Cities of the Golden Ring of Russia: a brief description of the full route. Three pearls of the Golden Ring of Russia... When the golden ring


The Golden Ring of Russia is a famous tourist route with a length of more than 1000 kilometers, which passes through the ancient cities of Vladimir-Suzdal and Moscow Rus'. The route includes about 20 cities of Moscow, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Kostroma, Yaroslavl and Tver regions. Here are concentrated historical and architectural monuments of the XII-XVIII centuries, which constitute the treasury of Russian culture. These unique sights are protected by the Russian state and UNESCO. The term "Golden Ring" was attached to this tourist route in the 60s of the last century. Then the journalist Yuri Bychkov made a series of essays on the pages of the newspaper Sovetskaya Rossiya about eight cities to the northeast of Moscow, which stand out for their rich cultural and historical heritage. Today this phrase, used for the first time in 1967, is widely known in Russia and abroad. The Golden Ring includes eight main cities of Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov the Great, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Suzdal and Vladimir.

The idea to "circle" ancient Russian cities belongs to the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments. In 1974, the first guide "On the Golden Ring of Russia" was published.

It will take almost a month to make a full journey along the route. Therefore, it is better to travel around the ancient Russian cities on small tourist routes that take 2-3 days. Moscow will serve as your starting point. The most convenient way, of course, is to travel in your own car. Then you will not be tied to a tourist group and will be able to turn into those cities and towns along the way that were not included in the traditional route. We assure you that these places are no less attractive for tourists. In addition, this way you can fully enjoy the beauty of the Golden Ring.

Travelers are struck by the very atmosphere of Russian provincial cities, the lack of fuss and measured life. Wonderful nature pacifies with its discreet beauty. Particularly attractive are the picturesque places of the Volga coast, the Kotorosl River, Lake Pleshcheeva, Lake Nero. The nature of central Russia is attractive at any time of the year. On the banks of rivers and lakes there is enough space for walks and picnics. All stages of the development of ancient Russian architecture are represented in cities and villages: majestic white-stone churches of the 12th-13th centuries, hipped buildings of the 16th century, buildings of the 17th century, creations of the architectural and painting schools of Rostov, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Vladimir.

Numerous historical monuments - fortresses, monasteries and temples testify to the great importance of each of the cities of the Golden Ring in the ancient and royal periods of history. Each city has its own unique architecture. The myriad of Orthodox monasteries, shrines and temples located in this region attracts a large number of pilgrims. And Suzdal and Rostov the Great are real open-air museums. In Suzdal, for example, there are practically no cars. On the streets of the city you will meet mostly pedestrians and horse-drawn carriages. This is a reserve of old, pre-Petrine Rus' with the Kremlin, Pokrovsky and Spaso-Evfimiev monasteries, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, a museum of wooden architecture.

In addition to architecture and holy places, during the trip you can get acquainted with the folk crafts of the Russian people. The museums of many cities contain samples of ancient art crafts: wood and bone carving, products of skilled lacemakers and jewelers, lacquer miniatures and painting on enamel (finift) and much more.

Recently, the tourist business has been intensively developing in the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia, so in almost any city you can find excursion services, an acceptable hotel, cafe or restaurant. They say that the best way to understand and know great Russia, to feel the real Russian soul is to drive through the historical places of the Golden Ring, see historical monuments with your own eyes, enjoy ancient architecture, art and painting, see ancient icons of ancient Russian masters.

The Golden Ring of Russia is the most popular tourist route that residents of Moscow and the Moscow region enjoy exploring on weekends. And residents of other regions of Russia travel many kilometers to visit ancient Russian cities and villages. The term "Golden Ring" was coined in the 20th century by the writer Yuri Bychkov in the process of creating essays published in the newspaper "Soviet Culture". It is interesting that the cities of the popular route really form a kind of ring on the map northeast of Moscow. The route passes through ancient cities and villages, where the most ancient monuments of architecture, art and culture have been preserved. A tour of the Golden Ring involves not only visiting ancient Russian monasteries, museums, churches, but also a complete immersion in the atmosphere of Ancient Rus'. To make a trip along the Golden Ring means to get to know great Russia more deeply.

The Golden Ring includes eight main cities:

2. Sergiev Posad

7. Ivanovo

Interest in the Golden Ring is so great that cities such as Rybinsk, Gus-Khrustalnye, Kalyazin , Murom, Myshkin, Ples, Uglich, Alexandrov and others. In my opinion, these cities are no less interesting to visit, but today we will focus on the Big Eight.

Each of the cities included in the Golden Ring of Russia is unique and does not look like a neighbor. Each of them has preserved valuable monuments of ancient Rus', so I suggest you read more about each city.

This city with a thousand-year history is the center of art, culture of ancient Rus', formed on the banks of the Pizherma River. The first mention of the city flowing into Lake Nero appeared in the records for 862. Rostov began to be called Great in 1137, and in the second half of the 11th century it became the center of the Rostov-Suzdal Principality. For many years it has not lost its significance as a religious center.

The main attractions that amaze the imagination are located on the territory of the Kremlin (the former residence of the Metropolitan), here is the famous Assumption Cathedral. In addition, going to the city-museum, where the precious treasures of Russian culture are located, you should visit the stone buildings of the 18th-20th centuries. Here, each building is imbued with the spirit of antiquity ... You probably saw this white-stone Kremlin in the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession", when the guards ran after the main characters. If you want to visit the most ancient monastery of North-Eastern Rus', then go to the Avraamiev Epiphany Monastery, founded by Saint Abraham in the 16th century, the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery deserves no less attention - they set the tone for the architectural appearance of Great Rostov! Pseudo-Gothic completions of the towers, picturesque combinations of different styles give the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery a special charm, turning it into a fabulous place that fits perfectly into the lakeside landscape. Rostov chimes are a heritage of world culture! Listening to the 13 bells of the belfry, you seem to be transported back many centuries. It is interesting that each bell sounds in a special way!

Review of the excursion to Rostov the Great

How to get to Rostov the Great

Rostov the Great is located about 220 km from Moscow. If you go by car, then you need to move along the Yaroslavl highway, the travel time without traffic jams is about 3.5 hours.

You can get to Rostov Veliky on your own from the Yaroslavsky railway station by train that goes to Yaroslavl (just make sure there is a stop in Rostov). There is no direct train from Moscow, you will have to go with a transfer at Alexandrov 1 station (travel time is about 4.5 hours).

Sergiev Posad

This is a city that gradually formed around the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. According to legend, Sergius of Radonezh, together with his brother Stefan, was looking for a place where they could pray to God and live as hermits. Finally, such a place was found - here they cut down a cell, a hut, a church. Bartholomew (Sergius of Radonezh), unlike his brother, remained here forever, taking tonsure and christening himself Sergius. Gradually, a monastery was formed, over time it gained fame throughout Rus'.

The significance of the city grew along with the enlargement of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery: in 1744 it received the title of Lavra, and in 1782 the settlements began to be officially called the city of Sergiev Posad. The Trinity-Sergius Lavra is a unique architectural ensemble created by the best architects of the 15th-19th centuries. It includes more than 50 unique buildings. The earliest building is the cross-domed Trinity Cathedral made of white stone - many tourists dream of seeing this miraculously preserved example of Moscow white stone architecture of the XIV-XV centuries. Surprisingly, it is a fact that famous icon painters Andrey Rublev and Daniil Cherny worked on the iconostasis of the cathedral. The Trinity-Sergius Lavra is not just a monastery, because we are talking about the largest spiritual and religious center! Do you know that the Trinity Cathedral is a place of pilgrimage for Orthodox who venerate St. Sergius of Radonezh? It was he who became his tomb, in addition, this is the first stone building in the ensemble of the monastery. Nikonovskaya Church adjoins the Trinity Cathedral from the south, at the western half of the southern wall of the cathedral there is the Serapionovskaya tent (over the relics of Archbishop Serapion, moreover, Dionysius of Radonezh is buried here). The Spiritual Temple is an equally significant place that attracts thousands of tourists. This is a classic of Pskov architecture. Pay attention to the Assumption Cathedral, however, since this is the largest building of the monastery, you are unlikely to leave it unnoticed. Directly adjacent to it is the grave of Boris Godunov and his family. Undoubtedly, while in Sergiev Posad, you should also visit the Church of the Presentation of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, along with the Church of the Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, because we are talking about the oldest churches in the city. Do not forget about the Ilyinsky, Ascension churches, located behind the monastery. The no less popular toy museum will amaze your imagination, which presents the most extensive collection of toys of all times and peoples. Buying crafts near the walls of the Lavra means doing a charitable deed, since St. Sergius himself cut the toys.

Review of the trip to the Trinity-Sergeev Lavra

How to get to Sergeeva Pasada

Sergiev Pasad is located about 55 km from Moscow along the Yaroslavl highway. You can get there on your own by train from the Yaroslavl railway station, the journey time is about 1 hour 30 minutes.

Founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, the city is located on the banks of the picturesque Lake Pleshcheyevo. Pereslavl-Zalessky is rightly called one of the most protected cities. For a long time it was the capital of the Russian principalities, since the residence of the son of Alexander Nevsky - Dmitry Pereslavsky was located here, he was also the Grand Duke of Vladimir. Today the city is the largest center of Orthodoxy; here you can visit many architectural complexes of monasteries and churches. Fans of antiquity will appreciate the numerous monuments of Russian architecture, including the archaeological site "Kleshchinsky Complex". The city is also rich in museums - on its territory there are original thematic museums of masks, teapots and steam locomotives. Being in the Pereslavl region, pay attention to the "Botik Peter" - a memorial complex located in the suburban village of Veskovo. This is one of the first provincial museums in Russia, it will introduce you to the history of the Russian fleet from Peter the Great to the present day! Everyone who has visited this city never ceases to admire the beauty of the Transfiguration Cathedral - this is the only white-stone temple of North-Eastern Rus' that has come down to us in complete safety. It was here that Pereslavl princes were baptized, including Alexander Nevsky. Do you know that the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior also served as the tomb of the Pereslavl specific princes?! Of course, no less attention should be paid to such sights of the Pereslavl Territory as Lake Pleshcheyevo, where Peter I built the “amusing flotilla” that laid the foundation for the Russian fleet. On its shore, near the ancient settlement of Kleshchin, there is another amazing place! We are talking about the famous "Blue Stone" weighing 4 tons, half grown into the ground. It is an unchanging object of pagan worship. At the end of the excursions, it remains only for the last time to feel the calmness and comfort of the narrow streets, forever leaving a piece of this amazing city in your heart ...

Review of the trip to Pereslavl-Zalessky

Museums of Pereslavl-Zalessky

How to get to Pereslavl Zalessky

Pereslavl Zalessky is located about 150 km from Moscow along the Yaroslavl highway. On your own, you can take a bus from the Shchelkovsky bus station in about 3.5 hours.

Founded in 1010, the city of Yaroslavl is rich in architectural and cultural monuments. It is noteworthy that this is the only city that has such an impressive number of beautiful works of medieval murals. After joining the Moscow principality in 1463, it became a major trading center in Russia. In 1820-1830. completed the reconstruction of the historical center of Yaroslavl, which formed its current appearance. The history of the city is inextricably linked with such great names as Prince Pozharsky, poet Nekrasov, singer Sobinov, etc.

This most ancient city, located on the Volga, is also the most beautiful in the Volga region. There are 140 architectural monuments on its territory. Today the city is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The pearl of ancient Russian architecture is the Church of Elijah the Prophet - this is the earliest of the Yaroslavl churches of the 17th century. The solemn temple with five domes is also famous for its rich interior decoration. The outstanding architectural ensemble of Yaroslavl in the Korovnitskaya Sloboda, formed in the second half of the 17th century on the right bank of the Volga, evokes a lot of emotions among tourists who never cease to admire its beauty. We are talking about buildings merging together (the warm church of the Vladimir Mother of God and the cold church of St. John Chrysostom, the bell tower). No less popular among tourists is the Church of John the Baptist - this is the pinnacle of Yaroslavl architecture of the 17th century, moreover, it is recommended by UNESCO for showing to tourists! Grandiose in size, it dazzles with the luxury of patterns and paintings. This is a whole encyclopedia of biblical stories, which have no equal in world art! The unique Ensemble of the Tolga Monastery, the Church of the Savior, the Art Museum - all these unique sights, of course, also deserve your close attention!

Review of the trip to Yaroslavl

How to get to Yaroslavl

Yaroslavl is located 265 km from Moscow. By car, the road will take about 4.5 hours along the Yaroslavl highway. On your own, it is most convenient to get to Yaroslavl by express train, which takes only 4 hours. In addition, it is convenient to get to Yaroslavl by train, you can buy a ticket for a night train.

This major tourist center with a rich cultural and historical heritage began with the construction by Prince Vladimir Monomakh of a stronghold for the protection of the Rostov-Suzdal Principality in 1108. Officially, the city of Vladimir was founded in this year. Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky contributed to the growth of Vladimir, it was he who moved the capital of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality here. The rapid development of the city was interrupted in 1238 during the invasion of the Tatars.

Today, in this city of memories and shrines, there are 239 buildings of the XVIII-XIX centuries, protected by the state. Here, every centimeter is saturated with the spirit of antiquity! Numerous architectural monuments of the Vladimir-Suzdal school are concentrated in Vladimir. First of all, we are talking about the fortress Golden Gate, which was rebuilt in the XVII-XVIII centuries. This white stone triumphal arch with a semicircular vault is the most valuable monument of defensive architecture.

Be sure to visit the famous white-stone cathedrals of Vladimir: Uspensky and Dmitrievsky. The Assumption Cathedral, rebuilt in 1189, is a 6-pillar temple of incredible beauty! Its interior is richly decorated with fragments of frescoes of the 12th-13th centuries, as well as frescoes made by Rublev and Cherny. The cathedral was ruined many times, burned down, but in 1888-1891 after the restoration it was restored. The 4-pillared Dmitrievsky Cathedral, built in 1194-1197, is distinguished by rich decorative carvings on the facades. This is a unique monument of Vladimir-Suzdal white-stone architecture, built by Prince Vsevolod Yuryevich Big Nest in the name of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica. Also, the attention of tourists is attracted by the numerous churches of the city of the XVII-XVIII centuries: the Assumption of the Virgin, Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Nikita, etc. Vladimir is a city that amazes tourists not only with its impressive size, but also with the beauty and grandeur of golden-domed temples and peaked towers. Connoisseurs of antiquity, wandering through the streets, enjoy the atmosphere of antiquity, which this amazing city keeps in itself ...

Review of the trip to Vladimir

How to get to Vladimir

Vladimir is located about 235 km from Moscow along the Gorky Highway. On your own, the fastest way to get there is by Sapsan, longer, but cheaper, by a simple train.

The city, founded in 1152, was at that time an outpost of the northeastern borders of Rus'. During the Tatar-Mongol invasion, it was devastated and burned. However, Kostroma managed to recover very quickly, a certain merit in this belongs to the Grand Duke of Vladimir Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. It is interesting that this city is called nothing more than the “younger sister” of Moscow, which is not surprising, because Kostroma was founded at about the same time as Moscow. Today Kostroma is an ancient city with a long history, which has undergone many riots and devastation. It pleases tourists with numerous attractions. Among the most significant monuments are, first of all, the Ipatiev Monastery, as well as the Epiphany-Anastasinsky Monastery, along with the Torgovy Rows. The Ipatiev Monastery was first mentioned in chronicles in 1432. Do you know that it was here that sixteen-year-old Mikhail Romanov was called to the kingdom?! The territory of the monastery is divided into Old and New Towns. As for its compositional center, we are talking about the monumental five-domed Trinity Cathedral and the belfry. The Bishops' Corps (XVIII century), the Romanov Chambers (XVI century), the Fraternal Corps (XVIII century) - these buildings are unique historical monuments! Former shopping malls are no less significant sights of the city. Their construction was carried out in the center of Kostroma in 1775. In addition, the attention of tourists from all over the world is attracted by the Epiphany-Anastasia Monastery, founded in the middle of the 15th century by Elder Nikita (a relative, a student of St. Sergius of Radonezh). It is here that the Kostroma miraculous icon of the Mother of God Feodorovskaya is located - this is the main shrine of the entire Kostroma region!

Review of the trip to Kostroma

Restaurants and cafes in Kostroma

Museums in Kostroma

How to get to Kostroma

Kostroma is located 350 km from Moscow along the Yaroslavl Highway. It is most convenient to get on your own by fast train (about 6 hours on the road).


Located on the Uvod River, the "city of brides" Ivanovo was formed in 1871 by the merger of the old flax processing center (the village of Ivanovo) and the industrial Voznesensky Posad. This city is interesting, first of all, because it is the only one represented by relatively young architecture of the 19th-early 20th centuries. The first textile manufactories appeared here already in the 17th century; linen fabrics were in demand not only in Russia, but abroad! In architectural terms, the city is distinguished by historical monuments dating back to the era of constructivism, we are talking about a house-ship, a house-horseshoe, etc. During the construction, the best materials were used: rare woods, marble, bronze. These buildings give Ivanovo a certain flavor. The attention of tourists, in addition, is attracted by the historical center of Ivanovo, consisting of former merchant houses of the 19th century, as well as the industrial architecture of the 19th century. A tour of Ivanovo would not be complete without a visit to the Shchudrovsky tent, built in the 17th century, this ancient civil brick building got its name from the merchant Osip Shchudrov. Also be sure to visit the legendary Burylin's mansion, built in 1904 for the manufacturer, creator of the Museum of Industry and Art D.G. Burylin. Now here is the Museum of Ivanovo chintz. The laying of the foundation stone of the Holy Vvedensky Church, the funds for the construction of which were collected from private donations, is also impressive. The author of the project is the famous architect P.G. Begen.

In 1024, Suzdal was first mentioned in chronicles as an existing city. In the 11th century, Suzdal became the capital of the Rostov-Suzdal Principality. However, during the invasion of the Crimean Tatars, the six-month siege of the Polish-Lithuanian interventionists, the city was badly damaged. Instead of the affected churches, white-stone churches and monasteries were later built. In accordance with the decision of the government of 1967, Suzdal subsequently became a museum city. By the 16th century, there were already eleven monasteries here. Today, Suzdal is rightfully considered a symbol of Russian antiquity, moreover, it is the most visited city of the Golden Ring, which is not surprising, since over 200 historical monuments of Russian culture are concentrated in it. Your trip to Suzdal will not be complete without a visit to the oldest part of the city - the Suzdal Kremlin, located in the bend of the Kamenka River. Here, the moats of the fortress have been preserved along with the ensemble of the Bishop's Court with the ancient Nativity Cathedral, Bishops' Chambers, St. Nicholas Church. We recommend visiting the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin, which was built of tuff-like limestone, previously in its place was a plinth church from the time of Vladimir Monomakh. The facades are decorated with figures of lions and intricate ornaments. The Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery also attracts the attention of tourists from all over the world. We are talking about a male monastery founded by Prince Boris Konstantinovich in the 13th century.

Review of the trip to Suzdal

How to get to Suzdal

Suzdal is located 220 km from Moscow along the Gorky Highway. On your own, without transfers, you can get by bus from the Shchelkovsky bus station. By rail, you can get to Vladimir, and then transfer to a bus to Suzdal.

Of course, in order to travel around all the sights of the cities of the Golden Ring, it takes a lot of time, it takes several days to get to know each of them. Only in this case you will be able to enjoy all the splendor of the cities of the Golden Ring, to know the great and mighty Russia...

Nothing compares to the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia, because nowhere else in Russia there are so many attractions, architectural monuments and rich history. The golden ring is divided into two parts: large and small. The large one includes 8 cities, which are driven by specialized buses with a guide, and you can get to the small one only by following the route on your own transport.

gold ring of Russia

The structure includes 8 main cities:

  • Sergiev Posad;
  • Pereslavl-Zalessky;
  • Kostroma;
  • Rostov the Great;
  • Yaroslavl;
  • Suzdal;
  • Vladimir;
  • Ivanovo.
  • Sergiev Posad.

The city of Sergiev Posad is one of the closest places to Moscow from the list of the Golden Ring of Russia. It is located near the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Main attractions:

  1. The main historical monument is the Monastery of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, which is still active today;
  2. Krasnogorsk trading rows - the building was founded in 1902, and 18 years later it was subject to restoration due to a fire that occurred in it;
  3. The old monastery hotel - for almost 2 centuries it has undergone both destruction and restoration;
  4. White Pond - its creation dates back to the time of the siege of the monastery, and it was much larger than now;
  5. “Horse Yard”, previously a stable at the monastery, and at the beginning of the 20th century became a real museum.

You can see these and many other monuments of architecture and urban planning by visiting this cozy and small town.


Oddly enough, the construction of the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky also belongs to the reign of Yuri Dolgoruky. It was built on the shores of the famous Lake Pleshcheyevo. Main attractions:

  1. The Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior was founded in the 12th century by order of Yuri Dolgoruky. It is also famous for the fact that it was in this cathedral that Alexander Nevsky was baptized;
  2. "Boat of Peter 1" - a museum dedicated to the first Russian emperor;
  3. An original and unsurpassed museum you can find only in this city - the Iron Museum. The collection includes over 200 different types of irons from before the age of electricity;
  4. “Horse in a Coat” is a museum created not so long ago, but already beloved by many, dedicated to peasant life.

Many historical sights and temples, a large number of various museums, as well as the “magic” Blue Stone - all this you can visit? driving along the Golden Ring to this city.


  1. Volzhskaya embankment. Its founder is Alexander 1. He was not satisfied with the careless appearance of the banks of the Volga? and an order was given for the improvement of these places;
  2. The Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve is the largest museum, which contains not only household items, but also icons, church utensils, and manuscripts;
  3. Monument of architecture and architecture of the XVII century - the Church of Elijah the Prophet;
  4. An architectural monument also of the 17th century - the chambers built for the Metropolitan of Rostov and Moscow;
  5. “Karabikha” is a museum dedicated to the work and life of N. A. Nekrasov.

Arriving in Yaroslavl, you will never forget the splendor and beauty of this city.

Rostov the Great

This city, which is part of the Golden Ring of Russia, began its life in 862. What attractions are there in this quiet and peaceful place?

  • Rostov Kremlin. It is not like other places in Russia, it is distinguished by its uniqueness and picturesque view;
  • Church of Hodegetria differs in its appearance from other churches that belong to the Rostov Kremlin. Made in the Baroque style;
  • On the territory of Rostov you will find an unusual enamel museum. Enamel - so called enamel in Ancient Rus';
  • One of the new museums is "Princess Frog". For the local population, the frog was a sacred creature. In the museum you will find at least 2,000 different types, forms, and styles in which the swamp dweller is made.

In Rostov the Great you will experience a storm of emotions and impressions. Once there, you seem to be transported back a thousand years.


Who built this city is still unknown. But the important thing is that this is one of the capitals of Ancient Rus'. Main attractions:

  1. Not far from the village of Bogolyubovo is the famous Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. Its foundation dates back to the period 1158-1165.
  2. Demetrius Cathedral was built in the XII century. He did not escape the invasion of the Mongol-Tatar yoke;
  3. Another historical monument is the Golden Gate.
  4. In the 16th century, a cherry orchard was planted for the Patriarch of All Rus', which after some time was called the Patriarchal.

Walking along the streets of Vladimir, you will plunge into history, which is mixed with modernity.


More than 30 km from Vladimir is another city that is part of the Golden Ring of Russia - Suzdal. Here are the attractions waiting for us here:

  1. Open air museum dedicated to wooden architecture. Here you can see buildings of the 17th-19th centuries, ranging from a peasant's hut to merchant housing;
  2. “Shchurovo Settlement” is a museum, entering which you seem to be transported by a time machine to Ancient Rus';
  3. Of all the shrines of Suzdal, the Intercession Monastery, built in the 14th century, deserves more attention.

In Suzdal, will you feel incredible peace and comfort walking through historical places? you can imagine the life of the ancient Russian state.


This is the youngest city on the list of the Golden Ring of Russia. The main attractions of Ivanovo are:

  1. House-ship. It was built according to the project of the architect from Moscow D.F. Fridman. It includes the style directions of constructivism in combination with symbolism, as well as romanticism;
  2. Just 20 years ago, the Holy Vvedensky Convent was built;
  3. In the 20th century, the Düringer manor was built - this place, covered with mysticism and mysteries, will not only delight with its beauties, but also make you think about its legends.

Ivanovo is not only a “city of brides”, but also one of the historical monuments of Russian history.


The layout of the city is rather unusual: all the streets of Kostroma literally “flow down” to the banks of the Volga. What are the main sights of Kostroma you can see:

  1. By visiting the Ipatiev Monastery, you will plunge into the historical past. It was in this place that Mikhail Romanov was elected to the throne.
  2. Even in the summer, you can visit the real “Terem Snegurochka”, the granddaughter of Father Frost lives in Kostroma.
  3. A cultural and architectural monument of the 17th century is the Church of the Resurrection on Debre.
  4. If you come to Kostroma, be sure to visit the Museum of Unique Dolls and Toys.

You can see these and many other monuments of architecture and architecture when you come to Kostroma.

Having traveled through the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia and seeing their sights, you will feel all the historical value and realize how important these places have played in the life of today's Russia.

The Golden Ring is the main tourist route of the country, popular not only among Russian, but also among foreign travelers. It includes ancient cities located relatively close to Moscow, in which medieval fortresses, monuments of church and civil architecture of the 12th-19th centuries have been preserved. The route is popular not only because of the unique sights, but also due to the transport accessibility and convenient location of the cities of the Golden Ring relative to each other. Traveling along the Golden Ring of Russia allows you to see the oldest and most important monuments of Russian architecture in a short time, to visit those cities where the most important events of Russian history took place.

Cities of the Golden Ring of Russia

The list of Golden Ring cities is controversial. A number of cities are full members of this "golden" community:,. It remains in doubt: this city cannot be compared with the history or number of monuments listed above, it has never been a princely capital.

On the other hand, tiny, but very ancient and interesting cities, younger ones, and a number of others, rightfully claim to be included in the Golden Ring route.

Sometimes cities from the main list are called the Great Ring of Russia, and settlements from the debatable list are called the Small Ring.

Tours and excursions around the Golden Ring

Tours around the Golden Ring are very popular. As a rule, tour operators offer bus tours. Cities are located nearby, so transfers usually do not take more than 3-4 hours. This method allows you to see the main attractions in a short time. Usually excursions take from 3 to 7 days: it all depends on the number of cities included in the program.

Of particular interest are river cruises along the Golden Ring. , and are located on the banks of the Volga, so it is very convenient to visit them while traveling by boat.

Journey around the ring of Russia

Traveling around the cities of the Golden Ring can be organized independently. Even in small towns, you can always rent a hotel, apartment or guest house. At the same time, there are no problems with the transfer: the settlements are connected either by rail or bus routes, or both at once. In small towns like public transport does not work very well, but this is not necessary: ​​one day is enough to get around all the sights of the city on foot, they are all concentrated in the historical center.

Sights of the Golden Ring

Each of the cities of the Golden Ring boasts a huge number of attractions - ancient churches, monasteries, defensive structures and others.

In Vladimir, you should definitely see the Assumption and Dmitrievsky Cathedrals, the Golden Gate, as well as the sights of the Vladimir suburb - the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl and the Bogolyubovsky Monastery.

There are several monasteries in the area, as well as a nature reserve, an amazing natural monument. So here you can combine cultural and beach holidays.

Among the cities of the Small Ring, one of the most popular is: it is interesting not only for the events that took place here (the mysterious murder of the heir of Ivan the Terrible, the young Tsarevich Dmitry), but also for the temples that have survived to this day. However, if you have free time, it is worth visiting all the cities from the small list above: each has its own zest and charm, this especially applies to the Volga cities.

Festival of active recreation "Winter Fun" in Uglich

Tourist route of the Golden Ring

The starting point for traveling along the Golden Ring is usually: the capital itself sometimes claims to be included in the "golden" list. Consider a long journey that allows you to see both the "big" and "small" cities of this route.

The first mandatory stop is located about 50 kilometers from Moscow. Another 65 kilometers along the M8 highway - and you will be in. Here you can stay for the night: even a cursory inspection of the monuments with a walk along the lake shore will take the rest of the day.

From Yaroslavl to only 85 kilometers. So you can spend the night in the homeland of the Snow Maiden, and the next day you can explore the city. From Kostroma to also about 85 kilometers. Even if you do not plan to explore the city, the road to Vladimir still passes through it. You can rent a hotel in Ivanovo, or already in Suzdal: it is located 75 kilometers from Ivanovo, there will be another 30 kilometers to go.

One day is enough to explore tiny Suzdal. Then there are two options: if you want to see and, then immediately from Suzdal you need to make a 70-kilometer detour to visit. If not, then Yuryev-Polsky will be the last point of the route before returning to Moscow from Vladimir.

In Vladimir it makes sense to stop for the night. It will take 1-2 days to explore the city itself.

The most convenient way to travel around the Golden Ring is by car: it allows you to see more. On the other hand, you can travel along the specified route by bus. Considering that the distances between the waypoints do not exceed 90 kilometers, the road will be easily transferred. Traveling without a car will allow you to better feel the atmosphere of each city and get to know it better.

In 1967, the art critic Yuri Bychkov, on the instructions of the newspaper "Soviet Culture", went on his "Moskvich" to the cities of the Vladimir region to write a series of articles about the trip. In the end, he decided not to return along the same path, but to pass through Yaroslavl, thus enclosing his route in a ring. A series of his travel notes was published under the title "Golden Ring". This is how the famous route from 8 cities appeared: Sergiev Posad - Pereslavl-Zalessky - Rostov the Great - Yaroslavl - Kostroma - Ivanovo - Suzdal - Vladimir.

“Falling into thoughtfulness, he wandered around Moscow. The weather was a contrast to the five sunny days of a recent trip - the sky was covered with a gray veil. I raised my eyes upward, and my gaze met the dome of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower, melting in a ghostly height, golden through the curtain of drizzle slowly descending from the sky of rain dust. Like an electric shock: "Golden!" This "gold" immediately contacted the road. It turned out - "Golden Ring".

Yuri Bychkov


The only city in the Moscow region in the Golden Ring. Its main attraction is the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. There are about fifty white-stone buildings that were built over four centuries by the best architects of the country. So it is unlikely that you will be able to see them all in one tour.

The relics of Sergius of Radonezh are kept in the Trinity Cathedral, and hundreds of pilgrims flock here every day. The cathedral is known for its horizontal iconostasis, which was created by an artel of craftsmen under the leadership of Andrei Rublev. On one of the doors of the temple, a hole from the core was preserved - a trace from the siege of the Lavra by the troops of False Dmitry II.

In the vicinity of the city there is an old manor Abramtsevo. Here Nikolai Gogol read to the owners of the estate, the Aksakov family, the second volume of Dead Souls; Valentin Serov wrote The Girl with Peaches, while Andrei Tarkovsky filmed some scenes from Solaris.

As a souvenir from Sergiev Posad, you can bring a Bogorodsk toy - a carved wooden bear or a colorful bird - which is set in motion by a secret mechanism.


In the city on the shore of Lake Pleshcheyevo, you can see six monasteries and nine churches. Among them is the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior, in which, according to legend, Alexander Nevsky was baptized. The decoration of the temple differs from most Russian churches in its asceticism: there is practically no decor, a minimum of frescoes. The exception is a copy of the icon "Transfiguration" by Theophanes the Greek above the marble altar.

Be sure to visit Pleshcheyevo Lake itself. It was here that in the 17th century Peter I began the construction of the "amusing flotilla", the progenitor of the entire Russian fleet. Today, the “Boat of Peter I” is open here - a museum where the only boat “Fortune” that has survived from Peter the Great's times is exhibited. And on the lake there is a Blue stone - it was used during the rituals of the pagan Slavs. When it rains, the color of the stone changes from gray to blue - hence the name. Tourists make wishes at the Blue Stone and, in order for it to come true, they tie a bright ribbon to a neighboring bush, and leave a coin on the stone itself.


One of the oldest cities in Rus' was mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years - in the annals of 862. Rostov is decorated with the 17th century Kremlin, which was built not to protect the city, but as the residence of the metropolitan. He was glorified throughout the country by Leonid Gaidai: the main characters of the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession" ran away from the chase through the passages of the Rostov Kremlin.

In the ensemble of the Kremlin is the Assumption Cathedral - one of the most beautiful churches in Russia. Its architectural style is largely reminiscent of the Cathedral of the Assumption in the Moscow Kremlin. According to legend, the father of the hero Alyosha Popovich was the rector of this cathedral. The famous Rostov belfry with fifteen bells is also located at the cathedral. The largest of them - and the most major in sound - "Sysy". It weighs 32 tons - it takes two bell ringers to rock this giant.

Rostov the Great is famous for traditional Russian cuisine. Delicate dumplings stuffed with pike can be called a favorite of city guests - the main treat of local cafes and restaurants in the Russian style.


The first thing in Yaroslavl is to go to the historical center of the city to the Church of Elijah the Prophet. The elegant facade of this temple with snow-white walls, green domes, carved arches and colorful architraves has survived to this day almost in its original form. Ancient frescoes and a baroque carved iconostasis of the 17th century have also survived. However, for visitors to the temple museum, they are open only in the warm season: damp and cold weather can cause irreparable damage to the images.


"Moscow and Ivanovo... were rebuilt"- wrote Mayakovsky. There are really not many ancient buildings in the city that have survived, and the oldest of them is the stone Shchudrovskaya tent. The miniature pre-Petrine chambers now house a department of the Ivanovo Local History Museum.

There are many more examples of architectural constructivism in the city. For example, residential "House-ship", built in 1930 by architect Daniil Fridman. The shape of the building really resembles a ship due to the rounded walls and sloping end. The panoramic glazing of the first floor imitates the water on which the house “floats”.

One of the largest museums in the city is the Ivanovo Calico Museum. Nearly half a million textile samples have been collected here - from ancient homespun fabrics to the most modern factory samples. Also in the museum there is an exhibition of works and sketches of the famous native of Ivanovo - fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev.


The Suzdal Kremlin was built in the 10th century, and, surprisingly, almost all of its main buildings have survived to this day. Including the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin with a special deep blue dome with golden stars. The ensemble of the Kremlin also includes Bishops' Chambers: in ancient times these stone buildings were used as residential and utility rooms, and today they house an exhibition dedicated to the history of the region.

The Suzdal Museum of Wooden Architecture in the open air contains authentic buildings of the 17th-18th centuries. Peasant huts, merchant houses and even mills are open to the public. Their interior decoration was recreated by the museum staff to the smallest detail.

The Shchurovo Settlement Museum is a reconstruction of the settlement of the ancient Slavs. In 2008, she became the scenery for the film by Pavel Lungin "Tsar". Today, in the interactive museum, visitors are introduced to the life of the inhabitants of ancient Suzdal, they are taught how to bake bread in a real oven, shoot a bow and hold a sword correctly.


Vladimir for two centuries was the nominal capital of North-Eastern Rus'. It was here, in the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, that the great princes were crowned for reign. This temple was built to store the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir, which was considered the patroness and protector of the state. Today, the Assumption Cathedral is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Its white stone walls are covered with frescoes of the finest work - among them are the works of Andrei Rublev.

The Golden Gates of Vladimir were built in the 12th century by Andrey Bogolyubsky. He wanted to show that the city is not inferior to Kyiv in influence and wealth. The gates have become not only a beautiful architectural monument, but also a powerful protective structure. They withstood the onslaught of the Tatar hordes during the siege of the city of Batu.

Also in the water meadows near Vladimir is one of the most famous Russian churches - the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. The graceful temple looks light and weightless thanks to the combination of narrow and elongated decorative elements. The walls of the church are decorated with thematic carved reliefs. The central motif of three of them was King David seated on the throne, surrounded by lions and doves.

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