "My Slippers" Track ______
Vedas: Great! Ocean, sun, beach! Sand and warm pebbles underfoot. And which of you held a pebble in your hands? Now I also have real sea pebbles in my hands and I suggest you count them, but in a slightly unusual way. Want to?
Competition "Count the stones"
Vedas: Great! Many people have sensitive spots. You know, and on the beach there are not only you and me, but also various animals and birds. For example, rhinos. And now we will look at real rhinoceros fights. Who is the bravest among us?
Competition "Rhino Fights" Track "Macarena"
Large bright parrots fly overhead. Now we will try to catch them. Who wants to be a parrot catcher?
Game "Pinch feathers"
And from time to time large pythons crawl along the sand. Let's go hunting for them.
Game "Catch the python"
Lazy lemurs hang on palm trees, which sometimes arrange competitions among themselves.
Game "Tails"
Vedas: After such a hunt, you just need to eat a little more!
2 table. Joke lottery. Counting tokens and rewarding.

3 part.

Fairy tale - impromptu.
Game "Guess the cartoon"
Dance games: Limbo, Macarena, Lavata, rubber band game
Disco and game "Twister"
Vedas: Well, dear guests, today we played a lot and had fun at the Hawaiian party, which took place on the occasion of her birthday ... Many good wishes were said in her honor, and so that all your wishes come true, I propose to make them Hawaiian cocktail and drink it. And we will cook it like this ... After we drink a cocktail, we shout together: Aloha, ...! Have you forgotten what the Hawaiian word means? Begin!

Final song Track _______. General photo and photo in tantamaresque.

How will your Hawaiian party go: a point-by-point script or a reckless general fun? Of course, much depends on the nature of friends and the reason for which it was decided to go on a little trip. But in any case, it is worth preparing some entertainment for guests, because outdoor activities bring a lot of positive, memorable emotions.

Having met friends, having photographed against the background of a poster or a tantamareski, invite everyone to the table. For treats and the first cocktails, divide the guests into two teams. To spark team spirit, invite your friends to choose captains and come up with a name for their teams. Of course, the most Hawaiian! To drive away the remnants of shyness and stiffness, conduct a playful survey. These are suitable contests for a Hawaiian party at home or in a rented hall where there is not too much free space. But even on the beach, you can amuse your friends with unexpected questions and puzzles.

1. Team members take turns naming anything that Hawaii is associated with. Pause of 10 seconds - loss or penalty point. Or they take turns recalling songs about the sun, the sea, summer holidays, etc.

2. Take turns guessing random (pull out a card from a pile of proposed ones) abracadabra, made up of lines from well-known songs. The line of the song must be turned over, replacing all the words with antonyms (according to the Hawaiian belief, speaking backwards scares away evil spirits). For example, a couplet: “I so want summer not to end, so that it rushes after me, after me.” And the changeling: "He does not want the winter to begin, so that she runs away from him, runs away from him." A dozen cards are enough, for each correct answer - a bonus point.

3. Answer questions by choosing the correct answer from several options (test). Questions about everything related to Hawaii. One answer is correct, the rest are jokes:

The basis of the economy of Hawaii is?

  • nudism;
  • tourism;
  • mysticism.

60% of Americans dream

  • lick the turtle;
  • live on Oahu;
  • tickle the monk's nose.

Instead of "question-answer" you can play "true or not":

Is it true that there are only 10% of Hawaiians in Hawaii? (Yes)

Is it true that ipu (folk musical percussion instrument) is made from coconuts? (no, pumpkin)

Activists, let's go!

4. Forfeits are great for transitioning from sit-down competitions to outdoor games. For a Hawaiian party - Hawaiian tasks, for example:

  • remove the lei from your neighbor without using your hands;
  • eat a banana (pre-peeled) without hands;
  • perform a belly dance, holding a pineapple with your knees, and a couple of bananas under your armpits;
  • compose a quatrain using the words "hula" and "surfing" (any associative).

If the game of forfeits quickly bored your friends, offer to play pantomime: one player without words depicts something on the Hawaiian theme, the rest guess.

5. Dance! Teach your guests how to hula dance to cheerful folk music.

Read also: The perfect anniversary gift: from wedding to 10 years

6. Arrange the team members so that there are two lines from start to finish. Distribute large disposable glasses with a cocktail to everyone (no need to pour to the brim). The goal of this Hawaiian party game is to drink the contents of the glasses as quickly as possible, following some simple rules. Tie neck scarves to the first participants, at the “start” command, those wearing scarves drink a cocktail, turn the glass upside down and put it on their heads. Then they take off the scarves and tie them to the next participants. And so on until the last guest in the line: he drank, a glass on his head, tied a scarf to a neighbor.

7. Have a Limbo competition. This is perhaps the most famous Hawaiian entertainment: a stick or rope under which you need to go backwards. With each pass, the rope gets lower, the music gets faster, the poses get funnier.

8. Organize hula hoop dance races. If there is a lot of free space, distribute hoops to all your friends and mark the start / finish. To the music, wagging their booty and trying not to drop the hula-hoop, the participants overcome the track, it is possible with obstacles - scattered soft toys. If the venue is small, compete in pairs, then in pairs of winners, and so on.

9. For a rest between active games, intellectual contests for a Hawaiian party are suitable(the same as at the table, if you come up with a lot of questions, charades and puzzles in advance) or new fun. For example, the fight for the title "Real native". You will need a bag or box, an eye patch, a lot of different items. A blindfolded participant must take out objects and guess by touch which one belongs to Hawaii and which one does not. It's very funny if you show imagination. For example, a broom without a handle or a beard of Santa Claus can be confused with a Hawaiian skirt, a bunch of fluffy washcloths - with flower beads.

Parents want their birthday to be bright and memorable for a long time. To make this day memorable for your child and his friends, organize a children's party in the style of "Hawaiian party".

Preparation for the holiday

The good thing about this style is that it's easy to recreate even on a tight budget. In addition, a Hawaiian party can be held anywhere: at home, in a cafe, in nature or in a water park. First of all, you need to decorate the interior.

What can be used for decoration:

  • palm-shaped balls will help create the feeling that the children have been transported to the distant Hawaiian Islands;
  • perfect for a home party or a holiday in a cafe orchids in a pot;
  • be sure to hang Hawaiian wreaths of paper flowers;
  • glass vases with colored sand or glass pebbles look good;
  • a tropical atmosphere will also be created by palm straw, which can be wrapped around the edge of a table and stools.

Help your child sign invitations, such as those on a postcard with a beach scene. Write down the dress code in the postcard: for boys - shorts and bright shirts or T-shirts, for girls - shorts or leggings with tops and T-shirts. At the same time, it is better not to insist on the strict implementation of this request.

Prepare Hawaiian wreaths according to the number of guests. They can be easily made by cutting out flowers from corrugated paper and strung on strong threads. For girls, palm straw skirts and flower headbands can be prepared.

In addition, you can prepare music, buy bright napkins and a tablecloth, multi-colored disposable tableware and do not forget a good mood!

What to Serve at a Hawaiian Party

Since the table is for children, there is no need to make heavy mayonnaise salads, fatty meats and spicy snacks. You need to give the menu a light exotic flair, make it varied and fun. Examples of dishes for the children's holiday "Hawaiian Party":

  • chicken salad with pineapple and cheese. Can be served with half a pineapple.
  • fresh vegetable salad such as cucumbers, tomatoes and radishes.
  • canape with light cream cheese and ham.
  • Hawaiian Pineapple Pizza.
  • turkey skewers with fruit on skewers baked in the oven.
  • assorted fruits, it is better to give preference to exotic ones.
  • cupcakes with multi-colored icing.
  • popsicles and jelly.

If you plan to serve a birthday cake at the holiday, then give preference to light yogurt, decorated with a mountain of different fruits. Peculiar glasses made of coconut shells look spectacular on the table; you can serve a milkshake in them.

The Hawaiian Party has begun!

Turn on music before guests arrive and prepare flower wreaths called lei. If parents meet guests with their child, then they must follow the dress code. When friends come, they also put a bright garland around their necks and invite them to the table. After a light snack, you can start the entertainment program.

First of all, you can learn how to dance Hawaiian dances or compete in the art of limbo. During the competition, you just need to go under the stick, but it falls lower and lower, which means that the task becomes more difficult.

Some traditional games can be replayed in a Hawaiian way, for example, in the game "The Last Chair", the chairs themselves are replaced with beach towels.

Older children will enjoy playing Twister, which will only get more fun because of the girls' palm skirts.

March 19, 2017

We want only the best for our children, and it is understandable why today many parents want to please their offspring by organizing unforgettable parties for them. Yes, parties, because it is extremely difficult to imagine a group of kids sedately sitting at the table and eating cake. A children's party should be energetic, fun and exciting. There is no place for boredom and banality. Therefore, more and more birthdays are held in a particular theme.

A Hawaiian theme is perfect for a kids' party. What could be sunnier, more energetic and brighter than the atmosphere of paradise islands. Catchy costumes, funny songs and dances, exotic flowers and fruits - all this will appeal to even the most whimsical birthday boy.

How to throw a Hawaiian themed kids party

Starting preparations for the holiday, try not to lose sight of any, even the most insignificant, detail. It would be nice to involve the birthday man himself in the preparation. Perhaps his help will be minimal, but even she can make the child happy. After all, being involved in the organization of something like this is already a great gift.

When preparing, pay attention to such points as:

Good preparation is time, effort and money. But the happy eyes of the children are worth it.

1. Choosing a venue for the holiday

There are many options for hosting a Hawaiian party: at home, in a cafe or in nature. It all depends on when the birthday is and how big the budget is ready to allocate for it all.

If the celebration is planned for the summer, then there is simply no better place than the seashore or river. As you know, Hawaii is an island, which means that there is water around them. Therefore, the presence of a reservoir nearby is only welcome. An artificial reservoir - a pool - will also be an excellent solution.

But if the party will be held in the cold season, then in an apartment or cafe you can do everything just as well. Just here you have to pay a little more attention to decorating and decorating the room.

2. Create original invitation letters

Making invitations is just the stage of preparation where you can easily attract your children. To do something with your own hands, albeit under your clear guidance, is where real happiness lies. Moreover, it is so important - to invite guests in an original and unusual way.

There are different options here:

  1. Print templates of invitations available on the Internet, but only in the form of coloring pages. And together with the child, decorate them each in different ways.
  2. Cut out invitations in the form of shapes that are associated with Hawaii. For example, in the form of ukuleles, flip flops, cocktails or bright colors.
  3. Make an application. Stick voluminous butterflies and flowers on thick paper. It will look original and will delight both guests and your child.
  4. Make invitations in the form of trips to Hawaii.

The main thing to remember is that in addition to a direct invitation, the letter should also indicate the date of the party, the time and place of its holding, and the requirements for the appearance of the guests. This point should be described in more detail. Perhaps even post photos of indicative outfits and tips on how to create them. This is important, because not everyone has been to Hawaii and is familiar with their style of clothing.

3. Styling the room according to the chosen theme

If your choice fell on the room, then you need to decorate it accordingly. And here there are two options: budget or on a grand scale.

First option It will take a lot of effort and time, but save money. Here you will have to do all the decoration yourself. But what a creative parent will not do for the sake of the happiness of his child. By choosing this option, quickly go to the nearest store for colored paper and cardboard, bright multi-colored napkins, corrugated paper and balloons. This simple set will help in decorating.

Cut out letters for the word "ALOHA" from colored cardstock and place this Hawaiian greeting at the entrance. From thicker cardboard or plywood, you can make surfboard mock-ups and place them along the walls. Make large fluffy flowers from napkins and scatter on the floor, tables, attach to walls and curtains. Colored paper will make excellent butterflies, which will also fit perfectly into the interior.

From corrugated paper, you can make palm branches, which are then fixed on the walls. Multi-colored balloons will look no less festive and interesting - ordinary or helium (no difference).

Don't forget about table decorations. They should be covered with brightly colored tablecloths with rather flashy prints. You can also take disposable dishes, but they should also be bright and unusual. Many online stores offer such themed products, so this will definitely not be a problem. Various exotic fruits (pineapples, coconuts, bananas, mangoes, oranges) are obligatory on the table, which later can easily go from decor to dessert.

Second, more expensive option, is to seek help from a special agency that professionally organizes such parties. And then you will not have any problems, except for one - where to get money for all this.

4. Greeting party guests

“As you meet guests, so you will hold a party.” Or is it about the New Year so they say? I think it's almost true in both cases. Therefore, it is worth making sure that the audience plunges into the atmosphere of the holiday from the very first seconds.

To do this, it is necessary to prepare in advance for each guest a flower wreath, which in Hawaii is considered a symbol of cordiality and hospitality. It is clear that making such wreaths of fresh flowers is not at all budgetary. Therefore, bright napkins and corrugated paper will come to your aid. Such leis (flower garlands) are worn around the necks of guests, accompanied by the traditional Aloha greeting.

You can meet the guest with some kind of poem. For example:

I greet you in Hawaii, my friend,
You scream "Aloha" all around.
Today we will have fun together:
We won't have time to be lazy.

You can also perform a famous Hawaiian dance as a greeting. It will not be difficult to learn it: both the guest is pleased and you feel good.

5. Selection of the holiday menu

A children's Hawaiian party requires not only a special design of the room, but also a menu. It is unlikely that kids will be pleased with a large abundance of mayonnaise salads and mountains of meat. As you know, what is good for an adult is disgusting for a child. Therefore, there should be a lot of fruits and sweets on the table. Salads, of course, are also allowed, but they should be light and decorated in an unusual way. For example, in the form of an island with a palm tree or in the form of a dolphin, a monkey. A salad laid out in half a pineapple or half an orange will look very impressive.

Small sandwiches and canapes are well suited for the Hawaiian menu. The latter can be stuck into a pineapple and thus create a fruit ball. There is a lot of trouble, but the children will definitely appreciate it.

Hawaiian mini-burgers and pizza will please the kids. Not the healthiest meal, but the guests weren't at a health food club meeting.

From fruits, create compositions on the theme of the evening.

Well, what a festive table without drinks. Juices, juices, and more juices. This is something that should be on the table in large quantities. And do not serve them in standard packaging. It’s better to do it in portions, and decorate each glass with bright cocktail umbrellas, flowers and fruits. You can also serve drinks in small coconuts by inserting tubules into them. This presentation looks very good.

6. Scenario

When all the guests are already assembled, it is necessary to somehow entertain them. Hoping that they will entertain themselves with something is unreasonable. Adults often do not cope with this task, and children even more so. You can and should improvise, but with regard to how good you are at improvising. The scenario for the Hawaiian party is better to prepare in advance and find a leader for it. It can be an invited specialist, or it can be yourself.

Specialists, as a rule, have several options for holding such a holiday. But, if you decide to do without it, then you will have to come up with a script yourself or find something suitable on the Internet. Zavodila. com offers you a script "Aloha or Journey to Hawaii"


Congratulations on your arrival in Hawaii,
And I want to have fun here.
Aloha to you, my friends, sounds
And I want to invite you to the competition.

Competition "Hawaiian dance with a trick"

The point is pretty simple. It is necessary to repeat the movements of the Hawaiian dance after the leader. It seems to be nothing complicated, only there is a small catch. The leader is allowed to move his legs during the dance, but the participants are strictly prohibited.

The presenter, showing the movements, will deliberately provoke the participants with the phrases “Now two steps to the right”, “Let's go forward” or “Show how you can jump”. Those who move will be eliminated from the competition.

In this competition, you can compete as up to one winner, or you can determine several winners at once.


Well, I see that you have no equal in dancing here,
But what if we add one object to the dance.
Now we will test your flexibility and agility,
And I wish you all good luck and perseverance.

Competition "Not touching the ground"

This competition is quite traditional for Hawaii. It will take two meters of bright satin ribbon. This tape will be held by two at first at a high height, and then they will begin to lower it lower and lower. And the children, you guessed it, will have to go under it. The one who touches the ground or the tape loses.


Hawaii is a paradise.
Here the choice of fruits is inexcusably wide.
Now let's check which one of you
He knows more about fruits than we do.

Competition "Fruit quiz"

Kids love quizzes, so what's a Hawaiian party without them. You can, of course, prepare questions about Hawaii, but this is already a little banal, and difficult for kids. Therefore, as an alternative, you can prepare riddles about fruits.

For example:

Fruit is not sour in the world,
But it is useful even for children.
From hot countries he sends a bow!
Your old yellow friend ... (lemon).

Shaggy, hard miracle ball,
Under the shell, delicious juice will hide!
And I have a question:
How can I try ... (coconut).


Yes, you know a lot of fruits,
But in order to collect them on the road for us,
We need to sail to the island in a canoe,
And show your whole agility.

Competition "Speed ​​canoes"

This is a team competition. First, divide the children into two groups and line them up in two lines. At a distance of several meters from them, put the same amount of fruit on the ground.

Each team receives an air mattress, on which one of the members of each team lies down. The essence of the game is to transport fruits from one shore to the other shore in an impromptu canoe. Only here you can’t take more than one fruit at a time on board. One player - one fruit.

Ask how to move on this canoe? And it’s very simple: one sits or lies on the mattress, and the other pushes or pulls the mattress in the right direction. Whoever transports all the fruits the fastest wins.


You stocked up on fruits,
But where did you go without souvenirs?
So that the memory of Hawaii remains forever,
Let's make Hawaiian fun for everyone.

Master class "Hawaiian shirt"

Contests are good, but it’s somehow worthless to go empty-handed. Therefore, invite the children to make an application in the form of a Hawaiian shirt. Make the necessary preparations in advance. Print the templates for the shirts themselves on colored paper. Get curly hole punchers in the form of different flowers. You can also stock up on sequins and sequins. And go ahead.

Of course, there can be many more competitions. Anything that seems interesting to you will do.

Prizes and souvenirs

Don't forget to stock up on sweets and toys. After all, it will be necessary to somehow encourage the winners of the competitions. Also for these purposes, you can use magnets, notepads, calendars and other stationery with the image of palm trees, flowers, the sea, the beach ...

A Hawaiian-style birthday party means bright decorations, music, dancing, and, of course, costumes. This holiday is especially attractive for girls, as they like to try on coconut bras with grass skirts and dance until they drop. Therefore, a Hawaiian birthday is better for a girl, although the presence of boys will make the holiday more interesting.

However, this topic can also be offered to a birthday boy - if the idea seems interesting to him, then the holiday will come out well. But in this case, do not forget to invite girls who will decorate with themselves Hawaiian kids birthday party .

The Hawaiian style children's party suitable for celebration birthday of a child from 8 to 12 or even up to 13-14 years . See our adult Hawaiian-style party script.

If you find that some games and competitions are difficult for children, simplify them or replace them with others that are age-appropriate.

Hawaiian-style baby birthday: what's good about this theme?

A Hawaiian-style children's party will allow you to celebrate your birthday in a fun, colorful and unusual way, take beautiful pictures for memory, introduce children to Hawaii and hold interesting and at the same time useful games and contests for development.

Hawaiian-style baby's birthday: a preparatory moment

First of all, you need to prepare invitations for children. The invitation cards themselves are best made original. You can find a geographical map of the Hawaiian Islands, cut and print in the right quantity. Write the text on the back of the card. Another option is to find a large image of a hula skirt and print or draw it, complete the exotic invitations with suitable text. Hawaiian birthday invitations can also be made in the form of a pineapple, Hawaiian shirt, surfboard or flip flops.

Use Hawaiian phrases in the text of the invitation: e.g. aloha (greeting), la hanau (birthday), hale (home), honi (kiss), hula (dance), luou (Hawaiian party),

Sample text:

You can request a dress code: For example, Hawaiian Boys Shirts And Hawaiian Girls Skirts . But you can prepare the elements of the costume yourself and give them to the children who came to the birthday party. It's not expensive or difficult at all. For boys, any short-sleeved shirts are suitable - these can be birthday shirts or shirts of dad, uncle or brother of the culprit (culprit) of the occasion. Plain shirts can be turned into Hawaiian shirts by pre-applying chaotic bright patterns with ordinary gouache or watercolor, which is then easily washed off. Have the boys wear Hawaiian shirts over their clothes. The boys can also be offered scuba diving goggles and beach hats.

Skirts for girls can be made from New Year's rain strung on an elastic band. Instead of rain, you can take narrow satin ribbons or strips of fabric. A very simple option is to take garbage bags of different colors, cut off the bottom, make numerous cuts, and prepare an elastic band. Such a skirt is put on at the waist and held by an elastic band or a bright ribbon.

You can cook from paper or fabric. From them, make wreaths for girls and lei (flower beads-garlands) for boys. Or maybe you can make leis and wreaths from real flowers.

Home decoration. It is advisable to prepare additional flower garlands to decorate the interior - they can be hung on a chandelier and on windows.

Garlands can also be made from fruits - artificial or real.

The easiest way is to draw fruits on paper (bananas, pineapples, oranges) or Hawaiian shirts, cut them out and string them on threads.

Decorate the room and multi-colored paper lanterns.

So you can decorate the table

Or so

Prepare a large number of cocktails of different colors, fill tall glasses with them and decorate them with straws with an umbrella and slices of fruit. Put all the cocktails on a separate table - and the room will immediately change, filled with the mood of a real Hawaiian party.

If there is a palm tree in the house, it must be placed in the room where the holiday will take place. The palm tree should be decorated with colorful ribbons and flower garlands. A suitable decor for a Hawaiian party would be lush tinsel, beach umbrellas and other beach paraphernalia.

Children's birthday in Hawaiian style: the course of the event

When the children gather, the birthday boy decorates them with wreaths and lei, after which he invites them to taste a cocktail. Then the facilitator tells the children a little about Hawaii: where they are, why they are so attractive to people, what Hawaii is famous for (hula dance, marvelous flowers, always warm weather, exotic fruits, wonderful beaches that attract surfers and divers).


Therefore, we decided to arrange a Hawaiian party in honor of la hanau, which means “birthday” in Hawaiian, so that you can be hot, fun and tasty. Hawaiians are very hospitable and friendly. There are many kind words in the Hawaiian language. But only one of the good words of the Hawaiian vocabulary has become known throughout the world. What this word is, you will find out a little later - when you receive cards with letters and add this word out of them. And to get all the letter cards, you need to take part in Hawaiian entertainment. Are you ready to start a hot Hawaiian party and have fun until you drop? Then let's go!

You will need 7 cards: 2 with the letter A, 2 with the letter X, 2 with the letter O and 1 with the letter L. Each of the attractions has a name starting with one of these letters. After the game or competition, the leader gives the children a card with the letter corresponding to the name.

The first game "Attraction" Turtle Race "

For the game you will need props: several toy turtles (plastic or soft), the same number of ropes (5 meters or more) and the same number of bamboo (or any other) sticks.

To one end of the rope you need to tie a turtle, to the other - a stick. Children who wish to participate are given one rope each. The finish line is marked, the children stand at a distance of 1-2 steps from it. The ropes are pulled out, the turtles of the participants are located at the same distance.

At the command of the host, the participants begin to wind the rope around the stick, thereby setting the turtles in motion. Whose turtle reaches the finish line faster, that participant wins. The game can be repeated several times, allowing all children to participate. Don't forget to prepare prizes for the winners. And at the end, the children need to be given a card with the letter A.

The second game "Pineapples"

You will need 2-3 balls the size of a pineapple.

Children are divided into pairs or triples depending on the number of balls. The couples take turns. The start is at the start line. The finish is also marked - these can be baskets or boxes for balls standing in front of each participant. The goal is to get the pineapple to the basket as quickly as possible.

The first group (two or three) of children carry "pineapples" on their heads. The second group - holding them between the knees. The third carries the pineapple, clutching it with her ankles, the fourth - holding the ball only with her little fingers.

The winner of each group advances to the semi-finals. The four semi-finalists are randomly paired up and carry a pineapple, holding it in their open palm and jumping on one leg. The winners advance to the final. The two finalists carry the pineapple by leaning forward and placing the ball between their shoulder blades (or between their shoulder and head). The winner gets a prize, and the children receive a second card with the letter A.

The third game "Hulahoomania"

You will need at least two plastic hula hoops (hoops), and preferably 3.

Children again need to be divided - now into two mixed teams. Each competition involves one member of the team. For each victory of its member, the team receives a point. Whichever team has the most points at the end wins.

First competition: who will go further (or faster to a certain point) without stopping to rotate the hoop.

Second competition like the first one, but you need to not just walk, but step over obstacles - for example, over inflated balls. Having dropped the hoop, you need to pick it up, spin it again and continue on your way.

Third competition - twist several hoops at the same time, three is better. Participants from each team spin in turn, and the rest mark the time. Whoever lasts the longest time wins. If the participant freely spins the hoop for more than a minute, you need to stop him. If the second lasts a minute, then one point is given to each team.

Fourth competition boys will like it more: throw a hoop on a plastic bucket. Both participants from each team are given 3 attempts: whoever has the most successful attempts wins.

Fifth competition: twist the hoop on your hand. Whoever lasts the longest wins.

At the end, the number of points for each team is calculated. Prizes are awarded to the members of the winning team, and the children are given another card with the letter - now with X.

Continuation of the scenario "Kids' birthday in Hawaiian style" on

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