Gogol "Portrait". Presentation on the topic "N


Novo-Chechkab secondary school of the Buinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Plan - summary of a literature lesson in grade X on the topic:

“The theme of art and creativity in the story of N.V. Gogol "Portrait"

("Petersburg Tales")

Teacher of the Russian language and literature of the 1st qualification category Khisamieva Guzel Dayanovna


Goals: through analytical study, show a cross-cutting theme - the theme of art, artistic creativity and the two most important problems posed in the story - this is the purpose and position of the artist in society and the question of the very essence of art; improve the skills of text analysis, monologue speech, group work skills.

Lesson type: learning new material

Type of lesson: lesson - conversation

Visibility: portrait of N.V. Gogol, illustrations for the story, the book "Petersburg Tales". Work accessories of the artist (brush, paints, palette, easel), reproduction from a painting by A.I. Ivanov "The Appearance of Christ to the People"

Equipment: projector, computer.

Epigraphs for the lesson:“Save the purity of your soul. Whoever has a talent in himself, he must be the purest of all in soul ... "

"The artist must be present in his work, like God in the universe: to be omnipresent and invisible." Gustav Flaubert.

Advanced homework.

  1. Read the story.

  2. Prepare a story about the history of the story.

  3. Group work:
A) prepare a message on the topic: “What is art?”

B) prepare a message on the topic: “What is creativity?”

During the classes
Teacher: Guys! At all times, Russian writers thought about the role of the artist in society, about the purpose of art in the world. This topic caused controversy and was solved in different ways by different authors. It was considered both as social (art should reflect the needs of society, solve social problems), and as aesthetic (art is a reflection of the ideal), and as philosophical (art is a reflection of the highest truth, the truth that reveals to the artist in moments of divine inspiration, so he free from the social order of society), and as anthropological (art as a reflection of elemental forces in man), and as metaphysical (art as an opportunity to violate the set limits of human knowledge of the world).

The most significant work for understanding the theme of art is the story "Portrait" by N.V. Gogol, in which it acquires not only social and aesthetic, but also metaphysical significance.

Teacher. Tell us about the history of the story.

Student. For the first time the story "Portrait" was published in the collection "Arabesques" in 1835.

The story began simultaneously with Nevsky Prospekt in 1831. In 1834, the critic Belinsky wrote a sharply negative review of the first edition of the Tale: "Portrait" is an unsuccessful attempt by Mr. Gogol in a fantastic way. Here his talent falls, but even in the fall itself it remains a talent. It is impossible to read the first part of this story without enthusiasm ... But its second part is absolutely worthless; Mr. Gogol is not at all visible in it. This is an obvious attachment in which the mind worked, and fantasy did not take any part.

Later, Gogol significantly revised the story. In a letter to the publisher of the Sovremennik magazine, P.A. He wrote to Pletnev: “I am sending my story “Portrait”. ... You will see that only the canvas of the old story remains, that everything is embroidered on it again. The second edition of the story was first published in the third book of Sovremennik in 1842.

Teacher. What events: real or fictional are reflected in the story?

Student. The story reflected the impressions received by Gogol from his acquaintance with the life and life of the artists of St. Petersburg. The writer in the first years of his life in the capital took painting lessons three times a week at the Academy of Arts. Among the possible prototypes of the Gogol usurer, the researchers name a well-known Asian usurer in St. Petersburg, who lived in Kolomna. Contemporaries, in particular the actor P.A. Karatygin noted his memorable face and expressive eyes: “His bronze face was tattooed with multi-colored paints, his black pupils, like coals, shone on yellowish proteins with blood streaks ...”

In the image of the artist, whose ingenious picture struck Chartkov's imagination, the features of A.A. Ivanov, well known to the writer, are guessed. His life and work became for Gogol a model of true devotion to art. Perhaps Ivanov became the prototype of another character - the ideal old man of the artist, who is mentioned in the second part of the story.

Teacher. Art. Explain the meaning of this word.

Student. Art- 1) Creative reflection, reproduction of reality in artistic images. (Art is one of the forms of social consciousness.) 2) Skill, skill, knowledge of the matter. (To master the art of sewing.) 3) The very thing that requires such skill, skill. (Military art)

Art - one of the forms of social consciousness, the most important element of human culture. A specific feature of art is that it reflects reality in artistic images. Art actively influences the thoughts, will and feelings of people and plays a huge role in the life of society.

The peculiarity of the knowledge of reality by means of art lies in the fact that, generalizing individual observations, revealing the general and typical, essential in the characteristic, single, accessible, it contributes to the direct sensory perception of a person.

Art, therefore, is not a simple reproduction of individual things and phenomena; the artistic image is the result of a great generalization.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Volume 18, page 507

Teacher. Let us give the floor to the representatives of the second group, who prepared message about the interpretation of the word "creativity".
Student. Creation - Creation of new cultural and material values. Artistic creativity. Folk art. Creativity of Pushkin. Creativity of innovators. Dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegov.

Creation - human activity that creates new material and spiritual values ​​of social significance. Creativity, being the result of the labor and efforts of an individual, at the same time always has a social character.

The type of human activity, which consists in the creation of works of art, is called artistic creativity. For artistic creativity, its orientation is of great importance the nature of the artist's worldview and the artistic method used by him. Artistic creativity is manifested in the theme chosen by the artist, in the nature of the interpretation of certain phenomena of life, in the originality of the created artistic means for the most adequate identification of content, in the generalization of the genres of this type of art. The highest form of expression of artistic creativity is the creation of works that pave new paths in art and literature. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Volume 42, page 54

Teacher. The story contains the following words: “No, it is impossible for a person with the help of human art alone to produce such a picture: a holy, higher power led your brush, and the blessing of heaven rested on your labor.”

How do you understand these words?

- Suggested answers students . Gogol was a deeply religious, religious man. His worldview was reflected in the story "Portrait", where the writer addresses the theme of artistic creativity and Good and Evil in art.

Teacher. What is the manifestation of the struggle between Good and Evil, light and devilish principles in the life of the artist Chartkov?

Chartkov is a capable artist, but he wants to become famous as soon as possible.

Teacher. What portrait did he buy once?

Portrait of a usurer.

Vocabulary work. usurer someone who lends money at high interest rates.

Palette - a small board, a plate on which the painter mixes paints.

easel - a stand on which a stretcher with canvas, cardboard or a board for the artist's work is placed.

Teacher. What was the artist thinking about when he painted a portrait of a usurer in the guise of a devil for church painting? Read this passage in the story.

- “What a power! If I even half depict him as he is now, he will kill all my saints and angels, they will turn pale before him. What diabolical power!

Teacher. He will kill saints and angels ... It is scary, but true. Art is capable of bringing evil and misfortune to the world if it serves evil. Art that unleashes an unclean spirit itself becomes a victim, that is, it turns into a means of serving this spirit, as happened in the story with the master, the creator of the demonic portrait, or it degenerates into a soulless craft, which affected the fate of the artist Chartkov (in the first edition of the story - Chertkov), seduced by the passion of greed.

Teacher. What do we learn about this artist at the beginning of the story?

He is poor, unknown, hungry, but very capable.

Demonstration of a portrait of this artist, painted by one of the students.

Teacher. What did the professor of painting warn Chartkov about?

Reading an excerpt. “Look, brother, you have a talent, it will be a sin if you destroy it. But you are impatient. See that you don't become a fashionable painter."

Teacher. What two paths does Chartkov think about when he sees the money found in the frame of the portrait? Demonstration of the drawing - illustrations for the story.

He thinks that he can work quietly for three years for himself, slowly, not for sale, and be a glorious artist. But another voice was heard in it, which wanted to “dress in a fashionable tailcoat, break the fast after a long fast, go to the theater, to the confectionery at the same hour ...”

Teacher. The first way is Good, the second is evil. What path did the artist choose?

He chose evil. He dressed up, “bought perfumes, lipsticks”, advertised himself in the newspaper and began to paint paintings and portraits for sale.

Teacher. What kind of painter did he become, catering to an indiscriminate public, painting "portraits for money"?

Chartkov became a fashionable painter.

Teacher. How does Gogol say that he began to lose talent, skill?

Reading an excerpt “... His brush became cold and dull, and he was insensitively enclosed in monotonous, definite, long-worn out forms.

The monotonous, cold, always tidied up and, so to speak, buttoned up faces of officials, military and civilians did not represent much field for the brush: she forgot both magnificent draperies, and strong movements and passions ... "

Teacher. Did the artist himself understand this?

Many of his acquaintances could not understand “how a talent could disappear in him, the signs of which already seemed bright in his very beginning, and they tried in vain to figure out how a talent in a person could fade away ... but the intoxicated artist did not hear these rumors.”

Teacher. What picture did he see at the Academy of Arts, where he was once invited?

He saw the work of a Russian artist who studied painting in Italy.

(Demonstration of a reproduction of Ivanov's painting "The Appearance of Christ to the People")

Teacher. What does Chartkov now understand, although he has completely taken over the passion for gold?

Quote reading: “Fame cannot give pleasure to one who stole it and did not deserve it; it produces a constant trembling only in those who are worthy of it. And therefore all his feelings and impulses were turned to gold.

Teacher. What did the artist feel when he realized that he had lost his talent?

Reading the quote: “The bandage suddenly fell off his eyes. God! And so ruthlessly destroy the best years of his youth, exterminate, extinguish the spark of fire ... He was seized by terrible envy, envy to fury ... "

Envy is one of the deadly sins. Chartkov “was seized by a terrible envy, envy to the point of rage. Bile appeared on his face when he saw a work that bore the stamp of talent.

Teacher. What intention was born in his soul? Did he manage to carry it out?

Reading the quote: “He began to buy up all the best that only art produced. Having bought the picture at a high price, he carefully brought it into his room and, with the fury of a tiger, rushed at it, tore it, tore it, cut it into pieces and trampled it underfoot, accompanying it with a laugh of pleasure.

Teacher. What literary parallel does Gogol draw, personifying Chartkov with a terrible demon?

With Pushkin's Mozart and Salieri. Gogol goes on to say, “The blasphemy against the world and negation were portrayed by itself in its features. It seemed that he embodied that terrible demon, which Pushkin ideally portrayed. Except for a poisonous word and eternal censure, nothing was uttered by his mouth. Like some kind of harpy, he came across on the way, and even all his acquaintances, seeing him from afar, tried to dodge and avoid such a meeting, saying that it was enough to poison the whole day later.

Teacher. How did Chartkov end his life?

He began "a cruel fever, combined with consumption itself ... All the signs of hopeless madness joined this ... Finally, his life turned into the last, already silent, outburst of suffering."

Teacher. How did people respond to the portrait of the usurer?

"There's an evil spirit in him."

He went to the monastery to repent and pray.

Teacher. What picture did he paint at the end of his life?

Icon "Christmas".

Teacher. Read expressively the description of the picture that the artist painted, the author of the portrait of the usurer in the image of the devil in Gogol's story "Portrait", in order to atone for his sin.

Quote reading: “The object he took was the Nativity of Jesus. For a whole year he sat behind him, not leaving his cell, barely feeding himself harsh food, praying incessantly.

After a year, the picture was ready. It was, indeed, a miracle of the brush. It is necessary to know that neither the brothers nor the rector had much knowledge in painting, but everyone was struck by the extraordinary holiness of the figures. The feeling of divine humility and meekness in the face of the Most Pure Mother, bending over the baby, a deep mind in the eyes of the divine Baby, as if already seeing something in the distance, the solemn silence of the kings amazed by the divine miracle, bowed down at his feet, and, finally, Holy, inexpressible silence embracing the whole picture - all this appeared in such a consonant strength and power of beauty that the impression was magical "

Teacher. Gogol believed that truth in spiritual art is the result of prayer-ascetic experience. We find confirmation in the “Portrait”, in the place where it tells about the fate of the creator of the demonic portrait, who went to the monastery and then cleansed his soul with a long monastic feat in order to be worthy of painting the iconic image of the Nativity of Christ. That is why one of Gogol's heroes, expressing the thoughts of the author, exclaims: "No, a person cannot produce such a picture with the help of human art alone, a holy, higher power led your brush, and the blessing of heaven rested on your labor."

Teacher. What parting word did this artist give to his son? Look at the lesson heading on the board.

Quote reading: “I have been waiting for you, my son. You will have a path along which your life will flow from now on. Your path is clear, do not deviate from it. You have a talent; talent is the most precious gift of God - do not destroy it ... Save the purity of your soul. Whoever has a talent in himself, he must be purer than all in soul. Much will be forgiven to another, but he will not be forgiven. A man who left the house in bright festive clothes has only to be splashed with one spot of dirt from under the wheel, and all the people have already surrounded him, pointing their finger at him, and talking about his slovenliness, while the same people do not notice the multitude spots on other passers-by, dressed in everyday clothes. For stains are not seen on everyday clothes.

Teacher. Are these ideals worthy of man?

Yes. In the words of a father to his son there is a spiritual dependence on external circumstances, a preference for spiritual values. True art serves the Good.

Teacher. Guys! I want to finish our conversation with the words of I.F. Annensky: “The theme of art for Gogol was deeply personal and hard-won. It is no coincidence that in the story "Portrait" Gogol invested himself more than in any other of his works.

Class: 8

Presentations for the lesson

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Lesson Objectives:

  • to show what role N.V. Gogol assigned to art in the life of society - the writer's contribution to the dispute about the purpose of art;
  • find out what is the ideological and compositional role of the second part of the story "Portrait" and how the author solves the problem of true art.

Lesson objectives:

  • Tutorial: improving the skills of interpreting a literary work and analyzing an artistic detail, skills in speaking and writing; disclosure of the social, moral, aesthetic meaning of the story.
  • Developing: development of cognitive interests and literary and creative abilities, figurative thinking and "sense of intellect".
  • Educational: education by means of fiction of a spiritual and moral personality capable of acting in the modern world according to the laws of goodness, conscience and honor.

Lesson type: combined.

Equipment: portrait of N.V. Gogol, projector, Presentation 1 , Presentation 2 (Testing based on the story of N.V. Gogol "Portrait")

Whoever has a talent
purer than all should be the soul ..

N.V. Gogol


I. Introductory speech of the teacher (Slide #3)

– As you know, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol saw his duty as a writer in serving great art, in an effort to show the truth of life. He wanted the reader to be able to "comprehend the high secret of creation" through his work. The fact that Gogol was worried about the issues of creativity and the place of the artist in society is evidenced by the fact that it was in 1835 that Gogol collected articles on art (“Painting, Sculpture and Music”, “A Few Words about Pushkin”, “On the Architecture of the Present Time” ), lectures and articles on history and reflections on historical figures, and published them together with the story “Portrait”.
(Message of the purpose of the lesson) Today in the lesson we continue to talk about the problem of true art in Gogol's story "Portrait", trying to find out at the same time the ideological and compositional role of the second part of the work.

II. Working with the epigraph (Slide number 4)

– How do you understand the words of N.V. Gogol?
- What, judging by the author's statement, should a real artist be?

III. Estimation of the story by the critic

Teacher. Thus, the critic V. G. Belinsky, assessing the talent of the great prose writer, said: "Gogol is a poet, a poet of real life." And this was most appreciated in Russian literature. After the release of the story "Portrait" Gogol counts on understanding
readers and critics, but what was the writer's disappointment when V. G. Belinsky disapproved of the story: (Slide number 5)“The portrait is an unsuccessful attempt by Mr.
Gogol in a fantastic way. Here his talent falls, but even in the fall he remains a talent. The first part of this story is impossible to read without enthusiasm; even, in fact, there is something terrible, fatal, fantastic in this mysterious portrait, there is some kind of invincible charm that makes you forcefully look at it, although you are afraid of it. Add to this a multitude of fantastic pictures and essays in the style of Mr. Gogol; remember the quarter warden, talking about painting; then this mother, who brought her daughter to Chertkov to take a portrait of her, and who scolds balls and admires nature - and you will not deny the dignity of this story. But the second part of it is worth absolutely nothing; Mr. Gogol is not visible in it. This is an obvious attachment, in which it was not the mind that worked, but the fantasy did not take any part.

– What meaning does the critic attach to the word “attachment” in this context?

IV. Message from a prepared student about Gogol's stay in Italy and the further fate of the story "Portrait" (Slide No. 6)

Student. Having left Russia after the scandal connected with the premiere of The Inspector General, Gogol finds refuge in Italy. He lives in Rome. But nothing pleases the writer's heart: neither warm weather, nor well-organized life, nor local beauties... Gogol thinks about Russia. Here, in Rome, he meets artists, in particular, the artist Ivanov, who is working on the painting “The Appearance of Christ to the People”.
Gogol sees how the artist works selflessly, making many sketches from nature, endlessly changing the poses of the heroes of his picture, and the color that illuminates them and nature. He is haunted by criticism of V. G. Belinsky. And he decides to remake the story "Portrait".
By 1841 this work was completed. Significant changes have appeared: the surname of the protagonist has changed (it used to be Chertkov, which emphasized his connection with evil spirits; Gogol excluded certain mystical scenes, quite realistic characters appeared: Nikita, the professor, the owner of the house, the quarter, ladies-customers. In the first edition, the appearance the usurer in the finale of the story disappeared from the canvas, and in the second edition the portrait disappears, which went around the world to sow misfortunes.

V. Reading by the teacher of paragraph 1 of the 2nd part of the story to the words "Long hall ..."

VII. Working with text (Slide number 7)

Why does Gogol compare auction with a funeral procession? (There is a hyperlink - a dictionary entry about the word "auction")

VIII. A student (individual study) talks about the etymological relationship of two words: “art” and “temptation” (Slide No. 8)

Art related to the words "tempt", "temptation". "Tempt" (old term) meant "to put to the test." A "sophisticated person" is one who is highly experienced, has experienced a lot.

– Who do you think plays the role of “tempter” in the story and why?

IX. Text work in progress

- Why are usurers necessary for the “sediment of mankind”, who settled in Kolomna, and why the main property usurer appears insensible? (Slide number 9)(There is a hyperlink - a dictionary entry about the word "auction")
- What details in the description of the pawnbroker's appearance alarm the reader? (Slide number 10)

“He walked around in a wide Asian outfit; the dark complexion of his face indicated his southern origin, but what kind of nation he was ... no one could say about this
“.. Looks, looks human eyes!,
“.. swarthy, skinny, flushed face and some incomprehensible its terrible color, big, extraordinary fire of the eye, hanging thick eyebrows distinguished him from .. residents of the capital "
".. Something demonic in the eyes..»
- What artistic detail is repeated in the description of appearance? (“Extraordinary fire of the eye”, “demonic in the eyes” - these are the eyes of Satan, evil spirits, the bearer of EVIL)

- Why do people constantly turn to the usurer for money? (Slide number 11)
“This usurer differed from other usurers already in that he could provide any amount of money to everyone, from a poor old woman to a prodigal court noble.” "He gave money willingly ...".
- Why did the usurer give money willingly to both the rich and the poor? (For profit)
– The personification of what is the usurer himself and his portrait in the story ? (Slide number 12)
- What changes occur in people who associate themselves with the usurer?

X. Communication of microgroups (homework on the topic “What temptations and trials did each of the artists go through, choosing their own path to true art?”) (Slide No. 13)

  • Artist Andrey Petrovich Chartkov (Group 1) (Quotes to help those who answer - hyperlink: slide number 19)

“.. Too much has already been attributed to the former artists,” and “genius creates boldly, quickly.” "The same portraits and faces have already begun to bother him ...".
“... his brush grew cold and dull, and he ... was enclosed in monotonous, definite, long-worn out forms ...”.
“He was seized by a terrible envy, envy to the point of fury ... Having bought a picture, ... tore it apart, ... trampled it with his feet, accompanied by laughter of pleasure.”

  • Comrade Chertkova (Group 2) (Quotes to help those who answer - hyperlink: slide number 20)

From “an early age he bore a passion for art, with the fiery soul of a worker he plunged into it with all his soul, broke away from friends, from relatives, from sweet habits ..”, “..like a hermit, plunged from work”, “.. left himself as a teacher one divine Raphael.
“Pure, immaculate, beautiful as a bride, stood in front of him the work of the artist. Modestly, divinely, innocently, and simply like a genius, it ascended above everyone ... It was evident that everything extracted from the outside world, the artist first concluded in his soul and from there, from the spiritual spring, directed him with one consonant, solemn song ... "

  • The artist who painted a portrait of a usurer (group 3) (Quotes to help those who answer - hyperlink: slide number 21)

“With the blessing of the abbot, he retired to the wilderness .. There, for a long time, for several years, he exhausted his body, reinforcing it at the same time with the life-giving power of prayer.”
“The holy higher power guided your brush and the blessing of heaven rested on your work,” the abbot said to the artist, who managed to cleanse his soul from evil.

Teacher. So, Gogol is convinced that talent is God's gift and a person of art should in no case touch EVIL in his work, since it involuntarily begins to penetrate his soul, consciousness, and then creativity.

Message of the 3rd microgroup (homework on the topic “Advice and instructions from the father of the artist B. to his son”) (Slide No. 14)

- Which of the advice of a father to his son do you consider the most important? Why?

Teacher. In his discussions about the true art and the purity of the soul of the artist, telling the story of the struggle between good and evil, N.V. Gogol traditionally relies on biblical legends.

- What is the connection between the advice of the artist's father B. and the Sermon on the Mount of Christ? Prove it with text. One example: (Slide number 15)

In the text:

“A man who left the house in light festive clothes, has only to be splashed with one spot of dirt from under the wheels, and all the people have already surrounded him, pointing their finger at him, and talking about his slovenliness, while the same people do not notice many spots on other passers-by, dressed in everyday clothes. For stains are not seen on everyday clothes.

In the Bible:

“And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but you don’t feel the beam in your eye? ... Do not give holy things to dogs and do not cast your pearls before swine, so that they do not trample it under their feet and, turning, do not tear you to pieces.” (Bible Matthew: 7:1-14)


– What is the role of a person endowed with the “precious gift of God” in society? (Slide number 16)
– How do you understand the sayings of the classics about this?

XI. Homework:(the student chooses the task at will)

  • Write an essay on the topic “Does the second part of the “Portrait” refute or confirm the idea of ​​the omnipotence of evil?
  • Or create syncwines telling about artists (Chartkov, his friend, father of the artist B.)

XII. Reflection.(testing Presentation 2 , Annex 1 )


  1. Literature. Grade 8: Lesson plans (according to the program of A.G. Kutuzov) / Comp. L.M. Seregina - Volgograd: Teacher, 2003.
  2. B.Arapovich and V.Mattelmyaki. Children's Bible. Bible stories in pictures. Publisher: Russian Bible Society, Moscow, 1994
  3. http://www.eelmaa.narod.ru/urlit/materials/g1.html - Marantsman V.G. Material for studying the story of N.V. Gogol Portrait

Topic: "The death of the human soul"

(According to the story of N.V. Gogol "Portrait")

Literature lesson in 8th grade.

Teacher of Russian language and literature

MOU Nomzhenskoy secondary school Tsvetkova N.A.

Lesson Objectives:

Identify the main idea of ​​the story;

Learn to see the creative method of the artist, understand and feel it worldview;

To instill interest in Gogol the writer, Gogol the personality in Russian history culture.

Methodical goal: demonstration of the text analysis method as a means of forming and improving the ability to perceive, interpret and evaluate the work.

Equipment: portrait of N.V. Gogol, multimedia software, work of N.V. Gogol.

During the classes:

Teacher: "Portrait" is a fantastic story. We have already read The Picture of Dorian Gray (O. Wilde) and Shagreen Skin (O. De Balzac). These works are very similar. But our task today is to comprehend the influence of art on man. The writer believed that art is called to serve a person, turning his heart to God. But art must simultaneously fight Evil, forces hostile to God. The question that tormented Gogol was something like this: "Is an artist capable of doing everything for the victory of Good over Evil in the human soul?"

"Portrait" is not just one of the "Petersburg Tales", which speaks of the appointment of the writer and his creations - it is a work where Gogol's view of the meaning and tasks of art and the Artist himself is most fully expressed. What seems to Gogol himself fantastic, supernatural?

Teacher: In the "Portrait" the power of money is embodied in the image of the usurer Petromichaly, his money, his terrible portrait. The fantastic becomes the ordinary.

When we read the second part of the story, we see Chartkov more clearly, his way of life, he seems to rise above the space where the events take place.

(Students easily navigate Chartkov's environment, revealing more and more new aspects of his personality.)

Assistant student: The young artist Chartkov finds a mysterious portrait in which part of the life of the devil himself is retained, and the image of this usurer-devil appears against the backdrop of real St. Petersburg.

Teacher: The devil and "devilishness" in Gogol's works. This topic is already familiar to us. It was in "Evenings ...", in "May Night ...", in "Vie". We are now worried about something else: the devil - devil - devilry - Chartkov's character traits (Chartkov - Chertkov - facial features - devil - devilish trait). Please comment on this thread. What associations do you have as you comprehend it?

Assistant student: We see Chartkov, who found a bundle of money and began to change before our eyes. Let's turn to the text:

“Now in his power was everything that he had hitherto looked at with envious eyes, which he admired from afar, swallowing saliva. Wow, how zealous beat in him when he just thought about it! a glorious apartment, go immediately to the theater, to the confectionery, to ... and so on ... "

After all, "he went out into the street alive, lively, according to the Russian expression: hell not brother. Walked around like a gogol, pointing a lorgnette at everyone.

Then he is the same hell slipped past his professor, "to which the dumbfounded professor stood motionless on the bridge for a long time, depicting a question mark on his face."

Teacher: Why did Chartkov "slip" past the teacher?

Assistant student: Chartkov remembered the professor's instructions: "Look, brother, you have a talent; it would be a sin if you ruined it... See that you don't become a fashionable painter..."

Teacher: How else does he use the money?(He succumbs to their evil charm, betrays art, beginsto please rich customers, loses moral purity.)

Teacher : How do you understand the expression "moral purity"? (Chartkov becomes a "practical" person.)

Teacher: "Practical man" - is it bad? (Yes, for Chartkov this is death, because the artist must be free, he must be a dreamer, a dreamer, perhaps, according to the uninitiated in art, somewhat frivolous. He begins to worship mammon (the Syriac word is “wealth.” The Gospel of Luke, 24 ch.).)


- How was the portrait of the usurer painted?

By whom?

How does the fall of an artist who painted a portrait of a usurer happen? (He becomes jealous of his student.)

Why is there no holiness in his paintings? (All figures have devilish eyes.)

How does he feel about his family?

Why didn't he burn the portrait?

(Students retell in detail how the artist experienced the death of his wife, daughter, and young son. The episode of the artist's "resurrection" after many sufferings is especially interesting. The images of the baby and the Blessed Mother, created by the artist, lead students to understand Gogol's thought: “Whoever has a talent in himself, he must be purer than all in soul.Much will be forgiven to another, but he will not be forgiven.")


A real artist, talent is from God.

The soul-corrupting power of money, the doom of art where the cult of profit triumphs - this is the main theme of the story.

The usurer is a product of the 19th century banker, he knows no other subject than money. He lends money at interest, he sells money, getting money for money.

People go to him in the hope that gold will bring happiness ("you can't believe in God and mammon").

At the terrible cost of loss, the old master understood: "Who has talent in himself.he should be purer than all in soul "...

Teacher: What does Gogol teach? (A spiritually pure, kind person can create beautiful and good art. Gogol, as it were, reads a sermon about purification, about devotion to the great.)

Yes, that's right. Nikolai Vasilievich always spoke about the role of asceticism. An ascetic is a person who has taken on hard work, often ungrateful, deprivation in the name of a great goal, or in the name of fidelity to his dream, to a noble idea.

The artist - the author of the portrait of a usurer - dreamed of a portrait as a model of the "spirit of darkness", in which he reflected "all the most difficult, oppressive person" ... Did he have the right to depict such phenomena in the world around us? We do know what came of it.

Assistant student: Every true artist should have freedom of choice. Gogol, apparentlyhe himself believes that the artist has the right to depict everything as he sees, understands, feels. But the writer says:"Who has enclosed talent, the purest of all should be the soul.

Teacher: But what about Chartkov? (He is pitiful. Gogol says of him: "All his feelings and impulses turned toevil. "The century-" huckster ", the century-banker generously pays Chartkov for his services, favors him andgold and uniform. He is rich, famous, corrupt hacks write about him in the newspapers,he is in office ... But particle by particle Chartkov in return loses his talent and soul.)


“Glory cannot give pleasure to those who stole it, and did not deserve it; it produces constant trembling only in those who deserve it. And therefore his [Chartkov’s] feelings and impulses turned to gold. Gold became his passion, ideal, fear, pleasure, goal ... He began to become boring, inaccessible to everything except gold, a wanton miser, a dissolute collector ... "

Teacher: But something had to wake him up, if there was something human left in him? (Yes, there was one event. He came to the Academy of Arts to give hisjudgment about a painting by a Russian artist sent from Italy.)

Teacher: Let's turn to the text.


"Clean, immaculate, beautiful as a bride, stood in front of him the work of the artist ... Involuntary tears were ready to roll down the faces of the visitors who surrounded the picture ... Chartkov stood motionless with his mouth open in front of the picture ... The whole composition, his whole life was awakened in in an instant, as if youth had returned to him, as if the extinguished sparks of talent flared up again. A bandage suddenly fell off his eyes. God! And to destroy so mercilessly the best years of his youth ... "

Teacher: So, how does Chartkov feel? (Gogol speaks at the beginning of spiritual excitement, of the terrible torment thatexperiencing the hero. But he is already spoiled by money, "freedom" and, as he noteswriter, "he was seized by a terrible envy, envy to the point of rage, bile stood out in on his face...")

Teacher: But why does Chartkov need a "fallen angel"? (Probably, Chartkov compares himself with a humiliated, defeated angel from heaven, not admitting to himself that there is more demonic in him than angelic. Perhaps Chartkov is given the last attempt to remain a man in this world ... "A fallen angel" is a symbol of the fall of not only the hero, but also the death of his soul.)

Teacher: What associations do you have with the image of an angel? (Of course, with the demon portrayed by A. Pushkin, and Gogol himself speaks about this.)

Assistant student reads A. Pushkin's poem "Demon":

In the days when I was new

All impressions of life -

And the eyes of the maidens, and the noise of the oak trees,

And at night the singing of the nightingale, -

When elevated feelings

Freedom, glory and love

And inspirational art

So much excited the blood, -

Hours of hope and pleasure

Longing suddenly autumn

Then some evil genius

He began to secretly visit me.

Our meetings were sad.

His smile, wonderful look,

His caustic speeches

Cold poison poured into the soul. Inexhaustible slander

He tempted providence;

He called a beautiful dream;

He despised inspiration;

He did not believe in love, freedom;

Looked at life mockingly-

And nothing in all nature

He didn't want to bless. (l823)

Teacher: The word can not only destroy, but also protect. The whole philosophy of Gogol is in his Words. And they are next to us, you just have to listen, opening the book. Gogol is an artist, Gogol is a personality, and life has confirmed this. To learn patience and work from Gogol is to learn to live. So what, according to Gogol, is the great power of art and the purpose of the Artist?

(An evil soul cannot bring beauty into the world, because Good and Evil are incompatible. After his death, the usurer received a material shell in the form of a portrait and continued his black deeds among people - this was the terrible crime of the artist who created this image. Gogol believes that the Artist does not dare to betray his vocation for the sake of money, wealth, if he wants his art to serve man. "But someone has a talent, that is purer than allmust be soul. Much will be forgiven to another, but he will not be forgiven.")

Teacher: The question of the purpose of the Artist greatly tormented Gogol. All his life this writer was looking for an opportunity to serve the Fatherland and more than once doubted the choice of his destiny. There were several reasons for this: the writer's responsibility for his work, faith in the powerful forces of the influence of art on a person, and, of course, Gogol's deep religiosity. However, we will talk about this in more detail in the upper grades. Now let's focus on homework.

Homework. The teacher offers several topics for essays of choice:

- "Gogol's word in the story "Portrait";

- "Chartkov - a hero or an anti-hero?";

- "The image of the usurer in the story of N.V. Gogol" Portrait ";

- "Antithesis as a literary technique in creating the image of Chartkov".

Class: 8

Presentations for the lesson

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Lesson Objectives:

  • to show what role N.V. Gogol assigned to art in the life of society - the writer's contribution to the dispute about the purpose of art;
  • find out what is the ideological and compositional role of the second part of the story "Portrait" and how the author solves the problem of true art.

Lesson objectives:

  • Tutorial: improving the skills of interpreting a literary work and analyzing an artistic detail, skills in speaking and writing; disclosure of the social, moral, aesthetic meaning of the story.
  • Developing: development of cognitive interests and literary and creative abilities, figurative thinking and "sense of intellect".
  • Educational: education by means of fiction of a spiritual and moral personality capable of acting in the modern world according to the laws of goodness, conscience and honor.

Lesson type: combined.

Equipment: portrait of N.V. Gogol, projector, Presentation 1 , Presentation 2 (Testing based on the story of N.V. Gogol "Portrait")

Whoever has a talent
purer than all should be the soul ..

N.V. Gogol


I. Introductory speech of the teacher (Slide #3)

– As you know, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol saw his duty as a writer in serving great art, in an effort to show the truth of life. He wanted the reader to be able to "comprehend the high secret of creation" through his work. The fact that Gogol was worried about the issues of creativity and the place of the artist in society is evidenced by the fact that it was in 1835 that Gogol collected articles on art (“Painting, Sculpture and Music”, “A Few Words about Pushkin”, “On the Architecture of the Present Time” ), lectures and articles on history and reflections on historical figures, and published them together with the story “Portrait”.
(Message of the purpose of the lesson) Today in the lesson we continue to talk about the problem of true art in Gogol's story "Portrait", trying to find out at the same time the ideological and compositional role of the second part of the work.

II. Working with the epigraph (Slide number 4)

– How do you understand the words of N.V. Gogol?
- What, judging by the author's statement, should a real artist be?

III. Estimation of the story by the critic

Teacher. Thus, the critic V. G. Belinsky, assessing the talent of the great prose writer, said: "Gogol is a poet, a poet of real life." And this was most appreciated in Russian literature. After the release of the story "Portrait" Gogol counts on understanding
readers and critics, but what was the writer's disappointment when V. G. Belinsky disapproved of the story: (Slide number 5)“The portrait is an unsuccessful attempt by Mr.
Gogol in a fantastic way. Here his talent falls, but even in the fall he remains a talent. The first part of this story is impossible to read without enthusiasm; even, in fact, there is something terrible, fatal, fantastic in this mysterious portrait, there is some kind of invincible charm that makes you forcefully look at it, although you are afraid of it. Add to this a multitude of fantastic pictures and essays in the style of Mr. Gogol; remember the quarter warden, talking about painting; then this mother, who brought her daughter to Chertkov to take a portrait of her, and who scolds balls and admires nature - and you will not deny the dignity of this story. But the second part of it is worth absolutely nothing; Mr. Gogol is not visible in it. This is an obvious attachment, in which it was not the mind that worked, but the fantasy did not take any part.

– What meaning does the critic attach to the word “attachment” in this context?

IV. Message from a prepared student about Gogol's stay in Italy and the further fate of the story "Portrait" (Slide No. 6)

Student. Having left Russia after the scandal connected with the premiere of The Inspector General, Gogol finds refuge in Italy. He lives in Rome. But nothing pleases the writer's heart: neither warm weather, nor well-organized life, nor local beauties... Gogol thinks about Russia. Here, in Rome, he meets artists, in particular, the artist Ivanov, who is working on the painting “The Appearance of Christ to the People”.
Gogol sees how the artist works selflessly, making many sketches from nature, endlessly changing the poses of the heroes of his picture, and the color that illuminates them and nature. He is haunted by criticism of V. G. Belinsky. And he decides to remake the story "Portrait".
By 1841 this work was completed. Significant changes have appeared: the surname of the protagonist has changed (it used to be Chertkov, which emphasized his connection with evil spirits; Gogol excluded certain mystical scenes, quite realistic characters appeared: Nikita, the professor, the owner of the house, the quarter, ladies-customers. In the first edition, the appearance the usurer in the finale of the story disappeared from the canvas, and in the second edition the portrait disappears, which went around the world to sow misfortunes.

V. Reading by the teacher of paragraph 1 of the 2nd part of the story to the words "Long hall ..."

VII. Working with text (Slide number 7)

Why does Gogol compare auction with a funeral procession? (There is a hyperlink - a dictionary entry about the word "auction")

VIII. A student (individual study) talks about the etymological relationship of two words: “art” and “temptation” (Slide No. 8)

Art related to the words "tempt", "temptation". "Tempt" (old term) meant "to put to the test." A "sophisticated person" is one who is highly experienced, has experienced a lot.

– Who do you think plays the role of “tempter” in the story and why?

IX. Text work in progress

- Why are usurers necessary for the “sediment of mankind”, who settled in Kolomna, and why the main property usurer appears insensible? (Slide number 9)(There is a hyperlink - a dictionary entry about the word "auction")
- What details in the description of the pawnbroker's appearance alarm the reader? (Slide number 10)

“He walked around in a wide Asian outfit; the dark complexion of his face indicated his southern origin, but what kind of nation he was ... no one could say about this
“.. Looks, looks human eyes!,
“.. swarthy, skinny, flushed face and some incomprehensible its terrible color, big, extraordinary fire of the eye, hanging thick eyebrows distinguished him from .. residents of the capital "
".. Something demonic in the eyes..»
- What artistic detail is repeated in the description of appearance? (“Extraordinary fire of the eye”, “demonic in the eyes” - these are the eyes of Satan, evil spirits, the bearer of EVIL)

- Why do people constantly turn to the usurer for money? (Slide number 11)
“This usurer differed from other usurers already in that he could provide any amount of money to everyone, from a poor old woman to a prodigal court noble.” "He gave money willingly ...".
- Why did the usurer give money willingly to both the rich and the poor? (For profit)
– The personification of what is the usurer himself and his portrait in the story ? (Slide number 12)
- What changes occur in people who associate themselves with the usurer?

X. Communication of microgroups (homework on the topic “What temptations and trials did each of the artists go through, choosing their own path to true art?”) (Slide No. 13)

  • Artist Andrey Petrovich Chartkov (Group 1) (Quotes to help those who answer - hyperlink: slide number 19)

“.. Too much has already been attributed to the former artists,” and “genius creates boldly, quickly.” "The same portraits and faces have already begun to bother him ...".
“... his brush grew cold and dull, and he ... was enclosed in monotonous, definite, long-worn out forms ...”.
“He was seized by a terrible envy, envy to the point of fury ... Having bought a picture, ... tore it apart, ... trampled it with his feet, accompanied by laughter of pleasure.”

  • Comrade Chertkova (Group 2) (Quotes to help those who answer - hyperlink: slide number 20)

From “an early age he bore a passion for art, with the fiery soul of a worker he plunged into it with all his soul, broke away from friends, from relatives, from sweet habits ..”, “..like a hermit, plunged from work”, “.. left himself as a teacher one divine Raphael.
“Pure, immaculate, beautiful as a bride, stood in front of him the work of the artist. Modestly, divinely, innocently, and simply like a genius, it ascended above everyone ... It was evident that everything extracted from the outside world, the artist first concluded in his soul and from there, from the spiritual spring, directed him with one consonant, solemn song ... "

  • The artist who painted a portrait of a usurer (group 3) (Quotes to help those who answer - hyperlink: slide number 21)

“With the blessing of the abbot, he retired to the wilderness .. There, for a long time, for several years, he exhausted his body, reinforcing it at the same time with the life-giving power of prayer.”
“The holy higher power guided your brush and the blessing of heaven rested on your work,” the abbot said to the artist, who managed to cleanse his soul from evil.

Teacher. So, Gogol is convinced that talent is God's gift and a person of art should in no case touch EVIL in his work, since it involuntarily begins to penetrate his soul, consciousness, and then creativity.

Message of the 3rd microgroup (homework on the topic “Advice and instructions from the father of the artist B. to his son”) (Slide No. 14)

- Which of the advice of a father to his son do you consider the most important? Why?

Teacher. In his discussions about the true art and the purity of the soul of the artist, telling the story of the struggle between good and evil, N.V. Gogol traditionally relies on biblical legends.

- What is the connection between the advice of the artist's father B. and the Sermon on the Mount of Christ? Prove it with text. One example: (Slide number 15)

In the text:

“A man who left the house in light festive clothes, has only to be splashed with one spot of dirt from under the wheels, and all the people have already surrounded him, pointing their finger at him, and talking about his slovenliness, while the same people do not notice many spots on other passers-by, dressed in everyday clothes. For stains are not seen on everyday clothes.

In the Bible:

“And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but you don’t feel the beam in your eye? ... Do not give holy things to dogs and do not cast your pearls before swine, so that they do not trample it under their feet and, turning, do not tear you to pieces.” (Bible Matthew: 7:1-14)


– What is the role of a person endowed with the “precious gift of God” in society? (Slide number 16)
– How do you understand the sayings of the classics about this?

XI. Homework:(the student chooses the task at will)

  • Write an essay on the topic “Does the second part of the “Portrait” refute or confirm the idea of ​​the omnipotence of evil?
  • Or create syncwines telling about artists (Chartkov, his friend, father of the artist B.)

XII. Reflection.(testing Presentation 2 , Annex 1 )


  1. Literature. Grade 8: Lesson plans (according to the program of A.G. Kutuzov) / Comp. L.M. Seregina - Volgograd: Teacher, 2003.
  2. B.Arapovich and V.Mattelmyaki. Children's Bible. Bible stories in pictures. Publisher: Russian Bible Society, Moscow, 1994
  3. http://www.eelmaa.narod.ru/urlit/materials/g1.html - Marantsman V.G. Material for studying the story of N.V. Gogol Portrait

slide 2

In 1834, lively debates were going on in society about the essence of art. The story is the response of N.V. Gogol.

People of art, musicians and artists, become the heroes of romantic works. These are people of a special warehouse - smart, vulnerable, sensitive. Therefore, they are in conflict with the whole world, they are incomprehensible to others, they are despised and poor, but the truth is on their side ...

slide 3

From the "Author's Confession"

“... when I began to think about my future ... the thought of a writer never crossed my mind, although it always seemed to me that I would become a famous person ... and that I would even do something for the common good ... but as soon as I felt that in the field of the writer I can also serve the state service, I gave up everything ... "

slide 4


"Nowhere did so many people stop as in front of the art shop in Shchukin's yard."

slide 5

“Everyone admires in his own way: the peasants usually poke their fingers; gentlemen are considered seriously; the footmen-boys and the boys-workers laugh and tease each other with drawn caricatures; old lackeys in frieze overcoats look only to yawn somewhere; and the merchants, young Russian women, rush by instinct to listen to what the people are babbling about and see what they are looking at.

slide 6

“At this time, the young artist Chartkov, who was passing by, involuntarily stopped in front of the shop.”

Find the portrait of the hero.

“The old overcoat and the unsmart dress showed in him that person who, with selflessness, was devoted to his work and did not have time to take care of his outfit, which always has a mysterious attraction for youth.”

Slide 7

What did Chartkov buy?

“... A portrait in large magnificent frames ... It was an old man with a bronze-colored face, high cheekbones, stunted; his features seemed to be seized in a moment of convulsive movement and did not respond to northern power. The fiery noon was imprinted in them. He was draped in a wide Asian costume ... The eyes were most unusual ... They just looked, looked even from the portrait itself ... "

Slide 8

“Tired and covered in sweat, he dragged himself to the Fifteenth Line on Vasilyevsky Island. He ... threw off his overcoat, placed the absentmindedly brought portrait between two small canvases and threw himself on a narrow sofa, which could not be said to be covered with leather, because a number of small carnations that once attached it had long since remained by themselves, and the skin also remained on top by itself ... "

What words of his professor did Chartkov remember at that moment?

Slide 9

Slide 10

“Vivat, Andrei Petrovich! .. Chartkov became a fashionable painter in every respect. He began to go to dinners, accompany ladies to dinners and even to festivities, dress smartly and even state publicly that an artist should belong to society, that his rank should be supported, that artists dress like shoemakers, they don’t know how to behave decently ... "

What events preceded this?

slide 11

“But did I really have talent?”

  1. What killed Chartkov?
  2. What are the terrible consequences of his death as an artist?
  • slide 12

    Part II

    “Can you paint a portrait that makes me feel completely alive?”

    slide 13

    “... a terrible usurer entered him. You are an artist? Draw a portrait of me. I may die soon, I have no children; but I don’t want to die completely, I want to live…”

    Think about whether the story "PORTRAIT" can be called fantastic? How are fantasy and reality connected in Gogol's romantic story?

    Slide 14

    1. Which of the characters, in your opinion, becomes the spokesman for the views of N.V. Gogol to art?
    2. How does a romantic writer decide on the purpose of art?
  • Slide 15

    extracurricular reading

    • Oscar Wilde "The Picture of Dorian Gray"
  • slide 16

    Slide 17

    Oscar Wilde (real name Oscar Fingal O Flaherty Wheels) poet, prose writer, playwright (1854 - 1900).

    Slide 18

    Philosophical novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray"

    The story of the moral fall of the aristocrat Dorian Gray. Despising morality "esthete" and clever Lord Henry becomes Dorian's spiritual teacher.

    Under his influence, the young man turns into a completely immoral person. Having proclaimed the meaning of life pleasure, the hero of the novel loses the idea of ​​good and evil.

    Slide 19

    Slide 20

    Dorian gray has a double - this is his own portrait, which has fantastic properties, once painted by his friend the artist Hallward.

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