City in the evening summary of the lesson in the preparatory group. Tamara Komarova - Classes in fine arts in the kindergarten preparatory group for school


Description of the material. I bring to your attention a summary of organized educational activities in the preparatory group on the topic "City Tour". This material will be useful to kindergarten teachers. This is a summary of a lesson on the formation of a holistic picture of the world, aimed at fostering patriotic feelings for a small Motherland. Target: To instill in children patriotic feelings, pride in their small homeland.
-expand children's ideas about architectural sights, the main industries of the city;
- fix the concept of address; teach children to navigate the streets of the city;
- to form an ecological culture, the desire to keep your city clean
- develop thinking, speech, communication skills;
-cause a desire to share impressions about your city
- to cultivate interest and desire to learn more about your hometown

Materials for the lesson:
Map of Russia, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Belebey town plan, slides with views of the city, the coat of arms of the city, models of dairy products, didactic games “Fold the picture”, “The fourth extra”, street name plates, presentations “I’m walking, walking around my native city”
Methodological techniques:
conversation, slide show, poetry reading, riddles, children's stories,
didactic games "Fold the picture", "The fourth extra".
preliminary work:
-viewing photos with views of the native city, the capital of Russia and the Republic of Bashkortostan;
- compiling creative stories and descriptions of the sights of the city;
- conversations with children "My route to kindergarten";
- reading poems about the Motherland;
-photo exhibition "Favorite places in my city";
- repetition of the home address;
- city walks

The course of educational activities:

(Children stand in a circle, greeting each other.)
Invented by someone simply and wisely
When meeting, greet and say:
- Good morning! Sun and birds!
- Good morning! Smiling faces!
And everyone becomes kind, trusting.
Let the good morning last until the evening!
caregiver. Guys, I have an interesting item in my box. I suggest you guess it according to my hint:
Standing on one leg
Turns his head.
Shows us countries
Rivers, mountains, oceans.
caregiver. Well done! You guessed it, it's a globe. Why do you think I brought the globe to the group? (Answers of children). That's right, I want to invite you to take a trip. What can a person travel on? (Answers of children). Yes, you can travel by any means of transport and even on foot.
We rode a horse, (We walk in place.)
We got to the corner.
We got into the car, (Running in place.)
Poured gasoline.
We drove by car
We arrived at the river. (Squats.)
Trr! Stop! U-turn. (Turn around.)
On the river is a steamboat. (We clap our hands.)
We went by steamboat
We reached the mountain. (We walk in place.)
The steamer is unlucky
You have to get on a plane.
The plane is flying,
It has a humming motor. (Hands to the sides, "flew")
Educator. Today we are going on a journey without leaving the group. Is everyone ready? Attention to the screen. (music plays)
slide show: Planet Earth, map of Russia, map of the Republic of Belarus, map of the city, streets, buildings.
During the show, questions to the children: what is the name of our Planet? Name the planets that are located next to the planet Earth? What is the name of our country? What is Motherland? Name words similar to this word. (Birth, fontanel, native, relative, parent)
caregiver.Listen to the riddle:
with this city
Others can't compare.
He is the head of the country
It is called ... (The capital.)
caregiver. What is the name of the capital of Russia? Which of you was in Moscow? What is the name of the capital of Bashkortostan?
So, we got to our hometown of Belebey. Tour guides will help us to travel around the city. But first, I would like to know what you know about our city.
The game "I'll start, and you continue"
We live in the city ... (Belebey).
The inhabitants of the city are called ... (Belebeyevites).
Our kindergarten is located on the street ...
There are kindergartens in the city ... (schools, shops, pharmacies, libraries, monuments, the House of Culture, the Ural-Batyr CSC).
Growing on the streets of the city: apple trees, poplars ... (birches).
We love our native ... (city).
And we want it to be beautiful, cozy and ... (clean).

caregiver.And here's another riddle for you:
Can't live a day without it
My family lives in it
I strive for it always and everywhere,
I will not forget the way to him,
I can hardly breathe without it
My dear, beloved ... (house).

caregiver. Yes, everyone has a home. What street do you live on? (Answers of children, pass the coat of arms of the city to each other).
Children examine and describe the coat of arms.
caregiver. And now our guys will take us through the streets of the city. (Children conduct excursions along the streets of Gorokhov, Pionerskaya, Amirov with a slide show). Consider the rest of the slides and guess on which street and near which building your parents photographed you. (Children's answers)
caregiver. I propose to identify the best connoisseurs of the city. We will hold a contest "Connoisseurs of the native city"
Holding a competition.The group is divided into 3 teams. Task: put together a picture depicting the buildings of the city of Belebey. Then show photos on slides. (Team responses.)
caregiver.Guys, I also want to take a tour of our city.
Slide show of a dairy factory building. Questions for children Q: What is the name of this company? What street is it on? If you have difficulty answering, a hint: pictures of a cow, a bag of milk. (Children's answers).
caregiver. Guys, this is the Belebeevsky Dairy Plant. What is produced on it? Do any of your parents or relatives work? Where have you seen these products? (Children's answers) I invite you to visit the store with the products of our plant. Showcase with dairy products. I suggest you shop. ( Children explain why they chose this product.) What dishes can be prepared from these products?
A discussion is held about the usefulness of dairy products.
I'm walking down the street
Mommy is walking by.
I see pigeons flying
I see a plane in the sky.
Here the cars go by
Clouds float across the sky
The branches of the trees are waving,
The birds are singing!
I smile at the faces
And they to me. How glad I am!
Hello, my beloved city!
Hello, hello kindergarten!
caregiver. Guys, growing up you will learn a lot of interesting things about the history of our streets, buildings, parks and of course about the people who lived and live in this city. Look at these slides and decide which of these four images does not apply to our city?
The didactic game "The Fourth Extra" is being held. Show slides with the correct answer. (the slides show buildings, ponds, monuments)
caregiver. Our short trip is over, but I am sure that each of you fell in love with our city even more. You have learned a lot about the city. Let's imagine that we have guests. What would you like to show them in our city? What place is most dear to you? (Answers of children).
caregiver. And at the end of our journey, let's say kind words about our city: "My city ..." (Children's answers)
Child reads a poem:
Belebey is a rainbow of colors!
Belebey is a sea of ​​flowers!
How I love you, a city from a fairy tale,
City of peace, poetry, masters (D. Michurin.)

Abstract of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group "Creating a book about winter"

Program content: clarify and generalize knowledge about winter; cause a positive emotional response to natural phenomena in the transfer of one's attitude by means of poetry, music and fine arts (color, shape, composition); develop imagination, learn to form a composition of a drawing, convey the color of winter; nurture interest in teamwork; create a book about winter.

Material: music P.I. Tchaikovsky "December" from the cycle "The Seasons", a recording of music by A. Vivaldi "Winter" (Concert No. 4 "The Seasons"); the story of S. Sedogo, M. Moskvina “Father Frost came to earth” (Murzilka magazine, 1999); reproductions of paintings by I. Shishkin "Winter", K. Yuon "The End of Winter", A. Plastov "First Snow", I. Grabar "February Blue"; A3 paper; gouache, pastel, watercolor with white.

Lesson progress: The lesson takes place in the music hall, the hall is decorated with Christmas trees, snowflakes, under the tree - a large snowdrift. The music of A. Vivaldi "Winter" sounds.

“There were times on earth when there was no winter. Spring was, and summer was, and autumn was. They just didn't live together."

Three girls enter, dressed in costumes of Autumn, Spring and Summer, and quarrel.

Autumn: I'm the first!

Spring: No, I'm the first!

Summer: I told you, I'm the first!

“The sisters quarreled for a long time. Mother nature was completely tormented, and then how she would scream at the whole Universe: “Who will put things in order on earth, in the end? Who will establish the normal course of time?”

Santa Claus enters, Spring, Summer, Autumn run up to him, push each other, argue.

Spring: Spring is here!

Summer: It's summer!

Autumn: It's autumn now!

“Grandfather frowned. Frost, hit the staff on the ground.

Santa Claus: It's winter!

Spring, Summer, Autumn: What kind of winter is this? - were surprised. We do not know any winter!

Santa Claus leads a girl dressed as a Snow Maiden out of a snowdrift.

Santa Claus: Here it is - Winter! She will be the first!

Spring, Summer, Autumn: What about us? What will happen to us?

Santa Claus: The second will be Spring, followed by Summer, then Autumn, and you will reign for three months, so that no one will be offended.

Winter: Grandfather Frost, I was just born and I don’t know what I am?

Santa Claus: Guys! Let's help Zima. Tell everything you know about winter.

Children talk, read poems, look at illustrations.

Winter: Guys, close your eyes, remember each of your picture and admire it, And now, before you forget anything, start drawing.

The kids get to work. For those who find it difficult, the teacher helps with advice. At the end of the drawing, everyone examines the work, chooses a picture for the cover, then sews the sheets into a book and gives it to Zima. Attention should be paid to the fact that children draw a beautiful book about winter.

Under blue skies

splendid carpets,

Shining in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river under the ice glitters.

A. Pushkin. Winter morning.

Winter has come

At night the wind howled like a wolf

And hit the roof with a stick.

Looking out the window in the morning

It's a magical movie

Rolled out the white canvas

Sketched bright stars

And winter slapped hats on the houses.

V. Fetisov

sad birch

By my window

And the whim of frost

She is dismantled<…>

I love the daylight game

I notice on her

And I'm sorry if the birds

Shake off the beauty of the branches.

Tips for the educator:

This lesson should be done as a final. Children in their drawings display everything that they have drawn for three months. Therefore, before class in a group or in an art studio, you need to arrange an exhibition of children's works on the topics “Winter”.

Abstract of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group Drawing with paints "All year round"

Program content

Independently find content for depicting the characteristic features of a particular month (optional), select suitable colors, arrange images well on a sheet, use various techniques in working with paints.

Lesson methodology

The lesson begins with reading Marshak's poem "January" from the book "All the Year Round". Then, on the call of the teacher, the children name the months in order, one after the other, along the way, recall the corresponding verses. Everyone chooses which month he wants to draw about, remembers what the poem says about him. When conducting a conversation with children, it is necessary to ask what kind of agricultural work is typical for a particular month. So, in April, plowing begins in the middle lane, sowing, in July - haymaking, in August the harvesting of grain is completed, and in September - the collection of vegetables and fruits. All this children can reflect in their drawings. Before starting work, the teacher says: “Think about where you will start and in what sequence you will draw, what shade of paper you need (children choose the one they need from the one laid out on the table), what paints you will need first of all.” Then he recalls how to cover large surfaces with liquid diluted paint: sky, grass, earth.

Upon completion, all drawings are placed on the stand in the order of the months of the year and are considered. Their discussion should be short, as the children have done difficult work, they are tired, and the lesson can be delayed. You should pay attention only to the selection of colors, to the filling of the sheet, the overall expressiveness of the picture. A detailed discussion of what is depicted is best transferred to a lesson on the development of speech and acquaintance with others.

Abstract of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group Drawing on the theme "City (village) in the evening"

Program content

To teach children to convey a picture of the evening city, its color scheme: houses are lighter than the night sky, multi-colored lights glow in the windows.

To consolidate the ability to draw up your idea compositionally, placing the images on a piece of paper accordingly.

Lesson methodology

Invite the children to remember what the city is like in the evening, what the houses look like. Remind about the diversity of houses in proportions and location on the street.

At the end of the lesson, consider the drawings, discuss with the children why it is clear that the evening has come, which of the children did it more successfully.

Preparing for the lesson

Ask parents to show the children the evening city. Make this observation in the garden. Pick up and review with the children the appropriate illustrations; leave them for a while in the group room.

Prepare dark paper, watercolor, gouache.

Abstract of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group Drawing on the theme "Forests of our Motherland"

Program content

Learn to convey the characteristic features of different tree species, arrange the trees in the drawing in such a way that a picture of the forest is created.

Lesson methodology

Recall with the children what types of trees they saw in the forest, ask who wants to draw what, what features they noticed in different trees (thickness and height of trunks, their color, location of branches, color of foliage or needles). Offer to tell how certain trees grow in the forest - some often, close to each other (trees), others separately, at some distance (birches, oaks). Remember that there are clearings in the forest.

Offer to outline first tree trunks, find places where to place them "in the forest", then draw branches, crown and, finally, shrubs, flowers, grass. To say that the trunks must be outlined with a pencil, the rest should be drawn immediately with paints. As you complete the drawing, make sure that the entire sheet is filled out.

When the work is finished, invite the children to talk about their drawings.

Preparing for the lesson

Show children paintings by artists that depict various forests. Talk with children about the fact that our country is rich in forests, that various trees grow in the middle lane, in the south and in the north. Tell that forests are being protected, new, young forests are being planted. If possible, it is good to involve the experience of children, their observations.

Drawing with children 6-7 years old. Summaries of classes Koldina Darya Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is "My city"

The theme of the week is "My city"

Lesson 43. The Kremlin

(Drawing in gouache)

Software content. Raise interest in the history of the native city. To learn to outline with a simple pencil the silhouettes of the towers and walls of the Kremlin, conveying their forms and structure. Continue learning to use different shades of the same color.

Demo material. Images of the Kremlin, the Spasskaya Tower, the Terem Palace, the Palace of Facets, the Tsar Cannon, the Tsar Bell, the bell tower of Ivan the Great, the Assumption, Archangel and Annunciation Cathedrals.

Handout. Album sheets, simple pencils, gouache, brushes, jars of water, palettes, rags.

Lesson progress

Introduce children to the history of the Moscow Kremlin through illustrations. “The Kremlin is the central part of Moscow, surrounded by a strong wall with towers. There are loopholes in the walls through which it was possible to shoot at enemies. And around the Kremlin - deep ditches. On the Spasskaya Tower there is a striking clock - chimes. Previously, city life was in full swing in the Kremlin. Inside the Kremlin in the Terem Palace lived the king and queen. The Ivan the Great Bell Tower was the tallest structure. From its top one could see the approach of enemies.

There are three cathedrals on Cathedral Square - Assumption, Arkhangelsk and Annunciation. In the center of the square is the Faceted Chamber. It used to host ceremonial receptions. Inside the Kremlin, you can see the huge Tsar Cannon and the Tsar Bell.”

Accompany the story with pictures. Explore the Kremlin battlements and towers with your children. Consider the Spasskaya Tower - it is high, below - a large rectangular base, above - a square part on which a round clock is located. At the very top of the tower is a star. Invite the children to draw a silhouette of the Kremlin (towers and walls) with a simple pencil on a sheet. And then arrange the work in color, using different shades of red.

Lesson 44. Evening city

(Watercolor painting)

Software content. Develop the ability to fit a composition into a sheet, draw different buildings, depict foreground and background. Learn to draw a night city using dark colors (mixing colors with black). Fix the technique of blurring paints. Develop a sense of composition and color.

Demo material. Images of the city at night (including the painting by K. Korovin "Night Paris").

Handout. Sheets of watercolor paper, simple pencils, watercolor paints, brushes, jars of water, palettes, rags.

Lesson progress

Consider with the children the image of the city at night. Describe the colors of the city at night (dark), the features of the contours (blurry). Please note that houses are different: large and small, high and low, long and short. Some houses are in front and partially block the houses behind them.

Read to the children excerpts from S. Marshak's poem "Night Page":

In front of you is the night page.

The capital is shrouded in darkness.

Trams go to rest

Trolleybuses rush home.

Glide lights down the alley

Descending from the Moscow hills

And every minute dimmer

Countless windows of houses.

Meeting at all crossroads

Lanterns run across the bridge.

And the sky above the city is in sparkles

Distant, barely visible stars.

Invite the children to outline the outlines of the houses with a simple pencil, transferring the foreground and background. Tell me the color scheme of the picture: suggest using dark colors for depicting houses and bright colors - yellow, orange - for lanterns and windows. Encourage the children to mix black paint with other colors to create dark colors. In this case, black paint should be taken very little, at the very tip of the brush.

From the book Modeling and application with children 6-7 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “Flowers” ​​Lesson 8. Chamomile in a vase (Colored and white paper. Application from cut out parts of the subject) Program content. Continue learning to cut out symmetrical silhouettes from paper folded in half. Strengthen the ability to cut circles from squares and cut

From the book Drawing with children 6-7 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “My Home” Lesson 21. Building a house (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. To form in children the ability to sculpt a house from rolled up columns, laying them on top of each other and firmly connecting them. Strengthen the ability to use the stack. Develop

From the book Drawing with children 4-5 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “My city” Lesson 22. The Kremlin (Eggshell. Fresco imitation) Program content. To acquaint children with the history of the creation of the Kremlin. Continue to teach yourself to come up with the content of the work. Learn to outline silhouettes with a simple pencil. keep learning

From the book Modeling with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “My home” Session 41–42. Houses of the three pigs (part 1–2) (Drawing with pastel crayons, sanguine, charcoal, wax crayons) Program content. Continue learning to make illustrations for fairy tales. Develop the ability to arrange objects on a piece of paper. Learn

From the book Drawing with children 5-6 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “Dishes” Lesson 9. Cup (Drawing with cotton swabs. Gouache) Program content. To teach children to draw large items of utensils from life with a simple pencil, placing it on the entire sheet. Learn to choose the right colors yourself, circle with dots

From the book Application with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week "Furniture" Lesson 11. Blanket for Vanyushka (Drawing with felt-tip pens) Program content. To teach children to decorate a rectangular object with colored stripes, alternating them in color. Learn to understand and analyze the content of the nursery rhyme. Cultivate a benevolent

From the book Drawing with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week “Clothes” Lesson 12. My winter hat (Brush painting. Gouache) Program content. Teach children to draw a hat with a simple pencil; paint over with gouache of different colors. Develop thinking, attention. Material. A large sheet with three hats painted (red,

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My house” Lesson 21. Houses for nesting dolls (Drawing with colored pencils) Program content. To teach children to draw small and large objects, consisting of a square and a triangle. Continue to learn how to compose a plot composition. Cultivate Responsiveness

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My city” Lesson 22. Masters from the City (Brush painting. Gouache) Program content. To acquaint children with the traditional craft of Gorodets, with the elements and color combinations characteristic of Gorodets wood painting; with products of Gorodets masters.

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My Home” Lesson 22. A house for a bunny and a rooster (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. To consolidate the ability of children to bring the product to the desired image with the help of plasticine. Learn to retell fairy tales based on illustrations. Demonstration material. Heroes

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My home” Lesson 41. Ice hut (Drawing with pastel crayons) Program content. Continue to acquaint children with cold tones. Learn to convey the characteristic features of objects using cold colors. Get to know the possibilities

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My city” Lesson 43. On my street (Drawing with a charcoal pencil) Program content. Introduce children to the history of their hometown. Show children the features of drawing with charcoal pencils. Learn to draw contours with a charcoal pencil

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My House” Lesson 22. A house for a bunny and a rooster (Colored paper. Application from prepared parts of the subject) Program content. Cultivate compassion and kindness. Teach children to make a whole out of several parts; apply glue to the part and stick

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My home” Lesson 22. Fence near the house (Brush painting. Gouache) Purpose. Continue to teach children to draw various objects consisting of combinations of lines. Learn to retell fairy tales based on the illustrations in the book. Develop speech, thinking. Demonstration

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “Easter” Lesson 32. Painted eggs (Stencil drawing with colored pencils) Purpose. Teach children to draw with a stencil. To acquaint with the Easter holiday. Demonstration material. Painted Easter eggs. Handout. Egg-shaped stencil with

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “Insects” Lesson 35. Bugs are walking (Brush drawing. Gouache) Purpose. Continue to teach children to draw familiar shapes, creating plot compositions. Develop thinking. Demonstration material. Pictures with insects (ant, butterfly, beetle, bee, dragonfly, mosquito,

Lesson: Collective drawing "My favorite city". Abstract

Author: Sorokina Natalya Valerievna, teacher of additional education
Place of work: MBOU DOD "Palace of Children's Creativity", Navashino, Nizhny Novgorod Region

This lesson on fine arts activities is intended for children 5-6 years old.
The methodological material will help teachers to captivate children, expand their knowledge, set them up for productive activities through a journey through their small Motherland.

Target: Learn to draw the sights and nature of our city together.

Educational: To consolidate and expand the knowledge of children about the small Motherland: to know the name of the country, the capital of the Motherland, the region and city where they live; sights of the city of Navashino, what the city is famous for.
Developing: To promote the development of speech, the ability to answer questions with related sentences, to draw conclusions. To develop the ability to use in the work a variety of brushes and devices (tampon, cotton swabs), to use different drawing techniques to give expressiveness to the drawing. Develop imagination, a sense of color.
Educational: To develop accuracy, neatness at work. The ability to bring the work started to the end. To cultivate the ability to work in pairs, negotiate among themselves, help, jointly solve the problem. To cultivate love for the small Motherland, a sense of respect for the people living and working in our city, the desire to make the city cleaner and more beautiful.

- magnetic board;
- tables and chairs according to the number of children.

Technical means:
- multimedia equipment;
- a music center with recording of the sounds of nature, songs by S. Trofim "A town called Navashino";

Tools and materials:
- half of whatman sheet;
- soft brushes No. 8, 2, 3; tampons; cotton buds;
- a simple pencil;
- gouache;
- napkin;
- palette;
- a jar under the water.

- diagrams of drawings;
- photos of the sights of the city of Navashino.

1. Organizational moment.
2. Theoretical part, motivational moment.
3. Practical part of the lesson.
4. Summing up, analysis of the work of comrades.
5. Evaluation of the lesson by the teacher.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizing time.
The teacher invites children to go on a trip to their native places of our city.
- How can you travel? (children's answers and choices)

2. Theoretical part, motivational moment.
Conversation: Before we go on a trip, I would like to know, do you know in which country you live? What is the name of our country? (Russia) Name the capital of our Motherland (Moscow).
(The teacher shows a map of the globe on the screen)
- What other cities of our great country do you know?
What is the name of the city where we live? (Navashino). What area do you live in? (Nizhny Novgorod).
Story: Our country Russia is very large, it has many cities, villages, villages. And the territory of our large country is divided into regions, that is, small cities and towns located near a large city belong to one region or another. For example: The large city of Nizhny Novgorod, and around the territory with small towns and villages belong to the Nizhny Novgorod region.
The teacher offers to go on a trip around the city of Navashino on the chosen mode of transport. (motion simulation)
- Is everyone comfortable? Then go!
What is our city famous for? (children's answers)
Our city is famous for the fact that at the large shipbuilding plant "Okskaya Shipyard" people stand ships and river boats.

The route of the Navashinsky ships
Glorious and distant
Through many rivers and seas
Traveled hundreds of miles.

(On the screen, the teacher shows slides with photographs of the sights of the city, the children name them).

3. Practical part of the lesson.
- And now we have arrived at our workshop of creativity, where I want to invite you to draw our city of Navashino with its various buildings, parks and recreation areas. Let's make our city bright, colorful, so that the people who live in it are always joyful and happy. What can be done for this?
That's right, we will use different colors, shades of colors in our work. You can use the palette, choose for work a variety of brushes in thickness and devices that we already know how to use.
Questions to reinforce: What brush will you use to paint the background and in what way? (drawing on a wet, widest brush). How will you paint the buildings to make them even and neat? (circle around).
- Well, you will work in pairs, try to negotiate and consult among yourself during work, because you must draw our city all together.
Children get to work, music performed by S. Trofim "A town called Navashino", "Motherland" sounds. The teacher supervises the work of children, unobtrusively gives recommendations. The children are finishing their work on painting the buildings.

Physical education minute
- And what should be done to make our city even more beautiful? Of course, decorate it with trees and flowers!
To draw foliage on trees, what tool would you use? (with a swab). It is convenient for them to draw lush foliage. Why do we need a cotton swab? That's right, it is convenient for her to draw small flowers.
The kids get to work. The music of nature sounds, the singing of birds.

- In such a green city, even the birds flew.

4. Summing up, analysis of the work of comrades.
- We've finished the job. Let's combine your drawings to make our town called Navashino.
Children examine the work, tell what they liked, recognize familiar places in the city.

5. Evaluation of the lesson by the teacher.
Today you worked together, everyone tried to help his comrade, and this made me happy. Well, our city turned out to be excellent! Unusually shaped buildings appeared in it, bright colorful houses with a variety of color combinations, perhaps someday they will appear in our city and decorate it.
What should we do to keep our city in order? (children's answers). Of course, keep it clean, do not litter, plant trees, shrubs and flowers. Well done!

Svetlana Lobanova
Thematic week "My city" in the preparatory group


Individual work on the development of speech with Ariadna Vika Andrey, target

Games: sedentary "Flies - does not fly"

Didactic Who works in our city target: fostering respect for the work of adults.

Conversation "My native Krasnoyarsk"

consideration (target) Get to know family city, its historical past and present; cultivate a sense of respect for distant ancestors.

N/T "Watering indoor flowers". Target: to enrich the experience of children in the ability to care for flowers: properly water ... Develop curiosity. Cultivate a sense of responsibility.


G Morning exercises 1-2 week of november(file cabinet)

P/D Errands/duty laundry dollhouse clothes: target: to bring up responsibility for the work begun.

C/GKN Development of self-education skills, formation of KGN, table etiquette Cultivate a habit. Dress and undress quickly, hang clothes to dry after a walk.

cognitive development

yavl. O. and. Volchkova V. N s. 112 "Memorable places of the native cities» Target: continue to introduce children to the sights. native cities: talk about the defenders of the Fatherland, introduce the monuments of Krasnoyarsk; educate patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland.


10.40 -11.10 Plasticineography « City» Target:Introduce children to the technique of plasticineography; to teach children to create an image by smearing and sticking one element to another; develop empathy, cultivate the desire to help a hero who is in trouble.

Physical Culture

Penzulaeva L. I. s. 32#28


H Observation The teacher leads the children to the pedestrian part of the road, conducts a conversation. Where are pedestrians supposed to walk? (On sidewalks.) It is necessary to adhere to the right side so as not to stumble, not to collide, not to go around oncoming people, turning to the side. Walk down the street at a leisurely pace. Cross the road only at a green traffic light and at a pedestrian crossing. The teacher leads the children to the transition. How did you know that this is where the pedestrian crossing is across the road? That's right, there's a sign here "Crosswalk" and wide white stripes are drawn on the road.

XC Artistic word Must remember a pedestrian: There are traffic lights - Obey them without argument! yellow light - warning: Wait for the signal to move. Green light opened road: Guys can go! Red light to us speaks: - Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed! On the street, be careful, children, Firmly remember these rules!

And didactic games "Count to ten" Count to ten, saying, for example, one snowflake, two snowflakes, three snowflakes (tree, house, star, etc.)

About Experiences "Steam is also water"

target: familiarization of children with some properties of water.

Target: keep working together.

Physical exercise: Development of movements. Target: to consolidate the skills of throwing objects at a distance

Individual work to consolidate the ATS

Outdoor games: "chauffeurs". Goals: learn to come up with various actions and depict them; talk about imaginary events.

Independent activity - games at the request of children


hardening procedures, gymnastics

Finger gymnastics

Gymnastics after sleep with massage elements is performed while sitting on the bed. (Card file) "Sun Bunnies".

Eye exercises.

Articulation gymnastics (Card file)

R Reading, storytelling

"Patch", N. Nosov

And Games desktop-printed Lotto, Puzzles.

Walk Games P / s "Sleeping Fox"- to form the ability to change the direction of movement on a signal, to develop coordination of movements, dexterity.

S/R Role-playing game

M / T Musical and theatrical activities / dramatization Circle on rhythmoplasty according to the leader’s plan

life safety fundamentals How to behave in public places

artistically creative activity:

Independent activity - games at the request of children

Working with parents Invite parents to participate with their child in the competition "Frames for Mom"


Morning Include children in the general mode of work, create a cheerful mood

Individual work To form the ability to consider and describe a toy. _Senya, Gleb, Slava.

Games: sedentary "Say the opposite"

Didactic "I will start and you continue", target: generalization of knowledge about sights cities.

Conversation Why are houses made of bricks?

consideration (target) Target: expand children's knowledge about houses, their construction.

Observation and work in a corner of nature Target: To expand the knowledge of children about the needs of plants in light and moisture, to teach how to recognize moisture-loving and drought-resistant, light-loving and shade-tolerant plants by the leaves.

Independent activity - games at the request of children

Morning exercises 1-2 week of november(file cabinet)

Assignments / duty in a corner of nature, target: clarify children's knowledge about caring for indoor plants (watering, loosening the soil).

C / GKN Development of self-education skills, formation of KGN, table etiquette to form the ability to organize game interaction, negotiate with game partners.

cognitive development


Pomoraeva I. A

S 55, #5 Target: Learn to compose the number 8 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers; to consolidate counting skills in forward and reverse order within 15; exercise in measuring the length of objects using a conditional measure; develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a cage.

Drawing Komarova T. S. s. 47#17" City(Village) In the evening" Target: To teach children to convey in the picture a picture of the evening cities, color coloring: the houses are lighter than the night air, multi-colored lights are burning in the windows. To consolidate the ability to draw up your idea, to arrange the image compositionally on the sheet. Develop aesthetic sense (colors, compositions). Learn to evaluate the expressive solution of the topic.

Music According to the plan of music. worker.

Walk Relieve tension, provide tone for physical and mental development

Tree observation. Spruce is like a pyramid, all its branches are covered with needles growing instead of leaves; they are short, sharp, prickly, dark green in color. The needles of the spruce are covered with a dense skin, they sit thickly and firmly on the branches, stick out in different directions, and do not fall off if they are touched. At the end of autumn, the trees are left without leaves, and the spruce remains green. Spruce branches are short at the top, long at the bottom, covered with short green needles. It is green in winter and summer. And the Christmas tree smells

art word

Two large pine trees stood side by side, And between them a Christmas tree grew, Two pine trees covered their girlfriend So that the winds did not break the top, So that the Christmas tree was beautiful.

Didactic games D / and “When does this happen? - systematize knowledge of the seasons and their signs.

Experiences "Water and Snow" Target: - empirically consolidate in children the knowledge that water has different states.

Labor Shoveling snow to the roots of trees.

Physical exercise: Balance exercise

Target: learn to run up and down the hill

Individual work to consolidate the police department Rodion, Andrey, Gleb.

Outdoor games: "Fishing rod"

Independent activity - games at the request of children


hardening procedures, gymnastics

Finger game " "Friendship",».

"Bugs" (Card file)

Articulation gymnastics (Card file)

Reading, storytelling

"Close together, bored apart", K. Ushinsky

Board games

Walk Games: mobile, creative, directing, constructive didactic

to/and "The buildings of our cities» .

di "Name it right".

Target: to develop observation, attention of children; learn group items for some reason.

C/R Plot - role-playing game "Family"

M/T Musical and theatrical activities/ dramatization corner: dramatization of favorite fairy tales - to develop artistry, to cultivate friendly relationships.

life safety fundamentals "How to behave in the streets cities» Target: to enrich the experience of children in dangerous life situations.

X/T Artistic creative activity: Napkin appliqué "Fairy house"

Games in the play areas at the request of the children.

R/R Work with parents Distribute receipts of payment to parents and remind them that payment is due by November 20th.


Morning Include children in the general mode of work, create a cheerful mood "I give you a smile"

Target: morning of joyful meetings.

Individual work Kolya, Slava Senya. Target: strengthening the ability to classify objects.

Games: sedentary "Edible - inedible". Target: to develop in children attention, dexterity, endurance. Raise interest in joint games.

Didactic "Along the paths of words"- to consolidate the ability to highlight the sound at the beginning and at the end of the word.

Conversation "My city, Divnogorsk"

consideration (target) enriching children with new knowledge about their native city.

Observation and work in a corner of nature Introduce children to a thermometer, a device that measures air temperature. Tell how it's done. Expand children's understanding of the world around them.

Independent activity - games at the request of children

Morning exercises 1-2 week of november(file cabinet)

Assignments / duty Dining room duty - to form the ability to interact in the process of joint labor activities: distribute responsibilities, negotiate among themselves

C/GKN Development of self-education skills, formation of KP, table etiquette Continue to form an understanding of the importance of work for others. Learn to solve problem situations, find the most suitable option with the help of a teacher.

OD 9.00– 9.30

Literacy training Varentsova N. S. No. 10 Target: Mastering the sound analysis of words; determine the length of words and make their graphic record. Improving the ability to select words with a given sound.

cognitive development

Volchkova V. N s. 115 "People who glorified our city» Target: to acquaint with the pride of our cities - poets, prose writers, musicians, artists; to cultivate a sense of respect for talented Divnogorsk residents; stimulate the desire to learn in such a way as to further glorify one's own city.

Physical Culture

(on the street)

Penzulaeva L. I

Target: Strengthen the skills of running with overcoming obstacles. to stop on a signal; repeat game exercises in pra and with the ball.

Walk Relieve tension, provide tone for physical and mental development

Birdwatching. Clarify which birds stayed over the winter, observe which of them flies to the feeder. Draw the attention of children that it is increasingly difficult for birds to get food; discuss how you can help.

Artistic word Poem by O. G. Zykova "Tits":

Oh, and cunning birds, Yellow-breasted tits. Only in a big cold These birds are friends with a woodpecker. Well, in the summer all the tits

They can feed themselves.

Didactic games "Third wheel" (birds) Target: - to consolidate children's knowledge about the diversity of birds.

Experiments to prove to children that air has no definite shape, spreads in all directions and has no odor of its own; - develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships based on elementary experimentation.

Labor Rake snow to the flower beds, "so that the flowers do not freeze".

Physical exercise: Running with side steps, with jumps

Individual work to consolidate the ATS Vika, Slava, Artem, Sasha F. Running with side steps, with jumps

Outdoor games: "Empty place" (OD - running)

Independent activity - games at the request of children


hardening procedures, gymnastics: invigorating, finger, for eyes, respiratory. Corrective (flat feet, scoliosis, psycho-gymnastics

Complex of gymnastics after sleep "Watch" (Card file)

Eye exercises.

Articulation gymnastics (Card file)

finger games "Walk"

Reading, storytelling

"About Boys and Girls", S. Marshak

Desktop and printed games Lotto "Letters and Numbers"

Games: mobile, creative, directing, constructive didactic

P / s "Fishing rod"- develop dexterity, speed of reaction

Di "Wonderful bag"

Target: teach children to identify objects by touch.

TV\u "Lacing".

Story - role-playing game

Musical and theatrical activities / dramatization Circle work "Visiting a fairy tale". Lobanova S. Yu.

OBZH Look at the illustrations of the rules of safe behavior in the yard - teach children to identify potential dangers in their environment and avoid them.

artistically creative activity:

Independent activity - games at the request of children

Working with parents Individual conversation with Rodion's mother about behavior.


Morning Include children in the general mode of work, create a cheerful mood

Individual work on paper construction - Rodion, Danil, Lisa K. Target: Enrich children's experience in proper paper folding. Develop fine motor skills.

Games: sedentary "Curious Barabara"

Didactic "My day".

Target: talk about the daily routine, learn to explain and prove your point of view

Conversation Attractions city ​​of Divnogorsk

consideration (target) target: the formation of ideas about the native city.

Observation and work in a corner of nature

Mark the weather with the attendants on the calendar.

Independent activity - games at the request of children To teach children to make structures from building material according to diagrams, three-dimensional images, to develop spatial perception.

Morning exercises 1-2 week of november(file cabinet)

Assignments/duty Duty for classes - to teach children to select handouts, count the right amount of materials for the lesson, lay them out on desktops; educate responsibility, diligence.

C / GKN Development of self-education skills, formation of KGN, table etiquette To cultivate neatness, respect for personal belongings, belongings of a friend, a culture of behavior in the locker room.

OD 9.00– 9.30

cognitive development


Pomoraeva I. A C 58, No. 6

Target: Learn to compose the number 9 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers; improve counting skills within 20; exercise in measuring the height of objects using a conditional measure; continue to develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a cage.


"Street of our cities» Target: Learn to convey in the drawing various houses, buildings located on one side of the street; consolidate technical skills and abilities; exercise in the ability to independently, choose means of expression, using traditional and non-traditional methods of painting; learn to place the image over the entire surface of the sheet, determining the location of individual objects.

According to the plan of music worker.


Dove watching. Even among ancient people, the dove was considered a symbol of peace and friendship. The bird, rare in beauty, is very easy to learn, quickly attached to a person. "But a dove has another quality - it is a wonderful postman. A person has long noticed the natural feature of a dove to find its nest, its home even at great distances. Do you know that wild pigeons are listed in the Red Book? There are almost no wild pigeons left in nature, here and in our area the wild pigeon is not found.

XC Artistic word

naughty boy

In a gray coat

Drifting around the yard

Collects crumbs. (Sparrow.) Who flies, who chirps -

Want to tell us something? (Magpie.)

Didactic games "Vice versa" Target: to develop children's intelligence, speed of thinking. The teacher calls the word, and the children must name the opposite (in a circle with a ball).

Experiments Compare a dove and a woodpecker.

Labor Shoveling snow into a certain place to build ice figures.

Target: to learn to work together, to achieve goals by common efforts.

Physical exercise: Development of movements.

Goals: to improve the techniques of throwing objects at a horizontal target.

Individual work to consolidate the police department Masha, Senya, Gleb.

Outdoor games: "We are funny guys", "Entertainers".

Target: learn to clearly speak the text in the game, follow the rules of the game.

S / D Independent activity - games at the request of children


Z/G Hardening procedures, gymnastics: invigorating, finger, for eyes, respiratory. Corrective (flat feet, scoliosis, psycho-gymnastics Complex of gymnastics after sleep "Bugs" (Card file)

Articulation gymnastics (Card file)

Breathing exercise "Cat".

finger game: "Who lives in my apartment?"

Reading, storytelling

"Flu", "Graft", A. Barto

Desktop and printed games "Journey through city»

Games: mobile, creative, directing, constructive didactic

P / s "Bouncers"- develop dexterity, speed of reaction in games with the ball.

Di "Pick a Pair". Improve the ability to select pairs of objects that match on a given basis (long-short, fluffy-smooth, warm-cold).

C/R Story-role-playing game "Library"- to teach to transfer the labor actions of a librarian in the game.

M/T Musical and theatrical activities/ dramatization "Quiz on Russian folk tales".

Target: remember with children Russian folk tales, their name and content.

life safety fundamentals "How to behave during the tour"

artistically creative activity:

coloring pages "Family", "House".

R/R Work with parents A conversation with the Samusev family about printing out coloring pages for children.


Morning Include children in the general mode of work, create a cheerful mood

Individual work "Say one word"Target: activate generalized words in speech. Danil, Rodion, Andrei, Kolya.

Games: sedentary “Who knows more polite words?”

Target: exercise children in the pronunciation of polite words, activate the vocabulary on this topic.

Didactic "When does it happen?"

Target: to develop children's ability to navigate in parts of the day.

Conversation "In which the city you live in (Oatmeal)

consideration (target) Target: To form children's ideas about their native village.

Observation and work in a corner of nature Watering flowers.

Target: to learn to work together, to achieve the task by joint efforts.

Independent activity - games at the request of children

Morning exercises 1-2 week of november(file cabinet)

Assignments/duties "Book Repair".

Target: teach children how to glue books, use glue and scissors correctly.

C / GKN Development of self-education skills, formation of KGN, table etiquette Continue to teach children to turn a sweater and shirt on the front side. Learn how to politely ask for help from peers

OD 9.00 – 9.30

Speech development

Gerbova V. V with. 31#5 Making up a story "That's the story".

Target. Continue to teach children to make up stories from personal experience. Then he listens to the story of the first child. Marks a good beginning or, conversely, says that the story would benefit if it started like this (suggests options).

move: The teacher asks if the children have done their homework.

Physical Culture

Penzulaeva L. And s. 34 No. 29

Target: Exercise children in walking with a change in direction of movement; jumping over a short rope; throwing the ball to each other; crawling on the gymnastic bench on all fours with a bag on the back.


Observation Invite the children to watch the snow fall beautifully and quietly to the ground. Consider snowflakes that have fallen on dark mittens or gloves. They are all different - needle-shaped and beautiful. Take off your mittens and watch the snowflakes melt as the snow turns into water

XC Artistic word

The white blanket is not made by hand. It was not woven or cut, It fell from the sky to the ground. (Snow.) He is always busy with business, He cannot go in vain. He goes and paints white everything he sees on the way. (Snow.)

Didactic games "What is she, a snowflake?" Invite the children to describe the snowflake (beautiful, cold, white)

Experiences "What is snow made of?", target: the formation of skills to consider snowflakes through a magnifying glass and draw conclusions.

Labor Collecting snow in a heap to build a slide. Target: keep working together.

Physical exercise: Jumping on one leg.

Target: - develop a sense of balance.

Individual work to consolidate the police department Dana, Vika, Sasha F.

Outdoor games: "Proteins in cells" (OD - running) learning Target: - develop attention and speed of reaction.

Independent activity - games at the request of children


hardening procedures, gymnastics: invigorating, finger, for eyes, respiratory. Corrective (flat feet, scoliosis, psycho-gymnastics.

finger game "family".

Complex of gymnastics after sleep "Bugs" (Card file).

Eye exercises.

Articulation gymnastics (Card file)

Reading, storytelling

Memorizing a poem "If I were a girl", E. Uspenskaya

Board games "Determine what's missing" Target: develop thinking, the ability to analyze objects and find common ground.

Games: mobile, creative, directing, constructive didactic

D / and "Who is gone (domestic animals)- develop observation, fix the names of the house. animals.

to/and "Fairy-tale houses made of cubes" Target: cause an emotional attitude to the building, develop artistic taste, imagination

P \ and OBZH " "Guide" Target: to develop a sense of responsibility for the other person.

C/R Story-role-playing game "Drivers" Goals: to teach children to assign roles and act according to the role they have assumed.

M/T Musical and theatrical activities/ dramatization Screening of educational films. "Little Raccoon" Target: cartoon Little Raccoon will show the kids how to be friends and how friendship begins.

life safety fundamentals "Beware of ice!"

artistically creative activity:

Modeling "Family talisman"

Independent activities - games at the request of children games at the request of children in the play areas.

Working with parents

Conversation with parents to participate in the competition "mommy frames"

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