Where can I sell paintings. How to sell paintings online: step by step instructions


So, you are an aspiring artist and have decided to monetize your talent. But your work is not yet known to collectors or the general public, so cooperation with major galleries is postponed until better times. However, do not worry: many later famous artists suffered from a lack of orders and sales at the beginning of their career, but this did not stop them. Do not be afraid of difficulties and remember that great things start small!


Vincent van Gogh, Red Vineyards at Arles, 1888 According to a common myth, only this painting was sold during the artist's lifetime. In fact, the sale of fourteen works has been established for certain. But Van Gogh didn't have the internet!

There are two ways to sell your work on the Internet: on your own and on intermediary sites. We recommend that a novice artist first of all pay attention to creative online trading platforms. There are many sites on the Internet with the ability to create your own store. But be aware that there is a commission on every sale. Its size may vary and depends on the popularity of the site. What are the benefits? Search engines give pages of trading platforms first in the list, thanks to which the circle of your potential customers and buyers expands significantly.

Here you can create your profile for free, post images and get feedback, and learn useful information by reading articles. Like now, for example.

Every day we choose one picture to place on the main page of the site, where all visitors will see it. Sign up and maybe tomorrow you will be lucky!

The next step is to create a personal website. A business card site can be made independently in any designer and placed on a free hosting, but the traffic will be low. A full-fledged website dedicated to your creativity is better to order from professionals and pay for its promotion. This option is more suitable for those who have already achieved commercial success. Tip: don't count on the fact that a large investment in a personal website at the first stage of a creative journey will greatly affect sales. While your name is not known to anyone, it is better not to take risks and choose more affordable ways to make yourself known.

François Boucher, "The Artist in the Studio" (self-portrait), 1720

Speaking of promotion, don't neglect social media! Carefully fill out your pages on Facebook and Vkontakte, create groups and fill them with interesting content, open an Instagram store. Pay special attention to the quality of images and the style of profiles in general - sloppy, irregularly updated pages will not interest investors and art dealers, and the buyer may be repelled. Basically, you will communicate with collectors, gallery owners and customers through social networks, so describe your creative path in your profile information, share links to exhibitions in which you participate, accompany the posted works with text, and respond to comments. So you will gradually gather your audience, which will learn about your creative news in a timely manner and respond to them, and this is very important for a novice artist!

Salvador Dali with his painting Soft Self-Portrait with Fried Bacon, 1954.

Another popular way to sell your work via the Internet is to post ads on Avito. Indeed, for a novice artist who wants to make money, this option may seem the most attractive. However, it should be borne in mind that this is not a professional platform - at a high cost, most likely, they simply will not buy anything from you. In addition, art lovers do not visit this site in order to admire the paintings, chat and find new interesting authors, so you won’t be able to find your audience here. Conclusion: Avito and similar sites are a purely commercial distribution channel, and with a low profit, so you should not be limited to them.

Giovanni Boldini, The Connoisseur, 1870

In conclusion, we note that online sales have advantageous differences from cooperation with galleries. By publishing images of your work on the Internet, you do not risk anything, because the originals are stored with you and are always available, which is convenient. You can also use photos of works already sold or posted on other sites for your online portfolio. According to them, the customer or buyer will have a more complete picture of your work than several paintings in the gallery. But remember that the image never exactly matches the original, so you should upload only high-quality scans or photos that are as close to reality as possible. Important: be sure to protect the images with a watermark, otherwise they may be reproduced without your consent!

House Museum Claude Monet in Giverny. Artist's workshop

As you can see, through the Internet you can not only successfully sell works, but also carry out your own promotion without extra investments. The undeniable advantage is that you yourself set the price and control every stage of the transaction: interested parties can contact you directly and agree on a purchase on mutually beneficial terms. In addition, personal communication with those who have appreciated your work can bring real pleasure, and often develops into long-term cooperation and expansion of the contact base through recommendations.

Attention!!! We do not have free registration of artists! The placement of authors occurs only through this form:

  • If you PROFESSIONAL artist, you can independently place your works for sale in the Art Internet Gallery of St. Petersburg for free.
  • Your application for registration will be considered within 1-7 days, if your works correspond to the concept of the site, then access to the site for posting and editing works will be sent to your email.
  • The main condition for posting is that you must have exclusive intellectual rights to the posted works.
  • There must be at least 3 entries to post.
  • If you have changed prices, availability or contact information, please promptly change them in your personal account on the site.
  • Please do not post pictures with loss of paint layer, holes, craquelures, creases, etc.
  • A special preference for the site - artists from St. Petersburg.
  • Most of all we are interested in the views of St. Petersburg and professional copyists.
    We really need artists with inexpensive painting with views of St. Petersburg.
  • We do not buy paintings from artists.
  • We do not deal in antique paintings.
  • We do not sell paintings from private collections.
  • We need pictures and prices without a baguette, we arrange pictures in a frame ourselves, based on the wishes of the customer.
  • We do not require you to place your paintings exclusively on our website, but we ask you to indicate the same author's price everywhere.

For older professional artists from St. Petersburg who want to be placed on the site, we organize free professional photography of works.

What gives you placement in our online gallery

  • Our site is visited daily by 1500-3000 people and this is absolutely free advertising of your creativity for you. We are in the top 10 online galleries in terms of attendance in the Russian-speaking segment.
  • Potential clients.
  • Fans of your creativity and fame. Popularity in a narrow art circle cannot be compared with popularity on the Internet.
    Often in blogs or social networks you can find pictures taken from our site, indicating authorship and with words of admiration, thanks to which your work becomes more recognizable.
    The effect of posting in a visited online gallery is much greater than posting in an offline gallery. In fact, your gallery on the site is your personal exhibition in a 24-hour format, 365 days a year, which works in all regions of our vast country.
  • From personal experience with buyers - no matter what we say about how famous the author is, they prefer to trust Google, not words. Now such times - if your work is not on the Internet, then you as an artist do not exist.
  • Your paintings are involved in an important mission - they form the artistic taste of a person in the formation of which the state, school and family have ceased to participate. Perhaps, thanks to your creativity, a new brilliant artist, architect, designer or inventor will appear.
    Also, your creativity can be a source of joy, good mood, inspiration and helps a person to survive in this insanely complex world.

The main reasons why we will not post your paintings

  • Poor photo quality.
    To improve the quality of the photo, you can read the articles: how to photograph paintings at home and how to reduce the size of a photograph of a painting.
  • Pictures of negative content, with copyright infringement or a plot contrary to the laws of the Russian Federation.
  • We we do not post copies of paintings by contemporary artists, without documentary permission from the original author.
    For legal copying, at least 70 years must pass from the date of the death of the artist.
  • Pictures with an overestimated, inadequate value.
    Paintings by a novice artist, by definition, cannot cost the same or more than paintings by Folk or Honored Artists!
  • The paintings were sent with a price higher than you set on other sites ( we are very familiar with the % size on other sites).
  • The sizes of the pictures are incorrect.
  • At the artist's no art education(training in an art school is not enough).
    We do not need to give arguments that Van Gogh was self-taught. In fact, he is not self-taught - the artist studied for a year at the Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp and took lessons from professional artists.
  • The paintings are not located on the territory of Russia (we make exceptions for good painting).

List of cooperation proposals that we do not consider and to which we do not respond

  • Do not call us with proposals for cooperation, without sent photographic material, we do not consider such proposals!
  • For letters: "I would like to put my work on your site" or "can I put..... on your site?" or"how can i post... on your site?" or"I have an education... can I post?" or"I live in the city... can I accommodate?" - sent without photos of the work, we do not answer. Since the answer is obvious - send a photo and a price...
  • We do not respond to letters with questions and proposals for cooperation sent without photographic material and prices!!!
  • We consider proposals from artists sent only through the form above! Offers sent to Viber, WhatsApp, etc. we are not interested.

The main reasons why we may remove your page

  • If you have not signed a license agreement with the site, then in 2-3 weeks we will remove your page from the site.
  • We value our reputation. If instead of the author's work we receive a drawing from a print, we will immediately remove your page from the site.
  • We are for fair competition. Specify the same author's price on all sites!
    The author's price is the amount that you will receive in your hands in the event of a sale.
    Please note that on some sites the % for placement is included in your cost, on others it is added on top.
    If you posted your paintings in our gallery for one price, and then posted them on another site for much cheaper, then we will remove your page from the site.
  • The site is constantly growing and its concept is constantly changing, so do not be offended if in the future we remove your gallery from the site.
  • The site administration reserves the right, without explanation, not to post or withdraw your paintings from sale, as well as to delete information.

Reproduction Consent

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation on copyright, authors, owners of property rights to works of fine art published in electronic form, photographic works, textual information and other results of intellectual and creative activity provide written consent to their reproduction, bringing to the public, sale through placement on the site www.site for the entire period of their placement under the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license. The author's fee for the sale is included in the price of the work. The confidentiality of the reported personal information is protected. The entered information will not be provided to third parties.

There are many interesting and unique artists in our gallery. With their paintings they create a wide and varied range of modern author's painting. Our gallery features a variety of genres.

Sale of paintings by contemporary artists. Sale of paintings by artists from different countries.

Sale of paintings. Sale of paintings by artists.

Sale of paintings by artists. What interesting things can be seen in the gallery?

Sale of paintings via the Internet. Landscape gallery.

Classics of painting - the image in the picture of the landscape. Such a picture does not just copy the surrounding reality, sea spaces, river overflows, the expanse of a forest lake, mountain peaks, city streets - there is always a special mood in the picture, it reflects the thoughts and feelings that arise in a person’s soul under the influence of some factors. The bright sun, pouring rain, vast expanses of fields and sea spaces can ignite joy, inspire sadness, unload your weary mind. There is always a demand for good landscapes. Our gallery has a wide variety of landscape paintings for sale.

Sale of paintings via the Internet. Gallery portrait.

Our gallery exhibits many portrait works by various artists and sells portrait paintings. Here you can also order a good picture of a portrait of your loved one.

Sale of paintings via the Internet. still life gallery

Still life art also belongs to the classical genres of painting, and has its own amazing and long history. Still life makes it possible to transform our space, look back several centuries ago and plunge into eternity, see real or fantastic objects of our existence in front of us.

Image of beautiful flowers, accessories, household items, fruits, drinks, bladed weapons and firearms. In our gallery for sale are still life paintings for every taste.

Sale of paintings via the Internet. Nude Gallery.

Sale of paintings via the Internet. Gallery Animalism.

Animals - they are alive, and also have their own soul. The exhibition for the sale of paintings with animals has a very large exposition of a variety of paintings.
The gallery has an exhibition of animal paintings and sells paintings of a wide variety of animals from contemporary artists.

Sale of paintings via the Internet. Gallery Abstraction.

The world celebrities of abstract art include the following artists: Manet, Renoir, Cezanne, Degas, Monet, Pissarro, Kandinsky, Picasso.
The gallery presents a large exhibition of abstract paintings, and sells paintings with a wide variety of abstractions from artists.

Sale of paintings via the Internet. Gallery Genre painting.

One of the most popular paintings - genre paintings represent the most vivid and interesting manifestation of artistic imagination and creative talent. Genre paintings are a kind of cut of the world of feelings, things and phenomena around us.
The gallery has a large exhibition of genre paintings and sells genre paintings from contemporary artists.

Sale of paintings via the Internet. Fantasy Gallery.

Fantasy is a genre of painting that appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and is based on the use of mythological and fairy-tale motifs and plots.
Fantasy classics: Boris Vallejo, Julia Bell, Luis Royo, Frank Frazetta.
The gallery has a large exhibition of fantasy paintings and sells fantasy paintings from contemporary artists.

Sale of paintings by contemporary artists. Sale of paintings by artists from different countries.

Sale of paintings. Modern artists are multifaceted, some are universal, some have their own preferred directions. More than 5,000 artists from 50 countries are registered and put up for sale in the gallery. They adequately represent the diversity of the contemporary world of fine arts.

Our gallery sells paintings on the Internet around the clock and is convenient for all time zones.

It is very easy and simple to choose and purchase a painting you like in our gallery. You need to click under the desired picture on the link "Place an order" and enter your details in the order.

Sale of paintings by contemporary artists. Sale of paintings by artists from different countries. Sale of paintings via the Internet.

Sale of paintings by contemporary artists

Our Moscow gallery conducts on the Internet the presentation and sale of paintings by contemporary artists. Selling paintings by artists via the Internet has a number of advantages. The author has the opportunity to exhibit his paintings on the Internet for free and on an ongoing basis. Moscow is the largest region in the Russian Federation and here is the largest number of real buyers for paintings written by the authors.
Our gallery is located in Moscow. It is very convenient in terms of contacts with both artists and buyers. Our Moscow gallery sells paintings via the Internet. This gives you the opportunity to view the most interesting paintings among a wide variety of paintings and choose the most interesting artists and paintings that will decorate your interior and create the mood you need.

Sale of paintings in Moscow. We sell paintings by artists of various trends and genres. A good picture not only attracts curious glances, it fascinates with its inner hidden power. A person, looking at a beautiful landscape, a harmonious composition of fruits or a portrait of a beautiful woman, suddenly discovers something new. He rushes into the world of his own sensations, memories, dreams, fantasies.
Sale of paintings via the Internet. With our help, it became possible to view a large number of good paintings without leaving your home or office and order exactly the painting that you liked.
Exhibition sale of paintings. Our Moscow gallery exhibits and sells paintings by young talented artists and paintings by well-known artists. All of them are different and unique.
Among modern artists there are a lot of really talented people who paint amazing pictures. The talent of such an artist causes a change in your mood, stops your attention on the beauty of the surrounding world, on the usual dew drop on the grass, on the delicate shade of wildflowers.

The hand of a great master is always individual, as is his inner world. A talented artist is able to evoke in the viewer with his work a variety of emotions and feelings, associations and mental images. It happens that in the picture there is the rustle of the wind and the smell of flowers, if they were depicted by the hand of a magnificent master. The exhibition of paintings for sale and the Internet connects the artist with the buyer.
Our Moscow gallery sells paintings by contemporary Russian artists and artists from other countries, if they have a desire to put their paintings up for sale. Selling paintings via the Internet in Moscow makes it possible to find paintings for every taste through our gallery. The sale of oil paintings on canvas and copyright paintings in other painting techniques is of interest to many buyers. You can buy a watercolor from us, which depicts a corner dear to your heart, or a significant event. You can buy a portrait of a person who played an important role in someone's life or in world history. The picture is able to reveal the secret of seemingly simple things, become a story about something unusual, or, conversely, display a familiar life situation in a new light. If you decide to choose a painting by an artist recognized in the art world, then you will be able to touch a unique creative environment. In every stroke and stroke on the canvas, it is possible to capture the mood, thoughts and feelings of the author. A good picture strikes with the harmony of colors, shapes, lines. Exhibition sale of paintings. Internet. Sale of paintings by artists. Moscow. Sale of paintings via the Internet.

Our Moscow gallery is carrying out an exhibition of paintings for sale via the Internet by contemporary artists, most of them are our compatriots. Many of these contemporary artists would go on to become very famous and expensive artists. Today there is an opportunity to invest your money to buy paintings at quite affordable prices, and your children and grandchildren will become owners of very expensive and valuable paintings.
The paintings of artists carry very valuable personal shades of vision of the world around us or fantastic galaxies far from us. Standard modern urban architecture crushes us with its typical picture.

Psychologists note: if you decorate your home with positive paintings by artists, then a feeling of comfort and coziness will appear in it. Artistic canvases create an atmosphere of spiritual harmony, a favorable psychological environment, a positive energy aura.
Exhibition sale of paintings via the Internet. Moscow. Our Moscow gallery sells paintings by artists, among which there are famous people with a name and young talented youth. Many of these young people will become famous tomorrow in Europe, America, China, India and many other countries.
Today you can buy very good paintings by contemporary artists. Selling paintings by artists via the Internet in the gallery is very convenient for buyers. Making a purchase is easy and simple, you just need to click on the link under the picture "Place an order", our employees will promptly contact you. If the painting is in our gallery, we deliver ourselves. If the painting is with the artist, then the staff of our gallery connects you with the author, and you directly resolve all issues with him regarding the purchase of the painting you like.
Exhibition selling paintings via the Internet in Moscow. Our gallery accepts orders for painting portraits, copies of paintings and paintings by the classics of world art. It is possible to write paintings in the genre of fantasy, spiritual, religious and mythological subjects.

A picture born by a bright original artist will enliven the world around you, illuminate it with a special light.
The painting is a wonderful gift. Exhibition sale of paintings via the Internet. In our gallery you can find paintings by contemporary artists for yourself and your friends. Sale of paintings by artists is the main activity of our gallery. Exhibition sale of paintings via the Internet. The purchase of paintings as a gift is a source of emotional charge and good mood, enhances the positive energy of the home or office, helps to express the most sincere feelings of love, respect, appreciation, reverence and trust in a person. They allow you to emphasize a certain position in society, to give weight in the eyes of others, they are a clear evidence of an individual life position. Exhibition sale of paintings via the Internet.

Our gallery carries out an exhibition for the sale of paintings in Moscow, an exhibition for the sale of paintings via the Internet, the sale of paintings by artists. It can be small canvases and large canvases. Painting is wonderful. Paintings for sale come to us from artists from all over Russia and from other countries. If you want an art canvas to please your friends, relatives, colleagues for many years, then it is reasonable to purchase an oil painting on canvas. Of course, a painting is a modern and original gift. It will delight others for a long time, remind you of you. Exhibition sale of paintings via the Internet.

There are many inimitable and unique artists in our gallery. They represent the diversity of modern painting.
Our Moscow online gallery presents various genres. Sale of paintings. Exhibition sale of paintings via the Internet. Sale of paintings by artists.

Overview by genres and directions

The Moscow gallery sells oil paintings on canvas, more than half of these paintings are painted in the landscape genre. Picturesque landscapes painted in oil on canvas will adequately decorate any most sophisticated interior.
The most famous artists in the landscape genre: He?ndrik A?werkamp, ​​Albert Jacobs Cuyp, Peter van Laer, Paulus Potter, Andreas Achenbach, Peter von Hess, Emi?l No?lde, Fritz Overbeck, Jacques-Laurent Agas. Exhibition sale of paintings via the Internet.

A painting with a beautiful or unusual landscape painted by an artist can transform and decorate a living room, reception room, office and executive office. Such a picture does not just copy the sea or river surface, mountain peaks, city streets - it expresses a special mood, thoughts and feelings that arise in a person’s soul under the influence of some factors. Bright sun, pouring rain, vast expanses of fields or cramped streets can ignite joy, inspire sadness, make you feel free or shackle your mind. The artist is imbued with the state of nature itself and transfers it to the canvas. Sale of paintings via the Internet in Moscow.
Exhibitions for the sale of paintings in Moscow regularly confirm the high demand for good landscape paintings.

The gallery carries out an exhibition selling paintings by artists via the Internet. The urban landscape fully reflects the crazy rhythm of modern city life. Such canvases are permeated with vanity and an endless series of contradictions. However, there are other paintings, they depict old and quiet streets. They are like islands of peace and quiet in our complex world. The sale of handmade paintings is not an offer of simple copies made on modern equipment. It is an offer of spirituality and beauty. A handmade painting painted by the artist is a great gift for the dearest person. Exhibition sale of paintings via the Internet.

In the fine arts, a still life (from the French natur morte - "dead nature") is usually called the image of inanimate objects combined into a single compositional group. A still life can have both an independent meaning and be an integral part of the composition of a genre painting.
The art of still life has its own beautiful and long history. Still life introduces us to the world surrounding the artist, gives us the opportunity to look back several centuries ago, to empathize with the master, especially his favorite motifs.
In still life, the artist tries to convey the multicolored objects surrounding him with limited means, strives to reflect the pulsation of life, his mood, his knowledge of the world around him in every stroke. Exhibition sale of paintings via the Internet.

It is a genre with a long and rich history. Exhibition sale of paintings via the Internet. Nude paintings in Moscow.
Famous paintings of this genre include: “Reclining Nude” by Modigliani Amadeo, “Puberty” by Edvard Munch, “Olympia” by Manet Edouard, “The Models” by Sera Georges, “Sleeping Bather (Baker)” and “Bather Sitting on stone" author Renoir Pierre-Auguste, "Mademoiselle Rose" author Delacroix Eugene Ferdinand Victor, "Sleeping Ariadne on Naxos" author John Venderlein, "Venus comforting Cupid" author Francois Boucher, "Woman with Mirror and Snake (Allegory of Vanity)" author Baldung Hans, "A Courtesan (Portrait of Lucrezia Borgia)" by Bartolomeo Veneto, "A Box of Jewels" by Guillaume Signac, "The Birth of Venus" by Botticelli Sandro.
The naked human body is beautiful. It was created by God in the image and likeness of its creator. The perfection of lines and forms is combined with the individuality, originality of the person himself.
The gallery hosts an exhibition and sale of paintings by Russian artists of the nude genre. Such paintings are very diverse and original. Their beauty and individuality depend on the creative imagination of the author. They are written realistically and with allegory, carry a philosophical beginning and reflect feminine qualities - sophistication, grace, coquetry, sensuality. Exhibition sale of paintings via the Internet.
Famous Russian masters depicting nudes include Pyotr Konchalovsky, Zinaida Serebryakova, Aristarkh Lentulov, Vadim Sidur.

The image of animals has been practiced by man since ancient times. Man has always been attracted by the grace, power, strength and grace of the animals around him.
There have always been a lot of talented animal artists in Russia. These can be safely attributed to Vasily Alekseevich Vatagin, Nikola? I Nikola?evich Kondako?va.
The gallery has an exhibition of paintings for sale - good animal painters. Exhibition for sale of paintings by Russian artists. Such canvases combine harmony, grace and beauty of the natural world.
A real artist strives to depict the appearance of an animal as accurately as possible, and at the same time emphasize its decorative artistic expressiveness, the internal state that stands behind this or that movement.
In our gallery there is an interesting work of this genre: "Horses" by Vladimir Troitsky.

To sell a painting at a price corresponding to its value, it is necessary to make a professional assessment. Our Auction House is ready to evaluate your item free of charge.

For this you need:
1. Provide photographs of the item - preferably several, showing the item from different angles. You can send photos by e-mail and then receive a response in writing or by phone.
2. Bring this item to our gallery and get a personal appraisal consultation. The more information, the more accurate the preliminary estimate. If you have documentary evidence of provenance, be sure to provide them: it is quite possible that this will raise the price!

If you wish sell works of art but are too busy to visit our Auction House, we can send an appraiser to your home. This service is provided if we have reason to believe that the item you are selling is of significant value based on a phone call or photographs you send us.

We are ready to provide you with this service even if you are the owner of a large number of paintings or antiques that you want to sell.

If you would like to auction an art object that belongs to you, we will be happy to offer our services.

You can order graphics and painting restoration services at our Auction House. We employ specialists from leading restoration workshops.

You can also place an order in our framing workshop for a representative design of your canvases, posters, photographs. This will present them to the buyer in a favorable light.

Selling through an auction takes time. Before the start of the auction, preparations are made: a catalog is published, a certain period is set for potential buyers to learn about the event and study the lots. you want fast sell antiques or a work of art? There is another way.

Our Auction House has its own art gallery with a collection of paintings and drawings from the Soviet period. In addition, we acquire other antique and artistic values. We are ready to buy from you right away!

The cost of selling a painting to a gallery is usually slightly lower than the auction price. But you will receive the money without delay.

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