Grigory Rasputin who was he. G


To the 97th anniversary of the assassination of the Tsar's Friend...

Grigory Efimovich Rasputin-New was born on January 9 (21), 1869 in the village of Pokrovsky in the family of a peasant Efim Yakovlevich Rasputin (12/24/1841-autumn 1916) and Anna Vasilievna, nee Parshukova (1839 / 40-01/30/1906). It was an ordinary, unremarkable family among several dozen other families in the settlement of Pokrovskaya. It must be said that the ancestors of Grigory Efimovich settled here from the middle of the 17th century. and were already indigenous Siberians. By that time, Gregory was already the fifth child in this family. After the marriage of his parents, which took place on January 21, 1862, the following were born in succession:

Evdokia (11.02.1863-26.06.1863)
Evdokia (??.08.1864-until 1887)
Glyceria (05/08/1866-until 1887)
Andrei (08/14/1867-December 1867)
Grigory (01/09/1869-12/17/1916)
Andrei (11/25/1871-until 1887)
Tikhon (06/16/1874-06/17/1874)
Agrippina (06/16/1874-06/21/1874)
Feodosia (05/25/1875-after 1900)
Anna (?-?)
another baby (?-?)

Efim Yakovlevich Rasputin. 1914

As we can see, out of nine children born, only two survived to adolescence - Grigory himself and his sister Theodosia. The latter married a peasant, Daniil Pavlovich Orlov, from the village of Kosmakov. There were children in this marriage, whose godfather was Grigory Efimovich.

G. E. Rasputin with his sister Theodosia

Grigory Efimovich himself married at the age of eighteen a peasant woman Paraskeva Fedorovna Dubrovina (1866-1930). The wedding was on February 2, 1887, and a year and a half later they had their first child. In total, Grigory Efimovich and Paraskeva Feodorovna had seven children:

Mikhail (09/29/1888-04/16/1893)
Anna (01/29/1892-05/03/1896)
George (25.05.1894-13.09.1894)
Dmitry (10/25/1895-12/16/1933)
Matryona (aka Maria) (03/26/1898-09/27/1977)
Varvara (28.11.1900-1925)
Paraskeva (10/11/1903-12/20/1903)

Grigory with his wife Paraskeva Fedorovna

Children: Matryona, Varvara (in the arms of her father) and Dmitry

After approaching Gr. Rasputin with the Royal Family, daughters Matryona and Varvara moved first to Kazan, and then to St. Petersburg, where they studied at school. The son, Dmitry, remained on the farm in Pokrovsky.

Matryona and Varvara in St. Petersburg

After the revolution, the fate of those children who remain in Russia will be rather sad.

Varvara will never marry anyone, and after all the ordeals she will die in Moscow in 1925 from typhus and tuberculosis.

Barbara after the revolution

Dmitry on February 21, 1918 marries Feoktista Ivanovna Pecherkina (1897/98-09/05/1933). Until 1930, he lived with his wife and mother in Pokrovsky, and then the order came and they were dispossessed of kulaks and sent into exile in Obdorsk (Salekhard). On the way, the widow of Grigory Efimovich dies, three years later Feoktista Ivanovna dies of tuberculosis, and after her, three months later, Dmitry himself dies of dysentery. After that, there are no direct descendants of Grigory Efimovich Rasputin in Russia.

Family of Grigory Rasputin in 1927.
From left to right: son Dmitry Grigorievich,
widow Paraskeva Fedorovna,
Elizaveta Ivanovna Pecherkina (worker in the house and relative of Dmitry's wife),
wife of Dmitry Feoktista Ivanovna

The fate of Matryona was different. The people's blogger of Russia recently told about this story sadalskij DAUGHTER OF RASPUTIN. It remains to add only a few touches.

In September 1917, she marries Boris Nikolaevich Solovyov (1893-1926), the son of a close friend of G. E. Rasputin, an official of the Holy Synod Nikolai Vasilyevich Solovyov (1863-1916). In 1920, their daughter Tatyana (1920-2009) was born, and two years later, already in exile, the second daughter, Maria (03/13/1922-04/19/1976).

The first husband of the daughter of Gr. Rasputin Matryona Boris Nikolaevich Solovyov

After the death of her husband, Matryona toured the world with a circus, until in the late 1930s. does not permanently move to the United States.

Matryona performs at the circus

Here she marries for the second time, for a Russian emigrant, a certain Grigory Grigorievich Bernadsky, whom she knew back in Russia. The marriage lasted from February 1940 to 1945.

Matryona Rasputina with her second husband Grigory Bernadsky in 1940

Matryona (right) with her friend Pat Barham (left) and famous
American actress Phyllis Diller (center)
. 1970s

Two granddaughters Gr. Rasputin completely settled abroad and both got married.

In Verkhoturye in 1909.
From left to right:
Hieromonk Ioanniky (Malkov), Bishop Feofan (Bystrov),
monk Macarius (Polikarpov), Grigory Efimovich Rasputin-New

Tatyana Borisovna (presumably her last name in marriage was Frerjean) gave birth to three children: Serge (b. 07/29/1939), Michel (b. 08/06/1942) and Laurens (b. 11/30/1943). Her last daughter - Laurence Io-Soloviev - repeatedly visited Russia, including the village of Pokrovskoye. Serge has children: Valerie (b. 1963) and Alexandra (b. 1968); Basil was born to Valerie in 1992. Michel had a son, Jean-Francois (1968-1985). Laurence herself has two children: Maude (b. 1967) and Carol (b. 1966).

Matryona Rasputin-Soloviev with her daughters Tatyana and Maria in 1928

Great granddaughter Gr. Rasputin Laurence Io-Soloviev

Maria Borisovna married the Dutch diplomat Gideon Walrave Boissevain (1897-1985), from whom she gave birth to a son, Serge (07/10/1947-01/03/2011) and had two granddaughters: Katya (b. 1970) and Embre (b. 1978). Interestingly, being in Greece with her husband in the late 1940s. Maria met and became friends with the daughter of Felix Yusupov, Irina (1915-1983), and their children, Serge and Ksenia (b. 1942), played children's games together.

Maria Borisovna Solovieva (married Boissevain)

Portrait of G. E. Rasputin by the artist Theodora Krarup.
Finished four days before the assassination - December 13, 1916

Group about Grigory Efimovich Rasputin VKontakte.

Grigory Efimovich Rasputin-Novykh is a legendary man from a remote Siberian village, who managed to get close to the August Family of Nicholas II as a medium and adviser, and thanks to this he went down in history.

In assessing his personality, historians are contradictory. Who was he - a cunning charlatan, a black magician, a drunkard and a libertine, or a prophet, a holy ascetic and a miracle worker who had the gift of healing and foresight? There is no consensus to this day. There is no doubt only one thing - the uniqueness of nature.

Childhood and youth

Grigory was born on January 21, 1869 in the rural settlement of Pokrovskoye. He became the fifth, but the only surviving child in the family of Efim Yakovlevich Novykh and Anna Vasilievna (before Parshukova's marriage). The family did not live in poverty, but due to the alcoholism of its head, all property was sold shortly after the birth of Gregory.

Since childhood, the boy was not very strong physically, he was often sick, and from the age of 15 he suffered from insomnia. As a teenager, he surprised his fellow villagers with his strange abilities: he allegedly could heal sick cattle, and once, resorting to clairvoyance, he accurately indicated where the neighbor's missing horse was. But in general, until the age of 27, he was no different from his peers - he worked hard, drank, smoked, was illiterate. A dissolute lifestyle and awarded him the nickname Rasputin, which stuck tightly. Also, some researchers attribute to Grigory the creation of a local branch of the Khlyst sect, which preaches "sink sin."

In search of work, he settled in Tobolsk, got a wife, a religious peasant woman Praskovya Dubrovina, who gave birth to a son and two daughters from him, but marriage did not curb his temper, eager for female affection. As if some inexplicable force attracted the opposite sex to Gregory.

Around 1892, a dramatic change took place in the man's behavior. Prophetic dreams began to disturb him, and he turned to nearby monasteries for help. In particular, he visited Abalaksky, located on the banks of the Irtysh. Later, in 1918, it was visited by the royal family sent to Tobolsk, who knew about the monastery and the miraculous icon of the Mother of God from the stories of Rasputin that was kept there.

The decision to start a new life finally matured in Gregory, when in Verkhoturye, where he came to venerate the relics of St. Simeon of Verkhotursky, he had a sign - in a dream, the heavenly patron of the Ural land himself came and ordered to repent, go wandering and heal people. The appearance of the saint shocked him so much that he stopped committing sins, began to pray a lot, refused to eat meat, quit drinking, smoking, and to introduce the spiritual principle into his life, he set off on wanderings.

He traveled around many holy places in Russia (in Valaam, on Solovki, in the Optina Hermitage, etc.), and visited beyond its borders - on the holy Greek Mount Athos and in Jerusalem. In the same period, he mastered reading and writing and the Holy Scriptures, in 1900 he made a pilgrimage to Kyiv, then to Kazan. And all this on foot! Wandering across the Russian expanses, he delivered sermons, made predictions, cast spells for demons, talked about his gift to work miracles. Rumors about his healing powers spread throughout the country, and suffering people from different places began to come to him for help. And he treated them, having no idea about medicine.

Petersburg period

In 1903, the healer, who had already become famous, ended up in the capital. According to legend, the Mother of God appeared to him with an order to go and save Tsarevich Alexei from illness. Rumors about the healer reached the Empress. In 1905, during one of the attacks of hemophilia, which was inherited by the son of Nicholas II through Alexandra Feodorovna, the "people's doctor" was invited to the Winter Palace. With the help of the laying on of hands, whispered prayers, and a compress of steamed tree bark, he managed to stop the nosebleed, which could become fatal, and calm the boy.

In 1906 he changed his surname to Rasputin-Novykh.

The subsequent life of the wanderer-seer in the city on the Neva was inextricably linked with the August family. For more than 10 years, he treated the Tsarevich, successfully drove away the insomnia of the Empress, sometimes doing it simply by phone. The distrustful and cautious autocrat did not welcome the frequent visits of the "old man", but noted that after a conversation with him, even his soul became "easy and calm."

Soon, the extraordinary seer acquired the image of an “advisor” and “friend of the king”, gaining a huge influence on the couple of rulers. They did not believe the rumors about his drunken brawls, orgies, performing black magic rites and obscene behavior, as well as that he took bribes to promote certain projects, including life-changing decisions for the country, and for appointing officials to high posts. For example, at the behest of Rasputin, Nicholas II removed his uncle Nikolai Nikolayevich from the post of supreme commander of the army, since he clearly saw an adventurer in Rasputin and was not afraid to tell his nephew about it.

Rasputin was forgiven by drunken brawls, shameless antics like revelry in the Yar restaurant in the nude. “The legendary depravity of the emperor Tiberius on the island of Capri becomes moderate and banal after that,” the American ambassador recalled about parties in the house of Gregory. There is also information about Rasputin's attempt to seduce Princess Olga, the Emperor's younger sister.

Communication with a person of such a reputation undermined the authority of the emperor. In addition, few knew about the illness of the Tsarevich, and the closeness of the healer to the Court began to be explained by more than friendly relations with the Empress. But, on the other hand, it had a striking effect on many representatives of secular society, especially on women. He was admired and considered a saint.

Personal life of Grigory Rasputin

Rasputin married at the age of 19, after returning to Pokrovskoye from the Verkhotursky Monastery, to Praskovya Fedorovna, nee Dubrovina. They met at an Orthodox holiday in Abalak. In this marriage, three children were born: in 1897, Dmitry, a year later, a daughter, Matryona, and in 1900, Varya.

In 1910, he took his daughters to his capital and assigned them to a gymnasium. His wife and Dima stayed at home, in Pokrovsky, on the farm, where he periodically came. She allegedly knew perfectly well about his rampant lifestyle in the capital, and was completely calm about it.

After the revolution, Varya's daughter died of typhus and tuberculosis. The brother with his mother, wife and daughter were sent into exile to the North, where they all soon passed away.

The eldest daughter managed to live to old age. She got married, gave birth to two daughters: the eldest - in Russia, the youngest - already in exile. In recent years, she lived in the United States, where she passed away in 1977.

Death of Rasputin

In 1914, an attempt was made on the life of the seer. Khioniya Guseva, the spiritual daughter of the extreme-right hieromonk Iliodor, shouting "I killed the Antichrist!" wounded him in the stomach. The emperor's favorite survived and continued to participate in public affairs, causing a sharp protest among the tsar's opponents.

Shortly before his death, Rasputin, feeling a threat looming over him, sent a letter to the Empress, in which he indicated that if any of the relatives of the royal family became his killer, then Nicholas II and all his relatives would die within 2 years, - they say, it was him such a vision. And if a commoner becomes a murderer, then the imperial family will flourish for a long time to come.

A group of conspirators, including the husband of the sovereign's niece Irina, Felix Yusupov, and the autocrat's cousin, Dmitry Pavlovich, decided to put an end to the influence of the objectionable "adviser" on the imperial family and the entire Russian government (they were spoken of in society as lovers). Then Felix shot him in the back, but again to no avail. The guest ran out of the mansion, where the killers shot him point-blank. And it didn't kill the "man of God". Then they began to finish him off with clubs, castrated him, threw his body into the river. Later it turned out that even after these bloody atrocities, he survived and tried to get out of the icy water, but drowned.

Rasputin's predictions

Throughout his life, the Siberian soothsayer made about a hundred prophecies, including:

own death;

The collapse of the empire and the death of the emperor;

The Second World War, describing in detail the blockade of Leningrad (“I know, I know, they will surround Petersburg, they will starve! How many people will die, and all because of this nemchura! "But you won't see Petersburg! Fuck it, we'll lie down starving to death, but we won't let you in!" he once shouted in his hearts to a German who insulted him. Anna Vyrubova, a close friend of Empress Alexandra, wrote about this in her diary);

Flights into space and landing a man on the moon (“Americans will walk on the moon, they will leave their shameful flag and fly away”);

The formation of the USSR and its subsequent collapse (“There was Russia - there will be a red pit. There was a red pit - there will be a swamp of the wicked who dug a red pit. There was a swamp of the wicked - there will be a dry field, but there will be no Russia - there will be no pit");

Nuclear explosion in Hiroshima and Nagasaki (claimed to have seen two islands burned to the ground in a fire);

Genetic experiments and cloning (the birth of "monsters that do not have a soul and an umbilical cord");

Terror attacks of the beginning of this century.

Grigory Rasputin. Documentary.

One of his most impressive predictions is the statement about the “world in reverse” - this is the upcoming disappearance of the sun for three days, when the earth will be covered with fog, and “people will wait for death as salvation”, and the seasons will change places.

All this information is drawn from the diaries of his interlocutors, so there are no prerequisites for considering Rasputin a "fortune teller" or "clairvoyant."

Grigory Rasputin is one of the most amazing people born on Russian soil. Not a single tsar, commander, scientist, statesman in Rus' had such popularity, fame and influence as this semi-literate peasant from the Urals gained. His talent as a soothsayer and mysterious death are still the subject of controversy for historians. Some considered him vicious, others saw him as a saint. Who was Rasputin really?

Speaking surname

Grigory Efimovich Rasputin really fell to live at the crossroads of historical roads and was destined to become a witness and participant in the tragic choice that was made at that time.

Grigory Rasputin was born on January 9 (according to the new style - 21) January 1869 in the village of Pokrovskoye, Tyumen district, Tobolsk province. The ancestors of Grigory Efimovich came to Siberia among the first pioneers. For a long time they bore the surname Izosimov by the name of the same Izosim who moved from the Vologda land beyond the Urals. The two sons of Nason Izosimov began to be called Rasputins - and, accordingly, their descendants.

Here is how researcher A. Varlamov writes about the family of Grigory Rasputin: “The children of Anna and Efim Rasputin died one after another. First, in 1863, after living for several months, daughter Evdokia died, a year later another girl, also named Evdokia.

The third daughter was named Glykeria, but she lived only a few months. On August 17, 1867, son Andrei was born, who, like his sisters, was not a tenant. Finally, in 1869, the fifth child, Gregory, was born. The name was given according to the calendar in honor of St. Gregory of Nyssa, known for his sermons against fornication.

With a dream of God

Rasputin is often depicted as almost a giant, a monster with iron health and the ability to eat glass and nails. In fact, Gregory grew up as a weak and sickly child.

Later, he wrote about his childhood in an autobiographical essay, which he called "The Life of an Experienced Wanderer": "My whole life was an illness. Medicine did not help me. Every spring I did not sleep for forty nights. Sleep, as if oblivion, spent all the time" .

At the same time, already in childhood, Grigory's thoughts differed from the train of thought of a simple layman. Grigory Efimovich himself writes about this as follows: “At the age of 15 in my village, when the sun warmed warmly, and the birds sang paradise songs, I walked along the path and did not dare to go in the middle of it ... I dreamed of God ... My soul torn into the distance ... More than once, dreaming like that, I cried and did not know where the tears came from and why they were. I believed in good, kind, and I often sat with the old people, listening to their stories about the lives of the saints, great deeds, great deeds. "

The Power of Prayer

Gregory early realized the power of his prayer, which manifested itself in relation to both animals and people. Here is how his daughter Matryona writes about this: “From my grandfather, I know about my father’s extraordinary ability to handle domestic animals. when he watched how they milked, the cow became completely calm.

Once at dinner, my grandfather said that the horse was lame. Hearing this, the father silently got up from the table and went to the stable. The grandfather followed and saw how the son stood near the horse for a few seconds in concentration, then went to the hind leg and put his hand on the hamstring. He stood with his head slightly thrown back, then, as if deciding that the healing had taken place, he stepped back, stroked the horse and said: "Now you are better."

After that incident, my father became like a miracle worker veterinarian. Then he began to treat people. "God helped."

Guilty without guilt

As for the dissolute and sinful youth of Gregory, accompanied by horse-stealing and orgies, these are nothing more than the later fabrications of newspapermen. Matryona Rasputina in her book claims that her father was so perspicacious from an early age that he “saw the sight” of other people’s theft several times and therefore personally excluded the very possibility of theft for himself: it seemed to him that others “see” it as well as he does. .

I looked through all the testimony about Rasputin that was given during the investigation at the Tobolsk Consistory. Not a single witness, even the most hostile to Rasputin (and there were many), accused him of theft or horse stealing.

Nevertheless, Gregory still experienced injustice and human cruelty. Once he was unfairly accused of stealing horses and severely beaten, but soon the investigation found the perpetrators, who were deported to Eastern Siberia. All charges against Gregory were dropped.

Family life

No matter how many amorous stories are attributed to Rasputin, nevertheless, as Varlamov rightly notes, he had a beloved wife: “Everyone who knew her spoke well of this woman. Rasputin married eighteen years. His wife was three years older than him, hardworking , patient. She gave birth to seven children, of which the first three died. "

Grigory Efimovich met his betrothed at the dances, which he loved so much. Here is how his daughter Matryona writes about it: “Mom was tall and stately, she loved to dance no less than he did. Her name was Praskovya Fedorovna Dubrovina, Parasha ...

Rasputin with children (from left to right): Matryona, Varya, Mitya.

The beginning of their family life was happy. But then trouble came - the first-born lived only a few months. The boy's death affected his father even more than his mother. He took the loss of his son as a sign he was waiting for, but he could not even imagine that this sign would be so terrible.

He was haunted by one thought: the death of a child is a punishment for the fact that he thought so little about God. The father prayed. And prayers soothed the pain. A year later, the second son, Dmitry, was born, then - with an interval of two years - the daughters of Matryona and Varya. Father started the construction of a new house - a two-story, largest one in Pokrovsky ... "

Rasputin's house in Pokrovsky

The family laughed at him. He did not eat meat and sweets, heard different voices, walked from Siberia to St. Petersburg and back, ate alms. In the spring, he had exacerbations - he did not sleep for many days in a row, he sang songs, shook his fists at Satan and ran through the frost in one shirt.

His prophecies were calls to repentance "before trouble comes." Sometimes, by sheer coincidence, misfortune happened the very next day (huts burned, cattle got sick, people died) - and the peasants began to believe that the blessed peasant had the gift of foresight. He got followers... and followers.

This went on for about ten years. Rasputin learned about the whips (sectarians who beat themselves with whips and suppressed lust with the help of group sex), as well as eunuchs (castration preachers) who separated from them. It is assumed that he took over part of their teachings and more than once personally "delivered" the pilgrims from sin in the bath.

At the "divine" age of 33, Grigory begins to storm Petersburg. Enlisting the recommendations of provincial priests, he settled with the rector of the Theological Academy, Bishop Sergius, the future Stalinist patriarch. He, impressed by the exotic character, represents the “old man” (many years of wandering on foot gave the young Rasputin the appearance of an old man) to the powers that be. Thus began the path of the "man of God" to glory.

Rasputin with his fans (mostly fans).

The first loud prophecy of Rasputin was the prediction of the death of our ships at Tsushima. Perhaps he took this from the newspaper news, which reported that a squadron of old ships went out to meet the modern Japanese fleet without respecting secrecy.

Hey Caesar!

The last ruler of the Romanov dynasty was distinguished by lack of will and superstition: he considered himself Job, doomed to trials, and kept meaningless diaries, where he shed virtual tears, looking at how his country was going downhill.

The queen also lived in isolation from the real world and believed in the supernatural power of the "people's elders." Knowing this, her friend, the Montenegrin princess Milica, took outright scoundrels to the palace. Monarchs listened to the ravings of crooks and schizophrenics with childish delight. The war with Japan, the revolution and the prince's illness finally unbalanced the pendulum of the weak royal psyche. Everything was ready for the appearance of Rasputin.

For a long time only daughters were born in the Romanov family. To conceive a son, the queen resorted to the help of the French magician Philip. It was he, and not Rasputin, who was the first to take advantage of the spiritual naivety of the royal family. The scale of the mess that reigned in the minds of the last Russian monarchs (one of the most educated people of that time) can be judged at least by the fact that the queen felt safe thanks to a magic icon with a bell that supposedly rang when evil people approached.

Nikki and Alix during their engagement (late 1890s)

The first meeting of the tsar and tsarina with Rasputin took place on November 1, 1905 in the palace for tea. He dissuaded weak-willed monarchs from escaping to England (they are said to have already packed their things), which, most likely, would have saved them from death and would have directed the history of Russia in a different direction.

The next time he presented the Romanovs with a miraculous icon (found from them after the execution), then he allegedly healed Tsarevich Alexei, who was ill with hemophilia, and eased the pain of Stolypin's daughter, who was wounded by terrorists. The shaggy man forever took possession of the hearts and minds of the august couple.

The emperor personally arranges for Gregory to change the dissonant surname to "New" (which, however, did not take root). Soon, Rasputin-Novykh acquires another lever of influence at court - the young lady-in-waiting Anna Vyrubova, who idolizes the "old man" (a close friend of the queen - rumored to be even too close, sleeping with her in the same bed). He becomes the confessor of the Romanovs and comes to the tsar at any time without making an appointment for an audience.

Please note that in all photographs Rasputin always holds one hand raised.

At court, Gregory was always "in character", but outside the political scene he was completely transformed. Having bought himself a new house in Pokrovsky, he took noble St. Petersburg admirers there. There, the "old man" put on expensive clothes, became smug, gossiped about the king and nobles. Every day he showed the queen (whom he called "mother") miracles: he predicted the weather or the exact time of the king's return home. It was then that Rasputin made his most famous prediction: "As long as I live, the dynasty will live."

The growing power of Rasputin did not suit the court. Cases were initiated against him, but every time the “elder” very successfully left the capital, going either home to Pokrovskoye, or on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. In 1911, the Synod spoke against Rasputin. Bishop Germogen (who expelled a certain Iosif Dzhugashvili from the seminary ten years ago) tried to drive the devil out of Gregory and publicly beat him on the head with a cross. Rasputin was put under police surveillance, which did not stop until his death.

Rasputin, Bishop Hermogenes and Hieromonk Iliodor

Secret agents watched through the windows the most piquant scenes from the life of a man who would soon be called the "holy devil." Once hushed up, rumors about Grishka's sexual adventures began to inflate with renewed vigor. The police recorded Rasputin's visits to the baths in the company of prostitutes and the wives of influential people.

Copies of the tsarina's tender letter to Rasputin circulated around Peter, from which it could be concluded that they were lovers. These stories were picked up by newspapers - and the word "Rasputin" became known throughout Europe.

public health

People who believed in the miracles of Rasputin believe that he himself, as well as his death, is mentioned in the Bible itself: “And if they drink something deadly, it will not harm them; lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16-18).

Today, no one doubts that Rasputin really had a beneficial effect on the physical condition of the prince and the mental stability of his mother. How did he do it?

The queen at the bedside of the sick heir

Contemporaries noted that Rasputin's speech was always distinguished by incoherence, it was very difficult to follow his thoughts. Huge, long-armed, with the hair of a tavern clerk and a spade beard, he often talked to himself and slapped his thighs.

Without exception, all Rasputin's interlocutors recognized his unusual look - deep-set gray eyes, as if glowing from within and fettering your will. Stolypin recalled that when he met Rasputin, he felt that they were trying to hypnotize him.

Rasputin and the queen drink tea

This, of course, influenced the king and queen. However, it is difficult to explain the repeated deliverance of the royal children from pain. Rasputin's main healing weapon was prayer - and he could pray all night long.

Once in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, the heir began to have severe internal bleeding. Doctors told his parents that he would not survive. A telegram was sent to Rasputin asking him to heal Alexei from a distance. He quickly recovered, which surprised the court Aesculapius a lot.

kill the dragon

The man who called himself a "little fly" and appointed officials over the phone was illiterate. He learned to read and write only in St. Petersburg. He left behind only short notes filled with terrible scribbles.

Until the end of his life, Rasputin looked like a tramp, which repeatedly prevented him from “hiring” prostitutes for daily orgies. The wanderer quickly forgot about a healthy lifestyle - he drank, and drunk called the ministers with various "petitions", the failure of which was career suicide.

Rasputin did not save money, now starving, then throwing it to the right and left. He seriously influenced the country's foreign policy, twice persuading Nicholas not to start a war in the Balkans (inspiring the tsar that the Germans were a dangerous force, and the "brothers", that is, the Slavs, were pigs).

A facsimile of Rasputin's letter with a request for some of his protégés

When World War I nevertheless began, Rasputin expressed a desire to come to the front to bless the soldiers. The commander of the troops, Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich, promised to hang him on the nearest tree. In response, Rasputin gave birth to another prophecy that Russia would not win the war until the autocrat (who had a military education, but showed himself to be a mediocre strategist) stood at the head of the army. The king, of course, led the army. With historical consequences.

Politicians actively criticized the queen - the "German spy", not forgetting about Rasputin. It was then that the image of the "grey eminence" was created, solving all state issues, although in fact Rasputin's power was far from absolute. German zeppelins scattered leaflets over the trenches, where the Kaiser relied on the people, and Nicholas II on Rasputin's genitals. The priests were not far behind either. It was announced that the murder of Grishka was a boon for which "forty sins would be removed."

On July 29, 1914, the mentally ill Khionia Guseva stabbed Rasputin in the stomach, shouting: "I killed the Antichrist!" Witnesses said that from the blow "Grishka's intestines crawled out." The wound was fatal, but Rasputin pulled himself out. According to his daughter's recollections, he has changed since then - he began to get tired quickly and took opium for pain.

Prince Felix Yusupov, murderer of Rasputin

Rasputin's death is even more mysterious than his life. The scenery of this drama is well known: on the night of December 17, 1916, Prince Felix Yusupov, Grand Duke Dmitry Romanov (according to rumors - Yusupov's lover) and deputy Purishkevich invited Rasputin to the Yusupov Palace. There he was offered cakes and wine generously flavored with cyanide. This allegedly had no effect on Rasputin.

"Plan B" was used: Yusupov shot Rasputin in the back with a revolver. While the conspirators were preparing to dispose of the body, he suddenly came to life, tore off Yusupov's shoulder strap and ran out into the street. Purishkevich did not lose his head - with three shots he finally knocked down the "old man", after which he only clanged his teeth and wheezed.

To be sure, he was beaten again, tied with a curtain and thrown into the hole in the Neva. The water that killed Rasputin's older brother and sister also took the life of the fatal peasant - but not immediately. An examination of the body, recovered three days later, showed the presence of water in the lungs (the autopsy protocol has not been preserved). This indicated that Grishka was alive and simply choked.

Corpse of Rasputin

The queen was furious, but at the insistence of Nicholas II, the murderers escaped punishment. The people praised them as deliverers from the "dark forces". Rasputin was called in every way: a demon, a German spy or a lover of the empress, but the Romanovs were faithful to him to the end: the most odious figure in Russia was buried in Tsarskoye Selo.

The February Revolution broke out two months later. Rasputin's prediction about the fall of the monarchy came true. On March 4, 1917, Kerensky ordered the body to be dug up and burned. The exhumation took place at night, and according to the testimonies of the exhumers, the burning corpse tried to rise. This was the final touch to the legend of Rasputin's superstrength (it is believed that the person being cremated can move due to the contraction of the tendons in the fire, and therefore the latter should be cut).

The act of burning the body of Rasputin

"Who are you, Mr. Rasputin?" - such a question could have been asked to him by British and German intelligence at the beginning of the 20th century. A clever werewolf or an ingenuous man? Rebellious saint or sexual psychopath? To cast a shadow on a person, it is enough just to correctly illuminate his life.

It is reasonable to assume that the true image of the royal favorite was distorted beyond recognition by "black PR". And minus compromising evidence, we are presented with an ordinary peasant - an illiterate, but very cunning schizophrenic who achieved fame only thanks to a fortunate combination of circumstances and the obsession of the heads of the Romanov dynasty with religious metaphysics.

Canonization attempts

Since the 1990s, radical-monarchist Orthodox circles have repeatedly proposed canonizing Rasputin as a holy martyr.

The ideas were rejected by the Synodal Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church and criticized by Patriarch Alexy II: "There is no reason to raise the question of the canonization of Grigory Rasputin, whose dubious morality and promiscuity cast a shadow on the august name of Tsar Nicholas II and his family."

Despite this, over the past ten years, religious admirers of Grigory Rasputin have issued at least two akathists to him, and about a dozen icons have also been painted.

Curious facts

Rasputin allegedly had an older brother Dmitry (he caught a cold while swimming and died of pneumonia) and a sister Maria (who suffered from epilepsy and drowned in the river). He named his children after them. Grishka named his third daughter Varvara.
Rasputin knew Bonch-Bruevich well.

The Yusupov family originates from the nephew of the prophet Mohammed. Irony of fate: a distant relative of the founder of Islam killed a man who was called an Orthodox saint.

After the overthrow of the Romanovs, Rasputin's activities were investigated by a special commission, of which the poet Blok was a member. The investigation was never completed.
Rasputin's daughter Matryona managed to emigrate to France, and then to the USA. There she worked as a dancer and tiger trainer. She died in 1977.

The rest of the family members were dispossessed and exiled to camps, where their trace was lost.
Today the church does not recognize the sanctity of Rasputin, pointing to his dubious morality.

Yusupov successfully sued MGM over a film about Rasputin. After this incident, the movie began to put a warning about fiction "all coincidences are accidental."

Rasputinian:Petrenko, Depardieu, Mashkov, DiCaprio

Since 1917, more than 30 films have been made about the Tobolsk elder! The most famous Russian tapes are "Agony" (1974, Rasputin - Alexei Petrenko) and "Conspiracy" (2007, Rasputin - Ivan Okhlobystin).

Now the Franco-Russian film "Rasputin" has been released, in which Gerard Depardieu plays the old man. Criticism accepted the picture unimportantly, however, they say that it was this film work that helped the French actor obtain Russian citizenship.

Finally, in 2013, work was completed on the new Russian TV series Rasputin (directed by Andrei Malyukov, script by Eduard Volodarsky and Ilya Tilkin), in which Vladimir Mashkov played the Tobolsk elder...

And the other day in St. Petersburg, the shooting of a Hollywood film about Rasputin begins; for the lead role, Warner Bros. invited Leonardo DiCaprio. Why is the life story of Grigory Rasputin so attractive to directors and screenwriters?

Russian version

“We do not know whether Cagliostro, Count Dracula, existed or not. But Rasputin is a real historical figure, - says the director of the series "Rasputin" Andrey Malyukov. - At the same time, everything seems to be known about him: where he was born, and how he lived, and how he was killed. But at the same time... nothing is known! Do you know how much has been written about Rasputin? Tons! Don't read everything! And everyone writes about some other person. He is a mystery, and therefore there is such interest in him. Ask someone outside of Russia: "Who is Rasputin?" - "Yes, of course! Out the restaurant! Out the store!" A very popular figure.

- With what heart did you take on the shooting of the series?

- I wanted to look at this person from the point of view of truth. After all, during his lifetime, nothing was written about him! If you peel off and leave in a clean remnant what he really did, it turns out that he was a man who sincerely rooted for the Russian Empire, for the tsar, for the tsarina, who categorically opposed the war, believing that everything was enough in Russia, that it was a great and mighty country. Here is his message. And for those who wanted war, for those who hated Russia, he seemed like a fiend. And in the bottom line, he was a man with a big plus sign. And with such a tragic fate...

- So, in your picture you want to debunk all the myths that exist about Rasputin?

There were an insane amount of myths. To debunk everything, our eight episodes are not enough. Our story splits into two parallel lines: Rasputin and investigator Svitten, who Kerensky instructs to investigate the murder of the old man and find evidence of all his "sins". But during the investigation of this criminal offense, Svitten, out of ardent hatred for Grigory Efimovich, comes to the point that he demands from Kerensky to bring the murderers to justice ...

Vladimir Mashkov about his hero

In the Russian-French film "Rasputin", where Depardieu played Rasputin, Vladimir Mashkov starred as Nicholas II. Then he entered the image so thoroughly that he even learned to sign like an emperor.

- In the new Russian film "Rasputin" my reincarnation is even deeper. A settler lives in me, - the actor admits. The role is amazing! After all, Grigory Yefimitch healed with prayer. He loved at that moment a person, took upon himself all his pain. He almost died when he treated people, and this process is incredible, divine ...

To say that Rasputin is a saint or a devil seems to me the most terrible, disgusting mistake. This is a very sincere person who loved Russia, loved the tsar, loved his people.

History of the beard

The creators of the picture say that no one was considered for the main role, except for Mashkov, who specially flew from America for filming. He got into the image so much that sometimes he shocked the film crew: even his gait changed, Rasputin's stoop appeared ...

Vladimir Mashkov and his hero have by no means a portrait-photographic resemblance. The make-up artists even copied the beard to the last hair using historical photographs! Make-up artists tried several beards, hair extensions, but as a result, Mashkov had to grow his hair and implant a natural beard one hair at a time. Every day, his makeup took about two hours.

“We implanted Mashkov’s side cheeks literally by the hair, so that even the camera would never see the pasted beard,” said make-up artist Evgenia Malinkovskaya.

In a mirror trap

Filming of the film "Rasputin" began in April 2013. Part of the episodes were filmed in St. Petersburg, near St. Petersburg, and also in Novgorod. At the same time, the film crew faced many difficulties.

When the priests found out who the film would be about, they closed the doors of churches and forbade filming. (By the way, the team of Gerard Depardieu faced the same problem: Patriarch Kirill did not give them his blessing, and they also could not shoot in churches.)

The only temple that opened the doors for the filming of the Russian series about Rasputin was St. Sampson Cathedral. In Novgorod, they decided to shoot in the Anthony Monastery - and in just two days, the production designers erected a scaffolding around the monastery wall.

Palace chambers had to be built as well. At Lenfilm, the famous mirror trap of the Yusupov Palace was recreated, where Felix Yusupov and the conspirators lured Rasputin. This is an octagonal room of mirrors, once you get into it, you don’t know where to go. Special mirrors were ordered for her, which are usually produced for special forces guarding consulates, so that the operator could shoot through the glass and not be reflected.

Stunts, effects, costumes

Vladimir Mashkov's partner in the film was Ingeborga Dapkunaite (Empress Alexandra Feodorovna). All dresses for her and Ekaterina Klimova, who played the Empress' maid of honor Anna Vyrubova, were designed from scratch and sewn in strict accordance with the fashion of the early 20th century. French lace was made according to historical samples. In England, they ordered hard collars, bought top hats, boaters. For Mashkov, they found an antique jacket and coat, sewed a collection of blouses.

There are many complicated tricks in the picture, most of which Vladimir Mashkov performed himself. For example, in one of the scenes, when fellow villagers thought that Rasputin embezzled money from the sale of someone else's horse, the actor was beaten with clubs and trampled on by horses. The actor worked so honestly and let the horses get so close to him that at one moment he got carried away, and the horse touched his arm.

The second no less difficult scene is the murder of an old man. Mashkov was beaten again, and kicked. Of course, the actor was put on special protection that covered his back, arms, chest, legs, but the bruises remained.

Mashkov was always eager to fight, but in some episodes the stunt director was categorical: "Volodya, don't, it's an extra risk!" And therefore, sometimes the actor was still replaced by an understudy Sergei Trepesov, who worked with Vladimir Mashkov in the film "The Edge".

compilationmaterial - Fox

Grigory Rasputin is one of the most mysterious and mystical personalities in Russian. Some consider him a prophet who was able to save from the revolution, while others accuse him of quackery and immorality.

He was born in a remote peasant village, and spent the last years of his life surrounded by the royal family, who idolized him and considered him a holy man.

We bring to your attention the main events of his, as well as the most interesting facts from his life.

Brief biography of Rasputin

Grigory Efimovich Rasputin was born on January 21, 1869 in the village of Pokrovskoye, Tobolsk province. He grew up in a simple family and saw with his own eyes all the hardships and sorrows of peasant life.

His mother's name was Anna Vasilievna, and his father's name was Efim Yakovlevich, he worked as a coachman.

Childhood and youth

Rasputin's biography was noted from birth, because little Grisha was the only child of his parents who managed to survive. Before him, three children were born in the Rasputin family, but they all died in infancy.

Gregory led a rather secluded life and had little contact with his peers. The reason for this was poor health, because of which he was teased and avoided communicating with him.

Even as a child, Rasputin began to show a keen interest in religion, which would accompany him throughout his biography.

From early childhood, he liked to be close to his father and help him with the housework.

Since there was no school in the village in which Rasputin grew up, Grisha did not receive any education, however, like other children.

Once, at the age of 14, he became so ill that he was close to death. But suddenly, miraculously, his health improved and he made a full recovery.

It seemed to the boy that he owed his healing to the Mother of God. It was from this moment in his biography that the young man began to study the Holy Scriptures in various ways and memorize prayers.


Soon, the teenager discovered a prophetic gift in himself, which in the future will make him famous and radically affect both his own life and, in many respects, the life of the Russian Empire.

At the age of 18, Grigory Rasputin decides to make a pilgrimage to the Verkhoturye Monastery. Then, without stopping, he continues his wanderings, as a result of which he visits Athos in Greece, and Jerusalem.

During this period of his biography, Rasputin met various monks and representatives of the clergy.

The royal family and Rasputin

The life of Grigory Rasputin changed radically when, at the age of 35, he visited.

Initially, he experienced serious financial difficulties. But since during his travels he managed to get acquainted with various spiritual figures, Gregory was given support through the church.

So, Bishop Sergius not only helped him financially, but also introduced him to Archbishop Feofan, who was the confessor of the royal family. At that point in time, many had already heard about the clairvoyant gift of an unusual wanderer named Gregory.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia was going through hard times. In the state, in one place after another, strikes of peasants took place, accompanied by attempts to overthrow the current government.

To all this was added the Russo-Japanese war, which ended, which became possible thanks to special diplomatic qualities.

It was during this period that Rasputin met and made a strong impression on him. This event becomes a turning point in the biography of Grigory Rasputin.

Soon the emperor himself is looking for an opportunity to talk with the wanderer on various topics. When Grigory Efimovich met Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, he won her over even more than her royal husband.

It is worth noting that such close relations with the royal family were also explained by the fact that Rasputin participated in the treatment of their son Alexei, who suffered from hemophilia.

The doctors could do nothing to help the unfortunate boy, but the old man somehow miraculously managed to treat him and have a beneficial effect on him. Because of this, the empress idolized and defended her "savior" in every possible way, considering him a man sent down from above.

This is not surprising, because how else can a mother react to a situation when her only son is severely tormented by bouts of illness, and doctors cannot do anything. As soon as the marvelous old man took the sick Alexei in his arms, he immediately calmed down.

The royal family and Rasputin

According to historians and biographers of the tsar, Nicholas 2 repeatedly consulted with Rasputin on various political issues. Many representatives of the authorities knew about this, in connection with which Rasputin was simply hated.

After all, not a single minister or adviser could influence the opinion of the emperor in the way that an illiterate peasant who came from the outback managed to do.

Thus, Grigory Rasputin took part in all state affairs. It is also worth noting that during this period of his biography, he did everything possible so that Russia would not be drawn into the First World War.

As a result, he made himself many powerful enemies from among the officials and the nobility.

Conspiracy and assassination of Rasputin

So, a conspiracy was drawn up against Rasputin. Initially, they wanted to destroy him politically through various accusations.

He was accused of endless drunkenness, dissolute behavior, magic and other sins. However, the imperial couple did not take this information seriously and continued to trust him completely.

When this idea was not crowned with success, they decided to destroy it literally. The conspiracy against Rasputin was attended by Prince Felix Yusupov, Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich Jr. and Vladimir Purishkevich, who held the post of State Councilor.

The first unsuccessful assassination attempt was made by Khionia Guseva. The woman pierced Rasputin's stomach with a knife, but he still survived, although the wound was really serious.

At that moment, when he was in the hospital, the emperor decided to participate in a military conflict. However, Nicholas 2 still fully trusted "his friend" and consulted with him on the correctness of certain actions. This even more aroused hatred among the opponents of the king.

Every day the situation escalated, and a group of conspirators decided to kill Grigory Rasputin at all costs. On December 29, 1916, they invited him to the palace of Prince Yusupov, under the pretext of meeting a certain beauty who was looking for a meeting with him.

The elder was taken to the basement, assuring that the lady herself would now join them. Rasputin, not suspecting anything, calmly went downstairs. There he saw a set table with gourmet treats and his favorite wine - Madeira.

While waiting, he was offered to taste cakes, which were previously poisoned with potassium cyanide. However, after he ate them, for some unknown reason, the poison had no effect.

This brought supernatural terror to the conspirators. Time was extremely limited, therefore, as a result of a short discussion, they decided to shoot Rasputin with a pistol.

He was shot several times in the back, but this time he did not die, and even managed to run out into the street. There, he was shot several more times, after which the killers began beating and kicking him.

Then the dead body was wrapped in a carpet and thrown into the river.

An interesting fact is that the medical examination proved that even being in ice water, after poisoned cakes and many shots at close range, Rasputin was still alive for several hours.

Rasputin's personal life

The personal life of Grigory Rasputin, as, in fact, his entire biography, is shrouded in many secrets. It is only known for certain that his wife was a certain Praskovya Dubrovina, who gave birth to his daughters Matryona and Varvara, as well as his son Dmitry.

Rasputin with his children

In the 30s of the 20th century, the Soviet authorities arrested them and sent them to special settlements in the North. Their further fate is unknown, except for Matrena, who in the future managed to escape to France.

Predictions of Grigory Rasputin

At the end of his life, Rasputin made several predictions about the fate of Emperor Nicholas II and the future of Russia. In them, he prophesied that several revolutions awaited Russia and that the emperor and his entire family would be killed.

In addition to this, the elder foresaw the creation of the Soviet Union and its subsequent collapse. Rasputin also predicted Russia's victory over Germany in the great war and its transformation into a powerful state.

He also talked about our days. For example, Rasputin argued that the beginning of the 21st century will be accompanied by terrorism, which will begin to flourish in the West.

He also prophesied that Islamic fundamentalism, known today as Wahhabism, would be formed in the future.

Rasputin's photo

The widow of Grigory Rasputin Paraskeva Feodorovna with her son Dmitry and his wife. Behind is a housekeeper.
Accurate recreation of the scene of the murder of Grigory Rasputin
Rasputin's body recovered from the river
Rasputin's assassins (left to right): Dmitry Romanov, Felix Yusupov, Vladimir Purishkevich

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Rasputin, born in a Siberian village, was the third child of Yefim Yakovlevich Rasputin, a prosperous peasant, and his wife Anna Egorovna.

In his youth, Gregory followed in the footsteps of his father: he had a peasant insatiable appetite for work, the use of strong intoxicating drinks and a fun pastime with women who easily agreed to everything. At the age of 20, Rasputin married a local girl named Praskovya Dubrovina. They had four children. Around 1900, he became a member of a heretical religious sect that was known as the "fops". The dudes believed that a person must first sin, and then atone for his sins. They had many varied and strange sexual traditions and rituals. Due to conflicts with representatives of the traditional church, Rasputin was forced to leave his native village. He went through all of Russia, earning a living by curing the sick and dedicating entire crowds of women to the rites of the "posh". By 1905, he settled in St. Petersburg, where rumors about his "miraculous" ability to heal people suffering from the most serious and terrible diseases reached the royal family. Rasputin appeared before Tsar Nicholas and Tsarina Alexandra. Their son Alexey suffered from hemophilia. Rasputin really managed to somehow alleviate the suffering of the boy. This immediately made him famous and led to his extraordinary exaltation at the royal court. Rasputin was especially favored by Empress Alexandra. Rasputin shocked the high society of St. Petersburg with his wild and scandalous antics. In 1916, Rasputin fell victim to a conspiracy arranged by a group of noblemen. They first made Rasputin drunk with poisoned wine, and then shot him several times with a pistol. After that, Rasputin was tied up and thrown into the Neva, where he drowned.

Rasputin was, without a doubt, one of the most successful sexual adventurers in history. His sexual activity was simply incredible. Rasputin's daughter Maria later said that her father's 32-centimeter penis seemed to "radiate" activity. When Rasputin was still a boy, this magnificent part of his body always delighted the local girls and women with whom he swam naked in the village pond. It was Irina Danilovna Kubasova, the young and beautiful wife of a general in the Russian army, who really introduced Rasputin into the world of sex. To seduce the 16-year-old Rasputin, she called for the help of six of her maids, who managed to lure him into her bedroom. After that, Rasputin began to actively resort to the services of young women living in his village. He did not stop doing this even after his marriage to Praskovya. Soon he became a member of a sect of dudes, who not only did not forbid, but, on the contrary, in every possible way welcomed the active pleasure of the flesh. Shortly thereafter, Rasputin set off on his long journey through Russia, during which he always found a huge number of women willing to participate with him in his unusual sexual rites. These rites, in fact, were ordinary orgies with a change of partners. These rituals could be performed anywhere - "in the forest, in a barn or in the house of any of the participants." Rasputin's theory that sins can be redeemed through sex made it possible for the first time to truly enjoy this side of human life for thousands of peasant women, despite the dirty and slovenly appearance of the "holy lecher". Even the refined ladies of St. Petersburg later became victims of Rasputin's sexual power. His biographer Robert Massey noted: "Having sex with this unwashed peasant, who had a scruffy beard and dirty hands, was something completely new, previously unknown and unusually exciting. Ladies gathered in his apartment and waited in line for an invitation to his bed, which Rasputin himself called “the holy of holies.” Rasputin became so fashionable and gained such fame that even the husbands of women with whom he had already slept, did not hesitate to boast to each other that their wives had already “been with this incredible Rasputin” At almost any moment, Rasputin could be found in the hall, where he sat surrounded by his "disciples. One of them usually sat on his lap. He stroked her hair and whispered something about the "mysterious resurrection" in her ear. Then he began to sing, and the song was immediately taken up by everyone present. Soon everyone began to dance some wild and crazy dance. After this, campaigns began in another room to the place where the "holy of holies" stood. At one of these classes, Rasputin suddenly began to speak vividly and in detail about the sexual life of horses. Then he roughly grabbed one of the "apprentices" by the shoulder and said, "Let's go, my beautiful mare."

Even in the way Rasputin died, one can find sexual overtones. His murder was planned and carried out by people who were very jealous of the power and position at court that Rasputin enjoyed. He was invited to a late dinner where he was treated to poisoned food and poisoned wine. One of the killers, Felix Yusupov, had homosexual tendencies. He repeatedly tried to get closer to Rasputin, but he never succeeded. When Rasputin began to lose consciousness from the poison beginning to act, Yusupov first raped him, and then shot him four times with a pistol. Rasputin fell to the floor, but was alive. Grigory Rasputin was then castrated. His severed penis was later found by a servant. He handed it over to a maid who, according to recent reports, lived in Paris back in 1968. In a polished wooden box, she kept an organ that looked like "...a black overripe banana about 30 centimeters long..."

It is impossible even to roughly calculate the number of women with whom Rasputin had sexual relations. Among them were noble ladies and servants, military wives and prostitutes, actresses and peasant women. The most patient of all these women, of course, was Rasputin's wife Praskovya, who never complained about her husband's adultery. To all questions regarding the sexual behavior of her husband, she calmly and patiently said: "He has enough strength for everyone."

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