Propaganda group then and now. The soloist of "Propaganda" is in slavery to the producer

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Biography, life story of the group "Propaganda"

"Propaganda" is a Russian musical group (the main styles are rap and pop).

About "Propaganda"

Once upon a time, three simple and sweet girls sang in the Propaganda group - Vika Petrenko, Yulia Garanina and Vika Voronina. Both Vikas studied at the circus school, and Yulia studied at the medical school. At first, there was loneliness, ridicule and personal tragedies in their lives, and then everything happened like in a fairy tale. The girls met their future executive producer Alexei Kozin, and he, in turn, introduced the girls to producer Sergei Izotov. And away we go - records, hit parades, concerts ...

"Propaganda" is not hip-hop!

Vika Petrenko and Yulia Goranina were born in Chkalovsky near Moscow. There they grew up and gained mind-mind. They were in the same class together and have been friends since childhood. When they both turned 14, they looked at each other with teenage audacity and said at the same time: "Let's rap!". After that, the girls began an unbearable life. “We listened to rap hard and dressed accordingly- said Julia, - wide trousers, caps back to front. For the fact that we are not like everyone else, they hated us. And we had to learn at school to spit on the opinions of others.. "Others" took revenge on their friends with enviable constancy. The progressive tandem was expelled from the lessons in disgrace, the girls actually took root “on the carpet” with the director of the school.

"I told you everything he shouted after the third hour of the prophylactic talk, any questions?".

"Eat,- the rappers got bolder, - Here is your subject called "Fundamentals of Law", and why do we - students - do not have the right to speak? Why don't you give it to us?!..”.

"I told you everything he yelled after the sixth hour of the prophylactic talk, any questions?".


The girls expelled from school would hide in Petrenko's room and turn on the tape recorder at full power. They turned it on to forget their grievances, to forgive the stupid director, not to hear how in the next room "dad beats mom"


The sounds of the songs "", Basta Raims and 2 PAC rushed from the speakers. And sometimes some tantric themes, Japanese music and early. Where two girls from the Moscow region got such records is unknown. But it is known that from an excess of feelings or, perhaps, an imbalance of nerves (shattered by the surrounding idiocy), the girls tried to compose their songs in English. So that no one understands the words. Here is our protest: we have our own secret, we create!

"Yes, you- the girls shouted at each other, - we had some serious songs like that! Two women, embittered at the bleak life, spun such a rap that the walls swayed! We also loved to smash various hip-hop collections to smithereens. This is garbage, this topic loads, and that one bends .... Hooray, we're better!".

The teachers at school knew about this hobby of Vika and Yulia, and therefore they asked them on the first day, as soon as the "truants" appeared in the classroom. The chemist, for example, terrorized Vika about wearing pants instead of a skirt. Once she put forward an ultimatum: either wear a skirt or don't come at all! Petrenko had one skirt - and very short ...

"Vika, dear,- the director began once again with a soul, - your skirt is short, the boys look under it ... Quickly go home to change clothes !!! ”.

According to the director's firm conviction, the boys did not delicately look under the skirts of other schoolgirls, sometimes lifted up above the belly. But under Vikina ...

Girls were scolded even more for wide trousers. Once Petrenko came out to answer to the blackboard and began to carefully draw something on it. At this time, the rapper's pants treacherously slipped down. Strange as it may seem, the teacher was the first to neigh, followed by the whole class. Vika calmly turned around, straightened her pants and asked languidly: "Excuse me, but what's funny here?". All day after that, classmates and the teacher probably felt like complete idiots ....

True, there was one person who helped Vika and Yulia - their class teacher. The wise woman said: "I don't care how you dress or what you're into, just study well...". And thus lifted all the bans. The girls only believed her. Even then, Petrenko was thinking about her future: “I knew exactly what I wanted from this life - success. They told me: shut up, you can't sing! And I sent everyone and sang. They told me: hide your hook hands, you can't draw. And again I sent everyone and drew. So after school, my two favorite things were singing and drawing.”.

“Thanks to our school, our yard,- said Yulia Garanina, - because they hated, poisoned us. It was they who taught us how to defend ourselves and fight!”.

After finishing the ninth grade, Petrenko went to Moscow to choose an art school. But she did not like any of them until she accidentally looked into the circus. Here they did not teach to draw, but they taught to sing.…

Garanina, in spite of everyone, chose a medical school. To spite - because those around were firmly convinced that Yulechka would become an artist. After all, by that time the girl had already managed to show excellent acting skills in amateur performances.

Thus was born the ideology and form of the future "Propaganda".

Vika Voronina

Vika Voronina in an ordinary Moscow school was persecuted, perhaps, even more than Petrenko and Garanina combined. Once, a classmate with a swing and almost full length drove a pencil into Vika's shoulder just because she was not like everyone else. Passions ran high and the fact that Voronina studied "excellent" without much difficulty. She could beat the buckets for half a lesson, and then answer brilliantly. Or write a test in five minutes and get "excellent". So the class quickly decided on their "outcast".

Nevertheless, Vika managed to simultaneously master the wisdom of playing the piano at the music school. and subsequently received a red diploma. Mom by the hand brought a talented daughter to the Moscow Chamber Academic Musical Theater. Pokrovsky. There, the girl sang for seven years, playing the main roles in such productions as "The Nest of Nobles", "Let's Create an Opera", "Rostov Action", etc.

"The backstage world of the theater, Vika said, turned out to be even more cruel than the school one. Children are inherently cruel. All the adults were delighted with me and all the children were completely horrified. How is it that the main role is this fat woman ?! Often the day ended with a button in my shoe or a nail in my chair…”. At the same time, Voronina accidentally got into the team voicing the Kremlin tree. For several years, such celebrities were babysitting the girl that, according to her, "I'm afraid to even name them". “After seven years in the theater, Vika said, I finally decided to leave. I was tearfully begged to stay, but there was nothing more for me to do there. I planned to enter Gnesinka, but one day, when I saw its gray walls, I changed my mind..

Fate led Voronina straight to the circus school. After completing preparatory courses, she immediately got into the second round of selection and was soon enrolled in the pop department.

Clinical death and creativity

Petrenko and Voronina could not help but get to know each other, because they got into the same course at the circus school. When they noticed each other, each thought of her own. Voronina: “Damn, this is not a woman, but some kind of kid!”. Petrenko: “What is this natural phenomenon? Nightmare!".

At the very first rehearsal, the girls had a serious quarrel. Petrenko had to run away somewhere, and Vika began to whine: they say, look how the girl is free!

Soon the students apologized to each other, and later became very close friends. Meanwhile, Voronina began to have problems with the adequacy of self-esteem. Day after day, classmates and teachers told her the same thing: "Cow! Fat girl! Where did you come? Do you want to walk on a tightrope with such weight ?!. The girl, driven to hysterics, tried to commit suicide. But fate had mercy on Vika - the ambulance arrived very quickly. A month after the incident, Vika could no longer be recognized by classmates. In front of them was a completely different girl - who had lost 27 kg (!), Cheerful and self-confident. “I guess I experienced clinical death,- said the girl. - I remember everything vaguely. I woke up in a ward with the only setting - to live and win. Nobody knew about it, but even then I started writing songs..

A few months later, Voronina dared to show her creations to Petrenko. The reaction was unequivocal: “You are a complete fool! Yes, with such material you can move mountains!”. Despite this enthusiastic response, Petrenko continued to rap in English with Garanina for a long time. They even managed to light up on the local Chkalovsky television with their songs. In addition, the girlfriends took part in the young group Danger Illusion. But the girls quickly got tired of being on the sidelines.

Voronina's friends had not yet been invited, and in the meantime she showed her compositions to vocal teacher Yuri Nikitovich Evrelov. Nikitich, as the girls later lovingly called him, had the ability to discern talent in a person and not let him disappear. In fact, thanks to him, Yulia and two Vicki found each other. He also recorded their first phonogram, made tolerable arrangements, and “on the track” admonished: how to sing, how to behave on stage ...

And finally, the girls decided to work together. A painful rubbing against each other began. Even if the three angry cats are locked up in an isolated room, they will only remotely resemble our heroines, who closed themselves in Nikitich's makeshift studio in order to make a makeshift recording of material.

“We immediately decided that the main feature of our work would be female recitative, Julia recalled but it was not so easy to realize the idea. Girls and I are so different! And so explosive! We wrote two songs for exactly a year. There were tears, quarrels, obscenities, they even dragged each other for hair. And besides, we had huge financial problems. We had to work day and night, and in our free time we locked ourselves in Nikitich's office and wrote songs..

Having worked out the initial material, the girlfriends called their project "Influence" and took the demo tapes to the clubs. They already included the songs "Prayer" and "About it". Soon a new group was invited to perform at the Manhattan Club. While the future Propaganda. shaking in anticipation of her first appearance on stage, the presenter cheerfully squealed: “And now we have a young, promising, talented project called “Infusion” as our guest!”. The audience, heated up by bizarre cocktails, liked the word. "Infusion? Cool cool! Let's skip one more!".

After the concert - by the way, very successful - the girls had a tantrum. “Well, what the hell is an infusion?!” Yulia yelled. “We need to change the name urgently!”, Petrenko echoed her. And Voronina acted the wisest of all: she went home and immediately fell asleep. That same night, she dreamed of the band's new name. At the same time, in the sleeping Chkalovsky, Petrenko was shaking an old newspaper in front of Garanina's sleepy face. "Look, she shouted, what a word! Almost the same as "influence", only more sonorous and beautiful. PROPAGANDA!".

Garanina silently nodded her head and did not understand anything.

Mysticism happened: two Vicki independently came up with the same name for their group.


At that time, the girls did not even think about any good path in show business, and even more so glory. When the trio again had problems with money, music generally faded into the background. There was no hope for parents who were barely making ends meet. Julia successfully got a job as a nurse in a polyclinic and supported her girlfriends for six months on her salary. But fate continued to throw the girls new and new difficulties. Yulia's cousin sat on the needle. While the parents did not know anything, the girl, crying, begged her brother to leave, but he could no longer. For the first time, seeing his torment with her own eyes, Yulia broke down: she stole drugs in the hospital and brought them to her brother. The loss was discovered and the girl was left without work. The brother was burning before our eyes, and therefore Garanina abandoned everything in the world. After some time, the family accompanied the boy on his last journey. Nervous breakdowns of the sister were replaced by prolonged depression.

“I have stood on the edge of the roof more than once, Yulia admitted, I was kept only by the thought of the girls and our songs. Then I began to console myself with the fact that I wrote poetry all day long. They came out very black. Now we want to write songs for some of them, but we just can't find the music. Probably, I need to re-experience something similar to my then state in order to get such music. ”.

Yulia was pulled out of depression by Petrenko. She did not console or persuade her friend, but simply continued to live her life: she ran to classes at the school, to some parties in clubs, wrote new songs ... And one day Garanina woke up. “Here I am sitting in four walls on my ass, she thought, and there is no use for me. And the girls are trying, it’s hard for them without me. ”. One fine day, Yulia simply asked the girls to take her with them to their next job ...

At this time, the hungry "Propaganda" as soon as it turned around to feed itself. The girls entertained the kids on Christmas trees, worked with raster dolls, carrying 35-kilogram costumes. But most often the trio hung around on the old Arbat. And for good reason.

Cunning journalists have already managed to spread dirty rumors that the "propagandists" made money by showing schoolchildren on the back of the Novoarbatsky grocery store their girlish breasts. It is not true. The girls really worked on the Arbat. They performed their own songs acoustically. At the same time, both Vicki moved in style and, like experienced circus performers, now and then performed dangerous tricks. There was always a crowd of onlookers around the group. And one day, in the midst of such a crowd, Aleksey Kozin, director of the CD Land Records recording company, accidentally wormed his way.

“I was walking with another delegation of colleagues from Germany, he said. - We tasted another bottle of Jameson whiskey and we were drawn to the extreme. Having made our way through the crowd of idlers, we saw THEM ".

At this time, Voronina was sitting in a splits, Petrenko was juggling empty beer bottles, and Garanina was maliciously rapping. Energetic "propagandists" bribed Kozin, first of all, with their actual texts and sincerity of performance.

A few days later, Alexei Kozin was already introducing Propaganda to the producer. They became Sergey Izotov, who made at one time, "" and "". “Uncle Seryozha - that’s what we immediately began to call him,- the girls yelled. - He took our tape and said to call him the next day. The night before the call was a real nightmare. At first we cried, then we laughed like fools. Well, that's it, we think, if it breaks off here, then we will never break through!.

The next day, Voronina tremblingly dialed Izotov's number. "Come!", came from the tube. “I could not stand it and screamed at the whole house, Vika said. - The girls understood everything and also yelled ... ".

Faith in the future and in something bright

Truth, gray as the world: the engine of trade is advertising. In modern show business, this simple postulate has remained unchanged: competent PR is necessary for the successful "promotion" of an artist. Image is everything! This is success, fame, money, etc. However, forgetting that a good deed will not be called PR, the “modest” hard workers of the show industry often create breathtaking flashy images for artists that can compete with the most fantastic comic book characters. And the phrase "It's all PR!" became a symbol of something false and unreal.

And these three girls did not need to invent anything. In life, they are the same as fans saw them on stage and on TV screens. They are "Propaganda". It is beyond any fiction and cheap tricks, it is more than an image. This is their life. Their work is beyond all falsehood and is directed at the listener, at the viewer. On you, face to face. Confession. The truth that is spoken, looking into the eyes.

"Propaganda" is Vika Voronina, Vika Petrenko and Yulia Garanina; these are three friends who created exactly the kind of team that they themselves wanted to create. And their song "Chalk" sounded on the radio of the whole country for a long time, and video clips for the compositions "Chalk" and "Nobody" were actively rotated on music channels.

"Propaganda" is, first of all, sincerity. Sincerity in feelings, in actions and in songs.

Death and rebirth

When on September 26 at the Novosibirsk State Technical University a concert was held as part of the “We Continue History” action, dedicated to the upcoming population census, the youth were very surprised to notice not three, but two soloists in the “Propaganda” group. And one of the girls was completely unknown to the fans. This was explained simply - in "Propaganda" there was a split, which was hastily "glued" by the producer of the team, Sergei Izotov.

On September 10, "Propaganda" sang on the stage of the Tyumen Youth Palace in the old composition. However, after the concert, the producer of the group, Izotov, gave the girls a scolding, as a result of which the soloist Vika Petrenko left the group. Izotov reproached his subordinate for immoral behavior and "inconsistency with the appearance of the Russian artist".

As a sign of solidarity, Vika's friend Yulia Garanina refused to go to the next big concert in Novosibirsk.

Due to the fact that the contract for the Novosibirsk concert was concluded even before the conflict, Izotov was forced to hastily look for a new singer. She became Olya Moreva. She very quickly learned the songs of the group and performed in Novosibirsk together with Vika Voronina, the third soloist of Propaganda.

This is how the “Propaganda” where Vika Petrenko, Yulia Garanina and Vika Voronina sang was gone. But there was another one. Vika Voronina, Olya Moreva and Ira Yakovleva began to sing in it.

... On their first album "Kids" (2001), the girls worked with full dedication. From about 50 musical drafts, they first chose 20, and from the selected ones, the best 10 tracks. Then there were tears, quarrels and girl fights in the studio, personal problems and problems with songs, but always a search, always creativity. In September 2001, Propaganda shoots the debut video for the song Chalk. The video was created based on Darren Aranofsky's film "Requiem for a Dream" - a poignant, intimate conversation about the life of drug addicts. Rainy skies, autumn St. Petersburg lanes, dark corridors of communal apartments and miserable inhabitants of the social lower classes of society flash through the frames. And above all this, the young and pure dream of teenagers hovers - to decorate the gloomy world, to make it brighter, better ...

The debut album "Kids" went on sale in February 2002 and immediately climbed to the top of the charts. On the wave of success, in July, the remix album "Not Children" (2002) was released, which included the new song "Cold" and remixes of the songs of the debut album from well-known representatives of the Russian pop scene in the person of Yuri Usachev (""), Mutabor, Radiotrance and others. The new clip "Nobody" was also well received by fans. Following CD Land releases a collection of hits and remixes "Who?!" (2002).

For Propaganda, 2003 can already be called a significant year. New soloists, new emotions, new songs and the poignant album So Be It (2003) as a result. But not the result. This is just the beginning... The new album is inspired by the feeling of love, we can say that this album is love! Warmly and poignantly the lines of Vika Voronina lay down on the video "Five Minutes for Love", the first video in the new role of the group. In pursuit of emotions and feelings, the second video hit “So Be It” appeared on the screen, which was destined for months and months to march on television screens. For the song “So be it” in April 2003, “Propaganda” received the “Stopudov Hit” award, and a couple of months later, on the “Golden Gramophone” of Channel One, the hit “Rain on the Roof” turned more and more fans to “Propaganda”. The position of Propaganda in the charts was strengthened by the blockbuster Song without Words, which opened the re-release of the successful album So Be It, now in the full version called Someone Plays Love... (2003).

In November 2003, the group shot a new video for the song "Yay-Ya", where "Propaganda" briefly turned into Eve seductresses of the glorious disco era of the 80s. This song is rather unusual in its sound. "Propaganda" for experiments and never wanted to stand still!

“Yai-ya” successfully won the top lines of various hit parades and by the end of the winter of 2004 already “competed” with another novelty from “Propaganda” - Super Baby, the video for which was aired in the spring, which gave Vika, Ira and Olya a colossal creative charge: in April, the shooting of a new original video for the poignant ballad Quanto Costa took place.

Experiments of the group "Propaganda" with the disco style took shape in the colorful stylish disc Super Detka (2004), two main songs from which have already become hits ("Yai-ya", Super Detka). The new album "Propaganda" is about a romantic, vulnerable contemporary. She sometimes cannot understand her feelings, which find her everywhere. It's hard to figure out what your heart wants... The author of all the songs on the Super Baby album is Vika Voronina.

New Age

The girl group gained the greatest fame in the period 2002-2004. At this time, rap in Russia was at the peak of its popularity, so the pretty rapper girls quickly acquired an army of devoted fans.

By 2005, "Propaganda" began to appear less and less on TV screens and on the stages of the country. It's all about money. More precisely, their lack. Due to a sharp reduction in funding, the group's affairs were getting worse and worse every day.

In 2007, the director of the group, Sergei Ivanov, became its producer. After a year of hard work, Propaganda releases the album You Are My Boyfriend, which, unfortunately, was negatively received by both critics and listeners. There was no trace of the former glory ... Tired of constant failures, in 2010 Vika Voronina left the group and began a solo career. A year before, Ira left the group. New singers came - Masha Bukatar and Nastya Shevchenko. No one remained from the very first composition of Propaganda.

In the middle of winter 2012, a new soloist appeared in Propaganda - Vika Bogoslavskaya, a member of Star Factory-4. Bogoslavskaya worked in the group for only a month. In her place came another girl - Maria Nedelkova. For unknown reasons, Masha also did not stay in the team. Newcomers came and went without staying for long... There were only two "propagnadists" left - Maria and Nastya.

In 2012, the group released the album Best Songs. New Collection", in 2013 - "Girlfriend", in 2014 - "Purple Powder". Despite the persistent efforts of the producers of the team to return "Propaganda" to its former glory, nothing came of it. Times have changed a long time ago, and Propaganda itself was gone long before its first fall...

Video of the group "Propaganda"

the site (hereinafter referred to as the Site) searches for videos (hereinafter referred to as the Search) posted on video hosting (hereinafter - Video hosting). Image, statistics, title, description and other information related to the video are presented below (hereinafter - Video Information) in as part of the search. Sources of Video information are listed below (hereinafter - Sources)...

March 5, 2018, 15:51

Hi all!)

I went to Tyrnet for a couple of minutes to listen to a song from my childhood and disappeared there for several hours. I watched clip after clip. I listened to song after song. In a word, nostalgic! Many famous performers from my childhood have already finished their careers, some continue to make music, but not so much anymore. I propose to recall the once famous performers of the late nineties and early zero. I think many of them are known to you. Let's start, in general)

I want to start with my favorite artist, which I loved to listen to as a child - Monokini.

The real name of the singer is Tatyana Milushkova (maiden name Zaikin). The Monokini project was created in 2001 and quickly gained popularity. In the same year, the debut album Monokini was released. The producer was Max Fadeev. Songs performed by Monokini took first place in the Russian charts. The most famous songs: “Run”, “Wind”, “Ticking”, “There are no more secrets”, “I gave everything away”. After 2006 the project was closed.

The song "Ticks". Favorite song. Actually, because of her, I hung on YouTube for several hours, but I only went to listen to this song once)

The song "Wind". Also a great song.

The song "Give It All". Quarreling for the quality, YouTube does not offer anything else.

Now Tatyana is 35 years old, she is married and has a daughter, Anastasia. She continues to make music. Since 2012 he has been performing under the pseudonym Mona. Judging by Instagram, she often performs at various discos of the 90s with her old songs, which, judging by the stormy emotions of the listeners, are still going with a bang.

Singer Ariana. At the beginning of the 2000s, Ariana was very popular. Gregory Greenblat, Ariana's father and her personal manager, introduced his daughter to his old friend Matvey Anichkin, a Soviet and Russian musician and producer. Having recorded her first demo, Ariana showed it to Anichkin, and soon their collaboration began. The most famous songs: "Under the Spanish sky", "First love", "I will never forget you" (from the rock opera "Juno and Avos", together with Alexander Marshal). For the song "Under the Spanish Sky" in 2001, she received the Golden Gramophone and Song of the Year awards. In 2003, the singer flew to Los Angeles, where she studied acting and took vocal lessons.

Ariana - Under the Spanish sky.

Now Ariana is 32 years old and lives in the USA. He is in the restaurant business. In 2010, she married businessman Lev Grachev-Shneur.

Natalia Vlasova. Russian singer, musician, composer, author and performer of her own songs. Winner of two Golden Gramophone awards, winner of the RU TV award. In 1999 and in the subsequent 2000, she twice received the Golden Gramophone Award for the song "I'm at Your Feet", which would later be included in the "Golden Collection" of the best songs of the decade, then twenty years and for a long time will take the lead in the hit parade of the most performed songs. karaoke songs.

I'm at your nooog, don't say thank you)))

At the moment, Natalia continues her creative path, writes songs not only for herself, but also for other performers. Also plays in musicals. She is 39 years old, she is married and has a daughter, Pelageya. Not so long ago, the song "Bye-bye" was released, which she performed together with Grigory Leps.

Group "Draw". In 2003, the group literally burst into Russian show business. The group members were Elena Kiper and Oleg Borshchevsky. Songs for the project "Draw" Elena and Oleg wrote themselves. Their songs "Nobody, Never", "Draw, Nobody", "Forever" were successful and popular. The second half of 2005 - early 2006 was occupied by Lena and Oleg writing songs and shooting videos for other performers (Lolita Milyavskaya, Slava, Anna Nova, R @ Mashki, Smash !!, Brothers Grimm, Diamond fox”, “Soul”, “Jasmine”). Elena also wrote two hits "They won't catch up with us" and "I'm crazy" for the group " Tattoo". From their own concerts, the group "Draw" decided to refuse. As a result, the group broke up.

Song "No one, never"

Song "Forever"

At the moment, Elena Kiper is 42 years old, she is engaged in producing. She is the owner and general producer at Elena Kiper Publishing and Production LLC. In 2012, Elena received her education at the New York Film Academy courses, having completed the production course and the script workshop of Paul Brown, as well as the drama courses from SONY Pictures. In 2016, she opened a subsidiary in Los Angeles for video production.

Oleg Borshchevsky continues to make music. Works in Tech House style. Known online by the name B light. He is 49 years old.

Group "Propaganda". The group still continues to perform, but with a new line-up. Let's remember the very first composition. The first part of the group included: Victoria Voronina, Victoria Petrenko and Yulia Garanina. The group was founded in 2001. Over the years of its existence, the group has released a large number of singles, such compositions as “Chalk”, “Who”, “Nobody”, “So Be It”, “Rain on the Roofs”, “5 Minutes for Love”, “Yai-ya”, Super Baby, Quanto Costa. In 2004, they received the Golden Gramophone for the song Yay-Ya.

The very first line-up of the group:

Song "Chalk". In the video, the first composition of the group.

"Five Minutes to Love" This song was already recorded without Petrenko and Garanina, but I decided to add it anyway)

"Yay-ya." Also without Petrenko and Garanina.

"So Be It"

The most famous member of the group, Victoria Voronina, was the author of all the songs of "Propaganda", except for two "Marie fell in love with Juan" and "Is it far to Tallinn?" Currently, Victoria Voronina is 35 years old, she is working on a solo project (Vika Voronina). She writes her own songs.

There is not much information about Yulia Garanina and Victoria Petrenko. It is known that they created their own group called "Petra and Yucca". By the way, they left the group one after another, and are still friends.

Petra and Yucca:

Julia Garanina:

Victoria Petrenko:

Girls together:

Group "Demo". The group was founded in 1998 by producers Vadim Polyakov and Dmitry Postovalov. In 1999, vocalist Alexandra Zvereva was invited to the group. The group is the winner of the "Golden Gramophone", "100-pood hit", two "Song of the Year" awards and many regional awards. The most famous songs: "Sun", "Rain", "2000 years".

Pay attention to the hairpins in the hair) I remembered - I shed a tear. They were the same when I was a kid.)

Song "Sunshine"

Alexandra Zvereva currently lives in Los Angeles, she is 37 years old and has three children.

Group "Virus!". The group appeared in 1998 in Zelenograd. The debut song "You don't look for me" appeared on the air of radio stations in September 1999 and took high positions in many charts. Other well-known hits were the songs "Handles", "Everything will pass", "I'll ask you", "Happiness", "Flight", etc. The group performed in many cities of Russia, as well as abroad (Germany, Israel, Canada, USA, Ukraine ).

Song "Don't look for me"

Currently, Olga Lucky (Kozina) is 35 years old, she is engaged in a solo project called "The CATS". But the group "Virus!" she is not going to leave. She performs with the group at various events and discos in the 90s.

“Our fans can sleep peacefully, their favorite group will not suffer the fate of walking in parallel with the “Virus!” the Demo group, Olga Lucky assures, the Virus! I'm not going to quit."

Group "Paints". The Kraski group was founded in early 2001. The group immediately fell in love with the public, and their songs got into the rotation of major radio stations. The most famous soloist of the group was Oksana Kovalevskaya. Initially, the soloist was Ekaterina Borovik. A year after the creation of the group, Ekaterina was replaced by Oksana. In March 2006, after working in the group for several years, she left her. The most famous songs are: "Big brother", "I love you, Sergey", "Your girl is only 15 years old", "I fell in love with a bandit", "Brother", "I don't need your boy".

Song Big Brother

Now Oksana is 34 years old, she is engaged in music, performs under her own name - Oksana Kovalevskaya. And, judging by Instagram, the songs of the Kraski group are often performed at concerts. It can be seen that Oksana eventually began to engage in "improvements". You can’t even recognize the former Oksana in her now.

Singer "Angina". Real name - Nadezhda Igoshina. I don’t know if you remember this singer, but I remember) She became famous after Star Factory 4. Her songs were then played on all music channels. But her career was short-lived. She somehow quietly disappeared from the screens. Her most famous song is "Sick".

The song "Sick".

Now Nadezhda is 31 years old. She has been married to the man she loves for several years. The couple live in Moscow and raise a son. Nadezhda is also an actress of cinema and theater "Doc".

"Shark". The real name of the singer is Oksana Pochepa. In 2000, she received an invitation to the new musical project Shark. In 2001, the debut album "Acid DJ" was released, tours and performances began. The most famous songs: "I'm running away", "Acid DJ", "Call", "I don't love you anymore", "Not enough".

"I'm running away"

"Such Love"

Now Oksana is 33 years old and she is engaged in a solo career, writing new songs. And also periodically performs with his old songs at various events.

Group "Tattoo". The group was created in 1999 by producer Ivan Shapovalov together with composer Alexander Voitinsky. The members of the group were Lena Katina and Yulia Volkova. Tatu is the most successful Russian pop group that has achieved worldwide popularity. In May 2003, the group performed at Eurovision, where the girls took third place with the song "Do not believe, do not be afraid, do not ask." In March 2009, the group's management announced the plans of both singers to start solo projects and the group's termination.

"Not gonna get us"

Elena Katina is now 33 years old, she is married, lives and works in Los Angeles. Husband - Slovenian rock musician Sasho Kuzmanovich, in August 2013 they got married. In marriage, the son Alexander was born. Since 2009 he has been participating in the international solo project Lena Katina.

February 20, Yulia Volkova turned 33 years old, she has two children. She is also pursuing a solo career. In September 2012, the singer underwent surgery to remove a thyroid tumor. During the operation, the doctors hit a nerve, as a result of a medical error, Yulia Volkova lost her voice. The singer did not despair and began to work on restoring her voice. To do this, Yulia had to undergo three more operations in different countries. The singer openly tells the press that she cannot take some of the notes that she freely took in her youth, but she fully works out her concerts live.

Group "Total". The group appeared at the beginning of the 2000s. The producer was Max Fadeev. Marina Cherkunova, Max's cousin, became the vocalist of the group. The song "Hits in the eyes" instantly became a hit. A few years after the formation of the group, producer Maxim Fadeev blessed the musicians for an independent musical journey.

"Hits in the eyes"

Now Marina is 48 years old and she continues to perform as part of the Total group.

Singer "Linda". In the early 90s, Yuri Aizenshpis was producing the singer, but by the end of 1993, the relationship between the singer and the producer had ceased. Then her collaboration with Max Fadeev began, who gave the singer many hits. After parting with Fadeev, Linda began to write poetry and music on her own, and also collaborated with other authors.

"Let me go"

Currently, the singer is 40 years old and she continues her musical career, she performs a lot, judging by instagram.

present tense

A country Russia Russia City Moscow Where Moscow Song language Russian label

(previously) CD-LAND records

(Now) Producer center "Propaganda" Compound Arina Milan
Maya Podolskaya
participants Victoria Voronina
Victoria Petrenko
Julia Garanina
Olga Moreva
Ekaterina Oleinikova
Irina Yakovleva
Natalia Korshunova
Daria Gavrilchuk
Maria Bukatar
Anastasia Shevchenko
Victoria Bogoslavskaya
Maria Nedelkova
Veronika Kononenko

"Propaganda" is a Russian female pop group founded in 2001.

Over the years of its existence, the group has released a large number of singles, such compositions as "Chalk", "Who", "Nobody", "So be it", "Rain on the roofs", "5 minutes", "Yay-ya", "Super -Baby ”,“ Quanto Costa ”,“ You Know ”,“ Girlfriend ”,“ Pity ”, for weeks headed various charts of radio stations and TV channels.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    The first producer of the Propaganda group was Sergey Izotov. The first hit of the group was the song "Chalk", which appeared on the air of the Europa Plus radio station on September 1, 2001. During the work, 7 albums were released, the author and performer of all songs, with the exception of two ("Maria fell in love with Juan" and "How far to Tallinn") is Victoria Voronina.

    Since 2011, she has been working solo, like Victoria Voronina. Victoria Petrenko and Yulia Garanina are members of the first composition of Propaganda, the authors of all the songs on the albums Children, Not Children and Who. The reason for the collapse of the first composition was the disagreement between the girls and the leadership. Victoria Petrenko left the line-up, followed by Yulia Garanina in support.

    After the departure of Petrenko and Garanina, new members were accepted into the group - Olga Moreva and Ekaterina Oleinikova. The image of teenage girls was radically changed and transformed according to the desire of the producer. In 2003, there was a rotation of the composition. The team included three girls: Vika Voronina, Katya Oleinikova and Olga Moreva.

    The peak of the group's popularity came in 2002-2004. During this period, the hits “Five Minutes for Love”, “Yai-ya”, “Superbaby”, “Quanta Costa”, etc. were released. But after the video of “Quantum Costa”, “Propaganda” began to lose popularity due to funding problems and, as a result, a decrease in promotion.

    Composition of the group

    Period Compound
    September 2001 - August 2002 Victoria Voronina Victoria Petrenko Julia Garanina
    August 2002 - August 2003 Olga Moreva Ekaterina Oleinikova
    August 2003 - November 2003 Irina Yakovleva Natalia Korshunova
    November 2003 - August 2004 Irina Yakovleva
    August 2004 - January 2007 Daria Gavrilchuk
    January 2007 - March 2007 Maria Bukatar
    March 2007 - June 2009
    June 2009 - July 2009
    July 2009 - December 2010 Anastasia Shevchenko
    December 2010 - February 2012 Anastasia Shevchenko
    February 2012 - April 2012 Victoria Bogoslavskaya
    April 2012 - June 2012
    June 2012 - September 2012 Maria Nedelkova
    September 2012 - November 2015
    November 2015 - July 2017 Veronika Kononenko Arina Milan Maya Podolskaya
    from July 2017 Christina Arina Milan Maya Podolskaya

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    1. - "Children" the author of music and words Victoria Voronina
    2. - "Not children" the author of music and words Victoria Voronina
    3. - “So and be or Someone is playing at love…” author of music and lyrics Victoria Voronina
    4. - "Super Baby" author of music and words Victoria Voronina
    5. - "Poems in the subway or Alone houses" the author of music and words Victoria Voronina
    6. - "You are my boyfriend" author of music and lyrics Victoria Voronina
    7. - "You know"
    8. - "Best songs. New collection"
    9. - "Girlfriend" (digital album)
    10. - "Purple Powder"
    11. - "Golden Album"

    Remix albums

    1. 2002 - "Not Children"

    Collections of the best songs and remixes

    1. 2002 - "Who invented this love"
    2. 2012 - “The best songs. New collection"

    Mini Albums

    1. - "You Know" (mini version)
    2. 2013 - "Girlfriend" (digital album (maxi-single))


    1. - "Chalk"
    2. - "Nobody"
    3. 2002 - "Cold"
    4. 2002 - "Who"
    5. - "Five Minutes to Love"
    6. 2003 - "So Be It"
    7. 2003 - "Yay-Ya"
    8. - "Super Baby"
    9. 2004 - "Quanto costa"
    10. 2004 - "Girl wants sexa"
    11. 2004 - "Marie fell in love with Juan"
    12. - "Poems in the subway"
    13. 2006 - "Miss you"
    14. - "Tree sticks"
    15. - "Uneasy"

    Dear Gossips, hello everyone! I’ve been sitting on Gossip for a long time and tightly)) But I didn’t dare to write my first post, and then an idea came up after watching the old clip of the Propaganda - Melom group on the music channel. I remember how, as a child, I directly found a deep meaning in this song)) I really liked this group, I knew, of course, all the words by heart)) Then I was still a ten-year-old girl and in children's summer camps we just listened to their songs.

    A bit of history. The Propaganda Group was founded in 2001. The first line-up, which will be discussed in this post, consisted of the soloist Victoria Voronova, Victoria Petrenko and Yulia Garanina. They were also the authors of all the first songs. But then there was a discord between the girls and the producer, and Victoria Petrenko left the group, followed by Yulia Garanina. Then there were other girls, but I won’t write about them, because. I'm interested in this, the first and most famous composition of this group. Well, let's remember our youth, shall we?)

    For a long time nothing has been heard about the group, the former members of this trio do not flash anywhere. But after digging around on the internet, I found them. And I share with you, I think many of you also listened to them in childhood.

    Of the trio, I liked the soloist Victoria Voronina the most, she is also a songwriter. This is what she looked like when she was famous

    I considered her an incredible beauty, so alive, with big eyes, with a good voice (yes, I sincerely thought so). BUT, what happened to her next is, excuse me, a complete paragraph ... In general, judge for yourself.

    Now Victoria, already an ex-soloist of Propaganda, is engaged in solo work, as her VK page tells us, she writes songs for other authors and acts in videos. But for some reason no one sees them.

    She was not spared the fate of duck lips and tuning, making everyone look the same. And now let's see how Vika looks now.

    Now Vika is 32 years old, thirty-two Karl!

    You know, girls, but I still like it, even now. She is kind of sweet, well, I don’t see any malice in her, although she is not popular now, but still she continues to do something, which is already commendable.

    Two other girls - Victoria Petrenko and Yulia Garanina created their own group with the uncomplicated name "Petra and Yucca"

    This is what the girls look like now

    Many people remember the hits of the Propaganda group that once thundered all over the country - Chalk, Yabloki Yela and Superdetka. At the time of the release of these songs, the band members Vika Voronina, Vika Petrenko and Yulia Garanina were very young girls. Now there is no trace of the former composition of the group, and the girls have gone through numerous trials over the years. Vika Voronina, soloist and author of many songs from Propaganda, shared the details of her life.

    “Our first album “Kids” sold out in huge numbers. Fans after concerts tore off pieces of our clothes as a keepsake. We could be an unsinkable band. But, unfortunately, our relationship with Vika and Yulia did not stand the test of fame. I was quite happy to receive $ 100 for a concert, which was comparable to the monthly salary of my parents. And the girls picked up a star fever. They began to show dissatisfaction with the Izotovs, - says Vika about the first producer of the group. - It seemed to them that he was doing everything wrong: he was shooting a clip according to the wrong scenario, dressing us in the wrong clothes, etc. As a result, Sergei Evgenievich fired them. Because of this, the girls and I quarreled and stopped talking. Only a year and a half later, Vika and Yulia called me and admitted that they were wrong. We met, we cried, we hugged. But it was already too late."

    After this event, Voronina was the only soloist from the original group. The rest appeared and left, and at such a speed that the girl really could not even get to know them. According to the singer, the group has undergone changes twelve times. In addition, Izotov got another business, and he completely abandoned the production of Propaganda.

    “It was a hard blow for me. I remember that from experiences in two weeks I lost 28 kg. I had a loan for a car. There was no rich lover. Only retired parents. And I didn’t know how to live on,” Vika shares. - For support I turned to the concert director of "Propaganda" Sergei Ivanov. According to Ivanov, he negotiated with Izotov for a long time and eventually bought the rights to Propaganda from him. “Now I am your producer,” he told us in the summer of 2007. Signing new contracts with me. I trusted the man so much that, without really delving into it, I signed everything he asked. Moreover, she signed for him twice on blank sheets, which, according to him, were intended for fans. It never occurred to me that Sergei could deceive me.

    It turned out that the conditions of contact became virtual slavery for Voronina. Under the pretext of having to pay compensation to the former producer, Ivanov took all the fees from the soloists. Vika was also forbidden to go to other works and sell songs of her own composition, because it was supposedly written that way in the contract. “For trying to communicate with one of my colleagues or their producers, he fined me. In fact, I became his slave. In the summer of 2010, she could not stand it and said to Ivanov: “Seryozha, either you raise my salary, or I leave the group. I can't work for that kind of money anymore." “I'd rather raise the other girls' wages,” he replied. “And you, old, crooked, humpbacked and fat, the team doesn’t really need.” After that, Propaganda worked without me for some time, ”Vika continues in an interview. "Express newspaper".

    Then followed a series of mutual lawsuits, and the persecution of Voronina by Ivanov. According to the girl, these problems have not been resolved to this day. However, her producer has his own opinion on this matter.

    “After Voronina left, only two participants worked in Propaganda. We tried to take the third, but no one stayed longer than three months. I still have a valid contract with Voronina, concluded until 2017. It stated that in the event of her departure, she must pay a penalty of 300 thousand dollars. But I treated her with understanding and did not demand this money from her. For two years there was no hearing or spirit from her. And then Vika again wanted to return to the stage, and she needed to terminate the contract. If she came to me and humanly asked, it would be a different conversation. But Voronina immediately sued me. At the meetings, she threw tantrums and shamelessly lied, as if I had not paid her salary for years, ”Ivanov explains. - Yes, I could give up on her and terminate the contract with her. It makes me neither cold nor hot. But Vika behaved in such a way that I, for the sake of principle, will not terminate anything.

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