Hero Amurchik. The adventures of a tiger cub in a new book by Sergei Georgiev


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research development

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# study


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study ^4 development

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International Tiger Day celebrated annually July 29 worldwide. The holiday was established in 2010 at the International Forum "Tiger Summit" in St. Petersburg on the problems of preserving the population of this predatory animal. The initiators of the establishment of this date were 13 states that participated in the forum, in which tigers still live. During the event, a program for the restoration of the tiger population was also developed and adopted, designed for 2010-2022, the purpose of which is to double the number of tigers over the specified period. Unfortunately, only no more than 5 thousand individuals have survived in the wild, and this number continues to decline.

Russia is one of the few countries where the number of these striped predators not only does not fall, but increases. 95% of the population of the world's largest tiger, the Amur tiger, lives in our country (about 150 Amur tigers live in the Far East, and there are about 400-500 individuals in Russia in total.

In 2013, the President of the Russian Federation signed two laws, according to which the sale and killing of rare feline species face criminal liability, and the powers of rangers and inspectors in the fight against poachers were also expanded.

In Russia, there is another holiday dedicated to these striped predators - Tiger Day in the Far East celebrated annually at the end of September.

"Tiger Footprint in the Library"

The image of the tiger is found in the works of many writers and poets. In Indian and Chinese literature, the power of the tiger has traditionally been sung. This animal acted as a defender of justice, wisdom, and sometimes passionate love. This perception of the tiger migrated to the prose and poetry of the Middle East.

In Western European literature, the attitude towards tigers was ambiguous. So, Rudyard Kipling in The Jungle Book portrayed the tiger as an insidious and formidable animal. G. K. Chesterton called the tiger "the personification of woeful grace." Alan Milne in his work about Winnie the Pooh created an attractive and cheerful character - Tigger. Positively, the Tiger is featured in the story "Hoang" by G. L. Oldie. But F. Baum in the books about Oz created the image of a cowardly tiger.

The tiger is a favorite character of poets. The memorable image of the hussar-tiger was created in the poem "At the Gypsies" (1920) by N. S. Gumilyov. H. L. Borges, who in his childhood was the first of the animals to see and remember a tiger in a zoo, has a collection of poems "Gold of Tigers". In English-speaking countries, William Blake's poem "The Tiger" is one of the most textbooks, in which the beast, according to Borges, is represented as a "symbol of evil." There are several translations into Russian, including those by K. Balmont and S. Ya. Marshak.

Introducing the most famous and beloved books about the TIGER from the collections of libraries:

Arseniev, V.K. In the wilds of the Ussuri region: notes of a traveler / V.K. Arseniev.- M.: Det. lit., 1988.- 400s.: ill. - (School library)

Storage: GBM

In Vladimir Arseniev's book "In the wilds of the Ussuri region", the main character Dersu Uzala, having accidentally killed a totem animal - a tiger, in his youth, suffered all his life from guilt and fear of the "master of the taiga". This episode was also included in the films based on Arseniev's book.

Georgiev, S. Amurchik, or the adventures of a tiger cub. Fairy tale / S. Georgiev. – M.: Rosmen, 2014. – 64 p., ill.

The hero of this book, the tiger cub Amurchik, lives in the taiga with his father and mother. He does not have to be bored, because his every day is full of adventures! He meets the bear Yermolai Timofeevich, the fox Henrietta, the hedgehog Dorotheus and even the conductor of the frog choir! And the most exciting adventure - a meeting with a man - awaits him ahead! And if you want to know how the inhabitants of the taiga spend their time, read funny and funny stories from the life of a swirling tiger cub and his friends in the book of contemporary children's writer Sergei Georgiev.

DiCamillo, K. Soaring Tiger: story / C. Di Camillo; trans. from English. O. Warsaw; ill. V. Kozhina.- M.: Makhaon, Azbuka-Atticus, 2011.- 128 p.: ill.
Storage: Green World Library Complex

"Soaring Tiger" is a true and sad story about how sixth grader Rob Horton once found a tiger in the forest, which his ruthless owner hid in an iron cage in the forest. The tiger became the boy's biggest secret. And he revealed it to only one person in the world - Sistine, a new classmate and comrade in misfortune. This story tells about betrayal and love, about courage and honor, about how important it is to be kind, decent and how painful it is to lose those you love. The book is sure to win your hearts and make you think about a lot. Colorful, original illustrations and excellent translation made the characters of this book alive and interesting.

Demenok, M.S. The path of the Ussuri tiger: notes of an experienced taiga dweller / M.S. Demenok.- M.: Russia, 1992.- 304p. -(Young about Russia)

The Ussuri taiga is an ancient, mysterious, beautiful, unique and easily vulnerable world. A book about her can be called a kind of forest poetic letter, from which you learn a lot of instructive and interesting things about the life of the taiga inhabitants: about the striped shepherd - the Amur tiger, about the deer-barometer, about wild boars-alarm clocks, about grass-forecaster, about unfortunate chickens, about Miraculous ginseng root, about the Dersu Uzala plantation.

Egorchev, I.N. Amur tiger: Conjectures, legends, facts. 1855-1925 / I.N. Egorchev, Yu.G. Efremov. - Vladivostok: Russian Island, 2014. - 240 pp.: ill.

The compilers of the book are Ivan Egorchev and Yuri Efremov, members of the Primorsky Branch of the Russian Geographical Society. This edition contains a wide variety of information about tigers: eyewitness impressions, descriptions from the works of the first explorers of the Far East, excerpts from reference books and encyclopedias that were few at that time, and notes from the local press. The book is illustrated with rare photographs, drawings and scans of original texts.

Kostinsky, A. Tiger Cub, who said “Rrr“: stories / A. Kostinsky; ill. E. Vedinoy.- St. Petersburg: Azbuka, Azbuka-Atticus, 2012.- 48s.: ill. - (Flower - seven-flower)

We all know funny friends from childhood - Tiger Cub, Turtle, Monkey from the cartoon "On the Road with Clouds". And they were invented and made so memorable by a wonderful writer, screenwriter and illustrator Alexander Kostinsky. His books and cartoons, created according to his scripts, touching and kind, funny and instructive, still delight not only kids, but also their parents, forcing them to relive the vivid impressions of childhood together with their favorite characters. "The Tiger Cub Who Said "Rrr"" is the first book in a series about the funny adventures of friends. Beautiful bright illustrations were made by the artist Elizaveta Vedina.

Kostinsky, A. How the Tiger Cub and the Monkey wrote letters to each other a: stories / A. Kostinsky; ill. E. Vedinoy.- St. Petersburg: Alphabet, Alphabet-Atticus, 2012.- 48s.: Ill.- (Flower - seven-flower)

“How the Tiger Cub and the Monkey Wrote Letters to Each Other” is a new collection of funny, childishly naive and at the same time such wise stories about cheerful friends with whom you never get bored. For preschool and primary school age.

Kucherenko, S.P. Encounters with the Amur tiger: stories / S.P. Kucherenko; thin L. Kuznetsov. - Khabarovsk: Priamurskiye Vedomosti, 2005. - 254 pp. - (Far East of Russia. Window to nature)

Storage: Library No. 10, GBM

The author of the book is a well-known Far Eastern writer, scientist, hunting biologist, candidate of biological sciences. For many years he studied the ecology of the tiger. The stories about meetings with the lord of the Ussuri taiga, written on the basis of factual material, allow us to learn a lot about the habits and lifestyle of the rare Red Book predator. In short stories - and pride in the magnificent beast, and compassion for his misfortunes. The author calls on readers, all residents of the Amur Region and Primorye, to respect the rights of the animal to its tiger home, to be responsible for the survival of the Amur tiger on our planet.

Nemenko, E. Tishka and Ryzh. Unusual stories about the bear cub Tishka and the tiger cub Ryzha / E. Nemenko. - Khabarovsk: Khabarovsk regional printing house, 2015. - 176 p., ill.

Do you know from which puddles swallowtail butterflies prefer to drink water? And the fact that the chum fish is actually no chum, but a dava? Do you know who planted the first trees in the Khabarovsk park? No? But the children's writer Elena Nemenko knows.

They also know the artist Andrey Ten and the publisher Andrey Verbitsky. And, of course, all those who have read the interesting and informative book “Tishka and Ryzh. Unusual stories about the bear cub Tishka and the tiger cub Ryzha, which they released.

This book is not just a children's story about a tiger cub and a bear cub. This is a big true story about the life of our native land: about its nature, history and inhabitants. And the history of this book is also not simple. Indeed, in order to publish it, the authors needed not only more than four years to collect interesting facts about Khabarovsk and its environs, but also to come up with a whole magazine!

The adventures of the Amur tiger cub and the Himalayan bear cub were followed by thousands of residents of Khabarovsk. Illustrated magazine “Growing up with Khabarovsk. Tishka and Ryzh ”appeared in September 2011. The popularity of taiga heroes grew, they appeared on the covers of school notebooks, T-shirts, souvenirs, and in 2013 they became official symbols of the celebration of the 155th anniversary of Khabarovsk.

Prokofiev, S.L. Plush Tiger Adventure/ S.L. Prokofiev; thin V. Chelak.- M.: AST, Astrel, 2007.- 95 p.: ill.

Once the boy Seryozha forgot to turn off the iron. Can you imagine what could happen? But Serezha has a true friend - a plush tiger. Do you want to know about their adventures? Read this book soon!

Sysoev, V.P. Golden Rigma: novels and stories / V.P. Sysoev; thin G. Pavlishin. - St. Petersburg; M.: Speech, 2015.- 400s.: ill.

Storage: GBM, library No. 10

Do you know the land where the grapes wrap around the spruce, and the tiger hunts the reindeer? This region is the Amur region. The lands are fabulously rich, but harsh. Therefore, probably, the heroes of Vsevolod Sysoev are strong, freedom-loving natures. The tigress Golden Rigma, the leopard, who does not want to accept captivity ... Sysoev's book is a fascinating story about the relationship between Man and Nature. Open it and you will become a member of the most incredible adventures.

Yudin, V. Amur tiger: photo album / V. Yudin, A. Batalov, Yu. Dunishenko; per. in English. G.Misyura; comp. A. Posokhov.- Khabarovsk: Priamurskiye Vedomosti, 2010.- 87p.: photo.-(Wild nature of Russia. Far East)

Storage: GBM

Photo narrative about a rare exotic cat of the Ussuri wilds - the Amur tiger. The lifestyle and habits of this beautiful, majestic beast, listed in the Red Books of the IUCN and Rossha, are presented in the publication by the stories of scientists, writers and a unique photo series. For a wide range of readers.

The undoubted value of this publication is the bright picturesque photographs of the best photographers and hunters of the Far East: Viktor Yudin, Alexander Batalov and Yuri Shibnev. All photos were taken in the natural habitat of the animal, which undoubtedly helps the reader to clearly see the habits, lifestyle and habitats of the largest cat in the world.

The authors of the text of this photo narrative, Alexander Batalov and Yuri Dunishenko, are well-known hunting biologists in the Far East, who have extensive experience in research and conservation activities, as well as many years of personal observations of the inhabitants of the Ussuri taiga in their natural conditions of life.

In the Ussuri taiga, everyone knows about the Amurchik tiger cub. Still would!

After all, it was he, Amurchik, who heroically saved one unlucky boy from a nearby taiga village from certain death! The boy alone, without permission, without saying anything to adults, went to the taiga to take pictures.

And got lost!

God knows how the poor fellow found himself on a desert island in the middle of an impassable swamp. The tiger cub Amurchik found a photographer! Every inhabitant of the dense forest will tell you this, because many of them saw everything with their own eyes! A boy named Danilka returned home already in the dark, but riding a tiger! But only two people in the whole wide world know about this: Danka himself and the tiger cub Amurchik! Well, of course, the dog Grozny, who saw something from afar ... But Grozny will never blather about anything to anyone, a fact!

About the tiger's feat, about the heroic and glorious Amurchik, the marsh frogs even composed a festive song. Under the guidance of their conductor Olesya Petrovna Zhabina, they endlessly repeated:

Qua-qua-qua! Qua-qua! Qua-qua! Qua-qua-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!

Everyone in the neighborhood knew that in translation from the frog it means:

Oh yes Amurchik! Long live our hero! Glory to the tiger! Hooray! Hooray!! Hooray!!!

After listening attentively to the frogs for several days, the big tiger Amba, Amurchik's father, called his son to him and said:

Mom and I need to get away for a while. We'll go visit your grandmother Marusya...

Hooray! - the tiger cub was very happy. - I will also go to visit my dear grandmother!

No! - strictly stopped son Amba. - We'll go together with mom! Amurchik, you are already quite an adult! You can entrust the most important things! Therefore, stay at home for the elder!

For the elder, then for the elder ... Don't worry, I promise order in the taiga! Hello Grandma and Grandpa!

After a short gathering, the two tigers set off on a journey. Their path lay in one of the farthest corners of the vast Ussuri region.

Let's go quietly, don't look back, - the stern Amba said to his wife in a barely audible voice. - And so it is clear that the son is waving his paw after us!

Good, - Dasha answered with difficulty holding back tears. - I won't look back...

Otherwise you can't! Amba shook his head. - Once upon a time, I myself became independent like that.

Me too,” the tigress agreed with a sigh.

Chapter 2

Illustration for the book by Sergei Georgiev "Amurchik and his taiga friends"

The tiger cub Amurchik loved his grandmother Marusya very much. It's just a shame that he and Grandma have not seen each other for a long time. At the end of last summer, my grandmother came to visit Amba and Dasha for a short time: she wanted to see her grandson, to get to know him. Amurchik and his grandmother immediately became friends. After all, he had heard so much about her from his father and mother! Yes, and from other taiga residents too! Grandmother Marusya won the heart of a tiger cub in an instant. Barely having time to say hello and hug her grandson, she fervently said:

Oh, and I was young!

And then with one jump she jumped to the other side of the river! She turned around, jumped again and ended up near her grandson! The tiger cub only had time to turn its head. And then Amurchik all gathered himself, bounced up, jumped ... and in an instant he also found himself on the other side, next to his grandmother!

Well done! - the tigress Marusya praised her grandson. - Let's be friends!

Grandmother Masha told and showed her beloved grandson a lot of interesting things. It only seemed as if Amurchik was in his forest and already knew everything, everything, and everything! And then the time came for the tiger granny to return to her place, to the far corner of the Ussuri taiga.

Tigers are generally solitary by nature, their families are very small in number. Let's say two tigers live together, a husband and wife. And then they have a little tiger cub. Striped parents carefully raise their baby to make a real tiger out of it. But as soon as the cub becomes independent, adult tigers leave. They are looking for another place to live. In the former house, a grown-up tiger cub remains for the eldest! And he is responsible for everything. So that he has order in the taiga!

It’s good here with you, ”grandmother Marusya said then. - Yes, only it's time and honor to know. Grandma got stuck.

Grandma, don't go! - upset Amurchik.

A very important matter, - the old tigress did not support the conversation. - Okay, before I forget! Come with me!

(Printed with abbreviations.)

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